Henrik Rydgård 73046239e3 Android: Add option to ignore camera notches when sizing the display.
This is generally what you want, at least on phones with small notches.

Not sure about the most intuitive polarity and name of the setting.. bit
of a shame to create another setting with a negation. But most people
should probably ignore this.
2020-07-05 22:46:25 +02:00

775 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <set>
#include <cstdint>
#include "base/display.h"
#include "base/timeutil.h"
#include "base/NativeApp.h"
#include "file/vfs.h"
#include "file/zip_read.h"
#include "thin3d/thin3d.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/ConfigValues.h"
#include "Core/Host.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceDisplay.h"
#include "GPU/Common/PostShader.h"
#include "GPU/Common/PresentationCommon.h"
#include "GPU/Common/ShaderTranslation.h"
struct Vertex {
float x, y, z;
float u, v;
uint32_t rgba;
FRect GetScreenFrame(float pixelWidth, float pixelHeight) {
FRect rc = FRect{
bool applyInset = !g_Config.bIgnoreScreenInsets;
if (applyInset) {
// Remove the DPI scale to get back to pixels.
float left = System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_LEFT) / g_dpi_scale_x;
float right = System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_RIGHT) / g_dpi_scale_x;
float top = System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_TOP) / g_dpi_scale_y;
float bottom = System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_BOTTOM) / g_dpi_scale_y;
// Adjust left edge to compensate for cutouts (notches) if any.
rc.x += left;
rc.w -= (left + right);
rc.y += top;
rc.h -= (top + bottom);
return rc;
void CenterDisplayOutputRect(FRect *rc, float origW, float origH, const FRect &frame, int rotation) {
float outW;
float outH;
bool rotated = rotation == ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL || rotation == ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL180;
if (g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::STRETCH) {
outW = frame.w;
outH = frame.h;
} else {
if (g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::MANUAL) {
float offsetX = (g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetX - 0.5f) * 2.0f * frame.w + frame.x;
float offsetY = (g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetY - 0.5f) * 2.0f * frame.h + frame.y;
// Have to invert Y for GL
if (GetGPUBackend() == GPUBackend::OPENGL) {
offsetY = offsetY * -1.0f;
float customZoom = g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel;
float smallDisplayW = origW * customZoom;
float smallDisplayH = origH * customZoom;
if (!rotated) {
rc->x = floorf(((frame.w - smallDisplayW) / 2.0f) + offsetX);
rc->y = floorf(((frame.h - smallDisplayH) / 2.0f) + offsetY);
rc->w = floorf(smallDisplayW);
rc->h = floorf(smallDisplayH);
} else {
rc->x = floorf(((frame.w - smallDisplayH) / 2.0f) + offsetX);
rc->y = floorf(((frame.h - smallDisplayW) / 2.0f) + offsetY);
rc->w = floorf(smallDisplayH);
rc->h = floorf(smallDisplayW);
} else if (g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::AUTO) {
// Stretch to 1080 for 272*4. But don't distort if not widescreen (i.e. ultrawide of halfwide.)
float pixelCrop = frame.h / 270.0f;
float resCommonWidescreen = pixelCrop - floor(pixelCrop);
if (!rotated && resCommonWidescreen == 0.0f && frame.w >= pixelCrop * 480.0f) {
rc->x = floorf((frame.w - pixelCrop * 480.0f) * 0.5f + frame.x);
rc->y = floorf(-pixelCrop + frame.y);
rc->w = floorf(pixelCrop * 480.0f);
rc->h = floorf(pixelCrop * 272.0f);
float origRatio = !rotated ? origW / origH : origH / origW;
float frameRatio = frame.w / frame.h;
if (origRatio > frameRatio) {
// Image is wider than frame. Center vertically.
outW = frame.w;
outH = frame.w / origRatio;
// Stretch a little bit
if (!rotated && g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::PARTIAL_STRETCH)
outH = (frame.h + outH) / 2.0f; // (408 + 720) / 2 = 564
} else {
// Image is taller than frame. Center horizontally.
outW = frame.h * origRatio;
outH = frame.h;
if (rotated && g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::PARTIAL_STRETCH)
outW = (frame.h + outH) / 2.0f; // (408 + 720) / 2 = 564
rc->x = floorf((frame.w - outW) / 2.0f + frame.x);
rc->y = floorf((frame.h - outH) / 2.0f + frame.y);
rc->w = floorf(outW);
rc->h = floorf(outH);
PresentationCommon::PresentationCommon(Draw::DrawContext *draw) : draw_(draw) {
PresentationCommon::~PresentationCommon() {
void PresentationCommon::GetCardboardSettings(CardboardSettings *cardboardSettings) {
if (!g_Config.bEnableCardboardVR) {
cardboardSettings->enabled = false;
// Calculate Cardboard Settings
float cardboardScreenScale = g_Config.iCardboardScreenSize / 100.0f;
float cardboardScreenWidth = pixelWidth_ / 2.0f * cardboardScreenScale;
float cardboardScreenHeight = pixelHeight_ / 2.0f * cardboardScreenScale;
float cardboardMaxXShift = (pixelWidth_ / 2.0f - cardboardScreenWidth) / 2.0f;
float cardboardUserXShift = g_Config.iCardboardXShift / 100.0f * cardboardMaxXShift;
float cardboardLeftEyeX = cardboardMaxXShift + cardboardUserXShift;
float cardboardRightEyeX = pixelWidth_ / 2.0f + cardboardMaxXShift - cardboardUserXShift;
float cardboardMaxYShift = pixelHeight_ / 2.0f - cardboardScreenHeight / 2.0f;
float cardboardUserYShift = g_Config.iCardboardYShift / 100.0f * cardboardMaxYShift;
float cardboardScreenY = cardboardMaxYShift + cardboardUserYShift;
cardboardSettings->enabled = true;
cardboardSettings->leftEyeXPosition = cardboardLeftEyeX;
cardboardSettings->rightEyeXPosition = cardboardRightEyeX;
cardboardSettings->screenYPosition = cardboardScreenY;
cardboardSettings->screenWidth = cardboardScreenWidth;
cardboardSettings->screenHeight = cardboardScreenHeight;
void PresentationCommon::CalculatePostShaderUniforms(int bufferWidth, int bufferHeight, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, const ShaderInfo *shaderInfo, PostShaderUniforms *uniforms) {
float u_delta = 1.0f / bufferWidth;
float v_delta = 1.0f / bufferHeight;
float u_pixel_delta = 1.0f / targetWidth;
float v_pixel_delta = 1.0f / targetHeight;
int flipCount = __DisplayGetFlipCount();
int vCount = __DisplayGetVCount();
float time[4] = { time_now(), (vCount % 60) * 1.0f / 60.0f, (float)vCount, (float)(flipCount % 60) };
uniforms->texelDelta[0] = u_delta;
uniforms->texelDelta[1] = v_delta;
uniforms->pixelDelta[0] = u_pixel_delta;
uniforms->pixelDelta[1] = v_pixel_delta;
memcpy(uniforms->time, time, 4 * sizeof(float));
uniforms->video = hasVideo_ ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
// The shader translator tacks this onto our shaders, if we don't set it they render garbage.
uniforms->gl_HalfPixel[0] = u_pixel_delta * 0.5f;
uniforms->gl_HalfPixel[1] = v_pixel_delta * 0.5f;
uniforms->setting[0] = g_Config.mPostShaderSetting[shaderInfo->section + "SettingValue1"];;
uniforms->setting[1] = g_Config.mPostShaderSetting[shaderInfo->section + "SettingValue2"];
uniforms->setting[2] = g_Config.mPostShaderSetting[shaderInfo->section + "SettingValue3"];
uniforms->setting[3] = g_Config.mPostShaderSetting[shaderInfo->section + "SettingValue4"];
static std::string ReadShaderSrc(const std::string &filename) {
size_t sz = 0;
char *data = (char *)VFSReadFile(filename.c_str(), &sz);
if (!data)
return "";
std::string src(data, sz);
return src;
// Note: called on resize and settings changes.
bool PresentationCommon::UpdatePostShader() {
std::vector<const ShaderInfo *> shaderInfo;
if (g_Config.sPostShaderName != "Off") {
shaderInfo = GetPostShaderChain(g_Config.sPostShaderName);
if (shaderInfo.empty())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < shaderInfo.size(); ++i) {
const ShaderInfo *next = i + 1 < shaderInfo.size() ? shaderInfo[i + 1] : nullptr;
if (!BuildPostShader(shaderInfo[i], next)) {
return false;
usePostShader_ = true;
return true;
bool PresentationCommon::BuildPostShader(const ShaderInfo *shaderInfo, const ShaderInfo *next) {
std::string vsSourceGLSL = ReadShaderSrc(shaderInfo->vertexShaderFile);
std::string fsSourceGLSL = ReadShaderSrc(shaderInfo->fragmentShaderFile);
if (vsSourceGLSL.empty() || fsSourceGLSL.empty()) {
return false;
std::string vsError, fsError;
Draw::ShaderModule *vs = CompileShaderModule(Draw::ShaderStage::VERTEX, GLSL_140, vsSourceGLSL, &vsError);
Draw::ShaderModule *fs = CompileShaderModule(Draw::ShaderStage::FRAGMENT, GLSL_140, fsSourceGLSL, &fsError);
// Don't worry, CompileShaderModule makes sure they get freed if one succeeded.
if (!fs || !vs) {
std::string errorString = vsError + "\n" + fsError;
// DO NOT turn this into a report, as it will pollute our logs with all kinds of
// user shader experiments.
ERROR_LOG(FRAMEBUF, "Failed to build post-processing program from %s and %s!\n%s", shaderInfo->vertexShaderFile.c_str(), shaderInfo->fragmentShaderFile.c_str(), errorString.c_str());
return false;
Draw::UniformBufferDesc postShaderDesc{ sizeof(PostShaderUniforms), {
{ "gl_HalfPixel", 0, -1, Draw::UniformType::FLOAT4, offsetof(PostShaderUniforms, gl_HalfPixel) },
{ "u_texelDelta", 1, 1, Draw::UniformType::FLOAT2, offsetof(PostShaderUniforms, texelDelta) },
{ "u_pixelDelta", 2, 2, Draw::UniformType::FLOAT2, offsetof(PostShaderUniforms, pixelDelta) },
{ "u_time", 3, 3, Draw::UniformType::FLOAT4, offsetof(PostShaderUniforms, time) },
{ "u_setting", 4, 4, Draw::UniformType::FLOAT4, offsetof(PostShaderUniforms, setting) },
{ "u_video", 5, 5, Draw::UniformType::FLOAT1, offsetof(PostShaderUniforms, video) },
} };
Draw::Pipeline *pipeline = CreatePipeline({ vs, fs }, true, &postShaderDesc);
if (!pipeline)
return false;
if (!shaderInfo->outputResolution || next) {
int nextWidth = renderWidth_;
int nextHeight = renderHeight_;
// When chaining, we use the previous resolution as a base, rather than the render resolution.
if (!postShaderFramebuffers_.empty())
draw_->GetFramebufferDimensions(postShaderFramebuffers_.back(), &nextWidth, &nextHeight);
if (next && next->isUpscalingFilter) {
// Force 1x for this shader, so the next can upscale.
const bool isPortrait = g_Config.IsPortrait();
nextWidth = isPortrait ? 272 : 480;
nextHeight = isPortrait ? 480 : 272;
} else if (next && next->SSAAFilterLevel >= 2) {
// Increase the resolution this shader outputs for the next to SSAA.
nextWidth *= next->SSAAFilterLevel;
nextHeight *= next->SSAAFilterLevel;
} else if (shaderInfo->outputResolution) {
// If the current shader uses output res (not next), we will use output res for it.
FRect rc;
FRect frame = GetScreenFrame((float)pixelWidth_, (float)pixelHeight_);
CenterDisplayOutputRect(&rc, 480.0f, 272.0f, frame, g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation);
nextWidth = (int)rc.w;
nextHeight = (int)rc.h;
// No depth/stencil for post processing
Draw::Framebuffer *fbo = draw_->CreateFramebuffer({ nextWidth, nextHeight, 1, 1, false, Draw::FBO_8888 });
if (!fbo) {
return false;
return true;
void PresentationCommon::ShowPostShaderError(const std::string &errorString) {
// let's show the first line of the error string as an OSM.
std::set<std::string> blacklistedLines;
// These aren't useful to show, skip to the first interesting line.
blacklistedLines.insert("Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:");
blacklistedLines.insert("Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:");
blacklistedLines.insert("Compile failed.");
std::string firstLine;
size_t start = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < errorString.size(); i++) {
if (errorString[i] == '\n' && i == start) {
start = i + 1;
} else if (errorString[i] == '\n') {
firstLine = errorString.substr(start, i - start);
if (blacklistedLines.find(firstLine) == blacklistedLines.end()) {
start = i + 1;
if (!firstLine.empty()) {
host->NotifyUserMessage("Post-shader error: " + firstLine + "...", 10.0f, 0xFF3090FF);
} else {
host->NotifyUserMessage("Post-shader error, see log for details", 10.0f, 0xFF3090FF);
void PresentationCommon::DeviceLost() {
void PresentationCommon::DeviceRestore(Draw::DrawContext *draw) {
draw_ = draw;
Draw::Pipeline *PresentationCommon::CreatePipeline(std::vector<Draw::ShaderModule *> shaders, bool postShader, const Draw::UniformBufferDesc *uniformDesc) {
using namespace Draw;
Semantic pos = SEM_POSITION;
Semantic tc = SEM_TEXCOORD0;
// Shader translation marks these both as "TEXCOORDs" on HLSL...
if (postShader && (lang_ == HLSL_D3D11 || lang_ == HLSL_D3D11_LEVEL9 || lang_ == HLSL_DX9)) {
// TODO: Maybe get rid of color0.
InputLayoutDesc inputDesc = {
{ sizeof(Vertex), false },
{ 0, pos, DataFormat::R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0 },
{ 0, tc, DataFormat::R32G32_FLOAT, 12 },
{ 0, SEM_COLOR0, DataFormat::R8G8B8A8_UNORM, 20 },
InputLayout *inputLayout = draw_->CreateInputLayout(inputDesc);
DepthStencilState *depth = draw_->CreateDepthStencilState({ false, false, Comparison::LESS });
BlendState *blendstateOff = draw_->CreateBlendState({ false, 0xF });
RasterState *rasterNoCull = draw_->CreateRasterState({});
PipelineDesc pipelineDesc{ Primitive::TRIANGLE_LIST, shaders, inputLayout, depth, blendstateOff, rasterNoCull, uniformDesc };
Pipeline *pipeline = draw_->CreateGraphicsPipeline(pipelineDesc);
return pipeline;
void PresentationCommon::CreateDeviceObjects() {
using namespace Draw;
assert(vdata_ == nullptr);
vdata_ = draw_->CreateBuffer(sizeof(Vertex) * 8, BufferUsageFlag::DYNAMIC | BufferUsageFlag::VERTEXDATA);
// TODO: Use 4 and a strip?
idata_ = draw_->CreateBuffer(sizeof(uint16_t) * 6, BufferUsageFlag::DYNAMIC | BufferUsageFlag::INDEXDATA);
uint16_t indexes[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 };
draw_->UpdateBuffer(idata_, (const uint8_t *)indexes, 0, sizeof(indexes), Draw::UPDATE_DISCARD);
samplerNearest_ = draw_->CreateSamplerState({ TextureFilter::NEAREST, TextureFilter::NEAREST, TextureFilter::NEAREST, 0.0f, TextureAddressMode::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, TextureAddressMode::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, TextureAddressMode::CLAMP_TO_EDGE });
samplerLinear_ = draw_->CreateSamplerState({ TextureFilter::LINEAR, TextureFilter::LINEAR, TextureFilter::LINEAR, 0.0f, TextureAddressMode::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, TextureAddressMode::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, TextureAddressMode::CLAMP_TO_EDGE });
texColor_ = CreatePipeline({ draw_->GetVshaderPreset(VS_TEXTURE_COLOR_2D), draw_->GetFshaderPreset(FS_TEXTURE_COLOR_2D) }, false, &vsTexColBufDesc);
texColorRBSwizzle_ = CreatePipeline({ draw_->GetVshaderPreset(VS_TEXTURE_COLOR_2D), draw_->GetFshaderPreset(FS_TEXTURE_COLOR_2D_RB_SWIZZLE) }, false, &vsTexColBufDesc);
if (restorePostShader_)
restorePostShader_ = false;
template <typename T>
static void DoRelease(T *&obj) {
if (obj)
obj = nullptr;
template <typename T>
static void DoReleaseVector(std::vector<T *> &list) {
for (auto &obj : list)
void PresentationCommon::DestroyDeviceObjects() {
restorePostShader_ = usePostShader_;
void PresentationCommon::DestroyPostShader() {
usePostShader_ = false;
Draw::ShaderModule *PresentationCommon::CompileShaderModule(Draw::ShaderStage stage, ShaderLanguage lang, const std::string &src, std::string *errorString) {
std::string translated = src;
bool translationFailed = false;
if (lang != lang_) {
// Gonna have to upconvert the shader.
if (!TranslateShader(&translated, lang_, nullptr, src, lang, stage, errorString)) {
ERROR_LOG(FRAMEBUF, "Failed to translate post-shader: %s", errorString->c_str());
return nullptr;
Draw::ShaderLanguage mappedLang;
// These aren't exact, unfortunately, but we just need the type Draw will accept.
switch (lang_) {
case GLSL_140:
mappedLang = Draw::ShaderLanguage::GLSL_ES_200;
case GLSL_300:
mappedLang = Draw::ShaderLanguage::GLSL_410;
mappedLang = Draw::ShaderLanguage::GLSL_VULKAN;
case HLSL_DX9:
mappedLang = Draw::ShaderLanguage::HLSL_D3D9;
case HLSL_D3D11:
case HLSL_D3D11_LEVEL9:
mappedLang = Draw::ShaderLanguage::HLSL_D3D11;
mappedLang = Draw::ShaderLanguage::GLSL_ES_200;
Draw::ShaderModule *shader = draw_->CreateShaderModule(stage, mappedLang, (const uint8_t *)translated.c_str(), translated.size(), "postshader");
if (shader)
return shader;
void PresentationCommon::SourceTexture(Draw::Texture *texture, int bufferWidth, int bufferHeight) {
srcTexture_ = texture;
srcWidth_ = bufferWidth;
srcHeight_ = bufferHeight;
void PresentationCommon::SourceFramebuffer(Draw::Framebuffer *fb, int bufferWidth, int bufferHeight) {
srcFramebuffer_ = fb;
srcWidth_ = bufferWidth;
srcHeight_ = bufferHeight;
void PresentationCommon::BindSource() {
if (srcTexture_) {
draw_->BindTexture(0, srcTexture_);
} else if (srcFramebuffer_) {
draw_->BindFramebufferAsTexture(srcFramebuffer_, 0, Draw::FB_COLOR_BIT, 0);
} else {
void PresentationCommon::UpdateUniforms(bool hasVideo) {
hasVideo_ = hasVideo;
void PresentationCommon::CopyToOutput(OutputFlags flags, int uvRotation, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1) {
// Make sure Direct3D 11 clears state, since we set shaders outside Draw.
// TODO: If shader objects have been created by now, we might have received errors.
// GLES can have the shader fail later, shader->failed / shader->error.
// This should auto-disable usePostShader_ and call ShowPostShaderError().
bool useNearest = flags & OutputFlags::NEAREST;
const bool usePostShader = usePostShader_ && !(flags & OutputFlags::RB_SWIZZLE);
const bool isFinalAtOutputResolution = usePostShader && postShaderFramebuffers_.size() < postShaderPipelines_.size();
bool usePostShaderOutput = false;
int lastWidth = srcWidth_;
int lastHeight = srcHeight_;
// These are the output coordinates.
FRect frame = GetScreenFrame((float)pixelWidth_, (float)pixelHeight_);
FRect rc;
CenterDisplayOutputRect(&rc, 480.0f, 272.0f, frame, uvRotation);
if (GetGPUBackend() == GPUBackend::DIRECT3D9) {
rc.x -= 0.5f;
// This is plus because the top is larger y.
rc.y += 0.5f;
if ((flags & OutputFlags::BACKBUFFER_FLIPPED) || (flags & OutputFlags::POSITION_FLIPPED)) {
std::swap(v0, v1);
// To make buffer updates easier, we use one array of verts.
int postVertsOffset = (int)sizeof(Vertex) * 4;
Vertex verts[8] = {
{ rc.x, rc.y, 0, u0, v0, 0xFFFFFFFF }, // TL
{ rc.x, rc.y + rc.h, 0, u0, v1, 0xFFFFFFFF }, // BL
{ rc.x + rc.w, rc.y + rc.h, 0, u1, v1, 0xFFFFFFFF }, // BR
{ rc.x + rc.w, rc.y, 0, u1, v0, 0xFFFFFFFF }, // TR
float invDestW = 1.0f / (pixelWidth_ * 0.5f);
float invDestH = 1.0f / (pixelHeight_ * 0.5f);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
verts[i].x = verts[i].x * invDestW - 1.0f;
verts[i].y = verts[i].y * invDestH - 1.0f;
struct {
float u;
float v;
} temp[4];
int rotation = 0;
// Vertical and Vertical180 needed swapping after we changed the coordinate system.
switch (uvRotation) {
case ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL180: rotation = 2; break;
case ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL: rotation = 3; break;
case ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL180: rotation = 1; break;
// If we flipped, we rotate the other way.
if ((flags & OutputFlags::BACKBUFFER_FLIPPED) || (flags & OutputFlags::POSITION_FLIPPED)) {
if ((rotation & 1) != 0)
rotation ^= 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
temp[i].u = verts[(i + rotation) & 3].u;
temp[i].v = verts[(i + rotation) & 3].v;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
verts[i].u = temp[i].u;
verts[i].v = temp[i].v;
if (isFinalAtOutputResolution) {
// In this mode, we ignore the g_display_rot_matrix. Apply manually.
if (g_display_rotation != DisplayRotation::ROTATE_0) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Lin::Vec3 v(verts[i].x, verts[i].y, verts[i].z);
// Backwards notation, should fix that...
v = v * g_display_rot_matrix;
verts[i].x = v.x;
verts[i].y = v.y;
if (flags & OutputFlags::PILLARBOX) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Looks about right.
verts[i].x *= 0.75f;
if (usePostShader) {
bool flipped = flags & OutputFlags::POSITION_FLIPPED;
float post_v0 = !flipped ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
float post_v1 = !flipped ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
verts[4] = { -1, -1, 0, 0, post_v1, 0xFFFFFFFF }; // TL
verts[5] = { -1, 1, 0, 0, post_v0, 0xFFFFFFFF }; // BL
verts[6] = { 1, 1, 0, 1, post_v0, 0xFFFFFFFF }; // BR
verts[7] = { 1, -1, 0, 1, post_v1, 0xFFFFFFFF }; // TR
draw_->UpdateBuffer(vdata_, (const uint8_t *)verts, 0, sizeof(verts), Draw::UPDATE_DISCARD);
for (size_t i = 0; i < postShaderFramebuffers_.size(); ++i) {
Draw::Pipeline *postShaderPipeline = postShaderPipelines_[i];
const ShaderInfo *shaderInfo = &postShaderInfo_[i];
Draw::Framebuffer *postShaderFramebuffer = postShaderFramebuffers_[i];
draw_->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(postShaderFramebuffer, { Draw::RPAction::DONT_CARE, Draw::RPAction::DONT_CARE, Draw::RPAction::DONT_CARE }, "PostShader");
if (usePostShaderOutput) {
draw_->BindFramebufferAsTexture(postShaderFramebuffers_[i - 1], 0, Draw::FB_COLOR_BIT, 0);
} else {
int nextWidth, nextHeight;
draw_->GetFramebufferDimensions(postShaderFramebuffer, &nextWidth, &nextHeight);
Draw::Viewport viewport{ 0, 0, (float)nextWidth, (float)nextHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f };
draw_->SetViewports(1, &viewport);
draw_->SetScissorRect(0, 0, nextWidth, nextHeight);
PostShaderUniforms uniforms;
CalculatePostShaderUniforms(lastWidth, lastHeight, nextWidth, nextHeight, shaderInfo, &uniforms);
draw_->UpdateDynamicUniformBuffer(&uniforms, sizeof(uniforms));
Draw::SamplerState *sampler = useNearest || shaderInfo->isUpscalingFilter ? samplerNearest_ : samplerLinear_;
draw_->BindSamplerStates(0, 1, &sampler);
draw_->BindVertexBuffers(0, 1, &vdata_, &postVertsOffset);
draw_->BindIndexBuffer(idata_, 0);
draw_->DrawIndexed(6, 0);
draw_->BindIndexBuffer(nullptr, 0);
usePostShaderOutput = true;
lastWidth = nextWidth;
lastHeight = nextHeight;
if (isFinalAtOutputResolution && postShaderInfo_.back().isUpscalingFilter)
useNearest = true;
} else {
draw_->UpdateBuffer(vdata_, (const uint8_t *)verts, 0, postVertsOffset, Draw::UPDATE_DISCARD);
Draw::Pipeline *pipeline = flags & OutputFlags::RB_SWIZZLE ? texColorRBSwizzle_ : texColor_;
if (isFinalAtOutputResolution) {
pipeline = postShaderPipelines_.back();
draw_->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nullptr, { Draw::RPAction::CLEAR, Draw::RPAction::DONT_CARE, Draw::RPAction::DONT_CARE }, "FinalBlit");
draw_->SetScissorRect(0, 0, pixelWidth_, pixelHeight_);
if (usePostShaderOutput) {
draw_->BindFramebufferAsTexture(postShaderFramebuffers_.back(), 0, Draw::FB_COLOR_BIT, 0);
} else {
if (isFinalAtOutputResolution) {
PostShaderUniforms uniforms;
CalculatePostShaderUniforms(lastWidth, lastHeight, (int)rc.w, (int)rc.h, &postShaderInfo_.back(), &uniforms);
draw_->UpdateDynamicUniformBuffer(&uniforms, sizeof(uniforms));
} else {
Draw::VsTexColUB ub{};
memcpy(ub.WorldViewProj, g_display_rot_matrix.m, sizeof(float) * 16);
draw_->UpdateDynamicUniformBuffer(&ub, sizeof(ub));
draw_->BindVertexBuffers(0, 1, &vdata_, nullptr);
draw_->BindIndexBuffer(idata_, 0);
Draw::SamplerState *sampler = useNearest ? samplerNearest_ : samplerLinear_;
draw_->BindSamplerStates(0, 1, &sampler);
auto setViewport = [&](float x, float y, float w, float h) {
Draw::Viewport viewport{ x, y, w, h, 0.0f, 1.0f };
draw_->SetViewports(1, &viewport);
CardboardSettings cardboardSettings;
if (cardboardSettings.enabled) {
// This is what the left eye sees.
setViewport(cardboardSettings.leftEyeXPosition, cardboardSettings.screenYPosition, cardboardSettings.screenWidth, cardboardSettings.screenHeight);
draw_->DrawIndexed(6, 0);
// And this is the right eye, unless they're a pirate.
setViewport(cardboardSettings.rightEyeXPosition, cardboardSettings.screenYPosition, cardboardSettings.screenWidth, cardboardSettings.screenHeight);
draw_->DrawIndexed(6, 0);
} else {
setViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)pixelWidth_, (float)pixelHeight_);
draw_->DrawIndexed(6, 0);
draw_->BindIndexBuffer(nullptr, 0);
void PresentationCommon::CalculateRenderResolution(int *width, int *height, bool *upscaling, bool *ssaa) {
// Check if postprocessing shader is doing upscaling as it requires native resolution
std::vector<const ShaderInfo *> shaderInfo;
if (g_Config.sPostShaderName != "Off") {
shaderInfo = GetPostShaderChain(g_Config.sPostShaderName);
bool firstIsUpscalingFilter = shaderInfo.empty() ? false : shaderInfo.front()->isUpscalingFilter;
int firstSSAAFilterLevel = shaderInfo.empty() ? 0 : shaderInfo.front()->SSAAFilterLevel;
// Actually, auto mode should be more granular...
// Round up to a zoom factor for the render size.
int zoom = g_Config.iInternalResolution;
if (zoom == 0 || firstSSAAFilterLevel >= 2) {
// auto mode, use the longest dimension
if (!g_Config.IsPortrait()) {
zoom = (PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth + 479) / 480;
} else {
zoom = (PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight + 479) / 480;
if (firstSSAAFilterLevel >= 2)
zoom *= firstSSAAFilterLevel;
if (zoom <= 1 || firstIsUpscalingFilter)
zoom = 1;
if (upscaling) {
*upscaling = firstIsUpscalingFilter;
for (auto &info : shaderInfo) {
*upscaling = *upscaling || info->isUpscalingFilter;
if (ssaa) {
*ssaa = firstSSAAFilterLevel >= 2;
for (auto &info : shaderInfo) {
*ssaa = *ssaa || info->SSAAFilterLevel >= 2;
if (g_Config.IsPortrait()) {
*width = 272 * zoom;
*height = 480 * zoom;
} else {
*width = 480 * zoom;
*height = 272 * zoom;