unit tests that show the difference of output between FPREM and FPREM1.
Setup as known failures on everything except for host since we don't
implement fprem correctly.
An incorrect fix to FPREM is as follows:
--- a/External/FEXCore/Source/Common/SoftFloat.h
+++ b/External/FEXCore/Source/Common/SoftFloat.h
@@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ struct X80SoftFloat {
return Result;
+ BIGFLOAT lhs_ = lhs;
+ BIGFLOAT rhs_ = rhs;
+ BIGFLOAT Result = fmodl(lhs_, rhs_);
+ return Result;
return extF80_rem(lhs, rhs);
But we shouldn't implement this fix. We should instead implement a new `extF80_mod`
function that handles the rounding differences between FPREM and FPREM1.
Doesn't attempt to resolve#1538