Unknown W. Brackets dc90a5a851 softgpu: Avoid projecting textures in common case.
Several games appear to intentionally set the matrix flat.
2022-09-29 22:31:49 -07:00

1413 lines
50 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include "ppsspp_config.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "Common/Common.h"
#include "Common/CPUDetect.h"
#include "Common/Data/Convert/ColorConv.h"
#include "Common/Profiler/Profiler.h"
#include "Common/StringUtils.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/Debugger/MemBlockInfo.h"
#include "Core/MemMap.h"
#include "Core/Reporting.h"
#include "GPU/GPUState.h"
#include "GPU/Common/TextureDecoder.h"
#include "GPU/Software/BinManager.h"
#include "GPU/Software/DrawPixel.h"
#include "GPU/Software/Rasterizer.h"
#include "GPU/Software/Sampler.h"
#include "GPU/Software/SoftGpu.h"
#include "GPU/Software/TransformUnit.h"
#if defined(_M_SSE)
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <smmintrin.h>
namespace Rasterizer {
// Only OK on x64 where our stack is aligned
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
static inline __m128 Interpolate(const __m128 &c0, const __m128 &c1, const __m128 &c2, int w0, int w1, int w2, float wsum) {
__m128 v = _mm_mul_ps(c0, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_set1_epi32(w0)));
v = _mm_add_ps(v, _mm_mul_ps(c1, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_set1_epi32(w1))));
v = _mm_add_ps(v, _mm_mul_ps(c2, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_set1_epi32(w2))));
return _mm_mul_ps(v, _mm_set_ps1(wsum));
static inline __m128i Interpolate(const __m128i &c0, const __m128i &c1, const __m128i &c2, int w0, int w1, int w2, float wsum) {
return _mm_cvtps_epi32(Interpolate(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(c0), _mm_cvtepi32_ps(c1), _mm_cvtepi32_ps(c2), w0, w1, w2, wsum));
// NOTE: When not casting color0 and color1 to float vectors, this code suffers from severe overflow issues.
// Not sure if that should be regarded as a bug or if casting to float is a valid fix.
static inline Vec4<int> Interpolate(const Vec4<int> &c0, const Vec4<int> &c1, const Vec4<int> &c2, int w0, int w1, int w2, float wsum) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
return Vec4<int>(Interpolate(c0.ivec, c1.ivec, c2.ivec, w0, w1, w2, wsum));
return ((c0.Cast<float>() * w0 + c1.Cast<float>() * w1 + c2.Cast<float>() * w2) * wsum).Cast<int>();
static inline Vec3<int> Interpolate(const Vec3<int> &c0, const Vec3<int> &c1, const Vec3<int> &c2, int w0, int w1, int w2, float wsum) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
return Vec3<int>(Interpolate(c0.ivec, c1.ivec, c2.ivec, w0, w1, w2, wsum));
return ((c0.Cast<float>() * w0 + c1.Cast<float>() * w1 + c2.Cast<float>() * w2) * wsum).Cast<int>();
static inline Vec4<float> Interpolate(const float &c0, const float &c1, const float &c2, const Vec4<float> &w0, const Vec4<float> &w1, const Vec4<float> &w2, const Vec4<float> &wsum_recip) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
__m128 v = _mm_mul_ps(w0.vec, _mm_set1_ps(c0));
v = _mm_add_ps(v, _mm_mul_ps(w1.vec, _mm_set1_ps(c1)));
v = _mm_add_ps(v, _mm_mul_ps(w2.vec, _mm_set1_ps(c2)));
return _mm_mul_ps(v, wsum_recip.vec);
return (w0 * c0 + w1 * c1 + w2 * c2) * wsum_recip;
static inline Vec4<float> Interpolate(const float &c0, const float &c1, const float &c2, const Vec4<int> &w0, const Vec4<int> &w1, const Vec4<int> &w2, const Vec4<float> &wsum_recip) {
return Interpolate(c0, c1, c2, w0.Cast<float>(), w1.Cast<float>(), w2.Cast<float>(), wsum_recip);
void ComputeRasterizerState(RasterizerState *state) {
state->drawPixel = Rasterizer::GetSingleFunc(state->pixelID);
state->enableTextures = gstate.isTextureMapEnabled() && !state->pixelID.clearMode;
if (state->enableTextures) {
state->linear = Sampler::GetLinearFunc(state->samplerID);
state->nearest = Sampler::GetNearestFunc(state->samplerID);
// Since the definitions are the same, just force this setting using the func pointer.
if (g_Config.iTexFiltering == TEX_FILTER_FORCE_LINEAR) {
state->nearest = state->linear;
} else if (g_Config.iTexFiltering == TEX_FILTER_FORCE_NEAREST) {
state->linear = state->nearest;
state->maxTexLevel = state->samplerID.hasAnyMips ? gstate.getTextureMaxLevel() : 0;
GETextureFormat texfmt = state->samplerID.TexFmt();
for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= state->maxTexLevel; i++) {
u32 texaddr = gstate.getTextureAddress(i);
state->texaddr[i] = texaddr;
state->texbufw[i] = (uint16_t)GetTextureBufw(i, texaddr, texfmt);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(texaddr))
state->texptr[i] = Memory::GetPointerUnchecked(texaddr);
state->texptr[i] = nullptr;
state->textureLodSlope = gstate.getTextureLodSlope();
state->texLevelMode = gstate.getTexLevelMode();
state->texLevelOffset = (int8_t)gstate.getTexLevelOffset16();
state->mipFilt = gstate.isMipmapFilteringEnabled();
state->minFilt = gstate.isMinifyFilteringEnabled();
state->magFilt = gstate.isMagnifyFilteringEnabled();
state->textureProj = gstate.getUVGenMode() == GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_MATRIX;
if (state->textureProj) {
// We may be able to optimize this off. This is actually kinda common.
if (gstate.tgenMatrix[2] == 0.0f && gstate.tgenMatrix[5] == 0.0f && gstate.tgenMatrix[8] == 0.0f && gstate.tgenMatrix[11] == 1.0f) {
state->textureProj = false;
state->shadeGouraud = gstate.getShadeMode() == GE_SHADE_GOURAUD;
state->throughMode = gstate.isModeThrough();
state->antialiasLines = gstate.isAntiAliasEnabled();
DisplayList currentList{};
if (gpuDebug)
state->listPC = currentList.pc;
RasterizerState OptimizeFlatRasterizerState(RasterizerState state, const VertexData &v1) {
uint8_t alpha = v1.color0 >> 24;
bool changedPixelID = false;
bool changedSamplerID = false;
if (!state.pixelID.clearMode) {
auto &pixelID = state.pixelID;
auto &cached = pixelID.cached;
bool useTextureAlpha = state.enableTextures && state.samplerID.useTextureAlpha;
if (pixelID.alphaBlend && pixelID.AlphaBlendSrc() == PixelBlendFactor::SRCALPHA && !useTextureAlpha) {
// Okay, we may be able to convert this to a fixed value.
if (alpha == 0) {
pixelID.alphaBlendSrc = (uint8_t)PixelBlendFactor::ZERO;
changedPixelID = true;
} else if (alpha == 0xFF) {
pixelID.alphaBlendSrc = (uint8_t)PixelBlendFactor::ONE;
changedPixelID = true;
if (pixelID.alphaBlend && pixelID.AlphaBlendDst() == PixelBlendFactor::INVSRCALPHA && !useTextureAlpha) {
if (alpha == 0) {
pixelID.alphaBlendDst = (uint8_t)PixelBlendFactor::ONE;
changedPixelID = true;
} else if (alpha == 0xFF) {
pixelID.alphaBlendDst = (uint8_t)PixelBlendFactor::ZERO;
changedPixelID = true;
if (pixelID.alphaBlend && pixelID.AlphaBlendSrc() == PixelBlendFactor::ONE && pixelID.AlphaBlendDst() == PixelBlendFactor::ZERO) {
if (pixelID.AlphaBlendEq() == GE_BLENDMODE_MUL_AND_ADD) {
pixelID.alphaBlend = false;
changedPixelID = true;
if (state.enableTextures) {
if (v1.color0 == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
// Modulate is common, sometimes even with a fixed color. Replace is cheaper.
if (state.samplerID.TexFunc() == GE_TEXFUNC_MODULATE) {
state.samplerID.texFunc = (uint8_t)GE_TEXFUNC_REPLACE;
changedSamplerID = true;
if (changedPixelID)
state.drawPixel = Rasterizer::GetSingleFunc(state.pixelID);
if (changedSamplerID) {
state.linear = Sampler::GetLinearFunc(state.samplerID);
state.nearest = Sampler::GetNearestFunc(state.samplerID);
// Since the definitions are the same, just force this setting using the func pointer.
if (g_Config.iTexFiltering == TEX_FILTER_FORCE_LINEAR)
state.nearest = state.linear;
else if (g_Config.iTexFiltering == TEX_FILTER_FORCE_NEAREST)
state.linear = state.nearest;
return state;
static inline u8 ClampFogDepth(float fogdepth) {
union FloatBits {
float f;
u32 u;
FloatBits f;
f.f = fogdepth;
u32 exp = f.u >> 23;
if ((f.u & 0x80000000) != 0 || exp <= 126 - 8)
return 0;
if (exp > 126)
return 255;
u32 mantissa = (f.u & 0x007FFFFF) | 0x00800000;
return mantissa >> (16 + 126 - exp);
static inline void GetTextureCoordinates(const VertexData& v0, const VertexData& v1, const float p, float &s, float &t) {
// Note that for environment mapping, texture coordinates have been calculated during lighting
float q0 = 1.f / v0.clipw;
float q1 = 1.f / v1.clipw;
float wq0 = p * q0;
float wq1 = (1.0f - p) * q1;
float q_recip = 1.0f / (wq0 + wq1);
s = (v0.texturecoords.s() * wq0 + v1.texturecoords.s() * wq1) * q_recip;
t = (v0.texturecoords.t() * wq0 + v1.texturecoords.t() * wq1) * q_recip;
static inline void GetTextureCoordinatesProj(const VertexData& v0, const VertexData& v1, const float p, float &s, float &t) {
// This is for texture matrix projection.
float q0 = 1.f / v0.clipw;
float q1 = 1.f / v1.clipw;
float wq0 = p * q0;
float wq1 = (1.0f - p) * q1;
float q_recip = 1.0f / (wq0 + wq1);
float q = (v0.texturecoords.q() * wq0 + v1.texturecoords.q() * wq1) * q_recip;
q_recip *= 1.0f / q;
s = (v0.texturecoords.s() * wq0 + v1.texturecoords.s() * wq1) * q_recip;
t = (v0.texturecoords.t() * wq0 + v1.texturecoords.t() * wq1) * q_recip;
static inline void GetTextureCoordinates(const VertexData &v0, const VertexData &v1, const VertexData &v2, const Vec4<int> &w0, const Vec4<int> &w1, const Vec4<int> &w2, const Vec4<float> &wsum_recip, Vec4<float> &s, Vec4<float> &t) {
// Note that for environment mapping, texture coordinates have been calculated during lighting.
float q0 = 1.f / v0.clipw;
float q1 = 1.f / v1.clipw;
float q2 = 1.f / v2.clipw;
Vec4<float> wq0 = w0.Cast<float>() * q0;
Vec4<float> wq1 = w1.Cast<float>() * q1;
Vec4<float> wq2 = w2.Cast<float>() * q2;
Vec4<float> q_recip = (wq0 + wq1 + wq2).Reciprocal();
s = Interpolate(v0.texturecoords.s(), v1.texturecoords.s(), v2.texturecoords.s(), wq0, wq1, wq2, q_recip);
t = Interpolate(v0.texturecoords.t(), v1.texturecoords.t(), v2.texturecoords.t(), wq0, wq1, wq2, q_recip);
static inline void GetTextureCoordinatesProj(const VertexData &v0, const VertexData &v1, const VertexData &v2, const Vec4<int> &w0, const Vec4<int> &w1, const Vec4<int> &w2, const Vec4<float> &wsum_recip, Vec4<float> &s, Vec4<float> &t) {
// This is for texture matrix projection.
float q0 = 1.f / v0.clipw;
float q1 = 1.f / v1.clipw;
float q2 = 1.f / v2.clipw;
Vec4<float> wq0 = w0.Cast<float>() * q0;
Vec4<float> wq1 = w1.Cast<float>() * q1;
Vec4<float> wq2 = w2.Cast<float>() * q2;
Vec4<float> q_recip = (wq0 + wq1 + wq2).Reciprocal();
Vec4<float> q = Interpolate(v0.texturecoords.q(), v1.texturecoords.q(), v2.texturecoords.q(), wq0, wq1, wq2, q_recip);
q_recip = q_recip * q.Reciprocal();
s = Interpolate(v0.texturecoords.s(), v1.texturecoords.s(), v2.texturecoords.s(), wq0, wq1, wq2, q_recip);
t = Interpolate(v0.texturecoords.t(), v1.texturecoords.t(), v2.texturecoords.t(), wq0, wq1, wq2, q_recip);
static inline void SetPixelDepth(int x, int y, int stride, u16 value) {
depthbuf.Set16(x, y, stride, value);
static inline bool IsRightSideOrFlatBottomLine(const Vec2<int>& vertex, const Vec2<int>& line1, const Vec2<int>& line2)
if (line1.y == line2.y) {
// just check if vertex is above us => bottom line parallel to x-axis
return vertex.y < line1.y;
} else {
// check if vertex is on our left => right side
return vertex.x < line1.x + (line2.x - line1.x) * (vertex.y - line1.y) / (line2.y - line1.y);
static inline Vec4IntResult SOFTRAST_CALL ApplyTexturing(float s, float t, int x, int y, Vec4IntArg prim_color, int texlevel, int frac_texlevel, bool bilinear, const RasterizerState &state) {
const u8 **tptr0 = const_cast<const u8 **>(&state.texptr[texlevel]);
const uint16_t *bufw0 = &state.texbufw[texlevel];
if (!bilinear) {
return state.nearest(s, t, x, y, prim_color, tptr0, bufw0, texlevel, frac_texlevel, state.samplerID);
return state.linear(s, t, x, y, prim_color, tptr0, bufw0, texlevel, frac_texlevel, state.samplerID);
static inline Vec4IntResult SOFTRAST_CALL ApplyTexturingSingle(float s, float t, int x, int y, Vec4IntArg prim_color, int texlevel, int frac_texlevel, bool bilinear, const RasterizerState &state) {
return ApplyTexturing(s, t, ((x & 15) + 1) / 2, ((y & 15) + 1) / 2, prim_color, texlevel, frac_texlevel, bilinear, state);
// Produces a signed 1.27.4 value.
static int TexLog2(float delta) {
union FloatBits {
float f;
u32 u;
FloatBits f;
f.f = delta;
// Use the exponent as the tex level, and the top mantissa bits for a frac.
// We can't support more than 4 bits of frac, so truncate.
int useful = (f.u >> 19) & 0x0FFF;
// Now offset so the exponent aligns with log2f (exp=127 is 0.)
return useful - 127 * 16;
static inline void CalculateSamplingParams(const float ds, const float dt, const RasterizerState &state, int &level, int &levelFrac, bool &filt) {
const int width = 1 << state.samplerID.width0Shift;
const int height = 1 << state.samplerID.height0Shift;
// With 8 bits of fraction (because texslope can be fairly precise.)
int detail;
switch (state.TexLevelMode()) {
detail = TexLog2(std::max(ds * width, dt * height));
// This is always offset by an extra texlevel.
detail = 1 * 16 + TexLog2(state.textureLodSlope);
// Unused value 3 operates the same as CONST.
detail = 0;
// Add in the bias (used in all modes), with 4 bits of fraction.
detail += state.texLevelOffset;
if (detail > 0 && state.maxTexLevel > 0) {
bool mipFilt = state.mipFilt;
int level8 = std::min(detail, state.maxTexLevel * 16);
if (!mipFilt) {
// Round up at 1.5.
level8 += 8;
level = level8 >> 4;
levelFrac = mipFilt ? level8 & 0xF : 0;
} else {
level = 0;
levelFrac = 0;
if (detail > 0)
filt = state.minFilt;
filt = state.magFilt;
static inline void ApplyTexturing(const RasterizerState &state, Vec4<int> *prim_color, const Vec4<int> &mask, const Vec4<float> &s, const Vec4<float> &t, int x, int y) {
float ds = s[1] - s[0];
float dt = t[2] - t[0];
int level;
int levelFrac;
bool bilinear;
CalculateSamplingParams(ds, dt, state, level, levelFrac, bilinear);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (mask[i] >= 0)
prim_color[i] = ApplyTexturing(s[i], t[i], ((x & 15) + 1) / 2, ((y & 15) + 1) / 2, ToVec4IntArg(prim_color[i]), level, levelFrac, bilinear, state);
template <bool useSSE4>
struct TriangleEdge {
Vec4<int> Start(const ScreenCoords &v0, const ScreenCoords &v1, const ScreenCoords &origin);
inline Vec4<int> StepX(const Vec4<int> &w);
inline Vec4<int> StepY(const Vec4<int> &w);
inline void NarrowMinMaxX(const Vec4<int> &w, int64_t minX, int64_t &rowMinX, int64_t &rowMaxX);
inline Vec4<int> StepXTimes(const Vec4<int> &w, int c);
Vec4<int> stepX;
Vec4<int> stepY;
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
static inline __m128i SOFTRAST_CALL TriangleEdgeStartSSE4(__m128i initX, __m128i initY, int xf, int yf, int c) {
initX = _mm_mullo_epi32(initX, _mm_set1_epi32(xf));
initY = _mm_mullo_epi32(initY, _mm_set1_epi32(yf));
return _mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(initX, initY), _mm_set1_epi32(c));
template <bool useSSE4>
Vec4<int> TriangleEdge<useSSE4>::Start(const ScreenCoords &v0, const ScreenCoords &v1, const ScreenCoords &origin) {
// Start at pixel centers.
static constexpr int centerOff = (SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR / 2) - 1;
static constexpr int centerPlus1 = SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR + centerOff;
Vec4<int> initX = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(origin.x) + Vec4<int>(centerOff, centerPlus1, centerOff, centerPlus1);
Vec4<int> initY = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(origin.y) + Vec4<int>(centerOff, centerOff, centerPlus1, centerPlus1);
// orient2d refactored.
int xf = v0.y - v1.y;
int yf = v1.x - v0.x;
int c = v1.y * v0.x - v1.x * v0.y;
stepX = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(xf * SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2);
stepY = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(yf * SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2);
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
if (useSSE4)
return TriangleEdgeStartSSE4(initX.ivec, initY.ivec, xf, yf, c);
return Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(xf) * initX + Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(yf) * initY + Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(c);
template <bool useSSE4>
inline Vec4<int> TriangleEdge<useSSE4>::StepX(const Vec4<int> &w) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
return _mm_add_epi32(w.ivec, stepX.ivec);
return w + stepX;
template <bool useSSE4>
inline Vec4<int> TriangleEdge<useSSE4>::StepY(const Vec4<int> &w) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
return _mm_add_epi32(w.ivec, stepY.ivec);
return w + stepY;
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
static inline int SOFTRAST_CALL MaxWeightSSE4(__m128i w) {
__m128i max2 = _mm_max_epi32(w, _mm_shuffle_epi32(w, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)));
__m128i max1 = _mm_max_epi32(max2, _mm_shuffle_epi32(max2, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)));
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(max1);
template <bool useSSE4>
void TriangleEdge<useSSE4>::NarrowMinMaxX(const Vec4<int> &w, int64_t minX, int64_t &rowMinX, int64_t &rowMaxX) {
int wmax;
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
if (useSSE4) {
wmax = MaxWeightSSE4(w.ivec);
} else {
wmax = std::max(std::max(w.x, w.y), std::max(w.z, w.w));
wmax = std::max(std::max(w.x, w.y), std::max(w.z, w.w));
if (wmax < 0) {
if (stepX.x > 0) {
int steps = -wmax / stepX.x;
rowMinX = std::max(rowMinX, minX + steps * SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2);
} else if (stepX.x <= 0) {
rowMinX = rowMaxX + 1;
if (wmax >= 0 && stepX.x < 0) {
int steps = (-wmax / stepX.x) + 1;
rowMaxX = std::min(rowMaxX, minX + steps * SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2);
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
static inline __m128i SOFTRAST_CALL StepTimesSSE4(__m128i w, __m128i step, int c) {
return _mm_add_epi32(w, _mm_mullo_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(c), step));
template <bool useSSE4>
inline Vec4<int> TriangleEdge<useSSE4>::StepXTimes(const Vec4<int> &w, int c) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
if (useSSE4)
return StepTimesSSE4(w.ivec, stepX.ivec, c);
return w + stepX * c;
static inline Vec4<int> MakeMask(const Vec4<int> &w0, const Vec4<int> &w1, const Vec4<int> &w2, const Vec4<int> &bias0, const Vec4<int> &bias1, const Vec4<int> &bias2, const Vec4<int> &scissor) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
__m128i biased0 = _mm_add_epi32(w0.ivec, bias0.ivec);
__m128i biased1 = _mm_add_epi32(w1.ivec, bias1.ivec);
__m128i biased2 = _mm_add_epi32(w2.ivec, bias2.ivec);
return _mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(biased0, _mm_or_si128(biased1, biased2)), scissor.ivec);
return (w0 + bias0) | (w1 + bias1) | (w2 + bias2) | scissor;
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
static inline bool SOFTRAST_CALL AnyMaskSSE4(__m128i mask) {
__m128i sig = _mm_srai_epi32(mask, 31);
return _mm_test_all_ones(sig) == 0;
template <bool useSSE4>
static inline bool AnyMask(const Vec4<int> &mask) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
if (useSSE4) {
return AnyMaskSSE4(mask.ivec);
// In other words: !(mask.x < 0 && mask.y < 0 && mask.z < 0 && mask.w < 0)
__m128i low2 = _mm_and_si128(mask.ivec, _mm_shuffle_epi32(mask.ivec, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)));
__m128i low1 = _mm_and_si128(low2, _mm_shuffle_epi32(low2, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)));
// Now we only need to check one sign bit.
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(low1) >= 0;
return mask.x >= 0 || mask.y >= 0 || mask.z >= 0 || mask.w >= 0;
static inline Vec4<float> EdgeRecip(const Vec4<int> &w0, const Vec4<int> &w1, const Vec4<int> &w2) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
__m128i wsum = _mm_add_epi32(w0.ivec, _mm_add_epi32(w1.ivec, w2.ivec));
// _mm_rcp_ps loses too much precision.
return _mm_div_ps(_mm_set1_ps(1.0f), _mm_cvtepi32_ps(wsum));
return (w0 + w1 + w2).Cast<float>().Reciprocal();
template <bool clearMode, bool useSSE4>
void DrawTriangleSlice(
const VertexData& v0, const VertexData& v1, const VertexData& v2,
int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
const RasterizerState &state)
Vec4<int> bias0 = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(IsRightSideOrFlatBottomLine(v0.screenpos.xy(), v1.screenpos.xy(), v2.screenpos.xy()) ? -1 : 0);
Vec4<int> bias1 = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(IsRightSideOrFlatBottomLine(v1.screenpos.xy(), v2.screenpos.xy(), v0.screenpos.xy()) ? -1 : 0);
Vec4<int> bias2 = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(IsRightSideOrFlatBottomLine(v2.screenpos.xy(), v0.screenpos.xy(), v1.screenpos.xy()) ? -1 : 0);
const PixelFuncID &pixelID = state.pixelID;
TriangleEdge<useSSE4> e0;
TriangleEdge<useSSE4> e1;
TriangleEdge<useSSE4> e2;
int64_t minX = x1, maxX = x2, minY = y1, maxY = y2;
ScreenCoords pprime(minX, minY, 0);
Vec4<int> w0_base = e0.Start(v1.screenpos, v2.screenpos, pprime);
Vec4<int> w1_base = e1.Start(v2.screenpos, v0.screenpos, pprime);
Vec4<int> w2_base = e2.Start(v0.screenpos, v1.screenpos, pprime);
// All the z values are the same, no interpolation required.
// This is common, and when we interpolate, we lose accuracy.
const bool flatZ = v0.screenpos.z == v1.screenpos.z && v0.screenpos.z == v2.screenpos.z;
const bool flatColorAll = clearMode || !state.shadeGouraud;
const bool flatColor0 = flatColorAll || (v0.color0 == v1.color0 && v0.color0 == v2.color0);
const bool flatColor1 = flatColorAll || (v0.color1 == v1.color1 && v0.color1 == v2.color1);
const bool noFog = clearMode || !pixelID.applyFog || (v0.fogdepth >= 1.0f && v1.fogdepth >= 1.0f && v2.fogdepth >= 1.0f);
if (pixelID.applyDepthRange && flatZ) {
if (v0.screenpos.z < pixelID.cached.minz || v0.screenpos.z > pixelID.cached.maxz)
uint32_t bpp = pixelID.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2;
std::string tag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListT_%08x", state.listPC);
std::string ztag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListTZ_%08x", state.listPC);
const Vec4<int> v0_c0 = Vec4<int>::FromRGBA(v0.color0);
const Vec4<int> v1_c0 = Vec4<int>::FromRGBA(v1.color0);
const Vec4<int> v2_c0 = Vec4<int>::FromRGBA(v2.color0);
const Vec3<int> v0_c1 = Vec3<int>::FromRGB(v0.color1);
const Vec3<int> v1_c1 = Vec3<int>::FromRGB(v1.color1);
const Vec3<int> v2_c1 = Vec3<int>::FromRGB(v2.color1);
for (int64_t curY = minY; curY <= maxY; curY += SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2,
w0_base = e0.StepY(w0_base),
w1_base = e1.StepY(w1_base),
w2_base = e2.StepY(w2_base)) {
Vec4<int> w0 = w0_base;
Vec4<int> w1 = w1_base;
Vec4<int> w2 = w2_base;
DrawingCoords p = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(minX, curY);
int64_t rowMinX = minX, rowMaxX = maxX;
e0.NarrowMinMaxX(w0, minX, rowMinX, rowMaxX);
e1.NarrowMinMaxX(w1, minX, rowMinX, rowMaxX);
e2.NarrowMinMaxX(w2, minX, rowMinX, rowMaxX);
int skipX = (rowMinX - minX) / (SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2);
w0 = e0.StepXTimes(w0, skipX);
w1 = e1.StepXTimes(w1, skipX);
w2 = e2.StepXTimes(w2, skipX);
p.x = (p.x + 2 * skipX) & 0x3FF;
// TODO: Maybe we can clip the edges instead?
int scissorYPlus1 = curY + SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR > maxY ? -1 : 0;
Vec4<int> scissor_mask = Vec4<int>(0, rowMaxX - rowMinX - SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR, scissorYPlus1, (rowMaxX - rowMinX - SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR) | scissorYPlus1);
Vec4<int> scissor_step = Vec4<int>(0, -(SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2), 0, -(SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2));
for (int64_t curX = rowMinX; curX <= rowMaxX; curX += SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2,
w0 = e0.StepX(w0),
w1 = e1.StepX(w1),
w2 = e2.StepX(w2),
scissor_mask = scissor_mask + scissor_step,
p.x = (p.x + 2) & 0x3FF) {
// If p is on or inside all edges, render pixel
Vec4<int> mask = MakeMask(w0, w1, w2, bias0, bias1, bias2, scissor_mask);
if (AnyMask<useSSE4>(mask)) {
Vec4<float> wsum_recip = EdgeRecip(w0, w1, w2);
Vec4<int> z;
if (flatZ) {
z = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(v2.screenpos.z);
} else {
// Z is interpolated pretty much directly.
Vec4<float> zfloats = w0.Cast<float>() * v0.screenpos.z + w1.Cast<float>() * v1.screenpos.z + w2.Cast<float>() * v2.screenpos.z;
z = (zfloats * wsum_recip).Cast<int>();
if (pixelID.earlyZChecks) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (pixelID.applyDepthRange) {
if (z[i] < pixelID.cached.minz || z[i] > pixelID.cached.maxz)
mask[i] = -1;
if (mask[i] < 0)
int x = p.x + (i & 1);
int y = p.y + (i / 2);
if (!CheckDepthTestPassed(pixelID.DepthTestFunc(), x, y, pixelID.cached.depthbufStride, z[i])) {
mask[i] = -1;
// Color interpolation is not perspective corrected on the PSP.
Vec4<int> prim_color[4];
if (!flatColor0) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (mask[i] >= 0)
prim_color[i] = Interpolate(v0_c0, v1_c0, v2_c0, w0[i], w1[i], w2[i], wsum_recip[i]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
prim_color[i] = v2_c0;
Vec3<int> sec_color[4];
if (!flatColor1) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (mask[i] >= 0)
sec_color[i] = Interpolate(v0_c1, v1_c1, v2_c1, w0[i], w1[i], w2[i], wsum_recip[i]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
sec_color[i] = v2_c1;
if (state.enableTextures && !clearMode) {
Vec4<float> s, t;
if (state.throughMode) {
s = Interpolate(v0.texturecoords.s(), v1.texturecoords.s(), v2.texturecoords.s(), w0, w1, w2, wsum_recip);
t = Interpolate(v0.texturecoords.t(), v1.texturecoords.t(), v2.texturecoords.t(), w0, w1, w2, wsum_recip);
// For levels > 0, mipmapping is always based on level 0. Simpler to scale first.
s *= 1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.width0Shift);
t *= 1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.height0Shift);
} else if (state.textureProj) {
// Texture coordinate interpolation must definitely be perspective-correct.
GetTextureCoordinatesProj(v0, v1, v2, w0, w1, w2, wsum_recip, s, t);
} else {
// Texture coordinate interpolation must definitely be perspective-correct.
GetTextureCoordinates(v0, v1, v2, w0, w1, w2, wsum_recip, s, t);
ApplyTexturing(state, prim_color, mask, s, t, curX, curY);
if (!clearMode) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
#if defined(_M_SSE)
// TODO: Tried making Vec4 do this, but things got slower.
const __m128i sec = _mm_and_si128(sec_color[i].ivec, _mm_set_epi32(0, -1, -1, -1));
prim_color[i].ivec = _mm_add_epi32(prim_color[i].ivec, sec);
prim_color[i] += Vec4<int>(sec_color[i], 0);
Vec4<int> fog = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(255);
if (!noFog) {
Vec4<float> fogdepths = w0.Cast<float>() * v0.fogdepth + w1.Cast<float>() * v1.fogdepth + w2.Cast<float>() * v2.fogdepth;
fogdepths = fogdepths * wsum_recip;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
fog[i] = ClampFogDepth(fogdepths[i]);
DrawingCoords subp = p;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (mask[i] < 0) {
subp.x = p.x + (i & 1);
subp.y = p.y + (i / 2);
state.drawPixel(subp.x, subp.y, z[i], fog[i], ToVec4IntArg(prim_color[i]), pixelID);
uint32_t row = gstate.getFrameBufAddress() + subp.y * pixelID.cached.framebufStride * bpp;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + subp.x * bpp, bpp, tag.c_str(), tag.size());
if (pixelID.depthWrite) {
row = gstate.getDepthBufAddress() + subp.y * pixelID.cached.depthbufStride * 2;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + subp.x * 2, 2, ztag.c_str(), ztag.size());
for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y += SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR) {
DrawingCoords p = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(minX, y);
DrawingCoords pend = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(maxX, y);
uint32_t row = gstate.getFrameBufAddress() + p.y * pixelID.cached.framebufStride * bpp;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + p.x * bpp, (pend.x - p.x) * bpp, tag.c_str(), tag.size());
if (pixelID.depthWrite) {
row = gstate.getDepthBufAddress() + p.y * pixelID.cached.depthbufStride * 2;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + p.x * 2, (pend.x - p.x) * 2, ztag.c_str(), ztag.size());
// Draws triangle, vertices specified in counter-clockwise direction
void DrawTriangle(const VertexData &v0, const VertexData &v1, const VertexData &v2, const BinCoords &range, const RasterizerState &state) {
auto drawSlice = cpu_info.bSSE4_1 ?
(state.pixelID.clearMode ? &DrawTriangleSlice<true, true> : &DrawTriangleSlice<false, true>) :
(state.pixelID.clearMode ? &DrawTriangleSlice<true, false> : &DrawTriangleSlice<false, false>);
drawSlice(v0, v1, v2, range.x1, range.y1, range.x2, range.y2, state);
void DrawRectangle(const VertexData &v0, const VertexData &v1, const BinCoords &range, const RasterizerState &rastState) {
int entireX1 = std::min(v0.screenpos.x, v1.screenpos.x);
int entireY1 = std::min(v0.screenpos.y, v1.screenpos.y);
int entireX2 = std::max(v0.screenpos.x, v1.screenpos.x) - 1;
int entireY2 = std::max(v0.screenpos.y, v1.screenpos.y) - 1;
int minX = std::max(entireX1, range.x1) | (SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR / 2 - 1);
int minY = std::max(entireY1, range.y1) | (SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR / 2 - 1);
int maxX = std::min(entireX2, range.x2);
int maxY = std::min(entireY2, range.y2);
RasterizerState state = OptimizeFlatRasterizerState(rastState, v1);
Vec2f rowST(0.0f, 0.0f);
// Note: this is double the x or y movement.
Vec2f stx(0.0f, 0.0f);
Vec2f sty(0.0f, 0.0f);
if (state.enableTextures) {
// Note: texture projection is not handled here, those always turn into triangles.
Vec2f tc0 = v0.texturecoords.uv();
Vec2f tc1 = v1.texturecoords.uv();
if (state.throughMode) {
// For levels > 0, mipmapping is always based on level 0. Simpler to scale first.
tc0.s() *= 1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.width0Shift);
tc1.s() *= 1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.width0Shift);
tc0.t() *= 1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.height0Shift);
tc1.t() *= 1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.height0Shift);
int diffX = (entireX2 - entireX1 + 1) / SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR;
int diffY = (entireY2 - entireY1 + 1) / SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR;
float diffS = tc1.s() - tc0.s();
float diffT = tc1.t() - tc0.t();
if (v0.screenpos.x < v1.screenpos.x) {
if (v0.screenpos.y < v1.screenpos.y) {
// Okay, simple, TL -> BR. S and T move toward v1 with X and Y.
rowST = tc0;
stx = Vec2f(2.0f * diffS / diffX, 0.0f);
sty = Vec2f(0.0f, 2.0f * diffT / diffY);
} else {
// BL to TR, rotated. We start at TL still.
// X moves T (not S) toward v1, and Y moves S away from v1.
rowST = Vec2f(tc1.s(), tc0.t());
stx = Vec2f(0.0f, 2.0f * diffT / diffX);
sty = Vec2f(2.0f * -diffS / diffY, 0.0f);
} else {
if (v0.screenpos.y < v1.screenpos.y) {
// TR to BL. Like BL to TR, rotated.
// X moves T (not s) away from v1, and Y moves S toward v1.
rowST = Vec2f(tc0.s(), tc1.t());
stx = Vec2f(0.0f, 2.0f * -diffT / diffX);
sty = Vec2f(2.0f * diffS / diffY, 0.0f);
} else {
// BR to TL, just inverse of TL to BR.
rowST = Vec2f(tc1.s(), tc1.t());
stx = Vec2f(2.0f * -diffS / diffX, 0.0f);
sty = Vec2f(0.0f, 2.0f * -diffT / diffY);
// Okay, now move ST to the minX, minY position.
rowST += (stx / (float)(SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2)) * (minX - entireX1);
rowST += (sty / (float)(SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2)) * (minY - entireY1);
// And now what we add to spread out to 4 values.
const Vec4f sto4(0.0f, 0.5f * stx.s(), 0.5f * sty.s(), 0.5f * stx.s() + 0.5f * sty.s());
const Vec4f tto4(0.0f, 0.5f * stx.t(), 0.5f * sty.t(), 0.5f * stx.t() + 0.5f * sty.t());
ScreenCoords pprime(minX, minY, 0);
const Vec4<int> fog = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(ClampFogDepth(v1.fogdepth));
const Vec4<int> z = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(v1.screenpos.z);
const Vec4<int> c0 = Vec4<int>::FromRGBA(v1.color0);
const Vec3<int> sec_color = Vec3<int>::FromRGB(v1.color1);
if (state.pixelID.applyDepthRange) {
// We can bail early since the Z is flat.
if (v1.screenpos.z < state.pixelID.cached.minz || v1.screenpos.z > state.pixelID.cached.maxz)
uint32_t bpp = state.pixelID.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2;
std::string tag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListR_%08x", state.listPC);
std::string ztag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListRZ_%08x", state.listPC);
for (int64_t curY = minY; curY <= maxY; curY += SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2, rowST += sty) {
DrawingCoords p = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(range.x1, curY);
int scissorY2 = curY + SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR > maxY ? -1 : 0;
Vec4<int> scissor_mask = Vec4<int>(0, maxX - minX - SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR, scissorY2, (maxX - minX - SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR) | scissorY2);
Vec4<int> scissor_step = Vec4<int>(0, -(SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2), 0, -(SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2));
Vec2f st = rowST;
for (int64_t curX = minX; curX <= maxX; curX += SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * 2,
st += stx,
scissor_mask += scissor_step,
p.x = (p.x + 2) & 0x3FF) {
Vec4<int> mask = scissor_mask;
Vec4<int> prim_color[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
prim_color[i] = c0;
if (state.pixelID.earlyZChecks) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (mask[i] < 0)
int x = p.x + (i & 1);
int y = p.y + (i / 2);
if (!CheckDepthTestPassed(state.pixelID.DepthTestFunc(), x, y, state.pixelID.cached.depthbufStride, z[i])) {
mask[i] = -1;
if (state.enableTextures) {
Vec4<float> s, t;
s = Vec4<float>::AssignToAll(st.s()) + sto4;
t = Vec4<float>::AssignToAll(st.t()) + tto4;
ApplyTexturing(state, prim_color, mask, s, t, curX, curY);
if (!state.pixelID.clearMode) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
#if defined(_M_SSE)
// TODO: Tried making Vec4 do this, but things got slower.
const __m128i sec = _mm_and_si128(sec_color.ivec, _mm_set_epi32(0, -1, -1, -1));
prim_color[i].ivec = _mm_add_epi32(prim_color[i].ivec, sec);
prim_color[i] += Vec4<int>(sec_color, 0);
DrawingCoords subp = p;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (mask[i] < 0) {
subp.x = p.x + (i & 1);
subp.y = p.y + (i / 2);
state.drawPixel(subp.x, subp.y, z[i], fog[i], ToVec4IntArg(prim_color[i]), state.pixelID);
uint32_t row = gstate.getFrameBufAddress() + subp.y * state.pixelID.cached.framebufStride * bpp;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + subp.x * bpp, bpp, tag.c_str(), tag.size());
if (state.pixelID.depthWrite) {
row = gstate.getDepthBufAddress() + subp.y * state.pixelID.cached.depthbufStride * 2;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + subp.x * 2, 2, ztag.c_str(), ztag.size());
for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y += SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR) {
DrawingCoords p = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(minX, y);
DrawingCoords pend = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(maxX, y);
uint32_t row = gstate.getFrameBufAddress() + p.y * state.pixelID.cached.framebufStride * bpp;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + p.x * bpp, (pend.x - p.x) * bpp, tag.c_str(), tag.size());
if (state.pixelID.depthWrite) {
row = gstate.getDepthBufAddress() + p.y * state.pixelID.cached.depthbufStride * 2;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + p.x * 2, (pend.x - p.x) * 2, ztag.c_str(), ztag.size());
void DrawPoint(const VertexData &v0, const BinCoords &range, const RasterizerState &state) {
ScreenCoords pos = v0.screenpos;
Vec4<int> prim_color = Vec4<int>::FromRGBA(v0.color0);
Vec3<int> sec_color = Vec3<int>::FromRGB(v0.color1);
auto &pixelID = state.pixelID;
auto &samplerID = state.samplerID;
DrawingCoords p = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(pos);
u16 z = pos.z;
if (pixelID.earlyZChecks) {
if (pixelID.applyDepthRange) {
if (z < pixelID.cached.minz || z > pixelID.cached.maxz)
if (!CheckDepthTestPassed(pixelID.DepthTestFunc(), p.x, p.y, pixelID.cached.depthbufStride, z)) {
if (state.enableTextures) {
float s = v0.texturecoords.s();
float t = v0.texturecoords.t();
if (state.throughMode) {
s *= 1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.width0Shift);
t *= 1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.height0Shift);
} else if (state.textureProj) {
GetTextureCoordinatesProj(v0, v0, 0.0f, s, t);
} else {
// Texture coordinate interpolation must definitely be perspective-correct.
GetTextureCoordinates(v0, v0, 0.0f, s, t);
int texLevel;
int texLevelFrac;
bool bilinear;
CalculateSamplingParams(0.0f, 0.0f, state, texLevel, texLevelFrac, bilinear);
prim_color = ApplyTexturingSingle(s, t, pos.x, pos.y, ToVec4IntArg(prim_color), texLevel, texLevelFrac, bilinear, state);
if (!pixelID.clearMode)
prim_color += Vec4<int>(sec_color, 0);
u8 fog = 255;
if (pixelID.applyFog) {
fog = ClampFogDepth(v0.fogdepth);
state.drawPixel(p.x, p.y, z, fog, ToVec4IntArg(prim_color), pixelID);
uint32_t bpp = pixelID.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2;
std::string tag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListP_%08x", state.listPC);
uint32_t row = gstate.getFrameBufAddress() + p.y * pixelID.cached.framebufStride * bpp;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + p.x * bpp, bpp, tag.c_str(), tag.size());
if (pixelID.depthWrite) {
std::string ztag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListPZ_%08x", state.listPC);
row = gstate.getDepthBufAddress() + p.y * pixelID.cached.depthbufStride * 2;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + p.x * 2, 2, ztag.c_str(), ztag.size());
void ClearRectangle(const VertexData &v0, const VertexData &v1, const BinCoords &range, const RasterizerState &state) {
int entireX1 = std::min(v0.screenpos.x, v1.screenpos.x);
int entireY1 = std::min(v0.screenpos.y, v1.screenpos.y);
int entireX2 = std::max(v0.screenpos.x, v1.screenpos.x) - 1;
int entireY2 = std::max(v0.screenpos.y, v1.screenpos.y) - 1;
int minX = std::max(entireX1, range.x1) | (SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR / 2 - 1);
int minY = std::max(entireY1, range.y1) | (SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR / 2 - 1);
int maxX = std::min(entireX2, range.x2);
int maxY = std::min(entireY2, range.y2);
const DrawingCoords pprime = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(minX, minY);
const DrawingCoords pend = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(maxX, maxY);
auto &pixelID = state.pixelID;
auto &samplerID = state.samplerID;
const int w = pend.x - pprime.x + 1;
if (w <= 0)
if (pixelID.DepthClear()) {
const u16 z = v1.screenpos.z;
const int stride = pixelID.cached.depthbufStride;
// If both bytes of Z equal, we can just use memset directly which is faster.
if ((z & 0xFF) == (z >> 8)) {
DrawingCoords p = pprime;
for (p.y = pprime.y; p.y <= pend.y; ++p.y) {
u16 *row = depthbuf.Get16Ptr(p.x, p.y, stride);
memset(row, z, w * 2);
} else {
DrawingCoords p = pprime;
for (p.y = pprime.y; p.y <= pend.y; ++p.y) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
SetPixelDepth(p.x + x, p.y, pixelID.cached.depthbufStride, z);
std::string tag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListXZ_%08x", state.listPC);
for (int y = pprime.y; y <= pend.y; ++y) {
uint32_t row = gstate.getDepthBufAddress() + y * pixelID.cached.depthbufStride * 2;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + pprime.x * 2, w * 2, tag.c_str(), tag.size());
// Note: this stays 0xFFFFFFFF if keeping color and alpha, even for 16-bit.
u32 keepOldMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (pixelID.ColorClear() && pixelID.StencilClear()) {
keepOldMask = 0;
} else {
switch (pixelID.FBFormat()) {
case GE_FORMAT_565:
if (pixelID.ColorClear())
keepOldMask = 0;
case GE_FORMAT_5551:
if (pixelID.ColorClear())
keepOldMask = 0xFFFF8000;
else if (pixelID.StencilClear())
keepOldMask = 0xFFFF7FFF;
case GE_FORMAT_4444:
if (pixelID.ColorClear())
keepOldMask = 0xFFFFF000;
else if (pixelID.StencilClear())
keepOldMask = 0xFFFF0FFF;
case GE_FORMAT_8888:
if (pixelID.ColorClear())
keepOldMask = 0xFF000000;
else if (pixelID.StencilClear())
keepOldMask = 0x00FFFFFF;
// The pixel write masks are respected in clear mode.
if (pixelID.applyColorWriteMask) {
keepOldMask |= pixelID.cached.colorWriteMask;
const u32 new_color = v1.color0;
u16 new_color16;
switch (pixelID.FBFormat()) {
case GE_FORMAT_565:
new_color16 = RGBA8888ToRGB565(new_color);
case GE_FORMAT_5551:
new_color16 = RGBA8888ToRGBA5551(new_color);
case GE_FORMAT_4444:
new_color16 = RGBA8888ToRGBA4444(new_color);
case GE_FORMAT_8888:
_dbg_assert_msg_(false, "Software: invalid framebuf format.");
if (keepOldMask == 0) {
const int stride = pixelID.cached.framebufStride;
if (pixelID.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888) {
const bool canMemsetColor = (new_color & 0xFF) == (new_color >> 8) && (new_color & 0xFFFF) == (new_color >> 16);
if (canMemsetColor) {
DrawingCoords p = pprime;
for (p.y = pprime.y; p.y <= pend.y; ++p.y) {
u32 *row = fb.Get32Ptr(p.x, p.y, stride);
memset(row, new_color, w * 4);
} else {
DrawingCoords p = pprime;
for (p.y = pprime.y; p.y <= pend.y; ++p.y) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
fb.Set32(p.x + x, p.y, stride, new_color);
} else {
const bool canMemsetColor = (new_color16 & 0xFF) == (new_color16 >> 8);
if (canMemsetColor) {
DrawingCoords p = pprime;
for (p.y = pprime.y; p.y <= pend.y; ++p.y) {
u16 *row = fb.Get16Ptr(p.x, p.y, stride);
memset(row, new_color16, w * 2);
} else {
DrawingCoords p = pprime;
for (p.y = pprime.y; p.y <= pend.y; ++p.y) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
fb.Set16(p.x + x, p.y, stride, new_color16);
} else if (keepOldMask != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
const int stride = pixelID.cached.framebufStride;
if (pixelID.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888) {
DrawingCoords p = pprime;
for (p.y = pprime.y; p.y <= pend.y; ++p.y) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
const u32 old_color = fb.Get32(p.x + x, p.y, stride);
const u32 c = (old_color & keepOldMask) | (new_color & ~keepOldMask);
fb.Set32(p.x + x, p.y, stride, c);
} else {
DrawingCoords p = pprime;
for (p.y = pprime.y; p.y <= pend.y; ++p.y) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
const u16 old_color = fb.Get16(p.x + x, p.y, stride);
const u16 c = (old_color & keepOldMask) | (new_color16 & ~keepOldMask);
fb.Set16(p.x + x, p.y, stride, c);
if (keepOldMask != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
uint32_t bpp = pixelID.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2;
std::string tag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListX_%08x", state.listPC);
for (int y = pprime.y; y < pend.y; ++y) {
uint32_t row = gstate.getFrameBufAddress() + y * pixelID.cached.framebufStride * bpp;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + pprime.x * bpp, w * bpp, tag.c_str(), tag.size());
void DrawLine(const VertexData &v0, const VertexData &v1, const BinCoords &range, const RasterizerState &state) {
// TODO: Use a proper line drawing algorithm that handles fractional endpoints correctly.
Vec3<int> a(v0.screenpos.x, v0.screenpos.y, v0.screenpos.z);
Vec3<int> b(v1.screenpos.x, v1.screenpos.y, v0.screenpos.z);
int dx = b.x - a.x;
int dy = b.y - a.y;
int dz = b.z - a.z;
int steps;
if (abs(dx) < abs(dy))
steps = abs(dy) / SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR;
steps = abs(dx) / SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR;
// Avoid going too far since we typically don't start at the pixel center.
if (dx < 0 && dx >= -SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR)
if (dy < 0 && dy >= -SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR)
double xinc = (double)dx / steps;
double yinc = (double)dy / steps;
double zinc = (double)dz / steps;
auto &pixelID = state.pixelID;
auto &samplerID = state.samplerID;
const bool interpolateColor = !state.shadeGouraud || (v0.color0 == v1.color0 && v0.color1 == v1.color1);
const Vec4<int> v0_c0 = Vec4<int>::FromRGBA(v0.color0);
const Vec4<int> v1_c0 = Vec4<int>::FromRGBA(v1.color0);
const Vec3<int> v0_c1 = Vec3<int>::FromRGB(v0.color1);
const Vec3<int> v1_c1 = Vec3<int>::FromRGB(v1.color1);
std::string tag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListL_%08x", state.listPC);
std::string ztag = StringFromFormat("DisplayListLZ_%08x", state.listPC);
double x = a.x > b.x ? a.x - 1 : a.x;
double y = a.y > b.y ? a.y - 1 : a.y;
double z = a.z;
const int steps1 = steps == 0 ? 1 : steps;
for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
DrawingCoords p = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(x, y);
bool maskOK = x >= range.x1 && y >= range.y1 && x <= range.x2 && y <= range.y2;
if (maskOK) {
if (pixelID.earlyZChecks) {
if (pixelID.applyDepthRange) {
if (z < pixelID.cached.minz || z > pixelID.cached.maxz)
maskOK = false;
if (!CheckDepthTestPassed(pixelID.DepthTestFunc(), p.x, p.y, pixelID.cached.depthbufStride, z)) {
maskOK = false;
if (maskOK) {
// Interpolate between the two points.
Vec4<int> prim_color;
Vec3<int> sec_color;
if (interpolateColor) {
prim_color = (v0_c0 * (steps - i) + v1_c0 * i) / steps1;
sec_color = (v0_c1 * (steps - i) + v1_c1 * i) / steps1;
} else {
prim_color = v1_c0;
sec_color = v1_c1;
u8 fog = 255;
if (pixelID.applyFog) {
fog = ClampFogDepth((v0.fogdepth * (float)(steps - i) + v1.fogdepth * (float)i) / steps1);
if (state.antialiasLines) {
// TODO: Clearmode?
// TODO: Calculate.
prim_color.a() = 0x7F;
if (state.enableTextures) {
float s, s1;
float t, t1;
if (state.throughMode) {
Vec2<float> tc = (v0.texturecoords.uv() * (float)(steps - i) + v1.texturecoords.uv() * (float)i) / steps1;
Vec2<float> tc1 = (v0.texturecoords.uv() * (float)(steps - i - 1) + v1.texturecoords.uv() * (float)(i + 1)) / steps1;
s = tc.s() * (1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.width0Shift));
s1 = tc1.s() * (1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.width0Shift));
t = tc.t() * (1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.height0Shift));
t1 = tc1.t() * (1.0f / (float)(1 << state.samplerID.height0Shift));
} else if (state.textureProj) {
GetTextureCoordinatesProj(v0, v1, (float)(steps - i) / steps1, s, t);
GetTextureCoordinatesProj(v0, v1, (float)(steps - i - 1) / steps1, s1, t1);
} else {
// Texture coordinate interpolation must definitely be perspective-correct.
GetTextureCoordinates(v0, v1, (float)(steps - i) / steps1, s, t);
GetTextureCoordinates(v0, v1, (float)(steps - i - 1) / steps1, s1, t1);
// If inc is 0, force the delta to zero.
float ds = xinc == 0.0 ? 0.0f : (s1 - s) * (float)SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * (1.0f / xinc);
float dt = yinc == 0.0 ? 0.0f : (t1 - t) * (float)SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR * (1.0f / yinc);
int texLevel;
int texLevelFrac;
bool texBilinear;
CalculateSamplingParams(ds, dt, state, texLevel, texLevelFrac, texBilinear);
if (state.antialiasLines) {
// TODO: This is a naive and wrong implementation.
DrawingCoords p0 = TransformUnit::ScreenToDrawing(x, y);
s = ((float)p0.x + xinc / 32.0f) / 512.0f;
t = ((float)p0.y + yinc / 32.0f) / 512.0f;
texBilinear = true;
prim_color = ApplyTexturingSingle(s, t, x, y, ToVec4IntArg(prim_color), texLevel, texLevelFrac, texBilinear, state);
if (!pixelID.clearMode)
prim_color += Vec4<int>(sec_color, 0);
state.drawPixel(p.x, p.y, z, fog, ToVec4IntArg(prim_color), pixelID);
uint32_t bpp = pixelID.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2;
uint32_t row = gstate.getFrameBufAddress() + p.y * pixelID.cached.framebufStride * bpp;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + p.x * bpp, bpp, tag.c_str(), tag.size());
if (pixelID.depthWrite) {
uint32_t row = gstate.getDepthBufAddress() + y * pixelID.cached.depthbufStride * 2;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, row + p.x * 2, 2, ztag.c_str(), ztag.size());
x += xinc;
y += yinc;
z += zinc;
bool GetCurrentTexture(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer, int level)
if (!gstate.isTextureMapEnabled()) {
return false;
GETextureFormat texfmt = gstate.getTextureFormat();
u32 texaddr = gstate.getTextureAddress(level);
u32 texbufw = GetTextureBufw(level, texaddr, texfmt);
int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(level);
int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(level);
u32 sizeInBits = textureBitsPerPixel[texfmt] * (texbufw * (h - 1) + w);
if (!texaddr || !Memory::IsValidRange(texaddr, sizeInBits / 8))
return false;
// We'll break trying to allocate this much.
if (w >= 0x8000 && h >= 0x8000)
return false;
buffer.Allocate(w, h, GE_FORMAT_8888, false);
SamplerID id;
id.cached.clut = clut;
Sampler::FetchFunc sampler = Sampler::GetFetchFunc(id);
u8 *texptr = Memory::GetPointerWrite(texaddr);
u32 *row = (u32 *)buffer.GetData();
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
row[x] = Vec4<int>(sampler(x, y, texptr, texbufw, level, id)).ToRGBA();
row += w;
return true;
} // namespace