2022-12-08 13:16:44 +01:00

23 lines
561 B

// Simple vignette shader - darker towards the corners like in the unprocessed output of a real camera.
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
uniform sampler2D sampler0;
varying vec2 v_texcoord0;
uniform vec4 u_setting;
void main() {
vec2 diff = v_texcoord0 - 0.5;
diff.x *= u_setting.y;
diff.y /= u_setting.y;
float vignette = 1.0 - min(1.0, u_setting.x * (dot(diff, diff) * 2.0));
vec3 rgb = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord0.xy).xyz;
rgb *= vignette;
gl_FragColor.rgb = vignette * rgb;
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;