Unknown W. Brackets 876c8cd368 softgpu: Fix PixelFuncID size.
Oops, can't use unions in bitfields.  Also improve typesafety.
2021-11-21 09:40:13 -08:00

995 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include "ppsspp_config.h"
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include "Common/x64Emitter.h"
#include "Common/CPUDetect.h"
#include "GPU/GPUState.h"
#include "GPU/Software/Sampler.h"
#include "GPU/ge_constants.h"
using namespace Gen;
extern u32 clut[4096];
namespace Sampler {
#ifdef _WIN32
static const X64Reg arg1Reg = RCX;
static const X64Reg arg2Reg = RDX;
static const X64Reg arg3Reg = R8;
static const X64Reg arg4Reg = R9;
// 5 and 6 are on the stack.
static const X64Reg arg1Reg = RDI;
static const X64Reg arg2Reg = RSI;
static const X64Reg arg3Reg = RDX;
static const X64Reg arg4Reg = RCX;
static const X64Reg arg5Reg = R8;
static const X64Reg arg6Reg = R9;
static const X64Reg levelReg = arg5Reg;
static const X64Reg resultReg = RAX;
static const X64Reg tempReg1 = R10;
static const X64Reg tempReg2 = R11;
static const X64Reg uReg = arg1Reg;
static const X64Reg vReg = arg2Reg;
static const X64Reg srcReg = arg3Reg;
static const X64Reg bufwReg = arg4Reg;
static const X64Reg fpScratchReg1 = XMM1;
static const X64Reg fpScratchReg2 = XMM2;
static const X64Reg fpScratchReg3 = XMM3;
static const X64Reg fpScratchReg4 = XMM4;
static const X64Reg fpScratchReg5 = XMM5;
NearestFunc SamplerJitCache::Compile(const SamplerID &id) {
const u8 *start = AlignCode16();
// Early exit on !srcPtr.
FixupBranch zeroSrc;
if (id.hasInvalidPtr) {
CMP(PTRBITS, R(srcReg), Imm8(0));
FixupBranch nonZeroSrc = J_CC(CC_NZ);
XOR(32, R(RAX), R(RAX));
zeroSrc = J(true);
// This reads the pixel data into resultReg from the args.
if (!Jit_ReadTextureFormat(id)) {
return nullptr;
if (id.hasInvalidPtr) {
return (NearestFunc)start;
alignas(16) static const float by256[4] = { 1.0f / 256.0f, 1.0f / 256.0f, 1.0f / 256.0f, 1.0f / 256.0f, };
alignas(16) static const float ones[4] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, };
LinearFunc SamplerJitCache::CompileLinear(const SamplerID &id) {
_assert_msg_(id.linear, "Linear should be set on sampler id");
// We'll first write the nearest sampler, which we will CALL.
// This may differ slightly based on the "linear" flag.
const u8 *nearest = AlignCode16();
if (!Jit_ReadTextureFormat(id)) {
return nullptr;
// Now the actual linear func, which is exposed externally.
const u8 *start = AlignCode16();
// NOTE: This doesn't use the general register mapping.
// POSIX: arg1=uptr, arg2=vptr, arg3=frac_u, arg4=frac_v, arg5=src, arg6=bufw, stack+8=level
// Win64: arg1=uptr, arg2=vptr, arg3=frac_u, arg4=frac_v, stack+40=src, stack+48=bufw, stack+56=level
// We map these to nearest CALLs, with order: u, v, src, bufw, level
// Let's start by saving a bunch of registers.
// Won't need frac_u/frac_v for a while.
// Extra space to restore alignment and save resultReg for lerp.
// TODO: Maybe use XMMs instead?
SUB(64, R(RSP), Imm8(24));
MOV(64, R(R12), R(arg1Reg));
MOV(64, R(R13), R(arg2Reg));
#ifdef _WIN32
// First arg now starts at 24 (extra space) + 48 (pushed stack) + 8 (ret address) + 32 (shadow space)
const int argOffset = 24 + 48 + 8 + 32;
MOV(64, R(R14), MDisp(RSP, argOffset));
MOV(32, R(R15), MDisp(RSP, argOffset + 8));
// level is at argOffset + 16.
MOV(64, R(R14), R(arg5Reg));
MOV(32, R(R15), R(arg6Reg));
// level is at 24 + 48 + 8.
// Early exit on !srcPtr.
FixupBranch zeroSrc;
if (id.hasInvalidPtr) {
CMP(PTRBITS, R(R14), Imm8(0));
FixupBranch nonZeroSrc = J_CC(CC_NZ);
XOR(32, R(RAX), R(RAX));
zeroSrc = J(true);
// At this point:
// R12=uptr, R13=vptr, stack+24=frac_u, stack+32=frac_v, R14=src, R15=bufw, stack+X=level
// This stores the result on the stack for later processing.
auto doNearestCall = [&](int off) {
MOV(32, R(uReg), MDisp(R12, off));
MOV(32, R(vReg), MDisp(R13, off));
MOV(64, R(srcReg), R(R14));
MOV(32, R(bufwReg), R(R15));
// Leave level, we just always load from RAM. Separate CLUTs is uncommon.
MOV(32, MDisp(RSP, off), R(resultReg));
// Convert TL, TR, BL, BR to floats for easier blending.
if (!cpu_info.bSSE4_1) {
MOVD_xmm(fpScratchReg1, MDisp(RSP, 0));
MOVD_xmm(fpScratchReg2, MDisp(RSP, 4));
MOVD_xmm(fpScratchReg3, MDisp(RSP, 8));
MOVD_xmm(fpScratchReg4, MDisp(RSP, 12));
if (cpu_info.bSSE4_1) {
PMOVZXBD(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg1));
PMOVZXBD(fpScratchReg2, R(fpScratchReg2));
PMOVZXBD(fpScratchReg3, R(fpScratchReg3));
PMOVZXBD(fpScratchReg4, R(fpScratchReg4));
} else {
PUNPCKLBW(fpScratchReg1, R(XMM0));
PUNPCKLBW(fpScratchReg2, R(XMM0));
PUNPCKLBW(fpScratchReg3, R(XMM0));
PUNPCKLBW(fpScratchReg4, R(XMM0));
PUNPCKLWD(fpScratchReg1, R(XMM0));
PUNPCKLWD(fpScratchReg2, R(XMM0));
PUNPCKLWD(fpScratchReg3, R(XMM0));
PUNPCKLWD(fpScratchReg4, R(XMM0));
CVTDQ2PS(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg1));
CVTDQ2PS(fpScratchReg2, R(fpScratchReg2));
CVTDQ2PS(fpScratchReg3, R(fpScratchReg3));
CVTDQ2PS(fpScratchReg4, R(fpScratchReg4));
// Okay, now multiply the R sides by frac_u, and L by (256 - frac_u)...
MOVD_xmm(fpScratchReg5, MDisp(RSP, 24));
CVTDQ2PS(fpScratchReg5, R(fpScratchReg5));
SHUFPS(fpScratchReg5, R(fpScratchReg5), _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (RipAccessible(by256)) {
MULPS(fpScratchReg5, M(by256));
} else {
MOV(PTRBITS, R(tempReg1), ImmPtr(by256));
MULPS(fpScratchReg5, MatR(tempReg1));
if (RipAccessible(ones)) {
MOVAPS(XMM0, M(ones));
} else {
MOV(PTRBITS, R(tempReg1), ImmPtr(ones));
MOVAPS(XMM0, MatR(tempReg1));
SUBPS(XMM0, R(fpScratchReg5));
MULPS(fpScratchReg1, R(XMM0));
MULPS(fpScratchReg2, R(fpScratchReg5));
MULPS(fpScratchReg3, R(XMM0));
MULPS(fpScratchReg4, R(fpScratchReg5));
// Now set top=fpScratchReg1, bottom=fpScratchReg3.
ADDPS(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg2));
ADDPS(fpScratchReg3, R(fpScratchReg4));
// Next, time for frac_v.
MOVD_xmm(fpScratchReg5, MDisp(RSP, 32));
CVTDQ2PS(fpScratchReg5, R(fpScratchReg5));
SHUFPS(fpScratchReg5, R(fpScratchReg5), _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (RipAccessible(ones)) {
MULPS(fpScratchReg5, M(by256));
} else {
MOV(PTRBITS, R(tempReg1), ImmPtr(by256));
MULPS(fpScratchReg5, MatR(tempReg1));
if (RipAccessible(ones)) {
MOVAPS(XMM0, M(ones));
} else {
MOV(PTRBITS, R(tempReg1), ImmPtr(ones));
MOVAPS(XMM0, MatR(tempReg1));
SUBPS(XMM0, R(fpScratchReg5));
MULPS(fpScratchReg1, R(XMM0));
MULPS(fpScratchReg3, R(fpScratchReg5));
// Still at the 255 scale, now we're interpolated.
ADDPS(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg3));
// Time to convert back to a single 32 bit value.
CVTPS2DQ(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg1));
PACKSSDW(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg1));
PACKUSWB(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg1));
MOVD_xmm(R(resultReg), fpScratchReg1);
if (id.hasInvalidPtr) {
ADD(64, R(RSP), Imm8(24));
return (LinearFunc)start;
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_ReadTextureFormat(const SamplerID &id) {
GETextureFormat fmt = id.TexFmt();
bool success = true;
switch (fmt) {
case GE_TFMT_5650:
success = Jit_GetTexData(id, 16);
if (success)
success = Jit_Decode5650();
case GE_TFMT_5551:
success = Jit_GetTexData(id, 16);
if (success)
success = Jit_Decode5551();
case GE_TFMT_4444:
success = Jit_GetTexData(id, 16);
if (success)
success = Jit_Decode4444();
case GE_TFMT_8888:
success = Jit_GetTexData(id, 32);
case GE_TFMT_CLUT32:
success = Jit_GetTexData(id, 32);
if (success)
success = Jit_TransformClutIndex(id, 32);
if (success)
success = Jit_ReadClutColor(id);
case GE_TFMT_CLUT16:
success = Jit_GetTexData(id, 16);
if (success)
success = Jit_TransformClutIndex(id, 16);
if (success)
success = Jit_ReadClutColor(id);
success = Jit_GetTexData(id, 8);
if (success)
success = Jit_TransformClutIndex(id, 8);
if (success)
success = Jit_ReadClutColor(id);
success = Jit_GetTexData(id, 4);
if (success)
success = Jit_TransformClutIndex(id, 4);
if (success)
success = Jit_ReadClutColor(id);
case GE_TFMT_DXT1:
success = Jit_GetDXT1Color(id, 8, 255);
case GE_TFMT_DXT3:
success = Jit_GetDXT1Color(id, 16, 0);
if (success)
success = Jit_ApplyDXTAlpha(id);
case GE_TFMT_DXT5:
success = Jit_GetDXT1Color(id, 16, 0);
if (success)
success = Jit_ApplyDXTAlpha(id);
success = false;
return success;
// Note: afterward, srcReg points at the block, and uReg/vReg have offset into block.
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_GetDXT1Color(const SamplerID &id, int blockSize, int alpha) {
// Like Jit_GetTexData, this gets the color into resultReg.
// Note: color low bits are red, high bits are blue.
_assert_msg_(blockSize == 8 || blockSize == 16, "Invalid DXT block size");
// First, we need to get the block's offset, which is:
// blockPos = src + (v/4 * bufw/4 + u/4) * blockSize
// We distribute the blockSize constant for convenience:
// blockPos = src + (blockSize*v/4 * bufw/4 + blockSize*u/4)
// Copy u (we'll need it later), and round down to the nearest 4 after scaling.
LEA(32, tempReg1, MScaled(uReg, blockSize / 4, 0));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(blockSize == 8 ? ~7 : ~15));
// Add in srcReg already, since we'll be multiplying soon.
ADD(64, R(tempReg1), R(srcReg));
LEA(32, tempReg2, MScaled(vReg, blockSize / 4, 0));
AND(32, R(tempReg2), Imm32(blockSize == 8 ? ~7 : ~15));
// Modify bufw in place and then multiply.
SHR(32, R(bufwReg), Imm8(2));
IMUL(32, tempReg2, R(bufwReg));
// And now let's chop off the offset for u and v.
AND(32, R(uReg), Imm32(3));
AND(32, R(vReg), Imm32(3));
// Okay, at this point tempReg1 + tempReg2 = blockPos. To free up regs, put back in srcReg.
LEA(64, srcReg, MRegSum(tempReg1, tempReg2));
// The colorIndex is simply the 2 bits at blockPos + (v & 3), shifted right by (u & 3) twice.
MOVZX(32, 8, tempReg1, MRegSum(srcReg, vReg));
if (uReg == ECX) {
SHR(32, R(tempReg1), R(CL));
SHR(32, R(tempReg1), R(CL));
} else {
LEA(32, ECX, MScaled(uReg, SCALE_2, 0));
SHR(32, R(tempReg1), R(CL));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(3));
// For colorIndex 0 or 1, we'll simply take the 565 color and convert.
CMP(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(1));
FixupBranch handleSimple565 = J_CC(CC_BE);
// Otherwise, it depends if color1 or color2 is higher, so fetch them.
MOVZX(32, 16, bufwReg, MDisp(srcReg, 4));
MOVZX(32, 16, tempReg2, MDisp(srcReg, 6));
CMP(32, R(bufwReg), R(tempReg2));
FixupBranch handleMix23 = J_CC(CC_A, true);
// If we're still here, then colorIndex is either 3 for 0 (easy) or 2 for 50% mix.
XOR(32, R(resultReg), R(resultReg));
CMP(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(3));
FixupBranch finishZero = J_CC(CC_E, true);
// We'll need more regs. Grab two more.
// At this point, bufwReg=c1, tempReg2=c2, resultReg=FREE, tempReg1=FREE, R12=FREE, R13=FREE
// We'll add, then shift from 565 a bit less to "divide" by 2 for a 50/50 mix.
// Start with summing R, then shift into position.
MOV(32, R(resultReg), R(bufwReg));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x0000F800));
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(tempReg2));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x0000F800));
LEA(32, R12, MRegSum(resultReg, tempReg1));
// The position is 9, instead of 8, due to doubling.
SHR(32, R(R12), Imm8(9));
// For G, summing leaves it 4 right (doubling made it not need more.)
MOV(32, R(resultReg), R(bufwReg));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x000007E0));
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(tempReg2));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x000007E0));
LEA(32, resultReg, MRegSum(resultReg, tempReg1));
SHL(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(5 - 1));
// Now add G and R together.
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(R12));
// At B, we're free to modify the regs in place, finally.
AND(32, R(bufwReg), Imm32(0x0000001F));
AND(32, R(tempReg2), Imm32(0x0000001F));
LEA(32, tempReg1, MRegSum(bufwReg, tempReg2));
// We shift left 2 into position (not 3 due to doubling), then 16 more into the B slot.
SHL(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(16 + 2));
// And combine into the result.
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg1));
FixupBranch finishMix50 = J(true);
// Simply load the 565 color, and convert to 0888.
MOVZX(32, 16, tempReg1, MComplex(srcReg, tempReg1, SCALE_2, 4));
// Start with R, shifting it into place.
MOV(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg1));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x0000F800));
SHR(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(8));
// Then take G and shift it too.
MOV(32, R(tempReg2), R(tempReg1));
AND(32, R(tempReg2), Imm32(0x000007E0));
SHL(32, R(tempReg2), Imm8(5));
// And now combine with R, shifting that in the process.
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg2));
// Modify B in place and OR in.
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x0000001F));
SHL(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(16 + 3));
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg1));
FixupBranch finish565 = J(true);
// Here we'll mix color1 and color2 by 2/3 (which gets the 2 depends on tempReg1.)
// We'll need more regs. Grab two more to keep the stack aligned.
// If tempReg1 is 2, it's bufwReg * 2 + tempReg2, but if tempReg1 is 3, it's reversed.
// Let's swap the regs in that case.
CMP(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(2));
FixupBranch skipSwap23 = J_CC(CC_E);
XCHG(32, R(bufwReg), R(tempReg2));
// Start off with R, adding together first...
MOV(32, R(resultReg), R(bufwReg));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x0000F800));
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(tempReg2));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x0000F800));
LEA(32, resultReg, MComplex(tempReg1, resultReg, SCALE_2, 0));
// We'll overflow if we divide here, so shift into place already.
SHR(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(8));
// Now we divide that by 3, by actually multiplying by AAAB and shifting off.
IMUL(32, R12, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x0000AAAB));
// Now we SHR off the extra bits we added on.
SHR(32, R(R12), Imm8(17));
// Now add up G. We leave this in place and shift right more.
MOV(32, R(resultReg), R(bufwReg));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x000007E0));
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(tempReg2));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x000007E0));
LEA(32, resultReg, MComplex(tempReg1, resultReg, SCALE_2, 0));
// Again, multiply and now we use AAAB, this time masking.
IMUL(32, resultReg, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x0000AAAB));
SHR(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(17 - 5));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x0000FF00));
// Let's combine R in already.
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(R12));
// Now for B, it starts in the lowest place so we'll need to mask.
AND(32, R(bufwReg), Imm32(0x0000001F));
AND(32, R(tempReg2), Imm32(0x0000001F));
LEA(32, tempReg1, MComplex(tempReg2, bufwReg, SCALE_2, 0));
// Instead of shifting left, though, we multiply by a bit more.
IMUL(32, tempReg1, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x0002AAAB));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x00FF0000));
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg1));
// In all these cases, it's time to add in alpha. Zero doesn't get it.
if (alpha != 0) {
OR(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(alpha << 24));
return true;
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_ApplyDXTAlpha(const SamplerID &id) {
GETextureFormat fmt = id.TexFmt();
if (fmt == GE_TFMT_DXT3) {
MOVZX(32, 16, tempReg1, MComplex(srcReg, vReg, SCALE_2, 8));
LEA(32, RCX, MScaled(uReg, SCALE_4, 0));
SHR(32, R(tempReg1), R(CL));
SHL(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(28));
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg1));
return true;
} else if (fmt == GE_TFMT_DXT5) {
// Let's figure out the alphaIndex bit offset so we can read the right byte.
// bitOffset = (u + v * 4) * 3;
LEA(32, uReg, MComplex(uReg, vReg, SCALE_4, 0));
LEA(32, uReg, MComplex(uReg, uReg, SCALE_2, 0));
// And now the byte offset and bit from there, from those.
MOV(32, R(vReg), R(uReg));
SHR(32, R(vReg), Imm8(3));
AND(32, R(uReg), Imm32(7));
// Load 16 bits and mask, in case it straddles bytes.
MOVZX(32, 16, vReg, MComplex(srcReg, vReg, SCALE_1, 8));
// If not, it's in bufwReg.
if (uReg != RCX)
MOV(32, R(RCX), R(uReg));
SHR(32, R(vReg), R(CL));
AND(32, R(vReg), Imm32(7));
// Okay, now check for 0 or 1 alphaIndex in tempReg1, those are simple.
CMP(32, R(vReg), Imm32(1));
FixupBranch handleSimple = J_CC(CC_BE, true);
// Now load a1 and a2, since the rest depend on those values. Frees up srcReg.
MOVZX(32, 8, tempReg1, MDisp(srcReg, 14));
MOVZX(32, 8, tempReg2, MDisp(srcReg, 15));
CMP(32, R(tempReg1), R(tempReg2));
FixupBranch handleLerp8 = J_CC(CC_A);
// Okay, check for zero or full alpha, at alphaIndex 6 or 7.
XOR(32, R(srcReg), R(srcReg));
CMP(32, R(vReg), Imm32(6));
FixupBranch finishZero = J_CC(CC_E, true);
// Remember, MOV doesn't affect flags.
MOV(32, R(srcReg), Imm32(0xFF));
FixupBranch finishFull = J_CC(CC_A, true);
// At this point, we're handling a 6-step lerp between alpha1 and alpha2.
SHL(32, R(vReg), Imm8(8));
// Prepare a multiplier in uReg and multiply alpha1 by it.
MOV(32, R(uReg), Imm32(6 << 8));
SUB(32, R(uReg), R(vReg));
IMUL(32, tempReg1, R(uReg));
// And now the same for alpha2, using vReg.
SUB(32, R(vReg), Imm32(1 << 8));
IMUL(32, tempReg2, R(vReg));
// Let's skip a step and sum before dividing by 5, also adding the 31.
LEA(32, srcReg, MComplex(tempReg1, tempReg2, SCALE_1, 5 * 31));
// To divide by 5, we will actually multiply by 0x3334 and shift.
IMUL(32, srcReg, Imm32(0x3334));
SHR(32, R(srcReg), Imm8(24));
FixupBranch finishLerp6 = J(true);
// This will be a 8-step lerp between alpha1 and alpha2.
SHL(32, R(vReg), Imm8(8));
// Prepare a multiplier in uReg and multiply alpha1 by it.
MOV(32, R(uReg), Imm32(8 << 8));
SUB(32, R(uReg), R(vReg));
IMUL(32, tempReg1, R(uReg));
// And now the same for alpha2, using vReg.
SUB(32, R(vReg), Imm32(1 << 8));
IMUL(32, tempReg2, R(vReg));
// And divide by 7 together here too, also adding the 31.
LEA(32, srcReg, MComplex(tempReg1, tempReg2, SCALE_1, 7 * 31));
// Our magic constant here is 0x124A, but it's a bit more complex than just a shift.
IMUL(32, tempReg1, R(srcReg), Imm32(0x124A));
SHR(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(15));
SUB(32, R(srcReg), R(tempReg1));
SHR(32, R(srcReg), Imm8(1));
ADD(32, R(srcReg), R(tempReg1));
SHR(32, R(srcReg), Imm8(10));
FixupBranch finishLerp8 = J();
// Just load the specified alpha byte.
MOVZX(32, 8, srcReg, MComplex(srcReg, vReg, SCALE_1, 14));
SHL(32, R(srcReg), Imm8(24));
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(srcReg));
return true;
return false;
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_GetTexData(const SamplerID &id, int bitsPerTexel) {
if (id.swizzle) {
return Jit_GetTexDataSwizzled(id, bitsPerTexel);
// srcReg might be EDX, so let's copy that before we multiply.
switch (bitsPerTexel) {
case 32:
case 16:
case 8:
LEA(64, tempReg1, MComplex(srcReg, uReg, bitsPerTexel / 8, 0));
case 4: {
XOR(32, R(tempReg2), R(tempReg2));
SHR(32, R(uReg), Imm8(1));
FixupBranch skip = J_CC(CC_NC);
// Track whether we shifted a 1 off or not.
MOV(32, R(tempReg2), Imm32(4));
LEA(64, tempReg1, MRegSum(srcReg, uReg));
return false;
MOV(32, R(EAX), R(vReg));
MUL(32, R(bufwReg));
switch (bitsPerTexel) {
case 32:
case 16:
case 8:
MOVZX(32, bitsPerTexel, resultReg, MComplex(tempReg1, RAX, bitsPerTexel / 8, 0));
case 4: {
SHR(32, R(RAX), Imm8(1));
MOV(8, R(resultReg), MRegSum(tempReg1, RAX));
// RCX is now free.
MOV(8, R(RCX), R(tempReg2));
SHR(8, R(resultReg), R(RCX));
// Zero out any bits not shifted off.
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(0x0F));
return false;
return true;
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_GetTexDataSwizzled4() {
// Get the horizontal tile pos into tempReg1.
LEA(32, tempReg1, MScaled(uReg, SCALE_4, 0));
// Note: imm8 sign extends negative.
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(~127));
// Add vertical offset inside tile to tempReg1.
LEA(32, tempReg2, MScaled(vReg, SCALE_4, 0));
AND(32, R(tempReg2), Imm8(31));
LEA(32, tempReg1, MComplex(tempReg1, tempReg2, SCALE_4, 0));
// Add srcReg, since we'll need it at some point.
ADD(64, R(tempReg1), R(srcReg));
// Now find the vertical tile pos, and add to tempReg1.
SHR(32, R(vReg), Imm8(3));
LEA(32, EAX, MScaled(bufwReg, SCALE_4, 0));
MUL(32, R(vReg));
ADD(64, R(tempReg1), R(EAX));
// Last and possible also least, the horizontal offset inside the tile.
AND(32, R(uReg), Imm8(31));
SHR(32, R(uReg), Imm8(1));
MOV(8, R(resultReg), MRegSum(tempReg1, uReg));
FixupBranch skipNonZero = J_CC(CC_NC);
// If the horizontal offset was odd, take the upper 4.
SHR(8, R(resultReg), Imm8(4));
// Zero out the rest of the bits.
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(0x0F));
return true;
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_GetTexDataSwizzled(const SamplerID &id, int bitsPerTexel) {
if (bitsPerTexel == 4) {
// Specialized implementation.
return Jit_GetTexDataSwizzled4();
LEA(32, tempReg1, MScaled(vReg, SCALE_4, 0));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(31));
AND(32, R(vReg), Imm8(~7));
MOV(32, R(tempReg2), R(uReg));
MOV(32, R(resultReg), R(uReg));
switch (bitsPerTexel) {
case 32:
SHR(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(2));
case 16:
SHR(32, R(vReg), Imm8(1));
SHR(32, R(tempReg2), Imm8(1));
SHR(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(3));
case 8:
SHR(32, R(vReg), Imm8(2));
SHR(32, R(tempReg2), Imm8(2));
SHR(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(4));
return false;
AND(32, R(tempReg2), Imm8(3));
SHL(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(5));
ADD(32, R(tempReg1), R(tempReg2));
ADD(32, R(tempReg1), R(resultReg));
// We may clobber srcReg in the MUL, so let's grab it now.
LEA(64, tempReg1, MComplex(srcReg, tempReg1, SCALE_4, 0));
LEA(32, EAX, MScaled(bufwReg, SCALE_4, 0));
MUL(32, R(vReg));
switch (bitsPerTexel) {
case 32:
MOV(bitsPerTexel, R(resultReg), MRegSum(tempReg1, EAX));
case 16:
AND(32, R(uReg), Imm8(1));
// Multiply by two by just adding twice.
ADD(32, R(EAX), R(uReg));
ADD(32, R(EAX), R(uReg));
MOVZX(32, bitsPerTexel, resultReg, MRegSum(tempReg1, EAX));
case 8:
AND(32, R(uReg), Imm8(3));
ADD(32, R(EAX), R(uReg));
MOVZX(32, bitsPerTexel, resultReg, MRegSum(tempReg1, EAX));
return false;
return true;
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_Decode5650() {
MOV(32, R(tempReg2), R(resultReg));
AND(32, R(tempReg2), Imm32(0x0000001F));
// B (we do R and B at the same time, they're both 5.)
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(resultReg));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x0000F800));
SHL(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(5));
OR(32, R(tempReg2), R(tempReg1));
// Expand 5 -> 8. At this point we have 00BB00RR.
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(tempReg2));
SHL(32, R(tempReg2), Imm8(3));
SHR(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(2));
OR(32, R(tempReg2), R(tempReg1));
AND(32, R(tempReg2), Imm32(0x00FF00FF));
// Now's as good a time to put in A as any.
OR(32, R(tempReg2), Imm32(0xFF000000));
// Last, we need to align, extract, and expand G.
// 3 to align to G, and then 2 to expand to 8.
SHL(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(3 + 2));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x0000FC00));
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(resultReg));
// 2 to account for resultReg being preshifted, 4 for expansion.
SHR(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(2 + 4));
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg1));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x0000FF00));
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg2));
return true;
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_Decode5551() {
MOV(32, R(tempReg2), R(resultReg));
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(resultReg));
AND(32, R(tempReg2), Imm32(0x0000001F));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x000003E0));
SHL(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(3));
OR(32, R(tempReg2), R(tempReg1));
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(resultReg));
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x00007C00));
SHL(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(6));
OR(32, R(tempReg2), R(tempReg1));
// Expand 5 -> 8. After this is just A.
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), R(tempReg2));
SHL(32, R(tempReg2), Imm8(3));
SHR(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(2));
// Chop off the bits that were shifted out.
AND(32, R(tempReg1), Imm32(0x00070707));
OR(32, R(tempReg2), R(tempReg1));
// For A, we shift it to a single bit, and then subtract and XOR.
// That's probably the simplest way to expand it...
SHR(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(15));
// If it was 0, it's now -1, otherwise it's 0. Easy.
SUB(32, R(resultReg), Imm8(1));
XOR(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0xFF000000));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0xFF000000));
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg2));
return true;
alignas(16) static const u32 color4444mask[4] = { 0xf00ff00f, 0xf00ff00f, 0xf00ff00f, 0xf00ff00f, };
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_Decode4444() {
MOVD_xmm(fpScratchReg1, R(resultReg));
PUNPCKLBW(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg1));
if (RipAccessible(color4444mask)) {
PAND(fpScratchReg1, M(color4444mask));
} else {
MOV(PTRBITS, R(tempReg1), ImmPtr(color4444mask));
PAND(fpScratchReg1, MatR(tempReg1));
MOVSS(fpScratchReg2, R(fpScratchReg1));
MOVSS(fpScratchReg3, R(fpScratchReg1));
PSRLW(fpScratchReg2, 4);
PSLLW(fpScratchReg3, 4);
POR(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg2));
POR(fpScratchReg1, R(fpScratchReg3));
MOVD_xmm(R(resultReg), fpScratchReg1);
return true;
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_TransformClutIndex(const SamplerID &id, int bitsPerIndex) {
GEPaletteFormat fmt = id.ClutFmt();
if (!id.hasClutShift && !id.hasClutMask && !id.hasClutOffset) {
// This is simple - just mask if necessary.
if (bitsPerIndex > 8) {
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x000000FF));
return true;
MOV(PTRBITS, R(tempReg1), ImmPtr(&gstate.clutformat));
MOV(32, R(tempReg1), MatR(tempReg1));
// Shift = (clutformat >> 2) & 0x1F
if (id.hasClutShift) {
MOV(32, R(RCX), R(tempReg1));
SHR(32, R(RCX), Imm8(2));
AND(32, R(RCX), Imm8(0x1F));
SHR(32, R(resultReg), R(RCX));
// Mask = (clutformat >> 8) & 0xFF
if (id.hasClutMask) {
MOV(32, R(tempReg2), R(tempReg1));
SHR(32, R(tempReg2), Imm8(8));
AND(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg2));
// We need to wrap any entries beyond the first 1024 bytes.
u32 offsetMask = fmt == GE_CMODE_32BIT_ABGR8888 ? 0x00FF : 0x01FF;
// We must mask to 0xFF before ORing 0x100 in 16 bit CMODEs.
// But skip if we'll mask 0xFF after offset anyway.
if (bitsPerIndex > 8 && (!id.hasClutOffset || offsetMask != 0x00FF)) {
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(0x000000FF));
// Offset = (clutformat >> 12) & 0x01F0
if (id.hasClutOffset) {
SHR(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(16));
SHL(32, R(tempReg1), Imm8(4));
OR(32, R(resultReg), R(tempReg1));
AND(32, R(resultReg), Imm32(offsetMask));
return true;
bool SamplerJitCache::Jit_ReadClutColor(const SamplerID &id) {
if (!id.useSharedClut) {
// TODO: Need to load from RAM, always.
if (id.linear) {
#ifdef _WIN32
const int argOffset = 24 + 48 + 8 + 32;
// Extra 8 to account for CALL.
MOV(32, R(tempReg2), MDisp(RSP, argOffset + 16 + 8));
// Extra 8 to account for CALL.
MOV(32, R(tempReg2), MDisp(RSP, 24 + 48 + 8 + 8));
LEA(32, tempReg2, MScaled(tempReg2, SCALE_4, 0));
} else {
#ifdef _WIN32
// The argument was saved on the stack.
MOV(32, R(tempReg2), MDisp(RSP, 40));
LEA(32, tempReg2, MScaled(tempReg2, SCALE_4, 0));
// We need to multiply by 16 and add, LEA allows us to copy too.
LEA(32, tempReg2, MScaled(levelReg, SCALE_4, 0));
// Second step of the multiply by 16 (since we only multiplied by 4 before.)
LEA(64, resultReg, MComplex(resultReg, tempReg2, SCALE_4, 0));
MOV(PTRBITS, R(tempReg1), ImmPtr(clut));
switch (id.ClutFmt()) {
case GE_CMODE_16BIT_BGR5650:
MOVZX(32, 16, resultReg, MComplex(tempReg1, resultReg, SCALE_2, 0));
return Jit_Decode5650();
case GE_CMODE_16BIT_ABGR5551:
MOVZX(32, 16, resultReg, MComplex(tempReg1, resultReg, SCALE_2, 0));
return Jit_Decode5551();
case GE_CMODE_16BIT_ABGR4444:
MOVZX(32, 16, resultReg, MComplex(tempReg1, resultReg, SCALE_2, 0));
return Jit_Decode4444();
case GE_CMODE_32BIT_ABGR8888:
MOV(32, R(resultReg), MComplex(tempReg1, resultReg, SCALE_4, 0));
return true;
return false;