Ryan Houdek 1cc9f2107d Add in jemalloc glibc hooking again
We still need to hook glibc for thunks to work with
So now we link in two jemalloc allocators in different namespaces.

As usual we have multiple heap allocators that we need to be careful about.

1. jemalloc with `je_` namespace.
  - This is FEX's regular heap allocator and what gets used for all the
    fextl objects.
  - This allocator is the one that the FEX mmap/munmap hooks hook in to
     - This mmap hooking gives this allocator the full 48-bit VA even in
       32-bit space.

2. jemalloc with `glibc_je_` namespace.
  - This is the allocator that overrides the glibc allocator routines
  - This is the allocator that thunks will use.
  - This is what `IsHostHeapAllocation` will check for.

3. Guest glibc allocator
  - We don't touch this one. But it is distinct from the host side
  - The guest side of thunks will use this heap allocator.

4. Host glibc allocator
  - #2 replaces this one unless explicitly disabled.
  - Always expected to override the allocator, so this configuration
    isn't expected.

Already tested this with Dota Underlords to ensure this works with
2023-04-14 13:16:22 -07:00

59 lines
2.0 KiB

[submodule "External/vixl"]
shallow = true
path = External/vixl
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/vixl.git
[submodule "External/cpp-optparse"]
path = Source/Common/cpp-optparse
url = https://github.com/Sonicadvance1/cpp-optparse
[submodule "External/imgui"]
path = External/imgui
url = https://github.com/Sonicadvance1/imgui.git
[submodule "External/json-maker"]
path = External/json-maker
url = https://github.com/Sonicadvance1/json-maker.git
[submodule "External/tiny-json"]
path = External/tiny-json
url = https://github.com/Sonicadvance1/tiny-json.git
[submodule "External/xbyak"]
shallow = true
path = External/xbyak
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/xbyak.git
[submodule "External/fex-posixtest-bins"]
shallow = true
path = External/fex-posixtest-bins
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/fex-posixtest-bins.git
[submodule "External/fex-gvisor-tests-bins"]
shallow = true
path = External/fex-gvisor-tests-bins
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/fex-gvisor-tests-bins.git
[submodule "External/fex-gcc-target-tests-bins"]
shallow = true
path = External/fex-gcc-target-tests-bins
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/fex-gcc-target-tests-bins.git
[submodule "External/jemalloc"]
path = External/jemalloc
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/jemalloc.git
[submodule "External/fmt"]
path = External/fmt
url = https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git
[submodule "External/drm-headers"]
path = External/drm-headers
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/drm-headers.git
[submodule "External/xxhash"]
path = External/xxhash
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/xxHash.git
[submodule "External/Catch2"]
path = External/Catch2
url = https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git
[submodule "External/robin-map"]
shallow = true
path = External/robin-map
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/robin-map.git
[submodule "External/Vulkan-Headers"]
shallow = true
path = External/Vulkan-Headers
url = https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Headers.git
[submodule "External/jemalloc_glibc"]
path = External/jemalloc_glibc
url = https://github.com/FEX-Emu/jemalloc.git