Unknown W. Brackets 6bec3db3fb Debugger: Disconnect on shutdown/disable.
Although, it could be made safe to keep them up when restarting with
debugging still enabled.
2018-06-08 06:59:16 -07:00

118 lines
2.9 KiB

#ifndef _HTTP_SERVER_H
#define _HTTP_SERVER_H
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include "base/buffer.h"
#include "net/http_headers.h"
#include "net/resolve.h"
#include "thread/executor.h"
namespace net {
class InputSink;
class OutputSink;
namespace http {
class Request {
Request(int fd);
const char *resource() const {
return header_.resource;
RequestHeader::Method Method() const {
return header_.method;
bool GetParamValue(const char *param_name, std::string *value) const {
return header_.GetParamValue(param_name, value);
// Use lowercase.
bool GetHeader(const char *name, std::string *value) const {
return header_.GetOther(name, value);
net::InputSink *In() const { return in_; }
net::OutputSink *Out() const { return out_; }
// TODO: Remove, in favor of PartialWrite and friends.
int fd() const { return fd_; }
void WritePartial() const;
void Write();
void Close();
bool IsOK() const { return fd_ > 0; }
// If size is negative, no Content-Length: line is written.
void WriteHttpResponseHeader(int status, int64_t size = -1, const char *mimeType = nullptr, const char *otherHeaders = nullptr) const;
net::InputSink *in_;
net::OutputSink *out_;
RequestHeader header_;
int fd_;
// Register handlers on this class to serve stuff.
class Server {
Server(threading::Executor *executor);
virtual ~Server() {}
typedef std::function<void(const Request &)> UrlHandlerFunc;
typedef std::map<std::string, UrlHandlerFunc> UrlHandlerMap;
// Runs forever, serving request. If you want to do something else than serve pages,
// better put this on a thread. Returns false if failed to start serving, never
// returns if successful.
bool Run(int port);
// May run for (significantly) longer than timeout, but won't wait longer than that
// for a new connection to handle.
bool RunSlice(double timeout);
bool Listen(int port, net::DNSType type = net::DNSType::ANY);
void Stop();
void RegisterHandler(const char *url_path, UrlHandlerFunc handler);
void SetFallbackHandler(UrlHandlerFunc handler);
// If you want to customize things at a lower level than just a simple path handler,
// then inherit and override this. Implementations should forward to HandleRequestDefault
// if they don't recognize the url.
virtual void HandleRequest(const Request &request);
int Port() {
return port_;
bool Listen6(int port, bool ipv6_only);
bool Listen4(int port);
void HandleConnection(int conn_fd);
// Things like default 404, etc.
void HandleRequestDefault(const Request &request);
// Neat built-in handlers that are tied to the server.
void HandleListing(const Request &request);
void Handle404(const Request &request);
int listener_;
int port_;
UrlHandlerMap handlers_;
UrlHandlerFunc fallback_;
threading::Executor *executor_;
} // namespace http
#endif // _HTTP_SERVER_H