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synced 2025-03-04 12:17:16 +00:00
216 lines
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216 lines
6.9 KiB
#include "Common/GPU/Shader.h"
#ifdef USE_CRT_DBG
#undef new
#include "ext/glslang/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.h"
const char *ShaderLanguageAsString(ShaderLanguage lang) {
switch (lang) {
case GLSL_1xx: return "GLSL 1.x";
case GLSL_3xx: return "GLSL 3.x";
case GLSL_VULKAN: return "GLSL-VK";
case HLSL_D3D9: return "HLSL-D3D9";
case HLSL_D3D11: return "HLSL-D3D11";
default: return "(combination)";
const char *ShaderStageAsString(ShaderStage stage) {
switch (stage) {
case ShaderStage::Fragment: return "Fragment";
case ShaderStage::Vertex: return "Vertex";
case ShaderStage::Geometry: return "Geometry";
case ShaderStage::Compute: return "Compute";
default: return "(unknown)";
ShaderLanguageDesc::ShaderLanguageDesc(ShaderLanguage lang) {
void ShaderLanguageDesc::Init(ShaderLanguage lang) {
shaderLanguage = lang;
strcpy(driverInfo, "");
switch (lang) {
case GLSL_1xx:
// Just used in the shader test, and as a basis for the others in DetectShaderLanguage.
// The real OpenGL initialization happens in thin3d_gl.cpp.
glslVersionNumber = 110;
attribute = "attribute";
varying_vs = "varying";
varying_fs = "varying";
fragColor0 = "gl_FragColor";
fragColor1 = "fragColor1";
texture = "texture2D";
texture3D = "texture3D";
texelFetch = nullptr;
bitwiseOps = false;
lastFragData = nullptr;
gles = false;
forceMatrix4x4 = true;
case GLSL_3xx:
// Just used in the shader test.
glslVersionNumber = 300; // GLSL ES 3.0
varying_vs = "out";
varying_fs = "in";
attribute = "in";
fragColor0 = "fragColor0";
fragColor1 = "fragColor1";
texture = "texture";
texture3D = "texture";
texelFetch = "texelFetch";
bitwiseOps = true;
lastFragData = nullptr;
gles = true;
forceMatrix4x4 = true;
glslES30 = true;
texelFetch = "texelFetch";
fragColor0 = "fragColor0";
fragColor1 = "fragColor1";
varying_fs = "in";
varying_vs = "out";
attribute = "in";
bitwiseOps = true;
framebufferFetchExtension = nullptr;
gles = false;
glslES30 = true;
glslVersionNumber = 450;
lastFragData = nullptr;
texture = "texture";
texture3D = "texture";
texelFetch = "texelFetch";
forceMatrix4x4 = false;
coefsFromBuffers = true;
vertexIndex = true;
case HLSL_D3D9:
case HLSL_D3D11:
if (lang == HLSL_D3D11) {
fragColor0 = "outfragment.target";
fragColor1 = "outfragment.target1";
vertexIndex = true; // if declared as a semantic input
} else {
fragColor0 = "outfragment.target";
varying_fs = "in";
varying_vs = "out";
attribute = "in";
bitwiseOps = lang == HLSL_D3D11;
framebufferFetchExtension = nullptr;
gles = false;
glslES30 = true; // Hm, D3D9 too?
glslVersionNumber = 0;
lastFragData = nullptr;
texture = "texture";
texture3D = "texture";
texelFetch = "texelFetch";
forceMatrix4x4 = false;
coefsFromBuffers = true;
vsOutPrefix = "Out.";
viewportYSign = "-";
void init_resources(TBuiltInResource &Resources) {
Resources.maxLights = 32;
Resources.maxClipPlanes = 6;
Resources.maxTextureUnits = 32;
Resources.maxTextureCoords = 32;
Resources.maxVertexAttribs = 64;
Resources.maxVertexUniformComponents = 4096;
Resources.maxVaryingFloats = 64;
Resources.maxVertexTextureImageUnits = 32;
Resources.maxCombinedTextureImageUnits = 80;
Resources.maxTextureImageUnits = 32;
Resources.maxFragmentUniformComponents = 4096;
Resources.maxDrawBuffers = 32;
Resources.maxVertexUniformVectors = 128;
Resources.maxVaryingVectors = 8;
Resources.maxFragmentUniformVectors = 16;
Resources.maxVertexOutputVectors = 16;
Resources.maxFragmentInputVectors = 15;
Resources.minProgramTexelOffset = -8;
Resources.maxProgramTexelOffset = 7;
Resources.maxClipDistances = 8;
Resources.maxComputeWorkGroupCountX = 65535;
Resources.maxComputeWorkGroupCountY = 65535;
Resources.maxComputeWorkGroupCountZ = 65535;
Resources.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeX = 1024;
Resources.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeY = 1024;
Resources.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ = 64;
Resources.maxComputeUniformComponents = 1024;
Resources.maxComputeTextureImageUnits = 16;
Resources.maxComputeImageUniforms = 8;
Resources.maxComputeAtomicCounters = 8;
Resources.maxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers = 1;
Resources.maxVaryingComponents = 60;
Resources.maxVertexOutputComponents = 64;
Resources.maxGeometryInputComponents = 64;
Resources.maxGeometryOutputComponents = 128;
Resources.maxFragmentInputComponents = 128;
Resources.maxImageUnits = 8;
Resources.maxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs = 8;
Resources.maxCombinedShaderOutputResources = 8;
Resources.maxImageSamples = 0;
Resources.maxVertexImageUniforms = 0;
Resources.maxTessControlImageUniforms = 0;
Resources.maxTessEvaluationImageUniforms = 0;
Resources.maxGeometryImageUniforms = 0;
Resources.maxFragmentImageUniforms = 8;
Resources.maxCombinedImageUniforms = 8;
Resources.maxGeometryTextureImageUnits = 16;
Resources.maxGeometryOutputVertices = 256;
Resources.maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = 1024;
Resources.maxGeometryUniformComponents = 1024;
Resources.maxGeometryVaryingComponents = 64;
Resources.maxTessControlInputComponents = 128;
Resources.maxTessControlOutputComponents = 128;
Resources.maxTessControlTextureImageUnits = 16;
Resources.maxTessControlUniformComponents = 1024;
Resources.maxTessControlTotalOutputComponents = 4096;
Resources.maxTessEvaluationInputComponents = 128;
Resources.maxTessEvaluationOutputComponents = 128;
Resources.maxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits = 16;
Resources.maxTessEvaluationUniformComponents = 1024;
Resources.maxTessPatchComponents = 120;
Resources.maxPatchVertices = 32;
Resources.maxTessGenLevel = 64;
Resources.maxViewports = 16;
Resources.maxVertexAtomicCounters = 0;
Resources.maxTessControlAtomicCounters = 0;
Resources.maxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters = 0;
Resources.maxGeometryAtomicCounters = 0;
Resources.maxFragmentAtomicCounters = 8;
Resources.maxCombinedAtomicCounters = 8;
Resources.maxAtomicCounterBindings = 1;
Resources.maxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers = 0;
Resources.maxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers = 0;
Resources.maxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers = 0;
Resources.maxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers = 0;
Resources.maxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers = 1;
Resources.maxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers = 1;
Resources.maxAtomicCounterBufferSize = 16384;
Resources.maxTransformFeedbackBuffers = 4;
Resources.maxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents = 64;
Resources.maxCullDistances = 8;
Resources.maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances = 8;
Resources.maxSamples = 4;
Resources.maxDualSourceDrawBuffersEXT = 1;
Resources.limits.nonInductiveForLoops = 1;
Resources.limits.whileLoops = 1;
Resources.limits.doWhileLoops = 1;
Resources.limits.generalUniformIndexing = 1;
Resources.limits.generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing = 1;
Resources.limits.generalVaryingIndexing = 1;
Resources.limits.generalSamplerIndexing = 1;
Resources.limits.generalVariableIndexing = 1;
Resources.limits.generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing = 1;