
78 lines
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// 4xGLSL HqFilter shader, Modified to use in PPSSPP. Grabbed from:
// http://forums.ngemu.com/showthread.php?t=76098
// by guest(r) (guest.r@gmail.com)
// License: GNU-GPL
// Shader notes: looks better with sprite games
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
uniform sampler2D sampler0;
varying vec4 v_texcoord0;
varying vec4 v_texcoord1;
varying vec4 v_texcoord2;
varying vec4 v_texcoord3;
varying vec4 v_texcoord4;
varying vec4 v_texcoord5;
varying vec4 v_texcoord6;
const float mx = 0.325; // start smoothing factor
const float k = -0.250; // smoothing decrease factor
const float max_w = 0.25; // max. smoothing weigth
const float min_w =-0.05; // min smoothing/sharpening weigth
void main()
vec3 c = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord0.xy).xyz;
vec3 i1 = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord1.xy).xyz;
vec3 i2 = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord2.xy).xyz;
vec3 i3 = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord3.xy).xyz;
vec3 i4 = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord4.xy).xyz;
vec3 o1 = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord5.xy).xyz;
vec3 o3 = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord6.xy).xyz;
vec3 o2 = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord5.zw).xyz;
vec3 o4 = texture2D(sampler0, v_texcoord6.zw).xyz;
vec3 dt = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
float ko1=dot(abs(o1-c),dt);
float ko2=dot(abs(o2-c),dt);
float ko3=dot(abs(o3-c),dt);
float ko4=dot(abs(o4-c),dt);
float sd1 = dot(abs(i1-i3),dt);
float sd2 = dot(abs(i2-i4),dt);
float w1 = step(ko1,ko3)*sd2;
float w2 = step(ko2,ko4)*sd1;
float w3 = step(ko3,ko1)*sd2;
float w4 = step(ko4,ko2)*sd1;
c = (w1*o1+w2*o2+w3*o3+w4*o4+0.1*c)/(w1+w2+w3+w4+0.1);
float lc = c.r+c.g+c.b+0.2;
w1 = (i1.r+i1.g+i1.b+lc)*0.2;
w1 = clamp(k*dot(abs(c-i1),dt)/w1+mx,min_w,max_w);
w2 = (i2.r+i2.g+i2.b+lc)*0.2;
w2 = clamp(k*dot(abs(c-i2),dt)/w2+mx,min_w,max_w);
w3 = (i3.r+i3.g+i3.b+lc)*0.2;
w3 = clamp(k*dot(abs(c-i3),dt)/w3+mx,min_w,max_w);
w4 = (i4.r+i4.g+i4.b+lc)*0.2;
w4 = clamp(k*dot(abs(c-i4),dt)/w4+mx,min_w,max_w);
gl_FragColor.rgb = w1*i1 + w2*i2 + w3*i3 + w4*i4 + (1.0-w1-w2-w3-w4)*c;
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;