
291 lines
9.1 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include "UI/OnScreenDisplay.h"
#include "Common/Data/Color/RGBAUtil.h"
#include "Common/Data/Encoding/Utf8.h"
#include "Common/Render/TextureAtlas.h"
#include "Common/Render/DrawBuffer.h"
#include "Common/Math/math_util.h"
#include "Common/UI/IconCache.h"
#include "UI/RetroAchievementScreens.h"
#include "Common/UI/Context.h"
#include "Common/System/OSD.h"
#include "Common/TimeUtil.h"
#include "Common/Net/HTTPClient.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
static uint32_t GetOSDBackgroundColor(OSDType type) {
// Colors from Infima
switch (type) {
case OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR_DUMP: return 0x3530d5; // danger-darker
case OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING: return 0x009ed9; // warning-darker
case OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO: return 0x706760; // gray-700
case OSDType::MESSAGE_SUCCESS: return 0x008b00;
default: return 0x606770;
ImageID GetOSDIcon(OSDType type) {
switch (type) {
case OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO: return ImageID::invalid(); // return ImageID("I_INFO");
case OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR: return ImageID("I_CROSS");
case OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING: return ImageID("I_WARNING");
default: return ImageID::invalid();
static const float g_atlasIconSize = 36.0f;
static const float extraTextScale = 0.7f;
// Align only matters here for the ASCII-only flag.
static void MeasureOSDEntry(UIContext &dc, const OnScreenDisplay::Entry &entry, int align, float *width, float *height, float *height1) {
if (entry.type == OSDType::ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED) {
const Achievements::Achievement *achievement = Achievements::GetAchievementByID(entry.numericID);
MeasureAchievement(dc, *achievement, width, height);
*width = 550.0f;
*height1 = *height;
dc.MeasureText(dc.theme->uiFont, 1.0f, 1.0f, entry.text.c_str(), width, height, align);
*height1 = *height;
float width2 = 0.0f, height2 = 0.0f;
if (!entry.text2.empty()) {
dc.MeasureText(dc.theme->uiFont, extraTextScale, extraTextScale, entry.text2.c_str(), &width2, &height2, align);
*width = std::max(*width, width2);
*height += 5.0f + height2;
float iconSize = 0.0f;
if (!entry.iconName.empty()) {
// Normal entry but with a cached icon.
int iconWidth, iconHeight;
if (g_iconCache.GetDimensions(entry.iconName, &iconWidth, &iconHeight)) {
*width += 5.0f + iconWidth;
iconSize = iconWidth + 5.0f;
} else if (!GetOSDIcon(entry.type).isInvalid()) {
// Atlas icon.
iconSize = g_atlasIconSize + 5.0f;
*width += iconSize + 12.0f;
*height = std::max(*height, iconSize + 5.0f);
static void RenderOSDEntry(UIContext &dc, const OnScreenDisplay::Entry &entry, Bounds bounds, float height1, int align, float alpha) {
if (entry.type == OSDType::ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED) {
const Achievements::Achievement *achievement = Achievements::GetAchievementByID(entry.numericID);
RenderAchievement(dc, *achievement, AchievementRenderStyle::UNLOCKED, bounds, alpha, entry.startTime, time_now_d());
UI::Drawable background = UI::Drawable(colorAlpha(GetOSDBackgroundColor(entry.type), alpha));
uint32_t foreGround = whiteAlpha(alpha);
Bounds shadowBounds = bounds.Expand(10.0f);
dc.Draw()->DrawImage4Grid(dc.theme->dropShadow4Grid, shadowBounds.x, shadowBounds.y + 4.0f, shadowBounds.x2(), shadowBounds.y2(), alphaMul(0xFF000000, 0.9f * alpha), 1.0f);
dc.FillRect(background, bounds);
ImageID iconID = GetOSDIcon(entry.type);
float iconSize = 0.0f;
if (!entry.iconName.empty()) {
// Normal entry but with a cached icon.
Draw::Texture *texture = g_iconCache.BindIconTexture(&dc, entry.iconName);
if (texture) {
iconSize = texture->Width();
dc.Draw()->DrawTexRect(Bounds(bounds.x + 2.5f, bounds.y + 2.5f, iconSize, iconSize), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, foreGround);
} else if (iconID.isValid()) {
// Atlas icon.
dc.DrawImageVGradient(iconID, foreGround, foreGround, Bounds(bounds.x + 2.5f, bounds.y + 2.5f, g_atlasIconSize, g_atlasIconSize));
iconSize = g_atlasIconSize;
// Make room
bounds.x += iconSize + 5.0f;
bounds.w -= iconSize + 5.0f;
dc.DrawTextShadowRect(entry.text.c_str(), bounds.Inset(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), foreGround, (align & FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII));
if (!entry.text2.empty()) {
Bounds bottomTextBounds = bounds.Inset(3.0f, height1 + 5.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f);
UI::Drawable backgroundDark = UI::Drawable(colorAlpha(darkenColor(GetOSDBackgroundColor(entry.type)), alpha));
dc.FillRect(backgroundDark, bottomTextBounds);
dc.SetFontScale(extraTextScale, extraTextScale);
dc.DrawTextRect(entry.text2.c_str(), bottomTextBounds, foreGround, (align & FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII) | ALIGN_LEFT);
dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
static void MeasureOSDProgressBar(UIContext &dc, const OnScreenDisplay::ProgressBar &bar, float *width, float *height) {
*height = 36;
*width = 450.0f;
static void RenderOSDProgressBar(UIContext &dc, const OnScreenDisplay::ProgressBar &entry, Bounds bounds, int align, float alpha) {
uint32_t foreGround = whiteAlpha(alpha);
Bounds shadowBounds = bounds.Expand(10.0f);
dc.Draw()->DrawImage4Grid(dc.theme->dropShadow4Grid, shadowBounds.x, shadowBounds.y + 4.0f, shadowBounds.x2(), shadowBounds.y2(), alphaMul(0xFF000000, 0.9f * alpha), 1.0f);
uint32_t backgroundColor = colorAlpha(0x806050, alpha);
uint32_t progressBackgroundColor = colorAlpha(0xa08070, alpha);
if (entry.maxValue > entry.minValue) {
// Normal progress bar
UI::Drawable background = UI::Drawable(backgroundColor);
UI::Drawable progressBackground = UI::Drawable(progressBackgroundColor);
float ratio = (float)(entry.progress - entry.minValue) / (float)entry.maxValue;
Bounds boundLeft = bounds;
Bounds boundRight = bounds;
boundLeft.w *= ratio;
boundRight.x += ratio * boundRight.w;
boundRight.w *= (1.0f - ratio);
dc.FillRect(progressBackground, boundLeft);
dc.FillRect(background, boundRight);
} else {
// Indeterminate spinner
float alpha = cos(time_now_d() * 5.0) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
uint32_t pulse = colorBlend(backgroundColor, progressBackgroundColor, alpha);
UI::Drawable background = UI::Drawable(pulse);
dc.FillRect(background, bounds);
dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
dc.DrawTextShadowRect(entry.message.c_str(), bounds, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alpha), (align & FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII) | ALIGN_CENTER);
void OnScreenMessagesView::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
if (!g_Config.bShowOnScreenMessages) {
double now = time_now_d();
// Get height
float w, h;
dc.MeasureText(dc.theme->uiFont, 1.0f, 1.0f, "Wg", &w, &h);
float y = 10.0f;
// Then draw them all.
const std::vector<OnScreenDisplay::ProgressBar> bars = g_OSD.ProgressBars();
for (auto &bar : bars) {
float tw, th;
MeasureOSDProgressBar(dc, bar, &tw, &th);
Bounds b(0.0f, y, tw, th);
b.x = (bounds_.w - b.w) * 0.5f;
float alpha = Clamp((float)(bar.endTime - now) * 4.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
RenderOSDProgressBar(dc, bar, b, 0, alpha);
y += (b.h + 4.0f) * alpha; // including alpha here gets us smooth animations.
const std::vector<OnScreenDisplay::Entry> entries = g_OSD.Entries();
for (auto iter = entries.begin(); iter != entries.end(); ++iter) {
dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
// Messages that are wider than the screen are left-aligned instead of centered.
int align = 0;
// If we have newlines, we may be looking at ASCII debug output. But let's verify.
if (iter->text.find('\n') != 0) {
if (!UTF8StringHasNonASCII(iter->text.c_str()))
float tw, th, h1;
MeasureOSDEntry(dc, *iter, align, &tw, &th, &h1);
Bounds b(0.0f, y, tw, th);
if (tw > bounds_.w) {
// Left-aligned
b.x = 2;
} else {
// Centered
b.x = (bounds_.w - b.w) * 0.5f;
// Scale down if height doesn't fit.
float scale = 1.0f;
if (th > bounds_.h - y) {
// Scale down!
scale = std::max(0.15f, (bounds_.h - y) / th);
dc.SetFontScale(scale, scale);
b.w *= scale;
b.h *= scale;
float alpha = Clamp((float)(iter->endTime - now) * 4.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
RenderOSDEntry(dc, *iter, b, h1, align, alpha);
y += (b.h * scale + 4.0f) * alpha; // including alpha here gets us smooth animations.
// Thin bar at the top of the screen.
// TODO: Remove and replace with "proper" progress bars.
std::vector<float> progress = g_DownloadManager.GetCurrentProgress();
if (!progress.empty()) {
static const uint32_t colors[4] = {
int h = 5;
for (size_t i = 0; i < progress.size(); i++) {
float barWidth = 10 + (dc.GetBounds().w - 10) * progress[i];
Bounds bounds(0, h * i, barWidth, h);
UI::Drawable solid(colors[i & 3]);
dc.FillRect(solid, bounds);
std::string OnScreenMessagesView::DescribeText() const {
std::stringstream ss;
const auto &entries = g_OSD.Entries();
for (auto iter = entries.begin(); iter != entries.end(); ++iter) {
if (iter != entries.begin()) {
ss << "\n";
ss << iter->text;
return ss.str();
void OSDOverlayScreen::CreateViews() {
root_ = new UI::AnchorLayout();
root_->Add(new OnScreenMessagesView(new UI::AnchorLayoutParams(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)));