Ryan Houdek 542ed8b6ad
Implement support for querying AES256 support
This is a different feature flag than regular AES as the default AES+AVX
only operates on 128-bit wide vectors.

With the newer `VAES` extension this is expanded to 256-bit.
2024-06-19 05:51:47 -07:00

249 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File

import base64
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Flag
import json
import struct
import sys
import subprocess
import os
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
class TestData:
name: str
expectedinstructioncount: int
code: bytes
instructions: list
def __init__(self, Name, ExpectedInstructionCount, Code, Instructions):
self.name = Name
self.expectedinstructioncount = ExpectedInstructionCount
self.code = Code
self.instructions = Instructions
def Name(self):
return self.name
def ExpectedInstructionCount(self):
return self.expectedinstructioncount
def Code(self):
return self.code
def Instructions(self):
return self.instructions
TestDataMap = {}
class HostFeatures(Flag) :
FEATURE_SVE128 = (1 << 0)
FEATURE_SVE256 = (1 << 1)
FEATURE_RNG = (1 << 3)
FEATURE_FCMA = (1 << 4)
FEATURE_CSSC = (1 << 5)
FEATURE_AFP = (1 << 6)
FEATURE_RPRES = (1 << 7)
FEATURE_FLAGM = (1 << 8)
FEATURE_FLAGM2 = (1 << 9)
FEATURE_CRYPTO = (1 << 10)
FEATURE_AES256 = (1 << 11)
HostFeaturesLookup = {
"SVE128" : HostFeatures.FEATURE_SVE128,
"SVE256" : HostFeatures.FEATURE_SVE256,
"RNG" : HostFeatures.FEATURE_RNG,
"FCMA" : HostFeatures.FEATURE_FCMA,
"CSSC" : HostFeatures.FEATURE_CSSC,
"AFP" : HostFeatures.FEATURE_AFP,
"FLAGM2" : HostFeatures.FEATURE_FLAGM2,
"AES256" : HostFeatures.FEATURE_AES256,
def GetHostFeatures(data):
HostFeaturesData = HostFeatures.FEATURE_ANY
if not (type(data) is list):
sys.exit("Features value must be list of features")
for data_key in data:
data_key = data_key.upper()
if not (data_key in HostFeaturesLookup):
sys.exit("Invalid host feature")
HostFeaturesData |= HostFeaturesLookup[data_key]
return HostFeaturesData
def parse_json_data(json_filepath, json_filename, json_data, output_binary_path):
Bitness = 64
EnabledHostFeatures = HostFeatures.FEATURE_ANY
DisabledHostFeatures = HostFeatures.FEATURE_ANY
OptionEnvironmentVariables = {}
if "Features" in json_data:
items = json_data["Features"]
if ("Bitness" in items):
Bitness = int(items["Bitness"])
if ("EnabledHostFeatures" in items):
EnabledHostFeatures = GetHostFeatures(items["EnabledHostFeatures"])
if ("DisabledHostFeatures" in items):
DisabledHostFeatures = GetHostFeatures(items["DisabledHostFeatures"])
if ("Env" in items):
data = items["Env"]
if not (type(data) is dict):
sys.exit("Environment variables value must be list of key:value pairs")
for data_key, data_val in data.items():
OptionEnvironmentVariables[data_key] = data_val
for key, items in json_data["Instructions"].items():
ExpectedInstructionCount = 0
Instructions = []
if ("ExpectedInstructionCount" in items):
ExpectedInstructionCount = int(items["ExpectedInstructionCount"])
if ("Skip" in items):
if items["Skip"].upper() == "YES":
if "x86Insts" in items:
Instructions = items["x86Insts"]
# No list of instructions, only one which is the key.
TestName = base64.b64encode("{}.{}.{}".format(str(hash(json_filepath)), json_filename, key).encode("ascii")).decode("ascii")
tmp_asm = "/tmp/{}.asm".format(TestName)
tmp_asm_out = "/tmp/{}.asm.o".format(TestName)
logging.info("'{}' -> '{}' -> '{}'".format(key, tmp_asm, tmp_asm_out))
if TestName in TestDataMap:
sys.exit("Duplicate test name {} in tests".format(TestName))
with open(tmp_asm, "w") as tmp_asm_file:
tmp_asm_file.write("BITS {};\n".format(Bitness))
for Inst in Instructions:
Process = subprocess.Popen(["nasm", tmp_asm, "-o", tmp_asm_out])
ResultCode = Process.returncode
if ResultCode != 0:
logging.error("Nasm failed to execute")
logging.error("Couldn't compile: '{}'".format(key))
return ResultCode
if not os.path.exists(tmp_asm_out):
logging.error("Nasm didn't emit code?")
return 1
logging.info("Generated asm file")
with open(tmp_asm_out, "rb") as tmp_asm_out_file:
binary_hex = tmp_asm_out_file.read()
TestDataMap[TestName] = TestData(key, ExpectedInstructionCount, binary_hex, Instructions)
# Output the test data as follows
# struct TestInfo;
# struct DataHeader {
# uint64_t Bitness;
# uint64_t NumTests;
# uint64_t EnabledHostFeatures;
# uint64_t DisabledHostFeatures;
# uint64_t EnvironmentVariableCount;
# char env[];
# TestInfo Tests[NumTests];
# };
# struct TestInfo {
# char InstName[128];
# int64_t ExpectedInstructionCount;
# uint64_t CodeSize;
# uint64_t x86InstCount;
# uint32_t Cookie;
# uint8_t Code[CodeSize];
# };
MemData = bytes()
# Add the header
MemData += struct.pack('Q', Bitness)
MemData += struct.pack('Q', len(TestDataMap))
MemData += struct.pack('Q', EnabledHostFeatures.value)
MemData += struct.pack('Q', DisabledHostFeatures.value)
MemData += struct.pack('Q', len(OptionEnvironmentVariables.items()))
# Write environment variables
for key, val in OptionEnvironmentVariables.items():
MemData += key.encode()
MemData += struct.pack('B', 0)
MemData += val.encode()
MemData += struct.pack('B', 0)
# Add each test
for key, item in TestDataMap.items():
MemData += struct.pack('128s', item.Name.encode("ascii"))
MemData += struct.pack('q', item.ExpectedInstructionCount)
MemData += struct.pack('Q', len(item.Code))
MemData += struct.pack('Q', len(item.Instructions))
MemData += struct.pack('I', 0x41424344)
MemData += item.Code
logging.info("Code goign to {}".format(output_binary_path))
with open(output_binary_path, "wb") as output_binary_file:
return 0
def main():
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
logging.critical ("Python 3 or a more recent version is required.")
if (len(sys.argv) < 3):
logging.critical ("usage: %s <PerformanceTests.json> <output_folder>" % (sys.argv[0]))
json_path = sys.argv[1]
output_binary_path = sys.argv[2]
with open(json_path) as json_file:
json_text = json_file.read()
except IOError:
return 1
json_data = json.loads(json_text)
if not isinstance(json_data, dict):
raise TypeError('JSON data must be a dict')
return parse_json_data(json_path, os.path.basename(json_path), json_data, output_binary_path)
except ValueError as ve:
logging.error(f'JSON error: {ve}')
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
# execute only if run as a script