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// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <WinSock2.h>
#include "Common/CommonWindows.h"
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
// Default value to 0x00 (do nothing) in systems where it's not supported.
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0x00
#include <mutex>
// sceNetAdhoc
// This is a direct port of Coldbird's code from http://code.google.com/p/aemu/
// All credit goes to him!
#include "Common/Data/Text/I18n.h"
#include "Common/Serialize/Serializer.h"
#include "Common/Serialize/SerializeFuncs.h"
#include "Common/Serialize/SerializeMap.h"
#include "Common/System/OSD.h"
#include "Common/Thread/ThreadUtil.h"
#include "Common/TimeUtil.h"
#include "Core/MIPS/MIPSCodeUtils.h"
#include "Core/Util/PortManager.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/Core.h"
#include "Core/Reporting.h"
#include "Core/MemMapHelpers.h"
#include "Core/HLE/HLEHelperThread.h"
#include "Core/HLE/FunctionWrappers.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceKernelThread.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceKernel.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceKernelMemory.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceKernelModule.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceKernelInterrupt.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceNetAdhoc.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceNet.h"
#include "Core/HLE/proAdhocServer.h"
#include "Core/HLE/KernelWaitHelpers.h"
// shared in sceNetAdhoc.h since it need to be used from sceNet.cpp also
// TODO: Make accessor functions instead, and throw all this state in a struct.
bool netAdhocInited;
bool netAdhocctlInited;
bool networkInited = false;
#define DISCOVER_DURATION_US 2000000 // 2 seconds is probably the normal time it takes for PSP to connect to a group (ie. similar to NetconfigDialog time)
u64 netAdhocDiscoverStartTime = 0;
s32 netAdhocDiscoverStatus = NET_ADHOC_DISCOVER_STATUS_NONE;
bool netAdhocDiscoverIsStopping = false;
SceNetAdhocDiscoverParam* netAdhocDiscoverParam = nullptr;
u32 netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr = 0;
bool netAdhocGameModeEntered = false;
int netAdhocEnterGameModeTimeout = 15000000; // 15 sec as default timeout, to wait for all players to join
bool netAdhocMatchingInited;
int netAdhocMatchingStarted = 0;
int adhocDefaultTimeout = 5000000; //2000000 usec // For some unknown reason, sometimes it tooks more than 2 seconds for Adhocctl Init to connect to AdhocServer on localhost (normally only 10 ms), and sometimes it tooks more than 1 seconds for built-in AdhocServer to be ready (normally only 1 ms)
int adhocDefaultDelay = 10000; //10000
int adhocExtraDelay = 20000; //20000
int adhocEventPollDelay = 100000; //100000; // Same timings with PSP_ADHOCCTL_RECV_TIMEOUT ?
int adhocMatchingEventDelay = 30000; //30000
int adhocEventDelay = 2000000; //2000000 on real PSP ?
u32 defaultLastRecvDelta = 10000; //10000 usec worked well for games published by Falcom (ie. Ys vs Sora Kiseki, Vantage Master Portable)
SceUID threadAdhocID;
std::recursive_mutex adhocEvtMtx;
std::deque<std::pair<u32, u32>> adhocctlEvents;
std::deque<MatchingArgs> matchingEvents;
std::map<int, AdhocctlHandler> adhocctlHandlers;
std::vector<SceUID> matchingThreads;
int IsAdhocctlInCB = 0;
int adhocctlNotifyEvent = -1;
int adhocctlStateEvent = -1;
int adhocSocketNotifyEvent = -1;
std::map<int, AdhocctlRequest> adhocctlRequests;
std::map<u64, AdhocSocketRequest> adhocSocketRequests;
std::map<u64, AdhocSendTargets> sendTargetPeers;
int gameModeNotifyEvent = -1;
u32 dummyThreadHackAddr = 0;
u32_le dummyThreadCode[3];
u32 matchingThreadHackAddr = 0;
u32_le matchingThreadCode[3];
int matchingEventThread(int matchingId);
int matchingInputThread(int matchingId);
void sendBulkDataPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* context, SceNetEtherAddr* mac, int datalen, void* data);
int AcceptPtpSocket(int ptpId, int newsocket, sockaddr_in& peeraddr, SceNetEtherAddr* addr, u16_le* port);
int PollAdhocSocket(SceNetAdhocPollSd* sds, int count, int timeout, int nonblock);
int FlushPtpSocket(int socketId);
int RecreatePtpSocket(int ptpId);
int NetAdhocGameMode_DeleteMaster();
int NetAdhocctl_ExitGameMode();
int NetAdhocPtp_Connect(int id, int timeout, int flag, bool allowForcedConnect = true);
static int sceNetAdhocPdpCreate(const char* mac, int port, int bufferSize, u32 flag);
static int sceNetAdhocPdpSend(int id, const char* mac, u32 port, void* data, int len, int timeout, int flag);
static int sceNetAdhocPdpRecv(int id, void* addr, void* port, void* buf, void* dataLength, u32 timeout, int flag);
void __NetAdhocShutdown() {
// Kill AdhocServer Thread
adhocServerRunning = false;
if (adhocServerThread.joinable()) {
// Checks to avoid confusing logspam
if (netAdhocMatchingInited) {
if (netAdhocctlInited) {
if (netAdhocInited) {
if (dummyThreadHackAddr) {
dummyThreadHackAddr = 0;
if (matchingThreadHackAddr) {
matchingThreadHackAddr = 0;
bool IsGameModeActive() {
return netAdhocGameModeEntered && masterGameModeArea.data;
static void __GameModeNotify(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) {
SceUID threadID = userdata >> 32;
u32 error;
if (IsGameModeActive()) {
// Need to make sure all replicas have been created before we start syncing data
if (replicaGameModeAreas.size() == (gameModeMacs.size() - 1)) {
// Socket's buffer size should fit the largest size from master/replicas, so we waited until Master & all Replicas to be created first before creating the socket, since there are games (ie. Fading Shadows) that use different buffer size for Master and Replica.
if (gameModeSocket < 0 && !isZeroMAC(&masterGameModeArea.mac)) {
u8* buf = (u8*)realloc(gameModeBuffer, gameModeBuffSize);
if (buf)
gameModeBuffer = buf;
if ((gameModeSocket = sceNetAdhocPdpCreate((const char*)&masterGameModeArea.mac, ADHOC_GAMEMODE_PORT, gameModeBuffSize, 0)) < 0) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Failed to create socket (Error %08x)", gameModeSocket);
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, gameModeSocket);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Synchronizer (%d, %d) has started", gameModeSocket, gameModeBuffSize);
if (gameModeSocket < 0) {
// ReSchedule
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(GAMEMODE_UPDATE_INTERVAL) - cyclesLate, gameModeNotifyEvent, userdata);
auto sock = adhocSockets[gameModeSocket - 1];
if (!sock) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Socket (%d) got deleted", gameModeSocket);
u32 waitVal = __KernelGetWaitValue(threadID, error);
if (error == 0) {
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, waitVal);
// Send Master data
if (masterGameModeArea.dataUpdated) {
int sentcount = 0;
for (auto& gma : replicaGameModeAreas) {
if (!gma.dataSent && IsSocketReady(sock->data.pdp.id, false, true) > 0) {
u16_le port = ADHOC_GAMEMODE_PORT;
auto it = gameModePeerPorts.find(gma.mac);
if (it != gameModePeerPorts.end())
port = it->second;
int sent = sceNetAdhocPdpSend(gameModeSocket, (const char*)&gma.mac, port, masterGameModeArea.data, masterGameModeArea.size, 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
gma.dataSent = 1;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Master data Sent %d bytes to Area #%d [%s]", masterGameModeArea.size, gma.id, mac2str(&gma.mac).c_str());
else if (gma.dataSent) sentcount++;
if (sentcount == replicaGameModeAreas.size())
masterGameModeArea.dataUpdated = 0;
// Need to sync (send + recv) all players initial data (data from CreateMaster) after Master + All Replicas are created, and before the first UpdateMaster / UpdateReplica is called for Star Wars The Force Unleashed to show the correct players color on minimap (also prevent Starting issue on other GameMode games)
else {
SceUID waitID = __KernelGetWaitID(threadID, WAITTYPE_NET, error);
if (error == 0 && waitID == GAMEMODE_WAITID) {
// Resume thread after all replicas data have been received
int recvd = 0;
for (auto& gma : replicaGameModeAreas) {
// Either replicas new data has been received or that player has been disconnected
if (gma.dataUpdated || gma.updateTimestamp == 0) {
// Since we're able to receive data, now we're certain that remote player is listening and ready to receive data, so we send initial data one more time in case they're not listening yet on previous attempt (ie. Pocket Pool)
if (gma.dataUpdated) {
u16_le port = ADHOC_GAMEMODE_PORT;
auto it = gameModePeerPorts.find(gma.mac);
if (it != gameModePeerPorts.end())
port = it->second;
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(gameModeSocket, (const char*)&gma.mac, port, masterGameModeArea.data, masterGameModeArea.size, 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Resume blocked thread
u64 now = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
if (recvd == replicaGameModeAreas.size()) {
u32 waitVal = __KernelGetWaitValue(threadID, error);
if (error == 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Resuming Thread %d after Master data Synced (Result = %08x)", threadID, waitVal);
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, waitVal);
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Error (%08x) on WaitValue %d ThreadID %d", error, waitVal, threadID);
// Attempt to Re-Send initial Master data (in case previous packets were lost)
else if (static_cast<s64>(now - masterGameModeArea.updateTimestamp) > GAMEMODE_SYNC_TIMEOUT) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Attempt to Re-Send Master data after Sync Timeout (%d us)", GAMEMODE_SYNC_TIMEOUT);
// Reset Sent marker on players who haven't replied yet (except disconnected players)
for (auto& gma : replicaGameModeAreas)
if (!gma.dataUpdated && gma.updateTimestamp != 0)
gma.dataSent = 0;
masterGameModeArea.updateTimestamp = now;
masterGameModeArea.dataUpdated = 1;
// Recv new Replica data when available
if (IsSocketReady(sock->data.pdp.id, true, false) > 0) {
SceNetEtherAddr sendermac;
s32_le senderport = ADHOC_GAMEMODE_PORT;
s32_le bufsz = gameModeBuffSize;
int ret = sceNetAdhocPdpRecv(gameModeSocket, &sendermac, &senderport, gameModeBuffer, &bufsz, 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
if (ret >= 0 && bufsz > 0) {
// Shows a warning if the sender/source port is different than what it supposed to be.
if (senderport != ADHOC_GAMEMODE_PORT && senderport != gameModePeerPorts[sendermac]) {
char name[9] = {};
auto n = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::NETWORKING);
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo* peer = findFriend(&sendermac);
if (peer != NULL)
truncate_cpy(name, sizeof(name), (const char*)peer->nickname.data);
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Unknown Source Port from [%s][%s:%u -> %u] (Result=%i, Size=%i)", name, mac2str(&sendermac).c_str(), senderport, ADHOC_GAMEMODE_PORT, ret, bufsz);
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, std::string(n->T("GM: Data from Unknown Port")) + std::string(" [") + std::string(name) + std::string("]:") + std::to_string(senderport) + std::string(" -> ") + std::to_string(ADHOC_GAMEMODE_PORT) + std::string(" (") + std::to_string(portOffset) + std::string(")"));
// Keeping track of the source port for further communication, in case it was re-mapped by router or ISP for some reason.
gameModePeerPorts[sendermac] = senderport;
for (auto& gma : replicaGameModeAreas) {
if (IsMatch(gma.mac, sendermac)) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Replica data Received %d bytes for Area #%d [%s]", bufsz, gma.id, mac2str(&sendermac).c_str());
memcpy(gma.data, gameModeBuffer, std::min(gma.size, bufsz));
gma.dataUpdated = 1;
gma.updateTimestamp = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
// ReSchedule
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(GAMEMODE_UPDATE_INTERVAL) - cyclesLate, gameModeNotifyEvent, userdata);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode Scheduler (%d, %d) has ended", gameModeSocket, gameModeBuffSize);
u32 waitVal = __KernelGetWaitValue(threadID, error);
if (error == 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Resuming Thread %d after Master Deleted (Result = %08x)", threadID, waitVal);
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, waitVal);
static void __AdhocctlNotify(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) {
SceUID threadID = userdata >> 32;
int uid = (int)(userdata & 0xFFFFFFFF);
s64 result = 0;
u32 error = 0;
SceUID waitID = __KernelGetWaitID(threadID, WAITTYPE_NET, error);
if (waitID == 0 || error != 0) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctl Socket WaitID(%i) on Thread(%i) already woken up? (error: %08x)", uid, threadID, error);
// Socket not found?! Should never happen! But if it ever happened (ie. loaded from SaveState where adhocctlRequests got cleared) return BUSY and let the game try again.
if (adhocctlRequests.find(uid) == adhocctlRequests.end()) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctl Socket WaitID(%i) not found!", uid);
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_BUSY);
AdhocctlRequest& req = adhocctlRequests[uid];
int len = 0;
SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketC2S packet;
memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
packet.base.opcode = req.opcode;
packet.group = req.group;
// Don't send any packets not in these cases (by setting the len to 0)
switch (req.opcode)
len = sizeof(packet);
len = 1;
if (g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
// Send Packet if it wasn't succesfully sent before
int ret = 0;
int sockerr = 0;
if (len > 0) {
sockerr = EAGAIN;
// Don't send anything yet if connection to Adhoc Server is still in progress
if (!isAdhocctlNeedLogin && IsSocketReady((int)metasocket, false, true) > 0) {
ret = send((int)metasocket, (const char*)&packet, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
sockerr = errno;
// Successfully Sent or Connection has been closed or Connection failure occurred
if (ret >= 0 || (ret == SOCKET_ERROR && sockerr != EAGAIN && sockerr != EWOULDBLOCK)) {
// Prevent from sending again
req.opcode = 0;
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctl[%i]: Socket Error (%i)", uid, sockerr);
// Retry until successfully sent. Login packet sent after successfully connected to Adhoc Server (indicated by networkInited), so we're not sending Login again here
if ((req.opcode == OPCODE_LOGIN && !networkInited) || (ret == SOCKET_ERROR && (sockerr == EAGAIN || sockerr == EWOULDBLOCK))) {
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (now - adhocctlStartTime <= static_cast<u64>(adhocDefaultTimeout) + 500) {
// Try again in another 0.5ms until timedout.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(500) - cyclesLate, adhocctlNotifyEvent, userdata);
else if (req.opcode != OPCODE_LOGIN)
u32 waitVal = __KernelGetWaitValue(threadID, error);
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, result);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Returning (WaitID: %d, error: %08x) Result (%08x) of sceNetAdhocctl - Opcode: %d, State: %d", waitID, error, (int)result, waitVal, adhocctlState);
// We are done with this request
static void __AdhocctlState(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) {
SceUID threadID = userdata >> 32;
int uid = (int)(userdata & 0xFFFFFFFF);
int event = uid - 1;
s64 result = 0;
u32 error = 0;
SceUID waitID = __KernelGetWaitID(threadID, WAITTYPE_NET, error);
if (waitID == 0 || error != 0) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctl State WaitID(%i) on Thread(%i) already woken up? (error: %08x)", uid, threadID, error);
u32 waitVal = __KernelGetWaitValue(threadID, error);
if (error == 0) {
adhocctlState = waitVal;
// FIXME: It seems Adhocctl is still busy within the Adhocctl Handler function (ie. during callbacks),
// so we should probably set isAdhocctlBusy to false after mispscall are fully executed (ie. in afterAction).
// But since Adhocctl Handler is optional, there might be cases where there are no handler thus no callback/mipcall being triggered,
// so we should probably need to set isAdhocctlBusy to false here too as a workaround (or may be there is internal handler by default?)
if (adhocctlHandlers.empty())
isAdhocctlBusy = false;
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, result);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Returning (WaitID: %d, error: %08x) Result (%08x) of sceNetAdhocctl - Event: %d, State: %d", waitID, error, (int)result, event, adhocctlState);
// Used to simulate blocking on metasocket when send OP code to AdhocServer
int WaitBlockingAdhocctlSocket(AdhocctlRequest request, int usec, const char* reason) {
int uid = (metasocket <= 0) ? 1 : (int)metasocket;
if (adhocctlRequests.find(uid) != adhocctlRequests.end()) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctl - WaitID[%d] already existed, Socket is busy!", uid);
u64 param = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | uid;
adhocctlStartTime = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
adhocctlRequests[uid] = request;
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(usec), adhocctlNotifyEvent, param);
__KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_NET, uid, request.opcode, 0, false, reason);
// Always returning a success when waiting for callback, since error code returned via callback?
return 0;
// Used to change Adhocctl State after a delay and before executing callback mipscall (since we don't have beforeAction)
int ScheduleAdhocctlState(int event, int newState, int usec, const char* reason) {
int uid = event + 1;
u64 param = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | uid;
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(usec), adhocctlStateEvent, param);
__KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_NET, uid, newState, 0, false, reason);
return 0;
int StartGameModeScheduler() {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Initiating GameMode Scheduler");
if (CoreTiming::IsScheduled(gameModeNotifyEvent)) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode Scheduler is already running!");
return -1;
u64 param = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32;
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(GAMEMODE_INIT_DELAY), gameModeNotifyEvent, param);
return 0;
int DoBlockingPdpRecv(AdhocSocketRequest& req, s64& result) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[req.id - 1];
if (!sock) {
return 0;
auto& pdpsocket = sock->data.pdp;
if (sock->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTRECV) {
sock->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTRECV;
return 0;
int ret;
int sockerr;
SceNetEtherAddr mac;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
socklen_t sinlen;
sinlen = sizeof(sin);
memset(&sin, 0, sinlen);
// On Windows: MSG_TRUNC are not supported on recvfrom (socket error WSAEOPNOTSUPP), so we use dummy buffer as an alternative
ret = recvfrom(pdpsocket.id, dummyPeekBuf64k, dummyPeekBuf64kSize, MSG_PEEK | MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen);
sockerr = errno;
// Discard packets from IP that can't be translated into MAC address to prevent confusing the game, since the sender MAC won't be updated and may contains invalid/undefined value.
// TODO: In order to discard packets from unresolvable IP (can't be translated into player's MAC) properly, we'll need to manage the socket buffer ourself,
// by reading the whole available data, separates each datagram and discard unresolvable one, so we can calculate the correct number of available data to recv on GetPdpStat too.
// We may also need to implement encryption (or a simple checksum will do) in order to validate the packet to findout whether it came from PPSSPP or a different App that may be sending/broadcasting data to the same port being used by a game
// (in case the IP was resolvable but came from a different App, which will need to be discarded too)
if (ret != SOCKET_ERROR && !resolveIP(sin.sin_addr.s_addr, &mac)) {
// Remove the packet from socket buffer
sinlen = sizeof(sin);
memset(&sin, 0, sinlen);
recvfrom(pdpsocket.id, dummyPeekBuf64k, dummyPeekBuf64kSize, MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen);
// Try again later, until timeout reached
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (req.timeout != 0 && now - req.startTime > req.timeout) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv[%i]: Discard Timeout", req.id);
return 0;
return -1;
// At this point we assumed that the packet is a valid PPSSPP packet
if (ret > 0 && *req.length > 0)
memcpy(req.buffer, dummyPeekBuf64k, std::min(ret, *req.length));
// Note: UDP must not be received partially, otherwise leftover data in socket's buffer will be discarded
if (ret >= 0 && ret <= *req.length) {
sinlen = sizeof(sin);
memset(&sin, 0, sinlen);
ret = recvfrom(pdpsocket.id, (char*)req.buffer, std::max(0, *req.length), MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen);
// UDP can also receives 0 data, while on TCP receiving 0 data = connection gracefully closed, but not sure whether PDP can send/recv 0 data or not tho
*req.length = 0;
if (ret >= 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv[%i:%u]: Received %u bytes from %s:%u\n", req.id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), ret, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(sin.sin_port));
// Find Peer MAC
if (resolveIP(sin.sin_addr.s_addr, &mac)) {
// Provide Sender Information
*req.remoteMAC = mac;
*req.remotePort = ntohs(sin.sin_port) - portOffset;
// Save Length
*req.length = ret;
// Update last recv timestamp
auto peer = findFriend(&mac);
if (peer != NULL) peer->last_recv = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
// Unknown Peer
else {
*req.length = ret;
*req.remotePort = ntohs(sin.sin_port) - portOffset;
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv[%i:%u]: Received %i bytes from Unknown Peer %s:%u", req.id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), ret, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(sin.sin_port));
result = 0;
// On Windows: recvfrom on UDP can get error WSAECONNRESET when previous sendto's destination is unreachable (or destination port is not bound yet), may need to disable SIO_UDP_CONNRESET error
else if (sockerr == EAGAIN || sockerr == EWOULDBLOCK || sockerr == ECONNRESET) {
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (req.timeout == 0 || now - req.startTime <= req.timeout) {
// Try again later
return -1;
// Returning required buffer size when available data in recv buffer is larger than provided buffer size
else if (ret > *req.length) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv[%i:%u]: Peeked %u/%u bytes from %s:%u\n", req.id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), ret, *req.length, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(sin.sin_port));
*req.length = ret;
// Find Peer MAC
if (resolveIP(sin.sin_addr.s_addr, &mac)) {
// Provide Sender Information
*req.remoteMAC = mac;
*req.remotePort = ntohs(sin.sin_port) - portOffset;
// FIXME: Do we need to update last recv timestamp? eventhough data hasn't been retrieved yet (ie. peeked)
auto peer = findFriend(&mac);
if (peer != NULL) peer->last_recv = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
// FIXME: Blocking operation with infinite timeout(0) should never get a TIMEOUT error, right? May be we should return INVALID_ARG instead if it was infinite timeout (0)?
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv[%i]: Socket Error (%i)", req.id, sockerr);
return 0;
int DoBlockingPdpSend(AdhocSocketRequest& req, s64& result, AdhocSendTargets& targetPeers) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[req.id - 1];
if (!sock) {
return 0;
auto& pdpsocket = sock->data.pdp;
if (sock->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTSEND) {
sock->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTSEND;
return 0;
result = 0;
bool retry = false;
for (auto peer = targetPeers.peers.begin(); peer != targetPeers.peers.end(); ) {
// Fill in Target Structure
struct sockaddr_in target {};
target.sin_family = AF_INET;
target.sin_addr.s_addr = peer->ip;
target.sin_port = htons(peer->port + peer->portOffset);
int ret = sendto(pdpsocket.id, (const char*)req.buffer, targetPeers.length, MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&target, sizeof(target));
int sockerr = errno;
if (ret >= 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpSend[%i:%u](B): Sent %u bytes to %s:%u\n", req.id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), ret, ip2str(target.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(target.sin_port));
// Remove successfully sent to peer to prevent sending the same data again during a retry
peer = targetPeers.peers.erase(peer);
else {
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR && (sockerr == EAGAIN || sockerr == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (req.timeout == 0 || now - req.startTime <= req.timeout) {
retry = true;
// FIXME: Does Broadcast always success? even with timeout/blocking?
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Socket Error (%i) on sceNetAdhocPdpSend[%i:%u->%u](B) [size=%i]", sockerr, req.id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), ntohs(target.sin_port), targetPeers.length);
if (retry)
return -1;
return 0;
int DoBlockingPtpSend(AdhocSocketRequest& req, s64& result) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[req.id - 1];
if (!sock) {
return 0;
auto& ptpsocket = sock->data.ptp;
if (sock->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTSEND) {
sock->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTSEND;
return 0;
// Send Data
int ret = send(ptpsocket.id, (const char*)req.buffer, *req.length, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
int sockerr = errno;
// Success
if (ret > 0) {
// Save Length
*req.length = ret;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpSend[%i:%u]: Sent %u bytes to %s:%u\n", req.id, ptpsocket.lport, ret, mac2str(&ptpsocket.paddr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport);
// Set to Established on successful Send when an attempt to Connect was initiated
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT)
// Return Success
result = 0;
else if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR && (sockerr == EAGAIN || sockerr == EWOULDBLOCK || (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT && (sockerr == ENOTCONN || connectInProgress(sockerr))))) {
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (req.timeout == 0 || now - req.startTime <= req.timeout) {
return -1;
else {
// Change Socket State. // FIXME: Does Alerted Socket should be closed too?
ptpsocket.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED;
// Disconnected
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpSend[%i]: Socket Error (%i)", req.id, sockerr);
return 0;
int DoBlockingPtpRecv(AdhocSocketRequest& req, s64& result) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[req.id - 1];
if (!sock) {
return 0;
auto& ptpsocket = sock->data.ptp;
if (sock->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTRECV) {
sock->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTRECV;
return 0;
int ret = recv(ptpsocket.id, (char*)req.buffer, std::max(0, *req.length), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
int sockerr = errno;
// Received Data. POSIX: May received 0 bytes when the remote peer already closed the connection.
if (ret > 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpRecv[%i:%u]: Received %u bytes from %s:%u\n", req.id, ptpsocket.lport, ret, mac2str(&ptpsocket.paddr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport);
// Save Length
*req.length = ret;
// Update last recv timestamp
auto peer = findFriend(&ptpsocket.paddr);
if (peer != NULL) peer->last_recv = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
// Set to Established on successful Recv when an attempt to Connect was initiated
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT)
result = 0;
else if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR && (sockerr == EAGAIN || sockerr == EWOULDBLOCK || (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT && (sockerr == ENOTCONN || connectInProgress(sockerr))))) {
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (req.timeout == 0 || now - req.startTime <= req.timeout) {
return -1;
else {
// Change Socket State. // FIXME: Does Alerted Socket should be closed too?
ptpsocket.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED;
// Disconnected
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpRecv[%i]: Socket Error (%i)", req.id, sockerr);
return 0;
int DoBlockingPtpAccept(AdhocSocketRequest& req, s64& result) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[req.id - 1];
if (!sock) {
return 0;
auto& ptpsocket = sock->data.ptp;
if (sock->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTACCEPT) {
sock->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTACCEPT;
return 0;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
socklen_t sinlen = sizeof(sin);
int ret, sockerr;
// Check if listening socket is ready to accept
ret = IsSocketReady(ptpsocket.id, true, false, &sockerr);
if (ret > 0) {
// Accept Connection
ret = accept(ptpsocket.id, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen);
sockerr = errno;
// Accepted New Connection
if (ret > 0) {
int newid = AcceptPtpSocket(req.id, ret, sin, req.remoteMAC, req.remotePort);
if (newid > 0)
result = newid;
else if (ret == 0 || (ret == SOCKET_ERROR && (sockerr == EAGAIN || sockerr == EWOULDBLOCK))) {
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (req.timeout == 0 || now - req.startTime <= req.timeout) {
return -1;
else {
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpAccept[%i]: Socket Error (%i)", req.id, sockerr);
return 0;
int DoBlockingPtpConnect(AdhocSocketRequest& req, s64& result, AdhocSendTargets& targetPeer) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[req.id - 1];
if (!sock) {
return 0;
auto& ptpsocket = sock->data.ptp;
if (sock->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTCONNECT) {
sock->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTCONNECT;
return 0;
int sockerr = 0, ret;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
// Try to connect again if the first attempt failed due to remote side was not listening yet (ie. ECONNREFUSED or ETIMEDOUT)
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED) {
memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = targetPeer.peers[0].ip;
sin.sin_port = htons(ptpsocket.pport + targetPeer.peers[0].portOffset);
ret = connect(ptpsocket.id, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin));
sockerr = errno;
if (sockerr != 0)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: connect(%i) error = %i", req.id, ptpsocket.lport, ptpsocket.id, sockerr);
ret = 1; // Ensure returned success value from connect to be compatible with returned success value from select (ie. positive value)
// Check the connection state (assuming "connect" has been called before and is in-progress)
// Note: On Linux "select" can return > 0 (with SO_ERROR = 0) even when the connection is not accepted yet, thus need "getpeername" to ensure
else {
ret = IsSocketReady(ptpsocket.id, false, true, &sockerr);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: Select(%i) = %i, error = %i", req.id, ptpsocket.lport, ptpsocket.id, ret, sockerr);
if (sockerr != 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: SelectError(%i) = %i", req.id, ptpsocket.lport, ptpsocket.id, sockerr);
ret = SOCKET_ERROR; // Ensure returned value from select to be negative when the socket has error (the socket may need to be recreated again)
if (ret <= 0) {
if (sockerr == 0)
sockerr = EAGAIN;
ret = SOCKET_ERROR; // Ensure returned value from select to be negative when the socket is not ready yet, due to a possibility for "getpeername" to succeed on Windows even when "connect" hasn't been accepted yet
// Check whether the connection has been established or not
if (ret != SOCKET_ERROR) {
socklen_t sinlen = sizeof(sin);
memset(&sin, 0, sinlen);
// Note: "getpeername" shouldn't failed if the connection has been established, but on Windows it may succeed even when "connect" is still in-progress and not accepted yet (ie. "Tales of VS" on Windows)
ret = getpeername(ptpsocket.id, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen);
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {
int err = errno;
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: getpeername(%i) error %i, sockerr = %i", req.id, ptpsocket.lport, ptpsocket.id, err, sockerr);
sockerr = err;
// Update Adhoc Socket state
if (ret != SOCKET_ERROR || sockerr == EISCONN) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: Established (%s:%u)", req.id, ptpsocket.lport, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport);
// Done
result = 0;
else if (connectInProgress(sockerr) /* || sockerr == 0*/) {
ptpsocket.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT;
// On Windows you can call connect again using the same socket after ECONNREFUSED/ETIMEDOUT/ENETUNREACH error, but on non-Windows you'll need to recreate the socket first
else {
// Only recreate the socket once per frame (just like most adhoc games that tried to PtpConnect once per frame when using non-blocking mode)
if (/*sockerr == ECONNREFUSED ||*/ static_cast<s64>(CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - sock->internalLastAttempt) > 16666) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: Recreating Socket %i, errno = %i, state = %i, attempt = %i", req.id, ptpsocket.lport, ptpsocket.id, sockerr, ptpsocket.state, sock->attemptCount);
if (RecreatePtpSocket(req.id) < 0) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: RecreatePtpSocket error %i", req.id, ptpsocket.lport, errno);
ptpsocket.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED;
sock->internalLastAttempt = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
// Still in progress, try again next time until Timedout
if (ptpsocket.state != ADHOC_PTP_STATE_ESTABLISHED) {
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (req.timeout == 0 || now - req.startTime <= req.timeout) {
// Try again later
return -1;
else {
// Handle Workaround that force the first Connect to be blocking for issue related to lobby or high latency networks
if (sock->nonblocking)
result = ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT; // FIXME: PSP never returned ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT on PtpConnect? or only returned ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT when the host is too busy? Seems to be returning ERROR_NET_ADHOC_CONNECTION_REFUSED on timedout instead (if the other side in not listening yet, which is similar to BSD).
// Done
return 0;
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i]: Socket Error (%i)", req.id, sockerr);
return 0;
int DoBlockingPtpFlush(AdhocSocketRequest& req, s64& result) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[req.id - 1];
if (!sock) {
return 0;
auto& ptpsocket = sock->data.ptp;
if (sock->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTFLUSH) {
sock->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTFLUSH;
return 0;
// Try Sending Empty Data
int sockerr = FlushPtpSocket(ptpsocket.id);
result = 0;
if (sockerr == EAGAIN || sockerr == EWOULDBLOCK) {
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (req.timeout == 0 || now - req.startTime <= req.timeout) {
return -1;
if (sockerr != 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpFlush[%i]: Socket Error (%i)", req.id, sockerr);
return 0;
int DoBlockingAdhocPollSocket(AdhocSocketRequest& req, s64& result) {
SceNetAdhocPollSd* sds = (SceNetAdhocPollSd*)req.buffer;
int ret = PollAdhocSocket(sds, req.id, 0, 0);
if (ret <= 0) {
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
// POSIX poll using negative timeout for indefinitely blocking, not sure about PSP's AdhocPollSocket tho since most of PSP's sceNet API using 0 for indefinitely blocking.
if (static_cast<int>(req.timeout) <= 0 || now - req.startTime <= req.timeout) {
return -1;
else if (ret < 0)
// FIXME: Does AdhocPollSocket can return any error code other than ERROR_NET_ADHOC_EXCEPTION_EVENT?
result = ret;
if (ret > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < req.id; i++) {
if (sds[i].id > 0 && sds[i].id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[sds[i].id - 1] != NULL) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[sds[i].id - 1];
if (sock->type == SOCK_PTP)
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "Poll PTP Socket Id: %d (%d), events: %08x, revents: %08x - state: %d", sds[i].id, sock->data.ptp.id, sds[i].events, sds[i].revents, sock->data.ptp.state);
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "Poll PDP Socket Id: %d (%d), events: %08x, revents: %08x", sds[i].id, sock->data.pdp.id, sds[i].events, sds[i].revents);
return 0;
static void __AdhocSocketNotify(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) {
SceUID threadID = userdata >> 32;
int uid = (int)(userdata & 0xFFFFFFFF); // fd/socket id
s64 result = -1;
u32 error = 0;
int delayUS = 500;
SceUID waitID = __KernelGetWaitID(threadID, WAITTYPE_NET, error);
if (waitID == 0 || error != 0) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhoc Socket WaitID(%i) on Thread(%i) already woken up? (error: %08x)", uid, threadID, error);
// Socket not found?! Should never happened! But if it ever happened (ie. loaded from SaveState where adhocSocketRequests got cleared) return TIMEOUT and let the game try again.
if (adhocSocketRequests.find(userdata) == adhocSocketRequests.end()) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhoc Socket WaitID(%i) on Thread(%i) not found!", uid, threadID);
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT);
AdhocSocketRequest req = adhocSocketRequests[userdata];
switch (req.type) {
case PDP_SEND:
if (sendTargetPeers.find(userdata) == sendTargetPeers.end()) {
// No destination peers?
result = 0;
if (DoBlockingPdpSend(req, result, sendTargetPeers[userdata])) {
// Try again in another 0.5ms until data available or timedout.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(delayUS) - cyclesLate, adhocSocketNotifyEvent, userdata);
case PDP_RECV:
if (DoBlockingPdpRecv(req, result)) {
// Try again in another 0.5ms until data available or timedout.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(delayUS) - cyclesLate, adhocSocketNotifyEvent, userdata);
case PTP_SEND:
if (DoBlockingPtpSend(req, result)) {
// Try again in another 0.5ms until data available or timedout.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(delayUS) - cyclesLate, adhocSocketNotifyEvent, userdata);
case PTP_RECV:
if (DoBlockingPtpRecv(req, result)) {
// Try again in another 0.5ms until data available or timedout.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(delayUS) - cyclesLate, adhocSocketNotifyEvent, userdata);
if (DoBlockingPtpAccept(req, result)) {
// Try again in another 0.5ms until data available or timedout.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(delayUS) - cyclesLate, adhocSocketNotifyEvent, userdata);
if (DoBlockingPtpConnect(req, result, sendTargetPeers[userdata])) {
// Try again in another 0.5ms until data available or timedout.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(delayUS) - cyclesLate, adhocSocketNotifyEvent, userdata);
if (DoBlockingPtpFlush(req, result)) {
// Try again in another 0.5ms until data available or timedout.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(delayUS) - cyclesLate, adhocSocketNotifyEvent, userdata);
if (DoBlockingAdhocPollSocket(req, result)) {
// Try again in another 0.5ms until data available or timedout.
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(delayUS) - cyclesLate, adhocSocketNotifyEvent, userdata);
__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, result);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Returning (ThreadId: %d, WaitID: %d, error: %08x) Result (%08x) of sceNetAdhoc[%d] - SocketID: %d", threadID, waitID, error, (int)result, req.type, req.id);
// We are done with this socket
// input threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | socketId;
int WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(u64 threadSocketId, int type, int pspSocketId, void* buffer, s32_le* len, u32 timeoutUS, SceNetEtherAddr* remoteMAC, u16_le* remotePort, const char* reason) {
int uid = (int)(threadSocketId & 0xFFFFFFFF);
if (adhocSocketRequests.find(threadSocketId) != adhocSocketRequests.end()) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhoc[%d] - ThreadID[%d] WaitID[%d] already existed, Socket[%d] is busy!", type, static_cast<int>(threadSocketId >> 32), uid, pspSocketId);
// FIXME: Not sure if Adhoc Socket can return ADHOC_BUSY or not (assuming it's similar to EINPROGRESS for Adhoc Socket), or may be we should return TIMEOUT instead?
//changeBlockingMode(socketId, 1);
u32 tmout = timeoutUS;
if (tmout > 0)
tmout = std::max(tmout, minSocketTimeoutUS);
u64 startTime = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
adhocSocketRequests[threadSocketId] = { type, pspSocketId, buffer, len, tmout, startTime, remoteMAC, remotePort };
// Some games (ie. Hitman Reborn Battle Arena 2) are using as small as 50 usec timeout
CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(1), adhocSocketNotifyEvent, threadSocketId);
__KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_NET, uid, 0, 0, false, reason);
// Fallback return value
// Using matchingId = -1 to delete all matching events
void deleteMatchingEvents(const int matchingId = -1) {
for (auto it = matchingEvents.begin(); it != matchingEvents.end(); ) {
if (matchingId < 0 || it->data[0] == matchingId) {
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(it->data[2]))
it = matchingEvents.erase(it);
void netAdhocValidateLoopMemory() {
// Allocate Memory if it wasn't valid/allocated after loaded from old SaveState
if (!dummyThreadHackAddr || (dummyThreadHackAddr && strcmp("dummythreadhack", kernelMemory.GetBlockTag(dummyThreadHackAddr)) != 0)) {
u32 blockSize = sizeof(dummyThreadCode);
dummyThreadHackAddr = kernelMemory.Alloc(blockSize, false, "dummythreadhack");
if (dummyThreadHackAddr) Memory::Memcpy(dummyThreadHackAddr, dummyThreadCode, sizeof(dummyThreadCode));
if (!matchingThreadHackAddr || (matchingThreadHackAddr && strcmp("matchingThreadHack", kernelMemory.GetBlockTag(matchingThreadHackAddr)) != 0)) {
u32 blockSize = sizeof(matchingThreadCode);
matchingThreadHackAddr = kernelMemory.Alloc(blockSize, false, "matchingThreadHack");
if (matchingThreadHackAddr) Memory::Memcpy(matchingThreadHackAddr, matchingThreadCode, sizeof(matchingThreadCode));
void __NetAdhocDoState(PointerWrap &p) {
auto s = p.Section("sceNetAdhoc", 1, 8);
if (!s)
auto cur_netAdhocInited = netAdhocInited;
auto cur_netAdhocctlInited = netAdhocctlInited;
auto cur_netAdhocMatchingInited = netAdhocMatchingInited;
Do(p, netAdhocInited);
Do(p, netAdhocctlInited);
Do(p, netAdhocMatchingInited);
Do(p, adhocctlHandlers);
if (s >= 2) {
Do(p, actionAfterMatchingMipsCall);
if (actionAfterMatchingMipsCall != -1) {
__KernelRestoreActionType(actionAfterMatchingMipsCall, AfterMatchingMipsCall::Create);
Do(p, dummyThreadHackAddr);
else {
actionAfterMatchingMipsCall = -1;
dummyThreadHackAddr = 0;
if (s >= 3) {
Do(p, actionAfterAdhocMipsCall);
if (actionAfterAdhocMipsCall != -1) {
__KernelRestoreActionType(actionAfterAdhocMipsCall, AfterAdhocMipsCall::Create);
Do(p, matchingThreadHackAddr);
else {
actionAfterAdhocMipsCall = -1;
matchingThreadHackAddr = 0;
if (s >= 4) {
Do(p, threadAdhocID);
Do(p, matchingThreads);
else {
threadAdhocID = 0;
for (auto& it : matchingThreads) {
it = 0;
if (s >= 5) {
Do(p, adhocConnectionType);
Do(p, adhocctlState);
Do(p, adhocctlNotifyEvent);
Do(p, adhocSocketNotifyEvent);
} else {
adhocConnectionType = ADHOC_CONNECT;
adhocctlNotifyEvent = -1;
adhocSocketNotifyEvent = -1;
CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(adhocctlNotifyEvent, "__AdhocctlNotify", __AdhocctlNotify);
CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(adhocSocketNotifyEvent, "__AdhocSocketNotify", __AdhocSocketNotify);
if (s >= 6) {
Do(p, gameModeNotifyEvent);
} else {
gameModeNotifyEvent = -1;
CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(gameModeNotifyEvent, "__GameModeNotify", __GameModeNotify);
if (s >= 7) {
Do(p, adhocctlStateEvent);
} else {
adhocctlStateEvent = -1;
CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(adhocctlStateEvent, "__AdhocctlState", __AdhocctlState);
if (s >= 8) {
Do(p, isAdhocctlBusy);
Do(p, netAdhocGameModeEntered);
Do(p, netAdhocEnterGameModeTimeout);
else {
isAdhocctlBusy = false;
netAdhocGameModeEntered = false;
netAdhocEnterGameModeTimeout = 15000000;
if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) {
// Discard leftover events
// Let's not change "Inited" value when Loading SaveState to prevent memory & port leaks
netAdhocMatchingInited = cur_netAdhocMatchingInited;
netAdhocctlInited = cur_netAdhocctlInited;
netAdhocInited = cur_netAdhocInited;
isAdhocctlNeedLogin = false;
void __UpdateAdhocctlHandlers(u32 flag, u32 error) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> adhocGuard(adhocEvtMtx);
adhocctlEvents.push_back({ flag, error });
void __UpdateMatchingHandler(MatchingArgs ArgsPtr) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> adhocGuard(adhocEvtMtx);
u32_le __CreateHLELoop(u32_le *loopAddr, const char *sceFuncName, const char *hleFuncName, const char *tagName) {
if (loopAddr == NULL || sceFuncName == NULL || hleFuncName == NULL)
return 0;
loopAddr[0] = MIPS_MAKE_SYSCALL(sceFuncName, hleFuncName);
loopAddr[1] = MIPS_MAKE_B(-2);
loopAddr[2] = MIPS_MAKE_NOP();
u32 blockSize = sizeof(u32_le)*3;
u32_le dummyThreadHackAddr = kernelMemory.Alloc(blockSize, false, tagName); // blockSize will be rounded to 256 granularity
Memory::Memcpy(dummyThreadHackAddr, loopAddr, sizeof(u32_le) * 3); // This area will be cleared again after loading an old savestate :(
return dummyThreadHackAddr;
void __AdhocNotifInit() {
adhocctlNotifyEvent = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("__AdhocctlNotify", __AdhocctlNotify);
adhocSocketNotifyEvent = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("__AdhocSocketNotify", __AdhocSocketNotify);
gameModeNotifyEvent = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("__GameModeNotify", __GameModeNotify);
adhocctlStateEvent = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("__AdhocctlState", __AdhocctlState);
void __NetAdhocInit() {
friendFinderRunning = false;
netAdhocInited = false;
netAdhocctlInited = false;
netAdhocMatchingInited = false;
// Create built-in AdhocServer Thread
adhocServerRunning = false;
if (g_Config.bEnableWlan && g_Config.bEnableAdhocServer) {
adhocServerThread = std::thread(proAdhocServerThread, SERVER_PORT);
u32 sceNetAdhocInit() {
if (!netAdhocInited) {
// Library initialized
netAdhocInited = true;
isAdhocctlBusy = false;
// FIXME: It seems official prx is using sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteMaster in here?
// Since we are deleting GameMode Master here, we should probably need to make sure GameMode resources all cleared too.
// Return Success
return hleLogSuccessInfoI(SCENET, 0, "at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
// Already initialized
return hleLogWarning(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_ALREADY_INITIALIZED, "already initialized");
static u32 sceNetAdhocctlInit(int stackSize, int prio, u32 productAddr) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlInit(%i, %i, %08x) at %08x", stackSize, prio, productAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
// FIXME: Returning 0x8002013a (SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_YET_LINKED) without adhoc module loaded first?
// FIXME: Sometimes returning 0x80410601 (ERROR_NET_ADHOC_AUTH_ALREADY_INITIALIZED / Library module is already initialized ?) when AdhocctlTerm is not fully done?
if (netAdhocctlInited)
auto product = PSPPointer<SceNetAdhocctlAdhocId>::Create(productAddr);
if (product.IsValid()) {
product_code = *product;
netAdhocctlInited = true; //needed for cleanup during AdhocctlTerm even when it failed to connect to Adhoc Server (since it's being faked as success)
isAdhocctlNeedLogin = true;
// Create fake PSP Thread for callback
// TODO: Should use a separated threads for friendFinder, matchingEvent, and matchingInput and created on AdhocctlInit & AdhocMatchingStart instead of here
threadAdhocID = __KernelCreateThread("AdhocThread", __KernelGetCurThreadModuleId(), dummyThreadHackAddr, prio, stackSize, PSP_THREAD_ATTR_USER, 0, true);
if (threadAdhocID > 0) {
__KernelStartThread(threadAdhocID, 0, 0);
// TODO: Merging friendFinder (real) thread to AdhocThread (fake) thread on PSP side
if (!friendFinderRunning) {
friendFinderThread = std::thread(friendFinder);
// Need to make sure to be connected to Adhoc Server (indicated by networkInited) before returning to prevent GTA VCS failed to create/join a group and unable to see any game room
int us = adhocDefaultDelay;
if (g_Config.bEnableWlan && !networkInited) {
AdhocctlRequest dummyreq = { OPCODE_LOGIN, {0} };
return WaitBlockingAdhocctlSocket(dummyreq, us, "adhocctl init");
// Give a little time for friendFinder thread to be ready before the game use the next sceNet functions, should've checked for friendFinderRunning status instead of guessing the time?
return 0;
int NetAdhocctl_GetState() {
return adhocctlState;
int sceNetAdhocctlGetState(u32 ptrToStatus) {
// Library uninitialized
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
// Invalid Arguments
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ptrToStatus))
int state = NetAdhocctl_GetState();
// Output Adhocctl State
Memory::Write_U32(state, ptrToStatus);
// Return Success
return hleLogSuccessVerboseI(SCENET, 0, "state = %d", state);
* Adhoc Emulator PDP Socket Creator
* @param saddr Local MAC (Unused)
* @param sport Local Binding Port
* @param bufsize Socket Buffer Size
* @param flag Bitflags (Unused)
// When choosing AdHoc menu in Wipeout Pulse sometimes it's saying that "WLAN is turned off" on game screen and getting "kUnityCommandCode_MediaDisconnected" error in the Log Console when calling sceNetAdhocPdpCreate, probably it needed to wait something from the thread before calling this (ie. need to receives 7 bytes from adhoc server 1st?)
static int sceNetAdhocPdpCreate(const char *mac, int port, int bufferSize, u32 flag) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpCreate(%s, %u, %u, %u) at %08x", mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)mac).c_str(), port, bufferSize, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
if (!netInited)
// Library is initialized
SceNetEtherAddr * saddr = (SceNetEtherAddr *)mac;
bool isClient = false;
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Valid Arguments are supplied
if (mac != NULL && bufferSize > 0) {
// Port is in use by another PDP Socket.
if (isPDPPortInUse(port)) {
// FIXME: When PORT_IN_USE error occured it seems the index to the socket id also increased, which means it tries to create & bind the socket first and then closes it due to failed to bind
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_PORT_IN_USE, "port in use");
//sport 0 should be shifted back to 0 when using offset Phantasy Star Portable 2 use this
if (port == 0) {
isClient = true;
port = -static_cast<int>(portOffset);
// Some games (ie. DBZ Shin Budokai 2) might be getting the saddr/srcmac content from SaveState and causing problems :( So we try to fix it here
if (saddr != NULL) {
// Valid MAC supplied. FIXME: MAC only valid after successful attempt to Create/Connect/Join a Group? (ie. adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE)
if ((adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE) && isLocalMAC(saddr)) {
// Create Internet UDP Socket
int usocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
// Valid Socket produced
if (usocket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
// Change socket buffer size to be consistent on all platforms.
// Send Buffer should be smaller than Recv Buffer to prevent faster device from flooding slower device too much.
setSockBufferSize(usocket, SO_SNDBUF, bufferSize*5); //PSP_ADHOC_PDP_MFS
// Recv Buffer should be equal or larger than Send Buffer. Using larger Recv Buffer might helped reduces dropped packets during a slowdown, but too large may cause slow performance on Warriors Orochi 2.
setSockBufferSize(usocket, SO_RCVBUF, bufferSize*10); //PSP_ADHOC_PDP_MFS*10
// Ignore SIGPIPE when supported (ie. BSD/MacOS)
setSockNoSIGPIPE(usocket, 1);
// Enable Port Re-use, this will allow binding to an already used port, but only one of them can read the data (shared receive buffer?)
// Disable Connection Reset error on UDP to avoid strange behavior https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34242622/windows-udp-sockets-recvfrom-fails-with-error-10054
setUDPConnReset(usocket, false);
// Binding Information for local Port
struct sockaddr_in addr {};
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (isLocalServer) {
uint16_t requestedport = static_cast<int>(port + static_cast<int>(portOffset));
// Avoid getting random port due to port offset when original port wasn't 0 (ie. original_port + port_offset = 65536 = 0)
if (requestedport == 0 && port > 0)
requestedport = 65535; // Hopefully it will be safe to default it to 65535 since there can't be more than one port that can bumped into 65536
// Show a warning about privileged ports
if (requestedport != 0 && requestedport < 1024) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpCreate - Ports below 1024(ie. %hu) may require Admin Privileges", requestedport);
addr.sin_port = htons(requestedport);
// Bound Socket to local Port
int iResult = bind(usocket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
if (iResult == 0) {
// Workaround: Send a dummy 0 size message to AdhocServer IP to make sure the socket actually bound to an address when binded with INADDR_ANY before using getsockname, seems to fix sending from incorrect port issue on MGS:PW on Android
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = g_adhocServerIP.in.sin_addr.s_addr;
addr.sin_port = 0;
sendto(usocket, dummyPeekBuf64k, 0, MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
// Update sport with the port assigned internal->lport = ntohs(local.sin_port)
socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
if (getsockname(usocket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &len) == 0) {
uint16_t boundport = ntohs(addr.sin_port);
if (port + static_cast<int>(portOffset) >= 65536 || static_cast<int>(boundport) - static_cast<int>(portOffset) <= 0)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpCreate - Wrapped Port Detected: Original(%d) -> Requested(%d), Bound(%d) -> BoundOriginal(%d)", port, requestedport, boundport, boundport - portOffset);
port = boundport - portOffset;
// Allocate Memory for Internal Data
AdhocSocket * internal = (AdhocSocket*)malloc(sizeof(AdhocSocket));
// Allocated Memory
if (internal != NULL) {
// Find Free Translator Index
// FIXME: We should probably use an increasing index instead of looking for an empty slot from beginning if we want to simulate a real socket id
int i = 0;
for (; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++) if (adhocSockets[i] == NULL) break;
// Found Free Translator Index
if (i < MAX_SOCKET) {
// Clear Memory
memset(internal, 0, sizeof(AdhocSocket));
// Socket Type
internal->type = SOCK_PDP;
internal->nonblocking = flag;
internal->buffer_size = bufferSize;
internal->isClient = isClient;
// Fill in Data
internal->data.pdp.id = usocket;
internal->data.pdp.laddr = *saddr;
internal->data.pdp.lport = port; //getLocalPort(usocket) - portOffset;
// Link Socket to Translator ID
adhocSockets[i] = internal;
// Forward Port on Router
//sceNetPortOpen("UDP", port);
UPnP_Add(IP_PROTOCOL_UDP, isOriPort ? port : port + portOffset, port + portOffset); // g_PortManager.Add(IP_PROTOCOL_UDP, isOriPort ? port : port + portOffset, port + portOffset);
// Switch to non-blocking for futher usage
changeBlockingMode(usocket, 1);
// Success
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpCreate - PSP Socket id: %i, Host Socket id: %i", i + 1, usocket);
return i + 1;
// Free Memory for Internal Data
// Close Socket
// Port not available (exclusively in use?)
if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "Socket error (%i) when binding port %u", errno, ntohs(addr.sin_port));
auto n = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::NETWORKING);
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, std::string(n->T("Failed to Bind Port")) + " " + std::to_string(port + portOffset) + "\n" + std::string(n->T("Please change your Port Offset")));
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_PORT_NOT_AVAIL, "port not available");
// Default to No-Space Error
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_NO_SPACE, "net no space");
// Invalid MAC supplied
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ADDR, "invalid address");
// Invalid Arguments were supplied
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhoc not initialized");
* Get Adhoc Parameter
* @param parameter OUT: Adhoc Parameter
static int sceNetAdhocctlGetParameter(u32 paramAddr) {
char grpName[9] = { 0 };
memcpy(grpName, parameter.group_name.data, ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN);
parameter.nickname.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlGetParameter(%08x) [Ch=%i][Group=%s][BSSID=%s][name=%s]", paramAddr, parameter.channel, grpName, mac2str(¶meter.bssid.mac_addr).c_str(), parameter.nickname.data);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
// Library initialized
if (!netAdhocctlInited) {
auto ptr = PSPPointer<SceNetAdhocctlParameter>::Create(paramAddr);
if (!ptr.IsValid())
*ptr = parameter;
return 0;
* Adhoc Emulator PDP Send Call
* @param id Socket File Descriptor
* @param daddr Target MAC Address
* @param dport Target Port
* @param data Data Payload
* @param len Payload Length
* @param timeout Send Timeout (microseconds)
* @param flag Nonblocking Flag
static int sceNetAdhocPdpSend(int id, const char *mac, u32 port, void *data, int len, int timeout, int flag) {
if (flag == 0) { // Prevent spamming Debug Log with retries of non-bocking socket
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpSend(%i, %s, %i, %p, %i, %i, %i) at %08x", id, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)mac).c_str(), port, data, len, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
} else {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpSend(%i, %s, %i, %p, %i, %i, %i) at %08x", id, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)mac).c_str(), port, data, len, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
SceNetEtherAddr * daddr = (SceNetEtherAddr *)mac;
uint16_t dport = (uint16_t)port;
//if (dport < 7) dport += 1341;
// Really should flatten this with early outs, all this indentation is making me dizzy.
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Valid Port
if (dport != 0) {
// Valid Data Length
if (len >= 0) { // should we allow 0 size packet (for ping) ?
// Valid Socket ID
if (id > 0 && id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[id - 1] != NULL) {
// Cast Socket
auto socket = adhocSockets[id - 1];
auto& pdpsocket = socket->data.pdp;
socket->nonblocking = flag;
// Valid Data Buffer
if (data != NULL) {
// Valid Destination Address
if (daddr != NULL && !isZeroMAC(daddr)) {
// Log Destination
// Schedule Timeout Removal
//if (flag) timeout = 0;
// Apply Send Timeout Settings to Socket
if (timeout > 0)
setSockTimeout(pdpsocket.id, SO_SNDTIMEO, timeout);
if (socket->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTSEND) {
socket->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTSEND;
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_SOCKET_ALERTED, "socket alerted");
// Single Target
if (!isBroadcastMAC(daddr)) {
// Fill in Target Structure
struct sockaddr_in target {};
target.sin_family = AF_INET;
target.sin_port = htons(dport + portOffset);
u16 finalPortOffset;
// Get Peer IP. Some games (ie. Vulcanus Seek and Destroy) seems to try to send to zero-MAC (ie. 00:00:00:00:00:00) first before sending to the actual destination MAC.. So may be sending to zero-MAC has a special meaning? (ie. to peek send buffer availability may be?)
if (resolveMAC((SceNetEtherAddr *)daddr, (uint32_t *)&target.sin_addr.s_addr, &finalPortOffset)) {
// Some games (ie. PSP2) might try to talk to it's self, not sure if they talked through WAN or LAN when using public Adhoc Server tho
target.sin_port = htons(dport + finalPortOffset);
// Acquire Network Lock
// Send Data. UDP are guaranteed to be sent as a whole or nothing(failed if len > SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE), and never be partially sent/recv
int sent = sendto(pdpsocket.id, (const char *)data, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&target, sizeof(target));
int error = errno;
if (sent == SOCKET_ERROR) {
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket
if (!flag && (error == EAGAIN || error == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | pdpsocket.id;
if (sendTargetPeers.find(threadSocketId) != sendTargetPeers.end()) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpSend[%i:%u]: Socket(%d) is Busy!", id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), pdpsocket.id);
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_BUSY, "busy?");
AdhocSendTargets dest = { len, {}, false };
dest.peers.push_back({ target.sin_addr.s_addr, dport, finalPortOffset });
sendTargetPeers[threadSocketId] = dest;
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, PDP_SEND, id, data, nullptr, timeout, nullptr, nullptr, "pdp send");
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Socket Error (%i) on sceNetAdhocPdpSend[%i:%u->%u] (size=%i)", error, id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), ntohs(target.sin_port), len);
//changeBlockingMode(socket->id, 0);
// Free Network Lock
hleEatMicro(50); // Can be longer than 1ms tho
// Sent Data
if (sent >= 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpSend[%i:%u]: Sent %u bytes to %s:%u\n", id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), sent, ip2str(target.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(target.sin_port));
// Success
return 0; // sent; // MotorStorm will try to resend if return value is not 0
// Non-Blocking
if (flag)
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block");
// Does PDP can Timeout? There is no concept of Timeout when sending UDP due to no ACK, but might happen if the socket buffer is full, not sure about PDP since some games did use the timeout arg
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpSend[%i:%u]: Unknown Target Peer %s:%u (faking success)\n", id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), mac2str(daddr).c_str(), ntohs(target.sin_port));
return 0; // faking success
// Broadcast Target
else {
// Acquire Network Lock
//// Get Local IP Address
//union SceNetApctlInfo info; if (sceNetApctlGetInfo(PSP_NET_APCTL_INFO_IP, &info) == 0) {
// // Fill in Target Structure
// SceNetInetSockaddrIn target;
// target.sin_family = AF_INET;
// sceNetInetInetAton(info.ip, &target.sin_addr);
// target.sin_port = sceNetHtons(dport);
// // Send Data
// sceNetInetSendto(socket->id, data, len, ((flag != 0) ? (INET_MSG_DONTWAIT) : (0)), (SceNetInetSockaddr *)&target, sizeof(target));
// Acquire Peer Lock
AdhocSendTargets dest = { len, {}, true };
// Iterate Peers
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo* peer = friends;
for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) {
// Does Skipping sending to timed out friends could cause desync when players moving group at the time MP game started?
if (peer->last_recv == 0)
dest.peers.push_back({ peer->ip_addr, dport, peer->port_offset });
// Free Peer Lock
// Send Data
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket
if (!flag) {
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | pdpsocket.id;
if (sendTargetPeers.find(threadSocketId) != sendTargetPeers.end()) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpSend[%i:%u](BC): Socket(%d) is Busy!", id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), pdpsocket.id);
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_BUSY, "busy?");
sendTargetPeers[threadSocketId] = dest;
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, PDP_SEND, id, data, nullptr, timeout, nullptr, nullptr, "pdp send broadcast");
// Non-blocking
else {
// Iterate Peers
for (auto& peer : dest.peers) {
// Fill in Target Structure
struct sockaddr_in target {};
target.sin_family = AF_INET;
target.sin_addr.s_addr = peer.ip;
target.sin_port = htons(dport + peer.portOffset);
int sent = sendto(pdpsocket.id, (const char*)data, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&target, sizeof(target));
int error = errno;
if (sent == SOCKET_ERROR) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Socket Error (%i) on sceNetAdhocPdpSend[%i:%u->%u](BC) [size=%i]", error, id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), ntohs(target.sin_port), len);
if (sent >= 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpSend[%i:%u](BC): Sent %u bytes to %s:%u\n", id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), sent, ip2str(target.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(target.sin_port));
//changeBlockingMode(socket->id, 0);
// Free Network Lock
// Success, Broadcast never fails!
return 0; // len;
// Invalid Destination Address
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ADDR, "invalid address");
// Invalid Argument
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Invalid Socket ID
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_SOCKET_ID, "invalid socket id");
// Invalid Data Length
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_DATALEN, "invalid data length");
// Invalid Destination Port
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_PORT, "invalid port");
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
* Adhoc Emulator PDP Receive Call
* @param id Socket File Descriptor
* @param saddr OUT: Source MAC Address
* @param sport OUT: Source Port
* @param buf OUT: Received Data. The caller has to provide enough space (the whole socket buffer size?) to fully read the available packet.
* @param len IN: Buffer Size OUT: Received Data Length
* @param timeout Receive Timeout
* @param flag Nonblocking Flag
static int sceNetAdhocPdpRecv(int id, void *addr, void * port, void *buf, void *dataLength, u32 timeout, int flag) {
if (flag == 0) { // Prevent spamming Debug Log with retries of non-bocking socket
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv(%i, %p, %p, %p, %p, %i, %i) at %08x", id, addr, port, buf, dataLength, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
} else {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv(%i, %p, %p, %p, %p, %i, %i) at %08x", id, addr, port, buf, dataLength, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
SceNetEtherAddr *saddr = (SceNetEtherAddr *)addr;
uint16_t * sport = (uint16_t *)port; //Looking at Quake3 sourcecode (net_adhoc.c) this is an "int" (32bit) but changing here to 32bit will cause FF-Type0 to see duplicated Host (thinking it was from a different host)
int * len = (int *)dataLength;
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Valid Socket ID
if (id > 0 && id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[id - 1] != NULL) {
// Cast Socket
auto socket = adhocSockets[id - 1];
auto& pdpsocket = socket->data.pdp;
socket->nonblocking = flag;
// Valid Arguments
if (saddr != NULL && port != NULL && buf != NULL && len != NULL) {
// Schedule Timeout Removal
//if (flag == 1) timeout = 0;
// Nonblocking Simulator
int wouldblock = 0;
// Minimum Timeout
uint32_t mintimeout = minSocketTimeoutUS; // 250000;
// Nonblocking Call
if (flag == 1) {
// Erase Nonblocking Flag
flag = 0;
// Set Wouldblock Behaviour
wouldblock = 1;
// Set Minimum Timeout (250ms)
if (timeout < mintimeout) timeout = mintimeout;
// Apply Receive Timeout Settings to Socket. Let's not wait forever (0 = indefinitely)
if (timeout > 0)
setSockTimeout(pdpsocket.id, SO_RCVTIMEO, timeout);
if (socket->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTRECV) {
socket->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTRECV;
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_SOCKET_ALERTED, "socket alerted");
// Sender Address
struct sockaddr_in sin;
socklen_t sinlen;
// Acquire Network Lock
SceNetEtherAddr mac;
int received = 0;
int error;
int disCnt = 16;
while (--disCnt > 0)
// Receive Data. PDP always sent in full size or nothing(failed), recvfrom will always receive in full size as requested (blocking) or failed (non-blocking). If available UDP data is larger than buffer, excess data is lost.
// Should peek first for the available data size if it's more than len return ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE along with required size in len to prevent losing excess data
// On Windows: MSG_TRUNC are not supported on recvfrom (socket error WSAEOPNOTSUPP), so we use dummy buffer as an alternative
sinlen = sizeof(sin);
memset(&sin, 0, sinlen);
received = recvfrom(pdpsocket.id, dummyPeekBuf64k, dummyPeekBuf64kSize, MSG_PEEK | MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen);
error = errno;
// Discard packets from IP that can't be translated into MAC address to prevent confusing the game, since the sender MAC won't be updated and may contains invalid/undefined value.
// TODO: In order to discard packets from unresolvable IP (can't be translated into player's MAC) properly, we'll need to manage the socket buffer ourself,
// by reading the whole available data, separates each datagram and discard unresolvable one, so we can calculate the correct number of available data to recv on GetPdpStat too.
// We may also need to implement encryption (or a simple checksum will do) in order to validate the packet to findout whether it came from PPSSPP or a different App that may be sending/broadcasting data to the same port being used by a game
// (in case the IP was resolvable but came from a different App, which will need to be discarded too)
// Note: Looping to check too many packets (ie. contiguous) to discard per one non-blocking PdpRecv syscall may cause a slow down
if (received != SOCKET_ERROR && !resolveIP(sin.sin_addr.s_addr, &mac)) {
// Remove the packet from socket buffer
sinlen = sizeof(sin);
memset(&sin, 0, sinlen);
recvfrom(pdpsocket.id, dummyPeekBuf64k, dummyPeekBuf64kSize, MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen);
if (flag) {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "%08x=sceNetAdhocPdpRecv: would block (disc)", ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK); // Temporary fix to avoid a crash on the Logs due to trying to Logs syscall's argument from another thread (ie. AdhocMatchingInput thread)
return ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK; // hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block (disc)");
else {
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket, and discard more unresolvable packets until timeout reached
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | pdpsocket.id;
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, PDP_RECV, id, buf, len, timeout, saddr, sport, "pdp recv (disc)");
// At this point we assumed that the packet is a valid PPSSPP packet
if (received != SOCKET_ERROR && *len < received) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv[%i:%u]: Peeked %u/%u bytes from %s:%u\n", id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), received, *len, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(sin.sin_port));
if (received > 0 && *len > 0)
memcpy(buf, dummyPeekBuf64k, std::min(received, *len));
// Return the actual available data size
*len = received;
// Provide Sender Information
*saddr = mac;
*sport = ntohs(sin.sin_port) - portOffset;
// Update last recv timestamp, may cause disconnection not detected properly tho
auto peer = findFriend(&mac);
if (peer != NULL) peer->last_recv = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE, "not enough space");
sinlen = sizeof(sin);
memset(&sin, 0, sinlen);
// On Windows: Socket Error 10014 may happen when buffer size is less than the minimum allowed/required (ie. negative number on Vulcanus Seek and Destroy), the address is not a valid part of the user address space (ie. on the stack or when buffer overflow occurred), or the address is not properly aligned (ie. multiple of 4 on 32bit and multiple of 8 on 64bit) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/861154/winsock-error-code-10014
received = recvfrom(pdpsocket.id, (char*)buf, std::max(0, *len), MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen);
error = errno;
// On Windows: recvfrom on UDP can get error WSAECONNRESET when previous sendto's destination is unreachable (or destination port is not bound), may need to disable SIO_UDP_CONNRESET
if (received == SOCKET_ERROR && (error == EAGAIN || error == EWOULDBLOCK || error == ECONNRESET)) {
if (flag == 0) {
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | pdpsocket.id;
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, PDP_RECV, id, buf, len, timeout, saddr, sport, "pdp recv");
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "%08x=sceNetAdhocPdpRecv: would block", ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK); // Temporary fix to avoid a crash on the Logs due to trying to Logs syscall's argument from another thread (ie. AdhocMatchingInput thread)
return ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK; // hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block");
// Received Data. UDP can also receives 0 data, while on TCP 0 data = connection gracefully closed, but not sure about PDP tho
if (received >= 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv[%i:%u]: Received %u bytes from %s:%u\n", id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), received, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(sin.sin_port));
// Find Peer MAC
if (resolveIP(sin.sin_addr.s_addr, &mac)) {
// Provide Sender Information
*saddr = mac;
*sport = ntohs(sin.sin_port) - portOffset;
// Save Length
*len = received; // Kurok homebrew seems to use the new value of len than returned value as data length
// Update last recv timestamp, may cause disconnection not detected properly tho
auto peer = findFriend(&mac);
if (peer != NULL) peer->last_recv = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
// Free Network Lock
// Return Success. According to pspsdk-1.0+beta2 returned value is Number of bytes received, but JPCSP returning 0?
return 0; //received; // Returning number of bytes received will cause KH BBS unable to see the game event/room
// Free Network Lock
// Receiving data from unknown peer? Should never reached here! Unless the Peeked's packet was different than the Recved one (which mean there is a problem)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv[%i:%u]: Received %i bytes from Unknown Peer %s:%u", id, getLocalPort(pdpsocket.id), received, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(sin.sin_port));
if (flag) {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "%08x=sceNetAdhocPdpRecv: would block (problem)", ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK); // Temporary fix to avoid a crash on the Logs due to trying to Logs syscall's argument from another thread (ie. AdhocMatchingInput thread)
return ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK; // hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block (problem)");
// Free Network Lock
// Restore Nonblocking Flag for Return Value
if (wouldblock) flag = 1;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv[%i:%u]: Result:%i (Error:%i)", id, pdpsocket.lport, received, error);
// Unexpected error (other than EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK/ECONNRESET) or in case the Peeked's packet was different than Recved one, treated as Timeout?
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT, "timeout?");
// Invalid Argument
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Invalid Socket ID
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_SOCKET_ID, "invalid socket id");
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
int NetAdhoc_SetSocketAlert(int id, s32_le flag) {
if (id < 1 || id > MAX_SOCKET || adhocSockets[id - 1] == NULL)
// FIXME: Should we check for valid Alert Flags and/or Mask them? Should we return an error if we found an invalid flag?
s32_le flg = flag & ADHOC_F_ALERTALL;
adhocSockets[id - 1]->flags = flg;
adhocSockets[id - 1]->alerted_flags = 0;
return 0;
// Flags seems to be bitmasks of ADHOC_F_ALERT... (need more games to test this)
int sceNetAdhocSetSocketAlert(int id, int flag) {
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocSetSocketAlert, SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocSetSocketAlert(%d, %08x) at %08x", id, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
int retval = NetAdhoc_SetSocketAlert(id, flag);
hleDelayResult(retval, "set socket alert delay", 1000);
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, retval, "");
int PollAdhocSocket(SceNetAdhocPollSd* sds, int count, int timeout, int nonblock) {
//WSAPoll only available for Vista or newer, so we'll use an alternative way for XP since Windows doesn't have poll function like *NIX
fd_set readfds, writefds, exceptfds;
int fd;
int maxfd = 0;
FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_ZERO(&exceptfds);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
sds[i].revents = 0;
// Fill in Socket ID
if (sds[i].id > 0 && sds[i].id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[sds[i].id - 1] != NULL) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[sds[i].id - 1];
if (!sock) {
if (sock->type == SOCK_PTP) {
fd = sock->data.ptp.id;
else {
fd = sock->data.pdp.id;
if (fd > maxfd) maxfd = fd;
FD_SET(fd, &readfds);
FD_SET(fd, &writefds);
FD_SET(fd, &exceptfds);
timeval tmout;
tmout.tv_sec = timeout / 1000000; // seconds
tmout.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000000); // microseconds
int affectedsockets = select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptfds, &tmout);
if (affectedsockets >= 0) {
affectedsockets = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (sds[i].id > 0 && sds[i].id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[sds[i].id - 1] != NULL) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[sds[i].id - 1];
if (sock->type == SOCK_PTP) {
fd = sock->data.ptp.id;
else {
fd = sock->data.pdp.id;
if ((sds[i].events & ADHOC_EV_RECV) && FD_ISSET(fd, &readfds))
sds[i].revents |= ADHOC_EV_RECV;
if ((sds[i].events & ADHOC_EV_SEND) && FD_ISSET(fd, &writefds))
sds[i].revents |= ADHOC_EV_SEND;
if (sock->alerted_flags)
sds[i].revents |= ADHOC_EV_ALERT;
// Mask certain revents bits with events bits
sds[i].revents &= sds[i].events;
if (sock->type == SOCK_PTP) {
// FIXME: Should we also make use "retry_interval" for ADHOC_EV_ACCEPT, similar to ADHOC_EV_CONNECT ?
if (sock->data.ptp.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_LISTEN && (sds[i].events & ADHOC_EV_ACCEPT) && FD_ISSET(fd, &readfds)) {
sds[i].revents |= ADHOC_EV_ACCEPT;
// Fate Unlimited Codes and Carnage Heart EXA relies on AdhocPollSocket in order to retry a failed PtpConnect, but the interval must not be too long (about 1 frame before state became Established by GetPtpStat) for Bleach Heat the Soul 7 to work properly.
else if ((sds[i].events & ADHOC_EV_CONNECT) && ((sock->data.ptp.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED && sock->attemptCount == 0) ||
(sock->data.ptp.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT && (static_cast<s64>(CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - sock->lastAttempt) > 1000/*std::max(1000, sock->retry_interval - 60000)*/)))) {
sds[i].revents |= ADHOC_EV_CONNECT;
// Check for socket state (already disconnected/closed by remote peer, already closed/deleted, not a socket or not opened/connected yet?)
// Raise ADHOC_EV_DISCONNECT, ADHOC_EV_DELETE, ADHOC_EV_INVALID on revents regardless of events as needed (similar to POLLHUP, POLLERR, and POLLNVAL on posix poll)
if (sock->data.ptp.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED) {
if (sock->attemptCount > 0) {
sds[i].revents |= ADHOC_EV_DISCONNECT; // remote peer has closed the socket
if (sock->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTPOLL) {
sock->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTPOLL;
else {
sds[i].revents |= ADHOC_EV_INVALID;
if (sds[i].revents) affectedsockets++;
else {
// FIXME: Does AdhocPollSocket can return any error code other than ERROR_NET_ADHOC_EXCEPTION_EVENT on blocking/non-blocking mode?
/*if (nonblock)
affectedsockets = ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK;
affectedsockets = ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT;
return affectedsockets;
int sceNetAdhocPollSocket(u32 socketStructAddr, int count, int timeout, int nonblock) { // timeout in microseconds
DEBUG_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocPollSocket, SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocPollSocket(%08x, %i, %i, %i) at %08x", socketStructAddr, count, timeout, nonblock, currentMIPS->pc);
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited)
SceNetAdhocPollSd * sds = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(socketStructAddr)) sds = (SceNetAdhocPollSd *)Memory::GetPointer(socketStructAddr);
// Valid Arguments
if (sds != NULL && count > 0)
// Socket Check
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Invalid Socket
if (sds[i].id < 1 || sds[i].id > MAX_SOCKET || adhocSockets[sds[i].id - 1] == NULL)
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_SOCKET_ID, "invalid socket id");
// Nonblocking Mode
if (nonblock)
timeout = 0;
if (count > (int)FD_SETSIZE)
// Acquire Network Lock
// Poll Sockets
//int affectedsockets = sceNetInetPoll(isds, count, timeout);
int affectedsockets = 0;
if (nonblock)
affectedsockets = PollAdhocSocket(sds, count, 0, nonblock);
else {
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket
// Borrowing some arguments to pass some parameters. The dummy WaitID(count+1) might not be unique thus have duplicate possibilities if there are multiple thread trying to poll the same numbers of socket at the same time
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | (count + 1ULL);
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, ADHOC_POLL_SOCKET, count, sds, nullptr, timeout, nullptr, nullptr, "adhoc pollsocket");
// Free Network Lock
// No Events generated
// Non-blocking mode
// Bleach 7 seems to use nonblocking and check the return value > 0, or 0x80410709 (ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK), also 0x80410717 (ERROR_NET_ADHOC_EXCEPTION_EVENT), when using prx files on JPCSP it can return 0
if (affectedsockets >= 0) {
if (affectedsockets > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (sds[i].id > 0 && sds[i].id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[sds[i].id - 1] != NULL) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[sds[i].id - 1];
if (sock->type == SOCK_PTP)
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "Poll PTP Socket Id: %d (%d), events: %08x, revents: %08x - state: %d", sds[i].id, sock->data.ptp.id, sds[i].events, sds[i].revents, sock->data.ptp.state);
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "Poll PDP Socket Id: %d (%d), events: %08x, revents: %08x", sds[i].id, sock->data.pdp.id, sds[i].events, sds[i].revents);
// Workaround to get 30 FPS instead of the too fast 60 FPS on Fate Unlimited Codes, it's abit absurd for a non-blocking call to have this much delay tho, and hleDelayResult doesn't works as good as hleEatMicro for this workaround.
hleEatMicro(50); // hleEatMicro(7500); // normally 1ms, but using 7.5ms here seems to show better result for Bleach Heat the Soul 7 and other games with too high FPS, but may have a risk of slowing down games that already runs at normal FPS? (need more games to test this)
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, affectedsockets, "success");
//else if (nonblock && affectedsockets < 0)
// return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block"); // Is this error code valid for PollSocket? as it always returns 0 even when nonblock flag is set
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_EXCEPTION_EVENT, "exception event");
// Invalid Argument
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhoc not initialized");
int NetAdhocPdp_Delete(int id, int unknown) {
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Valid Arguments
if (id > 0 && id <= MAX_SOCKET) {
// Cast Socket
auto sock = adhocSockets[id - 1];
// Valid Socket
if (sock != NULL && sock->type == SOCK_PDP) {
// Close Connection
struct linger sl {};
sl.l_onoff = 1; // non-zero value enables linger option in kernel
sl.l_linger = 0; // timeout interval in seconds
setsockopt(sock->data.pdp.id, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (const char*)&sl, sizeof(sl));
shutdown(sock->data.pdp.id, SD_BOTH);
// Remove Port Forward from Router
//sceNetPortClose("UDP", sock->lport);
//g_PortManager.Remove(IP_PROTOCOL_UDP, isOriPort ? sock->lport : sock->lport + portOffset); // Let's not remove mapping in real-time as it could cause lags/disconnection when joining a room with slow routers
// Free Memory
// Free Translation Slot
adhocSockets[id - 1] = NULL;
// Success
return 0;
// Invalid Socket ID
// Invalid Argument
// Library is uninitialized
* Adhoc Emulator PDP Socket Delete
* @param id Socket File Descriptor
* @param flag Bitflags (Unused)
static int sceNetAdhocPdpDelete(int id, int unknown) {
// WLAN might be disabled in the middle of successfull multiplayer, but we still need to cleanup right?
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPdpDelete(%d, %d) at %08x", id, unknown, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return 0;
return NetAdhocPdp_Delete(id, unknown);
static int sceNetAdhocctlGetAdhocId(u32 productStructAddr) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlGetAdhocId(%08x) at %08x", productStructAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
auto productStruct = PSPPointer<SceNetAdhocctlAdhocId>::Create(productStructAddr);
if (!productStruct.IsValid())
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
*productStruct = product_code;
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, 0, "type = %d, code = %s", product_code.type, product_code.data);
// FIXME: Scan probably not a blocking function since there is ADHOCCTL_STATE_SCANNING state that can be polled by the game, right? But apparently it need to be delayed for Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3
int sceNetAdhocctlScan() {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlScan() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocctlInited) {
int us = adhocDefaultDelay;
// FIXME: When tested with JPCSP + official prx files it seems when adhocctl in a connected state (ie. joined to a group) attempting to create/connect/join/scan will return a success (without doing anything?)
if ((adhocctlState == ADHOCCTL_STATE_CONNECTED) || (adhocctlState == ADHOCCTL_STATE_GAMEMODE)) {
// TODO: Valhalla Knights 2 need handler notification, but need to test this on games that doesn't use Adhocctl Handler too (not sure if there are games like that tho)
return 0;
// Only scan when in Disconnected state, otherwise AdhocServer will kick you out
if (adhocctlState == ADHOCCTL_STATE_DISCONNECTED && !isAdhocctlBusy) {
isAdhocctlBusy = true;
isAdhocctlNeedLogin = true;
adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_NORMAL;
// Reset Networks/Group list to prevent other threads from using these soon to be replaced networks
networks = NULL;
if (friendFinderRunning) {
AdhocctlRequest req = { OPCODE_SCAN, {0} };
return WaitBlockingAdhocctlSocket(req, us, "adhocctl scan");
else {
// Return Success and let friendFinder thread to notify the handler when scan completed
// Not delaying here may cause Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 to get disconnected when the mission started
// FIXME: When tested using JPCSP + official prx files it seems sceNetAdhocctlScan switching to a different thread for at least 100ms after returning success and before executing the next line?
return hleDelayResult(0, "scan delay", adhocEventPollDelay);
// FIXME: Returning BUSY when previous adhocctl handler's callback is not fully executed yet, But returning success and notifying handler's callback with error (ie. ALREADY_CONNECTED) when previous adhocctl handler's callback is fully executed? Is there a case where error = BUSY sent through handler's callback?
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_BUSY, "busy");
// Library uninitialized
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
int sceNetAdhocctlGetScanInfo(u32 sizeAddr, u32 bufAddr) {
s32_le *buflen = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(sizeAddr)) buflen = (s32_le *)Memory::GetPointer(sizeAddr);
SceNetAdhocctlScanInfoEmu *buf = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(bufAddr)) buf = (SceNetAdhocctlScanInfoEmu *)Memory::GetPointer(bufAddr);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlGetScanInfo([%08x]=%i, %08x) at %08x", sizeAddr, Memory::Read_U32(sizeAddr), bufAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return 0;
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocctlInited) {
// Minimum Argument
// Minimum Argument Requirements
if (buflen != NULL) {
// FIXME: Do we need to exclude Groups created by this device it's self?
bool excludeSelf = false;
// Multithreading Lock
// FIXME: When already connected to a group GetScanInfo will return size = 0 ? or may be only hides the group created by it's self?
if (adhocctlState == ADHOCCTL_STATE_CONNECTED || adhocctlState == ADHOCCTL_STATE_GAMEMODE) {
*buflen = 0;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "NetworkList [Available: 0] Already in a Group");
// Length Returner Mode
else if (buf == NULL) {
int availNetworks = countAvailableNetworks(excludeSelf);
*buflen = availNetworks * sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfoEmu);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "NetworkList [Available: %i]", availNetworks);
// Normal Information Mode
else {
// Clear Memory
memset(buf, 0, *buflen);
// Network Discovery Counter
int discovered = 0;
// Count requested Networks
int requestcount = *buflen / sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfoEmu);
// Minimum Argument Requirements
if (requestcount > 0) {
// Group List Element
SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * group = networks;
// Iterate Group List
for (; group != NULL && (!excludeSelf || !isLocalMAC(&group->bssid.mac_addr)) && discovered < requestcount; group = group->next) {
// Copy Group Information
//buf[discovered] = *group;
buf[discovered].group_name = group->group_name;
buf[discovered].bssid = group->bssid;
buf[discovered].mode = group->mode;
// Exchange Adhoc Channel
// sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt(PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_ID_INT_ADHOC_CHANNEL, &buf[discovered].channel);
// Fake Channel Number 1 on Automatic Channel (JPCSP use 11 as default). Ridge Racer 2 will ignore any groups with channel 0 or that doesn't matched with channel value returned from sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt (which mean sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt must not return channel 0 when connected to a network?)
buf[discovered].channel = group->channel; //parameter.channel
// Increase Discovery Counter
// Link List
for (int i = 0; i < discovered - 1; i++) {
// Link Network
buf[i].next = bufAddr + (sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfoEmu)*i) + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfoEmu); // buf[i].next = &buf[i + 1];
// Fix Last Element
if (discovered > 0) buf[discovered - 1].next = 0;
// Fix Size
*buflen = discovered * sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfoEmu);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "NetworkList [Requested: %i][Discovered: %i]", requestcount, discovered);
// Multithreading Unlock
// Return Success
return 0;
// Generic Error
return -1;
// Library uninitialized
// TODO: How many handlers can the PSP actually have for Adhocctl?
// TODO: Should we allow the same handler to be added more than once?
// FIXME: Do all Adhocctl HLE returning 0 and expecting error code through callback handler if there were error, instead of returning error code through the HLE ?
static u32 sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler(u32 handlerPtr, u32 handlerArg) {
bool foundHandler = false;
u32 retval = 0;
AdhocctlHandler handler;
memset(&handler, 0, sizeof(handler));
while (adhocctlHandlers.find(retval) != adhocctlHandlers.end())
handler.entryPoint = handlerPtr;
handler.argument = handlerArg;
for (auto it = adhocctlHandlers.begin(); it != adhocctlHandlers.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second.entryPoint == handlerPtr) {
foundHandler = true;
if (!foundHandler && Memory::IsValidAddress(handlerPtr)) {
if (adhocctlHandlers.size() >= MAX_ADHOCCTL_HANDLERS) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler(%x, %x): Too many handlers", handlerPtr, handlerArg);
return retval;
adhocctlHandlers[retval] = handler;
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler(%x, %x): added handler %d", handlerPtr, handlerArg, retval);
} else if(foundHandler) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler(%x, %x): Same handler already exists", handlerPtr, handlerArg);
retval = 0; //Faking success
} else {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler(%x, %x): Invalid handler", handlerPtr, handlerArg);
// The id to return is the number of handlers currently registered
return retval;
u32 NetAdhocctl_Disconnect() {
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocctlInited) {
int iResult, error;
// We might need to have at least 16ms (1 frame?) delay before the game calls the next Adhocctl syscall for Tekken 6 not to stuck when exiting Lobby
if (isAdhocctlBusy && CoreTiming::IsScheduled(adhocctlNotifyEvent)) {
// Connected State (Adhoc Mode). Attempting to leave a group while not in a group will be kicked out by Adhoc Server (ie. some games tries to disconnect more than once within a short time)
isAdhocctlBusy = true;
// Clear Network Name
memset(¶meter.group_name, 0, sizeof(parameter.group_name));
// Set HUD Connection Status
// Prepare Packet
uint8_t opcode = OPCODE_DISCONNECT;
// Acquire Network Lock
// Send Disconnect Request Packet
iResult = send((int)metasocket, (const char*)&opcode, 1, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
error = errno;
// Sending may get socket error 10053 if the AdhocServer is already shutted down
if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
if (error != EAGAIN && error != EWOULDBLOCK) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "Socket error (%i) when sending", error);
// Set Disconnected State
else if (friendFinderRunning) {
AdhocctlRequest req = { OPCODE_DISCONNECT, {0} };
WaitBlockingAdhocctlSocket(req, 0, "adhocctl disconnect");
else {
// Set Disconnected State
// Free Network Lock
// Multithreading Lock
// Clear Peer List, since games are moving to a different a group when the mission started may be we shouldn't free all peers yet
int32_t peercount = 0;
timeoutFriendsRecursive(friends, &peercount);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Marked for Timedout Peer List (%i)", peercount);
// Delete Peer Reference
//friends = NULL;
// Clear Group List
// Delete Group Reference
//networks = NULL;
// Multithreading Unlock
adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE;
// Notify Event Handlers (even if we weren't connected, not doing this will freeze games like God Eater, which expect this behaviour)
// FIXME: When there are no handler the state will immediately became ADHOCCTL_STATE_DISCONNECTED ?
// Note: Metal Gear Acid [2] never register a handler until it's successfully connected to a group and have a connected socket to other player, thus adhocctlHandlers is always empty here.
notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_DISCONNECT, 0);
// Return Success, some games might ignore returned value and always treat it as success, otherwise repeatedly calling this function
return 0;
// Library uninitialized
static u32 sceNetAdhocctlDisconnect() {
// WLAN might be disabled in the middle of successfull multiplayer, but we still need to cleanup right?
char grpName[9] = { 0 };
memcpy(grpName, parameter.group_name.data, ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN); // Copied to null-terminated var to prevent unexpected behaviour on Logs
int ret = NetAdhocctl_Disconnect();
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "%08x=sceNetAdhocctlDisconnect() at %08x [group=%s]", ret, currentMIPS->pc, grpName);
return ret;
static u32 sceNetAdhocctlDelHandler(u32 handlerID) {
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhocctl not initialized");
if (adhocctlHandlers.find(handlerID) != adhocctlHandlers.end()) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlDelHandler(%d) at %08x", handlerID, currentMIPS->pc);
} else {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlDelHandler(%d): Invalid Handler ID", handlerID);
return 0;
int NetAdhocctl_Term() {
if (netAdhocctlInited) {
// Note: This might block current thread if the first attempt to send OPCODE_DISCONNECT to AdhocServer failed with EAGAIN error
if (netAdhocGameModeEntered)
// Terminate Adhoc Threads
friendFinderRunning = false;
if (friendFinderThread.joinable()) {
// TODO: May need to block current thread to make sure all Adhocctl callbacks have been fully executed before terminating Adhoc PSPThread (ie. threadAdhocID).
// Clear GameMode resources
// Clear Peer List
int32_t peercount = 0;
freeFriendsRecursive(friends, &peercount);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Cleared Peer List (%i)", peercount);
// Delete Peer Reference
friends = NULL;
//May also need to clear Handlers
// Free stuff here
networkInited = false;
shutdown((int)metasocket, SD_BOTH);
metasocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET;
// Delete fake PSP Thread.
// kernelObjects may already been cleared early during a Shutdown, thus trying to access it may generates Warning/Error in the log
if (threadAdhocID > 0 && strcmp(__KernelGetThreadName(threadAdhocID), "ERROR") != 0) {
__KernelStopThread(threadAdhocID, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_THREAD_TERMINATED, "AdhocThread stopped");
__KernelDeleteThread(threadAdhocID, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_THREAD_TERMINATED, "AdhocThread deleted");
threadAdhocID = 0;
adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE;
isAdhocctlBusy = false;
netAdhocctlInited = false;
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocctlTerm() {
// WLAN might be disabled in the middle of successfull multiplayer, but we still need to cleanup right?
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlTerm() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
//if (netAdhocMatchingInited) NetAdhocMatching_Term();
int retval = NetAdhocctl_Term();
return retval;
static int sceNetAdhocctlGetNameByAddr(const char *mac, u32 nameAddr) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlGetNameByAddr(%s, %08x) at %08x", mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)mac).c_str(), nameAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocctlInited)
// Valid Arguments
if (mac != NULL && Memory::IsValidAddress(nameAddr))
SceNetAdhocctlNickname * nickname = (SceNetAdhocctlNickname *)Memory::GetPointer(nameAddr);
// Get Local MAC Address
SceNetEtherAddr localmac;
// Local MAC Matches
if (isMacMatch(&localmac, (const SceNetEtherAddr*)mac))
// Write Data
*nickname = parameter.nickname;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlGetNameByAddr - [PlayerName:%s]", (char*)nickname);
// Return Success
return 0;
// Multithreading Lock
// Peer Reference
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = friends;
// Iterate Peers
for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next)
// Match found
if (peer->last_recv != 0 && isMacMatch(&peer->mac_addr, (const SceNetEtherAddr*)mac))
// Write Data
*nickname = peer->nickname;
// Multithreading Unlock
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlGetNameByAddr - [PeerName:%s]", (char*)nickname);
// Return Success
return 0;
// Multithreading Unlock
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlGetNameByAddr - PlayerName not found");
// Player not found
// Invalid Arguments
// Library uninitialized
int sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerInfo(const char *mac, int size, u32 peerInfoAddr) {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerInfo(%s, %i, %08x) at %08x", mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)mac).c_str(), size, peerInfoAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
SceNetEtherAddr * maddr = (SceNetEtherAddr *)mac;
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu * buf = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(peerInfoAddr)) {
buf = (SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu *)Memory::GetPointer(peerInfoAddr);
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocctlInited) {
if ((size < (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu)) || (buf == NULL)) return ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_INVALID_ARG;
int retval = ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NO_ENTRY; // -1;
// Local MAC
if (isLocalMAC(maddr)) {
SceNetAdhocctlNickname nickname;
truncate_cpy((char*)&nickname.data, ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN, g_Config.sNickName.c_str());
buf->next = 0;
buf->nickname = nickname;
buf->nickname.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0; // last char need to be null-terminated char
buf->mac_addr = *maddr;
buf->flags = 0x0400;
buf->padding = 0;
buf->last_recv = std::max(0LL, static_cast<s64>(CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - defaultLastRecvDelta));
// Success
retval = 0;
// Find Peer by MAC
// Multithreading Lock
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = findFriend(maddr);
if (peer != NULL && peer->last_recv != 0) {
// Fake Receive Time
peer->last_recv = std::max(peer->last_recv, CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - defaultLastRecvDelta);
buf->next = 0;
buf->nickname = peer->nickname;
buf->nickname.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0; // last char need to be null-terminated char
buf->mac_addr = *maddr;
buf->flags = 0x0400; //peer->ip_addr;
buf->padding = 0;
buf->last_recv = peer->last_recv; //CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); //time_now_d()*1000000.0; //(uint64_t)time(NULL); //This timestamp is important issue on Dissidia 012
// Success
retval = 0;
// Multithreading Unlock
return retval;
// Library uninitialized
int NetAdhocctl_Create(const char* groupName) {
const SceNetAdhocctlGroupName* groupNameStruct = (const SceNetAdhocctlGroupName*)groupName;
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocctlInited) {
// Valid Argument
if (validNetworkName(groupNameStruct)) {
// FIXME: When tested with JPCSP + official prx files it seems when adhocctl in a connected state (ie. joined to a group) attempting to create/connect/join/scan will return a success (without doing anything?)
if ((adhocctlState == ADHOCCTL_STATE_CONNECTED) || (adhocctlState == ADHOCCTL_STATE_GAMEMODE)) {
// TODO: Need to test this on games that doesn't use Adhocctl Handler too (not sure if there are games like that tho)
return 0;
// Disconnected State
if (adhocctlState == ADHOCCTL_STATE_DISCONNECTED && !isAdhocctlBusy) {
isAdhocctlBusy = true;
isAdhocctlNeedLogin = true;
// Set Network Name
if (groupNameStruct != NULL)
parameter.group_name = *groupNameStruct;
// Reset Network Name
memset(¶meter.group_name, 0, sizeof(parameter.group_name));
// Set HUD Connection Status
// Wait for Status to be connected to prevent Ford Street Racing from Failed to create game session
int us = adhocDefaultDelay;
if (friendFinderRunning) {
AdhocctlRequest req = { OPCODE_CONNECT, parameter.group_name };
return WaitBlockingAdhocctlSocket(req, us, "adhocctl connect");
//Faking success, to prevent Full Auto 2 from freezing while Initializing Network
else {
adhocctlStartTime = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
if (adhocctlCurrentMode == ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE) {
notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_GAME, 0);
else {
// Notify Event Handlers, Needed for the Nickname to be shown on the screen when success is faked
// Connected Event's mipscall need be executed before returning from sceNetAdhocctlCreate (or before the next sceNet function?)
notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT, 0); //CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent_Threadsafe_Immediate(eventAdhocctlHandlerUpdate, join32(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT, 0));
// Return Success
// FIXME: When tested using JPCSP + official prx files it seems sceNetAdhocctlCreate switching to a different thread for at least 100ms after returning success and before executing the next line.
return 0;
// Connected State
return ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_BUSY; // ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_BUSY may trigger the game (ie. Ford Street Racing) to call sceNetAdhocctlDisconnect
// Invalid Argument
// Library uninitialized
* Create and / or Join a Virtual Network of the specified Name
* @param group_name Virtual Network Name
int sceNetAdhocctlCreate(const char *groupName) {
char grpName[ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
if (groupName)
memcpy(grpName, groupName, ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN); // For logging purpose, must not be truncated
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlCreate(%s) at %08x", grpName, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_NORMAL;
adhocConnectionType = ADHOC_CREATE;
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, NetAdhocctl_Create(groupName), "");
int sceNetAdhocctlConnect(const char* groupName) {
char grpName[ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
if (groupName)
memcpy(grpName, groupName, ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN); // For logging purpose, must not be truncated
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlConnect(%s) at %08x", grpName, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_NORMAL;
adhocConnectionType = ADHOC_CONNECT;
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, NetAdhocctl_Create(groupName), "");
int sceNetAdhocctlJoin(u32 scanInfoAddr) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlJoin(%08x) at %08x", scanInfoAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocctlInited)
// Valid Argument
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(scanInfoAddr))
SceNetAdhocctlScanInfoEmu* sinfo = (SceNetAdhocctlScanInfoEmu*)Memory::GetPointer(scanInfoAddr);
char grpName[ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
memcpy(grpName, sinfo->group_name.data, ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN); // For logging purpose, must not be truncated
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlJoin - Group: %s", grpName);
// We can ignore minor connection process differences here
// TODO: Adhoc Server may need to be changed to differentiate between Host/Create and Join, otherwise it can't support multiple Host using the same Group name, thus causing one of the Host to be confused being treated as Join.
adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_NORMAL;
adhocConnectionType = ADHOC_JOIN;
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, NetAdhocctl_Create(grpName), "");
// Invalid Argument
// Uninitialized Library
int NetAdhocctl_CreateEnterGameMode(const char* group_name, int game_type, int num_members, u32 membersAddr, u32 timeout, int flag) {
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(membersAddr))
if (game_type < ADHOCCTL_GAMETYPE_1A || game_type > ADHOCCTL_GAMETYPE_2A || num_members < 2 || num_members > 16 || (game_type == ADHOCCTL_GAMETYPE_1A && num_members > 4))
SceNetEtherAddr* addrs = PSPPointer<SceNetEtherAddr>::Create(membersAddr); // List of participating MAC addresses (started from host)
for (int i = 0; i < num_members; i++) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode macAddress#%d=%s", i, mac2str(addrs).c_str());
// Add local MAC (Host) first
SceNetEtherAddr localMac;
// FIXME: There seems to be an internal Adhocctl Handler on official prx (running on "SceNetAdhocctl" thread) that will try to sync GameMode timings, by using blocking PTP socket:
// 1). PtpListen (srcMacAddress=0x09F20CB4, srcPort=0x8001, bufSize=0x2000, retryDelay=0x30D40, retryCount=0x33, queue=0x1, unk1=0x0)
// 2). PtpAccpet (peerMacAddr=0x09FE2020, peerPortAddr=0x09FE2010, timeout=0x765BB0, nonblock=0x0) - probably for each clients
// 3). PtpSend (data=0x09F20E18, dataSizeAddr=0x09FE2094, timeout=0x627EDA, nonblock=0x0) - not sure what kind of data nor the size (more than 6 bytes)
// 4). PtpFlush (timeout=0x2DC6C0, nonblock=0x0)
// 5 & 6). PtpClose (accepted socket & listen socket)
// When timeout reached, notify user-defined Adhocctl Handlers with ERROR event (ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT) instead of GAMEMODE event
// We have to wait for all the MACs to have joined to go into CONNECTED state
adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE;
adhocConnectionType = ADHOC_CREATE;
netAdhocGameModeEntered = true;
netAdhocEnterGameModeTimeout = timeout;
return NetAdhocctl_Create(group_name);
* Connect to the Adhoc control game mode (as a host)
* @param group_name - The name of the connection (maximum 8 alphanumeric characters).
* @param game_type - Pass 1.
* @param num_members - The total number of players (including the host).
* @param membersmacAddr - A pointer to a list of the participating mac addresses, host first, then clients.
* @param timeout - Timeout in microseconds.
* @param flag - pass 0.
* @return 0 on success, < 0 on error.
static int sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameMode(const char * group_name, int game_type, int num_members, u32 membersAddr, int timeout, int flag) {
char grpName[ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
if (group_name)
memcpy(grpName, group_name, ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN); // For logging purpose, must not be truncated
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameMode, SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameMode(%s, %i, %i, %08x, %i, %i) at %08x", grpName, game_type, num_members, membersAddr, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, NetAdhocctl_CreateEnterGameMode(group_name, game_type, num_members, membersAddr, timeout, flag), "");
* Connect to the Adhoc control game mode (as a client)
* @param group_name - The name of the connection (maximum 8 alphanumeric characters).
* @param hostmacAddr - The mac address of the host.
* @param timeout - Timeout in microseconds.
* @param flag - pass 0.
* @return 0 on success, < 0 on error.
static int sceNetAdhocctlJoinEnterGameMode(const char * group_name, const char *hostMac, int timeout, int flag) {
char grpName[ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
if (group_name)
memcpy(grpName, group_name, ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN); // For logging purpose, must not be truncated
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocctlJoinEnterGameMode, SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlJoinEnterGameMode(%s, %s, %i, %i) at %08x", grpName, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)hostMac).c_str(), timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
if (!hostMac)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Add host mac first
// FIXME: There seems to be an internal Adhocctl Handler on official prx (running on "SceNetAdhocctl" thread) that will try to sync GameMode timings, by using blocking PTP socket:
// 1). PtpOpen (srcMacAddress=0x09FE2080, srcPort=0x8001, destMacAddress=0x09F20CB4, destPort=0x8001, bufSize=0x2000, retryDelay=0x30D40, retryCount=0x33, unk1=0x0)
// 2). PtpConnect (timeout=0x874CAC, nonblock=0x0) - to host/creator
// 3). PtpRecv (data=0x09F20E18, dataSizeAddr=0x09FE2044, timeout=0x647553, nonblock=0x0) - repeated until data fully received with data address/offset adjusted (increased) and timeout adjusted (decreased), probably also adjusted data size (decreased) on each call
// 4). PtpClose
// When timeout reached, notify user-defined Adhocctl Handlers with ERROR event (ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT) instead of GAMEMODE event
adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE;
adhocConnectionType = ADHOC_JOIN;
netAdhocGameModeEntered = true;
netAdhocEnterGameModeTimeout = timeout;
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, NetAdhocctl_Create(group_name), "");
* Create and Join a GameMode Network as Host (with Minimum Peer Check)
* @param group_name Virtual Network Name
* @param game_type Network Type (1A, 1B, 2A)
* @param min_members Minimum Number of Peers
* @param num_members Total Number of Peers (including Host)
* @param members MAC Address List of Peers (own MAC at Index 0)
* @param timeout Timeout Value (in Microseconds)
* @param flag Unused Bitflags
int sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameModeMin(const char *group_name, int game_type, int min_members, int num_members, u32 membersAddr, u32 timeout, int flag) {
char grpName[ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
if (group_name)
memcpy(grpName, group_name, ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN); // For logging purpose, must not be truncated
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameModeMin, SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameModeMin(%s, %i, %i, %i, %08x, %d, %i) at %08x", grpName, game_type, min_members, num_members, membersAddr, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
// We don't really need the Minimum User Check
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, NetAdhocctl_CreateEnterGameMode(group_name, game_type, num_members, membersAddr, timeout, flag), "");
int NetAdhoc_Term() {
// Since Adhocctl & AdhocMatching uses Sockets & Threads we should terminate them also to release their resources
if (netAdhocMatchingInited)
if (netAdhocctlInited)
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Delete GameMode Buffers
// Delete Adhoc Sockets
// Terminate Internet Library
// Unload Internet Modules (Just keep it in memory... unloading crashes?!)
// if (_manage_modules != 0) sceUtilityUnloadModule(PSP_MODULE_NET_INET);
// Library shutdown
netAdhocInited = false;
//return hleLogSuccessInfoI(SCENET, 0);
/*else {
// TODO: Reportedly returns SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_LWMUTEX_NOT_FOUND in some cases?
// Only seen returning 0 in tests.
return hleLogWarning(SCENET, 0, "already uninitialized");
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocTerm() {
// WLAN might be disabled in the middle of successfull multiplayer, but we still need to cleanup all the sockets right?
int retval = NetAdhoc_Term();
return hleLogSuccessInfoI(SCENET, retval);
static int sceNetAdhocGetPdpStat(u32 structSize, u32 structAddr) {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocGetPdpStat(%08x, %08x) at %08x", structSize, structAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited)
s32_le *buflen = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(structSize)) buflen = (s32_le *)Memory::GetPointer(structSize);
SceNetAdhocPdpStat *buf = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(structAddr)) buf = (SceNetAdhocPdpStat *)Memory::GetPointer(structAddr);
// Socket Count
int socketcount = getPDPSocketCount();
// Length Returner Mode
if (buflen != NULL && buf == NULL)
// Return Required Size
*buflen = sizeof(SceNetAdhocPdpStat) * socketcount;
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "Stat PDP Socket Count: %d", socketcount);
// Success
return 0;
// Status Returner Mode
else if (buflen != NULL && buf != NULL)
// Figure out how many Sockets we will return
int count = *buflen / sizeof(SceNetAdhocPdpStat);
if (count > socketcount) count = socketcount;
// Copy Counter
int i = 0;
// Iterate Translation Table
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SOCKET && i < count; j++)
// Valid Socket Entry
auto sock = adhocSockets[j];
if (sock != NULL && sock->type == SOCK_PDP) {
// Set available bytes to be received. With FIONREAD There might be ghosting 1 byte in recv buffer when remote peer's socket got closed (ie. Warriors Orochi 2) Attempting to recv this ghost 1 byte will result to socket error 10054 (may need to disable SIO_UDP_CONNRESET error)
// It seems real PSP respecting the socket buffer size arg, so we may need to cap the value up to the buffer size arg since we use larger buffer, for PDP/UDP the total size must not contains partial/truncated message to avoid data loss.
// TODO: We may need to manage PDP messages ourself by reading each msg 1-by-1 and moving it to our internal buffer(msg array) in order to calculate the correct messages size that can fit into buffer size when there are more than 1 messages in the recv buffer (simulate FIONREAD)
sock->data.pdp.rcv_sb_cc = getAvailToRecv(sock->data.pdp.id, sock->buffer_size);
// There might be a possibility for the data to be taken by the OS, thus FIONREAD returns 0, but can be Received
if (sock->data.pdp.rcv_sb_cc == 0) {
// Let's try to peek the data size
// TODO: May need to filter out packets from an IP that can't be translated to MAC address
struct sockaddr_in sin;
socklen_t sinlen;
sinlen = sizeof(sin);
memset(&sin, 0, sinlen);
int received = recvfrom(sock->data.pdp.id, dummyPeekBuf64k, std::min((u32)dummyPeekBuf64kSize, sock->buffer_size), MSG_PEEK | MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen);
if (received > 0)
sock->data.pdp.rcv_sb_cc = received;
// Copy Socket Data from Internal Memory
memcpy(&buf[i], &sock->data.pdp, sizeof(SceNetAdhocPdpStat));
// Fix Client View Socket ID
buf[i].id = j + 1;
// Write End of List Reference
buf[i].next = 0;
// Link Previous Element
if (i > 0)
buf[i - 1].next = structAddr + (i * sizeof(SceNetAdhocPdpStat));
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "Stat PDP Socket Id: %d (%d), LPort: %d, RecvSbCC: %d", buf[i].id, sock->data.pdp.id, buf[i].lport, buf[i].rcv_sb_cc);
// Increment Counter
// Update Buffer Length
*buflen = i * sizeof(SceNetAdhocPdpStat);
hleEatMicro(50); // Not sure how long it supposed to take
// Success
return 0;
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg, at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized, at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
* Adhoc Emulator PTP Socket List Getter
* @param buflen IN: Length of Buffer in Bytes OUT: Required Length of Buffer in Bytes
* @param buf PTP Socket List Buffer (can be NULL if you wish to receive Required Length)
* @return 0 on success or... ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED
static int sceNetAdhocGetPtpStat(u32 structSize, u32 structAddr) {
// Spams a lot
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET,"sceNetAdhocGetPtpStat(%08x, %08x) at %08x",structSize,structAddr,currentMIPS->pc);
s32_le *buflen = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(structSize)) buflen = (s32_le *)Memory::GetPointer(structSize);
SceNetAdhocPtpStat *buf = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(structAddr)) buf = (SceNetAdhocPtpStat *)Memory::GetPointer(structAddr);
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Socket Count
int socketcount = getPTPSocketCount();
// Length Returner Mode
if (buflen != NULL && buf == NULL) {
// Return Required Size
*buflen = sizeof(SceNetAdhocPtpStat) * socketcount;
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "Stat PTP Socket Count: %d", socketcount);
// Success
return 0;
// Status Returner Mode
else if (buflen != NULL && buf != NULL) {
// Figure out how many Sockets we will return
int count = *buflen / sizeof(SceNetAdhocPtpStat);
if (count > socketcount) count = socketcount;
// Copy Counter
int i = 0;
// Iterate Sockets
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SOCKET && i < count; j++) {
// Valid Socket Entry
auto sock = adhocSockets[j];
if ( sock != NULL && sock->type == SOCK_PTP) {
// Update connection state.
// GvG Next Plus relies on GetPtpStat to determine if Connection has been Established or not, but should not be updated too long for GvG to work, and should not be updated too fast(need to be 1 frame after PollSocket checking for ADHOC_EV_CONNECT) for Bleach Heat the Soul 7 to work properly.
if ((sock->data.ptp.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT || sock->data.ptp.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_RCVD) && (static_cast<s64>(CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - sock->lastAttempt) > 33333/*sock->retry_interval*/)) {
// FIXME: May be we should poll all of them together on a single poll call instead of each socket separately?
if (IsSocketReady(sock->data.ptp.id, true, true) > 0) {
struct sockaddr_in sin;
socklen_t sinlen = sizeof(sin);
memset(&sin, 0, sinlen);
// Ensure that the connection really established or not, since "select" alone can't accurately detects it
if (getpeername(sock->data.ptp.id, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sinlen) != SOCKET_ERROR) {
sock->data.ptp.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_ESTABLISHED;
// Set available bytes to be received
sock->data.ptp.rcv_sb_cc = getAvailToRecv(sock->data.ptp.id);
// It seems real PSP respecting the socket buffer size arg, so we may need to cap the value to the buffer size arg since we use larger buffer
sock->data.ptp.rcv_sb_cc = std::min(sock->data.ptp.rcv_sb_cc, (u32_le)sock->buffer_size);
// There might be a possibility for the data to be taken by the OS, thus FIONREAD returns 0, but can be Received
if (sock->data.ptp.rcv_sb_cc == 0) {
// Let's try to peek the data size
int received = recv(sock->data.ptp.id, dummyPeekBuf64k, std::min((u32)dummyPeekBuf64kSize, sock->buffer_size), MSG_PEEK | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (received > 0)
sock->data.ptp.rcv_sb_cc = received;
// Copy Socket Data from internal Memory
memcpy(&buf[i], &sock->data.ptp, sizeof(SceNetAdhocPtpStat));
// Fix Client View Socket ID
buf[i].id = j + 1;
// Write End of List Reference
buf[i].next = 0;
// Link previous Element to this one
if (i > 0)
buf[i - 1].next = structAddr + (i * sizeof(SceNetAdhocPtpStat));
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "Stat PTP Socket Id: %d (%d), LPort: %d, RecvSbCC: %d, State: %d", buf[i].id, sock->data.ptp.id, buf[i].lport, buf[i].rcv_sb_cc, buf[i].state);
// Increment Counter
// Update Buffer Length
*buflen = i * sizeof(SceNetAdhocPtpStat);
hleEatMicro(50); // Not sure how long it takes, since GetPtpStat didn't get logged when using prx files on JPCSP
// Success
return 0;
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg, at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized, at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
int RecreatePtpSocket(int ptpId) {
auto sock = adhocSockets[ptpId - 1];
if (!sock) {
// Close old socket
struct linger sl {};
sl.l_onoff = 1; // non-zero value enables linger option in kernel
sl.l_linger = 0; // timeout interval in seconds
setsockopt(sock->data.ptp.id, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (const char*)&sl, sizeof(sl));
// Create a new socket
int tcpsocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
// Valid Socket produced
if (tcpsocket < 0)
// Update posix socket fd
sock->data.ptp.id = tcpsocket;
// Change socket MSS
setSockMSS(tcpsocket, PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS);
// Change socket buffer size to be consistent on all platforms.
setSockBufferSize(tcpsocket, SO_SNDBUF, sock->buffer_size * 5); //PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS
setSockBufferSize(tcpsocket, SO_RCVBUF, sock->buffer_size * 10); //PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS*10
// Enable KeepAlive
setSockKeepAlive(tcpsocket, true, sock->retry_interval / 1000000L, sock->retry_count);
// Ignore SIGPIPE when supported (ie. BSD/MacOS)
setSockNoSIGPIPE(tcpsocket, 1);
// Enable Port Re-use
// Apply Default Send Timeout Settings to Socket
setSockTimeout(tcpsocket, SO_SNDTIMEO, sock->retry_interval);
// Disable Nagle Algo to send immediately. Or may be we shouldn't disable Nagle since there is PtpFlush function?
setSockNoDelay(tcpsocket, 1);
// Binding Information for local Port
struct sockaddr_in addr {};
// addr.sin_len = sizeof(addr);
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (isLocalServer) {
uint16_t requestedport = static_cast<int>(sock->data.ptp.lport + static_cast<int>(portOffset));
// Avoid getting random port due to port offset when original port wasn't 0 (ie. original_port + port_offset = 65536 = 0)
if (requestedport == 0 && sock->data.ptp.lport > 0)
requestedport = 65535; // Hopefully it will be safe to default it to 65535 since there can't be more than one port that can bumped into 65536
addr.sin_port = htons(requestedport);
// Bound Socket to local Port
if (bind(tcpsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "RecreatePtpSocket(%i) - Socket error (%i) when binding port %u", ptpId, errno, ntohs(addr.sin_port));
else {
// Update sport with the port assigned internal->lport = ntohs(local.sin_port)
socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
if (getsockname(tcpsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &len) == 0) {
uint16_t boundport = ntohs(addr.sin_port);
if (sock->data.ptp.lport + static_cast<int>(portOffset) >= 65536 || static_cast<int>(boundport) - static_cast<int>(portOffset) <= 0)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "RecreatePtpSocket(%i) - Wrapped Port Detected: Original(%d) -> Requested(%d), Bound(%d) -> BoundOriginal(%d)", ptpId, sock->data.ptp.lport, requestedport, boundport, boundport - portOffset);
u16 newlport = boundport - portOffset;
if (newlport != sock->data.ptp.lport) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "RecreatePtpSocket(%i) - Old and New LPort is different! The port may need to be reforwarded", ptpId);
if (!sock->isClient)
UPnP_Add(IP_PROTOCOL_TCP, isOriPort ? newlport : newlport + portOffset, newlport + portOffset);
sock->data.ptp.lport = newlport;
else {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "RecreatePtpSocket(%i): getsockname error %i", ptpId, errno);
// Switch to non-blocking for further usage
changeBlockingMode(tcpsocket, 1);
return 0;
* Adhoc Emulator PTP Active Socket Creator
* @param saddr Local MAC (Unused)
* @param sport Local Binding Port
* @param daddr Target MAC
* @param dport Target Port
* @param bufsize Socket Buffer Size
* @param rexmt_int Retransmit Interval (in Microseconds)
* @param rexmt_cnt Retransmit Count
* @param flag Bitflags (Unused)
static int sceNetAdhocPtpOpen(const char *srcmac, int sport, const char *dstmac, int dport, int bufsize, int rexmt_int, int rexmt_cnt, int flag) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpOpen(%s, %d, %s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) at %08x", mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)srcmac).c_str(), sport, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)dstmac).c_str(),dport,bufsize, rexmt_int, rexmt_cnt, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
SceNetEtherAddr* saddr = (SceNetEtherAddr*)srcmac;
SceNetEtherAddr* daddr = (SceNetEtherAddr*)dstmac;
bool isClient = false;
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Some games (ie. DBZ Shin Budokai 2) might be getting the saddr/srcmac content from SaveState and causing problems if current MAC is different :( So we try to fix it here
if (saddr != NULL) {
// Valid Addresses. FIXME: MAC only valid after successful attempt to Create/Connect/Join a Group? (ie. adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE)
if ((adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE) && saddr != NULL && isLocalMAC(saddr) && daddr != NULL && !isBroadcastMAC(daddr) && !isZeroMAC(daddr)) {
// Dissidia 012 will try to reOpen the port without Closing the old one first when PtpConnect failed to try again.
if (isPTPPortInUse(sport, false, daddr, dport)) {
// FIXME: When PORT_IN_USE error occured it seems the index to the socket id also increased, which means it tries to create & bind the socket first and then closes it due to failed to bind
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_PORT_IN_USE, "port in use");
// Random Port required
if (sport == 0) {
isClient = true;
//sport 0 should be shifted back to 0 when using offset Phantasy Star Portable 2 use this
sport = -static_cast<int>(portOffset);
// Valid Arguments
if (bufsize > 0 && rexmt_int > 0 && rexmt_cnt > 0) {
// Create Infrastructure Socket
int tcpsocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
// Valid Socket produced
if (tcpsocket > 0) {
// Change socket MSS
setSockMSS(tcpsocket, PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS);
// Change socket buffer size to be consistent on all platforms.
setSockBufferSize(tcpsocket, SO_SNDBUF, bufsize*5); //PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS
setSockBufferSize(tcpsocket, SO_RCVBUF, bufsize*10); //PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS*10
// Enable KeepAlive
setSockKeepAlive(tcpsocket, true, rexmt_int / 1000000L, rexmt_cnt);
// Ignore SIGPIPE when supported (ie. BSD/MacOS)
setSockNoSIGPIPE(tcpsocket, 1);
// Enable Port Re-use
// Apply Default Send Timeout Settings to Socket
setSockTimeout(tcpsocket, SO_SNDTIMEO, rexmt_int);
// Disable Nagle Algo to send immediately. Or may be we shouldn't disable Nagle since there is PtpFlush function?
setSockNoDelay(tcpsocket, 1);
// Binding Information for local Port
struct sockaddr_in addr {};
// addr.sin_len = sizeof(addr);
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (isLocalServer) {
uint16_t requestedport = static_cast<int>(sport + static_cast<int>(portOffset));
// Avoid getting random port due to port offset when original port wasn't 0 (ie. original_port + port_offset = 65536 = 0)
if (requestedport == 0 && sport > 0)
requestedport = 65535; // Hopefully it will be safe to default it to 65535 since there can't be more than one port that can bumped into 65536
// Show a warning about privileged ports
if (requestedport != 0 && requestedport < 1024) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpOpen - Ports below 1024(ie. %hu) may require Admin Privileges", requestedport);
addr.sin_port = htons(requestedport);
// Bound Socket to local Port
if (bind(tcpsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == 0) {
// Update sport with the port assigned internal->lport = ntohs(local.sin_port)
socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
if (getsockname(tcpsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &len) == 0) {
uint16_t boundport = ntohs(addr.sin_port);
if (sport + static_cast<int>(portOffset) >= 65536 || static_cast<int>(boundport) - static_cast<int>(portOffset) <= 0)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpOpen - Wrapped Port Detected: Original(%d) -> Requested(%d), Bound(%d) -> BoundOriginal(%d)", sport, requestedport, boundport, boundport - portOffset);
sport = boundport - portOffset;
// Allocate Memory
AdhocSocket* internal = (AdhocSocket*)malloc(sizeof(AdhocSocket));
// Allocated Memory
if (internal != NULL) {
// Find Free Translator ID
// FIXME: We should probably use an increasing index instead of looking for an empty slot from beginning if we want to simulate a real socket id
int i = 0;
for (; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++) if (adhocSockets[i] == NULL) break;
// Found Free Translator ID
if (i < MAX_SOCKET) {
// Clear Memory
memset(internal, 0, sizeof(AdhocSocket));
// Socket Type
internal->type = SOCK_PTP;
internal->retry_interval = rexmt_int;
internal->retry_count = rexmt_cnt;
internal->nonblocking = flag;
internal->buffer_size = bufsize;
internal->isClient = isClient;
// Copy Infrastructure Socket ID
internal->data.ptp.id = tcpsocket;
// Copy Address & Port Information
internal->data.ptp.laddr = *saddr;
internal->data.ptp.paddr = *daddr;
internal->data.ptp.lport = sport;
internal->data.ptp.pport = dport;
// Link PTP Socket
adhocSockets[i] = internal;
// Add Port Forward to Router. We may not even need to forward this local port, since PtpOpen usually have port 0 (any port) as source port and followed by PtpConnect (which mean acting as Client), right?
//sceNetPortOpen("TCP", sport);
if (!isClient)
UPnP_Add(IP_PROTOCOL_TCP, isOriPort ? sport : sport + portOffset, sport + portOffset);
// Switch to non-blocking for futher usage
changeBlockingMode(tcpsocket, 1);
// Initiate PtpConnect (ie. The Warrior seems to try to PtpSend right after PtpOpen without trying to PtpConnect first)
// TODO: Need to handle ECONNREFUSED better on non-Windows, if there are games that never called PtpConnect and only relies on [blocking?] PtpOpen to get connected
NetAdhocPtp_Connect(i + 1, rexmt_int, 1, false);
// Workaround to give some time to get connected before returning from PtpOpen over high latency
if (g_Config.bForcedFirstConnect && internal->attemptCount == 1)
hleDelayResult(i + 1, "delayed ptpopen", rexmt_int);
// Return PTP Socket id
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpOpen - PSP Socket id: %i, Host Socket id: %i", i + 1, tcpsocket);
return i + 1;
// Free Memory
else {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "Socket error (%i) when binding port %u", errno, ntohs(addr.sin_port));
auto n = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::NETWORKING);
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, std::string(n->T("Failed to Bind Port")) + " " + std::to_string(sport + portOffset) + "\n" + std::string(n->T("Please change your Port Offset")));
// Close Socket
// Port not available (exclusively in use?)
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Invalid Addresses
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhoc not initialized");
// On a POSIX accept, returned socket may inherits properties from the listening socket, does PtpAccept also have similar behavior?
int AcceptPtpSocket(int ptpId, int newsocket, sockaddr_in& peeraddr, SceNetEtherAddr* addr, u16_le* port) {
// Cast Socket
auto socket = adhocSockets[ptpId - 1];
auto& ptpsocket = socket->data.ptp;
// Ignore SIGPIPE when supported (ie. BSD/MacOS)
setSockNoSIGPIPE(newsocket, 1);
// Enable Port Re-use
// Disable Nagle Algo to send immediately. Or may be we shouldn't disable Nagle since there is PtpFlush function?
setSockNoDelay(newsocket, 1);
// Local Address Information
struct sockaddr_in local;
memset(&local, 0, sizeof(local));
socklen_t locallen = sizeof(local);
// Grab Local Address
if (getsockname(newsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&local, &locallen) == 0) {
// Peer MAC
SceNetEtherAddr mac;
// Find Peer MAC
if (resolveIP(peeraddr.sin_addr.s_addr, &mac)) {
// Allocate Memory
AdhocSocket* internal = (AdhocSocket*)malloc(sizeof(AdhocSocket));
// Allocated Memory
if (internal != NULL) {
// Find Free Translator ID
// FIXME: We should probably use an increasing index instead of looking for an empty slot from beginning if we want to simulate a real socket id
int i = 0;
for (; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++) if (adhocSockets[i] == NULL) break;
// Found Free Translator ID
if (i < MAX_SOCKET) {
// Clear Memory
memset(internal, 0, sizeof(AdhocSocket));
// Inherits some of Listening socket's properties
// Socket Type
internal->type = SOCK_PTP;
internal->nonblocking = socket->nonblocking;
internal->attemptCount = 1; // Used to differentiate between closed state of disconnected socket and not connected yet.
internal->retry_interval = socket->retry_interval;
internal->retry_count = socket->retry_count;
internal->isClient = true;
// Enable KeepAlive
setSockKeepAlive(newsocket, true, internal->retry_interval / 1000000L, internal->retry_count);
// Copy Socket Descriptor to Structure
internal->data.ptp.id = newsocket;
// Change socket MSS
setSockMSS(newsocket, PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS);
// Set Default Buffer Size or inherit the size?
internal->buffer_size = socket->buffer_size;
setSockBufferSize(newsocket, SO_SNDBUF, internal->buffer_size*5); //PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS
setSockBufferSize(newsocket, SO_RCVBUF, internal->buffer_size*10); //PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS*10
// Copy Local Address Data to Structure
internal->data.ptp.lport = ntohs(local.sin_port) - portOffset;
// Copy Peer Address Data to Structure
internal->data.ptp.paddr = mac;
internal->data.ptp.pport = ntohs(peeraddr.sin_port) - portOffset;
// Set Connection State
internal->data.ptp.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_ESTABLISHED;
// Return Peer Address & Port Information
if (addr != NULL)
*addr = internal->data.ptp.paddr;
if (port != NULL)
*port = internal->data.ptp.pport;
// Link PTP Socket
adhocSockets[i] = internal;
// Add Port Forward to Router. Or may be doesn't need to be forwarded since local port already accessible from outside if others were able to connect & get accepted at this point, right?
//sceNetPortOpen("TCP", internal->lport);
//g_PortManager.Add(IP_PROTOCOL_TCP, internal->lport + portOffset);
// Switch to non-blocking for futher usage
changeBlockingMode(newsocket, 1);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpAccept[%i->%i(%i):%u]: Established (%s:%u) - state: %d", ptpId, i + 1, newsocket, internal->data.ptp.lport, ip2str(peeraddr.sin_addr).c_str(), internal->data.ptp.pport, internal->data.ptp.state);
// Return Socket
return i + 1;
// Free Memory
// Close Socket
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpAccept[%i]: Failed (Socket Closed)", ptpId);
return -1;
* Adhoc Emulator PTP Connection Acceptor
* @param id Socket File Descriptor
* @param addr OUT: Peer MAC Address
* @param port OUT: Peer Port
* @param timeout Accept Timeout (in Microseconds)
* @param flag Nonblocking Flag
static int sceNetAdhocPtpAccept(int id, u32 peerMacAddrPtr, u32 peerPortPtr, int timeout, int flag) {
SceNetEtherAddr * addr = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(peerMacAddrPtr)) {
addr = PSPPointer<SceNetEtherAddr>::Create(peerMacAddrPtr);
uint16_t * port = NULL; //
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(peerPortPtr)) {
port = (uint16_t *)Memory::GetPointer(peerPortPtr);
if (flag == 0) { // Prevent spamming Debug Log with retries of non-bocking socket
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpAccept(%d, [%08x]=%s, [%08x]=%u, %d, %u) at %08x", id, peerMacAddrPtr, mac2str(addr).c_str(), peerPortPtr, port ? *port : -1, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
} else {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpAccept(%d, [%08x]=%s, [%08x]=%u, %d, %u) at %08x", id, peerMacAddrPtr, mac2str(addr).c_str(), peerPortPtr, port ? *port : -1, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// TODO: Validate Arguments. GTA:VCS seems to use 0/null for the peerPortPtr, and Bomberman Panic Bomber is using null/0 on both peerMacAddrPtr & peerPortPtr, so i guess it's optional.
if (true) { // FIXME: Not sure what kind of arguments considered as invalid (need to be tested on a homebrew), might be the flag?
// Valid Socket
if (id > 0 && id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[id - 1] != NULL) {
// Cast Socket
auto socket = adhocSockets[id - 1];
auto& ptpsocket = socket->data.ptp;
socket->nonblocking = flag;
if (socket->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTACCEPT) {
socket->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTACCEPT;
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_SOCKET_ALERTED, "socket alerted");
// Listener Socket
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_LISTEN) {
// Address Information
struct sockaddr_in peeraddr;
memset(&peeraddr, 0, sizeof(peeraddr));
socklen_t peeraddrlen = sizeof(peeraddr);
int error;
// Check if listening socket is ready to accept
int newsocket = IsSocketReady(ptpsocket.id, true, false, &error);
if (newsocket > 0) {
// Accept Connection
newsocket = accept(ptpsocket.id, (struct sockaddr*)&peeraddr, &peeraddrlen);
error = errno;
if (newsocket == 0 || (newsocket == SOCKET_ERROR && (error == EAGAIN || error == EWOULDBLOCK))) {
if (flag == 0) {
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | ptpsocket.id;
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, PTP_ACCEPT, id, nullptr, nullptr, timeout, addr, port, "ptp accept");
// Prevent spamming Debug Log with retries of non-bocking socket
else {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpAccept[%i]: Socket Error (%i)", id, error);
// Accepted New Connection
if (newsocket > 0) {
int newid = AcceptPtpSocket(id, newsocket, peeraddr, addr, port);
if (newid >= 0)
return newid;
// Action would block
if (flag)
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block");
// Timeout
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT, "timeout");
// Client Socket
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_LISTENED, "not listened");
// Invalid Socket
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_SOCKET_ID, "invalid socket id");
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
int NetAdhocPtp_Connect(int id, int timeout, int flag, bool allowForcedConnect) {
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited)
// Valid Socket
if (id > 0 && id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[id - 1] != NULL) {
// Cast Socket
auto socket = adhocSockets[id - 1];
auto& ptpsocket = socket->data.ptp;
socket->nonblocking = flag;
if (socket->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTCONNECT) {
socket->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTCONNECT;
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_SOCKET_ALERTED, "socket alerted");
// Phantasy Star Portable 2 will try to reconnect even when previous connect already success, so we should return success too if it's already connected
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_ESTABLISHED)
return 0;
// Valid Client Socket
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED || ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT) {
// Target Address
struct sockaddr_in sin;
memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
// Setup Target Address
// sin.sin_len = sizeof(sin);
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_port = htons(ptpsocket.pport + portOffset);
u16 finalPortOffset;
// Grab Peer IP
if (resolveMAC(&ptpsocket.paddr, (uint32_t*)&sin.sin_addr.s_addr, &finalPortOffset)) {
// Some games (ie. PSP2) might try to talk to it's self, not sure if they talked through WAN or LAN when using public Adhoc Server tho
sin.sin_port = htons(ptpsocket.pport + finalPortOffset);
// Connect Socket to Peer
// NOTE: Based on what i read at stackoverflow, The First Non-blocking POSIX connect will always returns EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK because it returns without waiting for ACK/handshake, But GvG Next Plus is treating non-blocking PtpConnect just like blocking connect, May be on a real PSP the first non-blocking sceNetAdhocPtpConnect can be successfull?
int connectresult = connect(ptpsocket.id, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin));
// Grab Error Code
int errorcode = errno;
if (connectresult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
if (errorcode == EAGAIN || errorcode == EWOULDBLOCK || errorcode == EALREADY || errorcode == EISCONN)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i]: Socket Error (%i) to %s:%u", id, errorcode, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport);
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i]: Socket Error (%i) to %s:%u", id, errorcode, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport);
// Instant Connection (Lucky!)
if (connectresult != SOCKET_ERROR || errorcode == EISCONN) {
socket->lastAttempt = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
socket->internalLastAttempt = socket->lastAttempt;
// Set Connected State
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: Already Connected to %s:%u", id, ptpsocket.lport, ip2str(sin.sin_addr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport);
// Success
return 0;
// Error handling
else if (connectresult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
// Connection in Progress, or
// ECONNREFUSED = No connection could be made because the target device actively refused it (on Windows/Linux/Android), or no one listening on the remote address (on Linux/Android) thus should try to connect again later (treated similarly to ETIMEDOUT/ENETUNREACH).
if (connectInProgress(errorcode) || errorcode == ECONNREFUSED) {
if (connectInProgress(errorcode))
ptpsocket.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT;
// On Windows you can call connect again using the same socket after ECONNREFUSED/ETIMEDOUT/ENETUNREACH error, but on non-Windows you'll need to recreate the socket first
else {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: Recreating Socket %i, errno = %i, state = %i, attempt = %i", id, ptpsocket.lport, ptpsocket.id, errorcode, ptpsocket.state, socket->attemptCount);
if (RecreatePtpSocket(id) < 0) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: Failed to Recreate Socket", id, ptpsocket.lport);
ptpsocket.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED;
socket->lastAttempt = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
socket->internalLastAttempt = socket->lastAttempt;
// Blocking Mode
// Workaround: Forcing first attempt to be blocking to prevent issue related to lobby or high latency networks. (can be useful for GvG Next Plus, Dissidia 012, and Fate Unlimited Codes)
if (!flag || (allowForcedConnect && g_Config.bForcedFirstConnect && socket->attemptCount <= 1)) {
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | ptpsocket.id;
if (sendTargetPeers.find(threadSocketId) != sendTargetPeers.end()) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect[%i:%u]: Socket(%d) is Busy!", id, ptpsocket.lport, ptpsocket.id);
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_BUSY, "busy?");
AdhocSendTargets dest = { 0, {}, false };
dest.peers.push_back({ sin.sin_addr.s_addr, ptpsocket.pport, finalPortOffset });
sendTargetPeers[threadSocketId] = dest;
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, PTP_CONNECT, id, nullptr, nullptr, (flag) ? std::max((int)socket->retry_interval, timeout) : timeout, nullptr, nullptr, "ptp connect");
// NonBlocking Mode
else {
// Returning WOULD_BLOCK as Workaround for ERROR_NET_ADHOC_CONNECTION_REFUSED to be more cross-platform, since there is no way to simulate ERROR_NET_ADHOC_CONNECTION_REFUSED properly on Windows
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block");
// Peer not found
// Not a valid Client Socket
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_OPENED, "not opened");
// Invalid Socket
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_SOCKET_ID, "invalid socket id");
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
* Adhoc Emulator PTP Connection Opener
* @param id Socket File Descriptor
* @param timeout Connect Timeout (in Microseconds)
* @param flag Nonblocking Flag
static int sceNetAdhocPtpConnect(int id, int timeout, int flag) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect(%i, %i, %i) at %08x", id, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
return NetAdhocPtp_Connect(id, timeout, flag);
int NetAdhocPtp_Close(int id, int unknown) {
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Valid Arguments
if (id > 0 && id <= MAX_SOCKET) {
// Cast Socket
auto socket = adhocSockets[id - 1];
// Valid Socket
if (socket != NULL && socket->type == SOCK_PTP) {
// Close Connection
struct linger sl {};
sl.l_onoff = 1; // non-zero value enables linger option in kernel
sl.l_linger = 0; // timeout interval in seconds
setsockopt(socket->data.ptp.id, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (const char*)&sl, sizeof(sl));
shutdown(socket->data.ptp.id, SD_BOTH);
// Remove Port Forward from Router
//sceNetPortClose("TCP", socket->lport);
//g_PortManager.Remove(IP_PROTOCOL_TCP, isOriPort ? socket->lport : socket->lport + portOffset); // Let's not remove mapping in real-time as it could cause lags/disconnection when joining a room with slow routers
// Free Memory
// Free Reference
adhocSockets[id - 1] = NULL;
// Success
return 0;
// Invalid Argument
// Library is uninitialized
* Adhoc Emulator PTP Socket Closer
* @param id Socket File Descriptor
* @param flag Bitflags (Unused)
static int sceNetAdhocPtpClose(int id, int unknown) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET,"sceNetAdhocPtpClose(%d,%d) at %08x",id,unknown,currentMIPS->pc);
/*if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return 0;
return NetAdhocPtp_Close(id, unknown);
* Adhoc Emulator PTP Passive Socket Creator
* @param saddr Local MAC (Unused)
* @param sport Local Binding Port
* @param bufsize Socket Buffer Size
* @param rexmt_int Retransmit Interval (in Microseconds)
* @param rexmt_cnt Retransmit Count
* @param backlog Size of Connection Queue
* @param flag Bitflags (Unused)
static int sceNetAdhocPtpListen(const char *srcmac, int sport, int bufsize, int rexmt_int, int rexmt_cnt, int backlog, int flag) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpListen(%s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) at %08x", mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)srcmac).c_str(), sport,bufsize,rexmt_int,rexmt_cnt,backlog,flag, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
// Library is initialized
SceNetEtherAddr * saddr = (SceNetEtherAddr *)srcmac;
bool isClient = false;
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Some games (ie. DBZ Shin Budokai 2) might be getting the saddr/srcmac content from SaveState and causing problems :( So we try to fix it here
if (saddr != NULL) {
// Valid Address. FIXME: MAC only valid after successful attempt to Create/Connect/Join a Group? (ie. adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE)
if ((adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE) && saddr != NULL && isLocalMAC(saddr)) {
// It's allowed to Listen and Open the same PTP port, But it's not allowed to Listen or Open the same PTP port twice.
if (isPTPPortInUse(sport, true)) {
// FIXME: When PORT_IN_USE error occured it seems the index to the socket id also increased, which means it tries to create & bind the socket first and then closes it due to failed to bind
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_PORT_IN_USE, "port in use");
// Random Port required
if (sport == 0) {
isClient = true;
//sport 0 should be shifted back to 0 when using offset Phantasy Star Portable 2 use this
sport = -static_cast<int>(portOffset);
// Valid Arguments
if (bufsize > 0 && rexmt_int > 0 && rexmt_cnt > 0 && backlog > 0)
// Create Infrastructure Socket
int tcpsocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
// Valid Socket produced
if (tcpsocket > 0) {
// Change socket MSS
setSockMSS(tcpsocket, PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS);
// Change socket buffer size to be consistent on all platforms.
setSockBufferSize(tcpsocket, SO_SNDBUF, bufsize*5); //PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS
setSockBufferSize(tcpsocket, SO_RCVBUF, bufsize*10); //PSP_ADHOC_PTP_MSS*10
// Enable KeepAlive
setSockKeepAlive(tcpsocket, true, rexmt_int / 1000000L, rexmt_cnt);
// Ignore SIGPIPE when supported (ie. BSD/MacOS)
setSockNoSIGPIPE(tcpsocket, 1);
// Enable Port Re-use
// Apply Default Receive Timeout Settings to Socket
setSockTimeout(tcpsocket, SO_RCVTIMEO, rexmt_int);
// Disable Nagle Algo to send immediately. Or may be we shouldn't disable Nagle since there is PtpFlush function?
setSockNoDelay(tcpsocket, 1);
// Binding Information for local Port
struct sockaddr_in addr {};
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (isLocalServer) {
uint16_t requestedport = static_cast<int>(sport + static_cast<int>(portOffset));
// Avoid getting random port due to port offset when original port wasn't 0 (ie. original_port + port_offset = 65536 = 0)
if (requestedport == 0 && sport > 0)
requestedport = 65535; // Hopefully it will be safe to default it to 65535 since there can't be more than one port that can bumped into 65536
// Show a warning about privileged ports
if (requestedport != 0 && requestedport < 1024) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpListen - Ports below 1024(ie. %hu) may require Admin Privileges", requestedport);
addr.sin_port = htons(requestedport);
int iResult = 0;
// Bound Socket to local Port
if ((iResult = bind(tcpsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr))) == 0) {
// Update sport with the port assigned internal->lport = ntohs(local.sin_port)
socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
if (getsockname(tcpsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &len) == 0) {
uint16_t boundport = ntohs(addr.sin_port);
if (sport + static_cast<int>(portOffset) >= 65536 || static_cast<int>(boundport) - static_cast<int>(portOffset) <= 0)
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpListen - Wrapped Port Detected: Original(%d) -> Requested(%d), Bound(%d) -> BoundOriginal(%d)", sport, requestedport, boundport, boundport - portOffset);
sport = boundport - portOffset;
// Switch into Listening Mode
if ((iResult = listen(tcpsocket, backlog)) == 0) {
// Allocate Memory
AdhocSocket* internal = (AdhocSocket*)malloc(sizeof(AdhocSocket));
// Allocated Memory
if (internal != NULL) {
// Find Free Translator ID
// FIXME: We should probably use an increasing index instead of looking for an empty slot from beginning if we want to simulate a real socket id
int i = 0;
for (; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++) if (adhocSockets[i] == NULL) break;
// Found Free Translator ID
if (i < MAX_SOCKET) {
// Clear Memory
memset(internal, 0, sizeof(AdhocSocket));
// Socket Type
internal->type = SOCK_PTP;
internal->retry_interval = rexmt_int;
internal->retry_count = rexmt_cnt;
internal->nonblocking = flag;
internal->buffer_size = bufsize;
internal->isClient = isClient;
// Copy Infrastructure Socket ID
internal->data.ptp.id = tcpsocket;
// Copy Address & Port Information
internal->data.ptp.laddr = *saddr;
internal->data.ptp.lport = sport;
// Flag Socket as Listener
internal->data.ptp.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_LISTEN;
// Link PTP Socket
adhocSockets[i] = internal;
// Add Port Forward to Router
//sceNetPortOpen("TCP", sport);
UPnP_Add(IP_PROTOCOL_TCP, isOriPort ? sport : sport + portOffset, sport + portOffset);
// Switch to non-blocking for futher usage
changeBlockingMode(tcpsocket, 1);
// Return PTP Socket id
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpListen - PSP Socket id: %i, Host Socket id: %i", i + 1, tcpsocket);
return i + 1;
// Free Memory
else {
auto n = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::NETWORKING);
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, std::string(n->T("Failed to Bind Port")) + " " + std::to_string(sport + portOffset) + "\n" + std::string(n->T("Please change your Port Offset")));
if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
int error = errno;
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpListen[%i]: Socket Error (%i)", sport, error);
// Close Socket
// Port not available (exclusively in use?)
// Socket not available
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_SOCKET_ID_NOT_AVAIL, "socket id not available");
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Invalid Addresses
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ADDR, "invalid address");
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhoc not initialized");
* Adhoc Emulator PTP Sender
* @param id Socket File Descriptor
* @param data Data Payload
* @param len IN: Length of Payload OUT: Sent Data (in Bytes)
* @param timeout Send Timeout (in Microseconds)
* @param flag Nonblocking Flag
static int sceNetAdhocPtpSend(int id, u32 dataAddr, u32 dataSizeAddr, int timeout, int flag) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpSend(%d,%08x,%08x,%d,%d) at %08x", id, dataAddr, dataSizeAddr, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
int * len = (int *)Memory::GetPointer(dataSizeAddr);
const char * data = Memory::GetCharPointer(dataAddr);
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Valid Socket
if (id > 0 && id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[id - 1] != NULL) {
// Cast Socket
auto socket = adhocSockets[id - 1];
auto& ptpsocket = socket->data.ptp;
socket->nonblocking = flag;
// Connected Socket
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_ESTABLISHED || ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT) {
// Valid Arguments
if (data != NULL && len != NULL && *len > 0) {
// Schedule Timeout Removal
//if (flag) timeout = 0; // JPCSP seems to always Send PTP as blocking, also a possibility to send to multiple destination?
// Apply Send Timeout Settings to Socket
if (timeout > 0)
setSockTimeout(ptpsocket.id, SO_SNDTIMEO, timeout);
if (socket->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTSEND) {
socket->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTSEND;
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_SOCKET_ALERTED, "socket alerted");
// Acquire Network Lock
// _acquireNetworkLock();
// Send Data
int sent = send(ptpsocket.id, data, *len, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
int error = errno;
// Free Network Lock
// _freeNetworkLock();
// Success
if (sent > 0) {
hleEatMicro(50); // mostly 1ms, sometimes 1~10ms ? doesn't seems to be switching to a different thread during this duration
// Save Length
*len = sent;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpSend[%i:%u]: Sent %u bytes to %s:%u\n", id, ptpsocket.lport, sent, mac2str(&ptpsocket.paddr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport);
// Set to Established on successful Send when an attempt to Connect was initiated
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT)
// Return Success
return 0;
// Non-Critical Error
else if (sent == SOCKET_ERROR && (error == EAGAIN || error == EWOULDBLOCK || (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT && (error == ENOTCONN || connectInProgress(error))))) {
// Non-Blocking
if (flag)
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block");
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | ptpsocket.id;
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, PTP_SEND, id, (void*)data, len, timeout, nullptr, nullptr, "ptp send");
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpSend[%i:%u -> %s:%u]: Result:%i (Error:%i)", id, ptpsocket.lport, mac2str(&ptpsocket.paddr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport, sent, error);
// Change Socket State
ptpsocket.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED;
// Disconnected
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_DISCONNECTED, "disconnected");
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Not Connected
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_CONNECTED, "not connected");
// Invalid Socket
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_SOCKET_ID, "invalid socket id");
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
* Adhoc Emulator PTP Receiver
* @param id Socket File Descriptor
* @param buf Data Buffer
* @param len IN: Buffersize OUT: Received Data (in Bytes)
* @param timeout Receive Timeout (in Microseconds)
* @param flag Nonblocking Flag
static int sceNetAdhocPtpRecv(int id, u32 dataAddr, u32 dataSizeAddr, int timeout, int flag) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpRecv(%d,%08x,%08x,%d,%d) at %08x", id, dataAddr, dataSizeAddr, timeout, flag, currentMIPS->pc);
void * buf = (void *)Memory::GetPointer(dataAddr);
int * len = (int *)Memory::GetPointer(dataSizeAddr);
// Library is initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Valid Arguments
if (buf != NULL && len != NULL && *len > 0) {
// Valid Socket
if (id > 0 && id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[id - 1] != NULL) {
// Cast Socket
auto socket = adhocSockets[id - 1];
auto& ptpsocket = socket->data.ptp;
socket->nonblocking = flag;
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_ESTABLISHED || ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT) {
// Schedule Timeout Removal
//if (flag) timeout = 0;
// Apply Receive Timeout Settings to Socket. Let's not wait forever (0 = indefinitely)
if (timeout > 0)
setSockTimeout(ptpsocket.id, SO_RCVTIMEO, timeout);
if (socket->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTRECV) {
socket->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTRECV;
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_SOCKET_ALERTED, "socket alerted");
// Acquire Network Lock
// _acquireNetworkLock();
// TODO: Use a different thread (similar to sceIo) for recvfrom, recv & accept to prevent blocking-socket from blocking emulation
int received = 0;
int error = 0;
// Receive Data. POSIX: May received 0 bytes when the remote peer already closed the connection.
received = recv(ptpsocket.id, (char*)buf, std::max(0, *len), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
error = errno;
if (received == SOCKET_ERROR && (error == EAGAIN || error == EWOULDBLOCK || (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT && (error == ENOTCONN || connectInProgress(error))))) {
if (flag == 0) {
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | ptpsocket.id;
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, PTP_RECV, id, buf, len, timeout, nullptr, nullptr, "ptp recv");
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block");
// Free Network Lock
// _freeNetworkLock();
// Received Data
if (received > 0) {
// Save Length
*len = received;
// Update last recv timestamp, may cause disconnection not detected properly tho
auto peer = findFriend(&ptpsocket.paddr);
if (peer != NULL) peer->last_recv = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpRecv[%i:%u]: Received %u bytes from %s:%u\n", id, ptpsocket.lport, received, mac2str(&ptpsocket.paddr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport);
// Set to Established on successful Recv when an attempt to Connect was initiated
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_SYN_SENT)
// Return Success
return 0;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpRecv[%i:%u]: Result:%i (Error:%i)", id, ptpsocket.lport, received, error);
if (*len == 0)
return 0;
// Change Socket State
ptpsocket.state = ADHOC_PTP_STATE_CLOSED;
// Disconnected
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_DISCONNECTED, "disconnected");
// Not Connected
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_CONNECTED, "not connected");
// Invalid Socket
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_SOCKET_ID, "invalid socket id");
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid socket arg");
// Library is uninitialized
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
int FlushPtpSocket(int socketId) {
// Get original Nagle algo value
int n = getSockNoDelay(socketId);
// Disable Nagle Algo to send immediately
setSockNoDelay(socketId, 1);
// Send Empty Data just to trigger Nagle on/off effect to flush the send buffer, Do we need to trigger this at all or is it automatically flushed?
//changeBlockingMode(socket->id, nonblock);
int ret = send(socketId, nullptr, 0, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) ret = errno;
//changeBlockingMode(socket->id, 1);
// Restore/Enable Nagle Algo
setSockNoDelay(socketId, n);
return ret;
* Adhoc Emulator PTP Flusher
* @param id Socket File Descriptor
* @param timeout Flush Timeout (in Microseconds)
* @param flag Nonblocking Flag
static int sceNetAdhocPtpFlush(int id, int timeout, int nonblock) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET,"sceNetAdhocPtpFlush(%d,%d,%d) at %08x", id, timeout, nonblock, currentMIPS->pc);
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocInited) {
// Valid Socket
if (id > 0 && id <= MAX_SOCKET && adhocSockets[id - 1] != NULL) {
// Cast Socket
auto socket = adhocSockets[id - 1];
auto& ptpsocket = socket->data.ptp;
socket->nonblocking = nonblock;
if (socket->flags & ADHOC_F_ALERTFLUSH) {
socket->alerted_flags |= ADHOC_F_ALERTFLUSH;
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_SOCKET_ALERTED, "socket alerted");
// Connected Socket
if (ptpsocket.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_ESTABLISHED) {
// There are two ways to flush, you can either set TCP_NODELAY to 1 or TCP_CORK to 0.
// Apply Send Timeout Settings to Socket
setSockTimeout(ptpsocket.id, SO_SNDTIMEO, timeout);
int error = FlushPtpSocket(ptpsocket.id);
if (error == EAGAIN || error == EWOULDBLOCK) {
// Non-Blocking
if (nonblock)
return hleLogSuccessVerboseX(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_WOULD_BLOCK, "would block");
// Simulate blocking behaviour with non-blocking socket
u64 threadSocketId = ((u64)__KernelGetCurThread()) << 32 | ptpsocket.id;
return WaitBlockingAdhocSocket(threadSocketId, PTP_FLUSH, id, nullptr, nullptr, timeout, nullptr, nullptr, "ptp flush");
if (error != 0)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocPtpFlush[%i:%u -> %s:%u]: Error:%i", id, ptpsocket.lport, mac2str(&ptpsocket.paddr).c_str(), ptpsocket.pport, error);
// Dummy Result, Always success?
return 0;
// Invalid Socket
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_SOCKET_ID, "invalid socket id");
// Library uninitialized
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
* Create own game object type data.
* @param dataAddr - A pointer to the game object data.
* @param size - Size of the game data.
* @return 0 on success, < 0 on error.
static int sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateMaster(u32 dataAddr, int size) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateMaster(%08x, %i) at %08x", dataAddr, size, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
if (adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_IN_GAMEMODE, "not in gamemode");
if (!netAdhocGameModeEntered)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_ENTER_GAMEMODE, "not enter gamemode");
if (size < 0 || !Memory::IsValidAddress(dataAddr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
if (masterGameModeArea.data)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_ALREADY_CREATED, "already created"); // FIXME: Should we return a success instead? (need to test this on a homebrew)
SceNetEtherAddr localMac;
gameModeBuffSize = std::max(gameModeBuffSize, size);
u8* buf = (u8*)realloc(gameModeBuffer, gameModeBuffSize);
if (buf)
gameModeBuffer = buf;
u8* data = (u8*)malloc(size);
if (data) {
Memory::Memcpy(data, dataAddr, size);
masterGameModeArea = { 0, size, dataAddr, CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(), 1, 0, localMac, data };
// Block current thread to sync initial master data after Master and all Replicas have been created
if (replicaGameModeAreas.size() == (gameModeMacs.size() - 1)) {
if (CoreTiming::IsScheduled(gameModeNotifyEvent)) {
__KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_NET, GAMEMODE_WAITID, 0, 0, false, "syncing master data");
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Blocking Thread %d to Sync initial Master data", __KernelGetCurThread());
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, 0, "success"); // returned an id just like CreateReplica? always return 0?
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_CREATED, "not created");
* Create peer game object type data.
* @param mac - The mac address of the peer.
* @param dataAddr - A pointer to the game object data.
* @param size - Size of the game data.
* @return The id of the replica on success, < 0 on error.
static int sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateReplica(const char *mac, u32 dataAddr, int size) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateReplica(%s, %08x, %i) at %08x", mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)mac).c_str(), dataAddr, size, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
if (adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_IN_GAMEMODE, "not in gamemode");
if (!netAdhocGameModeEntered)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_ENTER_GAMEMODE, "not enter gamemode");
if (mac == nullptr || size < 0 || !Memory::IsValidAddress(dataAddr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
int maxid = 0;
auto it = std::find_if(replicaGameModeAreas.begin(), replicaGameModeAreas.end(),
[mac, &maxid](GameModeArea const& e) {
if (e.id > maxid) maxid = e.id;
return IsMatch(e.mac, mac);
// MAC address already existed!
if (it != replicaGameModeAreas.end()) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateReplica - [%s] is already existed (id: %d)", mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)mac).c_str(), it->id);
int ret = 0;
gameModeBuffSize = std::max(gameModeBuffSize, size);
u8* buf = (u8*)realloc(gameModeBuffer, gameModeBuffSize);
if (buf)
gameModeBuffer = buf;
u8* data = (u8*)malloc(size);
if (data) {
Memory::Memcpy(data, dataAddr, size);
//int sock = sceNetAdhocPdpCreate(mac, ADHOC_GAMEMODE_PORT, size, 0);
GameModeArea gma = { maxid + 1, size, dataAddr, CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(), 0, 0, *(SceNetEtherAddr*)mac, data };
ret = gma.id; // Valid id for replica is higher than 0?
// Block current thread to sync initial master data after Master and all Replicas have been created
if (masterGameModeArea.data != NULL && replicaGameModeAreas.size() == (gameModeMacs.size() - 1)) {
if (CoreTiming::IsScheduled(gameModeNotifyEvent)) {
__KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_NET, GAMEMODE_WAITID, ret, 0, false, "syncing master data");
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Blocking Thread %d to Sync initial Master data", __KernelGetCurThread());
return hleLogSuccessInfoI(SCENET, ret, "success");
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_CREATED, "not created");
static int sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateMaster() {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateMaster() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
if (adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_IN_GAMEMODE, "not in gamemode");
if (!netAdhocGameModeEntered)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_ENTER_GAMEMODE, "not enter gamemode");
if (masterGameModeArea.data) {
Memory::Memcpy(masterGameModeArea.data, masterGameModeArea.addr, masterGameModeArea.size);
masterGameModeArea.dataUpdated = 1;
masterGameModeArea.updateTimestamp = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
// Reset sent marker
for (auto& gma : replicaGameModeAreas)
gma.dataSent = 0;
return 0;
int NetAdhocGameMode_DeleteMaster() {
if (CoreTiming::IsScheduled(gameModeNotifyEvent)) {
__KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_NET, GAMEMODE_WAITID, 0, 0, false, "deleting master data");
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode: Blocking Thread %d to End GameMode Scheduler", __KernelGetCurThread());
if (masterGameModeArea.data) {
masterGameModeArea.data = nullptr;
//NetAdhocPdp_Delete(masterGameModeArea.socket, 0);
masterGameModeArea = { 0 };
if (replicaGameModeAreas.size() <= 0) {
NetAdhocPdp_Delete(gameModeSocket, 0);
gameModeSocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET;
return 0;
static int sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteMaster() {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteMaster() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
if (isZeroMAC(&masterGameModeArea.mac))
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_CREATED, "not created");
return NetAdhocGameMode_DeleteMaster();
static int sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateReplica(int id, u32 infoAddr) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateReplica(%i, %08x) at %08x", id, infoAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
if (adhocctlCurrentMode != ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_IN_GAMEMODE, "not in gamemode");
if (!netAdhocGameModeEntered)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_ENTER_GAMEMODE, "not enter gamemode");
auto it = std::find_if(replicaGameModeAreas.begin(), replicaGameModeAreas.end(),
[id](GameModeArea const& e) {
return e.id == id;
if (it == replicaGameModeAreas.end())
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_CREATED, "not created");
// Bomberman Panic Bomber is using 0/null on infoAddr, so i guess it's optional.
GameModeUpdateInfo* gmuinfo = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(infoAddr)) {
gmuinfo = (GameModeUpdateInfo*)Memory::GetPointer(infoAddr);
for (auto& gma : replicaGameModeAreas) {
if (gma.id == id) {
if (gma.data && gma.dataUpdated) {
Memory::Memcpy(gma.addr, gma.data, gma.size);
gma.dataUpdated = 0;
if (gmuinfo != NULL) {
gmuinfo->length = sizeof(GameModeUpdateInfo);
gmuinfo->updated = 1;
gmuinfo->timeStamp = std::max(gma.updateTimestamp, CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - defaultLastRecvDelta);
else {
if (gmuinfo != NULL) {
gmuinfo->updated = 0;
return 0;
static int sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteReplica(int id) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteReplica(%i) at %08x", id, currentMIPS->pc);
auto it = std::find_if(replicaGameModeAreas.begin(), replicaGameModeAreas.end(),
[id](GameModeArea const& e) {
return e.id == id;
if (it == replicaGameModeAreas.end())
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_NOT_CREATED, "not created");
if (it->data) {
it->data = nullptr;
//sceNetAdhocPdpDelete(it->socket, 0);
if (replicaGameModeAreas.size() <= 0 && isZeroMAC(&masterGameModeArea.mac)) {
//sceNetAdhocPdpDelete(gameModeSocket, 0);
//gameModeSocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET;
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocGetSocketAlert(int id, u32 flagPtr) {
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocGetSocketAlert, SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocGetSocketAlert(%i, %08x) at %08x", id, flagPtr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(flagPtr))
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
if (id < 1 || id > MAX_SOCKET || adhocSockets[id - 1] == NULL)
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_INVALID_SOCKET_ID, "invalid socket id");
s32_le flg = adhocSockets[id - 1]->flags;
Memory::Write_U32(flg, flagPtr);
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, 0, "flags = %08x", flg);
int NetAdhocMatching_Stop(int matchingId) {
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* item = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
if (item != NULL) {
// This will cause using PdpRecv on this socket to return ERROR_NET_ADHOC_SOCKET_ALERTED (Based on Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki when tested with JPCSP + prx files). Is this used to abort inprogress socket activity?
NetAdhoc_SetSocketAlert(item->socket, ADHOC_F_ALERTRECV);
item->inputRunning = false;
if (item->inputThread.joinable()) {
item->eventRunning = false;
if (item->eventThread.joinable()) {
// Stop fake PSP Thread.
// kernelObjects may already been cleared early during a Shutdown, thus trying to access it may generates Warning/Error in the log
if (matchingThreads[item->matching_thid] > 0 && strcmp(__KernelGetThreadName(matchingThreads[item->matching_thid]), "ERROR") != 0) {
__KernelStopThread(matchingThreads[item->matching_thid], SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_THREAD_TERMINATED, "AdhocMatching stopped");
__KernelDeleteThread(matchingThreads[item->matching_thid], SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_THREAD_TERMINATED, "AdhocMatching deleted");
matchingThreads[item->matching_thid] = 0;
// Make sure nobody locking/using the socket
// Delete the socket
NetAdhocPdp_Delete(item->socket, 0); // item->connected = (sceNetAdhocPdpDelete(item->socket, 0) < 0);
// Multithreading Lock
// Remove your own MAC, or All members, or don't remove at all or we should do this on MatchingDelete ?
clearPeerList(item); //deleteAllMembers(item);
item->running = 0;
// Multithreading Unlock
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocMatchingStop(int matchingId) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingStop(%i) at %08x", matchingId, currentMIPS->pc);
return NetAdhocMatching_Stop(matchingId);
int NetAdhocMatching_Delete(int matchingId) {
// Previous Context Reference
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* prev = NULL;
// Multithreading Lock
peerlock.lock(); //contextlock.lock();
// Context Pointer
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* item = contexts;
// Iterate contexts
for (; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
// Found matching ID
if (item->id == matchingId) {
// Unlink Left (Beginning)
if (prev == NULL) contexts = item->next;
// Unlink Left (Other)
else prev->next = item->next;
// Stop it first if it's still running
if (item->running) {
// Delete the Fake PSP Thread
//__KernelDeleteThread(item->matching_thid, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_THREAD_TERMINATED, "AdhocMatching deleted");
//delete item->matchingThread;
// Free allocated memories
clearPeerList(item); //deleteAllMembers(item);
delete item->peerPort;
// Destroy locks
item->eventlock->lock(); // Make sure it's not locked when being deleted
delete item->eventlock;
item->inputlock->lock(); // Make sure it's not locked when being deleted
delete item->inputlock;
item->socketlock->lock(); // Make sure it's not locked when being deleted
delete item->socketlock;
// Free item context memory
item = NULL;
// Making sure there are no leftover matching events from this session which could cause a crash on the next session
// Stop Search
// Set Previous Reference
prev = item;
// Multithreading Unlock
peerlock.unlock(); //contextlock.unlock();
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocMatchingDelete(int matchingId) {
// WLAN might be disabled in the middle of successfull multiplayer, but we still need to cleanup right?
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingDelete(%i) at %08x", matchingId, currentMIPS->pc);
// Give a little time to make sure everything are cleaned up before the following AdhocMatchingCreate, Not too long tho, otherwise Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 will have an issue
//hleDelayResult(0, "give time to init/cleanup", adhocExtraPollDelayMS * 1000);
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(u32 memsize) {
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocMatchingInit, SCENET, "sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(%d) at %08x", memsize, currentMIPS->pc);
// Uninitialized Library
if (netAdhocMatchingInited)
// Save Fake Pool Size
fakePoolSize = memsize;
// Initialize Library
netAdhocMatchingInited = true;
// Return Success
return 0;
int NetAdhocMatching_Term() {
if (netAdhocMatchingInited) {
// Delete all Matching contexts
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* next = NULL;
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* context = contexts;
while (context != NULL) {
next = context->next;
//if (context->running) NetAdhocMatching_Stop(context->id);
context = next;
contexts = NULL;
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocMatchingTerm() {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingTerm() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
// Should we cleanup all created matching contexts first? just in case there are games that doesn't delete them before calling this
netAdhocMatchingInited = false;
return 0;
// Presumably returns a "matchingId".
static int sceNetAdhocMatchingCreate(int mode, int maxnum, int port, int rxbuflen, int hello_int, int keepalive_int, int init_count, int rexmt_int, u32 callbackAddr) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocMatchingCreate(mode=%i, maxnum=%i, port=%i, rxbuflen=%i, hello=%i, keepalive=%i, initcount=%i, rexmt=%i, callbackAddr=%08x) at %08x", mode, maxnum, port, rxbuflen, hello_int, keepalive_int, init_count, rexmt_int, callbackAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
SceNetAdhocMatchingHandler handler;
handler.entryPoint = callbackAddr;
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocMatchingInited) {
// Valid Member Limit
if (maxnum > 1 && maxnum <= 16) {
// Valid Receive Buffer size
if (rxbuflen >= 1) { //1024 //200 on DBZ Shin Budokai 2
// Valid Arguments
if (mode >= 1 && mode <= 3) {
// Iterate Matching Contexts
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * item = contexts;
for (; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
// Port Match found
if (item->port == port)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_PORT_IN_USE, "adhoc matching port in use");
// Allocate Context Memory
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context = (SceNetAdhocMatchingContext *)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext));
// Allocated Memory
if (context != NULL) {
// Create PDP Socket
SceNetEtherAddr localmac;
// Clear Memory
memset(context, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext));
// Allocate Receive Buffer
context->rxbuf = (uint8_t*)malloc(rxbuflen);
// Allocated Memory
if (context->rxbuf != NULL) {
// Clear Memory
memset(context->rxbuf, 0, rxbuflen);
// Fill in Context Data
context->id = findFreeMatchingID();
context->mode = mode;
context->maxpeers = maxnum;
context->port = port;
context->rxbuflen = rxbuflen;
context->resendcounter = init_count;
context->resend_int = rexmt_int; // used as ack timeout on lost packet (ie. not receiving anything after sending)?
context->hello_int = hello_int; // client might set this to 0
if (keepalive_int < 1) context->keepalive_int = PSP_ADHOCCTL_PING_TIMEOUT; else context->keepalive_int = keepalive_int; // client might set this to 0
context->keepalivecounter = init_count; // used to multiply keepalive_int as timeout
context->timeout = (((u64)(keepalive_int)+(u64)rexmt_int) * (u64)init_count);
context->timeout += adhocDefaultTimeout; // For internet play we need higher timeout than what the game wanted
context->handler = handler;
context->peerPort = new std::map<SceNetEtherAddr, u16_le>();
// Fill in Selfpeer
context->mac = localmac;
// Create locks
context->socketlock = new std::recursive_mutex;
context->eventlock = new std::recursive_mutex;
context->inputlock = new std::recursive_mutex;
// Multithreading Lock
peerlock.lock(); //contextlock.lock();
// Add Callback Handler
context->handler.entryPoint = callbackAddr;
context->matching_thid = static_cast<int>(matchingThreads.size());
// Link Context
//context->connected = true;
context->next = contexts;
contexts = context;
// Multithreading UnLock
peerlock.unlock(); //contextlock.unlock();
// Just to make sure Adhoc is already connected
//hleDelayResult(context->id, "give time to init/cleanup", adhocEventDelayMS * 1000);
// Return Matching ID
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, context->id, "success");
// Free Memory
// Out of Memory
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NO_SPACE, "adhoc matching no space");
// InvalidERROR_NET_Arguments
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG, "adhoc matching invalid arg");
// Invalid Receive Buffer Size
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_RXBUF_TOO_SHORT, "adhoc matching rxbuf too short");
// Invalid Member Limit
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_MAXNUM, "adhoc matching invalid maxnum");
// Uninitialized Library
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhoc matching not initialized");
int NetAdhocMatching_Start(int matchingId, int evthPri, int evthPartitionId, int evthStack, int inthPri, int inthPartitionId, int inthStack, int optLen, u32 optDataAddr) {
// Multithreading Lock
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* item = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
if (item != NULL) {
//sceNetAdhocMatchingSetHelloOpt(matchingId, optLen, optDataAddr); //SetHelloOpt only works when context is running
if ((optLen > 0) && Memory::IsValidAddress(optDataAddr)) {
// Allocate the memory and copy the content
if (item->hello != NULL) free(item->hello);
item->hello = (uint8_t*)malloc(optLen);
if (item->hello != NULL) {
Memory::Memcpy(item->hello, optDataAddr, optLen);
item->hellolen = optLen;
item->helloAddr = optDataAddr;
//else return ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NO_SPACE; //Faking success to prevent GTA:VCS from stuck unable to choose host/join menu
//else return ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG; // ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_OPTLEN; // Returning Not Success will cause GTA:VC stuck unable to choose host/join menu
// Create PDP Socket
int sock = sceNetAdhocPdpCreate((const char*)&item->mac, static_cast<int>(item->port), item->rxbuflen, 0);
item->socket = sock;
if (sock < 1) {
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_PORT_IN_USE, "adhoc matching port in use");
// Create & Start the Fake PSP Thread ("matching_ev%d" and "matching_io%d")
std::string thrname = std::string("MatchingThr") + std::to_string(matchingId);
matchingThreads[item->matching_thid] = sceKernelCreateThread(thrname.c_str(), matchingThreadHackAddr, evthPri, evthStack, 0, 0);
//item->matchingThread = new HLEHelperThread(thrname.c_str(), "sceNetAdhocMatching", "__NetMatchingCallbacks", inthPri, inthStack);
if (matchingThreads[item->matching_thid] > 0) {
sceKernelStartThread(matchingThreads[item->matching_thid], 0, 0); //sceKernelStartThread(context->event_thid, sizeof(context), &context);
//item->matchingThread->Start(matchingId, 0);
//Create the threads
if (!item->eventRunning) {
item->eventRunning = true;
item->eventThread = std::thread(matchingEventThread, matchingId);
if (!item->inputRunning) {
item->inputRunning = true;
item->inputThread = std::thread(matchingInputThread, matchingId);
item->running = 1;
//else return ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ID; //Faking success to prevent GTA:VCS from stuck unable to choose host/join menu
// Multithreading Unlock
return 0;
// This should be similar with sceNetAdhocMatchingStart2 but using USER_PARTITION_ID (2) for PartitionId params
static int sceNetAdhocMatchingStart(int matchingId, int evthPri, int evthStack, int inthPri, int inthStack, int optLen, u32 optDataAddr) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingStart(%i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %08x) at %08x", matchingId, evthPri, evthStack, inthPri, inthStack, optLen, optDataAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
int retval = NetAdhocMatching_Start(matchingId, evthPri, USER_PARTITION_ID, evthStack, inthPri, USER_PARTITION_ID, inthStack, optLen, optDataAddr);
// Give a little time to make sure matching Threads are ready before the game use the next sceNet functions, should've checked for status instead of guessing the time?
return retval;
// With params for Partition ID for the event & input handler stack
static int sceNetAdhocMatchingStart2(int matchingId, int evthPri, int evthPartitionId, int evthStack, int inthPri, int inthPartitionId, int inthStack, int optLen, u32 optDataAddr) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingStart2(%i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %08x) at %08x", matchingId, evthPri, evthPartitionId, evthStack, inthPri, inthPartitionId, inthStack, optLen, optDataAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
int retval = NetAdhocMatching_Start(matchingId, evthPri, evthPartitionId, evthStack, inthPri, inthPartitionId, inthStack, optLen, optDataAddr);
// Give a little time to make sure matching Threads are ready before the game use the next sceNet functions, should've checked for status instead of guessing the time?
return retval;
static int sceNetAdhocMatchingSelectTarget(int matchingId, const char *macAddress, int optLen, u32 optDataPtr) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingSelectTarget(%i, %s, %i, %08x) at %08x", matchingId, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)macAddress).c_str(), optLen, optDataPtr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
// Initialized Library
if (netAdhocMatchingInited)
// Valid Arguments
if (macAddress != NULL)
SceNetEtherAddr * target = (SceNetEtherAddr *)macAddress;
// Find Matching Context for ID
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Found Matching Context
if (context != NULL)
// Running Context
if (context->running)
// Search Result
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, (SceNetEtherAddr *)target);
// Found Peer in List
if (peer != NULL)
// Valid Optional Data Length
if ((optLen == 0) || (optLen > 0 && optDataPtr != 0))
void * opt = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(optDataPtr)) opt = Memory::GetPointerWriteUnchecked(optDataPtr);
// Host Mode
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT)
// Already Connected
if (peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD) return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_ALREADY_ESTABLISHED, "adhocmatching already established");
// Not enough space
if (countChildren(context) == (context->maxpeers - 1)) return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_EXCEED_MAXNUM, "adhocmatching exceed maxnum");
// Requesting Peer
// Accept Peer in Group
// Sending order may need to be reversed since Stack appends to the front, so the order will be switched around.
// Tell Children about new Sibling
sendBirthMessage(context, peer);
// Spawn Established Event
//spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ESTABLISHED, target, 0, NULL);
// Send Accept Confirmation to Peer
sendAcceptMessage(context, peer, optLen, opt);
// Return Success
return 0;
// Client Mode
else if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD)
// Already connected
if (findParent(context) != NULL) return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_ALREADY_ESTABLISHED, "adhocmatching already established");
// Outgoing Request in Progress
if (findOutgoingRequest(context) != NULL) return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS, "adhocmatching request in progress");
// Valid Offer
// Switch into Join Request Mode
// Send Join Request to Peer
sendJoinRequest(context, peer, optLen, opt);
// Return Success
return 0;
// P2P Mode
// Already connected
if (findP2P(context) != NULL) return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_ALREADY_ESTABLISHED, "adhocmatching already established");
// Outgoing Request in Progress
if (findOutgoingRequest(context) != NULL) return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS, "adhocmatching request in progress");
// Join Request Mode
// Switch into Join Request Mode
// Send Join Request to Peer
sendJoinRequest(context, peer, optLen, opt);
// Return Success
return 0;
// Requesting Peer
// Accept Peer in Group
// Tell Children about new Sibling
//sendBirthMessage(context, peer);
// Send Accept Confirmation to Peer
sendAcceptMessage(context, peer, optLen, opt);
// Return Success
return 0;
// How did this happen?! It shouldn't!
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_TARGET_NOT_READY, "adhocmatching target not ready");
// Invalid Optional Data Length
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_OPTLEN, "adhocmatching invalid optlen");
// Peer not found
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_UNKNOWN_TARGET, "adhocmatching unknown target");
// Idle Context
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_RUNNING, "adhocmatching not running");
// Invalid Matching ID
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ID, "adhocmatching invalid id");
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG, "adhocmatching invalid arg");
// Uninitialized Library
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhocmatching not initialized");
int NetAdhocMatching_CancelTargetWithOpt(int matchingId, const char* macAddress, int optLen, u32 optDataPtr) {
// Initialized Library
if (netAdhocMatchingInited)
SceNetEtherAddr* target = (SceNetEtherAddr*)macAddress;
void* opt = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(optDataPtr)) opt = Memory::GetPointerWriteUnchecked(optDataPtr);
// Valid Arguments
if (target != NULL && ((optLen == 0) || (optLen > 0 && opt != NULL)))
// Find Matching Context
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Found Matching Context
if (context != NULL)
// Running Context
if (context->running)
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* peer = findPeer(context, (SceNetEtherAddr*)target);
// Found Peer
if (peer != NULL)
// Valid Peer Mode
// Notify other Children of Death
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT && peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD && countConnectedPeers(context) > 1)
// Send Death Message
sendDeathMessage(context, peer);
// Mark Peer as Canceled
// Send Cancel Event to Peer
sendCancelMessage(context, peer, optLen, opt);
// Delete Peer from List
// Can't delete here, Threads still need this data.
// deletePeer(context, peer);
// Marking peer to be timedout instead of deleting immediately
peer->lastping = 0;
// Return Success
return 0;
// Peer not found
//return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_UNKNOWN_TARGET, "adhocmatching unknown target");
// Faking success to prevent the game (ie. Soul Calibur) to repeatedly calling this function when the other player is disconnected
return 0;
// Context not running
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_RUNNING, "adhocmatching not running");
// Invalid Matching ID
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ID, "adhocmatching invalid id");
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG, "adhocmatching invalid arg");
// Uninitialized Library
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhocmatching not initialized");
int sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTargetWithOpt(int matchingId, const char *macAddress, int optLen, u32 optDataPtr) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTargetWithOpt(%i, %s, %i, %08x) at %08x", matchingId, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)macAddress).c_str(), optLen, optDataPtr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
return NetAdhocMatching_CancelTargetWithOpt(matchingId, macAddress, optLen, optDataPtr);
int sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTarget(int matchingId, const char *macAddress) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTarget(%i, %s)", matchingId, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)macAddress).c_str());
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
return NetAdhocMatching_CancelTargetWithOpt(matchingId, macAddress, 0, 0);
int sceNetAdhocMatchingGetHelloOpt(int matchingId, u32 optLenAddr, u32 optDataAddr) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingGetHelloOpt(%i, %08x, %08x)", matchingId, optLenAddr, optDataAddr);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(optLenAddr)) return ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG;
s32_le *optlen = PSPPointer<s32_le>::Create(optLenAddr);
// Multithreading Lock
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * item = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
if (item != NULL) {
// Get OptData
*optlen = item->hellolen;
if ((*optlen > 0) && Memory::IsValidAddress(optDataAddr)) {
uint8_t * optdata = Memory::GetPointerWriteUnchecked(optDataAddr);
memcpy(optdata, item->hello, *optlen);
// Multithreading Unlock
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocMatchingSetHelloOpt(int matchingId, int optLenAddr, u32 optDataAddr) {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingSetHelloOpt(%i, %i, %08x) at %08x", matchingId, optLenAddr, optDataAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
if (!netAdhocMatchingInited)
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhocmatching not initialized");
// Multithreading Lock
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Multithreading Unlock
// Context not found
if (context == NULL)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ID, "adhocmatching invalid id");
// Invalid Matching Mode (Child)
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD)
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_MODE, "adhocmatching invalid mode");
// Context not running
if (!context->running)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_RUNNING, "adhocmatching not running");
// Invalid Optional Data Length
if ((optLenAddr != 0) && (optDataAddr == 0))
// Grab Existing Hello Data
void* hello = context->hello;
// Free Previous Hello Data, or Reuse it
// Allocation Required
if (optLenAddr > 0)
// Allocate Memory
if (optLenAddr > context->hellolen) {
hello = realloc(hello, optLenAddr);
// Out of Memory
if (hello == NULL) {
context->hellolen = 0;
// Clone Hello Data
Memory::Memcpy(hello, optDataAddr, optLenAddr);
// Set Hello Data
context->hello = (uint8_t*)hello;
context->hellolen = optLenAddr;
context->helloAddr = optDataAddr;
// Delete Hello Data
context->hellolen = 0;
context->helloAddr = 0;
//free(context->hello); // Doesn't need to free it since it will be reused later
//context->hello = NULL;
// Return Success
return 0;
static int sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers(int matchingId, u32 sizeAddr, u32 buf) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers(%i, [%08x]=%i, %08x) at %08x", matchingId, sizeAddr, Memory::Read_U32(sizeAddr), buf, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
if (!netAdhocMatchingInited)
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhocmatching not initialized");
// Minimum Argument
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(sizeAddr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG, "adhocmatching invalid arg");
// Multithreading Lock
// Find Matching Context
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Multithreading Unlock
// Context not found
if (context == NULL)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ID, "adhocmatching invalid id");
// Context not running
if (!context->running)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_RUNNING, "adhocmatching not running");
// Buffer Length not available
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(sizeAddr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG, "adhocmatching invalid arg");
int* buflen = (int*)Memory::GetPointer(sizeAddr);
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInfoEmu* buf2 = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(buf)) {
buf2 = (SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInfoEmu*)Memory::GetPointer(buf);
// Number of Connected Peers, should we exclude timeout members?
bool excludeTimedout = false; // false;
uint32_t peercount = countConnectedPeers(context, excludeTimedout);
// Calculate Connected Peer Bytesize
int available = sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInfoEmu) * peercount;
// Length Returner Mode
if (buf == 0)
// Get Connected Peer Count
*buflen = available;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "MemberList [Connected: %i]", peercount);
// Normal Mode
// Fix Negative Length
if ((*buflen) < 0) *buflen = 0;
// Fix Oversize Request
if ((*buflen) > available) *buflen = available;
// Clear Memory
memset(buf2, 0, *buflen);
// Calculate Requested Peer Count
int requestedpeers = (*buflen) / sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInfoEmu);
// Filled Request Counter
int filledpeers = 0;
if (requestedpeers > 0)
// Add Self-Peer first, unless if there is existing Parent/P2P peer
if (peercount == 1 || context->mode != PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD) {
// Add Local MAC
buf2[filledpeers++].mac_addr = context->mac;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "MemberSelf [%s]", mac2str(&context->mac).c_str());
// Room for more than local peer
if (requestedpeers > 1)
// P2P Mode
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_P2P)
// Find P2P Brother
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* p2p = findP2P(context, excludeTimedout);
// P2P Brother found
if (p2p != NULL)
// Faking lastping
auto friendpeer = findFriend(&p2p->mac);
if (p2p->lastping != 0 && friendpeer != NULL && friendpeer->last_recv != 0)
p2p->lastping = std::max(p2p->lastping, CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - defaultLastRecvDelta);
p2p->lastping = 0;
// Add P2P Brother MAC
buf2[filledpeers++].mac_addr = p2p->mac;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "MemberP2P [%s]", mac2str(&p2p->mac).c_str());
// Parent or Child Mode
// Add Parent first
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* parentpeer = findParent(context);
if (parentpeer != NULL) {
// Faking lastping
auto friendpeer = findFriend(&parentpeer->mac);
if (parentpeer->lastping != 0 && friendpeer != NULL && friendpeer->last_recv != 0)
parentpeer->lastping = std::max(parentpeer->lastping, CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - defaultLastRecvDelta);
parentpeer->lastping = 0;
// Add Parent MAC
buf2[filledpeers++].mac_addr = parentpeer->mac;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "MemberParent [%s]", mac2str(&parentpeer->mac).c_str());
// We may need to rearrange children where last joined player placed last
std::deque<SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal*> sortedPeers;
// Iterate Peer List
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* peer = context->peerlist;
for (; peer != NULL && filledpeers < requestedpeers; peer = peer->next)
// Should we exclude timedout members?
if (!excludeTimedout || peer->lastping != 0) {
// Faking lastping
auto friendpeer = findFriend(&peer->mac);
if (peer->lastping != 0 && friendpeer != NULL && friendpeer->last_recv != 0)
peer->lastping = std::max(peer->lastping, CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - defaultLastRecvDelta);
peer->lastping = 0;
// Add Peer MAC
// Iterate rearranged peers
for (const auto& peer : sortedPeers) {
// Parent Mode
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT) {
// Interested in Children
if (peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD) {
// Add Child MAC
buf2[filledpeers++].mac_addr = peer->mac;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "MemberChild [%s]", mac2str(&peer->mac).c_str());
// Child Mode
else {
// Interested in Siblings
if (peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD) {
// Add Peer MAC
buf2[filledpeers++].mac_addr = peer->mac;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "MemberSibling [%s]", mac2str(&peer->mac).c_str());
// Self Peer
else if (peer->state == 0) {
// Add Local MAC
buf2[filledpeers++].mac_addr = peer->mac;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "MemberSelf [%s]", mac2str(&peer->mac).c_str());
// Link Result List
for (int i = 0; i < filledpeers - 1; i++)
// Link Next Element
//buf2[i].next = &buf2[i + 1];
buf2[i].next = buf + (sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInfoEmu) * (i + 1LL));
// Fix Last Element
if (filledpeers > 0) buf2[filledpeers - 1].next = 0;
// Fix Buffer Size
*buflen = sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInfoEmu) * filledpeers;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "MemberList [Requested: %i][Discovered: %i]", requestedpeers, filledpeers);
// Return Success
return hleDelayResult(0, "delay 100 ~ 1000us", 100); // seems to have different thread running within the delay duration
// Gran Turismo may replace the 1st bit of the 1st byte of MAC address's OUI with 0 (unicast bit), or replace the whole 6-bytes of MAC address with all 00 (invalid mac) for unknown reason
int sceNetAdhocMatchingSendData(int matchingId, const char *mac, int dataLen, u32 dataAddr) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingSendData(%i, %s, %i, %08x) at %08x", matchingId, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)mac).c_str(), dataLen, dataAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
// Initialized Library
if (netAdhocMatchingInited)
// Valid Arguments
if (mac != NULL)
// Find Matching Context
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Found Context
if (context != NULL)
// Running Context
if (context->running)
// Invalid Data Length
if (dataLen <=0 || dataAddr == 0)
// Invalid Data Length
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_DATALEN, "invalid datalen");
void* data = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(dataAddr)) data = Memory::GetPointerWriteUnchecked(dataAddr);
// Lock the peer
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> peer_guard(peerlock);
// Find Target Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* peer = findPeer(context, (SceNetEtherAddr*)mac);
// Found Peer
if (peer != NULL)
// Valid Peer Connection State
// Send in Progress
if (peer->sending)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_DATA_BUSY, "data busy");
// Mark Peer as Sending
peer->sending = 1;
// Send Data to Peer
sendBulkDataPacket(context, &peer->mac, dataLen, data);
// Return Success
return 0;
// Not connected / accepted
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_ESTABLISHED, "not established");
// Peer not found
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_UNKNOWN_TARGET, "unknown target");
// Context not running
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_RUNNING, "not running");
// Invalid Matching ID
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ID, "invalid id");
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Uninitialized Library
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
int sceNetAdhocMatchingAbortSendData(int matchingId, const char *mac) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingAbortSendData(%i, %s)", matchingId, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)mac).c_str());
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
// Initialized Library
if (netAdhocMatchingInited)
// Valid Arguments
if (mac != NULL)
// Find Matching Context
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Found Context
if (context != NULL)
// Running Context
if (context->running)
// Find Target Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, (SceNetEtherAddr *)mac);
// Found Peer
if (peer != NULL)
// Peer is sending
if (peer->sending)
// Set Peer as Bulk Idle
peer->sending = 0;
// Stop Bulk Data Sending (if in progress)
abortBulkTransfer(context, peer);
// Return Success
return 0;
// Peer not found
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_UNKNOWN_TARGET, "adhocmatching unknown target");
// Context not running
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_RUNNING, "adhocmatching not running");
// Invalid Matching ID
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ID, "adhocmatching invalid id");
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG, "adhocmatching invalid arg");
// Uninitialized Library
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhocmatching not initialized");
// Get the maximum memory usage by the matching library
static int sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolMaxAlloc() {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolMaxAlloc() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
// Lazy way out - hardcoded return value
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, fakePoolSize/2, "faked value");
int sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolStat(u32 poolstatPtr) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolStat(%08x) at %08x", poolstatPtr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan)
return -1;
// Initialized Library
if (netAdhocMatchingInited)
SceNetMallocStat * poolstat = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(poolstatPtr)) poolstat = (SceNetMallocStat *)Memory::GetPointer(poolstatPtr);
// Valid Argument
if (poolstat != NULL)
// Fill Poolstat with Fake Data
poolstat->pool = fakePoolSize;
poolstat->maximum = fakePoolSize / 2; // Max usage faked to halt the pool
poolstat->free = fakePoolSize - poolstat->maximum;
// Return Success
return 0;
// Invalid Argument
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_INVALID_ARG, "adhocmatching invalid arg");
// Uninitialized Library
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_MATCHING_NOT_INITIALIZED, "adhocmatching not initialized");
void __NetTriggerCallbacks()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> adhocGuard(adhocEvtMtx);
int delayus = adhocDefaultDelay;
auto params = adhocctlEvents.begin();
if (params != adhocctlEvents.end())
int newState = adhocctlState;
u32 flags = params->first;
u32 error = params->second;
u32_le args[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
args[0] = flags;
args[1] = error;
u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0);
// FIXME: When Joining a group, Do we need to wait for group creator's peer data before triggering the callback to make sure the game not to thinks we're the group creator?
if ((flags != ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT && flags != ADHOCCTL_EVENT_GAME) || adhocConnectionType != ADHOC_JOIN || getActivePeerCount() > 0 || static_cast<s64>(now - adhocctlStartTime) > adhocDefaultTimeout)
// Since 0 is a valid index to types_ we use -1 to detects if it was loaded from an old save state
if (actionAfterAdhocMipsCall < 0) {
actionAfterAdhocMipsCall = __KernelRegisterActionType(AfterAdhocMipsCall::Create);
delayus = adhocEventPollDelay; // May need to add an extra delay if a certain I/O Timing method causing disconnection issue
switch (flags) {
if (adhocConnectionType == ADHOC_CREATE)
delayus = adhocEventDelay; // May affects Dissidia 012 and GTA VCS
else if (adhocConnectionType == ADHOC_CONNECT)
delayus = adhocEventDelay / 2;
case ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN: // notified only when scan completed?
//delayus = adhocEventDelay / 2;
delayus = adhocDefaultDelay; // Tekken 5 expects AdhocctlDisconnect to be done within ~17ms (a frame?)
delayus = adhocEventDelay;
// TODO: Use blocking PTP connection to sync the timing just like official prx did (which is done before notifying user-defined Adhocctl Handlers)
// Workaround: Extra delay to prevent Joining player to progress faster than the Creator on Pocket Pool, but unbalanced delays could cause an issue on Shaun White Snowboarding :(
if (adhocConnectionType == ADHOC_JOIN)
delayus += adhocExtraDelay * 3;
// Shows player list
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode - All players have joined:");
int i = 0;
for (auto& mac : gameModeMacs) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode macAddress#%d=%s", i++, mac2str(&mac).c_str());
delayus = adhocDefaultDelay * 3;
for (std::map<int, AdhocctlHandler>::iterator it = adhocctlHandlers.begin(); it != adhocctlHandlers.end(); ++it) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "AdhocctlCallback: [ID=%i][EVENT=%i][Error=%08x]", it->first, flags, error);
args[2] = it->second.argument;
AfterAdhocMipsCall* after = (AfterAdhocMipsCall*)__KernelCreateAction(actionAfterAdhocMipsCall);
after->SetData(it->first, flags, args[2]);
hleEnqueueCall(it->second.entryPoint, 3, args, after);
// Since we don't have beforeAction, simulate it using ScheduleEvent
ScheduleAdhocctlState(flags, newState, delayus, "adhocctl callback state");
// Must be delayed long enough whenever there is a pending callback. Should it be 100-500ms for Adhocctl Events? or Not Less than the delays on sceNetAdhocctl HLE?
void __NetMatchingCallbacks() //(int matchingId)
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> adhocGuard(adhocEvtMtx);
// Note: Super Pocket Tennis / Thrillville Off the Rails seems to have a very short timeout (ie. ~5ms) while waiting for the event to arrived on the callback handler, but Lord of Arcana may not work well with 5ms (~3m or ~10ms seems to be good)
// Games with 4-players or more (ie. Gundam: Senjou No Kizuna Portable) will also need lower delay/latency (ie. ~3ms seems to be good, 2ms or lower doesn't work well) so MatchingEvents can be processed faster, thus won't be piling up in the queue.
// Using 3ms seems to fix Player list issue on StarWars The Force Unleashed.
int delayus = 3000;
auto params = matchingEvents.begin();
if (params != matchingEvents.end()) {
u32_le args[6];
memcpy(args, params->data, sizeof(args));
auto context = findMatchingContext(args[0]);
if (actionAfterMatchingMipsCall < 0) {
actionAfterMatchingMipsCall = __KernelRegisterActionType(AfterMatchingMipsCall::Create);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "AdhocMatching - Remaining Events: %zu", matchingEvents.size());
auto peer = findPeer(context, (SceNetEtherAddr*)Memory::GetPointer(args[2]));
// Discard HELLO Events when in the middle of joining, as some games (ie. Super Pocket Tennis) might tried to join again (TODO: Need to confirm whether sceNetAdhocMatchingSelectTarget supposed to be blocking the current thread or not)
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "AdhocMatchingCallback: [ID=%i][EVENT=%i][%s]", args[0], args[1], mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr *)Memory::GetPointer(args[2])).c_str());
AfterMatchingMipsCall* after = (AfterMatchingMipsCall*)__KernelCreateAction(actionAfterMatchingMipsCall);
after->SetData(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
hleEnqueueCall(args[5], 5, args, after);
else {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "AdhocMatching - Discarding Callback: [ID=%i][EVENT=%i][%s]", args[0], args[1], mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)Memory::GetPointer(args[2])).c_str());
// Must be delayed long enough whenever there is a pending callback. Should it be 10-100ms for Matching Events? or Not Less than the delays on sceNetAdhocMatching HLE?
const HLEFunction sceNetAdhoc[] = {
{0XE1D621D7, &WrapU_V<sceNetAdhocInit>, "sceNetAdhocInit", 'x', "" },
{0XA62C6F57, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocTerm>, "sceNetAdhocTerm", 'i', "" },
{0X0AD043ED, &WrapI_C<sceNetAdhocctlConnect>, "sceNetAdhocctlConnect", 'i', "s" },
{0X6F92741B, &WrapI_CIIU<sceNetAdhocPdpCreate>, "sceNetAdhocPdpCreate", 'i', "siix" },
{0XABED3790, &WrapI_ICUVIII<sceNetAdhocPdpSend>, "sceNetAdhocPdpSend", 'i', "isxpiii" },
{0XDFE53E03, &WrapI_IVVVVUI<sceNetAdhocPdpRecv>, "sceNetAdhocPdpRecv", 'i', "ippppxi" },
{0X7F27BB5E, &WrapI_II<sceNetAdhocPdpDelete>, "sceNetAdhocPdpDelete", 'i', "ii" },
{0XC7C1FC57, &WrapI_UU<sceNetAdhocGetPdpStat>, "sceNetAdhocGetPdpStat", 'i', "xx" },
{0X157E6225, &WrapI_II<sceNetAdhocPtpClose>, "sceNetAdhocPtpClose", 'i', "ii" },
{0X4DA4C788, &WrapI_IUUII<sceNetAdhocPtpSend>, "sceNetAdhocPtpSend", 'i', "ixxii" },
{0X877F6D66, &WrapI_CICIIIII<sceNetAdhocPtpOpen>, "sceNetAdhocPtpOpen", 'i', "sisiiiii" },
{0X8BEA2B3E, &WrapI_IUUII<sceNetAdhocPtpRecv>, "sceNetAdhocPtpRecv", 'i', "ixxii" },
{0X9DF81198, &WrapI_IUUII<sceNetAdhocPtpAccept>, "sceNetAdhocPtpAccept", 'i', "ixxii" },
{0XE08BDAC1, &WrapI_CIIIIII<sceNetAdhocPtpListen>, "sceNetAdhocPtpListen", 'i', "siiiiii" },
{0XFC6FC07B, &WrapI_III<sceNetAdhocPtpConnect>, "sceNetAdhocPtpConnect", 'i', "iii" },
{0X9AC2EEAC, &WrapI_III<sceNetAdhocPtpFlush>, "sceNetAdhocPtpFlush", 'i', "iii" },
{0XB9685118, &WrapI_UU<sceNetAdhocGetPtpStat>, "sceNetAdhocGetPtpStat", 'i', "xx" },
{0X3278AB0C, &WrapI_CUI<sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateReplica>, "sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateReplica", 'i', "sxi" },
{0X98C204C8, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateMaster>, "sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateMaster", 'i', "" },
{0XFA324B4E, &WrapI_IU<sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateReplica>, "sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateReplica", 'i', "ix" },
{0XA0229362, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteMaster>, "sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteMaster", 'i', "" },
{0X0B2228E9, &WrapI_I<sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteReplica>, "sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteReplica", 'i', "i" },
{0X7F75C338, &WrapI_UI<sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateMaster>, "sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateMaster", 'i', "xi" },
{0X73BFD52D, &WrapI_II<sceNetAdhocSetSocketAlert>, "sceNetAdhocSetSocketAlert", 'i', "ii" },
{0X4D2CE199, &WrapI_IU<sceNetAdhocGetSocketAlert>, "sceNetAdhocGetSocketAlert", 'i', "ix" },
{0X7A662D6B, &WrapI_UIII<sceNetAdhocPollSocket>, "sceNetAdhocPollSocket", 'i', "xiii" },
// Fake function for PPSSPP's use.
{0X756E6E6F, &WrapV_V<__NetTriggerCallbacks>, "__NetTriggerCallbacks", 'v', "" },
const HLEFunction sceNetAdhocMatching[] = {
{0X2A2A1E07, &WrapI_U<sceNetAdhocMatchingInit>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingInit", 'i', "x" },
{0X7945ECDA, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocMatchingTerm>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingTerm", 'i', "" },
{0XCA5EDA6F, &WrapI_IIIIIIIIU<sceNetAdhocMatchingCreate>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingCreate", 'i', "iiiiiiiix"},
{0X93EF3843, &WrapI_IIIIIIU<sceNetAdhocMatchingStart>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingStart", 'i', "iiiiiix" },
{0xE8454C65, &WrapI_IIIIIIIIU<sceNetAdhocMatchingStart2>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingStart2", 'i', "iiiiiiiix"},
{0X32B156B3, &WrapI_I<sceNetAdhocMatchingStop>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingStop", 'i', "i" },
{0XF16EAF4F, &WrapI_I<sceNetAdhocMatchingDelete>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingDelete", 'i', "i" },
{0X5E3D4B79, &WrapI_ICIU<sceNetAdhocMatchingSelectTarget>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingSelectTarget", 'i', "isix" },
{0XEA3C6108, &WrapI_IC<sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTarget>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTarget", 'i', "is" },
{0X8F58BEDF, &WrapI_ICIU<sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTargetWithOpt>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTargetWithOpt", 'i', "isix" },
{0XB5D96C2A, &WrapI_IUU<sceNetAdhocMatchingGetHelloOpt>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingGetHelloOpt", 'i', "ixx" },
{0XB58E61B7, &WrapI_IIU<sceNetAdhocMatchingSetHelloOpt>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingSetHelloOpt", 'i', "iix" },
{0XC58BCD9E, &WrapI_IUU<sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers", 'i', "ixx" },
{0XF79472D7, &WrapI_ICIU<sceNetAdhocMatchingSendData>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingSendData", 'i', "isix" },
{0XEC19337D, &WrapI_IC<sceNetAdhocMatchingAbortSendData>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingAbortSendData", 'i', "is" },
{0X40F8F435, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolMaxAlloc>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolMaxAlloc", 'i', "" },
{0X9C5CFB7D, &WrapI_U<sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolStat>, "sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolStat", 'i', "x" },
// Fake function for PPSSPP's use.
{0X756E6F00, &WrapV_V<__NetMatchingCallbacks>, "__NetMatchingCallbacks", 'v', "" },
int NetAdhocctl_ExitGameMode() {
if (gameModeSocket > 0) {
NetAdhocPdp_Delete(gameModeSocket, 0);
gameModeSocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET;
adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE;
netAdhocGameModeEntered = false;
return NetAdhocctl_Disconnect();
static int sceNetAdhocctlExitGameMode() {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlExitGameMode() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
return NetAdhocctl_ExitGameMode();
static int sceNetAdhocctlGetGameModeInfo(u32 infoAddr) {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlGetGameModeInfo(%08x)", infoAddr);
if (!netAdhocctlInited)
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(infoAddr))
return hleLogError(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
SceNetAdhocctlGameModeInfo* gmInfo = (SceNetAdhocctlGameModeInfo*)Memory::GetPointer(infoAddr);
// Writes number of participants and each participating MAC address into infoAddr/gmInfo
gmInfo->num = static_cast<s32_le>(gameModeMacs.size());
int i = 0;
for (auto& mac : gameModeMacs) {
VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode macAddress#%d=%s", i, mac2str(&mac).c_str());
gmInfo->members[i++] = mac;
return 0;
static int sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerList(u32 sizeAddr, u32 bufAddr) {
s32_le *buflen = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(sizeAddr)) buflen = (s32_le *)Memory::GetPointer(sizeAddr);
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu *buf = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(bufAddr)) buf = (SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu *)Memory::GetPointer(bufAddr);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerList([%08x]=%i, %08x) at %08x", sizeAddr, /*buflen ? *buflen : -1*/Memory::Read_U32(sizeAddr), bufAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
if (!g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
return -1;
// Initialized Library
if (netAdhocctlInited) {
// Minimum Arguments
if (buflen != NULL) {
// FIXME: Sometimes returing 0x80410682 when Adhocctl is still BUSY or before AdhocctlGetState became ADHOCCTL_STATE_CONNECTED or related to Auth/Library ?
// Multithreading Lock
bool excludeTimedout = true;
// Length Calculation Mode
if (buf == NULL) {
int activePeers = getActivePeerCount(excludeTimedout);
*buflen = activePeers * sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "PeerList [Active: %i]", activePeers);
// Normal Mode
else {
// Discovery Counter
int discovered = 0;
// Calculate Request Count
int requestcount = *buflen / sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu);
// FIXME: When bufAddr is not null but buffer size is smaller than activePeers * sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu), simply return buffer size = 0 without filling the buffer?
// Clear Memory
memset(buf, 0, *buflen);
// Minimum Arguments
if (requestcount > 0) {
// Peer Reference
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = friends;
// Iterate Peers
for (; peer != NULL && discovered < requestcount; peer = peer->next) {
// Exclude Soon to be timedout peers?
if (!excludeTimedout || peer->last_recv != 0) {
// Faking Last Receive Time
if (peer->last_recv != 0)
peer->last_recv = std::max(peer->last_recv, CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - defaultLastRecvDelta);
// Copy Peer Info
buf[discovered].nickname = peer->nickname;
buf[discovered].mac_addr = peer->mac_addr;
buf[discovered].flags = 0x0400;
buf[discovered].last_recv = peer->last_recv;
u32_le ipaddr = peer->ip_addr;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Peer [%s][%s][%s][%llu]", mac2str(&peer->mac_addr).c_str(), ip2str(*(in_addr*)&ipaddr).c_str(), (const char*)&peer->nickname.data, peer->last_recv);
// Link List
for (int i = 0; i < discovered - 1; i++) {
// Link Network
buf[i].next = bufAddr+(sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu)*i) + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu);
// Fix Last Element
if (discovered > 0) buf[discovered - 1].next = 0;
// Fix Size
*buflen = discovered * sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "PeerList [Requested: %i][Discovered: %i]", requestcount, discovered);
// Multithreading Unlock
// Return Success
return hleDelayResult(0, "delay 100 ~ 1000us", 100); // seems to have different thread running within the delay duration
// Invalid Arguments
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_INVALID_ARG, "invalid arg");
// Uninitialized Library
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, ERROR_NET_ADHOCCTL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "not initialized");
static int sceNetAdhocctlGetAddrByName(const char *nickName, u32 sizeAddr, u32 bufAddr) {
s32_le *buflen = NULL; //int32_t
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(sizeAddr)) buflen = (s32_le *)Memory::GetPointer(sizeAddr);
memcpy(nckName, nickName, ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN); // Copied to null-terminated var to prevent unexpected behaviour on Logs
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocctlGetAddrByName, SCENET, "UNTESTED sceNetAdhocctlGetAddrByName(%s, [%08x]=%d/%zu, %08x) at %08x", nckName, sizeAddr, buflen ? *buflen : -1, sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu), bufAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
// Library initialized
if (netAdhocctlInited)
// Valid Arguments
if (nickName != NULL && buflen != NULL)
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu *buf = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(bufAddr)) buf = (SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu *)Memory::GetPointer(bufAddr);
// Multithreading Lock
// Length Calculation Mode
if (buf == NULL) {
int foundName = getNicknameCount(nickName);
*buflen = foundName * sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "PeerNameList [%s: %i]", nickName, foundName);
// Normal Information Mode
// Clear Memory
memset(buf, 0, *buflen);
// Discovered Player Count
int discovered = 0;
// Calculate Requested Elements
int requestcount = *buflen / sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu);
// Minimum Space available
if (requestcount > 0)
// Local Nickname Matches
if (strncmp((char *)¶meter.nickname.data, nickName, ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN) == 0)
// Get Local IP Address
sockaddr_in addr;
SceNetEtherAddr mac;
buf[discovered].nickname = parameter.nickname;
buf[discovered].nickname.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0; // last char need to be null-terminated char
buf[discovered].mac_addr = mac;
buf[discovered].flags = 0x0400;
u64 lastrecv = std::max(0LL, static_cast<s64>(CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - defaultLastRecvDelta));
buf[discovered++].last_recv = lastrecv;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Peer [%s][%s][%s][%llu]", mac2str(&mac).c_str(), ip2str(addr.sin_addr).c_str(), nickName, lastrecv);
// Peer Reference
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = friends;
// Iterate Peers
for (; peer != NULL && discovered < requestcount; peer = peer->next)
// Match found
if (peer->last_recv != 0 && strncmp((char *)&peer->nickname.data, nickName, ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN) == 0)
// Fake Receive Time
peer->last_recv = std::max(peer->last_recv, CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() - defaultLastRecvDelta);
// Copy Peer Info
buf[discovered].nickname = peer->nickname;
buf[discovered].nickname.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0; // last char need to be null-terminated char
buf[discovered].mac_addr = peer->mac_addr;
buf[discovered].flags = 0x0400;
buf[discovered++].last_recv = peer->last_recv;
u32_le ipaddr = peer->ip_addr;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Peer [%s][%s][%s][%llu]", mac2str(&peer->mac_addr).c_str(), ip2str(*(in_addr*)&ipaddr).c_str(), (const char*)&peer->nickname.data, peer->last_recv);
// Link List
for (int i = 0; i < discovered - 1; i++)
// Link Network
buf[i].next = bufAddr + (sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu)*i) + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu);
// Fix Last Element
if (discovered > 0) buf[discovered - 1].next = 0;
// Fix Buffer Size
*buflen = discovered * sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoEmu);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "PeerNameList [%s][Requested: %i][Discovered: %i]", nickName, requestcount, discovered);
// Multithreading Unlock
// Return Success
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, hleDelayResult(0, "delay 100 ~ 1000us", 100), "success"); // FIXME: Might have similar delay with GetPeerList? need to know which games using this tho
// Invalid Arguments
// Library uninitialized
const HLEFunction sceNetAdhocctl[] = {
{0XE26F226E, &WrapU_IIU<sceNetAdhocctlInit>, "sceNetAdhocctlInit", 'x', "iix" },
{0X9D689E13, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocctlTerm>, "sceNetAdhocctlTerm", 'i', "" },
{0X20B317A0, &WrapU_UU<sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler>, "sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler", 'x', "xx" },
{0X6402490B, &WrapU_U<sceNetAdhocctlDelHandler>, "sceNetAdhocctlDelHandler", 'x', "x" },
{0X34401D65, &WrapU_V<sceNetAdhocctlDisconnect>, "sceNetAdhocctlDisconnect", 'x', "" },
{0X0AD043ED, &WrapI_C<sceNetAdhocctlConnect>, "sceNetAdhocctlConnect", 'i', "s" },
{0X08FFF7A0, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocctlScan>, "sceNetAdhocctlScan", 'i', "" },
{0X75ECD386, &WrapI_U<sceNetAdhocctlGetState>, "sceNetAdhocctlGetState", 'i', "x" },
{0X8916C003, &WrapI_CU<sceNetAdhocctlGetNameByAddr>, "sceNetAdhocctlGetNameByAddr", 'i', "sx" },
{0XDED9D28E, &WrapI_U<sceNetAdhocctlGetParameter>, "sceNetAdhocctlGetParameter", 'i', "x" },
{0X81AEE1BE, &WrapI_UU<sceNetAdhocctlGetScanInfo>, "sceNetAdhocctlGetScanInfo", 'i', "xx" },
{0X5E7F79C9, &WrapI_U<sceNetAdhocctlJoin>, "sceNetAdhocctlJoin", 'i', "x" },
{0X8DB83FDC, &WrapI_CIU<sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerInfo>, "sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerInfo", 'i', "six" },
{0XEC0635C1, &WrapI_C<sceNetAdhocctlCreate>, "sceNetAdhocctlCreate", 'i', "s" },
{0XA5C055CE, &WrapI_CIIUII<sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameMode>, "sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameMode", 'i', "siixii" },
{0X1FF89745, &WrapI_CCII<sceNetAdhocctlJoinEnterGameMode>, "sceNetAdhocctlJoinEnterGameMode", 'i', "ssii" },
{0XCF8E084D, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocctlExitGameMode>, "sceNetAdhocctlExitGameMode", 'i', "" },
{0XE162CB14, &WrapI_UU<sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerList>, "sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerList", 'i', "xx" },
{0X362CBE8F, &WrapI_U<sceNetAdhocctlGetAdhocId>, "sceNetAdhocctlGetAdhocId", 'i', "x" },
{0X5A014CE0, &WrapI_U<sceNetAdhocctlGetGameModeInfo>, "sceNetAdhocctlGetGameModeInfo", 'i', "x" },
{0X99560ABE, &WrapI_CUU<sceNetAdhocctlGetAddrByName>, "sceNetAdhocctlGetAddrByName", 'i', "sxx" },
{0XB0B80E80, &WrapI_CIIIUUI<sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameModeMin>, "sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameModeMin", 'i', "siiixxi" }, // ??
// Return value: 0/0x80410005/0x80411301/error returned from sceNetAdhocctl_lib_F8BABD85[/error returned from sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt?]
int sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart(u32 paramAddr) {
WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart, SCENET, "UNIMPL sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart(%08x) at %08x", paramAddr, currentMIPS->pc);
// FIXME: Most AdhocDiscover syscalls will return 0x80410005 if (sceKernelCheckThreadStack_user() < 0x00000FE0), AdhocDiscover seems to be storing some data in the stack, while we use global variables for these
if (sceKernelCheckThreadStack() < 0x00000FE0)
return 0x80410005;
// TODO: Allocate internal buffer/struct (on the stack?) to be returned on sceNetAdhocDiscoverUpdate (the struct may contains WLAN channel from sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt at offset 0xA0 ?), setup adhocctl state callback handler to detects state change (using sceNetAdhocctl_lib_F8BABD85(stateCallbackFunction=0x09F436F8, adhocctlStateCallbackArg=0x0) on JPCSP+prx)
u32 bufSize = 256; // dummy size, not sure how large it supposed to be, may be at least 0x3c bytes like in param->unknown2 ?
if (netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr == 0) {
netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr = userMemory.Alloc(bufSize, true, "AdhocDiscover"); // The address returned on DiscoverUpdate seems to be much higher than the param address, closer to the internal stateCallbackFunction address
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr))
return 0x80410005;
Memory::Memset(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr, 0, bufSize);
// FIME: Not sure what is this address 0x000010B0 used for (current Step may be?), but return 0x80411301 if (*((int *) 0x000010B0) != 0)
//if (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80) != 0) //if (*((int*)Memory::GetPointer(0x000010B0)) != 0)
// return 0x80411301; // Already Initialized/Started?
// TODO: Need to findout whether using invalid params or param address will return an error code or not
netAdhocDiscoverParam = (SceNetAdhocDiscoverParam*)Memory::GetPointer(paramAddr);
if (!netAdhocDiscoverParam)
return hleLogError(SCENET, -1, "invalid param?");
// FIXME: paramAddr seems to be stored at 0x000010D8 without validating the value first
//*((int*)Memory::GetPointer(0x000010D8)) = paramAddr;
// Based on Legend Of The Dragon:
// The 1st 24 x 32bit(addr) seems to be pointers to subroutine containings sceNetAdhocctlCreate/sceNetAdhocctlJoin/sceNetAdhocctlDisconnect/sceNetAdhocctlScan/sceNetRand/sceKernelGetSystemTimeWide/etc.
// Offset 0x60: 10 00 06 06
// Offset 0x70: FF FF FF FF (before Init) -> 00 00 00 00 (after Init) -> FF FF FF FF (after Term) // Seems to be value returned from sceNetAdhocctl_lib_F8BABD85, and the address (0x000010A0) seems to be the lowest one for storing data
// Offset 0x80: 00 -> 0B/0C/0D/13 -> 00 // This seems to be (current step?) at address at 0x000010B0 (ie. *((int *) 0x000010B0) = 0x0000000B), something todo with param->unknown1(sleep mode?)
// Offset 0x84: 00 -> 03 -> 03 // somekind of State? Something todo with param->unknown1(sleep mode?) along with data at 0x000010B0 (current step?)
// Offset 0x98: 0000 -> 0000/0200 -> 0000 // This seems to be somekind of flags at 0x000010C8 (ie. *((int *) 0x000010C8) = (var4 | 0x00000080)), something todo with data at 0x000010B0 (current step?)
// Offset 0xA0: WLAN channel from sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt (ie. sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt(0x00000002, 0x000010D0) on decompiled prx, but on JPCSP+prx Logs it's sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt(0x00000002, 0x09F43FD0))
// Offset 0xA4: Seems to be at 0x000010D4 and related to RequestSuspend
// Offset 0xA8: paramAddr // This seems to be a fixed address at 0x000010D8 (ie. *((int *) 0x000010D8) = paramAddr)
// The rest are zeroed
Memory::Write_U32(0x06060010, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x60);
Memory::Write_U32(0xffffffff, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x70);
if (netAdhocDiscoverParam->unknown1 == 0) {
Memory::Write_U32(0x0B, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80);
Memory::Write_U32(0x03, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x84);
else if (netAdhocDiscoverParam->unknown1 == 1) {
Memory::Write_U32(0x0F, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80);
Memory::Write_U32(0x04, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x84);
Memory::Write_U32(0, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x98);
Memory::Write_U32(g_Config.iWlanAdhocChannel, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0xA0);
Memory::Write_U32(0, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0xA4);
Memory::Write_U32(paramAddr, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0xA8);
char grpName[ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
memcpy(grpName, netAdhocDiscoverParam->groupName, ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN); // For logging purpose, must not be truncated
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart - Param.Unknown1 : %08x", netAdhocDiscoverParam->unknown1);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart - Param.GroupName: [%s]", grpName);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart - Param.Unknown2 : %08x", netAdhocDiscoverParam->unknown2);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart - Param.Result : %08x", netAdhocDiscoverParam->result);
// TODO: Check whether we're already in the correct group and change the status and result accordingly
netAdhocDiscoverIsStopping = false;
netAdhocDiscoverParam->result = NET_ADHOC_DISCOVER_RESULT_NO_PEER_FOUND;
netAdhocDiscoverStartTime = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
return hleLogSuccessInfoX(SCENET, 0);
// Note1: When canceling the progress, Legend Of The Dragon will use DiscoverStop -> AdhocctlDisconnect -> DiscoverTerm (when status changed to 2)
// Note2: When result = NO_PEER_FOUND or PEER_FOUND the progress can no longer be canceled on Legend Of The Dragon
int sceNetAdhocDiscoverStop() {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL sceNetAdhocDiscoverStop()");
if (sceKernelCheckThreadStack() < 0x00000FF0)
return 0x80410005;
if (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80) > 0 && (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80)^0x13) > 0) {
Memory::Write_U32(Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x98) | 0x20, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x98);
Memory::Write_U32(0, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0xA4);
// FIXME: Doesn't seems to be immediately changed the status, may be waiting until Disconnected from Adhocctl before changing the status to Completed?
netAdhocDiscoverIsStopping = true;
//if (netAdhocDiscoverParam) netAdhocDiscoverParam->result = NET_ADHOC_DISCOVER_RESULT_CANCELED;
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocDiscoverTerm() {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL sceNetAdhocDiscoverTerm() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
if (sceKernelCheckThreadStack() < 0x00000FF0)
return 0x80410005;
if (!(Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80) > 0 && (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80) ^ 0x13) > 0))
return 0x80411301; // Not Initialized/Started yet?
// TODO: Use sceNetAdhocctl_lib_1C679240 to remove adhocctl state callback handler setup in sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart
/*if (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x70) >= 0) {
LinkDiscoverSkip(Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x70)); //sceNetAdhocctl_lib_1C679240
Memory::Write_U32(0xffffffff, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x70);
Memory::Write_U32(0, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80);
Memory::Write_U32(0, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0xA8);
//if (netAdhocDiscoverParam) netAdhocDiscoverParam->result = NET_ADHOC_DISCOVER_RESULT_NO_PEER_FOUND; // Test: Using result = NET_ADHOC_DISCOVER_RESULT_NO_PEER_FOUND will trigger Legend Of The Dragon to call sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerList after DiscoverTerm
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr)) {
netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr = 0;
netAdhocDiscoverIsStopping = false;
return 0;
int sceNetAdhocDiscoverGetStatus() {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL sceNetAdhocDiscoverGetStatus() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
if (sceKernelCheckThreadStack() < 0x00000FF0)
return 0x80410005;
if (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80) <= 0)
return 0;
if (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80) <= 0x13)
return 1;
if (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80) == 0x13)
return 2;
return hleLogDebug(SCENET, netAdhocDiscoverStatus); // Returning 2 will trigger Legend Of The Dragon to call sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerList (only happened if it was the first sceNetAdhocDiscoverGetStatus after sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart)
int sceNetAdhocDiscoverRequestSuspend()
ERROR_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(sceNetAdhocDiscoverRequestSuspend, SCENET, "UNIMPL sceNetAdhocDiscoverRequestSuspend() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
// FIXME: Not sure what is this syscall used for, may be related to Sleep Mode and can be triggered by using Power/Hold Switch? (based on what's written on Dissidia 012)
if (sceKernelCheckThreadStack() < 0x00000FF0)
return 0x80410005;
if (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0xA4) == 0)
return 0x80411303; // Already Suspended?
if (Memory::Read_U32(netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0x80) != 0)
return 0x80411303; // Already Suspended?
int ret = sceNetAdhocctl_lib_1572422C();
if (ret >= 0)
Memory::Write_U32(0, netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr + 0xA4);
return ret;
// Since we don't know what this supposed to do, and we currently don't have a working AdhocDiscover yet, may be we should cancel the progress for now?
netAdhocDiscoverIsStopping = true;
return hleLogError(SCENET, 0);
int sceNetAdhocDiscoverUpdate() {
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "UNIMPL sceNetAdhocDiscoverUpdate() at %08x", currentMIPS->pc);
if (sceKernelCheckThreadStack() < 0x00000FF0)
return 0x80410005;
// TODO: Use switch case for each Step
if (netAdhocDiscoverStatus == NET_ADHOC_DISCOVER_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS) {
//u64 now = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
if (netAdhocDiscoverIsStopping /*|| now >= netAdhocDiscoverStartTime + DISCOVER_DURATION_US*/) {
// Fake a successful completion after some time (or when detecting another player in the same Group?)
if (netAdhocDiscoverParam)
return hleDelayResult(hleLogDebug(SCENET, 0/*netAdhocDiscoverBufAddr*/), "adhoc discover update", 300); // FIXME: Based on JPCSP+prx, it seems to be returning a pointer to the internal buffer/struct (only when status = 1 ?), But when i stepped the code it returns 0 (might be a bug on JPCSP LLE Logging?)
const HLEFunction sceNetAdhocDiscover[] = {
{0X941B3877, &WrapI_U<sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart>, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart", 'i', "x" },
{0X52DE1B97, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocDiscoverUpdate>, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverUpdate", 'i', "" },
{0X944DDBC6, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocDiscoverGetStatus>, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverGetStatus", 'i', "" },
{0XA2246614, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocDiscoverTerm>, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverTerm", 'i', "" },
{0XF7D13214, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocDiscoverStop>, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverStop", 'i', "" },
{0XA423A21B, &WrapI_V<sceNetAdhocDiscoverRequestSuspend>, "sceNetAdhocDiscoverRequestSuspend", 'i', "" },
void Register_sceNetAdhoc() {
RegisterModule("sceNetAdhoc", ARRAY_SIZE(sceNetAdhoc), sceNetAdhoc);
RegisterModule("sceNetAdhocMatching", ARRAY_SIZE(sceNetAdhocMatching), sceNetAdhocMatching);
RegisterModule("sceNetAdhocDiscover", ARRAY_SIZE(sceNetAdhocDiscover), sceNetAdhocDiscover);
RegisterModule("sceNetAdhocctl", ARRAY_SIZE(sceNetAdhocctl), sceNetAdhocctl);
* Broadcast Ping Message to other Matching Users
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
void broadcastPingMessage(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context)
// Ping Opcode
// Send Broadcast
// FIXME: Not sure whether this PING supposed to be sent only to AdhocMatching members or to everyone in Adhocctl Group, since we already pinging the AdhocServer to avoid getting kicked out of Adhocctl Group
auto peer = friends; // Use context->peerlist if only need to send to AdhocMatching members
for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) {
// Skipping soon to be removed peer
if (peer->last_recv == 0)
u16_le port = context->port;
auto it = (*context->peerPort).find(peer->mac_addr);
if (it != (*context->peerPort).end())
port = it->second;
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)&peer->mac_addr, port, &ping, sizeof(ping), 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
* Broadcast Hello Message to other Matching Users
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
void broadcastHelloMessage(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context)
static uint8_t * hello = NULL;
static int32_t len = -5;
// Allocate Hello Message Buffer, reuse when necessary
if ((int32_t)context->hellolen > len) {
uint8_t* tmp = (uint8_t *)realloc(hello, 5LL + context->hellolen);
if (tmp != NULL) {
hello = tmp;
len = context->hellolen;
// Allocated Hello Message Buffer
if (hello != NULL)
// Hello Opcode
// Hello Data Length (have to memcpy this to avoid cpu alignment crash)
memcpy(hello + 1, &context->hellolen, sizeof(context->hellolen));
// FIXME: When using JPCSP + prx files the data being sent have a header of 12 bytes instead of 5 bytes:
// [01(always 1? size of the next data? or combined with next byte as U16_BE opcode?) 01(matching opcode, or combined with previous byte as U16_BE opcode?) 01 E0(size of next data + hello data in big-endian/U16_BE) 00 0F 42 40(U32_BE? time?) 00 0F 42 40(U32_BE? time?)],
// followed by hello data (0x1D8 bytes of opt data, based on Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki), and followed by 16 bytes of (optional?) footer [01 00 00 .. 00 00](footer doesn't exist if the size after opcode is 00 00)
// Copy Hello Data
if (context->hellolen > 0) memcpy(hello + 5, context->hello, context->hellolen);
std::string hellohex;
DataToHexString(10, 0, context->hello, context->hellolen, &hellohex);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "HELLO Dump (%d bytes):\n%s", context->hellolen, hellohex.c_str());
// Send Broadcast, so everyone know we have a room here
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo* peer = friends;
for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) {
// Skipping soon to be removed peer
if (peer->last_recv == 0)
u16_le port = context->port;
auto it = (*context->peerPort).find(peer->mac_addr);
if (it != (*context->peerPort).end())
port = it->second;
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)&peer->mac_addr, port, hello, 5 + context->hellolen, 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Free Memory, not needed since it may be reused again later
* Send Accept Packet to Player
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param mac Target Player MAC
* @param optlen Optional Data Length
* @param opt Optional Data
void sendAcceptPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * mac, int optlen, void * opt)
// Lock the peer
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> peer_guard(peerlock);
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, mac);
// Found Peer
if (peer != NULL && (peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD || peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_P2P))
// Required Sibling Buffer
uint32_t siblingbuflen = 0;
// Parent Mode
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT) siblingbuflen = (u32)sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr) * (countConnectedPeers(context) - 2);
// Sibling Count
int siblingcount = siblingbuflen / sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr);
// Allocate Accept Message Buffer
uint8_t * accept = (uint8_t *)malloc(9LL + optlen + siblingbuflen);
// Allocated Accept Message Buffer
if (accept != NULL)
// Accept Opcode
// Optional Data Length
memcpy(accept + 1, &optlen, sizeof(optlen));
// Sibling Count
memcpy(accept + 5, &siblingcount, sizeof(siblingcount));
// Copy Optional Data
if (optlen > 0) memcpy(accept + 9, opt, optlen);
// Parent Mode Extra Data required
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT && siblingcount > 0)
// Create MAC Array Pointer
uint8_t * siblingmacs = (uint8_t *)(accept + 9 + optlen);
// MAC Writing Pointer
int i = 0;
// Iterate Peer List
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * item = context->peerlist;
for (; item != NULL; item = item->next)
// Ignore Target
if (item == peer) continue;
// Copy Child MAC
// Clone MAC the stupid memcpy way to shut up PSP CPU
memcpy(siblingmacs + sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr) * i++, &item->mac, sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr));
// Send Data
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)mac, (*context->peerPort)[*mac], accept, 9 + optlen + siblingbuflen, 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Free Memory
// Spawn Local Established Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ESTABLISHED, mac, 0, NULL);
* Send Join Packet to Player
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param mac Target Player MAC
* @param optlen Optional Data Length
* @param opt Optional Data
void sendJoinPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * mac, int optlen, void * opt)
// Lock the peer
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> peer_guard(peerlock);
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, mac);
// Valid Peer
// Allocate Join Message Buffer
uint8_t * join = (uint8_t *)malloc(5LL + optlen);
// Allocated Join Message Buffer
if (join != NULL)
// Join Opcode
// Optional Data Length
memcpy(join + 1, &optlen, sizeof(optlen));
// Copy Optional Data
if (optlen > 0) memcpy(join + 5, opt, optlen);
// Send Data
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)mac, (*context->peerPort)[*mac], join, 5 + optlen, 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Free Memory
* Send Cancel Packet to Player
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param mac Target Player MAC
* @param optlen Optional Data Length
* @param opt Optional Data
void sendCancelPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * mac, int optlen, void * opt)
// Lock the peer
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> peer_guard(peerlock);
// Allocate Cancel Message Buffer
uint8_t * cancel = (uint8_t *)malloc(5LL + optlen);
// Allocated Cancel Message Buffer
if (cancel != NULL)
// Cancel Opcode
// Optional Data Length
memcpy(cancel + 1, &optlen, sizeof(optlen));
// Copy Optional Data
if (optlen > 0) memcpy(cancel + 5, opt, optlen);
// Send Data
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)mac, (*context->peerPort)[*mac], cancel, 5 + optlen, 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Free Memory
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, mac);
// Found Peer
if (peer != NULL)
// Child Mode Fallback - Delete All
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD)
// Delete Peer List
// Delete Peer
else deletePeer(context, peer);
* Send Bulk Data Packet to Player
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param mac Target Player MAC
* @param datalen Data Length
* @param data Data
void sendBulkDataPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * mac, int datalen, void * data)
// Lock the peer
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> peer_guard(peerlock);
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, mac);
// Valid Peer (rest is already checked in send.c)
if (peer != NULL)
// Don't send if it's aborted
//if (peer->sending == 0) return;
// Allocate Send Message Buffer
uint8_t * send = (uint8_t *)malloc(5LL + datalen);
// Allocated Send Message Buffer
if (send != NULL)
// Send Opcode
// Data Length
memcpy(send + 1, &datalen, sizeof(datalen));
// Copy Data
memcpy(send + 5, data, datalen);
// Send Data
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)mac, (*context->peerPort)[*mac], send, 5 + datalen, 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Free Memory
// Remove Busy Bit from Peer
peer->sending = 0;
// Spawn Data Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_DATA_ACK, mac, 0, NULL);
* Tell Established Peers of new Child
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param mac New Child's MAC
void sendBirthPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * mac)
// Lock the peer
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> peer_guard(peerlock);
// Find Newborn Child
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * newborn = findPeer(context, mac);
// Found Newborn Child
if (newborn != NULL)
// Packet Buffer
uint8_t packet[7];
// Set Opcode
// Set Newborn MAC
memcpy(packet + 1, mac, sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr));
// Iterate Peers
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist;
for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next)
// Skip Newborn Child
if (peer == newborn) continue;
// Send only to children
// Send Packet
int sent = sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)&peer->mac, (*context->peerPort)[peer->mac], packet, sizeof(packet), 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Log Send Success
if (sent >= 0)
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "InputLoop: Sending BIRTH [%s] to %s", mac2str(mac).c_str(), mac2str(&peer->mac).c_str());
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "InputLoop: Failed to Send BIRTH [%s] to %s", mac2str(mac).c_str(), mac2str(&peer->mac).c_str());
* Tell Established Peers of abandoned Child
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param mac Dead Child's MAC
void sendDeathPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * mac)
// Lock the peer
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> peer_guard(peerlock);
// Find abandoned Child
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * deadkid = findPeer(context, mac);
// Found abandoned Child
if (deadkid != NULL)
// Packet Buffer
uint8_t packet[7];
// Set abandoned Child MAC
memcpy(packet + 1, mac, sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr));
// Iterate Peers
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist;
for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next)
// Skip dead Child? Or May be we should also tells the disconnected Child, that they have been disconnected from the Host (in the case they were disconnected because they went to PPSSPP settings for too long)
if (peer == deadkid) {
// Set Opcode
// Send Bye Packet
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)&peer->mac, (*context->peerPort)[peer->mac], packet, sizeof(packet[0]), 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Send to other children
// Set Opcode
// Send Death Packet
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)&peer->mac, (*context->peerPort)[peer->mac], packet, sizeof(packet), 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Delete Peer
deletePeer(context, deadkid);
* Tell Established Peers that we're shutting the Networking Layer down
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
void sendByePacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context)
// Lock the peer
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> peer_guard(peerlock);
// Iterate Peers
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist;
for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next)
// Peer of Interest
// Bye Opcode
// Send Bye Packet
sceNetAdhocPdpSend(context->socket, (const char*)&peer->mac, (*context->peerPort)[peer->mac], &opcode, sizeof(opcode), 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
* Handle Ping Packet
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param sendermac Packet Sender MAC
void actOnPingPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * sendermac)
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, sendermac);
// Found Peer
if (peer != NULL)
// Update Receive Timer
peer->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); //time_now_d()*1000000.0;
* Handle Hello Packet
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param sendermac Packet Sender MAC
* @param length Packet Length
void actOnHelloPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * sendermac, int32_t length)
// Interested in Hello Data
if ((context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD && findParent(context) == NULL) || (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_P2P && findP2P(context) == NULL))
// Complete Packet Header available
if (length >= 5)
// Extract Optional Data Length
int optlen = 0; memcpy(&optlen, context->rxbuf + 1, sizeof(optlen));
// Complete Valid Packet available
if (optlen >= 0 && length >= (5 + optlen))
// Set Default Null Data
void * opt = NULL;
// Extract Optional Data Pointer
if (optlen > 0) opt = context->rxbuf + 5;
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, sendermac);
// Peer not found
if (peer == NULL)
// Allocate Memory
peer = (SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal *)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal));
// Allocated Memory
if (peer != NULL)
// Clear Memory
memset(peer, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal));
// Copy Sender MAC
peer->mac = *sendermac;
// Set Peer State
// Initialize Ping Timer
peer->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); //time_now_d()*1000000.0;
// Link Peer into List
peer->next = context->peerlist;
context->peerlist = peer;
// Peer available now
std::string hellohex;
DataToHexString(10, 0, (u8*)opt, optlen, &hellohex);
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "HELLO Dump (%d bytes):\n%s", optlen, hellohex.c_str());
// Spawn Hello Event. FIXME: HELLO event should not be triggered in the middle of joining? This will cause Bleach 7 to Cancel the join request
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_HELLO, sendermac, optlen, opt);
* Handle Join Packet
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param sendermac Packet Sender MAC
* @param length Packet Length
void actOnJoinPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * sendermac, int32_t length)
// Not a child mode context
if (context->mode != PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD)
// We still got a unoccupied slot in our room (Parent / P2P)
if ((context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT && countChildren(context) < (context->maxpeers - 1)) || (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_P2P && findP2P(context) == NULL))
// Complete Packet Header available
if (length >= 5)
// Extract Optional Data Length
int optlen = 0; memcpy(&optlen, context->rxbuf + 1, sizeof(optlen));
// Complete Valid Packet available
if (optlen >= 0 && length >= (5 + optlen))
// Set Default Null Data
void * opt = NULL;
// Extract Optional Data Pointer
if (optlen > 0) opt = context->rxbuf + 5;
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, sendermac);
// If we got the peer in the table already and are a parent, there is nothing left to be done.
// This is because the only way a parent can know of a child is via a join request...
// If we thus know of a possible child, then we already had a previous join request thus no need for double tapping.
if (peer != NULL && peer->lastping != 0 && context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT) {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "Join Event(2) Ignored");
// New Peer
if (peer == NULL)
// Allocate Memory
peer = (SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal *)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal));
// Allocated Memory
if (peer != NULL)
// Clear Memory
memset(peer, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal));
// Copy Sender MAC
peer->mac = *sendermac;
// Set Peer State
// Initialize Ping Timer
peer->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); //time_now_d()*1000000.0;
// Link Peer into List
peer->next = context->peerlist;
context->peerlist = peer;
// Spawn Request Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_REQUEST, sendermac, optlen, opt);
// Return Success
// Existing Peer (this case is only reachable for P2P mode)
// Set Peer State
// Initialize Ping Timer
peer->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
// Spawn Request Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_REQUEST, sendermac, optlen, opt);
// Return Success
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "Join Event(2) Rejected");
// Auto-Reject Player
sendCancelPacket(context, sendermac, 0, NULL);
* Handle Accept Packet
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param sendermac Packet Sender MAC
* @param length Packet Length
void actOnAcceptPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * sendermac, uint32_t length)
// Not a parent context
if (context->mode != PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT)
// Don't have a master yet
if ((context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD && findParent(context) == NULL) || (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_P2P && findP2P(context) == NULL))
// Complete Packet Header available
if (length >= 9)
// Extract Optional Data Length
int optlen = 0; memcpy(&optlen, context->rxbuf + 1, sizeof(optlen));
// Extract Sibling Count
int siblingcount = 0; memcpy(&siblingcount, context->rxbuf + 5, sizeof(siblingcount));
// Complete Valid Packet available
if (optlen >= 0 && length >= (9LL + optlen + static_cast<long long>(sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr)) * siblingcount))
// Set Default Null Data
void * opt = NULL;
// Extract Optional Data Pointer
if (optlen > 0) opt = context->rxbuf + 9;
// Sibling MAC Array Null Data
SceNetEtherAddr * siblings = NULL;
// Extract Optional Sibling MAC Array
if (siblingcount > 0) siblings = (SceNetEtherAddr *)(context->rxbuf + 9 + optlen);
// Find Outgoing Request
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * request = findOutgoingRequest(context);
// We are waiting for a answer to our request...
if (request != NULL)
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, sendermac);
// It's the answer we wanted!
if (request == peer)
// Change Peer State
// Remove Unneeded Peer Information
// Add Sibling Peers
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD) {
// Add existing siblings
postAcceptAddSiblings(context, siblingcount, siblings);
// Add Self Peer to the following position (using peer->state = 0 to identify as Self)
addMember(context, &context->mac);
// IMPORTANT! The Event Order here is ok!
// Internally the Event Stack appends to the front, so the order will be switched around.
// Spawn Established Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ESTABLISHED, sendermac, 0, NULL);
// Spawn Accept Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ACCEPT, sendermac, optlen, opt);
* Handle Cancel Packet
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param sendermac Packet Sender MAC
* @param length Packet Length
void actOnCancelPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * sendermac, int32_t length)
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, sendermac);
// Interest Condition fulfilled
if (peer != NULL)
// Complete Packet Header available
if (length >= 5)
// Extract Optional Data Length
int optlen = 0; memcpy(&optlen, context->rxbuf + 1, sizeof(optlen));
// Complete Valid Packet available
if (optlen >= 0 && length >= (5 + optlen))
// Set Default Null Data
void * opt = NULL;
// Extract Optional Data Pointer
if (optlen > 0) opt = context->rxbuf + 5;
// Get Outgoing Join Request
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* request = findOutgoingRequest(context);
// Child Mode
if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD)
// Get Parent
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* parent = findParent(context);
// Join Request denied
if (request == peer)
// Spawn Deny Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_DENY, sendermac, optlen, opt);
// Delete Peer from List
deletePeer(context, peer);
// Kicked from Room
else if (parent == peer)
// Iterate Peers
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * item = context->peerlist;
for (; item != NULL; item = item->next)
// Established Peer
// Spawn Leave / Kick Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_LEAVE, &item->mac, optlen, opt);
// Delete Peer from List
// Parent Mode
else if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT)
// Cancel Join Request
// Spawn Request Cancel Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_CANCEL, sendermac, optlen, opt);
// Delete Peer from List
deletePeer(context, peer);
// Leave Room
else if (peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD)
// Spawn Leave / Kick Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_LEAVE, sendermac, optlen, opt);
// Delete Peer from List
deletePeer(context, peer);
// P2P Mode
// Get P2P Partner
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* p2p = findP2P(context);
// Join Request denied
if (request == peer)
// Spawn Deny Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_DENY, sendermac, optlen, opt);
// Delete Peer from List
deletePeer(context, peer);
// Kicked from Room
else if (p2p == peer)
// Spawn Leave / Kick Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_LEAVE, sendermac, optlen, opt);
// Delete Peer from List
deletePeer(context, peer);
// Cancel Join Request
// Spawn Request Cancel Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_CANCEL, sendermac, optlen, opt);
// Delete Peer from List
deletePeer(context, peer);
* Handle Bulk Data Packet
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param sendermac Packet Sender MAC
* @param length Packet Length
void actOnBulkDataPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * sendermac, int32_t length)
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, sendermac);
// Established Peer
if (peer != NULL && (
(context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_P2P && peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_P2P)))
// Complete Packet Header available
if (length > 5)
// Extract Data Length
int datalen = 0; memcpy(&datalen, context->rxbuf + 1, sizeof(datalen));
// Complete Valid Packet available
if (datalen > 0 && length >= (5 + datalen))
// Extract Data
void * data = context->rxbuf + 5;
// Spawn Data Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_DATA, sendermac, datalen, data);
* Handle Birth Packet
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param sendermac Packet Sender MAC
* @param length Packet Length
void actOnBirthPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * sendermac, uint32_t length)
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, sendermac);
// Valid Circumstances
if (peer != NULL && context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD && peer == findParent(context))
// Complete Packet available
if (length >= (1 + sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr)))
// Extract Child MAC
SceNetEtherAddr mac;
memcpy(&mac, context->rxbuf + 1, sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr));
// Allocate Memory
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * sibling = (SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal *)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal));
// Allocated Memory
if (sibling != NULL)
// Clear Memory
memset(sibling, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal));
// Save MAC Address
sibling->mac = mac;
// Set Peer State
// Initialize Ping Timer
sibling->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); //time_now_d()*1000000.0;
// Link Peer
sibling->next = context->peerlist;
context->peerlist = sibling;
// Spawn Established Event. FIXME: ESTABLISHED event should only be triggered for Parent/P2P peer?
//spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ESTABLISHED, &sibling->mac, 0, NULL);
* Handle Death Packet
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param sendermac Packet Sender MAC
* @param length Packet Length
void actOnDeathPacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * sendermac, uint32_t length)
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, sendermac);
// Valid Circumstances
if (peer != NULL && context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD && peer == findParent(context))
// Complete Packet available
if (length >= (1 + sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr)))
// Extract Child MAC
SceNetEtherAddr mac;
memcpy(&mac, context->rxbuf + 1, sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr));
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * deadkid = findPeer(context, &mac);
// Valid Sibling
if (deadkid->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD)
// Spawn Leave Event
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_LEAVE, &mac, 0, NULL);
// Delete Peer
deletePeer(context, deadkid);
* Handle Bye Packet
* @param context Matching Context Pointer
* @param sendermac Packet Sender MAC
void actOnByePacket(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * sendermac)
// Find Peer
SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, sendermac);
// We know this guy
if (peer != NULL)
// P2P or Child Bye
if ((context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT && peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD) ||
(context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_P2P && peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_P2P))
if (context->mode != PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD) {
// Spawn Leave / Kick Event. FIXME: DISCONNECT event should only be triggered on Parent/P2P mode and for Parent/P2P peer?
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_BYE, sendermac, 0, NULL);
// Delete Peer
deletePeer(context, peer);
// Instead of removing peer immediately, We should give a little time before removing the peer and let it timed out? just in case the game is in the middle of communicating with the peer on another thread so it won't recognize it as Unknown peer
//peer->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
// Parent Bye
else if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD && peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_PARENT)
// Spawn Leave / Kick Event. FIXME: DISCONNECT event should only be triggered on Parent/P2P mode and for Parent/P2P peer?
spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_BYE, sendermac, 0, NULL);
// Delete Peer from List
* Matching Event Dispatcher Thread
* @param args sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext *)
* @param argp SceNetAdhocMatchingContext *
* @return Exit Point is never reached...
int matchingEventThread(int matchingId)
// Multithreading Lock
// Cast Context
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Multithreading Unlock
// Log Startup
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "EventLoop: Begin of EventLoop[%i] Thread", matchingId);
// Run while needed...
if (context != NULL) {
u32 bufLen = context->rxbuflen; //0;
u32 bufAddr = 0; //= userMemory.Alloc(bufLen); //context->rxbuf;
u32_le * args = context->handlerArgs; //MatchingArgs
while (contexts != NULL && context->eventRunning)
// Multithreading Lock
// Cast Context
context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Multithreading Unlock
// Messages on Stack ready for processing
if (context != NULL && context->event_stack != NULL)
// Claim Stack
// Iterate Message List
ThreadMessage * msg = context->event_stack;
if (msg != NULL)
// Default Optional Data
void* opt = NULL;
// Grab Optional Data
if (msg->optlen > 0) opt = ((u8*)msg) + sizeof(ThreadMessage); //&msg[1]
// Log Matching Events
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "EventLoop[%d]: Matching Event [%d=%s][%s] OptSize=%d", matchingId, msg->opcode, getMatchingEventStr(msg->opcode), mac2str(&msg->mac).c_str(), msg->optlen);
// Unlock to prevent race-condition with other threads due to recursive lock
// Call Event Handler
//context->handler(context->id, msg->opcode, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Notify Event Handlers
notifyMatchingHandler(context, msg, opt, bufAddr, bufLen, args); // If we're using shared Buffer & Args for All Events We should wait for the Mipscall to be fully executed before processing the next event. GTA VCS need this delay/sleep.
// Give some time before executing the next mipscall to prevent event ACCEPT(6)->ESTABLISH(7) getting reversed After Action ESTABLISH(7)->ACCEPT(6)
// Must Not be delayed too long to prevent desync/disconnect. Not longer than the delays on callback's HLE?
//sleep_ms(10); //sceKernelDelayThread(10000);
// Lock again
// Pop event stack from front (this should be queue instead of stack?)
context->event_stack = msg->next;
msg = NULL;
// Unlock Stack
// Share CPU Time
sleep_ms(10); //1 //sceKernelDelayThread(10000);
// Don't do anything if it's paused, otherwise the log will be flooded
while (Core_IsStepping() && coreState != CORE_POWERDOWN && contexts != NULL && context->eventRunning) sleep_ms(10);
// Process Last Messages
if (contexts != NULL && context->event_stack != NULL)
// Claim Stack
// Iterate Message List
int msg_count = 0;
ThreadMessage * msg = context->event_stack;
for (; msg != NULL; msg = msg->next)
// Default Optional Data
void * opt = NULL;
// Grab Optional Data
if (msg->optlen > 0) opt = ((u8 *)msg) + sizeof(ThreadMessage); //&msg[1]
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "EventLoop[%d]: Matching Event [EVENT=%d]\n", matchingId, msg->opcode);
// Original Call Event Handler
//context->handler(context->id, msg->opcode, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Notify Event Handlers
notifyMatchingHandler(context, msg, opt, bufAddr, bufLen, args);
// Clear Event Message Stack
// Free Stack
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "EventLoop[%d]: Finished (%d msg)", matchingId, msg_count);
// Free memory
//if (Memory::IsValidAddress(bufAddr)) userMemory.Free(bufAddr);
// Delete Pointer Reference (and notify caller about finished cleanup)
//context->eventThread = NULL;
// Log Shutdown
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "EventLoop: End of EventLoop[%i] Thread", matchingId);
// Return Zero to shut up Compiler
return 0;
* Matching IO Handler Thread
* @param args sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext *)
* @param argp SceNetAdhocMatchingContext *
* @return Exit Point is never reached...
int matchingInputThread(int matchingId) // TODO: The MatchingInput thread is using sceNetAdhocPdpRecv & sceNetAdhocPdpSend functions so it might be better to run this on PSP thread instead of real thread
auto n = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::NETWORKING);
// Multithreading Lock
// Cast Context
SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Multithreading Unlock
// Last Ping
u64_le lastping = 0;
// Last Hello
u64_le lasthello = 0;
u64_le now;
static SceNetEtherAddr sendermac;
static u32_le senderport;
static int rxbuflen;
// Log Startup
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "InputLoop: Begin of InputLoop[%i] Thread", matchingId);
// Run while needed...
if (context != NULL) {
while (contexts != NULL && context->inputRunning)
// Multithreading Lock
// Cast Context
context = findMatchingContext(matchingId);
// Multithreading Unlock
if (context != NULL) {
now = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); //time_now_d()*1000000.0;
// Hello Message Sending Context with unoccupied Slots
if ((context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT && (countChildren(context) < (context->maxpeers - 1))) || (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_P2P && findP2P(context) == NULL))
// Hello Message Broadcast necessary because of Hello Interval
if (context->hello_int > 0)
if (static_cast<s64>(now - lasthello) >= static_cast<s64>(context->hello_int))
// Broadcast Hello Message
// Update Hello Timer
lasthello = now;
// Ping Required
if (context->keepalive_int > 0)
if (static_cast<s64>(now - lastping) >= static_cast<s64>(context->keepalive_int))
// Broadcast Ping Message
// Update Ping Timer
lastping = now;
// Messages on Stack ready for processing
if (context->input_stack != NULL)
// Claim Stack
// Iterate Message List
ThreadMessage* msg = context->input_stack;
while (msg != NULL)
// Default Optional Data
void* opt = NULL;
// Grab Optional Data
if (msg->optlen > 0) opt = ((u8*)msg) + sizeof(ThreadMessage);
//context->inputlock->unlock(); // Unlock to prevent race condition when locking peerlock
// Send Accept Packet
if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_ACCEPT) sendAcceptPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Send Join Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_JOIN) sendJoinPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Send Cancel Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_CANCEL) sendCancelPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Send Bulk Data Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK) sendBulkDataPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Send Birth Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BIRTH) sendBirthPacket(context, &msg->mac);
// Send Death Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_DEATH) sendDeathPacket(context, &msg->mac);
// Cancel Bulk Data Transfer (does nothing as of now as we fire and forget anyway) // Do we need to check DeathPacket and ByePacket here?
//else if(msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK_ABORT) sendAbortBulkDataPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
//context->inputlock->lock(); // Lock again
// Pop input stack from front (this should be queue instead of stack?)
context->input_stack = msg->next;
msg = context->input_stack;
// Free Stack
// Receive PDP Datagram
// FIXME: When using JPCSP + prx files, the "SceNetAdhocMatchingInput" thread is using blocking PdpRecv with infinite(0) timeout, which can be stopped/aborted using SetSocketAlert, while "SceNetAdhocMatchingEvent" thread is using non-blocking for sending
rxbuflen = context->rxbuflen;
senderport = 0;
// Lock the peer first before locking the socket to avoid race condiion
int recvresult = sceNetAdhocPdpRecv(context->socket, &sendermac, &senderport, context->rxbuf, &rxbuflen, 0, ADHOC_F_NONBLOCK);
// Received Data from a Sender that interests us
// Note: There are cases where the sender port might be re-mapped by router or ISP, so we shouldn't check the source port.
if (recvresult == 0 && rxbuflen > 0)
// Log Receive Success
if (context->rxbuf[0] > 1) {
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "InputLoop[%d]: Received %d Bytes (Opcode[%d]=%s)", matchingId, rxbuflen, context->rxbuf[0], getMatchingOpcodeStr(context->rxbuf[0]));
// Update Peer Timestamp
SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo* peer = findFriend(&sendermac);
if (peer != NULL) {
now = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled();
s64 delta = now - peer->last_recv;
DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Timestamp LastRecv Delta: %lld (%llu - %llu) from %s", delta, now, peer->last_recv, mac2str(&sendermac).c_str());
if (peer->last_recv != 0) peer->last_recv = std::max(peer->last_recv, now - defaultLastRecvDelta);
else {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "InputLoop[%d]: Unknown Peer[%s:%u] (Recved=%i, Length=%i)", matchingId, mac2str(&sendermac).c_str(), senderport, recvresult, rxbuflen);
// Show a warning if other player is having their port being re-mapped, thus that other player may have issue with the communication.
// Note: That other player may need to switch side between host and join, or reboot their router to solve this issue.
if (context->port != senderport && senderport != (*context->peerPort)[sendermac]) {
char name[9] = {};
if (peer != NULL)
truncate_cpy(name, sizeof(name), (const char*)peer->nickname.data);
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "InputLoop[%d]: Unknown Source Port from [%s][%s:%u -> %u] (Recved=%i, Length=%i)", matchingId, name, mac2str(&sendermac).c_str(), senderport, context->port, recvresult, rxbuflen);
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, std::string(n->T("AM: Data from Unknown Port")) + std::string(" [") + std::string(name) + std::string("]:") + std::to_string(senderport) + std::string(" -> ") + std::to_string(context->port) + std::string(" (") + std::to_string(portOffset) + std::string(")"));
// Keep tracks of re-mapped peer's ports for further communication.
// Note: This will only works if this player were able to receives data on normal port from other players (ie. this player's port wasn't remapped)
(*context->peerPort)[sendermac] = senderport;
// Ping Packet
if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_PING) actOnPingPacket(context, &sendermac);
// Hello Packet
else if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_HELLO) actOnHelloPacket(context, &sendermac, rxbuflen);
// Join Packet
else if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_JOIN) actOnJoinPacket(context, &sendermac, rxbuflen);
// Accept Packet
else if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_ACCEPT) actOnAcceptPacket(context, &sendermac, rxbuflen);
// Cancel Packet
else if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_CANCEL) actOnCancelPacket(context, &sendermac, rxbuflen);
// Bulk Data Packet
else if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK) actOnBulkDataPacket(context, &sendermac, rxbuflen);
// Abort Bulk Data Packet
//else if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK_ABORT) actOnAbortBulkDataPacket(context, &sendermac, rxbuflen);
// Birth Packet
else if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BIRTH) actOnBirthPacket(context, &sendermac, rxbuflen);
// Death Packet
else if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_DEATH) actOnDeathPacket(context, &sendermac, rxbuflen);
// Bye Packet
else if (context->rxbuf[0] == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BYE) actOnByePacket(context, &sendermac);
// Ignore Incoming Trash Data
// Handle Peer Timeouts
// Share CPU Time
sleep_ms(10); //1 //sceKernelDelayThread(10000);
// Don't do anything if it's paused, otherwise the log will be flooded
while (Core_IsStepping() && coreState != CORE_POWERDOWN && contexts != NULL && context->inputRunning) sleep_ms(10);
if (contexts != NULL) {
// Process Last Messages
if (context->input_stack != NULL)
// Claim Stack
// Iterate Message List
int msg_count = 0;
ThreadMessage* msg = context->input_stack;
while (msg != NULL)
// Default Optional Data
void* opt = NULL;
// Grab Optional Data
if (msg->optlen > 0) opt = ((u8*)msg) + sizeof(ThreadMessage);
// Send Accept Packet
if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_ACCEPT) sendAcceptPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Send Join Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_JOIN) sendJoinPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Send Cancel Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_CANCEL) sendCancelPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Send Bulk Data Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK) sendBulkDataPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Send Birth Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BIRTH) sendBirthPacket(context, &msg->mac);
// Send Death Packet
else if (msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_DEATH) sendDeathPacket(context, &msg->mac);
// Cancel Bulk Data Transfer (does nothing as of now as we fire and forget anyway) // Do we need to check DeathPacket and ByePacket here?
//else if(msg->opcode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK_ABORT) sendAbortBulkDataPacket(context, &msg->mac, msg->optlen, opt);
// Pop input stack from front (this should be queue instead of stack?)
context->input_stack = msg->next;
msg = context->input_stack;
// Free Stack
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "InputLoop[%d]: Finished (%d msg)", matchingId, msg_count);
// Clear IO Message Stack
// Send Bye Messages. FIXME: Official prx seems to be sending DEATH instead of BYE packet during MatchingStop? But DEATH packet doesn't works with DBZ Team Tag
// Free Peer List Buffer
clearPeerList(context); //deleteAllMembers(context);
// Delete Pointer Reference (and notify caller about finished cleanup)
//context->inputThread = NULL;
// Log Shutdown
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "InputLoop: End of InputLoop[%i] Thread", matchingId);
// Terminate Thread
// Return Zero to shut up Compiler
return 0;