2021-10-04 22:46:40 +02:00

453 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include <set>
#include "Common/Math/lin/vec3.h"
#include "Common/UI/Screen.h"
#include "Common/UI/ViewGroup.h"
using namespace Lin;
class I18NCategory;
namespace Draw {
class DrawContext;
class UIScreen : public Screen {
void update() override;
void preRender() override;
void render() override;
void postRender() override;
void deviceLost() override;
void deviceRestored() override;
bool touch(const TouchInput &touch) override;
bool key(const KeyInput &touch) override;
bool axis(const AxisInput &touch) override;
TouchInput transformTouch(const TouchInput &touch) override;
virtual void TriggerFinish(DialogResult result);
// Some useful default event handlers
UI::EventReturn OnOK(UI::EventParams &e);
UI::EventReturn OnCancel(UI::EventParams &e);
UI::EventReturn OnBack(UI::EventParams &e);
virtual void CreateViews() = 0;
virtual void DrawBackground(UIContext &dc) {}
virtual void RecreateViews() override { recreateViews_ = true; }
UI::ViewGroup *root_ = nullptr;
Vec3 translation_ = Vec3(0.0f);
Vec3 scale_ = Vec3(1.0f);
float alpha_ = 1.0f;
bool ignoreInsets_ = false;
void DoRecreateViews();
bool recreateViews_ = true;
class UIDialogScreen : public UIScreen {
UIDialogScreen() : UIScreen(), finished_(false) {}
bool key(const KeyInput &key) override;
void sendMessage(const char *msg, const char *value) override;
bool finished_;
class PopupScreen : public UIDialogScreen {
PopupScreen(std::string title, std::string button1 = "", std::string button2 = "");
virtual void CreatePopupContents(UI::ViewGroup *parent) = 0;
virtual void CreateViews() override;
virtual bool isTransparent() const override { return true; }
virtual bool touch(const TouchInput &touch) override;
virtual bool key(const KeyInput &key) override;
virtual void resized() override;
virtual void TriggerFinish(DialogResult result) override;
void SetPopupOrigin(const UI::View *view);
void SetPopupOffset(float y);
virtual bool FillVertical() const { return false; }
virtual UI::Size PopupWidth() const { return 550; }
virtual bool ShowButtons() const { return true; }
virtual bool CanComplete(DialogResult result) { return true; }
virtual void OnCompleted(DialogResult result) {}
const std::string &Title() { return title_; }
virtual void update() override;
UI::ViewGroup *box_;
UI::Button *defaultButton_;
std::string title_;
std::string button1_;
std::string button2_;
enum {
int frames_ = 0;
int finishFrame_ = -1;
DialogResult finishResult_;
bool hasPopupOrigin_ = false;
Point popupOrigin_;
float offsetY_ = 0.0f;
class ListPopupScreen : public PopupScreen {
ListPopupScreen(std::string title) : PopupScreen(title) {}
ListPopupScreen(std::string title, const std::vector<std::string> &items, int selected, std::function<void(int)> callback, bool showButtons = false)
: PopupScreen(title, "OK", "Cancel"), adaptor_(items, selected), callback_(callback), showButtons_(showButtons) {
ListPopupScreen(std::string title, const std::vector<std::string> &items, int selected, bool showButtons = false)
: PopupScreen(title, "OK", "Cancel"), adaptor_(items, selected), showButtons_(showButtons) {
int GetChoice() const {
return listView_->GetSelected();
std::string GetChoiceString() const {
return adaptor_.GetTitle(listView_->GetSelected());
void SetHiddenChoices(std::set<int> hidden) {
hidden_ = hidden;
virtual std::string tag() const override { return std::string("listpopup"); }
UI::Event OnChoice;
virtual bool FillVertical() const override { return false; }
virtual bool ShowButtons() const override { return showButtons_; }
virtual void CreatePopupContents(UI::ViewGroup *parent) override;
UI::StringVectorListAdaptor adaptor_;
UI::ListView *listView_ = nullptr;
UI::EventReturn OnListChoice(UI::EventParams &e);
std::function<void(int)> callback_;
bool showButtons_ = false;
std::set<int> hidden_;
class MessagePopupScreen : public PopupScreen {
MessagePopupScreen(std::string title, std::string message, std::string button1, std::string button2, std::function<void(bool)> callback)
: PopupScreen(title, button1, button2), message_(message), callback_(callback) {}
UI::Event OnChoice;
virtual bool FillVertical() const override { return false; }
virtual bool ShowButtons() const override { return true; }
virtual void CreatePopupContents(UI::ViewGroup *parent) override;
void OnCompleted(DialogResult result) override;
std::string message_;
std::function<void(bool)> callback_;
// TODO: Need a way to translate OK and Cancel
namespace UI {
class SliderPopupScreen : public PopupScreen {
SliderPopupScreen(int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, const std::string &title, int step = 1, const std::string &units = "")
: PopupScreen(title, "OK", "Cancel"), units_(units), value_(value), minValue_(minValue), maxValue_(maxValue), step_(step) {}
virtual void CreatePopupContents(ViewGroup *parent) override;
void SetNegativeDisable(const std::string &str) {
negativeLabel_ = str;
disabled_ = *value_ < 0;
Event OnChange;
EventReturn OnDecrease(EventParams &params);
EventReturn OnIncrease(EventParams &params);
EventReturn OnTextChange(EventParams &params);
EventReturn OnSliderChange(EventParams &params);
virtual void OnCompleted(DialogResult result) override;
Slider *slider_ = nullptr;
UI::TextEdit *edit_ = nullptr;
std::string units_;
std::string negativeLabel_;
int *value_;
int sliderValue_ = 0;
int minValue_;
int maxValue_;
int step_;
bool changing_ = false;
bool disabled_ = false;
class SliderFloatPopupScreen : public PopupScreen {
SliderFloatPopupScreen(float *value, float minValue, float maxValue, const std::string &title, float step = 1.0f, const std::string &units = "")
: PopupScreen(title, "OK", "Cancel"), units_(units), value_(value), minValue_(minValue), maxValue_(maxValue), step_(step), changing_(false) {}
void CreatePopupContents(UI::ViewGroup *parent) override;
Event OnChange;
EventReturn OnIncrease(EventParams &params);
EventReturn OnDecrease(EventParams &params);
EventReturn OnTextChange(EventParams &params);
EventReturn OnSliderChange(EventParams &params);
virtual void OnCompleted(DialogResult result) override;
UI::SliderFloat *slider_;
UI::TextEdit *edit_;
std::string units_;
float sliderValue_;
float *value_;
float minValue_;
float maxValue_;
float step_;
bool changing_;
class TextEditPopupScreen : public PopupScreen {
TextEditPopupScreen(std::string *value, const std::string &placeholder, const std::string &title, int maxLen)
: PopupScreen(title, "OK", "Cancel"), value_(value), placeholder_(placeholder), maxLen_(maxLen) {}
virtual void CreatePopupContents(ViewGroup *parent) override;
Event OnChange;
virtual void OnCompleted(DialogResult result) override;
TextEdit *edit_;
std::string *value_;
std::string textEditValue_;
std::string placeholder_;
int maxLen_;
class AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay : public UI::Choice {
AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay(const std::string &text, LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr)
: Choice(text, layoutParams) {
virtual void Draw(UIContext &dc) override;
void GetContentDimensionsBySpec(const UIContext &dc, MeasureSpec horiz, MeasureSpec vert, float &w, float &h) const override;
virtual std::string ValueText() const = 0;
float CalculateValueScale(const UIContext &dc, const std::string &valueText, float availWidth) const;
// Reads and writes value to determine the current selection.
class PopupMultiChoice : public AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay {
PopupMultiChoice(int *value, const std::string &text, const char **choices, int minVal, int numChoices,
const char *category, ScreenManager *screenManager, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr)
: AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay(text, layoutParams), value_(value), choices_(choices), minVal_(minVal), numChoices_(numChoices),
category_(category), screenManager_(screenManager) {
if (*value >= numChoices + minVal)
*value = numChoices + minVal - 1;
if (*value < minVal)
*value = minVal;
OnClick.Handle(this, &PopupMultiChoice::HandleClick);
void Update() override;
void HideChoice(int c) {
UI::Event OnChoice;
std::string ValueText() const override;
int *value_;
const char **choices_;
int minVal_;
int numChoices_;
void UpdateText();
UI::EventReturn HandleClick(UI::EventParams &e);
void ChoiceCallback(int num);
virtual void PostChoiceCallback(int num) {}
const char *category_;
ScreenManager *screenManager_;
std::string valueText_;
bool restoreFocus_ = false;
std::set<int> hidden_;
// Allows passing in a dynamic vector of strings. Saves the string.
class PopupMultiChoiceDynamic : public PopupMultiChoice {
PopupMultiChoiceDynamic(std::string *value, const std::string &text, std::vector<std::string> choices,
const char *category, ScreenManager *screenManager, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr)
: UI::PopupMultiChoice(&valueInt_, text, nullptr, 0, (int)choices.size(), category, screenManager, layoutParams),
valueStr_(value) {
choices_ = new const char *[numChoices_];
valueInt_ = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numChoices_; i++) {
choices_[i] = new char[choices[i].size() + 1];
memcpy((char *)choices_[i], choices[i].c_str(), choices[i].size() + 1);
if (*value == choices_[i])
valueInt_ = i;
value_ = &valueInt_;
~PopupMultiChoiceDynamic() {
for (int i = 0; i < numChoices_; i++) {
delete[] choices_[i];
delete[] choices_;
void PostChoiceCallback(int num) {
*valueStr_ = choices_[num];
int valueInt_;
std::string *valueStr_;
class PopupSliderChoice : public AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay {
PopupSliderChoice(int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, const std::string &text, ScreenManager *screenManager, const std::string &units = "", LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0);
PopupSliderChoice(int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, const std::string &text, int step, ScreenManager *screenManager, const std::string &units = "", LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0);
void SetFormat(const char *fmt) {
fmt_ = fmt;
void SetZeroLabel(const std::string &str) {
zeroLabel_ = str;
void SetNegativeDisable(const std::string &str) {
negativeLabel_ = str;
Event OnChange;
std::string ValueText() const override;
EventReturn HandleClick(EventParams &e);
EventReturn HandleChange(EventParams &e);
int *value_;
int minValue_;
int maxValue_;
int step_;
const char *fmt_;
std::string zeroLabel_;
std::string negativeLabel_;
std::string units_;
ScreenManager *screenManager_;
bool restoreFocus_;
class PopupSliderChoiceFloat : public AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay {
PopupSliderChoiceFloat(float *value, float minValue, float maxValue, const std::string &text, ScreenManager *screenManager, const std::string &units = "", LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0);
PopupSliderChoiceFloat(float *value, float minValue, float maxValue, const std::string &text, float step, ScreenManager *screenManager, const std::string &units = "", LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0);
void SetFormat(const char *fmt) {
fmt_ = fmt;
void SetZeroLabel(const std::string &str) {
zeroLabel_ = str;
Event OnChange;
std::string ValueText() const override;
EventReturn HandleClick(EventParams &e);
EventReturn HandleChange(EventParams &e);
float *value_;
float minValue_;
float maxValue_;
float step_;
const char *fmt_;
std::string zeroLabel_;
std::string units_;
ScreenManager *screenManager_;
bool restoreFocus_;
class PopupTextInputChoice: public AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay {
PopupTextInputChoice(std::string *value, const std::string &title, const std::string &placeholder, int maxLen, ScreenManager *screenManager, LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0);
Event OnChange;
std::string ValueText() const override;
EventReturn HandleClick(EventParams &e);
EventReturn HandleChange(EventParams &e);
ScreenManager *screenManager_;
std::string *value_;
std::string placeHolder_;
std::string defaultText_;
int maxLen_;
bool restoreFocus_;
class ChoiceWithValueDisplay : public AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay {
ChoiceWithValueDisplay(int *value, const std::string &text, LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0)
: AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay(text, layoutParams), iValue_(value) {}
ChoiceWithValueDisplay(std::string *value, const std::string &text, const char *category, LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0)
: AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay(text, layoutParams), sValue_(value), category_(category) {}
ChoiceWithValueDisplay(std::string *value, const std::string &text, std::string (*translateCallback)(const char *value), LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0)
: AbstractChoiceWithValueDisplay(text, layoutParams), sValue_(value), translateCallback_(translateCallback) {
std::string ValueText() const override;
int *iValue_ = nullptr;
std::string *sValue_ = nullptr;
const char *category_ = nullptr;
std::string (*translateCallback_)(const char *value) = nullptr;
} // namespace UI