Ryan Houdek 3d671cba10
Allocator: Early return if past the end of the allocation range
Fixes a bug where it would eventually hit the stack region and remap the
range as RW even for ranges that don't overlap the stack.
2024-02-21 15:37:46 -08:00

364 lines
12 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "Utils/Allocator/HostAllocator.h"
#include <FEXCore/Utils/Allocator.h>
#include <FEXCore/Utils/CompilerDefs.h>
#include <FEXCore/Utils/LogManager.h>
#include <FEXCore/fextl/fmt.h>
#include <FEXCore/fextl/memory_resource.h>
#include <FEXHeaderUtils/Syscalls.h>
#include <FEXHeaderUtils/TypeDefines.h>
#include <array>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#include <jemalloc/jemalloc.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <memory>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
extern "C" {
typedef void* (*mmap_hook_type)(
void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags,
int fd, off_t offset);
typedef int (*munmap_hook_type)(void *addr, size_t length);
extern mmap_hook_type je___mmap_hook;
extern munmap_hook_type je___munmap_hook;
namespace fextl::pmr {
static fextl::pmr::default_resource FEXDefaultResource;
std::pmr::memory_resource* get_default_resource() {
return &FEXDefaultResource;
#ifndef _WIN32
namespace FEXCore::Allocator {
MMAP_Hook mmap {::mmap};
MUNMAP_Hook munmap {::munmap};
uint64_t HostVASize{};
using GLIBC_MALLOC_Hook = void*(*)(size_t, const void *caller);
using GLIBC_REALLOC_Hook = void*(*)(void*, size_t, const void *caller);
using GLIBC_FREE_Hook = void(*)(void*, const void *caller);
fextl::unique_ptr<Alloc::HostAllocator> Alloc64{};
void *FEX_mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset) {
void *Result = Alloc64->Mmap(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
if (Result >= (void*)-4096) {
errno = -(uint64_t)Result;
return (void*)-1;
return Result;
int FEX_munmap(void *addr, size_t length) {
int Result = Alloc64->Munmap(addr, length);
if (Result != 0) {
errno = -Result;
return -1;
return Result;
// This function disables glibc's ability to allocate memory through the `sbrk` interface.
// This is run early in the lifecycle of FEX in order to make sure no 64-bit pointers can make it to the guest 32-bit application.
// How this works is that this allocates a single page at the current sbrk pointer (aligned upward to page size). This makes it
// so that when the sbrk syscall is used to allocate more memory, it fails with an ENOMEM since it runs in to the allocated guard page.
// glibc notices the sbrk failure and falls back to regular mmap based allocations when this occurs. Ensuring that memory can still be allocated.
void *DisableSBRKAllocations() {
void* INVALID_PTR = reinterpret_cast<void*>(~0ULL);
// Get the starting sbrk pointer.
void *StartingSBRK = sbrk(0);
if (StartingSBRK == INVALID_PTR) {
// If sbrk is already returning invalid pointers then nothing to do here.
// Now allocate the next page after the sbrk address to ensure it can't grow.
// In most cases at the start of `main` this will already be page aligned, which means subsequent `sbrk`
// calls won't allocate any memory through that.
void* AlignedBRK = reinterpret_cast<void*>(FEXCore::AlignUp(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(StartingSBRK), FHU::FEX_PAGE_SIZE));
if (AfterBRK == INVALID_PTR) {
// Couldn't allocate the page after the aligned brk? This should never happen.
// FEXCore::LogMan isn't configured yet so we just need to print the message.
fextl::fmt::print("Couldn't allocate page after SBRK.\n");
// Now that the page after sbrk is allocated, FEX needs to consume the remaining sbrk space.
// This will be anywhere from [0, 4096) bytes.
// Start allocating from 1024 byte increments just to make any steps a bit faster.
intptr_t IncrementAmount = 1024;
for (; IncrementAmount != 0; IncrementAmount >>= 1) {
while (sbrk(IncrementAmount) != INVALID_PTR);
return AlignedBRK;
void ReenableSBRKAllocations(void* Ptr) {
const void* INVALID_PTR = reinterpret_cast<void*>(~0ULL);
if (Ptr != INVALID_PTR) {
munmap(Ptr, FHU::FEX_PAGE_SIZE);
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
void SetupHooks() {
Alloc64 = Alloc::OSAllocator::Create64BitAllocator();
je___mmap_hook = FEX_mmap;
je___munmap_hook = FEX_munmap;
FEXCore::Allocator::mmap = FEX_mmap;
FEXCore::Allocator::munmap = FEX_munmap;
void ClearHooks() {
je___mmap_hook = ::mmap;
je___munmap_hook = ::munmap;
FEXCore::Allocator::mmap = ::mmap;
FEXCore::Allocator::munmap = ::munmap;
// XXX: This is currently a leak.
// We can't work around this yet until static initializers that allocate memory are completely removed from our codebase
// Luckily we only remove this on process shutdown, so the kernel will do the cleanup for us
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
FEX_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY size_t DetermineVASize() {
if (HostVASize) {
return HostVASize;
static constexpr std::array<uintptr_t, 7> TLBSizes = {
for (auto Bits : TLBSizes) {
uintptr_t Size = 1ULL << Bits;
// Just try allocating
// We can't actually determine VA size on ARM safely
auto Find = [](uintptr_t Size) -> bool {
for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
// Try grabbing a some of the top pages of the range
// x86 allocates some high pages in the top end
void *Ptr = ::mmap(reinterpret_cast<void*>(Size - FHU::FEX_PAGE_SIZE * i), FHU::FEX_PAGE_SIZE, PROT_NONE, MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
if (Ptr != (void*)~0ULL) {
::munmap(Ptr, FHU::FEX_PAGE_SIZE);
if (Ptr == (void*)(Size - FHU::FEX_PAGE_SIZE * i)) {
return true;
return false;
if (Find(Size)) {
HostVASize = Bits;
return Bits;
LOGMAN_MSG_A_FMT("Couldn't determine host VA size");
#define STEAL_LOG(...) // fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
fextl::vector<MemoryRegion> StealMemoryRegion(uintptr_t Begin, uintptr_t End) {
void * const StackLocation = alloca(0);
const uintptr_t StackLocation_u64 = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(StackLocation);
fextl::vector<MemoryRegion> Regions;
int MapsFD = open("/proc/self/maps", O_RDONLY);
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(MapsFD != -1, "Failed to open /proc/self/maps");
enum {ParseBegin, ParseEnd, ScanEnd} State = ParseBegin;
uintptr_t RegionBegin = 0;
uintptr_t RegionEnd = 0;
uintptr_t PreviousMapEnd = 0;
char Buffer[2048];
const char *Cursor;
ssize_t Remaining = 0;
for(;;) {
if (Remaining == 0) {
do {
Remaining = read(MapsFD, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
} while ( Remaining == -1 && errno == EAGAIN);
Cursor = Buffer;
if (Remaining == 0 && State == ParseBegin) {
STEAL_LOG("[%d] EndOfFile; RegionBegin: %016lX RegionEnd: %016lX\n", __LINE__, RegionBegin, RegionEnd);
const auto MapBegin = std::max(RegionEnd, Begin);
const auto MapEnd = End;
STEAL_LOG(" MapBegin: %016lX MapEnd: %016lX\n", MapBegin, MapEnd);
if (MapEnd > MapBegin) {
STEAL_LOG(" Reserving\n");
auto MapSize = MapEnd - MapBegin;
auto Alloc = mmap((void*)MapBegin, MapSize, PROT_NONE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_NORESERVE | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE, -1, 0);
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(Alloc != MAP_FAILED, "mmap({:x},{:x}) failed", MapBegin, MapSize);
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(Alloc == (void*)MapBegin, "mmap({},{:x}) returned {} instead of {:x}", Alloc, MapBegin);
Regions.push_back({(void*)MapBegin, MapSize});
return Regions;
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(Remaining > 0, "Failed to parse /proc/self/maps");
auto c = *Cursor++;
if (State == ScanEnd) {
if (c == '\n') {
State = ParseBegin;
if (State == ParseBegin) {
if (c == '-') {
STEAL_LOG("[%d] ParseBegin; RegionBegin: %016lX RegionEnd: %016lX\n", __LINE__, RegionBegin, RegionEnd);
const auto MapBegin = std::max(RegionEnd, Begin);
const auto MapEnd = std::min(RegionBegin, End);
// Store the location we are going to map.
PreviousMapEnd = MapEnd;
STEAL_LOG(" MapBegin: %016lX MapEnd: %016lX\n", MapBegin, MapEnd);
if (MapEnd > MapBegin) {
STEAL_LOG(" Reserving\n");
auto MapSize = MapEnd - MapBegin;
auto Alloc = mmap((void*)MapBegin, MapSize, PROT_NONE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_NORESERVE | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE, -1, 0);
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(Alloc != MAP_FAILED, "mmap({:x},{:x}) failed", MapBegin, MapSize);
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(Alloc == (void*)MapBegin, "mmap({},{:x}) returned {} instead of {:x}", Alloc, MapBegin);
Regions.push_back({(void*)MapBegin, MapSize});
RegionBegin = 0;
RegionEnd = 0;
State = ParseEnd;
} else {
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(std::isalpha(c) || std::isdigit(c), "Unexpected char '{}' in ParseBegin", c);
RegionBegin = (RegionBegin << 4) | (c <= '9' ? (c - '0') : (c - 'a' + 10));
if (State == ParseEnd) {
if (c == ' ') {
STEAL_LOG("[%d] ParseEnd; RegionBegin: %016lX RegionEnd: %016lX\n", __LINE__, RegionBegin, RegionEnd);
if (RegionEnd >= End) {
// Early return if we are completely beyond the allocation space.
return Regions;
State = ScanEnd;
// If the previous map's ending and the region we just parsed overlap the stack then we need to save the stack mapping.
// Otherwise we will have severely limited stack size which crashes quickly.
if (PreviousMapEnd <= StackLocation_u64 && RegionEnd > StackLocation_u64) {
auto BelowStackRegion = Regions.back();
LOGMAN_THROW_AA_FMT(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(BelowStackRegion.Ptr) + BelowStackRegion.Size == PreviousMapEnd,
"This needs to match");
// Allocate the region under the stack as READ | WRITE so the stack can still grow
auto Alloc = mmap(BelowStackRegion.Ptr, BelowStackRegion.Size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_NORESERVE | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, -1, 0);
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(Alloc != MAP_FAILED, "mmap({:x},{:x}) failed", BelowStackRegion.Ptr, BelowStackRegion.Size);
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(Alloc == BelowStackRegion.Ptr, "mmap({},{:x}) returned {} instead of {:x}", Alloc, BelowStackRegion.Ptr);
} else {
LogMan::Throw::AFmt(std::isalpha(c) || std::isdigit(c), "Unexpected char '{}' in ParseEnd", c);
RegionEnd = (RegionEnd << 4) | (c <= '9' ? (c - '0') : (c - 'a' + 10));
fextl::vector<MemoryRegion> Steal48BitVA() {
size_t Bits = FEXCore::Allocator::DetermineVASize();
if (Bits < 48) {
return {};
uintptr_t Begin48BitVA = 0x0'8000'0000'0000ULL;
uintptr_t End48BitVA = 0x1'0000'0000'0000ULL;
return StealMemoryRegion(Begin48BitVA, End48BitVA);
void ReclaimMemoryRegion(const fextl::vector<MemoryRegion> &Regions) {
for (const auto &Region: Regions) {
::munmap(Region.Ptr, Region.Size);
void LockBeforeFork(FEXCore::Core::InternalThreadState *Thread) {
if (Alloc64) {
void UnlockAfterFork(FEXCore::Core::InternalThreadState *Thread, bool Child) {
if (Alloc64) {
Alloc64->UnlockAfterFork(Thread, Child);