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// Copyright (c) 2022- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include "ppsspp_config.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include "Common/BitScan.h"
#include "Common/RiscVEmitter.h"
namespace RiscVGen {
static inline bool SupportsCompressed() {
return true;
static inline uint8_t BitsSupported() {
return 64;
static inline uint8_t FloatBitsSupported() {
// TODO: 0 if not.
return 64;
static inline bool SupportsMulDiv() {
return true;
static inline bool SupportsAtomic() {
return true;
static inline bool SupportsZicsr() {
return true;
enum class Opcode32 {
// Note: invalid, just used for FixupBranch.
ZERO = 0b0000000,
LOAD = 0b0000011,
LOAD_FP = 0b0000111,
MISC_MEM = 0b0001111,
OP_IMM = 0b0010011,
AUIPC = 0b0010111,
OP_IMM_32 = 0b0011011,
STORE = 0b0100011,
STORE_FP = 0b0100111,
AMO = 0b0101111,
OP = 0b0110011,
LUI = 0b0110111,
OP_32 = 0b0111011,
FMADD = 0b1000011,
FMSUB = 0b1000111,
FNMSUB = 0b1001011,
FNMADD = 0b1001111,
OP_FP = 0b1010011,
BRANCH = 0b1100011,
JALR = 0b1100111,
JAL = 0b1101111,
SYSTEM = 0b1110011,
enum class Opcode16 {
C0 = 0b00,
C1 = 0b01,
C2 = 0b10,
enum class Funct3 {
// Note: invalid, just used for FixupBranch.
ZERO = 0b000,
PRIV = 0b000,
FENCE = 0b000,
FENCE_I = 0b001,
BEQ = 0b000,
BNE = 0b001,
BLT = 0b100,
BGE = 0b101,
BLTU = 0b110,
BGEU = 0b111,
LS_B = 0b000,
LS_H = 0b001,
LS_W = 0b010,
LS_D = 0b011,
LS_BU = 0b100,
LS_HU = 0b101,
LS_WU = 0b110,
ADD = 0b000,
SLL = 0b001,
SLT = 0b010,
SLTU = 0b011,
XOR = 0b100,
SRL = 0b101,
OR = 0b110,
AND = 0b111,
MUL = 0b000,
MULH = 0b001,
MULHSU = 0b010,
MULHU = 0b011,
DIV = 0b100,
DIVU = 0b101,
REM = 0b110,
REMU = 0b111,
FSGNJ = 0b000,
FSGNJN = 0b001,
FSGNJX = 0b010,
FMIN = 0b000,
FMAX = 0b001,
FMV = 0b000,
FCLASS = 0b001,
FLE = 0b000,
FLT = 0b001,
FEQ = 0b010,
CSRRW = 0b001,
CSRRS = 0b010,
CSRRC = 0b011,
CSRRWI = 0b101,
CSRRSI = 0b110,
CSRRCI = 0b111,
C_ADDI4SPN = 0b000,
C_FLD = 0b001,
C_LW = 0b010,
C_FLW = 0b011,
C_LD = 0b011,
C_FSD = 0b101,
C_SW = 0b110,
C_FSW = 0b111,
C_SD = 0b111,
C_ADDI = 0b000,
C_JAL = 0b001,
C_ADDIW = 0b001,
C_LI = 0b010,
C_LUI = 0b011,
C_ARITH = 0b100,
C_J = 0b101,
C_BEQZ = 0b110,
C_BNEZ = 0b111,
C_SLLI = 0b000,
C_FLDSP = 0b001,
C_LWSP = 0b010,
C_FLWSP = 0b011,
C_LDSP = 0b011,
C_ADD = 0b100,
C_FSDSP = 0b101,
C_SWSP = 0b110,
C_FSWSP = 0b111,
C_SDSP = 0b111,
enum class Funct2 {
S = 0b00,
D = 0b01,
Q = 0b11,
C_SRLI = 0b00,
C_SRAI = 0b01,
C_ANDI = 0b10,
C_REGARITH = 0b11,
C_SUB = 0b00,
C_XOR = 0b01,
C_OR = 0b10,
C_AND = 0b11,
C_SUBW = 0b00,
C_ADDW = 0b01,
enum class Funct7 {
ZERO = 0b0000000,
SUB = 0b0100000,
SRA = 0b0100000,
MULDIV = 0b0000001,
enum class Funct5 {
AMOADD = 0b00000,
AMOSWAP = 0b00001,
LR = 0b00010,
SC = 0b00011,
AMOXOR = 0b00100,
AMOAND = 0b01100,
AMOOR = 0b01000,
AMOMIN = 0b10000,
AMOMAX = 0b10100,
AMOMINU = 0b11000,
AMOMAXU = 0b11100,
FADD = 0b00000,
FSUB = 0b00001,
FMUL = 0b00010,
FDIV = 0b00011,
FSGNJ = 0b00100,
FMINMAX = 0b00101,
FCVT_SZ = 0b01000,
FSQRT = 0b01011,
FCMP = 0b10100,
FCVT_TOX = 0b11000,
FCVT_FROMX = 0b11010,
FMV_TOX = 0b11100,
FMV_FROMX = 0b11110,
enum class Funct4 {
C_JR = 0b1000,
C_MV = 0b1000,
C_JALR = 0b1001,
C_ADD = 0b1001,
enum class Funct6 {
C_OP = 0b100011,
C_OP_32 = 0b100111,
enum class Funct12 {
ECALL = 0b000000000000,
EBREAK = 0b000000000001,
enum class RiscCReg {
X8, X9, X10, X11, X12, X13, X14, X15,
static inline RiscVReg DecodeReg(RiscVReg reg) { return (RiscVReg)(reg & 0x1F); }
static inline bool IsGPR(RiscVReg reg) { return reg < 0x20; }
static inline bool IsFPR(RiscVReg reg) { return (reg & 0x20) != 0 && (int)reg < 0x40; }
static inline bool CanCompress(RiscVReg reg) {
return (DecodeReg(reg) & 0x18) == 0x08;
static inline RiscCReg CompressReg(RiscVReg reg) {
_assert_msg_(CanCompress(reg), "Compressed reg must be between 8 and 15");
return (RiscCReg)(reg & 0x07);
static inline s32 SignReduce32(s32 v, int width) {
int shift = 32 - width;
return (v << shift) >> shift;
static inline s64 SignReduce64(s64 v, int width) {
int shift = 64 - width;
return (v << shift) >> shift;
// Compressed encodings have weird immediate bit order, trying to make it more readable.
static inline u8 ImmBit8(int imm, int bit) {
return (imm >> bit) & 1;
static inline u8 ImmBits8(int imm, int start, int sz) {
int mask = (1 << sz) - 1;
return (imm >> start) & mask;
static inline u16 ImmBit16(int imm, int bit) {
return (imm >> bit) & 1;
static inline u16 ImmBits16(int imm, int start, int sz) {
int mask = (1 << sz) - 1;
return (imm >> start) & mask;
static inline u32 ImmBit32(int imm, int bit) {
return (imm >> bit) & 1;
static inline u32 ImmBits32(int imm, int start, int sz) {
int mask = (1 << sz) - 1;
return (imm >> start) & mask;
static inline u32 EncodeR(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Funct7 funct7) {
return (u32)opcode | ((u32)DecodeReg(rd) << 7) | ((u32)funct3 << 12) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs1) << 15) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs2) << 20) | ((u32)funct7 << 25);
static inline u32 EncodeGR(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Funct7 funct7) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "R instruction rd must be GPR");
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1), "R instruction rs1 must be GPR");
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs2), "R instruction rs2 must be GPR");
return EncodeR(opcode, rd, funct3, rs1, rs2, funct7);
static inline u32 EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Atomic ordering, Funct5 funct5) {
u32 funct7 = ((u32)funct5 << 2) | (u32)ordering;
return EncodeGR(opcode, rd, funct3, rs1, rs2, (Funct7)funct7);
static inline u32 EncodeR4(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Funct2 funct2, RiscVReg rs3) {
return (u32)opcode | ((u32)DecodeReg(rd) << 7) | ((u32)funct3 << 12) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs1) << 15) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs2) << 20) | ((u32)funct2 << 25) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs3) << 27);
static inline u32 EncodeFR4(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Funct2 funct2, RiscVReg rs3) {
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rd), "R4 instruction rd must be FPR");
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs1), "R4 instruction rs1 must be FPR");
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs2), "R4 instruction rs2 must be FPR");
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs3), "R4 instruction rs3 must be FPR");
return EncodeR4(opcode, rd, funct3, rs1, rs2, funct2, rs3);
static inline u32 EncodeR(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Funct2 funct2, Funct5 funct5) {
return EncodeR(opcode, rd, funct3, rs1, rs2, (Funct7)(((u32)funct5 << 2) | (u32)funct2));
static inline u32 EncodeFR(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Funct2 funct2, Funct5 funct5) {
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rd), "R4 instruction rd must be FPR");
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs1), "R4 instruction rs1 must be FPR");
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs2), "R4 instruction rs2 must be FPR");
return EncodeR(opcode, rd, funct3, rs1, rs2, (Funct7)(((u32)funct5 << 2) | (u32)funct2));
static inline u32 EncodeI(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(SignReduce32(simm12, 12) == simm12, "I immediate must be signed s11.0: %d", simm12);
return (u32)opcode | ((u32)DecodeReg(rd) << 7) | ((u32)funct3 << 12) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs1) << 15) | ((u32)simm12 << 20);
static inline u32 EncodeGI(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "I instruction rd must be GPR");
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1), "I instruction rs1 must be GPR");
return EncodeI(opcode, rd, funct3, rs1, simm12);
static inline u32 EncodeI(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, Funct12 funct12) {
return EncodeI(opcode, rd, funct3, rs1, SignReduce32((s32)funct12, 12));
static inline u32 EncodeGI(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, Funct12 funct12) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "I instruction rd must be GPR");
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1), "I instruction rs1 must be GPR");
return EncodeI(opcode, rd, funct3, rs1, funct12);
static inline u32 EncodeS(Opcode32 opcode, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(SignReduce32(simm12, 12) == simm12, "S immediate must be signed s11.0: %d", simm12);
u32 imm4_0 = ImmBits32(simm12, 0, 5);
u32 imm11_5 = ImmBits32(simm12, 5, 7);
return (u32)opcode | (imm4_0 << 7) | ((u32)funct3 << 12) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs1) << 15) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs2) << 20) | (imm11_5 << 25);
static inline u32 EncodeGS(Opcode32 opcode, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1), "S instruction rs1 must be GPR");
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs2), "S instruction rs2 must be GPR");
return EncodeS(opcode, funct3, rs1, rs2, simm12);
static inline u32 EncodeB(Opcode32 opcode, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, s32 simm13) {
_assert_msg_(SignReduce32(simm13, 13) == simm13, "B immediate must be signed s12.0: %d", simm13);
_assert_msg_((simm13 & 1) == 0, "B immediate must be even");
// This weird encoding scheme is to keep most bits the same as S, but keep sign at 31.
u32 imm4_1_11 = (ImmBits32(simm13, 1, 4) << 1) | ImmBit32(simm13, 11);
u32 imm12_10_5 = (ImmBit32(simm13, 12) << 6) | ImmBits32(simm13, 5, 6);
return (u32)opcode | ((u32)imm4_1_11 << 7) | ((u32)funct3 << 12) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs1) << 15) | ((u32)DecodeReg(rs2) << 20) | ((u32)imm12_10_5 << 25);
static inline u32 EncodeGB(Opcode32 opcode, Funct3 funct3, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, s32 simm13) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1), "B instruction rs1 must be GPR");
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs2), "B instruction rs2 must be GPR");
return EncodeB(opcode, funct3, rs1, rs2, simm13);
static inline u32 EncodeU(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, s32 simm32) {
_assert_msg_((simm32 & 0x0FFF) == 0, "U immediate must not have lower 12 bits set");
return (u32)opcode | ((u32)DecodeReg(rd) << 7) | (u32)simm32;
static inline u32 EncodeGU(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, s32 simm32) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "I instruction rd must be GPR");
return EncodeU(opcode, rd, simm32);
static inline u32 EncodeJ(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, s32 simm21) {
_assert_msg_(SignReduce32(simm21, 21) == simm21, "J immediate must be signed s20.0: %d", simm21);
_assert_msg_((simm21 & 1) == 0, "J immediate must be even");
u32 imm11 = ImmBit32(simm21, 11);
u32 imm20 = ImmBit32(simm21, 20);
u32 imm10_1 = ImmBits32(simm21, 1, 10);
u32 imm19_12 = ImmBits32(simm21, 12, 8);
// This encoding scheme tries to keep the bits from B in the same places, plus sign.
u32 imm20_10_1_11_19_12 = (imm20 << 19) | (imm10_1 << 9) | (imm11 << 8) | imm19_12;
return (u32)opcode | ((u32)DecodeReg(rd) << 7) | (imm20_10_1_11_19_12 << 12);
static inline u32 EncodeGJ(Opcode32 opcode, RiscVReg rd, s32 simm21) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "J instruction rd must be GPR");
return EncodeJ(opcode, rd, simm21);
static inline u16 EncodeCR(Opcode16 op, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rd, Funct4 funct4) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
return (u16)op | ((u16)rs2 << 2) | ((u16)rd << 7) | ((u16)funct4 << 12);
static inline u16 EncodeCI(Opcode16 op, u8 uimm6, RiscVReg rd, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
_assert_msg_(uimm6 <= 0x3F, "CI immediate overflow: %04x", uimm6);
u16 imm4_0 = ImmBits16(uimm6, 0, 5);
u16 imm5 = ImmBit16(uimm6, 5);
return (u16)op | (imm4_0 << 2) | ((u16)rd << 7) | (imm5 << 12) | ((u16)funct3 << 13);
static inline u16 EncodeCSS(Opcode16 op, RiscVReg rs2, u8 uimm6, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
_assert_msg_(uimm6 <= 0x3F, "CI immediate overflow: %04x", uimm6);
return (u16)op | ((u16)rs2 << 2) | ((u16)uimm6 << 7) | ((u16)funct3 << 13);
static inline u16 EncodeCIW(Opcode16 op, RiscCReg rd, u8 uimm8, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
return (u16)op | ((u16)rd << 2) | ((u16)uimm8 << 5) | ((u16)funct3 << 13);
static inline u16 EncodeCL(Opcode16 op, RiscCReg rd, u8 uimm2, RiscCReg rs1, u8 uimm3, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
_assert_msg_(uimm2 <= 3, "CL immediate1 overflow: %04x", uimm2);
_assert_msg_(uimm3 <= 7, "CL immediate2 overflow: %04x", uimm3);
return (u16)op | ((u16)rd << 2) | ((u16)uimm2 << 5) | ((u16)rs1 << 7) | ((u16)uimm3 << 10) | ((u16)funct3 << 13);
static inline u16 EncodeCL8(Opcode16 op, RiscCReg rd, RiscCReg rs1, u8 uimm8, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_((uimm8 & 0xF8) == uimm8, "CL immediate must fit in 8 bits and be a multiple of 8: %d", (int)uimm8);
u8 imm7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 6, 2);
u8 imm5_4_3 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 3, 3);
return EncodeCL(op, rd, imm7_6, rs1, imm5_4_3, funct3);
static inline u16 EncodeCL4(Opcode16 op, RiscCReg rd, RiscCReg rs1, u8 uimm7, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_((uimm7 & 0x7C) == uimm7, "CL immediate must fit in 7 bits and be a multiple of 4: %d", (int)uimm7);
u8 imm2_6 = (ImmBit8(uimm7, 2) << 1) | ImmBit8(uimm7, 6);
u8 imm5_4_3 = ImmBits8(uimm7, 3, 3);
return EncodeCL(op, rd, imm2_6, rs1, imm5_4_3, funct3);
static inline u16 EncodeCS(Opcode16 op, RiscCReg rs2, u8 uimm2, RiscCReg rs1, u8 uimm3, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
_assert_msg_(uimm2 <= 3, "CS immediate1 overflow: %04x", uimm2);
_assert_msg_(uimm3 <= 7, "CS immediate2 overflow: %04x", uimm3);
return (u16)op | ((u16)rs2 << 2) | ((u16)uimm2 << 5) | ((u16)rs1 << 7) | ((u16)uimm3 << 10) | ((u16)funct3 << 13);
static inline u16 EncodeCS8(Opcode16 op, RiscCReg rd, RiscCReg rs1, u8 uimm8, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_((uimm8 & 0xF8) == uimm8, "CS immediate must fit in 8 bits and be a multiple of 8: %d", (int)uimm8);
u8 imm7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 6, 2);
u8 imm5_4_3 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 3, 3);
return EncodeCS(op, rd, imm7_6, rs1, imm5_4_3, funct3);
static inline u16 EncodeCS4(Opcode16 op, RiscCReg rd, RiscCReg rs1, u8 uimm7, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_((uimm7 & 0x7C) == uimm7, "CS immediate must fit in 7 bits and be a multiple of 4: %d", (int)uimm7);
u8 imm2_6 = (ImmBit8(uimm7, 2) << 1) | ImmBit8(uimm7, 6);
u8 imm5_4_3 = ImmBits8(uimm7, 3, 3);
return EncodeCS(op, rd, imm2_6, rs1, imm5_4_3, funct3);
static inline u16 EncodeCA(Opcode16 op, RiscCReg rs2, Funct2 funct2a, RiscCReg rd, Funct6 funct6) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
return (u16)op | ((u16)rs2 << 2) | ((u16)funct2a << 5) | ((u16)rd << 7) | ((u16)funct6 << 10);
static inline u16 EncodeCB(Opcode16 op, u8 uimm6, RiscCReg rd, Funct2 funct2, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
_assert_msg_(uimm6 <= 0x3F, "CI immediate overflow: %04x", uimm6);
u16 imm4_0 = ImmBits16(uimm6, 0, 5);
u16 imm5 = ImmBit16(uimm6, 5);
return (u16)op | (imm4_0 << 2) | ((u16)rd << 7) | ((u16)funct2 << 10) | (imm5 << 12) | ((u16)funct3 << 13);
static inline u16 EncodeCB(Opcode16 op, s32 simm9, RiscCReg rs1, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
_assert_msg_(SignReduce32(simm9, 9) == simm9, "CB immediate must be signed s8.0: %d", simm9);
_assert_msg_((simm9 & 1) == 0, "CB immediate must be even: %d", simm9);
u16 imm76_21_5 = (ImmBits16(simm9, 6, 2) << 3) | (ImmBits16(simm9, 1, 2) << 1) | ImmBit16(simm9, 5);
u16 imm8_43 = (ImmBit16(simm9, 8) << 2) | ImmBits16(simm9, 3, 2);
return (u16)op | (imm76_21_5 << 2) | ((u16)rs1 << 7) | (imm8_43 << 10) | ((u16)funct3 << 13);
static inline u16 EncodeCJ(Opcode16 op, s32 simm12, Funct3 funct3) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsCompressed(), "Compressed instructions unsupported");
_assert_msg_(SignReduce32(simm12, 12) == simm12, "CJ immediate must be signed s11.0: %d", simm12);
_assert_msg_((simm12 & 1) == 0, "CJ immediate must be even: %d", simm12);
u16 imm7_3_2_1_5 = (ImmBit16(simm12, 7) << 4) | (ImmBits16(simm12, 1, 3) << 1) | ImmBit16(simm12, 5);
u16 imm9_8_10_6 = (ImmBits16(simm12, 8, 2) << 2) | (ImmBit16(simm12, 10) << 1) | ImmBit16(simm12, 6);
u16 imm11_4 = (ImmBit16(simm12, 11) << 1) | ImmBit16(simm12, 4);
u16 imm11_4_9_8_10_6_7_3_2_1_5 = (imm11_4 << 9) | (imm9_8_10_6 << 5) | imm7_3_2_1_5;
return (u16)op | (imm11_4_9_8_10_6_7_3_2_1_5 << 2) | ((u16)funct3 << 13);
static inline Funct3 BitsToFunct3(int bits, bool useFloat = false) {
int bitsSupported = useFloat ? FloatBitsSupported() : BitsSupported();
_assert_msg_(bitsSupported >= bits, "Cannot use funct3 width %d, only have %d", bits, bitsSupported);
switch (bits) {
case 32:
return Funct3::LS_W;
case 64:
return Funct3::LS_D;
_assert_msg_(false, "Invalid funct3 width %d", bits);
return Funct3::LS_W;
static inline Funct2 BitsToFunct2(int bits) {
_assert_msg_(FloatBitsSupported() >= bits, "Cannot use funct2 width %d, only have %d", bits, FloatBitsSupported());
switch (bits) {
case 32:
return Funct2::S;
case 64:
return Funct2::D;
case 128:
return Funct2::Q;
_assert_msg_(false, "Invalid funct2 width %d", bits);
return Funct2::S;
static inline int FConvToFloatBits(FConv c) {
switch (c) {
case FConv::W:
case FConv::WU:
case FConv::L:
case FConv::LU:
case FConv::S:
return 32;
case FConv::D:
return 64;
case FConv::Q:
return 128;
return 0;
static inline int FConvToIntegerBits(FConv c) {
switch (c) {
case FConv::S:
case FConv::D:
case FConv::Q:
case FConv::W:
case FConv::WU:
return 32;
case FConv::L:
case FConv::LU:
return 64;
return 0;
RiscVEmitter::RiscVEmitter(const u8 *ptr, u8 *writePtr) {
SetCodePointer(ptr, writePtr);
void RiscVEmitter::SetCodePointer(const u8 *ptr, u8 *writePtr) {
code_ = ptr;
writable_ = writePtr;
lastCacheFlushEnd_ = ptr;
const u8 *RiscVEmitter::GetCodePointer() const {
return code_;
u8 *RiscVEmitter::GetWritableCodePtr() {
return writable_;
void RiscVEmitter::ReserveCodeSpace(u32 bytes) {
_assert_msg_((bytes & 1) == 0, "Code space should be aligned");
_assert_msg_((bytes & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "Code space should be aligned (no compressed)");
for (u32 i = 0; i < bytes / 4; i++)
if (bytes & 2)
const u8 *RiscVEmitter::AlignCode16() {
int c = int((u64)code_ & 15);
if (c)
ReserveCodeSpace(16 - c);
return code_;
const u8 *RiscVEmitter::AlignCodePage() {
int page_size = GetMemoryProtectPageSize();
int c = int((u64)code_ & (page_size - 1));
if (c)
ReserveCodeSpace(page_size - c);
return code_;
void RiscVEmitter::FlushIcache() {
FlushIcacheSection(lastCacheFlushEnd_, code_);
lastCacheFlushEnd_ = code_;
void RiscVEmitter::FlushIcacheSection(const u8 *start, const u8 *end) {
__builtin___clear_cache((void *)start, (void *)end);
FixupBranch::~FixupBranch() {
_assert_msg_(ptr == nullptr, "FixupBranch never set (left infinite loop)");
void RiscVEmitter::SetJumpTarget(FixupBranch &branch) {
SetJumpTarget(branch, code_);
void RiscVEmitter::SetJumpTarget(FixupBranch &branch, const void *dst) {
_assert_msg_(branch.ptr != nullptr, "Invalid FixupBranch (SetJumpTarget twice?)");
const intptr_t srcp = (intptr_t)branch.ptr;
const intptr_t dstp = (intptr_t)dst;
const ptrdiff_t writable_delta = writable_ - code_;
u32 *writableSrc = (u32 *)(branch.ptr + writable_delta);
// If compressed, this may be an unaligned 32-bit value, so we modify a copy.
u32 fixup;
u16 fixup16;
_assert_msg_((dstp & 1) == 0, "Destination should be aligned");
_assert_msg_((dstp & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "Destination should be aligned (no compressed)");
ptrdiff_t distance = dstp - srcp;
_assert_msg_((distance & 1) == 0, "Distance should be aligned");
_assert_msg_((distance & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "Distance should be aligned (no compressed)");
switch (branch.type) {
case FixupBranchType::B:
_assert_msg_(BInRange(branch.ptr, dst), "B destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", branch.ptr, dst);
memcpy(&fixup, writableSrc, sizeof(u32));
fixup = (fixup & 0x01FFF07F) | EncodeB(Opcode32::ZERO, Funct3::ZERO, R_ZERO, R_ZERO, (s32)distance);
memcpy(writableSrc, &fixup, sizeof(u32));
case FixupBranchType::J:
_assert_msg_(JInRange(branch.ptr, dst), "J destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", branch.ptr, dst);
memcpy(&fixup, writableSrc, sizeof(u32));
fixup = (fixup & 0x00000FFF) | EncodeJ(Opcode32::ZERO, R_ZERO, (s32)distance);
memcpy(writableSrc, &fixup, sizeof(u32));
case FixupBranchType::CB:
_assert_msg_(CBInRange(branch.ptr, dst), "C.B destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", branch.ptr, dst);
memcpy(&fixup16, writableSrc, sizeof(u16));
fixup16 = (fixup16 & 0xE383) | EncodeCB(Opcode16::C0, (s32)distance, RiscCReg::X8, Funct3::ZERO);
memcpy(writableSrc, &fixup16, sizeof(u16));
case FixupBranchType::CJ:
_assert_msg_(CJInRange(branch.ptr, dst), "C.J destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", branch.ptr, dst);
memcpy(&fixup16, writableSrc, sizeof(u16));
fixup16 = (fixup16 & 0xE003) | EncodeCJ(Opcode16::C0, (s32)distance, Funct3::ZERO);
memcpy(writableSrc, &fixup16, sizeof(u16));
branch.ptr = nullptr;
bool RiscVEmitter::BInRange(const void *func) const {
return BInRange(code_, func);
bool RiscVEmitter::JInRange(const void *func) const {
return JInRange(code_, func);
bool RiscVEmitter::CBInRange(const void *func) const {
return CBInRange(code_, func);
bool RiscVEmitter::CJInRange(const void *func) const {
return CJInRange(code_, func);
static inline bool BJInRange(const void *src, const void *dst, int bits) {
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)src;
// Get rid of bits and sign extend to validate range.
s32 encodable = SignReduce32((s32)distance, bits);
return distance == encodable;
bool RiscVEmitter::BInRange(const void *src, const void *dst) const {
return BJInRange(src, dst, 13);
bool RiscVEmitter::JInRange(const void *src, const void *dst) const {
return BJInRange(src, dst, 21);
bool RiscVEmitter::CBInRange(const void *src, const void *dst) const {
return BJInRange(src, dst, 9);
bool RiscVEmitter::CJInRange(const void *src, const void *dst) const {
return BJInRange(src, dst, 12);
void RiscVEmitter::SetRegToImmediate(RiscVReg rd, uint64_t value, RiscVReg temp) {
int64_t svalue = (int64_t)value;
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && IsGPR(temp), "SetRegToImmediate only supports GPRs");
_assert_msg_(rd != temp, "SetRegToImmediate cannot use same register for temp and rd");
_assert_msg_(SignReduce64(svalue, 32) == svalue || (value & 0xFFFFFFFF) == value || BitsSupported() >= 64, "64-bit immediate unsupported");
if (SignReduce64(svalue, 12) == svalue) {
// Nice and simple, small immediate fits in a single ADDI against zero.
ADDI(rd, R_ZERO, (s32)svalue);
auto useUpper = [&](int64_t v, void (RiscVEmitter::*upperOp)(RiscVReg, s32), bool force = false) {
if (SignReduce64(v, 32) == v || force) {
int32_t lower = (int32_t)SignReduce64(svalue, 12);
int32_t upper = ((v - lower) >> 12) << 12;
_assert_msg_(force || upper + lower == v, "Upper + ADDI immediate math mistake?");
// Should be fused on some processors.
(this->*upperOp)(rd, upper);
if (lower != 0)
ADDI(rd, rd, lower);
return true;
return false;
// If this is a simple 32-bit immediate, we can use LUI + ADDI.
if (useUpper(svalue, &RiscVEmitter::LUI, BitsSupported() == 32))
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() > 32, "Should have stopped at LUI + ADDI on 32-bit");
// Common case, within 32 bits of PC, use AUIPC + ADDI.
intptr_t pc = (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
if (sizeof(pc) <= 8 && useUpper(svalue - (int64_t)pc, &RiscVEmitter::AUIPC))
// Check if it's just a shifted 32 bit immediate, those are cheap.
for (uint32_t start = 1; start <= 32; ++start) {
// Take the value (shifted by start) and extend sign from 32 bits.
int32_t simm32 = (int32_t)(svalue >> start);
if (((int64_t)simm32 << start) == svalue) {
LI(rd, simm32);
SLLI(rd, rd, start);
// If this is just a 32-bit unsigned value, use a wall to mask.
if ((svalue >> 32) == 0) {
LI(rd, (int32_t)(svalue & 0xFFFFFFFF));
SLLI(rd, rd, BitsSupported() - 32);
SRLI(rd, rd, BitsSupported() - 32);
// If we have a temporary, let's use it to shorten.
if (temp != R_ZERO) {
int32_t lower = (int32_t)svalue;
int32_t upper = (svalue - lower) >> 32;
_assert_msg_(((int64_t)upper << 32) + lower == svalue, "LI + SLLI + LI + ADD immediate math mistake?");
// This could be a bit more optimal, in case a different shamt could simplify an LI.
LI(rd, (int64_t)upper);
SLLI(rd, rd, 32);
LI(temp, (int64_t)lower);
ADD(rd, rd, temp);
// Okay, let's just start with the upper 32 bits and add the rest via ORI.
int64_t upper = svalue >> 32;
LI(rd, upper);
uint32_t remaining = svalue & 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint32_t shifted = 0;
while (remaining != 0) {
// Skip any zero bits, just set the first ones actually needed.
uint32_t zeroBits = clz32_nonzero(remaining);
// We do chunks of 11 to avoid compensating for sign.
uint32_t targetShift = std::min(zeroBits + 11, 32U);
uint32_t sourceShift = 32 - targetShift;
int32_t chunk = (remaining >> sourceShift) & 0x07FF;
SLLI(rd, rd, targetShift - shifted);
ORI(rd, rd, chunk);
// Okay, increase shift and clear the bits we've deposited.
shifted = targetShift;
remaining &= ~(chunk << sourceShift);
// Move into place in case the lowest bits weren't set.
if (shifted < 32)
SLLI(rd, rd, 32 - shifted);
void RiscVEmitter::LUI(RiscVReg rd, s32 simm32) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
if (AutoCompress() && rd != R_SP && simm32 != 0 && SignReduce32(simm32 & 0x0003F000, 18) == simm32) {
C_LUI(rd, simm32);
Write32(EncodeGU(Opcode32::LUI, rd, simm32));
void RiscVEmitter::AUIPC(RiscVReg rd, s32 simm32) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGU(Opcode32::AUIPC, rd, simm32));
void RiscVEmitter::JAL(RiscVReg rd, const void *dst) {
if (AutoCompress() && CJInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst)) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32 && rd == R_RA) {
} else if (rd == R_ZERO) {
_assert_msg_(JInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "JAL destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", GetCodePointer(), dst);
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 1) == 0, "JAL destination should be aligned");
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "JAL destination should be aligned (no compressed)");
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write32(EncodeGJ(Opcode32::JAL, rd, (s32)distance));
void RiscVEmitter::JALR(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
if (AutoCompress() && rs1 != R_ZERO && simm12 == 0) {
if (rd == R_ZERO) {
} else if (rd == R_RA) {
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::JALR, rd, Funct3::ZERO, rs1, simm12));
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::JAL(RiscVReg rd) {
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::J };
Write32(EncodeGJ(Opcode32::JAL, rd, 0));
return fixup;
void RiscVEmitter::BEQ(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, const void *dst) {
if (AutoCompress() && CBInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst)) {
if (rs2 == R_ZERO) {
C_BEQZ(rs1, dst);
} else if (rs1 == R_ZERO) {
C_BEQZ(rs2, dst);
_assert_msg_(BInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "%s destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", __func__, GetCodePointer(), dst);
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "%s destination should be aligned (no compressed)", __func__);
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BEQ, rs1, rs2, (s32)distance));
void RiscVEmitter::BNE(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, const void *dst) {
if (AutoCompress() && CBInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst)) {
if (rs2 == R_ZERO) {
C_BNEZ(rs1, dst);
} else if (rs1 == R_ZERO) {
C_BNEZ(rs2, dst);
_assert_msg_(BInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "%s destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", __func__, GetCodePointer(), dst);
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "%s destination should be aligned (no compressed)", __func__);
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BNE, rs1, rs2, (s32)distance));
void RiscVEmitter::BLT(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, const void *dst) {
_assert_msg_(BInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "%s destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", __func__, GetCodePointer(), dst);
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "%s destination should be aligned (no compressed)", __func__);
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BLT, rs1, rs2, (s32)distance));
void RiscVEmitter::BGE(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, const void *dst) {
_assert_msg_(BInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "%s destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", __func__, GetCodePointer(), dst);
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "%s destination should be aligned (no compressed)", __func__);
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BGE, rs1, rs2, (s32)distance));
void RiscVEmitter::BLTU(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, const void *dst) {
_assert_msg_(BInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "%s destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", __func__, GetCodePointer(), dst);
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "%s destination should be aligned (no compressed)", __func__);
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BLTU, rs1, rs2, (s32)distance));
void RiscVEmitter::BGEU(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, const void *dst) {
_assert_msg_(BInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "%s destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", __func__, GetCodePointer(), dst);
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 3) == 0 || SupportsCompressed(), "%s destination should be aligned (no compressed)", __func__);
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BGEU, rs1, rs2, (s32)distance));
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::BEQ(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::B };
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BEQ, rs1, rs2, 0));
return fixup;
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::BNE(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::B };
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BNE, rs1, rs2, 0));
return fixup;
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::BLT(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::B };
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BLT, rs1, rs2, 0));
return fixup;
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::BGE(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::B };
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BGE, rs1, rs2, 0));
return fixup;
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::BLTU(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::B };
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BLTU, rs1, rs2, 0));
return fixup;
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::BGEU(RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::B };
Write32(EncodeGB(Opcode32::BRANCH, Funct3::BGEU, rs1, rs2, 0));
return fixup;
void RiscVEmitter::LB(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::LOAD, rd, Funct3::LS_B, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::LH(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::LOAD, rd, Funct3::LS_H, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::LW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
if (AutoCompress()) {
if (CanCompress(rd) && CanCompress(rs1) && (simm12 & 0x7C) == simm12) {
C_LW(rd, rs1, (u8)simm12);
} else if (rd != R_ZERO && rs1 == R_SP && (simm12 & 0xFC) == simm12) {
C_LWSP(rd, (u8)simm12);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::LOAD, rd, Funct3::LS_W, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::LBU(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::LOAD, rd, Funct3::LS_BU, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::LHU(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::LOAD, rd, Funct3::LS_HU, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::SB(RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
Write32(EncodeGS(Opcode32::STORE, Funct3::LS_B, rs1, rs2, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::SH(RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
Write32(EncodeGS(Opcode32::STORE, Funct3::LS_H, rs1, rs2, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::SW(RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
if (AutoCompress()) {
if (CanCompress(rs2) && CanCompress(rs1) && (simm12 & 0x7C) == simm12) {
C_SW(rs2, rs1, (u8)simm12);
} else if (rs1 == R_SP && (simm12 & 0xFC) == simm12) {
C_LWSP(rs2, (u8)simm12);
Write32(EncodeGS(Opcode32::STORE, Funct3::LS_W, rs1, rs2, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::ADDI(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
// Allow NOP form of ADDI.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO || (rs1 == R_ZERO && simm12 == 0), "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
if (AutoCompress()) {
if (CanCompress(rd) && rs1 == R_SP && simm12 != 0 && (simm12 & 0x03FC) == simm12) {
C_ADDI4SPN(rd, (u32)simm12);
} else if (rd != R_ZERO && rd == rs1 && simm12 != 0 && SignReduce32(simm12, 6) == simm12) {
C_ADDI(rd, (s8)simm12);
} else if (rd != R_ZERO && rs1 == R_ZERO && SignReduce32(simm12, 6) == simm12) {
C_LI(rd, (s8)simm12);
} else if (rd == R_SP && rd == rs1 && simm12 != 0 && SignReduce32(simm12 & ~0xF, 10) == simm12) {
} else if (rd != R_ZERO && rs1 != R_ZERO && simm12 == 0) {
C_MV(rd, rs1);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM, rd, Funct3::ADD, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::SLTI(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM, rd, Funct3::SLT, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::SLTIU(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM, rd, Funct3::SLTU, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::XORI(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM, rd, Funct3::XOR, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::ORI(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
if (AutoCompress()) {
if (rd != R_ZERO && rs1 != R_ZERO && simm12 == 0) {
C_MV(rd, rs1);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM, rd, Funct3::OR, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::ANDI(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rd) && rd == rs1 && SignReduce32(simm12, 6) == simm12) {
C_ANDI(rd, (s8)simm12);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM, rd, Funct3::AND, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::SLLI(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u32 shamt) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
// Not sure if shamt=0 is legal or not, let's play it safe.
_assert_msg_(shamt > 0 && shamt < BitsSupported(), "Shift out of range");
if (AutoCompress() && rd == rs1 && shamt <= (u32)(BitsSupported() == 64 ? 63 : 31)) {
C_SLLI(rd, (u8)shamt);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM, rd, Funct3::SLL, rs1, shamt));
void RiscVEmitter::SRLI(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u32 shamt) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
// Not sure if shamt=0 is legal or not, let's play it safe.
_assert_msg_(shamt > 0 && shamt < BitsSupported(), "Shift out of range");
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rd) && rd == rs1 && shamt <= (u32)(BitsSupported() == 64 ? 63 : 31)) {
C_SRLI(rd, (u8)shamt);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM, rd, Funct3::SRL, rs1, shamt));
void RiscVEmitter::SRAI(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u32 shamt) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
// Not sure if shamt=0 is legal or not, let's play it safe.
_assert_msg_(shamt > 0 && shamt < BitsSupported(), "Shift out of range");
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rd) && rd == rs1 && shamt <= (u32)(BitsSupported() == 64 ? 63 : 31)) {
C_SRAI(rd, (u8)shamt);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM, rd, Funct3::SRL, rs1, shamt | (1 << 10)));
void RiscVEmitter::ADD(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
if (AutoCompress()) {
if (rs1 != R_ZERO && rs2 == R_ZERO) {
C_MV(rd, rs1);
} else if (rs1 == R_ZERO && rs2 != R_ZERO) {
C_MV(rd, rs2);
} else if (rd == rs1 && rs2 != R_ZERO) {
C_ADD(rd, rs2);
} else if (rd == rs2 && rs1 != R_ZERO) {
C_ADD(rd, rs1);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::ADD, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::SUB(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rd) && rd == rs1 && CanCompress(rs2)) {
C_SUB(rd, rs2);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::ADD, rs1, rs2, Funct7::SUB));
void RiscVEmitter::SLL(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::SLL, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::SLT(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::SLT, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::SLTU(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::SLTU, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::XOR(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rd) && rd == rs1 && CanCompress(rs2)) {
C_XOR(rd, rs2);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::XOR, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::SRL(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::SRL, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::SRA(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::SRL, rs1, rs2, Funct7::SRA));
void RiscVEmitter::OR(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
if (AutoCompress()) {
if (CanCompress(rd) && rd == rs1 && CanCompress(rs2)) {
C_OR(rd, rs2);
} else if (rs1 != R_ZERO && rs2 == R_ZERO) {
C_MV(rd, rs1);
} else if (rs1 == R_ZERO && rs2 != R_ZERO) {
C_MV(rd, rs2);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::OR, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::AND(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rd) && rd == rs1 && CanCompress(rs2)) {
C_AND(rd, rs2);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::AND, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::FENCE(Fence predecessor, Fence successor) {
_assert_msg_((u32)predecessor != 0 && (u32)successor != 0, "FENCE missing pred/succ");
s32 simm12 = ((u32)predecessor << 4) | (u32)successor;
Write32(EncodeI(Opcode32::MISC_MEM, R_ZERO, Funct3::FENCE, R_ZERO, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::FENCE_TSO() {
s32 simm12 = (0b1000 << 28) | ((u32)Fence::RW << 4) | (u32)Fence::RW;
Write32(EncodeI(Opcode32::MISC_MEM, R_ZERO, Funct3::FENCE, R_ZERO, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::ECALL() {
Write32(EncodeI(Opcode32::SYSTEM, R_ZERO, Funct3::PRIV, R_ZERO, Funct12::ECALL));
void RiscVEmitter::EBREAK() {
Write32(EncodeI(Opcode32::SYSTEM, R_ZERO, Funct3::PRIV, R_ZERO, Funct12::EBREAK));
void RiscVEmitter::LWU(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() >= 64, "%s is only valid with R64I", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::LOAD, rd, Funct3::LS_WU, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::LD(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() >= 64, "%s is only valid with R64I", __func__);
if (AutoCompress() && (BitsSupported() == 64 || BitsSupported() == 128)) {
if (CanCompress(rd) && CanCompress(rs1) && (simm12 & 0xF8) == simm12) {
C_LD(rd, rs1, (u8)simm12);
} else if (rd != R_ZERO && rs1 == R_SP && (simm12 & 0x01F8) == simm12) {
C_LDSP(rd, (u8)simm12);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::LOAD, rd, Funct3::LS_D, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::SD(RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() >= 64, "%s is only valid with R64I", __func__);
if (AutoCompress() && (BitsSupported() == 64 || BitsSupported() == 128)) {
if (CanCompress(rs2) && CanCompress(rs1) && (simm12 & 0xF8) == simm12) {
C_SD(rs2, rs1, (u8)simm12);
} else if (rs1 == R_SP && (simm12 & 0x01F8) == simm12) {
C_SDSP(rs2, (u8)simm12);
Write32(EncodeGS(Opcode32::STORE, Funct3::LS_D, rs1, rs2, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::ADDIW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
ADDI(rd, rs1, simm12);
if (AutoCompress() && rd != R_ZERO && rd == rs1 && SignReduce32(simm12, 6) == simm12) {
C_ADDIW(rd, (s8)simm12);
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM_32, rd, Funct3::ADD, rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::SLLIW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u32 shamt) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
SLLI(rd, rs1, shamt);
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
// Not sure if shamt=0 is legal or not, let's play it safe.
_assert_msg_(shamt > 0 && shamt < 32, "Shift out of range");
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM_32, rd, Funct3::SLL, rs1, shamt));
void RiscVEmitter::SRLIW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u32 shamt) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
SRLI(rd, rs1, shamt);
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
// Not sure if shamt=0 is legal or not, let's play it safe.
_assert_msg_(shamt > 0 && shamt < 32, "Shift out of range");
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM_32, rd, Funct3::SRL, rs1, shamt));
void RiscVEmitter::SRAIW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u32 shamt) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
SRAI(rd, rs1, shamt);
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
// Not sure if shamt=0 is legal or not, let's play it safe.
_assert_msg_(shamt > 0 && shamt < 32, "Shift out of range");
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::OP_IMM_32, rd, Funct3::SRL, rs1, shamt | (1 << 10)));
void RiscVEmitter::ADDW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
ADD(rd, rs1, rs2);
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rd) && rd == rs1 && CanCompress(rs2)) {
C_ADDW(rd, rs2);
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::ADD, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::SUBW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
SUB(rd, rs1, rs2);
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rd) && rd == rs1 && CanCompress(rs2)) {
C_SUBW(rd, rs2);
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::ADD, rs1, rs2, Funct7::SUB));
void RiscVEmitter::SLLW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
SLL(rd, rs1, rs2);
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::SLL, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::SRLW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
SRL(rd, rs1, rs2);
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::SRL, rs1, rs2, Funct7::ZERO));
void RiscVEmitter::SRAW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
SRA(rd, rs1, rs2);
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero is a HINT", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::SRL, rs1, rs2, Funct7::SRA));
void RiscVEmitter::MUL(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R32M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::MUL, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::MULH(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R32M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::MULH, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::MULHSU(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R32M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::MULHSU, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::MULHU(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R32M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::MULHU, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::DIV(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R32M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::DIV, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::DIVU(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R32M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::DIVU, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::REM(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R32M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::REM, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::REMU(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R32M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP, rd, Funct3::REMU, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::MULW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() >= 64 && SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R64M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::MUL, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::DIVW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() >= 64 && SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R64M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::DIV, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::DIVUW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() >= 64 && SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R64M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::DIVU, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::REMW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() >= 64 && SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R64M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::REM, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::REMUW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() >= 64 && SupportsMulDiv(), "%s is only valid with R64M", __func__);
// Not explicitly a HINT, but seems sensible to restrict just in case.
_assert_msg_(rd != R_ZERO, "%s write to zero", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGR(Opcode32::OP_32, rd, Funct3::REMU, rs1, rs2, Funct7::MULDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::LR(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
_assert_msg_(ordering != Atomic::RELEASE, "%s should not use RELEASE ordering", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, R_ZERO, ordering, Funct5::LR));
void RiscVEmitter::SC(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
_assert_msg_(ordering != Atomic::ACQUIRE, "%s should not use ACQUIRE ordering", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::SC));
void RiscVEmitter::AMOSWAP(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::AMOSWAP));
void RiscVEmitter::AMOADD(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::AMOADD));
void RiscVEmitter::AMOAND(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::AMOAND));
void RiscVEmitter::AMOOR(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::AMOOR));
void RiscVEmitter::AMOXOR(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::AMOXOR));
void RiscVEmitter::AMOMIN(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::AMOMIN));
void RiscVEmitter::AMOMAX(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::AMOMAX));
void RiscVEmitter::AMOMINU(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::AMOMINU));
void RiscVEmitter::AMOMAXU(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, Atomic ordering) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsAtomic(), "%s is only valid with R32A", __func__);
Write32(EncodeAtomicR(Opcode32::AMO, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits), rs1, rs2, ordering, Funct5::AMOMAXU));
void RiscVEmitter::FL(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && IsFPR(rd), "FL with incorrect register types");
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rd) && CanCompress(rs1)) {
if (bits == 64 && BitsSupported() <= 64 && (simm12 & 0xF8) == simm12) {
C_FLD(rd, rs1, (u8)simm12);
} else if (bits == 32 && BitsSupported() == 32 && (simm12 & 0x7C) == simm12) {
C_FLW(rd, rs1, (u8)simm12);
} else if (AutoCompress() && rs1 == R_SP) {
if (bits == 64 && BitsSupported() <= 64 && (simm12 & 0x01F8) == simm12) {
C_FLDSP(rd, (u32)simm12);
} else if (bits == 32 && BitsSupported() == 32 && (simm12 & 0xFC) == simm12) {
C_FLWSP(rd, (u8)simm12);
Write32(EncodeI(Opcode32::LOAD_FP, rd, BitsToFunct3(bits, true), rs1, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::FS(int bits, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, s32 simm12) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && IsFPR(rs2), "FS with incorrect register types");
if (AutoCompress() && CanCompress(rs2) && CanCompress(rs1)) {
if (bits == 64 && BitsSupported() <= 64 && (simm12 & 0xF8) == simm12) {
C_FSD(rs2, rs1, (u8)simm12);
} else if (bits == 32 && BitsSupported() == 32 && (simm12 & 0x7C) == simm12) {
C_FSW(rs2, rs1, (u8)simm12);
} else if (AutoCompress() && rs1 == R_SP) {
if (bits == 64 && BitsSupported() <= 64 && (simm12 & 0x01F8) == simm12) {
C_FSDSP(rs2, (u32)simm12);
} else if (bits == 32 && BitsSupported() == 32 && (simm12 & 0xFC) == simm12) {
C_FSWSP(rs2, (u8)simm12);
Write32(EncodeS(Opcode32::STORE_FP, BitsToFunct3(bits, true), rs1, rs2, simm12));
void RiscVEmitter::FMADD(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs3, Round rm) {
Write32(EncodeFR4(Opcode32::FMADD, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), rs3));
void RiscVEmitter::FMSUB(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs3, Round rm) {
Write32(EncodeFR4(Opcode32::FMSUB, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), rs3));
void RiscVEmitter::FNMSUB(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs3, Round rm) {
Write32(EncodeFR4(Opcode32::FNMSUB, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), rs3));
void RiscVEmitter::FNMADD(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs3, Round rm) {
Write32(EncodeFR4(Opcode32::FNMADD, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), rs3));
void RiscVEmitter::FADD(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Round rm) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FADD));
void RiscVEmitter::FSUB(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Round rm) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FSUB));
void RiscVEmitter::FMUL(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Round rm) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FMUL));
void RiscVEmitter::FDIV(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2, Round rm) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FDIV));
void RiscVEmitter::FSQRT(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, Round rm) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, F0, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FSQRT));
void RiscVEmitter::FSGNJ(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FSGNJ, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FSGNJ));
void RiscVEmitter::FSGNJN(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FSGNJN, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FSGNJ));
void RiscVEmitter::FSGNJX(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FSGNJX, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FSGNJ));
void RiscVEmitter::FMIN(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FMIN, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FMINMAX));
void RiscVEmitter::FMAX(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
Write32(EncodeFR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FMAX, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FMINMAX));
void RiscVEmitter::FCVT(FConv to, FConv from, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, Round rm) {
int floatBits = std::max(FConvToFloatBits(from), FConvToFloatBits(to));
int integerBits = std::max(FConvToIntegerBits(from), FConvToIntegerBits(to));
_assert_msg_(floatBits > 0, "FCVT can't be used with only GPRs");
_assert_msg_(integerBits <= BitsSupported(), "FCVT for %d integer bits, only %d supported", integerBits, BitsSupported());
_assert_msg_(floatBits <= FloatBitsSupported(), "FCVT for %d float bits, only %d supported", floatBits, FloatBitsSupported());
if (integerBits == 0) {
// Convert between float widths.
Funct2 fromFmt = BitsToFunct2(FConvToFloatBits(from));
Funct2 toFmt = BitsToFunct2(FConvToFloatBits(to));
if (FConvToFloatBits(to) > FConvToFloatBits(from)) {
_assert_msg_(rm == Round::DYNAMIC || rm == Round::NEAREST_EVEN, "Invalid rounding mode for widening FCVT");
rm = Round::NEAREST_EVEN;
Write32(EncodeR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, (RiscVReg)fromFmt, toFmt, Funct5::FCVT_SZ));
} else {
Funct5 funct5 = FConvToIntegerBits(to) == 0 ? Funct5::FCVT_FROMX : Funct5::FCVT_TOX;
FConv integerFmt = FConvToIntegerBits(to) == 0 ? from : to;
Funct2 floatFmt = BitsToFunct2(floatBits);
_assert_msg_(((int)integerFmt & ~3) == 0, "Got wrong integer bits");
Write32(EncodeR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, (Funct3)rm, rs1, (RiscVReg)integerFmt, floatFmt, funct5));
void RiscVEmitter::FMV(FMv to, FMv from, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1) {
int bits = 0;
switch (to == FMv::X ? from : to) {
case FMv::D: bits = 64; break;
case FMv::W: bits = 32; break;
case FMv::X: bits = 0; break;
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() >= bits && FloatBitsSupported() >= bits, "FMV cannot be used for %d bits, only %d/%d supported", bits, BitsSupported(), FloatBitsSupported());
_assert_msg_((to == FMv::X && from != FMv::X) || (to != FMv::X && from == FMv::X), "%s can only transfer between FPR/GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(to == FMv::X ? IsGPR(rd) : IsFPR(rd), "%s rd of wrong type", __func__);
_assert_msg_(from == FMv::X ? IsGPR(rs1) : IsFPR(rs1), "%s rs1 of wrong type", __func__);
Funct5 funct5 = to == FMv::X ? Funct5::FMV_TOX : Funct5::FMV_FROMX;
Write32(EncodeR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FMV, rs1, F0, BitsToFunct2(bits), funct5));
void RiscVEmitter::FEQ(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "%s rd must be GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs1), "%s rs1 must be FPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs2), "%s rs2 must be FPR", __func__);
Write32(EncodeR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FEQ, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FCMP));
void RiscVEmitter::FLT(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "%s rd must be GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs1), "%s rs1 must be FPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs2), "%s rs2 must be FPR", __func__);
Write32(EncodeR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FLT, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FCMP));
void RiscVEmitter::FLE(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "%s rd must be GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs1), "%s rs1 must be FPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs2), "%s rs2 must be FPR", __func__);
Write32(EncodeR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FLE, rs1, rs2, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FCMP));
void RiscVEmitter::FCLASS(int bits, RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "%s rd must be GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs1), "%s rs1 must be FPR", __func__);
Write32(EncodeR(Opcode32::OP_FP, rd, Funct3::FCLASS, rs1, F0, BitsToFunct2(bits), Funct5::FMV_TOX));
void RiscVEmitter::CSRRW(RiscVReg rd, Csr csr, RiscVReg rs1) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsZicsr(), "%s instruction not supported", __func__);
_assert_msg_((u32)csr <= 0x00000FFF, "%s with invalid CSR number", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::SYSTEM, rd, Funct3::CSRRW, rs1, (Funct12)csr));
void RiscVEmitter::CSRRS(RiscVReg rd, Csr csr, RiscVReg rs1) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsZicsr(), "%s instruction not supported", __func__);
_assert_msg_((u32)csr <= 0x00000FFF, "%s with invalid CSR number", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::SYSTEM, rd, Funct3::CSRRS, rs1, (Funct12)csr));
void RiscVEmitter::CSRRC(RiscVReg rd, Csr csr, RiscVReg rs1) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsZicsr(), "%s instruction not supported", __func__);
_assert_msg_((u32)csr <= 0x00000FFF, "%s with invalid CSR number", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::SYSTEM, rd, Funct3::CSRRC, rs1, (Funct12)csr));
void RiscVEmitter::CSRRWI(RiscVReg rd, Csr csr, u8 uimm5) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsZicsr(), "%s instruction not supported", __func__);
_assert_msg_((u32)csr <= 0x00000FFF, "%s with invalid CSR number", __func__);
_assert_msg_((u32)uimm5 <= 0x1F, "%s can only specify lowest 5 bits", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::SYSTEM, rd, Funct3::CSRRWI, (RiscVReg)uimm5, (Funct12)csr));
void RiscVEmitter::CSRRSI(RiscVReg rd, Csr csr, u8 uimm5) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsZicsr(), "%s instruction not supported", __func__);
_assert_msg_((u32)csr <= 0x00000FFF, "%s with invalid CSR number", __func__);
_assert_msg_((u32)uimm5 <= 0x1F, "%s can only set lowest 5 bits", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::SYSTEM, rd, Funct3::CSRRSI, (RiscVReg)uimm5, (Funct12)csr));
void RiscVEmitter::CSRRCI(RiscVReg rd, Csr csr, u8 uimm5) {
_assert_msg_(SupportsZicsr(), "%s instruction not supported", __func__);
_assert_msg_((u32)csr <= 0x00000FFF, "%s with invalid CSR number", __func__);
_assert_msg_((u32)uimm5 <= 0x1F, "%s can only clear lowest 5 bits", __func__);
Write32(EncodeGI(Opcode32::SYSTEM, rd, Funct3::CSRRCI, (RiscVReg)uimm5, (Funct12)csr));
bool RiscVEmitter::AutoCompress() const {
return SupportsCompressed() && autoCompress_;
void RiscVEmitter::C_ADDI4SPN(RiscVReg rd, u32 uimm10) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && CanCompress(rd), "%s requires rd as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
_assert_msg_((uimm10 & 0x03FC) == uimm10 && uimm10 != 0, "%s offset must fit in 10 bits and be a non-zero multiple of 4: %d", __func__, (int)uimm10);
u8 imm2_3 = (ImmBit8(uimm10, 2) << 1) | ImmBit8(uimm10, 3);
u8 imm9_8_7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm10, 6, 4);
u8 imm5_4 = ImmBits8(uimm10, 4, 2);
u8 imm_5_4_9_8_7_6_2_3 = (imm5_4 << 6) | (imm9_8_7_6 << 2) | imm2_3;
Write16(EncodeCIW(Opcode16::C0, CompressReg(rd), imm_5_4_9_8_7_6_2_3, Funct3::C_ADDI4SPN));
void RiscVEmitter::C_FLD(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u8 uimm8) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() <= 64 && FloatBitsSupported() == 64, "%s is only valid with RV32DC/RV64DC", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rd) && CanCompress(rd), "%s requires rd as FPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && CanCompress(rs1), "%s requires rs1 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCL8(Opcode16::C0, CompressReg(rd), CompressReg(rs1), uimm8, Funct3::C_FLD));
void RiscVEmitter::C_LW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u8 uimm7) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && CanCompress(rd), "%s requires rd as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && CanCompress(rs1), "%s requires rs1 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCL4(Opcode16::C0, CompressReg(rd), CompressReg(rs1), uimm7, Funct3::C_LW));
void RiscVEmitter::C_FLW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u8 uimm7) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 32 && FloatBitsSupported() >= 32, "%s is only valid with RV32FC", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rd) && CanCompress(rd), "%s requires rd as FPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && CanCompress(rs1), "%s requires rs1 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCL4(Opcode16::C0, CompressReg(rd), CompressReg(rs1), uimm7, Funct3::C_FLW));
void RiscVEmitter::C_LD(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs1, u8 uimm8) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 64 || BitsSupported() == 128, "%s is only valid with RV64/RV128", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && CanCompress(rd), "%s requires rd as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && CanCompress(rs1), "%s requires rs1 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCL8(Opcode16::C0, CompressReg(rd), CompressReg(rs1), uimm8, Funct3::C_LD));
void RiscVEmitter::C_FSD(RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, u8 uimm8) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() <= 64 && FloatBitsSupported() == 64, "%s is only valid with RV32DC/RV64DC", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs2) && CanCompress(rs2), "%s requires rs2 as FPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && CanCompress(rs1), "%s requires rs1 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCL8(Opcode16::C0, CompressReg(rs2), CompressReg(rs1), uimm8, Funct3::C_FSD));
void RiscVEmitter::C_SW(RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, u8 uimm7) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs2) && CanCompress(rs2), "%s requires rs2 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && CanCompress(rs1), "%s requires rs1 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCS4(Opcode16::C0, CompressReg(rs2), CompressReg(rs1), uimm7, Funct3::C_SW));
void RiscVEmitter::C_FSW(RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, u8 uimm7) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 32 && FloatBitsSupported() >= 32, "%s is only valid with RV32FC", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs2) && CanCompress(rs2), "%s requires rs2 as FPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && CanCompress(rs1), "%s requires rs1 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCS4(Opcode16::C0, CompressReg(rs2), CompressReg(rs1), uimm7, Funct3::C_FSW));
void RiscVEmitter::C_SD(RiscVReg rs2, RiscVReg rs1, u8 uimm8) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 64 || BitsSupported() == 128, "%s is only valid with RV64/RV128", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs2) && CanCompress(rs2), "%s requires rs2 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && CanCompress(rs1), "%s requires rs1 as GPR between X8 and X15", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCS8(Opcode16::C0, CompressReg(rs2), CompressReg(rs1), uimm8, Funct3::C_SD));
void RiscVEmitter::C_NOP() {
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C1, 0, R_ZERO, Funct3::C_ADDI));
void RiscVEmitter::C_ADDI(RiscVReg rd, s8 simm6) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && rd != R_ZERO, "%s must write to GPR other than X0", __func__);
_assert_msg_(simm6 != 0 && SignReduce32(simm6, 6) == (s32)simm6, "%s immediate must be non-zero and s5.0: %d", __func__, simm6);
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C1, ImmBits8(simm6, 0, 6), rd, Funct3::C_ADDI));
void RiscVEmitter::C_JAL(const void *dst) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 32, "%s is only valid with RV32C", __func__);
_assert_msg_(CJInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "C_JAL destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", GetCodePointer(), dst);
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 1) == 0, "C_JAL destination should be aligned");
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write32(EncodeCJ(Opcode16::C1, (s32)distance, Funct3::C_JAL));
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::C_JAL() {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 32, "%s is only valid with RV32C", __func__);
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::CJ };
Write16(EncodeCJ(Opcode16::C1, 0, Funct3::C_JAL));
return fixup;
void RiscVEmitter::C_ADDIW(RiscVReg rd, s8 simm6) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
C_ADDI(rd, simm6);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && rd != R_ZERO, "%s must write to GPR other than X0", __func__);
_assert_msg_(SignReduce32(simm6, 6) == (s32)simm6, "%s immediate must be s5.0: %d", __func__, simm6);
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C1, ImmBits8(simm6, 0, 6), rd, Funct3::C_ADDIW));
void RiscVEmitter::C_LI(RiscVReg rd, s8 simm6) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && rd != R_ZERO, "%s must write to GPR other than X0", __func__);
_assert_msg_(SignReduce32(simm6, 6) == (s32)simm6, "%s immediate must be s5.0: %d", __func__, simm6);
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C1, ImmBits8(simm6, 0, 6), rd, Funct3::C_LI));
void RiscVEmitter::C_ADDI16SP(s32 simm10) {
_assert_msg_(simm10 != 0 && SignReduce32(simm10, 10) == simm10, "%s immediate must be non-zero and s9.0: %d", __func__, simm10);
_assert_msg_((simm10 & 0xF) == 0, "%s immediate must be multiple of 16: %d", __func__, simm10);
u8 imm8_7_5 = (ImmBits8(simm10, 7, 2) << 1) | ImmBit8(simm10, 5);
u8 imm4_6 = (ImmBit8(simm10, 4) << 1) | ImmBit8(simm10, 6);
u8 imm9_4_6_8_7_5 = (ImmBit8(simm10, 9) << 5) | (imm4_6 << 3) | imm8_7_5;
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C1, imm9_4_6_8_7_5, R_SP, Funct3::C_LUI));
void RiscVEmitter::C_LUI(RiscVReg rd, s32 simm18) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && rd != R_ZERO && rd != R_SP, "%s must write to GPR other than X0/X2", __func__);
_assert_msg_(simm18 != 0 && SignReduce32(simm18, 18) == simm18, "%s immediate must be non-zero and s17.0: %d", __func__, simm18);
_assert_msg_((simm18 & 0x0FFF) == 0, "%s immediate must not have lower 12 bits set: %d", __func__, simm18);
u8 imm17_12 = ImmBits8(simm18, 12, 6);
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C1, imm17_12, rd, Funct3::C_LUI));
void RiscVEmitter::C_SRLI(RiscVReg rd, u8 uimm6) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "%s must write to GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(uimm6 != 0 && uimm6 <= (BitsSupported() == 64 ? 63 : 31), "%s immediate must be between 1 and %d: %d", __func__, BitsSupported() == 64 ? 63 : 31, uimm6);
Write16(EncodeCB(Opcode16::C1, uimm6, CompressReg(rd), Funct2::C_SRLI, Funct3::C_ARITH));
void RiscVEmitter::C_SRAI(RiscVReg rd, u8 uimm6) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "%s must write to GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(uimm6 != 0 && uimm6 <= (BitsSupported() == 64 ? 63 : 31), "%s immediate must be between 1 and %d: %d", __func__, BitsSupported() == 64 ? 63 : 31, uimm6);
Write16(EncodeCB(Opcode16::C1, uimm6, CompressReg(rd), Funct2::C_SRAI, Funct3::C_ARITH));
void RiscVEmitter::C_ANDI(RiscVReg rd, s8 simm6) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd), "%s must write to GPR", __func__);
// It seems like a mistake that this allows simm6 == 0 when c.li can be used...
_assert_msg_(SignReduce32(simm6, 6) == (s32)simm6, "%s immediate must be s5.0: %d", __func__, simm6);
Write16(EncodeCB(Opcode16::C1, ImmBits8(simm6, 0, 6), CompressReg(rd), Funct2::C_ANDI, Funct3::C_ARITH));
void RiscVEmitter::C_SUB(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && IsGPR(rs2), "%s must use GPRs", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCA(Opcode16::C1, CompressReg(rs2), Funct2::C_SUB, CompressReg(rd), Funct6::C_OP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_XOR(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && IsGPR(rs2), "%s must use GPRs", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCA(Opcode16::C1, CompressReg(rs2), Funct2::C_XOR, CompressReg(rd), Funct6::C_OP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_OR(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && IsGPR(rs2), "%s must use GPRs", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCA(Opcode16::C1, CompressReg(rs2), Funct2::C_OR, CompressReg(rd), Funct6::C_OP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_AND(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && IsGPR(rs2), "%s must use GPRs", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCA(Opcode16::C1, CompressReg(rs2), Funct2::C_AND, CompressReg(rd), Funct6::C_OP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_SUBW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
C_SUB(rd, rs2);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && IsGPR(rs2), "%s must use GPRs", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCA(Opcode16::C1, CompressReg(rs2), Funct2::C_SUBW, CompressReg(rd), Funct6::C_OP_32));
void RiscVEmitter::C_ADDW(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2) {
if (BitsSupported() == 32) {
C_ADD(rd, rs2);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && IsGPR(rs2), "%s must use GPRs", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCA(Opcode16::C1, CompressReg(rs2), Funct2::C_ADDW, CompressReg(rd), Funct6::C_OP_32));
void RiscVEmitter::C_J(const void *dst) {
_assert_msg_(CJInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "C_J destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", GetCodePointer(), dst);
_assert_msg_(((intptr_t)dst & 1) == 0, "C_J destination should be aligned");
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write16(EncodeCJ(Opcode16::C1, (s32)distance, Funct3::C_J));
void RiscVEmitter::C_BEQZ(RiscVReg rs1, const void *dst) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1), "%s must use a GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(CBInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "%s destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", __func__, GetCodePointer(), dst);
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write16(EncodeCB(Opcode16::C1, (s32)distance, CompressReg(rs1), Funct3::C_BEQZ));
void RiscVEmitter::C_BNEZ(RiscVReg rs1, const void *dst) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1), "%s must use a GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_(CBInRange(GetCodePointer(), dst), "%s destination is too far away (%p -> %p)", __func__, GetCodePointer(), dst);
ptrdiff_t distance = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)GetCodePointer();
Write16(EncodeCB(Opcode16::C1, (s32)distance, CompressReg(rs1), Funct3::C_BNEZ));
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::C_J() {
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::CJ };
Write16(EncodeCJ(Opcode16::C1, 0, Funct3::C_J));
return fixup;
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::C_BEQZ(RiscVReg rs1) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1), "%s must use a GPR", __func__);
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::CB };
Write16(EncodeCB(Opcode16::C1, 0, CompressReg(rs1), Funct3::C_BEQZ));
return fixup;
FixupBranch RiscVEmitter::C_BNEZ(RiscVReg rs1) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1), "%s must use a GPR", __func__);
FixupBranch fixup{ GetCodePointer(), FixupBranchType::CB };
Write16(EncodeCB(Opcode16::C1, 0, CompressReg(rs1), Funct3::C_BNEZ));
return fixup;
void RiscVEmitter::C_SLLI(RiscVReg rd, u8 uimm6) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && rd != R_ZERO, "%s must write to GPR other than X0", __func__);
_assert_msg_(uimm6 != 0 && uimm6 <= (BitsSupported() == 64 ? 63 : 31), "%s immediate must be between 1 and %d: %d", __func__, BitsSupported() == 64 ? 63 : 31, uimm6);
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C2, uimm6, rd, Funct3::C_SLLI));
void RiscVEmitter::C_FLDSP(RiscVReg rd, u32 uimm9) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() <= 64 && FloatBitsSupported() == 64, "%s is only valid with RV32DC/RV64DC", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rd), "%s must write to FPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_((uimm9 & 0x01F8) == uimm9, "%s offset must fit in 9 bits and be a multiple of 8: %d", __func__, (int)uimm9);
u8 imm8_7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm9, 6, 3);
u8 imm5_4_3 = ImmBits8(uimm9, 3, 3);
u8 imm5_4_3_8_7_6 = (imm5_4_3 << 3) | imm8_7_6;
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C2, imm5_4_3_8_7_6, rd, Funct3::C_FLDSP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_LWSP(RiscVReg rd, u8 uimm8) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && rd != R_ZERO, "%s must write to GPR other than X0", __func__);
_assert_msg_((uimm8 & 0xFC) == uimm8, "%s offset must fit in 8 bits and be a multiple of 4: %d", __func__, (int)uimm8);
u8 imm7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 6, 2);
u8 imm5_4_3_2 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 2, 4);
u8 imm5_4_3_2_7_6 = (imm5_4_3_2 << 2) | imm7_6;
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C2, imm5_4_3_2_7_6, rd, Funct3::C_LWSP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_FLWSP(RiscVReg rd, u8 uimm8) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 32 && FloatBitsSupported() >= 32, "%s is only valid with RV32FC", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rd), "%s must write to FPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_((uimm8 & 0xFC) == uimm8, "%s offset must fit in 8 bits and be a multiple of 4: %d", __func__, (int)uimm8);
u8 imm7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 6, 2);
u8 imm5_4_3_2 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 2, 4);
u8 imm5_4_3_2_7_6 = (imm5_4_3_2 << 2) | imm7_6;
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C2, imm5_4_3_2_7_6, rd, Funct3::C_FLWSP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_LDSP(RiscVReg rd, u32 uimm9) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 64 || BitsSupported() == 128, "%s is only valid with RV64/RV128", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && rd != R_ZERO, "%s must write to GPR other than X0", __func__);
_assert_msg_((uimm9 & 0x01F8) == uimm9, "%s offset must fit in 9 bits and be a multiple of 8: %d", __func__, (int)uimm9);
u8 imm8_7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm9, 6, 3);
u8 imm5_4_3 = ImmBits8(uimm9, 3, 3);
u8 imm5_4_3_8_7_6 = (imm5_4_3 << 3) | imm8_7_6;
Write16(EncodeCI(Opcode16::C2, imm5_4_3_8_7_6, rd, Funct3::C_LDSP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_JR(RiscVReg rs1) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && rs1 != R_ZERO, "%s must read from GPR other than X0", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCR(Opcode16::C2, R_ZERO, rs1, Funct4::C_JR));
void RiscVEmitter::C_MV(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && rd != R_ZERO, "%s must write to GPR other than X0", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs2) && rs2 != R_ZERO, "%s must read from GPR other than X0", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCR(Opcode16::C2, rs2, rd, Funct4::C_MV));
void RiscVEmitter::C_EBREAK() {
Write16(EncodeCR(Opcode16::C2, R_ZERO, R_ZERO, Funct4::C_JALR));
void RiscVEmitter::C_JALR(RiscVReg rs1) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs1) && rs1 != R_ZERO, "%s must read from GPR other than X0", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCR(Opcode16::C2, R_ZERO, rs1, Funct4::C_JALR));
void RiscVEmitter::C_ADD(RiscVReg rd, RiscVReg rs2) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rd) && rd != R_ZERO, "%s must write to GPR other than X0", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs2) && rs2 != R_ZERO, "%s must read from a GPR other than X0", __func__);
Write16(EncodeCR(Opcode16::C2, rs2, rd, Funct4::C_ADD));
void RiscVEmitter::C_FSDSP(RiscVReg rs2, u32 uimm9) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() <= 64 && FloatBitsSupported() == 64, "%s is only valid with RV32DC/RV64DC", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs2), "%s must read from FPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_((uimm9 & 0x01F8) == uimm9, "%s offset must fit in 9 bits and be a multiple of 8: %d", __func__, (int)uimm9);
u8 imm8_7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm9, 6, 3);
u8 imm5_4_3 = ImmBits8(uimm9, 3, 3);
u8 imm5_4_3_8_7_6 = (imm5_4_3 << 3) | imm8_7_6;
Write16(EncodeCSS(Opcode16::C2, rs2, imm5_4_3_8_7_6, Funct3::C_FSDSP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_SWSP(RiscVReg rs2, u8 uimm8) {
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs2), "%s must read from GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_((uimm8 & 0xFC) == uimm8, "%s offset must fit in 8 bits and be a multiple of 4: %d", __func__, (int)uimm8);
u8 imm7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 6, 2);
u8 imm5_4_3_2 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 2, 4);
u8 imm5_4_3_2_7_6 = (imm5_4_3_2 << 2) | imm7_6;
Write16(EncodeCSS(Opcode16::C2, rs2, imm5_4_3_2_7_6, Funct3::C_SWSP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_FSWSP(RiscVReg rs2, u8 uimm8) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 32 && FloatBitsSupported() >= 32, "%s is only valid with RV32FC", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsFPR(rs2), "%s must read from FPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_((uimm8 & 0xFC) == uimm8, "%s offset must fit in 8 bits and be a multiple of 4: %d", __func__, (int)uimm8);
u8 imm7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 6, 2);
u8 imm5_4_3_2 = ImmBits8(uimm8, 2, 4);
u8 imm5_4_3_2_7_6 = (imm5_4_3_2 << 2) | imm7_6;
Write16(EncodeCSS(Opcode16::C2, rs2, imm5_4_3_2_7_6, Funct3::C_FSWSP));
void RiscVEmitter::C_SDSP(RiscVReg rs2, u32 uimm9) {
_assert_msg_(BitsSupported() == 64 || BitsSupported() == 128, "%s is only valid with RV64/RV128", __func__);
_assert_msg_(IsGPR(rs2), "%s must read from GPR", __func__);
_assert_msg_((uimm9 & 0x01F8) == uimm9, "%s offset must fit in 9 bits and be a multiple of 8: %d", __func__, (int)uimm9);
u8 imm8_7_6 = ImmBits8(uimm9, 6, 3);
u8 imm5_4_3 = ImmBits8(uimm9, 3, 3);
u8 imm5_4_3_8_7_6 = (imm5_4_3 << 3) | imm8_7_6;
Write16(EncodeCSS(Opcode16::C2, rs2, imm5_4_3_8_7_6, Funct3::C_SDSP));