2024-04-05 17:04:31 +03:00

1086 lines
39 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cfloat>
#include "Common/Data/Convert/ColorConv.h"
#include "Common/Profiler/Profiler.h"
#include "Common/LogReporting.h"
#include "Common/Math/CrossSIMD.h"
#include "Common/Math/lin/matrix4x4.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "GPU/Common/DrawEngineCommon.h"
#include "GPU/Common/SplineCommon.h"
#include "GPU/Common/VertexDecoderCommon.h"
#include "GPU/ge_constants.h"
#include "GPU/GPUState.h"
#define QUAD_INDICES_MAX 65536
enum {
DrawEngineCommon::DrawEngineCommon() : decoderMap_(16) {
if (g_Config.bVertexDecoderJit && (g_Config.iCpuCore == (int)CPUCore::JIT || g_Config.iCpuCore == (int)CPUCore::JIT_IR)) {
decJitCache_ = new VertexDecoderJitCache();
transformed_ = (TransformedVertex *)AllocateMemoryPages(TRANSFORMED_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE, MEM_PROT_READ | MEM_PROT_WRITE);
transformedExpanded_ = (TransformedVertex *)AllocateMemoryPages(3 * TRANSFORMED_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE, MEM_PROT_READ | MEM_PROT_WRITE);
decIndex_ = (u16 *)AllocateMemoryPages(DECODED_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE, MEM_PROT_READ | MEM_PROT_WRITE);
DrawEngineCommon::~DrawEngineCommon() {
FreeMemoryPages(decoded_, DECODED_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
FreeMemoryPages(decIndex_, DECODED_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
FreeMemoryPages(transformed_, TRANSFORMED_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
FreeMemoryPages(transformedExpanded_, 3 * TRANSFORMED_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
delete decJitCache_;
decoderMap_.Iterate([&](const uint32_t vtype, VertexDecoder *decoder) {
delete decoder;
void DrawEngineCommon::Init() {
VertexDecoder *DrawEngineCommon::GetVertexDecoder(u32 vtype) {
VertexDecoder *dec;
if (decoderMap_.Get(vtype, &dec))
return dec;
dec = new VertexDecoder();
dec->SetVertexType(vtype, decOptions_, decJitCache_);
decoderMap_.Insert(vtype, dec);
return dec;
std::vector<std::string> DrawEngineCommon::DebugGetVertexLoaderIDs() {
std::vector<std::string> ids;
decoderMap_.Iterate([&](const uint32_t vtype, VertexDecoder *decoder) {
std::string id;
memcpy(&id[0], &vtype, sizeof(vtype));
return ids;
std::string DrawEngineCommon::DebugGetVertexLoaderString(std::string id, DebugShaderStringType stringType) {
u32 mapId;
memcpy(&mapId, &id[0], sizeof(mapId));
VertexDecoder *dec;
if (decoderMap_.Get(mapId, &dec)) {
return dec->GetString(stringType);
} else {
return "N/A";
static Vec3f ClipToScreen(const Vec4f& coords) {
float xScale = gstate.getViewportXScale();
float xCenter = gstate.getViewportXCenter();
float yScale = gstate.getViewportYScale();
float yCenter = gstate.getViewportYCenter();
float zScale = gstate.getViewportZScale();
float zCenter = gstate.getViewportZCenter();
float x = coords.x * xScale / coords.w + xCenter;
float y = coords.y * yScale / coords.w + yCenter;
float z = coords.z * zScale / coords.w + zCenter;
// 16 = 0xFFFF / 4095.9375
return Vec3f(x * 16 - gstate.getOffsetX16(), y * 16 - gstate.getOffsetY16(), z);
static Vec3f ScreenToDrawing(const Vec3f& coords) {
Vec3f ret;
ret.x = coords.x * (1.0f / 16.0f);
ret.y = coords.y * (1.0f / 16.0f);
ret.z = coords.z;
return ret;
void DrawEngineCommon::NotifyConfigChanged() {
if (decJitCache_)
lastVType_ = -1;
dec_ = nullptr;
decoderMap_.Iterate([&](const uint32_t vtype, VertexDecoder *decoder) {
delete decoder;
useHWTransform_ = g_Config.bHardwareTransform;
useHWTessellation_ = UpdateUseHWTessellation(g_Config.bHardwareTessellation);
decOptions_.applySkinInDecode = g_Config.bSoftwareSkinning;
u32 DrawEngineCommon::NormalizeVertices(u8 *outPtr, u8 *bufPtr, const u8 *inPtr, int lowerBound, int upperBound, u32 vertType, int *vertexSize) {
const u32 vertTypeID = GetVertTypeID(vertType, gstate.getUVGenMode(), decOptions_.applySkinInDecode);
VertexDecoder *dec = GetVertexDecoder(vertTypeID);
if (vertexSize)
*vertexSize = dec->VertexSize();
return DrawEngineCommon::NormalizeVertices(outPtr, bufPtr, inPtr, dec, lowerBound, upperBound, vertType);
void DrawEngineCommon::DispatchSubmitImm(GEPrimitiveType prim, TransformedVertex *buffer, int vertexCount, int cullMode, bool continuation) {
// Instead of plumbing through properly (we'd need to inject these pretransformed vertices in the middle
// of SoftwareTransform(), which would take a lot of refactoring), we'll cheat and just turn these into
// through vertices.
// Since the only known use is Thrillville and it only uses it to clear, we just use color and pos.
struct ImmVertex {
float uv[2];
uint32_t color;
float xyz[3];
std::vector<ImmVertex> temp;
uint32_t color1Used = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
// Since we're sending through, scale back up to w/h.
temp[i].uv[0] = buffer[i].u * gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
temp[i].uv[1] = buffer[i].v * gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
temp[i].color = buffer[i].color0_32;
temp[i].xyz[0] = buffer[i].pos[0];
temp[i].xyz[1] = buffer[i].pos[1];
temp[i].xyz[2] = buffer[i].pos[2];
color1Used |= buffer[i].color1_32;
// TODO: Handle fog and secondary color somehow?
if (gstate.isFogEnabled() && !gstate.isModeThrough()) {
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(geimmfog, G3D, "Imm vertex used fog");
if (color1Used != 0 && gstate.isUsingSecondaryColor() && !gstate.isModeThrough()) {
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(geimmcolor1, G3D, "Imm vertex used secondary color");
bool prevThrough = gstate.isModeThrough();
// Code checks this reg directly, not just the vtype ID.
if (!prevThrough) {
gstate.vertType |= GE_VTYPE_THROUGH;
int bytesRead;
uint32_t vertTypeID = GetVertTypeID(vtype, 0, decOptions_.applySkinInDecode);
bool clockwise = !gstate.isCullEnabled() || gstate.getCullMode() == cullMode;
SubmitPrim(&temp[0], nullptr, prim, vertexCount, vertTypeID, clockwise, &bytesRead);
if (!prevThrough) {
gstate.vertType &= ~GE_VTYPE_THROUGH;
void DrawEngineCommon::UpdatePlanes() {
float view[16];
float viewproj[16];
ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(view, gstate.viewMatrix);
Matrix4ByMatrix4(viewproj, view, gstate.projMatrix);
// Next, we need to apply viewport, scissor, region, and even offset - but only for X/Y.
// Note that the PSP does not clip against the viewport.
const Vec2f baseOffset = Vec2f(gstate.getOffsetX(), gstate.getOffsetY());
// Region1 (rate) is used as an X1/Y1 here, matching PSP behavior.
minOffset_ = baseOffset + Vec2f(std::max(gstate.getRegionRateX() - 0x100, gstate.getScissorX1()), std::max(gstate.getRegionRateY() - 0x100, gstate.getScissorY1())) - Vec2f(1.0f, 1.0f);
maxOffset_ = baseOffset + Vec2f(std::min(gstate.getRegionX2(), gstate.getScissorX2()), std::min(gstate.getRegionY2(), gstate.getScissorY2())) + Vec2f(1.0f, 1.0f);
// Let's not handle these special cases in the fast culler.
offsetOutsideEdge_ = maxOffset_.x >= 4096.0f || minOffset_.x < 1.0f || minOffset_.y < 1.0f || maxOffset_.y >= 4096.0f;
// Now let's apply the viewport to our scissor/region + offset range.
Vec2f inverseViewportScale = Vec2f(1.0f / gstate.getViewportXScale(), 1.0f / gstate.getViewportYScale());
Vec2f minViewport = (minOffset_ - Vec2f(gstate.getViewportXCenter(), gstate.getViewportYCenter())) * inverseViewportScale;
Vec2f maxViewport = (maxOffset_ - Vec2f(gstate.getViewportXCenter(), gstate.getViewportYCenter())) * inverseViewportScale;
Vec2f viewportInvSize = Vec2f(1.0f / (maxViewport.x - minViewport.x), 1.0f / (maxViewport.y - minViewport.y));
Lin::Matrix4x4 applyViewport{};
// Scale to the viewport's size.
applyViewport.xx = 2.0f * viewportInvSize.x;
applyViewport.yy = 2.0f * viewportInvSize.y;
applyViewport.zz = 1.0f;
applyViewport.ww = 1.0f;
// And offset to the viewport's centers.
applyViewport.wx = -(maxViewport.x + minViewport.x) * viewportInvSize.x;
applyViewport.wy = -(maxViewport.y + minViewport.y) * viewportInvSize.y;
float mtx[16];
Matrix4ByMatrix4(mtx, viewproj, applyViewport.m);
// I'm sure there's some fairly optimized way to set these.
planes_.Set(0, mtx[3] - mtx[0], mtx[7] - mtx[4], mtx[11] - mtx[8], mtx[15] - mtx[12]); // Right
planes_.Set(1, mtx[3] + mtx[0], mtx[7] + mtx[4], mtx[11] + mtx[8], mtx[15] + mtx[12]); // Left
planes_.Set(2, mtx[3] + mtx[1], mtx[7] + mtx[5], mtx[11] + mtx[9], mtx[15] + mtx[13]); // Bottom
planes_.Set(3, mtx[3] - mtx[1], mtx[7] - mtx[5], mtx[11] - mtx[9], mtx[15] - mtx[13]); // Top
planes_.Set(4, mtx[3] + mtx[2], mtx[7] + mtx[6], mtx[11] + mtx[10], mtx[15] + mtx[14]); // Near
planes_.Set(5, mtx[3] - mtx[2], mtx[7] - mtx[6], mtx[11] - mtx[10], mtx[15] - mtx[14]); // Far
// This code has plenty of potential for optimization.
// It does the simplest and safest test possible: If all points of a bbox is outside a single of
// our clipping planes, we reject the box. Tighter bounds would be desirable but would take more calculations.
// The name is a slight misnomer, because any bounding shape will work, not just boxes.
// Potential optimizations:
// * SIMD-ify the plane culling, and also the vertex data conversion (could even group together xxxxyyyyzzzz for example)
// * Compute min/max of the verts, and then compute a bounding sphere and check that against the planes.
// - Less accurate, but..
// - Only requires six plane evaluations then.
bool DrawEngineCommon::TestBoundingBox(const void *vdata, const void *inds, int vertexCount, u32 vertType) {
// Grab temp buffer space from large offsets in decoded_. Not exactly safe for large draws.
if (vertexCount > 1024) {
return true;
SimpleVertex *corners = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded_ + 65536 * 12);
float *verts = (float *)(decoded_ + 65536 * 18);
// Although this may lead to drawing that shouldn't happen, the viewport is more complex on VR.
// Let's always say objects are within bounds.
if (gstate_c.Use(GPU_USE_VIRTUAL_REALITY))
return true;
// Due to world matrix updates per "thing", this isn't quite as effective as it could be if we did world transform
// in here as well. Though, it still does cut down on a lot of updates in Tekken 6.
if (gstate_c.IsDirty(DIRTY_CULL_PLANES)) {
// Try to skip NormalizeVertices if it's pure positions. No need to bother with a vertex decoder
// and a large vertex format.
if ((vertType & 0xFFFFFF) == GE_VTYPE_POS_FLOAT && !inds) {
memcpy(verts, vdata, sizeof(float) * 3 * vertexCount);
} else if ((vertType & 0xFFFFFF) == GE_VTYPE_POS_8BIT && !inds) {
const s8 *vtx = (const s8 *)vdata;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount * 3; i++) {
verts[i] = vtx[i] * (1.0f / 128.0f);
} else if ((vertType & 0xFFFFFF) == GE_VTYPE_POS_16BIT && !inds) {
const s16 *vtx = (const s16 *)vdata;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount * 3; i++) {
verts[i] = vtx[i] * (1.0f / 32768.0f);
} else {
// Simplify away indices, bones, and morph before proceeding.
u8 *temp_buffer = decoded_ + 65536 * 24;
if ((inds || (vertType & (GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_MASK | GE_VTYPE_MORPHCOUNT_MASK)))) {
u16 indexLowerBound = 0;
u16 indexUpperBound = (u16)vertexCount - 1;
if (vertexCount > 0 && inds) {
GetIndexBounds(inds, vertexCount, vertType, &indexLowerBound, &indexUpperBound);
// TODO: Avoid normalization if just plain skinning.
// Force software skinning.
bool wasApplyingSkinInDecode = decOptions_.applySkinInDecode;
decOptions_.applySkinInDecode = true;
NormalizeVertices((u8 *)corners, temp_buffer, (const u8 *)vdata, indexLowerBound, indexUpperBound, vertType);
decOptions_.applySkinInDecode = wasApplyingSkinInDecode;
IndexConverter conv(vertType, inds);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
verts[i * 3] = corners[conv(i)].pos.x;
verts[i * 3 + 1] = corners[conv(i)].pos.y;
verts[i * 3 + 2] = corners[conv(i)].pos.z;
} else {
// Simple, most common case.
VertexDecoder *dec = GetVertexDecoder(vertType);
int stride = dec->VertexSize();
int offset = dec->posoff;
switch (vertType & GE_VTYPE_POS_MASK) {
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
const s8 *data = (const s8 *)vdata + i * stride + offset;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
verts[i * 3 + j] = data[j] * (1.0f / 128.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
const s16 *data = ((const s16 *)((const s8 *)vdata + i * stride + offset));
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
verts[i * 3 + j] = data[j] * (1.0f / 32768.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
memcpy(&verts[i * 3], (const u8 *)vdata + stride * i + offset, sizeof(float) * 3);
// Pretransform the verts in-place so we don't have to do it inside the loop.
// We do this differently in the fast version below since we skip the max/minOffset checks there
// making it easier to get the whole thing ready for SIMD.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float worldpos[3];
Vec3ByMatrix43(worldpos, &verts[i * 3], gstate.worldMatrix);
memcpy(&verts[i * 3], worldpos, 12);
// Note: near/far are not checked without clamp/clip enabled, so we skip those planes.
int totalPlanes = gstate.isDepthClampEnabled() ? 6 : 4;
for (int plane = 0; plane < totalPlanes; plane++) {
int inside = 0;
int out = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
// Test against the frustum planes, and count.
// TODO: We should test 4 vertices at a time using SIMD.
// I guess could also test one vertex against 4 planes at a time, though a lot of waste at the common case of 6.
const float *worldpos = verts + i * 3;
float value = planes_.Test(plane, worldpos);
if (value <= -FLT_EPSILON) // Not sure why we use exactly this value. Probably '< 0' would do.
// No vertices inside this one plane? Don't need to draw.
if (inside == 0) {
// All out - but check for X and Y if the offset was near the cullbox edge.
bool outsideEdge = false;
switch (plane) {
case 0: outsideEdge = maxOffset_.x >= 4096.0f; break;
case 1: outsideEdge = minOffset_.x < 1.0f; break;
case 2: outsideEdge = minOffset_.y < 1.0f; break;
case 3: outsideEdge = maxOffset_.y >= 4096.0f; break;
// Only consider this outside if offset + scissor/region is fully inside the cullbox.
if (!outsideEdge)
return false;
// Any out. For testing that the planes are in the right locations.
// if (out != 0) return false;
return true;
// NOTE: This doesn't handle through-mode, indexing, morph, or skinning.
bool DrawEngineCommon::TestBoundingBoxFast(const void *vdata, int vertexCount, u32 vertType) {
SimpleVertex *corners = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded_ + 65536 * 12);
float *verts = (float *)(decoded_ + 65536 * 18);
// Although this may lead to drawing that shouldn't happen, the viewport is more complex on VR.
// Let's always say objects are within bounds.
if (gstate_c.Use(GPU_USE_VIRTUAL_REALITY))
return true;
// Due to world matrix updates per "thing", this isn't quite as effective as it could be if we did world transform
// in here as well. Though, it still does cut down on a lot of updates in Tekken 6.
if (gstate_c.IsDirty(DIRTY_CULL_PLANES)) {
// Also let's just bail if offsetOutsideEdge_ is set, instead of handling the cases.
// NOTE: This is written to in UpdatePlanes so can't check it before.
if (offsetOutsideEdge_)
return true;
// Simple, most common case.
VertexDecoder *dec = GetVertexDecoder(vertType);
int stride = dec->VertexSize();
int offset = dec->posoff;
int vertStride = 3;
// TODO: Possibly do the plane tests directly against the source formats instead of converting.
switch (vertType & GE_VTYPE_POS_MASK) {
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
const s8 *data = (const s8 *)vdata + i * stride + offset;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
verts[i * 3 + j] = data[j] * (1.0f / 128.0f);
__m128 scaleFactor = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f / 32768.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
const s16 *data = ((const s16 *)((const s8 *)vdata + i * stride + offset));
__m128i bits = _mm_castpd_si128(_mm_load_sd((const double *)data));
// Sign extension. Hacky without SSE4.
bits = _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(bits, bits), 16);
__m128 pos = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(bits), scaleFactor);
_mm_storeu_ps(verts + i * 3, pos); // TODO: use stride 4 to avoid clashing writes?
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
const s16 *dataPtr = ((const s16 *)((const s8 *)vdata + i * stride + offset));
int32x4_t data = vmovl_s16(vld1_s16(dataPtr));
float32x4_t pos = vcvtq_n_f32_s32(data, 15); // >> 15 = division by 32768.0f
vst1q_f32(verts + i * 3, pos);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
const s16 *data = ((const s16 *)((const s8 *)vdata + i * stride + offset));
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
verts[i * 3 + j] = data[j] * (1.0f / 32768.0f);
// No need to copy in this case, we can just read directly from the source format with a stride.
verts = (float *)((uint8_t *)vdata + offset);
vertStride = stride / 4;
// We only check the 4 sides. Near/far won't likely make a huge difference.
// We test one vertex against 4 planes to get some SIMD. Vertices need to be transformed to world space
// for testing, don't want to re-do that, so we have to use that "pivot" of the data.
const __m128 worldX = _mm_loadu_ps(gstate.worldMatrix);
const __m128 worldY = _mm_loadu_ps(gstate.worldMatrix + 3);
const __m128 worldZ = _mm_loadu_ps(gstate.worldMatrix + 6);
const __m128 worldW = _mm_loadu_ps(gstate.worldMatrix + 9);
const __m128 planeX = _mm_loadu_ps(planes_.x);
const __m128 planeY = _mm_loadu_ps(planes_.y);
const __m128 planeZ = _mm_loadu_ps(planes_.z);
const __m128 planeW = _mm_loadu_ps(planes_.w);
__m128 inside = _mm_set1_ps(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
const float *pos = verts + i * vertStride;
__m128 worldpos = _mm_add_ps(
_mm_mul_ps(worldX, _mm_set1_ps(pos[0])),
_mm_mul_ps(worldY, _mm_set1_ps(pos[1]))
_mm_mul_ps(worldZ, _mm_set1_ps(pos[2])),
// OK, now we check it against the four planes.
// This is really curiously similar to a matrix multiplication (well, it is one).
__m128 posX = _mm_shuffle_ps(worldpos, worldpos, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0));
__m128 posY = _mm_shuffle_ps(worldpos, worldpos, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1));
__m128 posZ = _mm_shuffle_ps(worldpos, worldpos, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2));
__m128 planeDist = _mm_add_ps(
_mm_mul_ps(planeX, posX),
_mm_mul_ps(planeY, posY)
_mm_mul_ps(planeZ, posZ),
inside = _mm_or_ps(inside, _mm_cmpge_ps(planeDist, _mm_setzero_ps()));
// 0xF means that we found at least one vertex inside every one of the planes.
// We don't bother with counts, though it wouldn't be hard if we had a use for them.
return _mm_movemask_ps(inside) == 0xF;
const float32x4_t worldX = vld1q_f32(gstate.worldMatrix);
const float32x4_t worldY = vld1q_f32(gstate.worldMatrix + 3);
const float32x4_t worldZ = vld1q_f32(gstate.worldMatrix + 6);
const float32x4_t worldW = vld1q_f32(gstate.worldMatrix + 9);
const float32x4_t planeX = vld1q_f32(planes_.x);
const float32x4_t planeY = vld1q_f32(planes_.y);
const float32x4_t planeZ = vld1q_f32(planes_.z);
const float32x4_t planeW = vld1q_f32(planes_.w);
uint32x4_t inside = vdupq_n_u32(0);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
const float *pos = verts + i * vertStride;
float32x4_t objpos = vld1q_f32(pos);
float32x4_t worldpos = vaddq_f32(
vmulq_laneq_f32(worldX, objpos, 0),
worldY, objpos, 1),
vmlaq_laneq_f32(worldW, worldZ, objpos, 2)
// OK, now we check it against the four planes.
// This is really curiously similar to a matrix multiplication (well, it is one).
float32x4_t planeDist = vaddq_f32(
vmulq_laneq_f32(planeX, worldpos, 0),
planeY, worldpos, 1),
vmlaq_laneq_f32(planeW, planeZ, worldpos, 2)
inside = vorrq_u32(inside, vcgezq_f32(planeDist));
uint64_t insideBits = vget_lane_u64(vreinterpret_u64_u16(vmovn_u32(inside)), 0);
return ~insideBits == 0; // InsideBits all ones means that we found at least one vertex inside every one of the planes. We don't bother with counts, though it wouldn't be hard.
int inside[4]{};
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
const float *pos = verts + i * vertStride;
float worldpos[3];
Vec3ByMatrix43(worldpos, pos, gstate.worldMatrix);
for (int plane = 0; plane < 4; plane++) {
float value = planes_.Test(plane, worldpos);
if (value >= 0.0f)
for (int plane = 0; plane < 4; plane++) {
if (inside[plane] == 0) {
return false;
return true;
// TODO: This probably is not the best interface.
bool DrawEngineCommon::GetCurrentSimpleVertices(int count, std::vector<GPUDebugVertex> &vertices, std::vector<u16> &indices) {
// This is always for the current vertices.
u16 indexLowerBound = 0;
u16 indexUpperBound = count - 1;
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(gstate_c.vertexAddr) || count == 0)
return false;
bool savedVertexFullAlpha = gstate_c.vertexFullAlpha;
if ((gstate.vertType & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) != GE_VTYPE_IDX_NONE) {
const u8 *inds = Memory::GetPointer(gstate_c.indexAddr);
const u16_le *inds16 = (const u16_le *)inds;
const u32_le *inds32 = (const u32_le *)inds;
if (inds) {
GetIndexBounds(inds, count, gstate.vertType, &indexLowerBound, &indexUpperBound);
switch (gstate.vertType & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
indices[i] = inds[i];
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
indices[i] = inds16[i];
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(simpleIndexes32, G3D, "SimpleVertices: Decoding 32-bit indexes");
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// These aren't documented and should be rare. Let's bounds check each one.
if (inds32[i] != (u16)inds32[i]) {
ERROR_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(simpleIndexes32Bounds, G3D, "SimpleVertices: Index outside 16-bit range");
indices[i] = (u16)inds32[i];
} else {
} else {
static std::vector<u32> temp_buffer;
static std::vector<SimpleVertex> simpleVertices;
temp_buffer.resize(std::max((int)indexUpperBound, 8192) * 128 / sizeof(u32));
simpleVertices.resize(indexUpperBound + 1);
NormalizeVertices((u8 *)(&simpleVertices[0]), (u8 *)(&temp_buffer[0]), Memory::GetPointerUnchecked(gstate_c.vertexAddr), indexLowerBound, indexUpperBound, gstate.vertType);
float world[16];
float view[16];
float worldview[16];
float worldviewproj[16];
ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(world, gstate.worldMatrix);
ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(view, gstate.viewMatrix);
Matrix4ByMatrix4(worldview, world, view);
Matrix4ByMatrix4(worldviewproj, worldview, gstate.projMatrix);
vertices.resize(indexUpperBound + 1);
uint32_t vertType = gstate.vertType;
for (int i = indexLowerBound; i <= indexUpperBound; ++i) {
const SimpleVertex &vert = simpleVertices[i];
if ((vertType & GE_VTYPE_THROUGH) != 0) {
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) {
vertices[i].u = vert.uv[0];
vertices[i].v = vert.uv[1];
} else {
vertices[i].u = 0.0f;
vertices[i].v = 0.0f;
vertices[i].x = vert.pos.x;
vertices[i].y = vert.pos.y;
vertices[i].z = vert.pos.z;
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_COL_MASK) {
memcpy(vertices[i].c, vert.color, sizeof(vertices[i].c));
} else {
memset(vertices[i].c, 0, sizeof(vertices[i].c));
vertices[i].nx = 0; // No meaningful normals in through mode
vertices[i].ny = 0;
vertices[i].nz = 1.0f;
} else {
float clipPos[4];
Vec3ByMatrix44(clipPos, vert.pos.AsArray(), worldviewproj);
Vec3f screenPos = ClipToScreen(clipPos);
Vec3f drawPos = ScreenToDrawing(screenPos);
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) {
vertices[i].u = vert.uv[0] * (float)gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
vertices[i].v = vert.uv[1] * (float)gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
} else {
vertices[i].u = 0.0f;
vertices[i].v = 0.0f;
// Should really have separate coordinates for before and after transform.
vertices[i].x = drawPos.x;
vertices[i].y = drawPos.y;
vertices[i].z = drawPos.z;
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_COL_MASK) {
memcpy(vertices[i].c, vert.color, sizeof(vertices[i].c));
} else {
memset(vertices[i].c, 0, sizeof(vertices[i].c));
vertices[i].nx = vert.nrm.x;
vertices[i].ny = vert.nrm.y;
vertices[i].nz = vert.nrm.z;
gstate_c.vertexFullAlpha = savedVertexFullAlpha;
return true;
// This normalizes a set of vertices in any format to SimpleVertex format, by processing away morphing AND skinning.
// The rest of the transform pipeline like lighting will go as normal, either hardware or software.
// The implementation is initially a bit inefficient but shouldn't be a big deal.
// An intermediate buffer of not-easy-to-predict size is stored at bufPtr.
u32 DrawEngineCommon::NormalizeVertices(u8 *outPtr, u8 *bufPtr, const u8 *inPtr, VertexDecoder *dec, int lowerBound, int upperBound, u32 vertType) {
// First, decode the vertices into a GPU compatible format. This step can be eliminated but will need a separate
// implementation of the vertex decoder.
dec->DecodeVerts(bufPtr, inPtr, &gstate_c.uv, lowerBound, upperBound);
// OK, morphing eliminated but bones still remain to be taken care of.
// Let's do a partial software transform where we only do skinning.
VertexReader reader(bufPtr, dec->GetDecVtxFmt(), vertType);
SimpleVertex *sverts = (SimpleVertex *)outPtr;
const u8 defaultColor[4] = {
// Let's have two separate loops, one for non skinning and one for skinning.
if (!dec->skinInDecode && (vertType & GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_MASK) != GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_NONE) {
int numBoneWeights = vertTypeGetNumBoneWeights(vertType);
for (int i = lowerBound; i <= upperBound; i++) {
reader.Goto(i - lowerBound);
SimpleVertex &sv = sverts[i];
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) {
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_COL_MASK) {
sv.color_32 = reader.ReadColor0_8888();
} else {
memcpy(sv.color, defaultColor, 4);
float nrm[3], pos[3];
float bnrm[3], bpos[3];
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_NRM_MASK) {
// Normals are generated during tessellation anyway, not sure if any need to supply
} else {
nrm[0] = 0;
nrm[1] = 0;
nrm[2] = 1.0f;
// Apply skinning transform directly
float weights[8];
// Skinning
Vec3Packedf psum(0, 0, 0);
Vec3Packedf nsum(0, 0, 0);
for (int w = 0; w < numBoneWeights; w++) {
if (weights[w] != 0.0f) {
Vec3ByMatrix43(bpos, pos, gstate.boneMatrix + w * 12);
Vec3Packedf tpos(bpos);
psum += tpos * weights[w];
Norm3ByMatrix43(bnrm, nrm, gstate.boneMatrix + w * 12);
Vec3Packedf tnorm(bnrm);
nsum += tnorm * weights[w];
sv.pos = psum;
sv.nrm = nsum;
} else {
for (int i = lowerBound; i <= upperBound; i++) {
reader.Goto(i - lowerBound);
SimpleVertex &sv = sverts[i];
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) {
} else {
sv.uv[0] = 0.0f; // This will get filled in during tessellation
sv.uv[1] = 0.0f;
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_COL_MASK) {
sv.color_32 = reader.ReadColor0_8888();
} else {
memcpy(sv.color, defaultColor, 4);
if (vertType & GE_VTYPE_NRM_MASK) {
// Normals are generated during tessellation anyway, not sure if any need to supply
reader.ReadNrm((float *)&sv.nrm);
} else {
sv.nrm.x = 0.0f;
sv.nrm.y = 0.0f;
sv.nrm.z = 1.0f;
reader.ReadPos((float *)&sv.pos);
// Okay, there we are! Return the new type (but keep the index bits)
void DrawEngineCommon::ApplyFramebufferRead(FBOTexState *fboTexState) {
if (gstate_c.Use(GPU_USE_FRAMEBUFFER_FETCH)) {
} else {
int DrawEngineCommon::ComputeNumVertsToDecode() const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numDrawVerts_; i++) {
sum += drawVerts_[i].indexUpperBound + 1 - drawVerts_[i].indexLowerBound;
return sum;
int DrawEngineCommon::ExtendNonIndexedPrim(const uint32_t *cmd, const uint32_t *stall, u32 vertTypeID, bool clockwise, int *bytesRead, bool isTriangle) {
const uint32_t *start = cmd;
int prevDrawVerts = numDrawVerts_ - 1;
DeferredVerts &dv = drawVerts_[prevDrawVerts];
int offset = dv.vertexCount;
_dbg_assert_(numDrawInds_ <= MAX_DEFERRED_DRAW_INDS); // if it's equal, the check below will take care of it before any action is taken.
_dbg_assert_(numDrawVerts_ > 0);
if (!clockwise) {
anyCCWOrIndexed_ = true;
int seenPrims = 0;
while (cmd != stall) {
uint32_t data = *cmd;
if ((data & 0xFFF80000) != 0x04000000) {
GEPrimitiveType newPrim = static_cast<GEPrimitiveType>((data >> 16) & 7);
if (IsTrianglePrim(newPrim) != isTriangle)
int vertexCount = data & 0xFFFF;
if (numDrawInds_ >= MAX_DEFERRED_DRAW_INDS || vertexCountInDrawCalls_ + offset + vertexCount > VERTEX_BUFFER_MAX) {
DeferredInds &di = drawInds_[numDrawInds_++];
di.indexType = 0;
di.prim = newPrim;
seenPrims |= (1 << newPrim);
di.clockwise = clockwise;
di.vertexCount = vertexCount;
di.vertDecodeIndex = prevDrawVerts;
di.offset = offset;
offset += vertexCount;
seenPrims_ |= seenPrims;
int totalCount = offset - dv.vertexCount;
dv.vertexCount = offset;
dv.indexUpperBound = dv.vertexCount - 1;
vertexCountInDrawCalls_ += totalCount;
*bytesRead = totalCount * dec_->VertexSize();
return cmd - start;
void DrawEngineCommon::SkipPrim(GEPrimitiveType prim, int vertexCount, u32 vertTypeID, int *bytesRead) {
if (!indexGen.PrimCompatible(prevPrim_, prim)) {
// This isn't exactly right, if we flushed, since prims can straddle previous calls.
// But it generally works for common usage.
if (prim == GE_PRIM_KEEP_PREVIOUS) {
// Has to be set to something, let's assume POINTS (0) if no previous.
if (prevPrim_ == GE_PRIM_INVALID)
prevPrim_ = GE_PRIM_POINTS;
prim = prevPrim_;
} else {
prevPrim_ = prim;
// If vtype has changed, setup the vertex decoder.
if (vertTypeID != lastVType_ || !dec_) {
dec_ = GetVertexDecoder(vertTypeID);
lastVType_ = vertTypeID;
*bytesRead = vertexCount * dec_->VertexSize();
// vertTypeID is the vertex type but with the UVGen mode smashed into the top bits.
bool DrawEngineCommon::SubmitPrim(const void *verts, const void *inds, GEPrimitiveType prim, int vertexCount, u32 vertTypeID, bool clockwise, int *bytesRead) {
if (!indexGen.PrimCompatible(prevPrim_, prim) || numDrawVerts_ >= MAX_DEFERRED_DRAW_VERTS || numDrawInds_ >= MAX_DEFERRED_DRAW_INDS || vertexCountInDrawCalls_ + vertexCount > VERTEX_BUFFER_MAX) {
_dbg_assert_(numDrawVerts_ < MAX_DEFERRED_DRAW_VERTS);
_dbg_assert_(numDrawInds_ < MAX_DEFERRED_DRAW_INDS);
// This isn't exactly right, if we flushed, since prims can straddle previous calls.
// But it generally works for common usage.
if (prim == GE_PRIM_KEEP_PREVIOUS) {
// Has to be set to something, let's assume POINTS (0) if no previous.
if (prevPrim_ == GE_PRIM_INVALID)
prevPrim_ = GE_PRIM_POINTS;
prim = prevPrim_;
} else {
prevPrim_ = prim;
// If vtype has changed, setup the vertex decoder. Don't need to nullcheck dec_ since we set lastVType_ to an invalid value whenever we null it.
if (vertTypeID != lastVType_) {
dec_ = GetVertexDecoder(vertTypeID);
lastVType_ = vertTypeID;
*bytesRead = vertexCount * dec_->VertexSize();
// Check that we have enough vertices to form the requested primitive.
if (vertexCount < 3) {
if ((vertexCount < 2 && prim > 0) || (prim > GE_PRIM_LINE_STRIP && prim != GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES)) {
return false;
if (vertexCount <= 0) {
// Unfortunately we need to do this check somewhere since GetIndexBounds doesn't handle zero-length arrays.
return false;
bool applySkin = (vertTypeID & GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_MASK) && decOptions_.applySkinInDecode;
DeferredInds &di = drawInds_[numDrawInds_++];
di.inds = inds;
int indexType = (vertTypeID & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) >> GE_VTYPE_IDX_SHIFT;
if (indexType) {
anyCCWOrIndexed_ = true;
di.indexType = indexType;
di.prim = prim;
di.clockwise = clockwise;
if (!clockwise) {
anyCCWOrIndexed_ = true;
di.vertexCount = vertexCount;
di.vertDecodeIndex = numDrawVerts_;
di.offset = 0;
_dbg_assert_(numDrawVerts_ <= MAX_DEFERRED_DRAW_VERTS);
_dbg_assert_(numDrawInds_ <= MAX_DEFERRED_DRAW_INDS);
if (inds && numDrawVerts_ > decodeVertsCounter_ && drawVerts_[numDrawVerts_ - 1].verts == verts && !applySkin) {
// Same vertex pointer as a previous un-decoded draw call - let's just extend the decode!
di.vertDecodeIndex = numDrawVerts_ - 1;
u16 lb;
u16 ub;
GetIndexBounds(inds, vertexCount, vertTypeID, &lb, &ub);
DeferredVerts &dv = drawVerts_[numDrawVerts_ - 1];
if (lb < dv.indexLowerBound)
dv.indexLowerBound = lb;
if (ub > dv.indexUpperBound)
dv.indexUpperBound = ub;
} else {
// Record a new draw, and a new index gen.
DeferredVerts &dv = drawVerts_[numDrawVerts_++];
dv.verts = verts;
dv.vertexCount = vertexCount;
dv.uvScale = gstate_c.uv;
// Does handle the unindexed case.
GetIndexBounds(inds, vertexCount, vertTypeID, &dv.indexLowerBound, &dv.indexUpperBound);
vertexCountInDrawCalls_ += vertexCount;
seenPrims_ |= (1 << prim);
if (prim == GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES && (gstate.getTextureAddress(0) & 0x3FFFFFFF) == (gstate.getFrameBufAddress() & 0x3FFFFFFF)) {
// This prevents issues with consecutive self-renders in Ridge Racer.
return true;
void DrawEngineCommon::DecodeVerts(u8 *dest) {
// Note that this should be able to continue a partial decode - we don't necessarily start from zero here (although we do most of the time).
int i = decodeVertsCounter_;
int stride = (int)dec_->GetDecVtxFmt().stride;
for (; i < numDrawVerts_; i++) {
DeferredVerts &dv = drawVerts_[i];
int indexLowerBound = dv.indexLowerBound;
drawVertexOffsets_[i] = numDecodedVerts_ - indexLowerBound;
int indexUpperBound = dv.indexUpperBound;
// Decode the verts (and at the same time apply morphing/skinning). Simple.
dec_->DecodeVerts(dest + numDecodedVerts_ * stride, dv.verts, &dv.uvScale, indexLowerBound, indexUpperBound);
numDecodedVerts_ += indexUpperBound - indexLowerBound + 1;
decodeVertsCounter_ = i;
int DrawEngineCommon::DecodeInds() {
// Note that this should be able to continue a partial decode - we don't necessarily start from zero here (although we do most of the time).
int i = decodeIndsCounter_;
for (; i < numDrawInds_; i++) {
const DeferredInds &di = drawInds_[i];
int indexOffset = drawVertexOffsets_[di.vertDecodeIndex] + di.offset;
bool clockwise = di.clockwise;
// We've already collapsed subsequent draws with the same vertex pointer, so no tricky logic here anymore.
// 2. Loop through the drawcalls, translating indices as we go.
switch (di.indexType) {
indexGen.AddPrim(di.prim, di.vertexCount, indexOffset, clockwise);
indexGen.TranslatePrim(di.prim, di.vertexCount, (const u8 *)di.inds, indexOffset, clockwise);
indexGen.TranslatePrim(di.prim, di.vertexCount, (const u16_le *)di.inds, indexOffset, clockwise);
indexGen.TranslatePrim(di.prim, di.vertexCount, (const u32_le *)di.inds, indexOffset, clockwise);
decodeIndsCounter_ = i;
return indexGen.VertexCount();
bool DrawEngineCommon::CanUseHardwareTransform(int prim) const {
if (!useHWTransform_)
return false;
return !gstate.isModeThrough() && prim != GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES && prim > GE_PRIM_LINE_STRIP;
bool DrawEngineCommon::CanUseHardwareTessellation(GEPatchPrimType prim) const {
if (useHWTessellation_) {
return CanUseHardwareTransform(PatchPrimToPrim(prim));
return false;
void TessellationDataTransfer::CopyControlPoints(float *pos, float *tex, float *col, int posStride, int texStride, int colStride, const SimpleVertex *const *points, int size, u32 vertType) {
bool hasColor = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_COL_MASK) != 0;
bool hasTexCoord = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) != 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
memcpy(pos, points[i]->pos.AsArray(), 3 * sizeof(float));
pos += posStride;
if (hasTexCoord) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
memcpy(tex, points[i]->uv, 2 * sizeof(float));
tex += texStride;
if (hasColor) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
memcpy(col, Vec4f::FromRGBA(points[i]->color_32).AsArray(), 4 * sizeof(float));
col += colStride;
bool DrawEngineCommon::DescribeCodePtr(const u8 *ptr, std::string &name) const {
if (!decJitCache_ || !decJitCache_->IsInSpace(ptr)) {
return false;
// Loop through all the decoders and see if we have a match.
VertexDecoder *found = nullptr;
u32 foundKey;
decoderMap_.Iterate([&](u32 key, VertexDecoder *value) {
if (!found) {
if (value->IsInSpace(ptr)) {
foundKey = key;
found = value;
if (found) {
char temp[256];
found->ToString(temp, false);
name = temp;
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "_%08X", foundKey);
name += temp;
return true;
} else {
return false;