2013-11-04 14:03:36 +01:00

451 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include "__sceAudio.h"
#include "sceAudio.h"
#include "sceKernel.h"
#include "sceKernelThread.h"
#include "base/mutex.h"
#include "CommonTypes.h"
#include "../CoreTiming.h"
#include "../MemMap.h"
#include "../Host.h"
#include "../Config.h"
#include "ChunkFile.h"
#include "FixedSizeQueue.h"
#include "Common/Thread.h"
#include "Common/Atomics.h"
#include "../../native/base/mutex.h"
// Should be used to lock anything related to the outAudioQueue.
//atomic locks are used on the lock. TODO: make this lock-free
atomic_flag atomicLock_;
recursive_mutex mutex_;
int eventAudioUpdate = -1;
int eventHostAudioUpdate = -1;
int mixFrequency = 44100;
const int hwSampleRate = 44100;
int hwBlockSize = 64;
int hostAttemptBlockSize = 512;
static int audioIntervalUs;
static int audioHostIntervalUs;
static s32 *mixBuffer;
// High and low watermarks, basically. For perfect emulation, the correct values are 0 and 1, respectively.
// TODO: Tweak. Hm, there aren't actually even used currently...
static int chanQueueMaxSizeFactor;
static int chanQueueMinSizeFactor;
// TODO: Need to replace this with something lockless. Mutexes in the audio pipeline
// is bad mojo.
FixedSizeQueue<s16, 512 * 16> outAudioQueue;
bool __gainAudioQueueLock();
void __releaseAcquiredLock();
void __blockForAudioQueueLock();
static inline s16 adjustvolume(s16 sample, int vol) {
#ifdef ARM
register int r;
asm volatile("smulwb %0, %1, %2\n\t" \
"ssat %0, #16, %0" \
: "=r"(r) : "r"(vol), "r"(sample));
return r;
return clamp_s16((sample * vol) >> 16);
void hleAudioUpdate(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) {
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(audioIntervalUs) - cyclesLate, eventAudioUpdate, 0);
void hleHostAudioUpdate(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) {
// Not all hosts need this call to poke their audio system once in a while, but those that don't
// can just ignore it.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(audioHostIntervalUs) - cyclesLate, eventHostAudioUpdate, 0);
void __AudioInit() {
mixFrequency = 44100;
if (g_Config.bLowLatencyAudio) {
chanQueueMaxSizeFactor = 1;
chanQueueMinSizeFactor = 1;
hwBlockSize = 16;
hostAttemptBlockSize = 256;
} else {
chanQueueMaxSizeFactor = 2;
chanQueueMinSizeFactor = 1;
hwBlockSize = 64;
hostAttemptBlockSize = 512;
audioIntervalUs = (int)(1000000ULL * hwBlockSize / hwSampleRate);
audioHostIntervalUs = (int)(1000000ULL * hostAttemptBlockSize / hwSampleRate);
eventAudioUpdate = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("AudioUpdate", &hleAudioUpdate);
eventHostAudioUpdate = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("AudioUpdateHost", &hleHostAudioUpdate);
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(audioIntervalUs), eventAudioUpdate, 0);
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(audioHostIntervalUs), eventHostAudioUpdate, 0);
for (u32 i = 0; i < PSP_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MAX + 1; i++)
mixBuffer = new s32[hwBlockSize * 2];
memset(mixBuffer, 0, hwBlockSize * 2 * sizeof(s32));
void __AudioDoState(PointerWrap &p) {
auto s = p.Section("sceAudio", 1);
if (!s)
CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(eventAudioUpdate, "AudioUpdate", &hleAudioUpdate);
CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(eventHostAudioUpdate, "AudioUpdateHost", &hleHostAudioUpdate);
//block until a lock is achieved. Not a good idea at all, but
//can't think of a better one...
//release the atomic lock
int chanCount = ARRAY_SIZE(chans);
if (chanCount != ARRAY_SIZE(chans))
ERROR_LOG(SCEAUDIO, "Savestate failure: different number of audio channels.");
for (int i = 0; i < chanCount; ++i)
void __AudioShutdown() {
delete [] mixBuffer;
mixBuffer = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < PSP_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MAX + 1; i++)
u32 __AudioEnqueue(AudioChannel &chan, int chanNum, bool blocking) {
u32 ret = chan.sampleCount;
if (chan.sampleAddress == 0) {
// For some reason, multichannel audio lies and returns the sample count here.
ret = 0;
// If there's anything on the queue at all, it should be busy, but we try to be a bit lax.
//if (chan.sampleQueue.size() > chan.sampleCount * 2 * chanQueueMaxSizeFactor || chan.sampleAddress == 0) {
if (chan.sampleQueue.size() > 0) {
if (blocking) {
// TODO: Regular multichannel audio seems to block for 64 samples less? Or enqueue the first 64 sync?
int blockSamples = (int)chan.sampleQueue.size() / 2 / chanQueueMinSizeFactor;
if (__KernelIsDispatchEnabled()) {
AudioChannelWaitInfo waitInfo = {__KernelGetCurThread(), blockSamples};
// Also remember the value to return in the waitValue.
__KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_AUDIOCHANNEL, (SceUID)chanNum + 1, ret, 0, false, "blocking audio");
} else {
// TODO: Maybe we shouldn't take this audio after all?
// Fall through to the sample queueing, don't want to lose the samples even though
// we're getting full. The PSP would enqueue after blocking.
} else {
// Non-blocking doesn't even enqueue, but it's not commonly used.
if (chan.sampleAddress == 0) {
return ret;
int leftVol = chan.leftVolume;
int rightVol = chan.rightVolume;
if (leftVol == (1 << 15) && rightVol == (1 << 15) && IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
// Good news: the volume doesn't affect the values at all.
// We can just do a direct memory copy.
const u32 totalSamples = chan.sampleCount * (chan.format == PSP_AUDIO_FORMAT_STEREO ? 2 : 1);
s16 *buf1 = 0, *buf2 = 0;
size_t sz1, sz2;
chan.sampleQueue.pushPointers(totalSamples, &buf1, &sz1, &buf2, &sz2);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(chan.sampleAddress + (totalSamples - 1) * sizeof(s16_le))) {
Memory::Memcpy(buf1, chan.sampleAddress, (u32)sz1 * sizeof(s16));
if (buf2)
Memory::Memcpy(buf2, chan.sampleAddress + (u32)sz1 * sizeof(s16), (u32)sz2 * sizeof(s16));
} else {
// Remember that maximum volume allowed is 0xFFFFF so left shift is no issue.
// This way we can optimally shift by 16.
leftVol <<=1;
rightVol <<=1;
if (chan.format == PSP_AUDIO_FORMAT_STEREO) {
const u32 totalSamples = chan.sampleCount * 2;
s16_le *sampleData = (s16_le *) Memory::GetPointer(chan.sampleAddress);
// Walking a pointer for speed. But let's make sure we wouldn't trip on an invalid ptr.
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(chan.sampleAddress + (totalSamples - 1) * sizeof(s16_le))) {
s16 *buf1 = 0, *buf2 = 0;
size_t sz1, sz2;
chan.sampleQueue.pushPointers(totalSamples, &buf1, &sz1, &buf2, &sz2);
// TODO: SSE/NEON (VQDMULH) implementations
for (u32 i = 0; i < sz1; i += 2) {
buf1[i] = adjustvolume(sampleData[i], leftVol);
buf1[i + 1] = adjustvolume(sampleData[i + 1], rightVol);
if (buf2) {
sampleData += sz1;
for (u32 i = 0; i < sz2; i += 2) {
buf2[i] = adjustvolume(sampleData[i], leftVol);
buf2[i + 1] = adjustvolume(sampleData[i + 1], rightVol);
} else if (chan.format == PSP_AUDIO_FORMAT_MONO) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < chan.sampleCount; i++) {
// Expand to stereo
s16 sample = (s16)Memory::Read_U16(chan.sampleAddress + 2 * i);
chan.sampleQueue.push(adjustvolume(sample, leftVol));
chan.sampleQueue.push(adjustvolume(sample, rightVol));
return ret;
inline void __AudioWakeThreads(AudioChannel &chan, int result, int step) {
u32 error;
for (size_t w = 0; w < chan.waitingThreads.size(); ++w) {
AudioChannelWaitInfo &waitInfo = chan.waitingThreads[w];
waitInfo.numSamples -= step;
// If it's done (there will still be samples on queue) and actually still waiting, wake it up.
u32 waitID = __KernelGetWaitID(waitInfo.threadID, WAITTYPE_AUDIOCHANNEL, error);
if (waitInfo.numSamples <= 0 && waitID != 0) {
// DEBUG_LOG(SCEAUDIO, "Woke thread %i for some buffer filling", waitingThread);
u32 ret = result == 0 ? __KernelGetWaitValue(waitInfo.threadID, error) : SCE_ERROR_AUDIO_CHANNEL_NOT_RESERVED;
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(waitInfo.threadID, ret);
chan.waitingThreads.erase(chan.waitingThreads.begin() + w--);
// This means the thread stopped waiting, so stop trying to wake it.
else if (waitID == 0)
chan.waitingThreads.erase(chan.waitingThreads.begin() + w--);
void __AudioWakeThreads(AudioChannel &chan, int result) {
__AudioWakeThreads(chan, result, 0x7FFFFFFF);
void __AudioSetOutputFrequency(int freq) {
WARN_LOG(SCEAUDIO, "Switching audio frequency to %i", freq);
mixFrequency = freq;
// Mix samples from the various audio channels into a single sample queue.
// This single sample queue is where __AudioMix should read from. If the sample queue is full, we should
// just sleep the main emulator thread a little.
void __AudioUpdate() {
// Audio throttle doesn't really work on the PSP since the mixing intervals are so closely tied
// to the CPU. Much better to throttle the frame rate on frame display and just throw away audio
// if the buffer somehow gets full.
bool firstChannel = true;
for (u32 i = 0; i < PSP_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MAX + 1; i++) {
if (!chans[i].reserved)
__AudioWakeThreads(chans[i], 0, hwBlockSize);
if (!chans[i].sampleQueue.size()) {
if (hwBlockSize * 2 > (int)chans[i].sampleQueue.size()) {
ERROR_LOG(SCEAUDIO, "Channel %i buffer underrun at %i of %i", i, (int)chans[i].sampleQueue.size() / 2, hwBlockSize);
const s16 *buf1 = 0, *buf2 = 0;
size_t sz1, sz2;
chans[i].sampleQueue.popPointers(hwBlockSize * 2, &buf1, &sz1, &buf2, &sz2);
if (firstChannel) {
for (size_t s = 0; s < sz1; s++)
mixBuffer[s] = buf1[s];
if (buf2) {
for (size_t s = 0; s < sz2; s++)
mixBuffer[s + sz1] = buf2[s];
firstChannel = false;
} else {
for (size_t s = 0; s < sz1; s++)
mixBuffer[s] += buf1[s];
if (buf2) {
for (size_t s = 0; s < sz2; s++)
mixBuffer[s + sz1] += buf2[s];
if (firstChannel) {
memset(mixBuffer, 0, hwBlockSize * 2 * sizeof(s32));
if (g_Config.bEnableSound) {
if (!__gainAudioQueueLock()){
if (outAudioQueue.room() >= hwBlockSize * 2) {
s16 *buf1 = 0, *buf2 = 0;
size_t sz1, sz2;
outAudioQueue.pushPointers(hwBlockSize * 2, &buf1, &sz1, &buf2, &sz2);
for (size_t s = 0; s < sz1; s++)
buf1[s] = clamp_s16(mixBuffer[s]);
if (buf2) {
for (size_t s = 0; s < sz2; s++)
buf2[s] = clamp_s16(mixBuffer[s + sz1]);
} else {
// This happens quite a lot. There's still something slightly off
// about the amount of audio we produce.
//release the atomic lock
// numFrames is number of stereo frames.
// This is called from *outside* the emulator thread.
int __AudioMix(short *outstereo, int numFrames)
// TODO: if mixFrequency != the actual output frequency, resample!
int underrun = -1;
s16 sampleL = 0;
s16 sampleR = 0;
const s16 *buf1 = 0, *buf2 = 0;
size_t sz1, sz2;
//TODO: do rigorous testing to see whether just blind locking will improve speed.
if (!__gainAudioQueueLock()){
memset(outstereo, 0, numFrames * 2 * sizeof(short));
return 0;
outAudioQueue.popPointers(numFrames * 2, &buf1, &sz1, &buf2, &sz2);
memcpy(outstereo, buf1, sz1 * sizeof(s16));
if (buf2) {
memcpy(outstereo + sz1, buf2, sz2 * sizeof(s16));
//release the atomic lock
int remains = (int)(numFrames * 2 - sz1 - sz2);
if (remains > 0)
memset(outstereo + numFrames * 2 - remains, 0, remains*sizeof(s16));
if (sz1 + sz2 < (size_t)numFrames) {
underrun = (int)(sz1 + sz2) / 2;
VERBOSE_LOG(SCEAUDIO, "Audio out buffer UNDERRUN at %i of %i", underrun, numFrames);
return underrun >= 0 ? underrun : numFrames;
/*returns whether the lock was successfully gained or not.
i.e - whether the lock belongs to you
inline bool __gainAudioQueueLock(){
if (g_Config.bAtomicAudioLocks){
/*if the previous state was 0, that means the lock was "unlocked". So,
we return !0, which is true thanks to C's int to bool conversion
One the other hand, if it was locked, then the lock would return 1.
so, !1 = 0 = false.
return atomicLock_.test_and_set() == 0;
} else {
return true;
inline void __releaseAcquiredLock(){
if (g_Config.bAtomicAudioLocks){
} else {
inline void __blockForAudioQueueLock(){
if (g_Config.bAtomicAudioLocks){
while ((atomicLock_.test_and_set() == 0)){ }
} else {