mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 12:17:16 +00:00

* Move the resampler usage to a common file, AudioCommon. Ports that don't want to use the resampler can now simply exclude that file and provide their own implementation. Next up, libretro will be converted to do it that way. * Android.mk typo * libretro makefile fix * libretro buildfix * libretro: try a different approach for the temporary solution * duh * double duh
346 lines
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346 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015- PPSSPP Project and Dolphin Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
// Adapted from Dolphin.
// 16 bit Stereo
// These must be powers of 2.
#define MAX_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT (4096) // 2*64ms - had to double it for nVidia Shield which has huge buffers
#define MAX_BUFSIZE_EXTRA (8192)
#define TARGET_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT 1680 // 40 ms
#define TARGET_BUFSIZE_EXTRA 3360 // 80 ms
#define MAX_FREQ_SHIFT 600.0f // how far off can we be from 44100 Hz
#define CONTROL_FACTOR 0.2f // in freq_shift per fifo size offset
#define CONTROL_AVG 32.0f
#include "ppsspp_config.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <atomic>
#include "Common/Common.h"
#include "Common/System/System.h"
#include "Common/Math/math_util.h"
#include "Common/Serialize/Serializer.h"
#include "Common/Log.h"
#include "Common/TimeUtil.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/ConfigValues.h"
#include "Core/HW/StereoResampler.h"
#include "Core/HLE/__sceAudio.h"
#include "Core/Util/AudioFormat.h" // for clamp_u8
#include "Core/System.h"
#ifdef _M_SSE
#include <emmintrin.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && PPSSPP_ARCH(ARM64)
#include <arm64_neon.h>
#include <arm_neon.h>
, m_targetBufsize(TARGET_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT) {
// Need to have space for the worst case in case it changes.
m_buffer = new int16_t[MAX_BUFSIZE_EXTRA * 2]();
// Some Android devices are v-synced to non-60Hz framerates. We simply timestretch audio to fit.
// TODO: should only do this if auto frameskip is off?
float refresh = System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_REFRESH_RATE);
// If framerate is "close"...
if (refresh != 60.0f && refresh > 50.0f && refresh < 70.0f) {
int input_sample_rate = (int)(44100 * (refresh / 60.0f));
INFO_LOG(AUDIO, "StereoResampler: Adjusting target sample rate to %dHz", input_sample_rate);
m_input_sample_rate = input_sample_rate;
StereoResampler::~StereoResampler() {
delete[] m_buffer;
m_buffer = nullptr;
void StereoResampler::UpdateBufferSize() {
if (g_Config.bExtraAudioBuffering) {
m_maxBufsize = MAX_BUFSIZE_EXTRA;
m_targetBufsize = TARGET_BUFSIZE_EXTRA;
} else {
int systemBufsize = System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER);
if (systemBufsize > 0 && m_targetBufsize < systemBufsize + TARGET_BUFSIZE_MARGIN) {
m_targetBufsize = std::min(4096, systemBufsize + TARGET_BUFSIZE_MARGIN);
if (m_targetBufsize * 2 > MAX_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT)
m_maxBufsize = MAX_BUFSIZE_EXTRA;
template<bool useShift>
inline void ClampBufferToS16(s16 *out, const s32 *in, size_t size, s8 volShift) {
#ifdef _M_SSE
// Size will always be 16-byte aligned as the hwBlockSize is.
while (size >= 8) {
__m128i in1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)in);
__m128i in2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(in + 4));
__m128i packed = _mm_packs_epi32(in1, in2);
if (useShift) {
packed = _mm_srai_epi16(packed, volShift);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)out, packed);
out += 8;
in += 8;
size -= 8;
// Dynamic shifts can only be left, but it's signed - negate to shift right.
int16x4_t signedVolShift = vdup_n_s16(-volShift);
while (size >= 8) {
int32x4_t in1 = vld1q_s32(in);
int32x4_t in2 = vld1q_s32(in + 4);
int16x4_t packed1 = vqmovn_s32(in1);
int16x4_t packed2 = vqmovn_s32(in2);
if (useShift) {
packed1 = vshl_s16(packed1, signedVolShift);
packed2 = vshl_s16(packed2, signedVolShift);
vst1_s16(out, packed1);
vst1_s16(out + 4, packed2);
out += 8;
in += 8;
size -= 8;
// This does the remainder if SIMD was used, otherwise it does it all.
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
out[i] = clamp_s16(useShift ? (in[i] >> volShift) : in[i]);
inline void ClampBufferToS16WithVolume(s16 *out, const s32 *in, size_t size) {
int volume = g_Config.iGlobalVolume;
if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit != FPSLimit::NORMAL || PSP_CoreParameter().fastForward) {
if (g_Config.iAltSpeedVolume != -1) {
volume = g_Config.iAltSpeedVolume;
if (volume >= VOLUME_FULL) {
ClampBufferToS16<false>(out, in, size, 0);
} else if (volume <= VOLUME_OFF) {
memset(out, 0, size * sizeof(s16));
} else {
ClampBufferToS16<true>(out, in, size, VOLUME_FULL - (s8)volume);
void StereoResampler::Clear() {
memset(m_buffer, 0, m_maxBufsize * 2 * sizeof(int16_t));
inline int16_t MixSingleSample(int16_t s1, int16_t s2, uint16_t frac) {
return s1 + (((s2 - s1) * frac) >> 16);
// Executed from sound stream thread, pulling sound out of the buffer.
unsigned int StereoResampler::Mix(short* samples, unsigned int numSamples, bool consider_framelimit, int sample_rate) {
if (!samples)
return 0;
unsigned int currentSample;
// Cache access in non-volatile variable
// This is the only function changing the read value, so it's safe to
// cache it locally although it's written here.
// The writing pointer will be modified outside, but it will only increase,
// so we will just ignore new written data while interpolating (until it wraps...).
// Without this cache, the compiler wouldn't be allowed to optimize the
// interpolation loop.
u32 indexR = m_indexR.load();
u32 indexW = m_indexW.load();
const int INDEX_MASK = (m_maxBufsize * 2 - 1);
// This is only for debug visualization, not used for anything.
lastBufSize_ = ((indexW - indexR) & INDEX_MASK) / 2;
// Drift prevention mechanism.
float numLeft = (float)(((indexW - indexR) & INDEX_MASK) / 2);
// If we had to discard samples the last frame due to underrun,
// apply an adjustment here. Otherwise we'll overestimate how many
// samples we need.
numLeft -= droppedSamples_;
droppedSamples_ = 0;
// m_numLeftI here becomes a lowpass filtered version of numLeft.
m_numLeftI = (numLeft + m_numLeftI * (CONTROL_AVG - 1.0f)) / CONTROL_AVG;
// Here we try to keep the buffer size around m_lowwatermark (which is
// really now more like desired_buffer_size) by adjusting the speed.
// Note that the speed of adjustment here does not take the buffer size into
// account. Since this is called once per "output frame", the frame size
// will affect how fast this algorithm reacts, which can't be a good thing.
float offset = (m_numLeftI - (float)m_targetBufsize) * CONTROL_FACTOR;
if (offset > MAX_FREQ_SHIFT) offset = MAX_FREQ_SHIFT;
if (offset < -MAX_FREQ_SHIFT) offset = -MAX_FREQ_SHIFT;
output_sample_rate_ = (float)(m_input_sample_rate + offset);
const u32 ratio = (u32)(65536.0 * output_sample_rate_ / (double)sample_rate);
ratio_ = ratio;
// TODO: consider a higher-quality resampling algorithm.
// TODO: Add a fast path for 1:1.
u32 frac = m_frac;
for (currentSample = 0; currentSample < numSamples * 2; currentSample += 2) {
if (((indexW - indexR) & INDEX_MASK) <= 2) {
// Ran out!
// int missing = numSamples * 2 - currentSample;
// ILOG("Resampler underrun: %d (numSamples: %d, currentSample: %d)", missing, numSamples, currentSample / 2);
u32 indexR2 = indexR + 2; //next sample
s16 l1 = m_buffer[indexR & INDEX_MASK]; //current
s16 r1 = m_buffer[(indexR + 1) & INDEX_MASK]; //current
s16 l2 = m_buffer[indexR2 & INDEX_MASK]; //next
s16 r2 = m_buffer[(indexR2 + 1) & INDEX_MASK]; //next
samples[currentSample] = MixSingleSample(l1, l2, (u16)frac);
samples[currentSample + 1] = MixSingleSample(r1, r2, (u16)frac);
frac += ratio;
indexR += 2 * (frac >> 16);
frac &= 0xffff;
m_frac = frac;
// Let's not count the underrun padding here.
outputSampleCount_ += currentSample / 2;
// Padding with the last value to reduce clicking
short s[2];
s[0] = clamp_s16(m_buffer[(indexR - 1) & INDEX_MASK]);
s[1] = clamp_s16(m_buffer[(indexR - 2) & INDEX_MASK]);
for (; currentSample < numSamples * 2; currentSample += 2) {
samples[currentSample] = s[0];
samples[currentSample + 1] = s[1];
// Flush cached variable
// TODO: What should we actually return here?
return currentSample / 2;
// Executes on the emulator thread, pushing sound into the buffer.
void StereoResampler::PushSamples(const s32 *samples, unsigned int numSamples) {
inputSampleCount_ += numSamples;
const int INDEX_MASK = (m_maxBufsize * 2 - 1);
// Cache access in non-volatile variable
// indexR isn't allowed to cache in the audio throttling loop as it
// needs to get updates to not deadlock.
u32 indexW = m_indexW.load();
u32 cap = m_maxBufsize * 2;
// If fast-forwarding, no need to fill up the entire buffer, just screws up timing after releasing the fast-forward button.
if (PSP_CoreParameter().fastForward) {
cap = m_targetBufsize * 2;
// Check if we have enough free space
// indexW == m_indexR results in empty buffer, so indexR must always be smaller than indexW
if (numSamples * 2 + ((indexW - m_indexR.load()) & INDEX_MASK) >= cap) {
if (!PSP_CoreParameter().fastForward) {
// TODO: "Timestretch" by doing a windowed overlap with existing buffer content?
// Check if we need to roll over to the start of the buffer during the copy.
unsigned int indexW_left_samples = m_maxBufsize * 2 - (indexW & INDEX_MASK);
if (numSamples * 2 > indexW_left_samples) {
ClampBufferToS16WithVolume(&m_buffer[indexW & INDEX_MASK], samples, indexW_left_samples);
ClampBufferToS16WithVolume(&m_buffer[0], samples + indexW_left_samples, numSamples * 2 - indexW_left_samples);
} else {
ClampBufferToS16WithVolume(&m_buffer[indexW & INDEX_MASK], samples, numSamples * 2);
m_indexW += numSamples * 2;
lastPushSize_ = numSamples;
void StereoResampler::GetAudioDebugStats(char *buf, size_t bufSize) {
double elapsed = time_now_d() - startTime_;
double effective_input_sample_rate = (double)inputSampleCount_ / elapsed;
double effective_output_sample_rate = (double)outputSampleCount_ / elapsed;
snprintf(buf, bufSize,
"Audio buffer: %d/%d (target: %d)\n"
"Filtered: %0.2f\n"
"Underruns: %d\n"
"Overruns: %d\n"
"Sample rate: %d (input: %d)\n"
"Effective input sample rate: %0.2f\n"
"Effective output sample rate: %0.2f\n"
"Push size: %d\n"
"Ratio: %0.6f\n",
(float)ratio_ / 65536.0f);
underrunCountTotal_ += underrunCount_;
overrunCountTotal_ += overrunCount_;
underrunCount_ = 0;
overrunCount_ = 0;
// Use this to remove the bias from the startup.
// if (elapsed > 3.0) {
// }
void StereoResampler::ResetStatCounters() {
underrunCount_ = 0;
overrunCount_ = 0;
underrunCountTotal_ = 0;
overrunCountTotal_ = 0;
inputSampleCount_ = 0;
outputSampleCount_ = 0;
startTime_ = time_now_d();