
286 lines
9.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include <algorithm>
#include "gfx_es2/gl_state.h"
#include "i18n/i18n.h"
#include "ui/ui_context.h"
#include "ui/view.h"
#include "ui/viewgroup.h"
#include "ui/ui.h"
#include "UI/MiscScreens.h"
#include "UI/DevScreens.h"
#include "UI/GameSettingsScreen.h"
#include "Common/LogManager.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/MIPS/MIPSTables.h"
#include "Core/MIPS/JitCommon/JitCommon.h"
#include "ext/disarm.h"
#include <algorithm>
void DevMenu::CreatePopupContents(UI::ViewGroup *parent) {
using namespace UI;
parent->Add(new Choice("Log Channels"))->OnClick.Handle(this, &DevMenu::OnLogConfig);
parent->Add(new Choice("Developer Tools"))->OnClick.Handle(this, &DevMenu::OnDeveloperTools);
parent->Add(new Choice("Jit Compare"))->OnClick.Handle(this, &DevMenu::OnJitCompare);
UI::EventReturn DevMenu::OnLogConfig(UI::EventParams &e) {
screenManager()->push(new LogConfigScreen());
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
UI::EventReturn DevMenu::OnDeveloperTools(UI::EventParams &e) {
screenManager()->push(new DeveloperToolsScreen());
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
UI::EventReturn DevMenu::OnJitCompare(UI::EventParams &e) {
screenManager()->push(new JitCompareScreen());
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
void DevMenu::dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) {
// Close when a subscreen got closed.
// TODO: a bug in screenmanager causes this not to work here.
// screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
// It's not so critical to translate everything here, most of this is developers only.
void LogConfigScreen::CreateViews() {
using namespace UI;
I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Dialog");
root_ = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL);
LinearLayout *vert = root_->Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)));
LinearLayout *topbar = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL);
topbar->Add(new Choice("Back"))->OnClick.Handle<UIScreen>(this, &UIScreen::OnBack);
topbar->Add(new Choice("Toggle All"))->OnClick.Handle(this, &LogConfigScreen::OnToggleAll);
vert->Add(new ItemHeader("Log Channels"));
static const char *logLevelList[] = {
LogManager *logMan = LogManager::GetInstance();
int cellSize = 400;
UI::GridLayoutSettings gridsettings(cellSize, 64, 5);
gridsettings.fillCells = true;
GridLayout *grid = vert->Add(new GridLayout(gridsettings, new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)));
for (int i = 0; i < LogManager::GetNumChannels(); i++) {
LogTypes::LOG_TYPE type = (LogTypes::LOG_TYPE)i;
LogChannel *chan = logMan->GetLogChannel(type);
LinearLayout *row = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(cellSize - 50, WRAP_CONTENT));
row->Add(new CheckBox(&chan->enable_, "", "", new LinearLayoutParams(50, WRAP_CONTENT)));
row->Add(new PopupMultiChoice(&chan->level_, chan->GetFullName(), logLevelList, 1, 6, 0, screenManager(), new LinearLayoutParams(1.0)));
UI::EventReturn LogConfigScreen::OnToggleAll(UI::EventParams &e) {
LogManager *logMan = LogManager::GetInstance();
for (int i = 0; i < LogManager::GetNumChannels(); i++) {
LogTypes::LOG_TYPE type = (LogTypes::LOG_TYPE)i;
LogChannel *chan = logMan->GetLogChannel(type);
chan->enable_ = !chan->enable_;
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
void SystemInfoScreen::CreateViews() {
// NOTE: Do not translate this section. It will change a lot and will be impossible to keep up.
I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Dialog");
using namespace UI;
root_ = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT));
LinearLayout *scroll = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT));
scroll->Add(new ItemHeader("System Information"));
scroll->Add(new InfoItem("System Name", System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_NAME)));
scroll->Add(new InfoItem("System Lang/Region", System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_LANGREGION)));
scroll->Add(new InfoItem("GPU Vendor", (char *)glGetString(GL_VENDOR)));
scroll->Add(new InfoItem("GPU Model", (char *)glGetString(GL_RENDERER)));
scroll->Add(new InfoItem("OpenGL Version Supported", (char *)glGetString(GL_VERSION)));
scroll->Add(new InfoItem("GL Shading Language Version", (char *)glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)));
scroll->Add(new Button(d->T("Back"), new LayoutParams(260, 64)))->OnClick.Handle<UIScreen>(this, &UIScreen::OnBack);
#ifdef _WIN32
scroll->Add(new ItemHeader("OpenGL Extensions"));
scroll->Add(new ItemHeader("OpenGL ES 2.0 Extensions"));
std::vector<std::string> exts;
SplitString(g_all_gl_extensions, ' ', exts);
std::sort(exts.begin(), exts.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < exts.size(); i++) {
scroll->Add(new TextView(exts[i]));
scroll->Add(new ItemHeader("EGL Extensions"));
SplitString(g_all_egl_extensions, ' ', exts);
std::sort(exts.begin(), exts.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < exts.size(); i++) {
scroll->Add(new TextView(exts[i]));
// Three panes: Block chooser, MIPS view, ARM/x86 view
void JitCompareScreen::CreateViews() {
I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Dialog");
using namespace UI;
root_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL);
ScrollView *leftColumnScroll = root_->Add(new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f)));
LinearLayout *leftColumn = leftColumnScroll->Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL));
ScrollView *midColumnScroll = root_->Add(new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(2.0f)));
LinearLayout *midColumn = midColumnScroll->Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL));
leftDisasm_ = midColumn->Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL));
ScrollView *rightColumnScroll = root_->Add(new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(2.0f)));
LinearLayout *rightColumn = rightColumnScroll->Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL));
rightDisasm_ = rightColumn->Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL));
leftColumn->Add(new Choice("Current"))->OnClick.Handle(this, &JitCompareScreen::OnCurrentBlock);
leftColumn->Add(new Choice("Random"))->OnClick.Handle(this, &JitCompareScreen::OnRandomBlock);
leftColumn->Add(new Choice(d->T("Back")))->OnClick.Handle<UIScreen>(this, &UIScreen::OnBack);
blockName_ = leftColumn->Add(new TextView("no block"));
#ifdef ARM
std::vector<std::string> DisassembleArm2(const u8 *data, int size) {
std::vector<std::string> lines;
char temp[256];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 4) {
const u32 *codePtr = (const u32 *)(data + i);
u32 inst = codePtr[0];
u32 next = (i < size - 4) ? codePtr[1] : 0;
// MAGIC SPECIAL CASE for MOVW/MOVT readability!
if ((inst & 0x0FF00000) == 0x03000000 && (next & 0x0FF00000) == 0x03400000) {
u32 low = ((inst & 0x000F0000) >> 4) | (inst & 0x0FFF);
u32 hi = ((next & 0x000F0000) >> 4) | (next & 0x0FFF);
int reg0 = (inst & 0x0000F000) >> 12;
int reg1 = (next & 0x0000F000) >> 12;
if (reg0 == reg1) {
sprintf(temp, "MOV32 %s, %04x%04x", ArmRegName(reg0), hi, low);
// sprintf(temp, "%08x MOV32? %s, %04x%04x", (u32)inst, ArmRegName(reg0), hi, low);
i += 4;
ArmDis((u32)(intptr_t)codePtr, inst, temp, false);
std::string buf = temp;
return lines;
void JitCompareScreen::UpdateDisasm() {
using namespace UI;
if (currentBlock_ == -1) {
leftDisasm_->Add(new TextView("No block"));
rightDisasm_->Add(new TextView("No block"));
JitBlockCache *blockCache = MIPSComp::jit->GetBlockCache();
JitBlock *block = blockCache->GetBlock(currentBlock_);
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%i/%i\n%08x", currentBlock_, blockCache->GetNumBlocks(), block->originalAddress);
// Alright. First generate the MIPS disassembly.
for (u32 addr = block->originalAddress; addr <= block->originalAddress + block->originalSize * 4; addr += 4) {
char temp[256];
MIPSDisAsm(Memory::Read_Instruction(addr), addr, temp, true);
std::string mipsDis = temp;
leftDisasm_->Add(new TextView(mipsDis));
#if defined(ARM)
std::vector<std::string> targetDis = DisassembleArm2(block->normalEntry, block->codeSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < targetDis.size(); i++) {
rightDisasm_->Add(new TextView(targetDis[i]));
rightDisasm_->Add(new TextView("No x86 disassembler available"));
UI::EventReturn JitCompareScreen::OnRandomBlock(UI::EventParams &e) {
JitBlockCache *blockCache = MIPSComp::jit->GetBlockCache();
int numBlocks = blockCache->GetNumBlocks();
if (numBlocks > 0) {
currentBlock_ = rand() % numBlocks;
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
UI::EventReturn JitCompareScreen::OnCurrentBlock(UI::EventParams &e) {
JitBlockCache *blockCache = MIPSComp::jit->GetBlockCache();
std::vector<int> blockNum;
blockCache->GetBlockNumbersFromAddress(currentMIPS->pc, &blockNum);
if (blockNum.size() > 0) {
currentBlock_ = blockNum[0];
} else {
currentBlock_ = -1;
return UI::EVENT_DONE;