Henrik Rydgård 8a6e288fcc Add checkboxes in developer tools to allow disabling ubershaders.
Might be helpful to diagnose performance problems on user devices.

Additionally, moves the texture replacement controls to the top. They
should probably be moved somewhere else entirely...

See #17918
2023-08-17 20:16:04 +02:00

604 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "ppsspp_config.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/File/Path.h"
#include "Core/ConfigValues.h"
extern const char *PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION;
namespace http {
class Request;
class RequestManager;
struct UrlEncoder;
struct ConfigPrivate;
struct Config {
// Whether to save the config on close.
bool bSaveSettings;
bool bFirstRun;
bool bGameSpecific = false;
bool bUpdatedInstanceCounter = false;
int iRunCount; // To be used to for example check for updates every 10 runs and things like that.
bool bAutoRun; // start immediately
bool bBrowse; // when opening the emulator, immediately show a file browser
// General
bool bScreenshotsAsPNG;
bool bUseFFV1;
bool bDumpFrames;
bool bDumpVideoOutput;
bool bDumpAudio;
bool bSaveLoadResetsAVdumping;
bool bEnableLogging;
bool bDumpDecryptedEboot;
bool bFullscreenOnDoubleclick;
// These four are Win UI only
bool bPauseOnLostFocus;
bool bTopMost;
bool bIgnoreWindowsKey;
bool bRestartRequired;
std::string sFont;
bool bPauseWhenMinimized;
// Not used on mobile devices.
bool bPauseExitsEmulator;
bool bPauseMenuExitsEmulator;
// Core
bool bIgnoreBadMemAccess;
bool bFastMemory;
int iCpuCore;
bool bCheckForNewVersion;
bool bForceLagSync;
bool bFuncReplacements;
bool bHideSlowWarnings;
bool bHideStateWarnings;
bool bPreloadFunctions;
uint32_t uJitDisableFlags;
bool bSeparateSASThread;
int iIOTimingMethod;
int iLockedCPUSpeed;
bool bAutoSaveSymbolMap;
bool bCacheFullIsoInRam;
int iRemoteISOPort;
std::string sLastRemoteISOServer;
int iLastRemoteISOPort;
bool bRemoteISOManual;
bool bRemoteShareOnStartup;
std::string sRemoteISOSubdir;
bool bRemoteDebuggerOnStartup;
bool bMemStickInserted;
int iMemStickSizeGB;
bool bLoadPlugins;
int iScreenRotation; // The rotation angle of the PPSSPP UI. Only supported on Android and possibly other mobile platforms.
int iInternalScreenRotation; // The internal screen rotation angle. Useful for vertical SHMUPs and similar.
std::string sReportHost;
std::vector<std::string> vPinnedPaths;
std::string sLanguageIni;
std::string sIgnoreCompatSettings;
bool bDiscordPresence; // Enables setting the Discord presence to the current game (or menu)
// GFX
int iGPUBackend;
std::string sFailedGPUBackends;
std::string sDisabledGPUBackends;
// We have separate device parameters for each backend so it doesn't get erased if you switch backends.
// If not set, will use the "best" device.
std::string sVulkanDevice;
std::string sD3D11Device; // Windows only
std::string sCameraDevice;
std::string sMicDevice;
bool bSoftwareRendering;
bool bSoftwareRenderingJit;
bool bHardwareTransform; // only used in the GLES backend
bool bSoftwareSkinning;
bool bVendorBugChecksEnabled;
bool bUseGeometryShader;
// Speedhacks (more will be moved here):
bool bSkipBufferEffects;
int iTexFiltering; // 1 = auto , 2 = nearest , 3 = linear , 4 = auto max quality
bool bDisplayStretch; // Automatically matches the aspect ratio of the window.
int iDisplayFilter; // 1 = linear, 2 = nearest
float fDisplayOffsetX;
float fDisplayOffsetY;
float fDisplayScale; // Relative to the most constraining axis (x or y).
bool bDisplayIntegerScale; // Snaps scaling to integer scale factors in raw pixels.
float fDisplayAspectRatio; // Stored relative to the PSP's native ratio, so 1.0 is the normal pixel aspect ratio.
bool bImmersiveMode; // Mode on Android Kitkat 4.4 and later that hides the back button etc.
bool bSustainedPerformanceMode; // Android: Slows clocks down to avoid overheating/speed fluctuations.
bool bIgnoreScreenInsets; // Android: Center screen disregarding insets if this is enabled.
bool bVSync;
int iFrameSkip;
int iFrameSkipType;
int iFastForwardMode; // See FastForwardMode in ConfigValues.h.
bool bAutoFrameSkip;
bool bEnableCardboardVR; // Cardboard Master Switch
int iCardboardScreenSize; // Screen Size (in %)
int iCardboardXShift; // X-Shift of Screen (in %)
int iCardboardYShift; // Y-Shift of Screen (in %)
int iWindowX;
int iWindowY;
int iWindowWidth; // Windows and other windowed environments
int iWindowHeight;
bool bShowMenuBar; // Windows-only
float fUITint;
float fUISaturation;
bool bVertexCache;
bool bTextureBackoffCache;
bool bVertexDecoderJit;
bool bFullScreen;
bool bFullScreenMulti;
int iForceFullScreen = -1; // -1 = nope, 0 = force off, 1 = force on (not saved.)
int iInternalResolution; // 0 = Auto (native), 1 = 1x (480x272), 2 = 2x, 3 = 3x, 4 = 4x and so on.
int iAnisotropyLevel; // 0 - 5, powers of 2: 0 = 1x = no aniso
int iMultiSampleLevel;
int bHighQualityDepth;
bool bReplaceTextures;
bool bSaveNewTextures;
bool bIgnoreTextureFilenames;
int iTexScalingLevel; // 0 = auto, 1 = off, 2 = 2x, ..., 5 = 5x
int iTexScalingType; // 0 = xBRZ, 1 = Hybrid
bool bTexDeposterize;
bool bTexHardwareScaling;
int iFpsLimit1;
int iFpsLimit2;
int iAnalogFpsLimit;
int iMaxRecent;
int iCurrentStateSlot;
int iRewindSnapshotInterval;
bool bUISound;
bool bEnableStateUndo;
std::string sStateLoadUndoGame;
std::string sStateUndoLastSaveGame;
int iStateUndoLastSaveSlot;
int iAutoLoadSaveState; // 0 = off, 1 = oldest, 2 = newest, >2 = slot number + 3
bool bEnableCheats;
bool bReloadCheats;
int iCwCheatRefreshRate;
float fCwCheatScrollPosition;
float fGameListScrollPosition;
int iBloomHack; //0 = off, 1 = safe, 2 = balanced, 3 = aggressive
bool bSkipGPUReadbacks;
int iSplineBezierQuality; // 0 = low , 1 = Intermediate , 2 = High
bool bHardwareTessellation;
bool bShaderCache; // Hidden ini-only setting, useful for debugging shader compile times.
bool bUberShaderVertex;
bool bUberShaderFragment;
std::vector<std::string> vPostShaderNames; // Off for chain end (only Off for no shader)
std::map<std::string, float> mPostShaderSetting;
// Note that this is separate from VR stereo, though it'll share some code paths.
bool bStereoRendering;
// There can only be one, unlike regular post shaders.
std::string sStereoToMonoShader;
bool bShaderChainRequires60FPS;
std::string sTextureShaderName;
bool bGfxDebugOutput;
int iInflightFrames;
bool bRenderDuplicateFrames;
bool bRenderMultiThreading;
// Sound
bool bEnableSound;
int iAudioBackend;
int iGlobalVolume;
int iReverbVolume;
int iAltSpeedVolume;
bool bExtraAudioBuffering; // For bluetooth
std::string sAudioDevice;
bool bAutoAudioDevice;
// UI
bool bShowDebuggerOnLoad;
int iShowStatusFlags;
bool bShowRegionOnGameIcon;
bool bShowIDOnGameIcon;
float fGameGridScale;
bool bShowOnScreenMessages;
int iBackgroundAnimation; // enum BackgroundAnimation
bool bTransparentBackground;
std::string sThemeName;
// These aren't saved, just for instant debugging.
bool bLogFrameDrops;
// Analog stick tilting
// This is the held base angle (from the horizon), that we compute the tilt relative from.
float fTiltBaseAngleY;
// Inverts the direction of the x axes and y axes for the purposes of tilt input.
bool bInvertTiltX;
bool bInvertTiltY;
// The sensitivity of the tilt in the X and Y directions, separately.
int iTiltSensitivityX;
int iTiltSensitivityY;
// The deadzone radius of the tilt. Only used in the analog mapping.
float fTiltAnalogDeadzoneRadius;
float fTiltInverseDeadzone; // An inverse deadzone for the output, counteracting excessive deadzones applied by games. See #17483.
bool bTiltCircularInverseDeadzone;
// Type of tilt input currently selected: Defined in TiltEventProcessor.h
// 0 - no tilt, 1 - analog stick, 2 - D-Pad, 3 - Action Buttons (Tri, Cross, Square, Circle)
int iTiltInputType;
// The three tabs.
bool bGridView1;
bool bGridView2;
bool bGridView3;
// Right analog binding
int iRightAnalogUp;
int iRightAnalogDown;
int iRightAnalogLeft;
int iRightAnalogRight;
int iRightAnalogPress;
bool bRightAnalogCustom;
bool bRightAnalogDisableDiagonal;
// Motion gesture controller
bool bGestureControlEnabled;
int iSwipeUp;
int iSwipeDown;
int iSwipeLeft;
int iSwipeRight;
float fSwipeSensitivity;
float fSwipeSmoothing;
int iDoubleTapGesture;
// Disable diagonals
bool bDisableDpadDiagonals;
bool bGamepadOnlyFocused;
// Control Style
int iTouchButtonStyle;
int iTouchButtonOpacity;
int iTouchButtonHideSeconds;
// Snap touch control position
bool bTouchSnapToGrid;
int iTouchSnapGridSize;
// Floating analog stick (recenters on thumb on press).
bool bAutoCenterTouchAnalog;
//space between PSP buttons
//the PSP button's center (triangle, circle, square, cross)
ConfigTouchPos touchActionButtonCenter;
float fActionButtonSpacing;
//radius of the D-pad (PSP cross)
// int iDpadRadius;
//the D-pad (PSP cross) position
ConfigTouchPos touchDpad;
float fDpadSpacing;
ConfigTouchPos touchStartKey;
ConfigTouchPos touchSelectKey;
ConfigTouchPos touchFastForwardKey;
ConfigTouchPos touchLKey;
ConfigTouchPos touchRKey;
ConfigTouchPos touchAnalogStick;
ConfigTouchPos touchRightAnalogStick;
enum { CUSTOM_BUTTON_COUNT = 20 };
ConfigTouchPos touchCustom[CUSTOM_BUTTON_COUNT];
float fLeftStickHeadScale;
float fRightStickHeadScale;
bool bHideStickBackground;
// Controls Visibility
bool bShowTouchControls;
bool bShowTouchCircle;
bool bShowTouchCross;
bool bShowTouchTriangle;
bool bShowTouchSquare;
ConfigCustomButton CustomButton[CUSTOM_BUTTON_COUNT];
// Ignored on iOS and other platforms that lack pause.
bool bShowTouchPause;
bool bHapticFeedback;
// We also use the XInput settings as analog settings on other platforms like Android.
float fAnalogDeadzone;
float fAnalogInverseDeadzone;
float fAnalogSensitivity;
// convert analog stick circle to square
bool bAnalogIsCircular;
// Auto rotation speed
float fAnalogAutoRotSpeed;
// Sets up how much the analog limiter button restricts digital->analog input.
float fAnalogLimiterDeadzone;
// Sets whether combo mapping is enabled.
bool bAllowMappingCombos;
bool bMouseControl;
bool bMapMouse; // Workaround for mapping screen:|
bool bMouseConfine; // Trap inside the window.
float fMouseSensitivity;
float fMouseSmoothing;
bool bSystemControls;
int iRapidFireInterval;
// Use the hardware scaler to scale up the image to save fillrate. Similar to Windows' window size, really.
int iAndroidHwScale; // 0 = device resolution. 1 = 480x272 (extended to correct aspect), 2 = 960x544 etc.
// Risky JIT optimizations
bool bDiscardRegsOnJRRA;
// SystemParam
std::string sNickName;
std::string sMACAddress;
int iLanguage;
int iTimeFormat;
int iDateFormat;
int iTimeZone;
bool bDayLightSavings;
int iButtonPreference;
int iLockParentalLevel;
bool bEncryptSave;
bool bSavedataUpgrade;
// Networking
std::string proAdhocServer;
bool bEnableWlan;
bool bEnableAdhocServer;
bool bEnableUPnP;
bool bUPnPUseOriginalPort;
bool bForcedFirstConnect;
int iPortOffset;
int iMinTimeout;
int iWlanAdhocChannel;
bool bWlanPowerSave;
bool bEnableNetworkChat;
//for chat position , moveable buttons is better than this
int iChatButtonPosition;
int iChatScreenPosition;
bool bEnableQuickChat;
std::string sQuickChat0;
std::string sQuickChat1;
std::string sQuickChat2;
std::string sQuickChat3;
std::string sQuickChat4;
int iPSPModel;
int iFirmwareVersion;
bool bBypassOSKWithKeyboard;
// Virtual reality
bool bEnableVR;
bool bEnable6DoF;
bool bEnableStereo;
bool bEnableMotions;
bool bForce72Hz;
bool bManualForceVR;
bool bPassthrough;
bool bRescaleHUD;
float fCameraDistance;
float fCameraHeight;
float fCameraSide;
float fCanvasDistance;
float fCanvas3DDistance;
float fFieldOfViewPercentage;
float fHeadUpDisplayScale;
float fMotionLength;
float fHeadRotationScale;
bool bHeadRotationEnabled;
bool bHeadRotationSmoothing;
int iCameraPitch;
// Debugger
int iDisasmWindowX;
int iDisasmWindowY;
int iDisasmWindowW;
int iDisasmWindowH;
int iGEWindowX;
int iGEWindowY;
int iGEWindowW;
int iGEWindowH;
uint32_t uGETabsLeft;
uint32_t uGETabsRight;
uint32_t uGETabsTopRight;
int iConsoleWindowX;
int iConsoleWindowY;
int iFontWidth;
int iFontHeight;
bool bDisplayStatusBar;
bool bShowBottomTabTitles;
bool bShowDeveloperMenu;
// Double edged sword: much easier debugging, but not accurate.
bool bSkipDeadbeefFilling;
bool bFuncHashMap;
std::string sSkipFuncHashMap;
bool bDebugMemInfoDetailed;
// Volatile development settings
// Overlays
int iDebugOverlay;
bool bGpuLogProfiler; // Controls the Vulkan logging profiler (profiles textures uploads etc).
// Retro Achievement settings
// Copied from Duckstation, we might want to remove some.
bool bAchievementsEnable;
bool bAchievementsChallengeMode;
bool bAchievementsEncoreMode;
bool bAchievementsUnofficial;
bool bAchievementsSoundEffects;
bool bAchievementsLogBadMemReads;
// Positioning of the various notifications
int iAchievementsLeaderboardTrackerPos;
int iAchievementsLeaderboardStartedOrFailedPos;
int iAchievementsLeaderboardSubmittedPos;
int iAchievementsProgressPos;
int iAchievementsChallengePos;
int iAchievementsUnlockedPos;
// Customizations
std::string sAchievementsUnlockAudioFile;
std::string sAchievementsLeaderboardSubmitAudioFile;
// Achivements login info. Note that password is NOT stored, only a login token.
// Still, we may wanna store it more securely than in PPSSPP.ini, especially on Android.
std::string sAchievementsUserName;
std::string sAchievementsToken; // Not saved, to be used if you want to manually make your RA login persistent. See Native_SaveSecret for the normal case.
// Various directories. Autoconfigured, not read from ini.
Path currentDirectory; // The directory selected in the game browsing window.
Path defaultCurrentDirectory; // Platform dependent, initialized at startup.
Path memStickDirectory;
Path flash0Directory;
Path internalDataDirectory;
Path appCacheDirectory;
// Data for upgrade prompt
std::string upgradeMessage; // The actual message from the server is currently not used, need a translation mechanism. So this just acts as a flag.
std::string upgradeVersion;
std::string dismissedVersion;
void Load(const char *iniFileName = nullptr, const char *controllerIniFilename = nullptr);
bool Save(const char *saveReason);
void Reload();
void RestoreDefaults(RestoreSettingsBits whatToRestore);
//per game config managment, should maybe be in it's own class
void changeGameSpecific(const std::string &gameId = "", const std::string &title = "");
bool createGameConfig(const std::string &game_id);
bool deleteGameConfig(const std::string& pGameId);
bool loadGameConfig(const std::string &game_id, const std::string &title);
bool saveGameConfig(const std::string &pGameId, const std::string &title);
void unloadGameConfig();
Path getGameConfigFile(const std::string &gameId);
bool hasGameConfig(const std::string &game_id);
void SetSearchPath(const Path &path);
const Path FindConfigFile(const std::string &baseFilename);
void UpdateIniLocation(const char *iniFileName = nullptr, const char *controllerIniFilename = nullptr);
// Utility functions for "recent" management
void AddRecent(const std::string &file);
void RemoveRecent(const std::string &file);
void CleanRecent();
static void DownloadCompletedCallback(http::Request &download);
void DismissUpgrade();
void ResetControlLayout();
void GetReportingInfo(UrlEncoder &data);
bool IsPortrait() const;
int NextValidBackend();
bool IsBackendEnabled(GPUBackend backend, bool validate = true);
bool UseFullScreen() const {
if (iForceFullScreen != -1)
return iForceFullScreen == 1;
return bFullScreen;
std::vector<std::string> RecentIsos() const;
bool HasRecentIsos() const;
void ClearRecentIsos();
const std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> &GetLangValuesMapping();
bool LoadAppendedConfig();
void SetAppendedConfigIni(const Path &path);
void UpdateAfterSettingAutoFrameSkip();
void NotifyUpdatedCpuCore();
// Applies the Auto setting if set. Returns an enum value from PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_*.
int GetPSPLanguage();
void LoadStandardControllerIni();
void LoadLangValuesMapping();
void PostLoadCleanup(bool gameSpecific);
void PreSaveCleanup(bool gameSpecific);
void PostSaveCleanup(bool gameSpecific);
bool reload_ = false;
std::string gameId_;
std::string gameIdTitle_;
std::vector<std::string> recentIsos;
std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> langValuesMapping_;
Path iniFilename_;
Path controllerIniFilename_;
Path searchPath_;
Path appendedConfigFileName_;
// A set make more sense, but won't have many entry, and I dont want to include the whole std::set header here
std::vector<std::string> appendedConfigUpdatedGames_;
ConfigPrivate *private_ = nullptr;
std::string CreateRandMAC();
// TODO: Find a better place for this.
extern http::RequestManager g_DownloadManager;
extern Config g_Config;