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#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h>
#include <clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h>
#include <clang/Basic/Version.h>
#include <clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h>
#include <clang/Tooling/Tooling.h>
#include <interface.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <string_view>
#include "common.h"
* This class parses its input code and stores it alongside its AST representation.
* Use this with HasASTMatching in Catch2's CHECK_THAT/REQUIRE_THAT macros.
struct SourceWithAST {
std::string code;
std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTUnit> ast;
SourceWithAST(std::string_view input, bool silent_compile = false);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SourceWithAST& ast) {
os << ast.code;
// Additionally, change this to true to print the full AST on test failures
const bool print_ast = false;
if (print_ast) {
for (auto it = ast.ast->top_level_begin(); it != ast.ast->top_level_end(); ++it) {
// Skip header declarations
if (!ast.ast->isInMainFileID((*it)->getBeginLoc())) {
auto llvm_os = llvm::raw_os_ostream { os };
return os;
struct Fixture {
Fixture() {
tmpdir = std::string { P_tmpdir } + "/thunkgentestXXXXXX";
if (!mkdtemp(tmpdir.data())) {
output_filenames = {
tmpdir + "/thunkgen_guest",
tmpdir + "/thunkgen_host",
~Fixture() {
struct GenOutput {
SourceWithAST guest;
SourceWithAST host;
* Runs the given given code through the thunk generator and verifies the output compiles.
* Input code with common definitions (types, functions, ...) should be specified in "prelude".
* It will be prepended to "code" before processing and also to the generator output.
SourceWithAST run_thunkgen_guest(std::string_view prelude, std::string_view code, bool silent = false);
SourceWithAST run_thunkgen_host(std::string_view prelude, std::string_view code, GuestABI = GuestABI::X86_64, bool silent = false);
GenOutput run_thunkgen(std::string_view prelude, std::string_view code, bool silent = false);
const std::string libname = "libtest";
std::string tmpdir;
OutputFilenames output_filenames;
using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
class MatchCallback : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
bool success = false;
using CheckFn = std::function<bool(const MatchFinder::MatchResult&)>;
std::vector<CheckFn> binding_checks;
template<typename NodeType>
void check_binding(std::string_view binding_name, bool (*check_fn)(const NodeType*)) {
// Decorate the given check with node extraction and wrap it in a type-erased interface
[check_fn, binding_name = std::string(binding_name)](const MatchFinder::MatchResult& result) {
if (auto node = result.Nodes.getNodeAs<NodeType>(binding_name.c_str())) {
return check_fn(node);
return false;
void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult& result) override {
success = true; // NOTE: If there are no callbacks, this signals that the match was found at all
for (auto& binding_check : binding_checks) {
success = success && binding_check(result);
bool matched() const noexcept {
return success;
* This class connects the libclang AST to Catch2 test matchers, allowing for
* code compiled via SourceWithAST objects to be pattern-matched using the
* libclang ASTMatcher API.
template<typename ClangMatcher>
class HasASTMatching : public Catch::MatcherBase<SourceWithAST> {
ClangMatcher matcher;
MatchCallback callback;
HasASTMatching(const ClangMatcher& matcher_) : matcher(matcher_) {
template<typename NodeT>
HasASTMatching& check_binding(std::string_view binding_name, bool (*check_fn)(const NodeT*)) {
callback.check_binding(binding_name, check_fn);
return *this;
bool match(const SourceWithAST& code) const override {
MatchCallback result = callback;
clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder finder;
finder.addMatcher(matcher, &result);
return result.matched();
std::string describe() const override {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "should compile and match the given AST pattern";
return ss.str();
HasASTMatching<DeclarationMatcher> matches(const DeclarationMatcher& matcher_) {
return HasASTMatching<DeclarationMatcher>(matcher_);
HasASTMatching<StatementMatcher> matches(const StatementMatcher& matcher_) {
return HasASTMatching<StatementMatcher>(matcher_);
* Catch matcher that checks if a tested C++ source defines a function with the given name
class DefinesPublicFunction : public HasASTMatching<DeclarationMatcher> {
std::string function_name;
DefinesPublicFunction(std::string_view name) : HasASTMatching(functionDecl(hasName(name))), function_name(name) {
std::string describe() const override {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "should define and export a function called \"" + function_name + "\"";
return ss.str();
SourceWithAST::SourceWithAST(std::string_view input, bool silent_compile) : code(input) {
// Call run_tool with a ToolAction that assigns this->ast
struct ToolAction : clang::tooling::ToolAction {
std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTUnit>& ast;
ToolAction(std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTUnit>& ast_) : ast(ast_) { }
bool runInvocation(std::shared_ptr<clang::CompilerInvocation> invocation,
clang::FileManager* files,
std::shared_ptr<clang::PCHContainerOperations> pch,
clang::DiagnosticConsumer *diag_consumer) override {
auto diagnostics = clang::CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(&invocation->getDiagnosticOpts(), diag_consumer, false);
ast = clang::ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocation(invocation, std::move(pch), std::move(diagnostics), files);
return (ast != nullptr);
} tool_action { ast };
run_tool(tool_action, code, silent_compile);
* Generates guest thunk library code from the given input
SourceWithAST Fixture::run_thunkgen_guest(std::string_view prelude, std::string_view code, bool silent) {
const std::string full_code = std::string { prelude } + std::string { code };
// These tests don't deal with data layout differences, so just run data
// layout analysis with host configuration
auto data_layout_analysis_factory = std::make_unique<AnalyzeDataLayoutActionFactory>();
run_tool(*data_layout_analysis_factory, full_code, silent);
auto& data_layout = data_layout_analysis_factory->GetDataLayout();
run_tool(std::make_unique<GenerateThunkLibsActionFactory>(libname, output_filenames, data_layout), full_code, silent);
std::string result =
"#include <cstdint>\n"
"#define MAKE_THUNK(lib, name, hash) extern \"C\" int fexthunks_##lib##_##name(void*);\n"
"struct callback_thunk_defined;\n"
"#define MAKE_CALLBACK_THUNK(name, sig, hash) template<> struct callback_thunk_defined<sig> {};\n"
"template<typename Target>\n"
"Target *MakeHostTrampolineForGuestFunction(uint8_t HostPacker[32], void (*)(uintptr_t, void*), Target*);\n"
"template<typename Target>\n"
"Target *AllocateHostTrampolineForGuestFunction(Target*);\n";
const auto& filename = output_filenames.guest;
std::ifstream file(filename);
const auto current_size = result.size();
const auto new_data_size = std::filesystem::file_size(filename);
result.resize(result.size() + new_data_size);
file.read(result.data() + current_size, result.size());
return SourceWithAST { std::string { prelude } + result };
* Generates host thunk library code from the given input
SourceWithAST Fixture::run_thunkgen_host(std::string_view prelude, std::string_view code, GuestABI guest_abi, bool silent) {
const std::string full_code = std::string { prelude } + std::string { code };
// These tests don't deal with data layout differences, so just run data
// layout analysis with host configuration
auto data_layout_analysis_factory = std::make_unique<AnalyzeDataLayoutActionFactory>();
run_tool(*data_layout_analysis_factory, full_code, silent, guest_abi);
auto& data_layout = data_layout_analysis_factory->GetDataLayout();
run_tool(std::make_unique<GenerateThunkLibsActionFactory>(libname, output_filenames, data_layout), full_code, silent);
std::string result =
"#include <array>\n"
"#include <cstdint>\n"
"#include <cstring>\n"
"#include <dlfcn.h>\n"
"#include <type_traits>\n"
"template<typename Fn>\n"
"struct function_traits;\n"
"template<typename Result, typename Arg>\n"
"struct function_traits<Result(*)(Arg)> {\n"
" using result_t = Result;\n"
" using arg_t = Arg;\n"
"template<auto Fn>\n"
"static typename function_traits<decltype(Fn)>::result_t\n"
"fexfn_type_erased_unpack(void* argsv) {\n"
" using args_t = typename function_traits<decltype(Fn)>::arg_t;\n"
" return Fn(reinterpret_cast<args_t>(argsv));\n"
"struct GuestcallInfo {\n"
" uintptr_t HostPacker;\n"
" void (*CallCallback)(uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*);\n"
" uintptr_t GuestUnpacker;\n"
" uintptr_t GuestTarget;\n"
"struct ParameterAnnotations {};\n"
"template<typename, typename...>\n"
"struct GuestWrapperForHostFunction {\n"
" template<ParameterAnnotations...> static void Call(void*);\n"
"struct ExportEntry { uint8_t* sha256; void(*fn)(void *); };\n"
"void *dlsym_default(void* handle, const char* symbol);\n"
"template<typename T> inline constexpr bool has_compatible_data_layout = std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_enum_v<T>;\n"
"template<typename T>\n"
"struct guest_layout {\n"
" T data;\n"
"template<typename T>\n"
"struct guest_layout<T*> {\n"
"#ifdef IS_32BIT_THUNK\n"
" using type = uint32_t;\n"
" using type = uint64_t;\n"
" type data;\n"
"template<typename T>\n"
"struct host_layout {\n"
" T data;\n"
" explicit host_layout(const guest_layout<T>&);\n"
" template<typename U> explicit host_layout(const guest_layout<U>&) requires (std::is_integral_v<U> && sizeof(U) <= sizeof(T) && std::is_convertible_v<T, U> && std::is_signed_v<T> == std::is_signed_v<U>);\n"
"template<typename T> constexpr bool is_long = std::is_same_v<T, long> || std::is_same_v<T, unsigned long>;\n"
"template<typename T> constexpr bool is_longlong = std::is_same_v<T, long long> || std::is_same_v<T, unsigned long long>;\n"
"template<typename T>\n"
"struct host_layout<T*> {\n"
" T* data;\n"
" explicit host_layout(const guest_layout<T*>&);\n"
" template<typename U> explicit host_layout(const guest_layout<U*>&) requires (std::is_integral_v<U> && sizeof(U) == sizeof(long) && sizeof(long) == 8 && is_long<std::remove_cv_t<T>> && std::is_convertible_v<T, U> && std::is_signed_v<T> == std::is_signed_v<U>);\n"
" template<typename U> explicit host_layout(const guest_layout<U*>&) requires (std::is_integral_v<U> && sizeof(U) == sizeof(long long) && is_longlong<std::remove_cv_t<T>> && std::is_convertible_v<T, U> && std::is_signed_v<T> == std::is_signed_v<U>);\n"
" template<typename U> explicit host_layout(const guest_layout<U*>&) requires (std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<T>, char> && std::is_integral_v<U> && std::is_convertible_v<T, U> && sizeof(U) == 1);\n"
" template<typename U> explicit host_layout(const guest_layout<U*>&) requires (std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<T>, wchar_t> && std::is_integral_v<U> && std::is_convertible_v<T, U> && sizeof(U) == sizeof(wchar_t));\n"
"template<typename T> struct host_to_guest_convertible {\n"
" operator guest_layout<T>();\n"
" operator guest_layout<const unsigned long long*>() const requires(std::is_same_v<T, const unsigned long*>);\n"
" operator guest_layout<const uint8_t*>() const requires(std::is_same_v<T, const char*>);\n"
" operator guest_layout<uint8_t*>() const requires(std::is_same_v<T, char*>);\n"
" operator guest_layout<uint32_t*>() const requires(std::is_same_v<T, wchar_t*>);\n"
" template<typename U> operator guest_layout<U>() const requires (std::is_integral_v<U> && sizeof(U) == sizeof(T) && std::is_convertible_v<T, U> && std::is_signed_v<T> == std::is_signed_v<U>);\n"
"#if IS_32BIT_THUNK\n"
" operator guest_layout<uint32_t>() const requires(std::is_same_v<T, size_t>);\n"
"template<typename T, typename GuestT>\n"
"struct repack_wrapper {};\n"
"template<typename T, typename GuestT>\n"
"repack_wrapper<T, GuestT> make_repack_wrapper(guest_layout<GuestT>& orig_arg);\n"
"template<typename T> host_to_guest_convertible<T> to_guest(const host_layout<T>& from);\n"
"template<typename F> void FinalizeHostTrampolineForGuestFunction(F*);\n"
"template<typename F> void FinalizeHostTrampolineForGuestFunction(guest_layout<F*>);\n"
"template<typename T> T& unwrap_host(host_layout<T>&);\n"
"template<typename T, typename GuestT> T* unwrap_host(repack_wrapper<T*, GuestT>&);\n"
"template<typename T> const host_layout<T>& to_host_layout(const T& t);\n";
auto& filename = output_filenames.host;
std::ifstream file(filename);
const auto prelude_size = result.size();
const auto new_data_size = std::filesystem::file_size(filename);
result.resize(result.size() + new_data_size);
file.read(result.data() + prelude_size, result.size());
// Force all functions to be non-static, since having to define them
// would add a lot of noise to simple tests.
while (true) {
auto pos = result.find("static ", prelude_size);
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
result.replace(pos, 6, " "); // Replace "static" with 6 spaces (avoiding reallocation)
return SourceWithAST { std::string { prelude } + result, silent };
Fixture::GenOutput Fixture::run_thunkgen(std::string_view prelude, std::string_view code, bool silent) {
return { run_thunkgen_guest(prelude, code, silent),
run_thunkgen_host(prelude, code, GuestABI::X86_64, silent) };
// Old clang versions require an explicit "struct" prefix
#define CLANG_STRUCT_PREFIX "struct "
#define asStructString(name) asString(CLANG_STRUCT_PREFIX name)
#define asStructString(name) asString(name)
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "Trivial") {
const auto output = run_thunkgen("",
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"void func();\n"
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {};\n");
// Guest code
CHECK_THAT(output.guest, DefinesPublicFunction("func"));
// Host code
hasType(constantArrayType(hasElementType(asStructString("ExportEntry")), hasSize(2))),
hasInitializer(initListExpr(hasInit(0, expr()),
hasInit(1, initListExpr(hasInit(0, implicitCastExpr()), hasInit(1, implicitCastExpr())))))
// TODO: check null termination
// Unknown annotations trigger an error
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "UnknownAnnotation") {
REQUIRE_THROWS(run_thunkgen("void func();\n",
"struct invalid_annotation {};\n"
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> : invalid_annotation {};\n", true));
REQUIRE_THROWS(run_thunkgen("void func();\n",
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> { int invalid_field_annotation; };\n", true));
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "VersionedLibrary") {
const auto output = run_thunkgen_host("",
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config { int version = 123; };\n");
hasArgument(0, stringLiteral().bind("libname"))
.check_binding("libname", +[](const clang::StringLiteral* lit) {
return lit->getString().endswith(".so.123");
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "FunctionPointerViaType") {
const auto output = run_thunkgen("",
"template<typename> struct fex_gen_type {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_type<int(char, char)> {};\n");
// Guest should apply MAKE_CALLBACK_THUNK to this signature
// Should have signature matching input function
hasTemplateArgument(0, refersToType(asString("int (char, char)")))
// Host should export the unpacking function for callback arguments
hasType(constantArrayType(hasElementType(asStructString("ExportEntry")), hasSize(2))),
hasInitializer(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(to(cxxMethodDecl(hasName("Call"), ofClass(hasName("GuestWrapperForHostFunction"))).bind("funcptr")))))
)).check_binding("funcptr", +[](const clang::CXXMethodDecl* decl) {
auto parent = llvm::cast<clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(decl->getParent());
return parent->getTemplateArgs().get(0).getAsType().getAsString() == "int (unsigned char, unsigned char)";
// Parameter is a function pointer
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "FunctionPointerParameter") {
const auto output = run_thunkgen("",
"void func(int (*funcptr)(char, char));\n"
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {};\n");
// Should have signature matching input function
hasParameter(0, hasType(asString("int (*)(char, char)")))
// Host packing function should call FinalizeHostTrampolineForGuestFunction on the argument
hasDescendant(callExpr(callee(functionDecl(hasName("FinalizeHostTrampolineForGuestFunction"))), hasArgument(0, expr().bind("funcptr"))))
)).check_binding("funcptr", +[](const clang::Expr* funcptr) {
// Check that the argument type matches the function pointer
return funcptr->getType().getAsString() == "guest_layout<int (*)(char, char)>";
// Host should export the unpacking function for function pointer arguments
hasType(constantArrayType(hasElementType(asStructString("ExportEntry")), hasSize(3))),
hasInitializer(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(to(cxxMethodDecl(hasName("Call"), ofClass(hasName("GuestWrapperForHostFunction")))))))
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "MultipleParameters") {
const std::string prelude =
"struct TestStruct { int member; };\n";
auto output = run_thunkgen(prelude,
"void func(int arg, char, unsigned long, TestStruct);\n"
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {};\n");
// Guest code
CHECK_THAT(output.guest, DefinesPublicFunction("func"));
hasParameter(0, hasType(asString("int"))),
hasParameter(1, hasType(asString("char"))),
hasParameter(2, hasType(asString("unsigned long"))),
hasParameter(3, hasType(asStructString("TestStruct")))
// Host code
hasType(constantArrayType(hasElementType(asStructString("ExportEntry")), hasSize(2))),
hasInitializer(initListExpr(hasInit(0, expr()),
hasInit(1, initListExpr(hasInit(0, implicitCastExpr()), hasInit(1, implicitCastExpr())))))
// TODO: check null termination
// Packed argument struct should contain all parameters
hasParameter(0, hasType(pointerType(pointee(hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType(
has(fieldDecl(hasType(asString("guest_layout<" CLANG_STRUCT_PREFIX "TestStruct>"))))
// Returning a function pointer should trigger an error unless an annotation is provided
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "ReturnFunctionPointer") {
const std::string prelude = "using funcptr = void (*)(char, char);\n";
"funcptr func(int);\n"
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {};\n", true));
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"funcptr func(int);\n"
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> : fexgen::returns_guest_pointer {};\n"));
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "VariadicFunction") {
const std::string prelude = "void func(int arg, ...);\n";
const auto output = run_thunkgen_guest(prelude,
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {\n"
" using uniform_va_type = char;\n"
hasParameter(0, hasType(asString("int"))),
hasParameter(1, hasType(asString("unsigned long"))),
hasParameter(2, hasType(pointerType(pointee(asString("char")))))
// Variadic functions without annotation trigger an error
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "VariadicFunctionsWithoutAnnotation") {
REQUIRE_THROWS(run_thunkgen_guest("void func(int arg, ...);\n",
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {};\n", true));
// Tests generation of guest_layout/host_layout wrappers and related helpers
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "LayoutWrappers") {
auto guest_abi = GENERATE(GuestABI::X86_32, GuestABI::X86_64);
const auto host_layout_is_trivial =
hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToType(asString("struct A"))),
has(fieldDecl(hasName("data"), hasType(hasCanonicalType(asString("struct A")))))
const auto layout_undefined = [](const char* type) {
return matches(classTemplateSpecializationDecl(
hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToType(asString("struct A")))
).bind("layout")).check_binding("layout", +[](const clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl* decl) {
return !decl->isCompleteDefinition();
const auto guest_converter_defined =
// Parameter is a host_layout<A> (ignoring qualifiers and references)
hasParameter(0, hasType(references(classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasName("host_layout"), hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToType(asString("struct A"))))))),
// Return value is a guest_layout<A>
returns(asString("guest_layout<" CLANG_STRUCT_PREFIX "A>"))));
const auto guest_converter_undefined =
// Parameter is a host_layout<A> (ignoring qualifiers and references)
hasParameter(0, hasType(references(classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasName("host_layout"), hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToType(asString("struct A"))))))),
const std::string code =
"template<typename> struct fex_gen_type {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_type<A> {};\n";
// For fully compatible types, both guest_layout and host_layout directly
// reference the original struct
SECTION("Fully compatible type") {
const char* struct_def = "struct A { int a; int b; };\n";
const auto output = run_thunkgen_host(struct_def, code, guest_abi);
hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToType(asString("struct A"))),
has(fieldDecl(hasName("data"), hasType(hasCanonicalType(asString("struct A")))))
CHECK_THAT(output, guest_converter_defined);
CHECK_THAT(output, host_layout_is_trivial);
// For repackable types, guest_layout explicitly lists its members
SECTION("Repackable type") {
const char* struct_def =
"#ifdef HOST\n"
"struct A { int a; int b; };\n"
"struct A { int b; int a; };\n"
const auto output = run_thunkgen_host(struct_def, code, guest_abi);
hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToType(asString("struct A"))),
// The member "data" exists and is defined to a struct...
has(fieldDecl(hasName("data"), hasType(hasCanonicalType(hasDeclaration(decl(
// ... the members of which also use guest_layout (with fixed-size integers)
has(fieldDecl(hasName("a"), hasType(asString("guest_layout<int32_t>")))),
has(fieldDecl(hasName("b"), hasType(asString("guest_layout<int32_t>"))))
CHECK_THAT(output, guest_converter_defined);
CHECK_THAT(output, host_layout_is_trivial);
// For incompatible types, use of guest_layout nor host_layout should be prohibited
SECTION("Incompatible type, unannotated") {
const char* struct_def =
"#ifdef HOST\n"
"struct A { int a; int b; };\n"
"struct A { int c; int d; };\n"
const auto output = run_thunkgen_host(struct_def, code, guest_abi);
CHECK_THAT(output, layout_undefined("guest_layout"));
CHECK_THAT(output, guest_converter_undefined);
CHECK_THAT(output, layout_undefined("host_layout"));
// Layout wrappers can be enabled even for incompatible types using the emit_layout_wrappers annotation
SECTION("Incompatible type, annotated") {
// A slightly different setup is used here in order to construct a type which...
// - has incompatible data layout (for both 32-bit and 64-bit guests)
// - has consistently named members in struct A (which is required to emit layout wrappers)
const char* struct_def =
"#ifdef HOST\n"
"struct B { int a; };\n"
"struct B { int b; };\n"
"struct A { B* a; int b; };\n";
const std::string code =
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"template<typename> struct fex_gen_type {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_type<A> : fexgen::emit_layout_wrappers {};\n";
const auto output = run_thunkgen_host(struct_def, code, guest_abi);
// The member "data" exists and is defined to a struct...
has(fieldDecl(hasName("data"), hasType(hasCanonicalType(hasDeclaration(decl(
// ... the members of which also use guest_layout
has(fieldDecl(hasName("a"), hasType(asString("guest_layout<" CLANG_STRUCT_PREFIX "B *>")))),
has(fieldDecl(hasName("b"), hasType(asString("guest_layout<int32_t>"))))
CHECK_THAT(output, guest_converter_defined);
CHECK_THAT(output, host_layout_is_trivial);
// Some integer types are differently sized on the guest than on the host.
// All integer types are mapped to fixed-size equivalents when mentioned in a
// guest context hence. This test ensures the mapping is done correctly and
// the resulting guest_layout instantiations are convertible to host_layout.
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "Mapping guest integers to fixed-size") {
auto guest_abi = GENERATE(GuestABI::X86_32, GuestABI::X86_64);
// Run each test a second time to ensure fixed-size integer mapping is
// applied to pointees as well
const std::string ptr = GENERATE("", " *");
// Run each test with and without the ptr_passthrough annotation
const bool passthrough_guest_type = GENERATE(false, true);
// These types are differently sized on 32-bit guests
SECTION("(u)intptr_t / size_t / long") {
const std::string type = GENERATE("long", "unsigned long", "uintptr_t", "intptr_t", "size_t");
INFO(type + ptr);
const auto code =
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"#include <cstddef>\n"
"#include <cstdint>\n"
"void func(" + type + ptr + ");\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> : fexgen::custom_host_impl {};\n" +
(passthrough_guest_type ? "template<> struct fex_gen_param<func, 0> : fexgen::ptr_passthrough {};\n" : "");
if (!ptr.empty() && guest_abi == GuestABI::X86_32 && !passthrough_guest_type) {
// Guest points to a 32-bit integer, but the host to a 64-bit one.
// This should be detected as a failure.
CHECK_THROWS_WITH(run_thunkgen_host("", code, guest_abi, true), Catch::Contains("initialization of 'host_layout", Catch::CaseSensitive::No));
} else {
const auto output = run_thunkgen_host("", code, guest_abi);
std::string expected_type = "guest_layout<";
if (type == "size_t" || type.starts_with("u")) {
expected_type += "u";
expected_type += (guest_abi == GuestABI::X86_32 ? + "int32_t" : "int64_t");
expected_type += ptr + ">";
// Packed argument struct should contain all parameters
hasParameter(0, hasType(pointerType(pointee(hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType(
// For passthrough parameters, the target function signature should
// match the guest_layout type
if (passthrough_guest_type) {
hasParameter(0, hasType(asString(expected_type)))
// Most integer types are uniquely defined by specifying their size and
// their signedness. (w)char-types and long-types are special:
// * "char", "signed char", and "unsigned char" are different types
// * "wchar_t" is mapped to "guest_layout<uint32_t>", but uint32_t
// itself is a type alias for "int"
// * "long long" is mapped to "guest_layout<uint64_t>", but uint64_t
// itself is a type alias for "long" on 64-bit (which is a different
// type than "long long")
// This test section ensures that the correct fixed-size integers are used
// *and* that they can be converted to host_layout.
SECTION("Special integer types") {
const std::string type = GENERATE("long long", "unsigned long long", "char", "unsigned char", "signed char", "wchar_t");
std::string fixed_size_type = ((type.starts_with("unsigned") || type == "char" || type == "wchar_t") ? "u" : "");
if (type.ends_with("long long")) {
fixed_size_type += "int64_t";
} else if (type.ends_with("wchar_t")) {
fixed_size_type += "int32_t";
} else {
fixed_size_type += "int8_t";
INFO(type + ptr + ", expecting " + fixed_size_type + ptr);
const auto code =
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"#include <cstdint>\n"
"void func(" + type + ptr + ");\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> : fexgen::custom_host_impl {};\n" +
(passthrough_guest_type ? "template<> struct fex_gen_param<func, 0> : fexgen::ptr_passthrough {};\n" : "");
const auto output = run_thunkgen_host("", code, guest_abi);
// Packed argument struct should contain all parameters
hasParameter(0, hasType(pointerType(pointee(hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType(
has(fieldDecl(hasType(asString("guest_layout<" + fixed_size_type + ptr + ">"))))
// For passthrough parameters, the target function signature should
// match the guest_layout type
if (passthrough_guest_type) {
hasParameter(0, hasType(asString("guest_layout<" + fixed_size_type + ptr + ">")))
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "StructRepacking") {
auto guest_abi = GENERATE(GuestABI::X86_32, GuestABI::X86_64);
// All tests use the same function, but the prelude defining its parameter type "A" varies
const std::string code =
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"void func(A*);\n"
"template<auto> struct fex_gen_config {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> : fexgen::custom_host_impl {};\n";
SECTION("Pointer to struct with consistent data layout") {
CHECK_NOTHROW(run_thunkgen_host("struct A { int a; };\n", code, guest_abi));
SECTION("Pointer to struct with unannotated pointer member with inconsistent data layout") {
const auto prelude =
"#ifdef HOST\n"
"struct B { int a; };\n"
"struct B { int b; };\n"
"struct A { B* a; };\n";
SECTION("Parameter unannotated") {
CHECK_THROWS(run_thunkgen_host(prelude, code, guest_abi, true));
SECTION("Parameter annotated as ptr_passthrough") {
CHECK_NOTHROW(run_thunkgen_host(prelude, code + "template<> struct fex_gen_param<func, 0, A*> : fexgen::ptr_passthrough {};\n", guest_abi));
SECTION("Struct member annotated as custom_repack") {
CHECK_NOTHROW(run_thunkgen_host("struct A { void* a; };\n",
code + "template<> struct fex_gen_config<&A::a> : fexgen::custom_repack {};\n", guest_abi));
SECTION("Pointer to struct with pointer member of consistent data layout") {
std::string type = GENERATE("char", "short", "int", "float");
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(run_thunkgen_host("struct A { " + type + "* a; };\n", code, guest_abi));
SECTION("Pointer to struct with pointer member of opaque type") {
const auto prelude =
"struct B;\n"
"struct A { B* a; };\n";
// Unannotated
REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(run_thunkgen_host(prelude, code, guest_abi), Catch::Contains("incomplete type"));
// Annotated as opaque_type
code + "template<> struct fex_gen_type<B> : fexgen::opaque_type {};\n", guest_abi));
TEST_CASE_METHOD(Fixture, "VoidPointerParameter") {
auto guest_abi = GENERATE(GuestABI::X86_32, GuestABI::X86_64);
SECTION("Unannotated") {
const char* code =
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"void func(void*);\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {};\n";
if (guest_abi == GuestABI::X86_32) {
// TODO: Currently not considered an error
// CHECK_THROWS_WITH(run_thunkgen_host("", code, guest_abi, true), Catch::Contains("unsupported parameter type", Catch::CaseSensitive::No));
} else {
// Pointee data is assumed to be compatible on 64-bit
CHECK_NOTHROW(run_thunkgen_host("", code, guest_abi));
SECTION("Passthrough") {
const char* code =
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"void func(void*);\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> : fexgen::custom_host_impl {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_param<func, 0, void*> : fexgen::ptr_passthrough {};\n";
CHECK_NOTHROW(run_thunkgen_host("", code, guest_abi));
SECTION("Assumed compatible") {
const char* code =
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"void func(void*);\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_param<func, 0, void*> : fexgen::assume_compatible_data_layout {};\n";
CHECK_NOTHROW(run_thunkgen_host("", code, guest_abi));
SECTION("Unannotated in struct") {
const char* prelude =
"struct A { void* a; };\n";
const char* code =
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"void func(A*);\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {};\n";
if (guest_abi == GuestABI::X86_32) {
CHECK_THROWS_WITH(run_thunkgen_host(prelude, code, guest_abi, true), Catch::Contains("unsupported parameter type", Catch::CaseSensitive::No));
} else {
CHECK_NOTHROW(run_thunkgen_host(prelude, code, guest_abi));
SECTION("Custom repack in struct") {
const char* prelude =
"struct A { void* a; };\n";
const char* code =
"#include <thunks_common.h>\n"
"void func(A*);\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<&A::a> : fexgen::custom_repack {};\n"
"template<> struct fex_gen_config<func> {};\n";
CHECK_NOTHROW(run_thunkgen_host(prelude, code, guest_abi));