#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile _Arch = None def GetArch(): global _Arch if _Arch == None: _Arch = subprocess.check_output(['uname', '-m']).decode("utf-8").strip() return _Arch _Distro = None def GetDistro(): global _Distro # Query files in order # /etc/lsb-release # /etc/os-release if _Distro == None: if os.path.exists("/etc/lsb-release"): File = open("/etc/lsb-release", "r") Lines = File.readlines() File.close() Found = 0 Distro = "" Version = "" for Line in Lines: Key, Val = Line.split("=", 1) if Key == "DISTRIB_ID": Distro = Val.strip().lower() Found+=1 if Key == "DISTRIB_RELEASE": Version = Val.strip() Found+=1 if Found == 2: _Distro = [Distro, Version] return _Distro if os.path.exists("/etc/os-release"): File = open("/etc/os-release", "r") Lines = File.readlines() File.close() Found = 0 Distro = "" Version = "" for Line in Lines: Key, Val = Line.split("=", 1) if Key == "ID": Distro = Val.strip() Found+=1 if Key == "VERSION_ID": # Strip the double quotes from the version id Version = Val.strip()[1:-1] Found+=1 if Found == 2: _Distro = [Distro, Version] return _Distro # Unknown _Distro = ["Unknown", "0.0"] return _Distro def IsSupportedArch(): Arch = GetArch() return Arch == "aarch64" def IsSupportedDistro(): Distro = GetDistro() # We only support Ubuntu if Distro[0] == "ubuntu": # We only support what is available in ppa:fex-emu/fex return Distro[1] == "20.04" or \ Distro[1] == "21.04" or \ Distro[1] == "21.10" or \ Distro[1] == "22.04" return False _ArchVersion = None def ListContainsRequired(Features, RequiredFeatures): for Req in RequiredFeatures: if not Req in Features: return False return True def GetCPUFeaturesVersion(): global _ArchVersion # Also LOR but kernel doesn't expose this v8_1Mandatory = ["atomics", "asimdrdm", "crc32"] v8_2Mandatory = v8_1Mandatory + ["dcpop"] v8_3Mandatory = v8_2Mandatory + ["fcma", "jscvt", "lrcpc", "paca", "pacg"] v8_4Mandatory = v8_3Mandatory + ["asimddp", "flagm", "ilrcpc", "uscat"] # fphp asimdhp asimddp if _ArchVersion == None: File = open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r") Lines = File.readlines() File.close() # Minimum spec is ARMv8.0 _ArchVersion = "8.0" for Line in Lines: if "Features" in Line: Features = Line.split(":")[1].strip().split(" ") # We don't care beyond 8.4 right now if ListContainsRequired(Features, v8_4Mandatory): _ArchVersion = "8.4" elif ListContainsRequired(Features, v8_3Mandatory): _ArchVersion = "8.3" elif ListContainsRequired(Features, v8_2Mandatory): _ArchVersion = "8.2" elif ListContainsRequired(Features, v8_1Mandatory): _ArchVersion = "8.1" break; return _ArchVersion _PPAInstalled = None FEXPPA = "http://ppa.launchpad.net/fex-emu/fex/ubuntu" def GetPPAStatus(): global _PPAInstalled if _PPAInstalled == None: _PPAInstalled = False CacheResults = subprocess.check_output(['apt-cache', 'policy']).decode("utf-8") for Line in CacheResults.split("\n"): if "http" in Line: Line = Line.strip() LineSplit = Line.split(" ") # 'status' 'URL' 'series' 'arch' 'type' if LineSplit[1] == FEXPPA: _PPAInstalled = True break return _PPAInstalled def InstallPPA(): print ("Installing PPA: ppa:fex-emu/fex") print ("This bit will ask for your password") DidInstall = False try: CmdResult = subprocess.call(["sudo", "add-apt-repository", "-y", "ppa:fex-emu/fex"]) DidInstall = CmdResult == 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: DidInstall = False pass if DidInstall: print("PPA installed") else: print("PPA failed to install") return DidInstall ARMVersionToPackage = { "8.0": "fex-emu-armv8.0", "8.1": "fex-emu-armv8.0", "8.2": "fex-emu-armv8.2", "8.3": "fex-emu-armv8.2", "8.4": "fex-emu-armv8.4", } def GetPackagesToInstall(): return [ ARMVersionToPackage[GetCPUFeaturesVersion()], "fex-emu-binfmt32", "fex-emu-binfmt64", ] def UpdatePPA(): print ("Updating apt sources") print ("This bit will ask for your password") DidUpdate = False try: CmdResult = subprocess.call(["sudo", "apt-get", "update"]) DidUpdate = CmdResult == 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: DidUpdate = False pass if DidUpdate: print("PPA installed") else: print("PPA failed to install") return DidUpdate def CheckAndInstallPackageUpdates(): PackagesToInstall = GetPackagesToInstall() for Package in PackagesToInstall[:]: UpgradableStatus = subprocess.check_output(["apt", "list", "--upgradable", Package]).decode("utf-8") Found = False for Line in UpgradableStatus.split("\n"): # If the package exists to be upgraded then it will appear in this list # We need to check multiple lines # $ apt list --upgradable # With upgrade available # Listing... Done # / [upgradable from: ] # Without upgrade available # Listing... Done # if Package in Line and "upgradable" in Line: Found = True if Found == False: PackagesToInstall.remove(Package) if len(PackagesToInstall) > 0: print ("Found updates for packages: {}".format(PackagesToInstall)) print ("This bit may ask for your password") DidInstall = False try: CmdResult = subprocess.call(["sudo", "apt-get", "-y", "install"] + PackagesToInstall) DidInstall = CmdResult == 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: print ("Keyboard interrupt") DidInstall = False pass if DidInstall: print("Packages updated") else: print("Packages failed to update") return DidInstall return True def CheckPackageInstallStatus(): PackagesToInstall = GetPackagesToInstall() for Package in PackagesToInstall[:]: CmdResult = subprocess.call(["dpkg", "-s", Package], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) if CmdResult == 0: PackagesToInstall.remove(Package) return PackagesToInstall def InstallPackages(Packages): print("Installing packages: {}".format(Packages)) DidInstall = False try: CmdResult = subprocess.call(["sudo", "apt-get", "-y", "install"] + Packages) DidInstall = CmdResult == 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: print ("Keyboard interrupt") DidInstall = False pass if DidInstall: print("Packages installed") else: print("Packages failed to install") return DidInstall _RootFSPath = None def GetRootFSPath(): global _RootFSPath if _RootFSPath == None: # Follows the same logic as FEXCore::Config::GetDataDirectory() HomeDir = os.getenv("HOME") if HomeDir == None: HomeDir = os.getenv("PWD") if HomeDir == None: HomeDir = "." Path = HomeDir DataXDG = os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME") if DataXDG != None: Path = DataXDG Path = Path + "/.fex-emu" DataOverride = os.getenv("FEX_APP_DATA_LOCATION") if DataOverride != None: Path = DataOverride _RootFSPath = Path + "/RootFS/" return _RootFSPath def CheckRootFSInstallStatus(): # Matches what is available on https://rootfs.fex-emu.org/file/fex-rootfs/RootFS_links.txt UbuntuVersionToRootFS = { "20.04": "Ubuntu_21_04.sqsh", "21.04": "Ubuntu_21_04.sqsh", "21.10": "Ubuntu_21_10.sqsh", "22.04": "Ubuntu_21_10.sqsh", } return os.path.exists(GetRootFSPath() + UbuntuVersionToRootFS[GetDistro()[1]]) def TryInstallRootFS(): DidInstall = False try: CmdResult = subprocess.call(["FEXRootFSFetcher"]) DidInstall = CmdResult == 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: print ("Keyboard interrupt") DidInstall = False pass return DidInstall def TryBasicProgramExecution(): return subprocess.call(["FEXInterpreter", "/usr/bin/uname", "-a"]) == 0 def ExitWithStatus(Status): # Remove the cached credentials subprocess.call(["sudo", "-K"]) sys.exit(Status) def main(): # Only run on supported arch if not IsSupportedArch(): print ( "{} is not a supported architecture".format(GetArch())) ExitWithStatus(-1) if not IsSupportedDistro(): Distro = GetDistro() print ( "'{} {}' is not a supported distro".format(Distro[0], Distro[1])) ExitWithStatus(-1) if GetDistro()[0] == "ubuntu": print ("Getting PPA status: {}".format(("NotInstalled", "Installed")[GetPPAStatus()])) if GetPPAStatus(): if not UpdatePPA(): print ("apt sources failed to update. Not continuing") ExitWithStatus(-1) if not CheckAndInstallPackageUpdates(): print ("apt packages failed to update. Not continuing") ExitWithStatus(-1) else: if not InstallPPA(): print ("PPA failed to install. Not continuing") ExitWithStatus(-1) Packages = CheckPackageInstallStatus() if len(Packages) > 0: if not InstallPackages(Packages): print ("Failed to install packages. Not continuing") ExitWithStatus(-1) if not CheckRootFSInstallStatus(): print ("RootFS not found. Running FEXRootFSFetcher to get rootfs") if not TryInstallRootFS(): print ("Failed to install RootFS. Not continuing") ExitWithStatus(-1) print ("FEX is now installed. Trying basic program run") if not TryBasicProgramExecution(): print ("FEXInterpreter failed to run. Not continuing") ExitWithStatus(-1) print ("") print ("===================================================") print ("FEX test run executed. You should be set to run FEX") print ("===================================================") print ("Usage examples:") print ("# steam is a bash script. Wrap with FEXBash") print ("\tFEXBash steam") print ("# Full path execution execution will wrap the application if it exists in the rootfs") print ("\tFEXInterpreter /usr/bin/uname") print ("# Freestanding x86/x86-64 programs can be executed directly. binfmt_misc will redirect to FEX") print ("\t$HOME/PetalCrashOnline.AppImage") print ("# If you need a terminal that emulates everything.") print ("# Run FEXBash without arguments. Double check uname to see if running under FEX") print ("\tFEXBash") ExitWithStatus(0) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())