2024-09-23 01:18:08 +03:00

1395 lines
42 KiB

// Qt6 frontend implementation for rpcs3. Known to work on Windows, Linux, Mac
// by Sacha Refshauge, Megamouse and flash-fire
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <clocale>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QCommandLineParser>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QObject>
#include <QStyleFactory>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QMetaEnum>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include "rpcs3qt/gui_application.h"
#include "rpcs3qt/fatal_error_dialog.h"
#include "rpcs3qt/curl_handle.h"
#include "rpcs3qt/main_window.h"
#include "rpcs3qt/uuid.h"
#include "headless_application.h"
#include "Utilities/sema.h"
#include "Utilities/date_time.h"
#include "util/console.h"
#include "Crypto/decrypt_binaries.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "module_verifier.hpp"
#include "util/dyn_lib.hpp"
// TODO(cjj19970505@live.cn)
// When compiling with WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN definition
// NTSTATUS is defined in CMake build but not in VS build
// May be caused by some different header pre-inclusion between CMake and VS configurations.
#if !defined(NTSTATUS)
// Copied from ntdef.h
typedef _Return_type_success_(return >= 0) LONG NTSTATUS;
DYNAMIC_IMPORT("ntdll.dll", NtQueryTimerResolution, NTSTATUS(PULONG MinimumResolution, PULONG MaximumResolution, PULONG CurrentResolution));
DYNAMIC_IMPORT("ntdll.dll", NtSetTimerResolution, NTSTATUS(ULONG DesiredResolution, BOOLEAN SetResolution, PULONG CurrentResolution));
#include <unistd.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
// sysinfo_darwin.mm
namespace Darwin_Version
extern int getNSmajorVersion();
extern int getNSminorVersion();
extern int getNSpatchVersion();
#include "Utilities/Config.h"
#include "Utilities/Thread.h"
#include "Utilities/File.h"
#include "Utilities/StrUtil.h"
#include "util/media_utils.h"
#include "rpcs3_version.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
#include "Emu/system_utils.hpp"
#include <thread>
#include <charconv>
#include "util/sysinfo.hpp"
// Let's initialize the locale first
static const bool s_init_locale = []()
std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
return true;
static semaphore<> s_qt_init;
static atomic_t<bool> s_headless = true;
static atomic_t<bool> s_no_gui = true;
static atomic_t<char*> s_argv0 = nullptr;
static bool s_is_error_launch = false;
std::string g_input_config_override;
extern thread_local std::string(*g_tls_log_prefix)();
extern thread_local std::string_view g_tls_serialize_name;
#ifndef _WIN32
extern char **environ;
LOG_CHANNEL(sys_log, "SYS");
[[noreturn]] extern void report_fatal_error(std::string_view _text, bool is_html = false, bool include_help_text = true)
#ifdef __linux__
extern void jit_announce(uptr, usz, std::string_view);
std::string buf;
if (!s_is_error_launch)
buf = std::string(_text);
// Check if thread id is in string
if (_text.find("\nThread id = "sv) == umax && !thread_ctrl::is_main())
// Append thread id if it isn't already, except on main thread
fmt::append(buf, "\n\nThread id = %u.", thread_ctrl::get_tid());
if (!g_tls_serialize_name.empty())
fmt::append(buf, "\nSerialized Object: %s", g_tls_serialize_name);
const system_state state = Emu.GetStatus(false);
if (state == system_state::stopped)
fmt::append(buf, "\nEmulation is stopped");
const std::string& name = Emu.GetTitleAndTitleID();
fmt::append(buf, "\nTitle: \"%s\" (emulation is %s)", name.empty() ? "N/A" : name.data(), state == system_state::stopping ? "stopping" : "running");
fmt::append(buf, "\nBuild: \"%s\"", rpcs3::get_verbose_version());
fmt::append(buf, "\nDate: \"%s\"", std::chrono::system_clock::now());
std::string_view text = s_is_error_launch ? _text : buf;
if (s_headless)
utils::attach_console(utils::console_stream::std_err, true);
utils::output_stderr(fmt::format("RPCS3: %s\n", text));
#ifdef __linux__
jit_announce(0, 0, "");
const bool local = s_qt_init.try_lock();
// Possibly created and assigned here
static QScopedPointer<QCoreApplication> app;
if (local)
static int argc = 1;
static char* argv[] = {+s_argv0};
app.reset(new QApplication{argc, argv});
utils::output_stderr(fmt::format("RPCS3: %s\n", text));
static auto show_report = [is_html, include_help_text](std::string_view text)
fatal_error_dialog dlg(text, is_html, include_help_text);
#if defined(__APPLE__)
if (!pthread_main_np())
dispatch_sync_f(dispatch_get_main_queue(), &text, [](void* text){ show_report(*static_cast<std::string_view*>(text)); });
// If Qt is already initialized, spawn a new RPCS3 process with an --error argument
if (local)
#ifdef _WIN32
kill(getpid(), SIGKILL);
#ifdef _WIN32
constexpr DWORD size = 32767;
std::vector<wchar_t> buffer(size);
GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, buffer.data(), size);
const std::wstring arg(text.cbegin(), text.cend()); // ignore unicode for now
_wspawnl(_P_WAIT, buffer.data(), buffer.data(), L"--error", arg.c_str(), nullptr);
pid_t pid;
std::vector<char> data(text.data(), text.data() + text.size() + 1);
std::string run_arg = +s_argv0;
std::string err_arg = "--error";
if (run_arg.find_first_of('/') == umax)
// AppImage has "rpcs3" in argv[0], can't just execute it
#ifdef __linux__
char buffer[PATH_MAX]{};
if (::readlink("/proc/self/exe", buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1) > 0)
printf("Found exec link: %s\n", buffer);
run_arg = buffer;
char* argv[] = {run_arg.data(), err_arg.data(), data.data(), nullptr};
int ret = posix_spawn(&pid, run_arg.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, argv, environ);
if (ret == 0)
int status;
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
std::fprintf(stderr, "posix_spawn() failed: %d\n", ret);
#ifdef __linux__
jit_announce(0, 0, "");
struct fatal_error_listener final : logs::listener
~fatal_error_listener() override = default;
void log(u64 /*stamp*/, const logs::message& msg, const std::string& prefix, const std::string& text) override
if (msg <= logs::level::fatal)
std::string _msg = "RPCS3: ";
if (!prefix.empty())
_msg += prefix;
_msg += ": ";
if (msg->name && '\0' != *msg->name)
_msg += msg->name;
_msg += ": ";
_msg += text;
_msg += '\n';
// If launched from CMD
utils::attach_console(utils::console_stream::std_err, false);
// Output to error stream as is
#ifdef _WIN32
if (IsDebuggerPresent())
// Output string to attached debugger
if (msg == logs::level::fatal)
// Pause emulation if fatal error encountered
// Arguments that force a headless application (need to be checked in create_application)
constexpr auto arg_headless = "headless";
constexpr auto arg_decrypt = "decrypt";
constexpr auto arg_commit_db = "get-commit-db";
// Arguments that can be used with a gui application
constexpr auto arg_no_gui = "no-gui";
constexpr auto arg_fullscreen = "fullscreen"; // only useful with no-gui
constexpr auto arg_gs_screen = "game-screen";
constexpr auto arg_high_dpi = "hidpi";
constexpr auto arg_rounding = "dpi-rounding";
constexpr auto arg_styles = "styles";
constexpr auto arg_style = "style";
constexpr auto arg_stylesheet = "stylesheet";
constexpr auto arg_config = "config";
constexpr auto arg_input_config = "input-config"; // only useful with no-gui
constexpr auto arg_q_debug = "qDebug";
constexpr auto arg_error = "error";
constexpr auto arg_updating = "updating";
constexpr auto arg_user_id = "user-id";
constexpr auto arg_installfw = "installfw";
constexpr auto arg_installpkg = "installpkg";
constexpr auto arg_savestate = "savestate";
constexpr auto arg_rsx_capture = "rsx-capture";
constexpr auto arg_timer = "high-res-timer";
constexpr auto arg_verbose_curl = "verbose-curl";
constexpr auto arg_any_location = "allow-any-location";
constexpr auto arg_codecs = "codecs";
#ifdef _WIN32
constexpr auto arg_stdout = "stdout";
constexpr auto arg_stderr = "stderr";
int find_arg(std::string arg, int& argc, char* argv[])
arg = "--" + arg;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) // It's not guaranteed that argv 0 is the executable.
if (!strcmp(arg.c_str(), argv[i]))
return i;
return -1;
QCoreApplication* create_application(int& argc, char* argv[])
if (find_arg(arg_headless, argc, argv) != -1 ||
find_arg(arg_decrypt, argc, argv) != -1 ||
find_arg(arg_commit_db, argc, argv) != -1)
return new headless_application(argc, argv);
#ifdef __linux__
// set the DISPLAY variable in order to open web browsers
if (qEnvironmentVariable("DISPLAY", "").isEmpty())
qputenv("DISPLAY", ":0");
// Set QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR to 0. This value is deprecated but still seems to make problems on some distros
if (!qEnvironmentVariable("QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR", "").isEmpty())
bool use_high_dpi = true;
const int i_hdpi = find_arg(arg_high_dpi, argc, argv);
if (i_hdpi != -1)
const std::string cmp_str = "0";
const auto i_hdpi_2 = (argc > (i_hdpi + 1)) ? (i_hdpi + 1) : 0;
const auto high_dpi_setting = (i_hdpi_2 && !strcmp(cmp_str.c_str(), argv[i_hdpi_2])) ? "0" : "1";
// Set QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING from environment. Defaults to cli argument, which defaults to 1.
use_high_dpi = "1" == qEnvironmentVariable("QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING", high_dpi_setting);
if (use_high_dpi)
// Set QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY from environment. Defaults to cli argument, which defaults to PassThrough.
Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy rounding_val = Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::PassThrough;
const QMetaEnum meta_enum = QMetaEnum::fromType<Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy>();
QString rounding_str_cli = meta_enum.valueToKey(static_cast<int>(rounding_val));
const auto check_dpi_rounding_arg = [&rounding_str_cli, &rounding_val, &meta_enum](const char* val) -> bool
// Try to find out if the argument is a valid string representation of Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy
bool ok{false};
if (const int enum_index = meta_enum.keyToValue(val, &ok); ok)
rounding_str_cli = meta_enum.valueToKey(enum_index);
rounding_val = static_cast<Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy>(enum_index);
return ok;
if (const int i_rounding = find_arg(arg_rounding, argc, argv); i_rounding != -1)
if (const int i_rounding_2 = i_rounding + 1; argc > i_rounding_2)
if (const auto arg_val = argv[i_rounding_2]; !check_dpi_rounding_arg(arg_val))
const std::string msg = fmt::format("The command line value %s for %s is not allowed. Please use a valid value for Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy.", arg_val, arg_rounding);
sys_log.error("%s", msg); // Don't exit with fatal error. The resulting dialog might be unreadable with dpi problems.
utils::output_stderr(msg, true);
// Get the environment variable. Fallback to cli argument.
rounding_str_cli = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY", rounding_str_cli);
if (!check_dpi_rounding_arg(rounding_str_cli.toStdString().c_str()))
const std::string msg = fmt::format("The value %s for the environment variable QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY is not allowed. Please use a valid value for Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy.", rounding_str_cli.toStdString());
sys_log.error("%s", msg); // Don't exit with fatal error. The resulting dialog might be unreadable with dpi problems.
std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
return new gui_application(argc, argv);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<QString>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += get_object(arg).toStdString();
void log_q_debug(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext& context, const QString& msg)
switch (type)
case QtDebugMsg: q_debug.trace("%s", msg); break;
case QtInfoMsg: q_debug.notice("%s", msg); break;
case QtWarningMsg: q_debug.warning("%s", msg); break;
case QtCriticalMsg: q_debug.error("%s", msg); break;
case QtFatalMsg: q_debug.fatal("%s", msg); break;
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::chrono::sys_time<typename std::chrono::system_clock::duration>>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::time_t dateTime = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(get_object(arg));
out += date_time::fmt_time("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", dateTime);
void run_platform_sanity_checks()
#ifdef _WIN32
// Check if we loaded modules correctly
int main(int argc, char** argv)
#ifdef _WIN32
ULONG64 intro_cycles{};
QueryThreadCycleTime(GetCurrentThread(), &intro_cycles);
#elif defined(RUSAGE_THREAD)
struct ::rusage intro_stats{};
::getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, &intro_stats);
const u64 intro_time = (intro_stats.ru_utime.tv_sec + intro_stats.ru_stime.tv_sec) * 1000000000ull + (intro_stats.ru_utime.tv_usec + intro_stats.ru_stime.tv_usec) * 1000ull;
#ifdef __linux__
// Set timerslack value for Linux. The default value is 50,000ns. Change this to just 1 since we value precise timers.
prctl(PR_SET_TIMERSLACK, 1, 0, 0, 0);
s_argv0 = argv[0]; // Save for report_fatal_error
// Only run RPCS3 to display an error
if (int err_pos = find_arg(arg_error, argc, argv); err_pos != -1)
// Reconstruction of the error from multiple args
std::string error;
for (int i = err_pos + 1; i < argc; i++)
if (i > err_pos + 1)
error += ' ';
error += argv[i];
s_is_error_launch = true;
const std::string lock_name = fs::get_cache_dir() + "RPCS3.buf";
static fs::file instance_lock;
// True if an argument --updating found
const bool is_updating = find_arg(arg_updating, argc, argv) != -1;
// Keep trying to lock the file for ~2s normally, and for ~10s in the case of --updating
for (u32 num = 0; num < (is_updating ? 500u : 100u) && !instance_lock.open(lock_name, fs::rewrite + fs::lock); num++)
if (!instance_lock)
if (fs::g_tls_error == fs::error::acces)
if (fs::exists(lock_name))
report_fatal_error("Another instance of RPCS3 is running.\nClose it or kill its process, if necessary.");
report_fatal_error("Cannot create RPCS3.log (access denied)."
#ifdef _WIN32
"\nNote that RPCS3 cannot be installed in Program Files or similar directories with limited permissions."
"\nPlease, check RPCS3 permissions in '~/.config/rpcs3'."
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("Cannot create RPCS3.log (error %s)", fs::g_tls_error));
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!SetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), 0x80000000, 0xC0000000)) // 2-3 GiB
report_fatal_error("Not enough memory for RPCS3 process.");
WSADATA wsa_data{};
if (const int res = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa_data); res != 0)
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("WSAStartup failed (error=%s)", fmt::win_error{static_cast<unsigned long>(res), nullptr}));
#ifdef __APPLE__
const int osx_ver_major = Darwin_Version::getNSmajorVersion();
const int osx_ver_minor = Darwin_Version::getNSminorVersion();
if ((osx_ver_major == 14 && osx_ver_minor < 3) && (utils::get_cpu_brand().rfind("VirtualApple", 0) == 0))
const int osx_ver_patch = Darwin_Version::getNSpatchVersion();
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("RPCS3 requires macOS 14.3.0 or later.\nYou're currently using macOS %i.%i.%i.\nPlease update macOS from System Settings.\n\n", osx_ver_major, osx_ver_minor, osx_ver_patch));
ensure(thread_ctrl::is_main(), "Not main thread");
// Initialize TSC freq (in case it isn't)
// Initialize thread pool finalizer (on first use)
static_cast<void>(named_thread("", [](int) {}));
static std::unique_ptr<logs::listener> log_file;
// Check free space
fs::device_stat stats{};
if (!fs::statfs(fs::get_cache_dir(), stats) || stats.avail_free < 128 * 1024 * 1024)
std::fprintf(stderr, "Not enough free space for logs (%f KB)", stats.avail_free / 1000000.);
// Limit log size to ~25% of free space
log_file = logs::make_file_listener(fs::get_cache_dir() + "RPCS3.log", stats.avail_free / 4);
static std::unique_ptr<logs::listener> fatal_listener = std::make_unique<fatal_error_listener>();
// Write RPCS3 version
logs::stored_message ver{sys_log.always()};
ver.text = fmt::format("RPCS3 v%s", rpcs3::get_verbose_version());
// Write System information
logs::stored_message sys{sys_log.always()};
sys.text = utils::get_system_info();
// Write OS version
logs::stored_message os{sys_log.always()};
os.text = utils::get_OS_version();
// Write Qt version
logs::stored_message qt{(strcmp(QT_VERSION_STR, qVersion()) != 0) ? sys_log.error : sys_log.notice};
qt.text = fmt::format("Qt version: Compiled against Qt %s | Run-time uses Qt %s", QT_VERSION_STR, qVersion());
logs::stored_message time{sys_log.always()};
time.text = fmt::format("Current Time: %s", std::chrono::system_clock::now());
logs::set_init({std::move(ver), std::move(sys), std::move(os), std::move(qt), std::move(time)});
#ifdef _WIN32
sys_log.notice("Initialization times before main(): %fGc", intro_cycles / 1000000000.);
#elif defined(RUSAGE_THREAD)
sys_log.notice("Initialization times before main(): %fs", intro_time / 1000000000.);
std::string argument_str;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
argument_str += '\'' + std::string(argv[i]) + '\'';
if (i != argc - 1) argument_str += " ";
sys_log.notice("argc: %d, argv: %s", argc, argument_str);
// Before we proceed, run some sanity checks
#ifdef __linux__
struct ::rlimit rlim;
rlim.rlim_cur = 4096;
rlim.rlim_max = 4096;
if (::setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) != 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to set max open file limit (4096).\n";
rlim.rlim_cur = 0x80000000;
rlim.rlim_max = 0x80000000;
if (::setrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, &rlim) != 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to set RLIMIT_MEMLOCK size to 2 GiB. Try to update your system configuration.\n";
// Work around crash on startup on KDE: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=401637
setenv( "KDE_DEBUG", "1", 0 );
#ifdef __APPLE__
struct ::rlimit rlim;
::getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim);
rlim.rlim_cur = OPEN_MAX;
if (::setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) != 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to set max open file limit (" << OPEN_MAX << ").\n";
#ifndef _WIN32
// Write file limits
sys_log.notice("Maximum open file descriptors: %i", utils::get_maxfiles());
if (utils::get_low_power_mode())
sys_log.error("Low Power Mode is enabled, performance may be reduced.");
std::lock_guard qt_init(s_qt_init);
// The constructor of QApplication eats the --style and --stylesheet arguments.
// By checking for stylesheet().isEmpty() we could implicitly know if a stylesheet was passed,
// but I haven't found an implicit way to check for style yet, so we naively check them both here for now.
const bool use_cli_style = find_arg(arg_style, argc, argv) != -1 || find_arg(arg_stylesheet, argc, argv) != -1;
QScopedPointer<QCoreApplication> app(create_application(argc, argv));
// Command line args
static QCommandLineParser parser;
parser.setApplicationDescription("Welcome to RPCS3 command line.");
parser.addPositionalArgument("(S)ELF", "Path for directly executing a (S)ELF");
parser.addPositionalArgument("[Args...]", "Optional args for the executable");
const QCommandLineOption help_option = parser.addHelpOption();
const QCommandLineOption version_option = parser.addVersionOption();
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_headless, "Run RPCS3 in headless mode."));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_no_gui, "Run RPCS3 without its GUI."));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_fullscreen, "Run games in fullscreen mode. Only used when no-gui is set."));
const QCommandLineOption screen_option(arg_gs_screen, "Forces the emulator to use the specified screen for the game window.", "index", "");
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_high_dpi, "Enables Qt High Dpi Scaling.", "enabled", "1"));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_rounding, "Sets the Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy for values like 150% zoom.", "rounding", "4"));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_styles, "Lists the available styles."));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_style, "Loads a custom style.", "style", ""));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_stylesheet, "Loads a custom stylesheet.", "path", ""));
const QCommandLineOption config_option(arg_config, "Forces the emulator to use this configuration file for CLI-booted game.", "path", "");
const QCommandLineOption input_config_option(arg_input_config, "Forces the emulator to use this input config file for CLI-booted game.", "name", "");
const QCommandLineOption installfw_option(arg_installfw, "Forces the emulator to install this firmware file.", "path", "");
const QCommandLineOption installpkg_option(arg_installpkg, "Forces the emulator to install this pkg file.", "path", "");
const QCommandLineOption decrypt_option(arg_decrypt, "Decrypt PS3 binaries.", "path(s)", "");
const QCommandLineOption user_id_option(arg_user_id, "Start RPCS3 as this user.", "user id", "");
const QCommandLineOption savestate_option(arg_savestate, "Path for directly loading a savestate.", "path", "");
const QCommandLineOption rsx_capture_option(arg_rsx_capture, "Path for directly loading an rsx capture.", "path", "");
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_q_debug, "Log qDebug to RPCS3.log."));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_error, "For internal usage."));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_updating, "For internal usage."));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_commit_db, "Update commits.lst cache. Optional arguments: <path> <sha>"));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_timer, "Enable high resolution timer for better performance (windows)", "enabled", "1"));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_verbose_curl, "Enable verbose curl logging."));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_any_location, "Allow RPCS3 to be run from any location. Dangerous"));
const QCommandLineOption codec_option(arg_codecs, "List ffmpeg codecs");
#ifdef _WIN32
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_stdout, "Attach the console window and listen to standard output stream. (STDOUT)"));
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(arg_stderr, "Attach the console window and listen to error output stream. (STDERR)"));
// Don't start up the full rpcs3 gui if we just want the version or help.
if (parser.isSet(version_option) || parser.isSet(help_option))
return 0;
if (parser.isSet(codec_option))
utils::attach_console(utils::console_stream::std_out | utils::console_stream::std_err, true);
for (const utils::ffmpeg_codec& codec : utils::list_ffmpeg_decoders())
fprintf(stdout, "Found ffmpeg decoder: %s (%d, %s)\n", codec.name.c_str(), codec.codec_id, codec.long_name.c_str());
sys_log.success("Found ffmpeg decoder: %s (%d, %s)", codec.name, codec.codec_id, codec.long_name);
for (const utils::ffmpeg_codec& codec : utils::list_ffmpeg_encoders())
fprintf(stdout, "Found ffmpeg encoder: %s (%d, %s)\n", codec.name.c_str(), codec.codec_id, codec.long_name.c_str());
sys_log.success("Found ffmpeg encoder: %s (%d, %s)", codec.name, codec.codec_id, codec.long_name);
return 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (parser.isSet(arg_stdout) || parser.isSet(arg_stderr))
int stream = 0;
if (parser.isSet(arg_stdout))
stream |= utils::console_stream::std_out;
if (parser.isSet(arg_stderr))
stream |= utils::console_stream::std_err;
utils::attach_console(stream, true);
// Set curl to verbose if needed
rpcs3::curl::g_curl_verbose = parser.isSet(arg_verbose_curl);
if (rpcs3::curl::g_curl_verbose)
utils::attach_console(utils::console_stream::std_out | utils::console_stream::std_err, true);
fprintf(stdout, "Enabled Curl verbose logging.\n");
sys_log.always()("Enabled Curl verbose logging. Please look at your console output.");
// Handle update of commit database
if (parser.isSet(arg_commit_db))
utils::attach_console(utils::console_stream::std_out | utils::console_stream::std_err, true);
#ifdef _WIN32
std::string path;
std::string path = "bin/git/commits.lst";
std::string from_sha;
if (const int i_arg_commit_db = find_arg(arg_commit_db, argc, argv); i_arg_commit_db != -1)
if (int i = i_arg_commit_db + 1; argc > i)
path = argv[i++];
if (argc > i)
from_sha = argv[i];
#ifdef _WIN32
fprintf(stderr, "Missing path argument.\n");
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Can not find argument --%s\n", arg_commit_db);
return 1;
fs::file file(path, fs::read + fs::write + fs::append + fs::create);
if (!file)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file: '%s' (errno=%d)\n", path.c_str(), errno);
return 1;
fprintf(stdout, "\nAppending commits to '%s' ...\n", path.c_str());
// Get existing list
std::string data = file.to_string();
std::vector<std::string> list = fmt::split(data, {"\n"});
const bool was_empty = data.empty();
// SHA to start
std::string last;
if (!list.empty())
// Decode last entry to check last written commit
QByteArray buf(list.back().c_str(), list.back().size());
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(buf);
if (doc.isObject() && doc["sha"].isString())
last = doc["sha"].toString().toStdString();
// JSON buffer
QByteArray buf;
// CURL handle to work with GitHub API
rpcs3::curl::curl_handle curl;
struct curl_slist* hhdr{};
hhdr = curl_slist_append(hhdr, "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json");
hhdr = curl_slist_append(hhdr, "User-Agent: curl/7.37.0");
CURLcode err = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, hhdr);
if (err != CURLE_OK) fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER) error: %s", curl_easy_strerror(err));
err = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, +[](const char* ptr, usz, usz size, void* json) -> usz
static_cast<QByteArray*>(json)->append(ptr, size);
return size;
if (err != CURLE_OK) fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION) error: %s", curl_easy_strerror(err));
err = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &buf);
if (err != CURLE_OK) fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA) error: %s", curl_easy_strerror(err));
u32 page = 1;
constexpr u32 per_page = 100;
while (page <= 55)
fprintf(stdout, "Fetching page %d ...\n", page);
std::string url = "https://api.github.com/repos/RPCS3/rpcs3/commits?per_page=";
fmt::append(url, "%u&page=%u", per_page, page++);
if (!from_sha.empty())
fmt::append(url, "&sha=%s", from_sha);
err = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
if (err != CURLE_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_URL, %s) error: %s", url.c_str(), curl_easy_strerror(err));
// Reset error buffer before we call curl_easy_perform
err = curl_easy_perform(curl);
if (err != CURLE_OK)
const std::string error_string = curl.get_verbose_error(err);
fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_perform(): %s", error_string.c_str());
QJsonDocument info = QJsonDocument::fromJson(buf);
if (!info.isArray()) [[unlikely]]
fprintf(stderr, "Bad response:\n%s", buf.data());
u32 count = 0;
for (auto&& ref : info.array())
if (!ref.isObject())
page = -1;
QJsonObject result, author, committer;
QJsonObject commit = ref.toObject();
auto commit_ = commit["commit"].toObject();
auto author_ = commit_["author"].toObject();
auto committer_ = commit_["committer"].toObject();
auto _author = commit["author"].toObject();
auto _committer = commit["committer"].toObject();
result["sha"] = commit["sha"];
result["msg"] = commit_["message"];
author["name"] = author_["name"];
author["date"] = author_["date"];
author["email"] = author_["email"];
author["login"] = _author["login"];
author["avatar"] = _author["avatar_url"];
committer["name"] = committer_["name"];
committer["date"] = committer_["date"];
committer["email"] = committer_["email"];
committer["login"] = _committer["login"];
committer["avatar"] = _committer["avatar_url"];
result["author"] = author;
result["committer"] = committer;
QJsonDocument out(result);
buf = out.toJson(QJsonDocument::JsonFormat::Compact);
buf += "\n";
if (was_empty || !from_sha.empty())
data = buf.toStdString() + std::move(data);
else if (commit["sha"].toString().toStdString() == last)
page = -1;
// Append to the list
list.emplace_back(buf.data(), buf.size());
if (count < per_page)
if (was_empty || !from_sha.empty())
// Append list in reverse order
for (usz i = list.size() - 1; ~i; --i)
fprintf(stdout, "Finished fetching commits: %s\n", path.c_str());
return 0;
if (parser.isSet(arg_q_debug))
if (parser.isSet(arg_styles))
utils::attach_console(utils::console_stream::std_out, true);
for (const auto& style : QStyleFactory::keys())
std::cout << "\n" << style.toStdString();
return 0;
// Log unique ID
std::string active_user;
if (parser.isSet(arg_user_id))
active_user = parser.value(arg_user_id).toStdString();
if (rpcs3::utils::check_user(active_user) == 0)
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("Failed to set user ID '%s'.\nThe user ID must consist of 8 digits and cannot be 00000000.", active_user));
s_no_gui = parser.isSet(arg_no_gui);
if (gui_application* gui_app = qobject_cast<gui_application*>(app.data()))
gui_app->SetWithCliBoot(parser.isSet(arg_installfw) || parser.isSet(arg_installpkg) || !parser.positionalArguments().isEmpty());
if (parser.isSet(arg_fullscreen))
//do nothing
if (parser.isSet(arg_gs_screen))
const int game_screen_index = parser.value(arg_gs_screen).toInt();
if (game_screen_index < 0)
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("The option '%s' can only be used with numbers >= 0 (you used %d)", arg_gs_screen, game_screen_index));
if (!gui_app->Init())
return 0;
else if (headless_application* headless_app = qobject_cast<headless_application*>(app.data()))
s_headless = true;
if (!headless_app->Init())
return 0;
// Should be unreachable
report_fatal_error("RPCS3 initialization failed!");
// Check if the current location is actually useable
if (!parser.isSet(arg_any_location))
const std::string emu_dir = rpcs3::utils::get_emu_dir();
// Check temporary directories
for (const QString& path : QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::StandardLocation::TempLocation))
if (Emu.IsPathInsideDir(emu_dir, path.toStdString()))
"RPCS3 should never be run from a temporary location!\n"
"Please install RPCS3 in a persistent location.\n"
"Current location:\n%s", emu_dir));
return 1;
// Check nonsensical archive locations
for (const std::string_view& expr : { "/Rar$"sv })
if (emu_dir.find(expr) != umax)
"RPCS3 should never be run from an archive!\n"
"Please install RPCS3 in a persistent location.\n"
"Current location:\n%s", emu_dir));
return 1;
// Set timerslack value for Linux. The default value is 50,000ns. Change this to just 1 since we value precise timers.
#ifdef __linux__
prctl(PR_SET_TIMERSLACK, 1, 0, 0, 0);
#ifdef _WIN32
// Create dummy permanent low resolution timer to workaround messing with system timer resolution
QTimer* dummy_timer = new QTimer(app.data());
ULONG min_res, max_res, orig_res;
bool got_timer_resolution = NtQueryTimerResolution(&min_res, &max_res, &orig_res) == 0;
// Set 0.5 msec timer resolution for best performance
// - As QT timers (QTimer) sets the timer resolution to 1 msec, override it here.
if (parser.value(arg_timer).toStdString() == "1")
ULONG new_res;
if (got_timer_resolution && NtSetTimerResolution(max_res, TRUE, &new_res) == 0)
NtSetTimerResolution(max_res, TRUE, &new_res);
sys_log.notice("New timer resolution: %d us (old=%d us, min=%d us, max=%d us)", new_res / 10, orig_res / 10, min_res / 10, max_res / 10);
got_timer_resolution = false; // Invalidate for log message later
sys_log.error("Failed to set timer resolution!");
sys_log.warning("High resolution timer disabled!");
if (got_timer_resolution)
sys_log.notice("Timer resolution: %d us (min=%d us, max=%d us)", orig_res / 10, min_res / 10, max_res / 10);
if (parser.isSet(arg_decrypt))
utils::attach_console(utils::console_stream::std_out | utils::console_stream::std_in, true);
std::vector<std::string> vec_modules;
for (const QString& mod : parser.values(decrypt_option))
const QFileInfo fi(mod);
if (!fi.exists())
std::cout << "File not found: " << mod.toStdString() << std::endl;
return 1;
if (!fi.isFile())
std::cout << "Not a file: " << mod.toStdString() << std::endl;
return 1;
std::shared_ptr<decrypt_binaries_t> decrypter = std::make_shared<decrypt_binaries_t>(std::move(vec_modules));
usz mod_index = decrypter->decrypt();
usz repeat_count = mod_index == 0 ? 1 : 0;
while (!decrypter->done())
const std::string& path = (*decrypter)[mod_index];
const std::string filename = path.substr(path.find_last_of(fs::delim) + 1);
const std::string hint = fmt::format("Hint: KLIC (KLicense key) is a 16-byte long string. (32 hexadecimal characters)"
"\nAnd is logged with some sceNpDrm* functions when the game/application which owns \"%0\" is running.", filename);
if (repeat_count >= 2)
std::cout << "Failed to decrypt " << path << " with specfied KLIC, retrying.\n" << hint << std::endl;
std::cout << "Enter KLIC of " << filename << "\nHexadecimal only, 32 characters:" << std::endl;
std::string input;
std::cin >> input;
if (input.empty())
const usz new_index = decrypter->decrypt(input);
repeat_count = new_index == mod_index ? repeat_count + 1 : 0;
mod_index = new_index;
return 0;
// Force install firmware or pkg first if specified through command-line
if (parser.isSet(arg_installfw) || parser.isSet(arg_installpkg))
if (auto gui_app = qobject_cast<gui_application*>(app.data()))
if (s_no_gui)
if (parser.isSet(arg_installfw))
if (gui_app->m_main_window)
if (parser.isSet(arg_installfw) && parser.isSet(arg_installpkg))
QMessageBox::warning(gui_app->m_main_window, QObject::tr("Invalid command-line arguments!"), QObject::tr("Cannot perform multiple installations at the same time!"));
else if (parser.isSet(arg_installfw))
report_fatal_error("Cannot perform installation. No main window found!");
report_fatal_error("Cannot perform installation in headless mode!");
for (const auto& opt : parser.optionNames())
sys_log.notice("Option passed via command line: %s %s", opt, parser.value(opt));
if (parser.isSet(arg_savestate))
const std::string savestate_path = parser.value(savestate_option).toStdString();
sys_log.notice("Booting savestate from command line: %s", savestate_path);
if (!fs::is_file(savestate_path))
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("No savestate file found: %s", savestate_path));
Emu.CallFromMainThread([path = savestate_path]()
if (const game_boot_result error = Emu.BootGame(path); error != game_boot_result::no_errors)
sys_log.error("Booting savestate '%s' failed: reason: %s", path, error);
if (s_headless || s_no_gui)
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("Booting savestate '%s' failed!\n\nReason: %s", path, error));
else if (parser.isSet(arg_rsx_capture))
const std::string rsx_capture_path = parser.value(rsx_capture_option).toStdString();
sys_log.notice("Booting rsx capture from command line: %s", rsx_capture_path);
if (!fs::is_file(rsx_capture_path))
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("No rsx capture file found: %s", rsx_capture_path));
Emu.CallFromMainThread([path = rsx_capture_path]()
if (!Emu.BootRsxCapture(path))
sys_log.error("Booting rsx capture '%s' failed", path);
if (s_headless || s_no_gui)
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("Booting rsx capture '%s' failed!", path));
else if (const QStringList args = parser.positionalArguments(); !args.isEmpty() && !is_updating && !parser.isSet(arg_installfw) && !parser.isSet(arg_installpkg))
const std::string spath = ::at32(args, 0).toStdString();
if (spath.starts_with(Emulator::vfs_boot_prefix))
sys_log.notice("Booting application from command line using VFS path: %s", spath.substr(Emulator::vfs_boot_prefix.size()));
else if (spath.starts_with(Emulator::game_id_boot_prefix))
sys_log.notice("Booting application from command line using GAMEID: %s", spath.substr(Emulator::game_id_boot_prefix.size()));
sys_log.notice("Booting application from command line: %s", spath);
// Propagate command line arguments
std::vector<std::string> rpcs3_argv;
if (args.length() > 1)
for (int i = 1; i < args.length(); i++)
const std::string arg = args[i].toStdString();
sys_log.notice("Optional command line argument %d: %s", i, arg);
std::string config_path;
if (parser.isSet(arg_config))
config_path = parser.value(config_option).toStdString();
if (!fs::is_file(config_path))
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("No config file found: %s", config_path));
if (parser.isSet(arg_input_config))
if (!s_no_gui)
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("The option '%s' can only be used in combination with '%s'.", arg_input_config, arg_no_gui));
g_input_config_override = parser.value(input_config_option).toStdString();
if (g_input_config_override.empty())
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("Input config file name is empty"));
// Postpone startup to main event loop
Emu.CallFromMainThread([path = spath.starts_with("%RPCS3_") ? spath : QFileInfo(::at32(args, 0)).absoluteFilePath().toStdString(), rpcs3_argv = std::move(rpcs3_argv), config_path = std::move(config_path)]() mutable
Emu.argv = std::move(rpcs3_argv);
const cfg_mode config_mode = config_path.empty() ? cfg_mode::custom : cfg_mode::config_override;
if (const game_boot_result error = Emu.BootGame(path, "", false, config_mode, config_path); error != game_boot_result::no_errors)
sys_log.error("Booting '%s' with cli argument failed: reason: %s", path, error);
if (s_headless || s_no_gui)
report_fatal_error(fmt::format("Booting '%s' failed!\n\nReason: %s", path, error));
else if (s_headless || s_no_gui)
// If launched from CMD
utils::attach_console(utils::console_stream::std_out | utils::console_stream::std_err, false);
sys_log.error("Cannot run %s mode without boot target. Terminating...", s_headless ? "headless" : "no-gui");
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot run %s mode without boot target. Terminating...\n", s_headless ? "headless" : "no-gui");
if (s_no_gui)
QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, QObject::tr("Missing command-line arguments!"), QObject::tr("Cannot run no-gui mode without boot target.\nTerminating..."));
return 0;
// run event loop (maybe only needed for the gui application)
return app->exec();