
355 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include <vector>
#include "base/colorutil.h"
#include "gfx_es2/draw_buffer.h"
#include "i18n/i18n.h"
#include "ui/ui_context.h"
#include "ui/view.h"
#include "ui_atlas.h"
#include "DisplayLayoutScreen.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/ConfigValues.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "DisplayLayoutEditor.h"
#include "GPU/Common/FramebufferCommon.h"
static const int leftColumnWidth = 200;
static const float orgRatio = 1.764706f;
// Ugly hackery, need to rework some stuff to get around this
static float local_dp_xres;
static float local_dp_yres;
class DragDropDisplay : public MultiTouchDisplay {
DragDropDisplay(float &x, float &y, int img, float &scale)
: MultiTouchDisplay(img, scale, new UI::AnchorLayoutParams(x*local_dp_xres, y*local_dp_yres, UI::NONE, UI::NONE, true)),
x_(x), y_(y), theScale_(scale) {
scale_ = theScale_;
virtual void SaveDisplayPosition() {
x_ = bounds_.centerX() / local_dp_xres;
y_ = bounds_.centerY() / local_dp_yres;
scale_ = theScale_;
virtual float GetScale() const { return theScale_; }
virtual void SetScale(float s) { theScale_ = s; scale_ = s; }
float &x_, &y_;
float &theScale_;
DisplayLayoutScreen::DisplayLayoutScreen() {
picked_ = 0;
mode_ = nullptr;
bool DisplayLayoutScreen::touch(const TouchInput &touch) {
using namespace UI;
int mode = mode_ ? mode_->GetSelection() : 0;
if (g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::AUTO) { mode = -1; }
const Bounds &screen_bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds();
if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_MOVE) && picked_ != 0) {
int touchX = touch.x - offsetTouchX;
int touchY = touch.y - offsetTouchY;
if (mode == 0) {
const Bounds &bounds = picked_->GetBounds();
int limitX = g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel * 120;
int limitY = g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel * 68;
const int quarterResX = local_dp_xres / 4;
const int quarterResY = local_dp_yres / 4;
if (bRotated) {
//swap X/Y limit for rotated display
int limitTemp = limitX;
limitX = limitY;
limitY = limitTemp;
// Check where each edge of the screen is
const int windowLeftEdge = quarterResX;
const int windowRightEdge = windowLeftEdge * 3;
const int windowUpperEdge = quarterResY;
const int windowLowerEdge = windowUpperEdge * 3;
// And stick display when close to any edge
stickToEdgeX = false; stickToEdgeY = false;
if (touchX > windowLeftEdge - 8 + limitX && touchX < windowLeftEdge + 8 + limitX) { touchX = windowLeftEdge + limitX; stickToEdgeX = true; }
if (touchX > windowRightEdge - 8 - limitX && touchX < windowRightEdge + 8 - limitX) { touchX = windowRightEdge - limitX; stickToEdgeX = true; }
if (touchY > windowUpperEdge - 8 + limitY && touchY < windowUpperEdge + 8 + limitY) { touchY = windowUpperEdge + limitY; stickToEdgeY = true; }
if (touchY > windowLowerEdge - 8 - limitY && touchY < windowLowerEdge + 8 - limitY) { touchY = windowLowerEdge - limitY; stickToEdgeY = true; }
const int minX = local_dp_xres / 2;
const int maxX = local_dp_xres + minX;
const int minY = local_dp_yres / 2;
const int maxY = local_dp_yres + minY;
// Display visualization disappear outside of those bounds, so we have to limit
if (touchX < -minX) touchX = -minX;
if (touchX > maxX) touchX = maxX;
if (touchY < -minY) touchY = -minY;
if (touchY > maxY) touchY = maxY;
// Limit small display on much larger output a bit differently
if (quarterResX > limitX) limitX = quarterResX;
if (quarterResY > limitY) limitY = quarterResY;
int newX = bounds.centerX(), newY = bounds.centerY();
// Allow moving zoomed in display freely as long as at least noticeable portion of the screen is occupied
if (touchX > minX - limitX - 10 && touchX < minX + limitX + 10) {
newX = touchX;
if (touchY > minY - limitY - 10 && touchY < minY + limitY + 10) {
newY = touchY;
picked_->ReplaceLayoutParams(new UI::AnchorLayoutParams(newX, newY, NONE, NONE, true));
} else if (mode == 1) {
// Resize. Vertical = scaling, horizontal = spacing;
// Up should be bigger so let's negate in that direction
float diffX = (touchX - startX_);
float diffY = -(touchY - startY_);
float movementScale = 0.5f;
float newScale = startScale_ + diffY * movementScale;
// Desired scale * 8.0 since the visualization is tiny size and multiplied by 8.
if (newScale > 80.0f) newScale = 80.0f;
if (newScale < 8.0f) newScale = 8.0f;
scaleUpdate_ = picked_->GetScale();
g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel = scaleUpdate_ / 8.0f;
if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_DOWN) && picked_ == 0) {
picked_ = displayRepresentation_;
if (picked_) {
const Bounds &bounds = picked_->GetBounds();
startX_ = bounds.centerX();
startY_ = bounds.centerY();
offsetTouchX = touch.x - startX_;
offsetTouchY = touch.y - startY_;
startScale_ = picked_->GetScale();
if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_UP) && picked_ != 0) {
const Bounds &bounds = picked_->GetBounds();
float saveX_ = touch.x;
float saveY_ = touch.y;
startScale_ = picked_->GetScale();
picked_ = 0;
return true;
void DisplayLayoutScreen::resized() {
void DisplayLayoutScreen::onFinish(DialogResult reason) {
UI::EventReturn DisplayLayoutScreen::OnCenter(UI::EventParams &e) {
if (!stickToEdgeX || (stickToEdgeX && stickToEdgeY))
g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetX = 0.5f;
if (!stickToEdgeY || (stickToEdgeX && stickToEdgeY))
g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetY = 0.5f;
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
UI::EventReturn DisplayLayoutScreen::OnZoomTypeChange(UI::EventParams &e) {
if (g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType < (int)SmallDisplayZoom::MANUAL) {
const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds();
float autoBound = bounds.w / 480.0f;
g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel = autoBound;
displayRepresentationScale_ = g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel * 8.0f;
g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetX = 0.5f;
g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetY = 0.5f;
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
void DisplayLayoutScreen::dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) {
class Boundary : public UI::View {
Boundary(UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams) : UI::View(layoutParams) {
void Draw(UIContext &dc) override {
dc.Draw()->DrawImageStretch(dc.theme->whiteImage, bounds_.x, bounds_.y, bounds_.x2(), bounds_.y2(), dc.theme->itemDownStyle.background.color);
// Stealing StickyChoice's layout and text rendering.
class HighlightLabel : public UI::StickyChoice {
HighlightLabel(const std::string &text, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams)
: UI::StickyChoice(text, "", layoutParams) {
bool CanBeFocused() const override { return false; }
void DisplayLayoutScreen::CreateViews() {
const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds();
local_dp_xres = bounds.w;
local_dp_yres = bounds.h;
using namespace UI;
I18NCategory *di = GetI18NCategory("Dialog");
I18NCategory *gr = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");
I18NCategory *co = GetI18NCategory("Controls");
root_ = new AnchorLayout(new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT));
const float previewWidth = local_dp_xres / 2.0f;
const float previewHeight = local_dp_yres / 2.0f;
// Just visual boundaries of the screen, should be easier to use than imagination
const float horizPreviewPadding = local_dp_xres / 4.0f;
const float vertPreviewPadding = local_dp_yres / 4.0f;
const float horizBoundariesWidth = 4.0f;
// This makes it have at least 10.0f padding below at 1x.
const float vertBoundariesHeight = 52.0f;
// Left side, right, top, bottom.
root_->Add(new Boundary(new AnchorLayoutParams(horizBoundariesWidth, FILL_PARENT, NONE, 0, horizPreviewPadding + previewWidth, 0)));
root_->Add(new Boundary(new AnchorLayoutParams(horizBoundariesWidth, FILL_PARENT, horizPreviewPadding + previewWidth, 0, NONE, 0)));
root_->Add(new Boundary(new AnchorLayoutParams(previewWidth, vertBoundariesHeight, horizPreviewPadding, vertPreviewPadding - vertBoundariesHeight, NONE, NONE)));
root_->Add(new Boundary(new AnchorLayoutParams(previewWidth, vertBoundariesHeight, horizPreviewPadding, NONE, NONE, vertPreviewPadding - vertBoundariesHeight)));
static const char *zoomLevels[] = { "Stretching", "Partial Stretch", "Auto Scaling", "Manual Scaling" };
zoom_ = new PopupMultiChoice(&g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType, di->T("Options"), zoomLevels, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(zoomLevels), gr->GetName(), screenManager(), new AnchorLayoutParams(400, WRAP_CONTENT, previewWidth - 200.0f, NONE, NONE, 10));
zoom_->OnChoice.Handle(this, &DisplayLayoutScreen::OnZoomTypeChange);
static const char *displayRotation[] = { "Landscape", "Portrait", "Landscape Reversed", "Portrait Reversed" };
rotation_ = new PopupMultiChoice(&g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation, gr->T("Rotation"), displayRotation, 1, ARRAY_SIZE(displayRotation), co->GetName(), screenManager(), new AnchorLayoutParams(400, WRAP_CONTENT, previewWidth - 200.0f, 10, NONE, local_dp_yres - 64 - 10));
displayRotEnable_ = (g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE);
bRotated = false;
if (displayRotEnable_ && (g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation == ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL || g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation == ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL180)) {
bRotated = true;
displayRepresentationScale_ = g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel * 8.0f; // Visual representation image is just icon size and have to be scaled 8 times to match PSP native resolution which is used as 1.0 for zoom
HighlightLabel *label = nullptr;
mode_ = nullptr;
if (g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType >= (int)SmallDisplayZoom::AUTO) { // Scaling
if (g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::AUTO) {
label = new HighlightLabel(gr->T("Auto Scaling"), new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, 64.0f, local_dp_xres / 2.0f, local_dp_yres / 2.0f, NONE, NONE, true));
float autoBound = local_dp_yres / 270.0f;
// Case of screen rotated ~ only works with buffered rendering
if (bRotated) {
autoBound = local_dp_yres / 480.0f;
else { // Without rotation in common cases like 1080p we cut off 2 pixels of height, this reflects other cases
float resCommonWidescreen = autoBound - floor(autoBound);
if (resCommonWidescreen != 0.0f) {
float ratio = local_dp_xres / local_dp_yres;
if (ratio < orgRatio) {
autoBound = local_dp_xres / 480.0f;
else {
autoBound = local_dp_yres / 272.0f;
g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel = autoBound;
displayRepresentationScale_ = g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel * 8.0f;
g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetX = 0.5f;
g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetY = 0.5f;
} else { // Manual Scaling
Choice *center = new Choice(di->T("Center"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 74));
center->OnClick.Handle(this, &DisplayLayoutScreen::OnCenter);
PopupSliderChoiceFloat *zoomlvl = new PopupSliderChoiceFloat(&g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel, 1.0f, 10.0f, di->T("Zoom"), 1.0f, screenManager(), di->T("* PSP res"), new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 10 + 64 + 64));
mode_ = new ChoiceStrip(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 158 + 64 + 10));
displayRepresentation_ = new DragDropDisplay(g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetX, g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetY, I_PSP_DISPLAY, displayRepresentationScale_);
} else { // Stretching
label = new HighlightLabel(gr->T("Stretching"), new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, 64.0f, local_dp_xres / 2.0f, local_dp_yres / 2.0f, NONE, NONE, true));
displayRepresentation_ = new DragDropDisplay(g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetX, g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetY, I_PSP_DISPLAY, displayRepresentationScale_);
float width = previewWidth;
float height = previewHeight;
if (g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::STRETCH) {
Choice *stretched = new Choice("", "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(width, height, width - width / 2.0f, NONE, NONE, height - height / 2.0f));
} else { // Partially stretched
float origRatio = !bRotated ? 480.0f / 272.0f : 272.0f / 480.0f;
float frameRatio = width / height;
if (origRatio > frameRatio) {
height = width / origRatio;
if (!bRotated && g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::PARTIAL_STRETCH) {
height = (272.0f + height) / 2.0f;
} else {
width = height * origRatio;
if (bRotated && g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType == (int)SmallDisplayZoom::PARTIAL_STRETCH) {
width = (272.0f + height) / 2.0f;
Choice *stretched = new Choice("", "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(width, height, previewWidth - width / 2.0f, NONE, NONE, previewHeight - height / 2.0f));
if (bRotated) {
Choice *back = new Choice(di->T("Back"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 10));
back->OnClick.Handle<UIScreen>(this, &UIScreen::OnBack);
if (mode_) {
if (label) {