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645 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
// This is pretty much a stub implementation. Doesn't actually do anything, just tries to return values
// to keep games happy anyway.
#include <mutex>
#include <deque>
#include <StringUtils.h>
#include "Core/MemMapHelpers.h"
#include "Core/CoreTiming.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/HLE/HLE.h"
#include "Core/HLE/FunctionWrappers.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceNp.h"
bool npAuthInited = false;
int npSigninState = NP_SIGNIN_STATUS_NONE;
SceNpAuthMemoryStat npAuthMemStat = {};
PSPTimeval npSigninTimestamp{};
// TODO: These should probably be grouped in a struct, since they're used to generate an auth ticket
int npParentalControl = PARENTAL_CONTROL_ENABLED;
int npUserAge = 24; // faking user Age to 24 yo
int npChatRestriction = 0; // default/initial value on Patapon 3 is 1 (restricted boolean?)
SceNpMyLanguages npMyLangList = { 1033, 2057, 1036 };
char npCountryCode[3] = "fr"; // dummy data taken from https://www.psdevwiki.com/ps3/X-I-5-Ticket
char npRegionCode[3] = "c9"; // not sure what "c9" meant, since it was close to country code data, might be region-related data?
std::string npOnlineId = "DummyOnlineId"; // SceNpOnlineId struct?
std::string npServiceId = ""; // UNO game uses EP2006-NPEH00020_00
std::string npAvatarUrl = "http://DummyAvatarUrl"; // SceNpAvatarUrl struct?
SceNpCommunicationId npTitleId;
std::recursive_mutex npAuthEvtMtx;
std::deque<NpAuthArgs> npAuthEvents;
std::map<int, NpAuthHandler> npAuthHandlers;
// Tickets data are in big-endian based on captured packets
int writeTicketParam(u8* buffer, const u16_be type, const char* data = nullptr, const u16_be size = 0) {
if (buffer == nullptr) return 0;
u16_be sz = (data == nullptr)? static_cast<u16_be>(0): size;
memcpy(buffer, &type, 2);
memcpy(buffer + 2, &sz, 2);
if (sz > 0 && data != nullptr)
memcpy(buffer + 4, data, sz);
return sz + 4;
int writeTicketStringParam(u8* buffer, const u16_be type, const char* data = nullptr, const u16_be size = 0) {
if (buffer == nullptr) return 0;
u16_be sz = (data == nullptr) ? static_cast<u16_be>(0) : size;
memcpy(buffer, &type, 2);
memcpy(buffer + 2, &sz, 2);
if (sz > 0) {
memset(buffer + 4, 0, sz);
truncate_cpy((char*)buffer + 4, sz, data);
return sz + 4;
int writeTicketU32Param(u8* buffer, const u16_be type, const u32_be data) {
if (buffer == nullptr) return 0;
u16_be sz = 4;
memcpy(buffer, &type, 2);
memcpy(buffer + 2, &sz, 2);
memcpy(buffer + 4, &data, 4);
return sz + 4;
int writeTicketU64Param(u8* buffer, const u16_be type, const u64_be data) {
if (buffer == nullptr) return 0;
u16_be sz = 8;
memcpy(buffer, &type, 2);
memcpy(buffer + 2, &sz, 2);
memcpy(buffer + 4, &data, sz);
return sz + 4;
void notifyNpAuthHandlers(u32 id, u32 result, u32 argAddr) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> npAuthGuard(npAuthEvtMtx);
npAuthEvents.push_back({ { id, result, argAddr } });
static int sceNpInit()
npOnlineId = g_Config.sNickName;
return 0;
static int sceNpTerm()
// No parameters
return 0;
static int sceNpGetContentRatingFlag(u32 parentalControlAddr, u32 userAgeAddr)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED %s(%08x, %08x)", __FUNCTION__, parentalControlAddr, userAgeAddr);
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(parentalControlAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(userAgeAddr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Parental Control: %d", __FUNCTION__, npParentalControl);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - User Age: %d", __FUNCTION__, npUserAge);
Memory::Write_U32(npParentalControl, parentalControlAddr);
Memory::Write_U32(npUserAge, userAgeAddr);
return 0;
static int sceNpGetChatRestrictionFlag(u32 flagAddr)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED %s(%08x)", __FUNCTION__, flagAddr);
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(flagAddr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Chat Restriction: %d", __FUNCTION__, npChatRestriction);
Memory::Write_U32(npChatRestriction, flagAddr);
return 0;
static int sceNpGetOnlineId(u32 idPtr)
auto id = PSPPointer<SceNpOnlineId>::Create(idPtr);
if (!id.IsValid())
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
memset((SceNpOnlineId *)id, 0, sizeof(SceNpOnlineId));
truncate_cpy(id->data, sizeof(id->data), npOnlineId.c_str());
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Online ID: %s", __FUNCTION__, id->data);
return 0;
int NpGetNpId(SceNpId* npid)
truncate_cpy(npid->handle.data, sizeof(npid->handle.data), npOnlineId.c_str());
return 0;
static int sceNpGetNpId(u32 idPtr)
auto id = PSPPointer<SceNpId>::Create(idPtr);
if (!id.IsValid())
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
SceNpId dummyNpId{};
memset((SceNpId *)id, 0, sizeof(SceNpId));
int retval = NpGetNpId(id);
if (retval < 0)
return hleLogError(SCENET, retval);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Online ID: %s", __FUNCTION__, id->handle.data);
std::string datahex;
DataToHexString(id->opt, sizeof(id->opt), &datahex);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Options?: %s", __FUNCTION__, datahex.c_str());
return 0;
static int sceNpGetAccountRegion(u32 countryCodePtr, u32 regionCodePtr)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED %s(%08x, %08x)", __FUNCTION__, countryCodePtr, regionCodePtr);
auto countryCode = PSPPointer<SceNpCountryCode>::Create(countryCodePtr);
auto regionCode = PSPPointer<SceNpCountryCode>::Create(regionCodePtr);
if (!countryCode.IsValid() || !regionCode.IsValid())
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
memset((SceNpCountryCode *)countryCode, 0, sizeof(SceNpCountryCode));
memcpy(countryCode->data, npCountryCode, sizeof(countryCode->data));
memset((SceNpCountryCode *)regionCode, 0, sizeof(SceNpCountryCode));
memcpy(regionCode->data, npRegionCode, sizeof(regionCode->data));
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Country Code: %s", __FUNCTION__, countryCode->data);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Region? Code: %s", __FUNCTION__, regionCode->data);
return 0;
static int sceNpGetMyLanguages(u32 langListPtr)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED %s(%08x)", __FUNCTION__, langListPtr);
auto langList = PSPPointer<SceNpMyLanguages>::Create(langListPtr);
if (!langList.IsValid())
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Language1 Code: %d", __FUNCTION__, npMyLangList.language1);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Language2 Code: %d", __FUNCTION__, npMyLangList.language2);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Language3 Code: %d", __FUNCTION__, npMyLangList.language3);
*langList = npMyLangList;
return 0;
static int sceNpGetUserProfile(u32 profilePtr)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED %s(%08x)", __FUNCTION__, profilePtr);
auto profile = PSPPointer<SceNpUserInformation>::Create(profilePtr);
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(profilePtr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
memset((SceNpUserInformation *)profile, 0, sizeof(SceNpUserInformation));
truncate_cpy(profile->userId.handle.data, sizeof(profile->userId.handle.data), npOnlineId.c_str());
truncate_cpy(profile->icon.data, sizeof(profile->icon.data), npAvatarUrl.c_str());
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Online ID: %s", __FUNCTION__, profile->userId.handle.data);
std::string datahex;
DataToHexString(profile->userId.opt, sizeof(profile->userId.opt), &datahex);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Options?: %s", __FUNCTION__, datahex.c_str());
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Avatar URL: %s", __FUNCTION__, profile->icon.data);
return 0;
const HLEFunction sceNp[] = {
{0X857B47D3, &WrapI_V<sceNpInit>, "sceNpInit", 'i', "" },
{0X37E1E274, &WrapI_V<sceNpTerm>, "sceNpTerm", 'i', "" },
{0XBB069A87, &WrapI_UU<sceNpGetContentRatingFlag>, "sceNpGetContentRatingFlag", 'i', "xx" },
{0X1D60AE4B, &WrapI_U<sceNpGetChatRestrictionFlag>, "sceNpGetChatRestrictionFlag", 'i', "x" },
{0x4B5C71C8, &WrapI_U<sceNpGetOnlineId>, "sceNpGetOnlineId", 'i', "x" },
{0x633B5F71, &WrapI_U<sceNpGetNpId>, "sceNpGetNpId", 'i', "x" },
{0x7E0864DF, &WrapI_U<sceNpGetUserProfile>, "sceNpGetUserProfile", 'i', "x" },
{0xA0BE3C4B, &WrapI_UU<sceNpGetAccountRegion>, "sceNpGetAccountRegion", 'i', "xx" },
{0xCDCC21D3, &WrapI_U<sceNpGetMyLanguages>, "sceNpGetMyLanguages", 'i', "x" },
void Register_sceNp()
RegisterModule("sceNp", ARRAY_SIZE(sceNp), sceNp);
static int sceNpAuthTerm()
// No parameters
npAuthInited = false;
return 0;
static int sceNpAuthInit(u32 poolSize, u32 stackSize, u32 threadPrio)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%d, %d, %d)", __FUNCTION__, poolSize, stackSize, threadPrio);
npAuthMemStat.npMemSize = poolSize - 0x20;
npAuthMemStat.npMaxMemSize = 0x4050; // Dummy maximum foot print
npAuthMemStat.npFreeMemSize = npAuthMemStat.npMemSize;
npAuthInited = true;
return 0;
int sceNpAuthGetMemoryStat(u32 memStatAddr)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%08x)", __FUNCTION__, memStatAddr);
auto memStat = PSPPointer<SceNpAuthMemoryStat>::Create(memStatAddr);
if (!memStat.IsValid())
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_AUTH_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
*memStat = npAuthMemStat;
return 0;
"Authenticating matching server usage license" on Patapon 3. Could be waiting for a state change for eternity? probably need to trigger a callback handler?
TODO: Login to "https://auth.np.ac.playstation.net/nav/auth" based on https://www.psdevwiki.com/ps3/Online_Connections
param seems to be a struct where offset:
+00: 32-bit is the size of the struct (ie. 36 bytes),
+04: 32-bit is also a small number (ie. 3) a mode/event/flag/version may be?,
+08: 32-bit is a pointer to a productId? (ie. "EP9000-UCES01421_00"),
+0C: 4x 32-bit reserved? all zero
+1C: 32-bit callback handler? optional handler? seems to be a valid pointer and pointing to a starting point of a function (have a label on the disassembly)
+20: 32-bit a pointer to a random data (4 to 8-bytes data max? both 2x 32-bit seems to be a valid pointer). optional handler args?
return value >= 0 and <0 seems to be stored at a different location by the game (valid result vs error code?)
int sceNpAuthCreateStartRequest(u32 paramAddr)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED %s(%08x) at %08x", __FUNCTION__, paramAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(paramAddr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_AUTH_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
SceNpAuthRequestParameter params = {};
int size = Memory::Read_U32(paramAddr);
Memory::Memcpy(¶ms, paramAddr, size);
npServiceId = Memory::GetCharPointer(params.serviceIdAddr);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Max Version: %u.%u", __FUNCTION__, params.version.major, params.version.minor);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Service ID: %s", __FUNCTION__, Memory::GetCharPointer(params.serviceIdAddr));
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Entitlement ID: %s", __FUNCTION__, Memory::GetCharPointer(params.entitlementIdAddr));
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Consumed Count: %d", __FUNCTION__, params.consumedCount);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Cookie (size = %d): %s", __FUNCTION__, params.cookieSize, Memory::GetCharPointer(params.cookieAddr));
u32 retval = 0;
if (params.size >= 32 && params.ticketCbAddr != 0) {
bool foundHandler = false;
struct NpAuthHandler handler;
memset(&handler, 0, sizeof(handler));
while (npAuthHandlers.find(retval) != npAuthHandlers.end())
handler.entryPoint = params.ticketCbAddr;
handler.argument = params.cbArgAddr;
for (std::map<int, NpAuthHandler>::iterator it = npAuthHandlers.begin(); it != npAuthHandlers.end(); it++) {
if (it->second.entryPoint == handler.entryPoint) {
foundHandler = true;
retval = it->first;
if (!foundHandler && Memory::IsValidAddress(handler.entryPoint)) {
npAuthHandlers[retval] = handler;
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Added handler(%08x, %08x) : %d", __FUNCTION__, handler.entryPoint, handler.argument, retval);
else {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Same handler(%08x, %08x) already exists", __FUNCTION__, handler.entryPoint, handler.argument);
// Patapon 3 will only Abort & Destroy AuthRequest if the ID is larger than 0. Is 0 a valid request id?
// 1st Arg usually either an ID returned from Create/AddHandler function or an Event ID if the game is expecting a sequence of events.
// 2nd Arg seems to be used if not a negative number and exits the handler if it's negative (error code?)
// 3rd Arg seems to be a data (ie. 92 bytes of data?) pointer and tested for null within callback handler (optional callback args?)
u32 ticketLength = 248; // default ticket length? should be updated using the ticket length returned from login
notifyNpAuthHandlers(retval, ticketLength, (params.size >= 36) ? params.cbArgAddr : 0);
//hleDelayResult(0, "give time", 500000);
return retval;
// Used within callback of sceNpAuthCreateStartRequest (arg1 = callback's args[0], arg2 = output structPtr?, arg3 = callback's args[1])
// Is this using request id for Arg1 or cbId?
// JPCSP is using length = 248 for dummy ticket
int sceNpAuthGetTicket(u32 requestId, u32 bufferAddr, u32 length)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%d, %08x, %d) at %08x", __FUNCTION__, requestId, bufferAddr, length, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(bufferAddr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, SCE_NP_AUTH_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid arg");
int result = length;
Memory::Memset(bufferAddr, 0, length, "NpAuthGetTicket");
SceNpTicket ticket = {};
// Dummy Login ticket returned as Login response. Dummy ticket contents were taken from https://www.psdevwiki.com/ps3/X-I-5-Ticket
ticket.header.version = TICKET_VER_2_1;
ticket.header.size = 0xF0; // size excluding the header
u8* buf = Memory::GetPointerWrite(bufferAddr + sizeof(ticket));
int ofs = 0;
ofs += writeTicketParam(buf, PARAM_TYPE_STRING_ASCII, "\x4c\x47\x56\x3b\x81\x39\x4a\x22\xd8\x6b\xc1\x57\x71\x6e\xfd\xb8\xab\x63\xcc\x51", 20); // 20 random letters, token key or SceNpSignature?
ofs += writeTicketU32Param(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_INT, 0x0100); // a flags?
PSPTimeval tv; //npSigninTimestamp
u64 now = 1000ULL*tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec/1000ULL; // in milliseconds, since 1900?
ofs += writeTicketU64Param(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_DATE, now);
ofs += writeTicketU64Param(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_DATE, now + 10 * 60 * 1000); // now + 10 minutes, expired time?
ofs += writeTicketU64Param(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_LONG, 0x592e71c546e86859); // seems to be consistent, 8-bytes password hash may be? or related to entitlement? or console id?
ofs += writeTicketStringParam(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_STRING, npOnlineId.c_str(), 32); // username
ofs += writeTicketParam(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_STRING_ASCII, npCountryCode, 4); // SceNpCountryCode ? ie. "fr" + 00 02
ofs += writeTicketStringParam(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_STRING, npRegionCode, 4); // 2-char code? related to country/lang code? ie. "c9" + 00 00
ofs += writeTicketParam(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_STRING_ASCII, npServiceId.c_str(), 24);
int status = 0;
if (npParentalControl == PARENTAL_CONTROL_ENABLED) {
status |= (npUserAge & 0x7F) << 24;
ofs += writeTicketU32Param(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_INT, status);
ofs += writeTicketParam(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_NULL);
ofs += writeTicketParam(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_NULL);
ticket.section.type = SECTION_TYPE_BODY;
ticket.section.size = ofs;
Memory::Memcpy(bufferAddr, &ticket, sizeof(SceNpTicket), "NpAuthGetTicket");
SceNpTicketSection footer = { SECTION_TYPE_FOOTER, 32 }; // footer section? ie. 32-bytes on version 2.1 containing 4-chars ASCII + 20-chars ASCII
Memory::Memcpy(bufferAddr + sizeof(ticket) + ofs, &footer, sizeof(SceNpTicketSection), "NpAuthGetTicket");
ofs += sizeof(footer);
ofs += writeTicketParam(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_STRING_ASCII, "\x34\xcd\x3c\xa9", 4);
ofs += writeTicketParam(buf + ofs, PARAM_TYPE_STRING_ASCII, "\x3a\x4b\x42\x66\x92\xda\x6b\x7c\xb7\x4c\xe8\xd9\x4f\x2b\x77\x15\x91\xb8\xa4\xa9", 20); // 20 random letters, token key or SceNpSignature?
// includes Language list?
Memory::Memset(bufferAddr + sizeof(ticket) + ofs, 0, 36);
result = ticket.header.size + sizeof(ticket.header); // dummy ticket is 248 bytes
return result;
// Used within callback of sceNpAuthCreateStartRequest (arg1 = structPtr?, arg2 = callback's args[1], arg3 = DLCcode? ie. "EP9000-UCES01421_00-DLL001", arg4 = Patapon 3 always set to 0?)
// Patapon 3 will loop (for each DLC?) through an array of 4+4 bytes, ID addr (pchar) + result (int). Each loop calls this function using the same ticket addr but use different ID addr (arg3) and store the return value in result field (default/initial = -1)
int sceNpAuthGetEntitlementById(u32 ticketBufferAddr, u32 ticketLength, u32 entitlementIdAddr, u32 arg4)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%08x, %d, %08x, %d)", __FUNCTION__, ticketBufferAddr, ticketLength, entitlementIdAddr, arg4);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Entitlement ID: %s", __FUNCTION__, Memory::GetCharPointer(entitlementIdAddr));
// Do we return the entitlement through function result? or update the ticket content? or replace the arg3 data with SceNpEntitlement struct?
return 1; // dummy value assuming it's a boolean/flag, since we don't know how to return the entitlement result yet
int sceNpAuthAbortRequest(int requestId)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED %s(%i)", __FUNCTION__, requestId);
// TODO: Disconnect HTTPS connection & cancel the callback event
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> npAuthGuard(npAuthEvtMtx);
for (auto it = npAuthEvents.begin(); it != npAuthEvents.end(); ) {
(it->data[0] == requestId) ? it = npAuthEvents.erase(it) : ++it;
return 0;
int sceNpAuthDestroyRequest(int requestId)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED %s(%i)", __FUNCTION__, requestId);
// Remove callback handler
int handlerID = requestId - 1;
if (npAuthHandlers.find(handlerID) != npAuthHandlers.end()) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "%s: Deleted handler %d", __FUNCTION__, handlerID);
else {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "%s: Invalid request ID %d", __FUNCTION__, requestId);
// Patapon 3 is checking for error code 0x80550402
return 0;
int sceNpAuthGetTicketParam(u32 ticketBufPtr, int ticketLen, int paramNum, u32 bufferPtr)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%08x, %0d, %d, %08x) at %08x", __FUNCTION__, ticketBufPtr, ticketLen, paramNum, bufferPtr, currentMIPS->pc);
const u32 PARAM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 256;
Memory::Memset(bufferPtr, 0, PARAM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE); // JPCSP: This clear is always done, even when an error is returned
if (paramNum < 0 || paramNum >= NUMBER_PARAMETERS) {
SceNpTicket* ticket = (SceNpTicket*)Memory::GetPointer(ticketBufPtr);
u32 inbuf = ticketBufPtr;
inbuf += sizeof(ticket->header);
inbuf += ticket->section.size + sizeof(ticket->section);
u32 outbuf = bufferPtr;
for (int i = 0; i < paramNum; i++) {
SceNpTicketParamData* ticketParam = (SceNpTicketParamData*)Memory::GetPointer(inbuf);
u32 sz = (u32)sizeof(SceNpTicketParamData) + ticketParam->length;
Memory::Memcpy(outbuf, inbuf, sz);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Param #%d: Type = %04x, Length = %u", __FUNCTION__, i, static_cast<unsigned int>(ticketParam->type), static_cast<unsigned int>(ticketParam->length));
outbuf += sz;
inbuf += sz;
if (outbuf - bufferPtr >= PARAM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE || inbuf - ticketBufPtr >= (u32)ticketLen)
return 0;
const HLEFunction sceNpAuth[] = {
{0X4EC1F667, &WrapI_V<sceNpAuthTerm>, "sceNpAuthTerm", 'i', "" },
{0XA1DE86F8, &WrapI_UUU<sceNpAuthInit>, "sceNpAuthInit", 'i', "xxx" },
{0XF4531ADC, &WrapI_U<sceNpAuthGetMemoryStat>, "sceNpAuthGetMemoryStat", 'i', "x" },
{0XCD86A656, &WrapI_U<sceNpAuthCreateStartRequest>, "sceNpAuthCreateStartRequest", 'i', "x" },
{0X3F1C1F70, &WrapI_UUU<sceNpAuthGetTicket>, "sceNpAuthGetTicket", 'i', "xxx" },
{0X6900F084, &WrapI_UUUU<sceNpAuthGetEntitlementById>, "sceNpAuthGetEntitlementById", 'i', "xxxx" },
{0XD99455DD, &WrapI_I<sceNpAuthAbortRequest>, "sceNpAuthAbortRequest", 'i', "i" },
{0X72BB0467, &WrapI_I<sceNpAuthDestroyRequest>, "sceNpAuthDestroyRequest", 'i', "i" },
{0x5A3CB57A, &WrapI_UIIU<sceNpAuthGetTicketParam>, "sceNpAuthGetTicketParam", 'i', "xiix" },
{0x75FB0AE3, nullptr, "sceNpAuthGetEntitlementIdList", 'i', "" },
void Register_sceNpAuth()
RegisterModule("sceNpAuth", ARRAY_SIZE(sceNpAuth), sceNpAuth);
static int sceNpServiceTerm()
// No parameters
return 0;
static int sceNpServiceInit(u32 poolSize, u32 stackSize, u32 threadPrio)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%08x, %08x, %08x)", __FUNCTION__, poolSize, stackSize, threadPrio);
return 0;
// FIXME: On Patapon 3 the Arg is pointing to a String, but based on RPCS3 the Arg is an Id integer ?
static int sceNpLookupCreateTransactionCtx(u32 lookupTitleCtxIdAddr)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%08x)", __FUNCTION__, lookupTitleCtxIdAddr);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%s - Title ID: %s", __FUNCTION__, Memory::GetCharPointer(lookupTitleCtxIdAddr));
// Patapon 3 will only Destroy if returned Id > 0. Is 0 a valid id?
return 1; // returning dummy transaction id
// transId: id returned from sceNpLookupCreateTransactionCtx
static int sceNpLookupDestroyTransactionCtx(s32 transId)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, transId);
return 0;
// transId: id returned from sceNpLookupCreateTransactionCtx
// Patapon 3 always set Arg5 to 0
// Addr args have something to do with GameUpdate?
// FIXME: maxSize and contentLength are u64 based on https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/blob/master/rpcs3/Emu/Cell/Modules/sceNp.cpp ? But on Patapon 3 optionAddr will be deadbeef if maxSize is u64 ?
static int sceNpLookupTitleSmallStorage(s32 transId, u32 dataAddr, u32 maxSize, u32 contentLengthAddr, u32 optionAddr)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%d, %08x, %d, %08x[%d], %08x) at %08x", __FUNCTION__, transId, dataAddr, maxSize, contentLengthAddr, (Memory::IsValidAddress(contentLengthAddr)? Memory::Read_U32(contentLengthAddr): 0), optionAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
return 0;
// On Resistance Retribution:
// unknownAddr pointing to a struct of:
// 32-bit pointer (ie. 08efc6c4)? or a timestamp combined with the next 32-bit value?
// 32-bit pointer (ie. 08f9d101)? but unaligned (the lowest byte seems to be intentionally set to 1)? so probably not a pointer, may be a timestamp combined with previous 32-bit value?
// 32-bit pointer? Seems to be pointing to dummy ticket data generated by sceNpAuthGetTicket
// 32-bit value (248) dummy ticket length from NpAuth Ticket?
// There could be more data in the struct? (at least 48-bytes?)
static int sceNpRosterCreateRequest(u32 unknownAddr)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%08x) at %08x", __FUNCTION__, unknownAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
return 1; // returning dummy roster id
// On Resistance Retribution:
// unknown1 set to 50 (max entries?),
// unknown2 set to 0,
// unknown3Addr pointing to unset buffer? (output entry data? usually located right after number of entries?),
// unknown4Addr pointing to 32-bit value set to 0 (output number of entries?),
// unknown5Addr pointing to zeroed buffer?,
// unknown6 set to 0
static int sceNpRosterGetFriendListEntry(s32 rosterId, u32 unknown1, u32 unknown2, u32 unknown3Addr, u32 unknown4Addr, u32 unknown5Addr, u32 unknown6)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%d, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x) at %08x", __FUNCTION__, rosterId, unknown1, unknown2, unknown3Addr, unknown4Addr, unknown5Addr, unknown6, currentMIPS->pc);
return 0;
static int sceNpRosterAbort(s32 rosterId)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%d) at %08x", __FUNCTION__, rosterId, currentMIPS->pc);
return 0;
static int sceNpRosterDeleteRequest(s32 rosterId)
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL %s(%d) at %08x", __FUNCTION__, rosterId, currentMIPS->pc);
return 0;
const HLEFunction sceNpService[] = {
{0X00ACFAC3, &WrapI_V<sceNpServiceTerm>, "sceNpServiceTerm", 'i', "" },
{0X0F8F5821, &WrapI_UUU<sceNpServiceInit>, "sceNpServiceInit", 'i', "xxx" },
{0X5494274B, &WrapI_U<sceNpLookupCreateTransactionCtx>, "sceNpLookupCreateTransactionCtx", 'i', "x" },
{0XA670D3A3, &WrapI_I<sceNpLookupDestroyTransactionCtx>, "sceNpLookupDestroyTransactionCtx", 'i', "i" },
{0XC76F55ED, &WrapI_IUUUU<sceNpLookupTitleSmallStorage>, "sceNpLookupTitleSmallStorage", 'i', "ixxxx" },
{0XBE22EEA3, &WrapI_U<sceNpRosterCreateRequest>, "sceNpRosterCreateRequest", 'i', "x" },
{0X4E851B10, &WrapI_IUUUUUU<sceNpRosterGetFriendListEntry>, "sceNpRosterGetFriendListEntry", 'i', "ixxxxxx"},
{0X5F5E32AF, &WrapI_I<sceNpRosterAbort>, "sceNpRosterAbort", 'i', "i" },
{0X66C64821, &WrapI_I<sceNpRosterDeleteRequest>, "sceNpRosterDeleteRequest", 'i', "i" },
void Register_sceNpService()
RegisterModule("sceNpService", ARRAY_SIZE(sceNpService), sceNpService);
// TODO: Moves NpCommerce2-related stuff to sceNpCommerce2.cpp
const HLEFunction sceNpCommerce2[] = {
{0X005B5F20, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2GetProductInfoStart", '?', "" },
{0X0E9956E3, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2Init", '?', "" },
{0X1888A9FE, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2DestroyReq", '?', "" },
{0X1C952DCB, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2GetGameProductInfo", '?', "" },
{0X2B25F6E9, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2CreateSessionStart", '?', "" },
{0X3371D5F1, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2GetProductInfoCreateReq", '?', "" },
{0X4ECD4503, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2CreateSessionCreateReq", '?', "" },
{0X590A3229, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2GetSessionInfo", '?', "" },
{0X6F1FE37F, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2CreateCtx", '?', "" },
{0XA5A34EA4, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2Term", '?', "" },
{0XAA4A1E3D, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2GetProductInfoGetResult", '?', "" },
{0XBC61FFC8, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2CreateSessionGetResult", '?', "" },
{0XC7F32242, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2AbortReq", '?', "" },
{0XF2278B90, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2GetGameSkuInfoFromGameProductInfo", '?', "" },
{0XF297AB9C, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2DestroyCtx", '?', "" },
{0XFC30C19E, nullptr, "sceNpCommerce2InitGetProductInfoResult", '?', "" },
void Register_sceNpCommerce2()
RegisterModule("sceNpCommerce2", ARRAY_SIZE(sceNpCommerce2), sceNpCommerce2);