mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 13:28:44 +00:00
staging: xgifb: vb_init: move functions to avoid forward declarations
Move functions to avoid forward declarations. Signed-off-by: Aaro Koskinen <aaro.koskinen@iki.fi> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@suse.de>
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,389 +37,13 @@ static unsigned short XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20[12][5] = {
{ 2, 12, 9, 8, 0x35},
{ 2, 12, 8, 4, 0x31} };
static void XGINew_SetDRAMSize_340(struct xgi_hw_device_info *, struct vb_device_info *);
static void XGINew_SetMemoryClock(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension, struct vb_device_info *);
static void XGINew_SetDRAMDefaultRegister340(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
unsigned long, struct vb_device_info *);
static unsigned char XGINew_GetXG20DRAMType(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo);
static int XGINew_DDRSizing340(struct xgi_hw_device_info *, struct vb_device_info *);
static int XGINew_RAMType; /*int ModeIDOffset,StandTable,CRT1Table,ScreenOffset,REFIndex;*/
static void ReadVBIOSTablData(unsigned char ChipType, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo);
static void XGINew_DDR1x_MRS_XG20(unsigned long P3c4, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo);
static void XGINew_ChkSenseStatus(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo) ;
static void XGINew_GetXG21Sense(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo) ;
static unsigned char GetXG21FPBits(struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo);
static void XGINew_GetXG27Sense(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo) ;
static unsigned char GetXG27FPBits(struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo);
static void XGINew_SetModeScratch(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo) ;
static int XGINew_RAMType;
static void DelayUS(unsigned long MicroSeconds)
unsigned char XGIInitNew(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension)
struct vb_device_info VBINF;
struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo = &VBINF;
unsigned char i, temp = 0, temp1;
/* VBIOSVersion[5]; */
volatile unsigned char *pVideoMemory;
/* unsigned long j, k; */
unsigned long Temp;
pVBInfo->ROMAddr = HwDeviceExtension->pjVirtualRomBase;
pVBInfo->FBAddr = HwDeviceExtension->pjVideoMemoryAddress;
pVBInfo->BaseAddr = (unsigned long) HwDeviceExtension->pjIOAddress;
pVideoMemory = (unsigned char *) pVBInfo->ROMAddr;
/* Newdebugcode(0x99); */
/* if (pVBInfo->ROMAddr == 0) */
/* return(0); */
if (pVBInfo->FBAddr == NULL) {
printk("\n pVBInfo->FBAddr == 0 ");
return 0;
if (pVBInfo->BaseAddr == 0) {
printk("\npVBInfo->BaseAddr == 0 ");
return 0;
XGINew_SetReg3((pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x12), 0x67); /* 3c2 <- 67 ,ynlai */
pVBInfo->ISXPDOS = 0;
/* VBIOSVersion[4] = 0x0; */
/* 09/07/99 modify by domao */
pVBInfo->P3c4 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x14;
pVBInfo->P3d4 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x24;
pVBInfo->P3c0 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x10;
pVBInfo->P3ce = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x1e;
pVBInfo->P3c2 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x12;
pVBInfo->P3ca = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x1a;
pVBInfo->P3c6 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x16;
pVBInfo->P3c7 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x17;
pVBInfo->P3c8 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x18;
pVBInfo->P3c9 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x19;
pVBInfo->P3da = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x2A;
pVBInfo->Part0Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_00;
pVBInfo->Part1Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_04;
pVBInfo->Part2Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_10;
pVBInfo->Part3Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_12;
pVBInfo->Part4Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_14;
pVBInfo->Part5Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_14 + 2;
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG20) /* kuku 2004/06/25 */
XGI_GetVBType(pVBInfo); /* Run XGI_GetVBType before InitTo330Pointer */
InitTo330Pointer(HwDeviceExtension->jChipType, pVBInfo);
/* ReadVBIOSData */
ReadVBIOSTablData(HwDeviceExtension->jChipType, pVBInfo);
/* 1.Openkey */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x05, 0x86);
/* GetXG21Sense (GPIO) */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG21)
XGINew_GetXG21Sense(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG27)
XGINew_GetXG27Sense(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
/* 2.Reset Extended register */
for (i = 0x06; i < 0x20; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0);
for (i = 0x21; i <= 0x27; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0);
/* for(i = 0x06; i <= 0x27; i++) */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0); */
if ((HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG20) || (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40)) {
for (i = 0x31; i <= 0x3B; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0);
} else {
for (i = 0x31; i <= 0x3D; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG42) /* [Hsuan] 2004/08/20 Auto over driver for XG42 */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x3B, 0xC0);
/* for (i = 0x30; i <= 0x3F; i++) */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, 0); */
for (i = 0x79; i <= 0x7C; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, 0); /* shampoo 0208 */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG20)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x97, *pVBInfo->pXGINew_CR97);
/* 3.SetMemoryClock
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40)
XGINew_RAMType = (int)XGINew_GetXG20DRAMType(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG40)
XGINew_SetMemoryClock(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo); */
/* 4.SetDefExt1Regs begin */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x07, *pVBInfo->pSR07);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG27) {
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x40, *pVBInfo->pSR40);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x41, *pVBInfo->pSR41);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x11, 0x0F);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x1F, *pVBInfo->pSR1F);
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x20, 0x20); */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x20, 0xA0); /* alan, 2001/6/26 Frame buffer can read/write SR20 */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x36, 0x70); /* Hsuan, 2006/01/01 H/W request for slow corner chip */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG27) /* Alan 12/07/2006 */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x36, *pVBInfo->pSR36);
/* SR11 = 0x0F; */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x11, SR11); */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG20) { /* kuku 2004/06/25 */
/* Set AGP Rate */
temp1 = XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x3B);
temp1 &= 0x02;
if (temp1 == 0x02) {
XGINew_SetReg4(0xcf8, 0x80000000);
ChipsetID = XGINew_GetReg3(0x0cfc);
XGINew_SetReg4(0xcf8, 0x8000002C);
VendorID = XGINew_GetReg3(0x0cfc);
VendorID &= 0x0000FFFF;
XGINew_SetReg4(0xcf8, 0x8001002C);
GraphicVendorID = XGINew_GetReg3(0x0cfc);
GraphicVendorID &= 0x0000FFFF;
if (ChipsetID == 0x7301039)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x5F, 0x09);
ChipsetID &= 0x0000FFFF;
if ((ChipsetID == 0x700E) || (ChipsetID == 0x1022) || (ChipsetID == 0x1106) || (ChipsetID == 0x10DE)) {
if (ChipsetID == 0x1106) {
if ((VendorID == 0x1019) && (GraphicVendorID == 0x1019))
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x5F, 0x0D);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x5F, 0x0B);
} else {
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x5F, 0x0B);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40) {
/* Set AGP customize registers (in SetDefAGPRegs) Start */
for (i = 0x47; i <= 0x4C; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, pVBInfo->AGPReg[i - 0x47]);
for (i = 0x70; i <= 0x71; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, pVBInfo->AGPReg[6 + i - 0x70]);
for (i = 0x74; i <= 0x77; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, pVBInfo->AGPReg[8 + i - 0x74]);
/* Set AGP customize registers (in SetDefAGPRegs) End */
/* [Hsuan]2004/12/14 AGP Input Delay Adjustment on 850 */
/* XGINew_SetReg4(0xcf8 , 0x80000000); */
/* ChipsetID = XGINew_GetReg3(0x0cfc); */
/* if (ChipsetID == 0x25308086) */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x77, 0xF0); */
HwDeviceExtension->pQueryVGAConfigSpace(HwDeviceExtension, 0x50, 0, &Temp); /* Get */
Temp >>= 20;
Temp &= 0xF;
if (Temp == 1)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x48, 0x20); /* CR48 */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG40)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x49, pVBInfo->CR49[0]);
} /* != XG20 */
/* Set PCI */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x23, *pVBInfo->pSR23);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x24, *pVBInfo->pSR24);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x25, pVBInfo->SR25[0]);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG20) { /* kuku 2004/06/25 */
/* Set VB */
XGI_UnLockCRT2(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->Part0Port, 0x3F, 0xEF, 0x00); /* alan, disable VideoCapture */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part1Port, 0x00, 0x00);
temp1 = (unsigned char) XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x7B); /* chk if BCLK>=100MHz */
temp = (unsigned char) ((temp1 >> 4) & 0x0F);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part1Port, 0x02, (*pVBInfo->pCRT2Data_1_2));
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part1Port, 0x2E, 0x08); /* use VB */
} /* != XG20 */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x27, 0x1F);
if ((HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG42)
&& XGINew_GetXG20DRAMType(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo) != 0) { /* Not DDR */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x31, (*pVBInfo->pSR31 & 0x3F) | 0x40);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x32, (*pVBInfo->pSR32 & 0xFC) | 0x01);
} else {
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x31, *pVBInfo->pSR31);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x32, *pVBInfo->pSR32);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x33, *pVBInfo->pSR33);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40)
SetPowerConsume (HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo->P3c4); */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG20) { /* kuku 2004/06/25 */
if (XGI_BridgeIsOn(pVBInfo) == 1) {
if (pVBInfo->IF_DEF_LVDS == 0) {
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part2Port, 0x00, 0x1C);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part4Port, 0x0D, *pVBInfo->pCRT2Data_4_D);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part4Port, 0x0E, *pVBInfo->pCRT2Data_4_E);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part4Port, 0x10, *pVBInfo->pCRT2Data_4_10);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part4Port, 0x0F, 0x3F);
XGI_LockCRT2(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
} /* != XG20 */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG40)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x83, 0x00);
/* XGINew_DetectMonitor(HwDeviceExtension); */
pVBInfo->IF_DEF_CH7007 = 0;
if ((HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG21) && (pVBInfo->IF_DEF_CH7007)) {
XGI_GetSenseStatus(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo); /* sense CRT2 */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG21) {
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x32, ~Monitor1Sense, Monitor1Sense); /* Z9 default has CRT */
temp = GetXG21FPBits(pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x37, ~0x01, temp);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG27) {
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x32, ~Monitor1Sense, Monitor1Sense); /* Z9 default has CRT */
temp = GetXG27FPBits(pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x37, ~0x03, temp);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40) {
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40)
XGINew_RAMType = (int) XGINew_GetXG20DRAMType(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetDRAMDefaultRegister340(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo->P3d4, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetDRAMSize_340(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
} /* XG40 */
/* SetDefExt2Regs begin */
AGP = 1;
temp = (unsigned char) XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x3A);
temp &= 0x30;
if (temp == 0x30)
AGP = 0;
if (AGP == 0)
*pVBInfo->pSR21 &= 0xEF;
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21, *pVBInfo->pSR21);
if (AGP == 1)
*pVBInfo->pSR22 &= 0x20;
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x22, *pVBInfo->pSR22);
/* base = 0x80000000; */
/* OutPortLong(0xcf8, base); */
/* Temp = (InPortLong(0xcfc) & 0xFFFF); */
/* if (Temp == 0x1039) { */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x22, (unsigned char) ((*pVBInfo->pSR22) & 0xFE));
/* } else { */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x22, *pVBInfo->pSR22); */
/* } */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21, *pVBInfo->pSR21);
XGINew_ChkSenseStatus(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetModeScratch(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x8c, 0x87);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x14, 0x31);
return 1;
} /* end of init */
/* ============== alan ====================== */
static unsigned char XGINew_GetXG20DRAMType(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
@ -503,6 +127,31 @@ static void XGINew_DDR1x_MRS_340(unsigned long P3c4, struct vb_device_info *pVBI
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x1B, 0x00);
static void XGINew_SetMemoryClock(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x28, pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR28);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x29, pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR29);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x2A, pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2A);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x2E, pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2E);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x2F, pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2F);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x30, pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR30);
/* [Vicent] 2004/07/07, When XG42 ECLK = MCLK = 207MHz, Set SR32 D[1:0] = 10b */
/* [Hsuan] 2004/08/20, Modify SR32 value, when MCLK=207MHZ, ELCK=250MHz, Set SR32 D[1:0] = 10b */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG42) {
if ((pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR28 == 0x1C)
&& (pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR29 == 0x01)
&& (((pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2E == 0x1C)
&& (pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2F == 0x01))
|| ((pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2E == 0x22)
&& (pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2F == 0x01))))
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x32, ((unsigned char) XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x32) & 0xFC) | 0x02);
static void XGINew_DDRII_Bootup_XG27(
struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
unsigned long P3c4, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
@ -624,6 +273,36 @@ static void XGINew_DDR2_MRS_XG20(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
static void XGINew_DDR1x_MRS_XG20(unsigned long P3c4, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, 0x01);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x19, 0x40);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x00);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x80);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, 0x00);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x19, 0x40);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x00);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x80);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, pVBInfo->SR15[2][XGINew_RAMType]); /* SR18 */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, 0x31); */
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x19, 0x01);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x03);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x83);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x1B, 0x03);
/* XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, 0x31); */
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, pVBInfo->SR15[2][XGINew_RAMType]); /* SR18 */
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x19, 0x00);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x03);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x83);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x1B, 0x00);
static void XGINew_DDR1x_DefaultRegister(
struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
unsigned long Port, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
@ -835,28 +514,6 @@ static void XGINew_SetDRAMDefaultRegister340(
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x1B, pVBInfo->SR15[3][XGINew_RAMType]); /* SR1B */
static void XGINew_SetDRAMSize_340(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
unsigned short data;
pVBInfo->ROMAddr = HwDeviceExtension->pjVirtualRomBase;
pVBInfo->FBAddr = HwDeviceExtension->pjVideoMemoryAddress;
XGISetModeNew(HwDeviceExtension, 0x2e);
data = XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21, (unsigned short) (data & 0xDF)); /* disable read cache */
XGI_DisplayOff(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
/* data = XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x1); */
/* data |= 0x20 ; */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x01, data); *//* Turn OFF Display */
XGINew_DDRSizing340(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
data = XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21, (unsigned short) (data | 0x20)); /* enable read cache */
static void XGINew_SetDRAMSizingType(int index,
unsigned short DRAMTYPE_TABLE[][5],
struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
@ -1290,29 +947,26 @@ static int XGINew_DDRSizing340(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
return 0;
static void XGINew_SetMemoryClock(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
static void XGINew_SetDRAMSize_340(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
unsigned short data;
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x28, pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR28);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x29, pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR29);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x2A, pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2A);
pVBInfo->ROMAddr = HwDeviceExtension->pjVirtualRomBase;
pVBInfo->FBAddr = HwDeviceExtension->pjVideoMemoryAddress;
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x2E, pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2E);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x2F, pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2F);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x30, pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR30);
XGISetModeNew(HwDeviceExtension, 0x2e);
/* [Vicent] 2004/07/07, When XG42 ECLK = MCLK = 207MHz, Set SR32 D[1:0] = 10b */
/* [Hsuan] 2004/08/20, Modify SR32 value, when MCLK=207MHZ, ELCK=250MHz, Set SR32 D[1:0] = 10b */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG42) {
if ((pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR28 == 0x1C)
&& (pVBInfo->MCLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR29 == 0x01)
&& (((pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2E == 0x1C)
&& (pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2F == 0x01))
|| ((pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2E == 0x22)
&& (pVBInfo->ECLKData[XGINew_RAMType].SR2F == 0x01))))
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x32, ((unsigned char) XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x32) & 0xFC) | 0x02);
data = XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21, (unsigned short) (data & 0xDF)); /* disable read cache */
XGI_DisplayOff(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
/* data = XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x1); */
/* data |= 0x20 ; */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x01, data); *//* Turn OFF Display */
XGINew_DDRSizing340(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
data = XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21, (unsigned short) (data | 0x20)); /* enable read cache */
static void ReadVBIOSTablData(unsigned char ChipType, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
@ -1405,36 +1059,6 @@ static void ReadVBIOSTablData(unsigned char ChipType, struct vb_device_info *pVB
static void XGINew_DDR1x_MRS_XG20(unsigned long P3c4, struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, 0x01);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x19, 0x40);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x00);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x80);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, 0x00);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x19, 0x40);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x00);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x80);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, pVBInfo->SR15[2][XGINew_RAMType]); /* SR18 */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, 0x31); */
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x19, 0x01);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x03);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x83);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x1B, 0x03);
/* XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, 0x31); */
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x18, pVBInfo->SR15[2][XGINew_RAMType]); /* SR18 */
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x19, 0x00);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x03);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x16, 0x83);
XGINew_SetReg1(P3c4, 0x1B, 0x00);
static void XGINew_ChkSenseStatus(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension,
struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
@ -1657,3 +1281,360 @@ static unsigned char GetXG27FPBits(struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo)
return temp;
unsigned char XGIInitNew(struct xgi_hw_device_info *HwDeviceExtension)
struct vb_device_info VBINF;
struct vb_device_info *pVBInfo = &VBINF;
unsigned char i, temp = 0, temp1;
/* VBIOSVersion[5]; */
volatile unsigned char *pVideoMemory;
/* unsigned long j, k; */
unsigned long Temp;
pVBInfo->ROMAddr = HwDeviceExtension->pjVirtualRomBase;
pVBInfo->FBAddr = HwDeviceExtension->pjVideoMemoryAddress;
pVBInfo->BaseAddr = (unsigned long) HwDeviceExtension->pjIOAddress;
pVideoMemory = (unsigned char *) pVBInfo->ROMAddr;
/* Newdebugcode(0x99); */
/* if (pVBInfo->ROMAddr == 0) */
/* return(0); */
if (pVBInfo->FBAddr == NULL) {
printk("\n pVBInfo->FBAddr == 0 ");
return 0;
if (pVBInfo->BaseAddr == 0) {
printk("\npVBInfo->BaseAddr == 0 ");
return 0;
XGINew_SetReg3((pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x12), 0x67); /* 3c2 <- 67 ,ynlai */
pVBInfo->ISXPDOS = 0;
/* VBIOSVersion[4] = 0x0; */
/* 09/07/99 modify by domao */
pVBInfo->P3c4 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x14;
pVBInfo->P3d4 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x24;
pVBInfo->P3c0 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x10;
pVBInfo->P3ce = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x1e;
pVBInfo->P3c2 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x12;
pVBInfo->P3ca = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x1a;
pVBInfo->P3c6 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x16;
pVBInfo->P3c7 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x17;
pVBInfo->P3c8 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x18;
pVBInfo->P3c9 = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x19;
pVBInfo->P3da = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + 0x2A;
pVBInfo->Part0Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_00;
pVBInfo->Part1Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_04;
pVBInfo->Part2Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_10;
pVBInfo->Part3Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_12;
pVBInfo->Part4Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_14;
pVBInfo->Part5Port = pVBInfo->BaseAddr + XGI_CRT2_PORT_14 + 2;
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG20) /* kuku 2004/06/25 */
XGI_GetVBType(pVBInfo); /* Run XGI_GetVBType before InitTo330Pointer */
InitTo330Pointer(HwDeviceExtension->jChipType, pVBInfo);
/* ReadVBIOSData */
ReadVBIOSTablData(HwDeviceExtension->jChipType, pVBInfo);
/* 1.Openkey */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x05, 0x86);
/* GetXG21Sense (GPIO) */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG21)
XGINew_GetXG21Sense(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG27)
XGINew_GetXG27Sense(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
/* 2.Reset Extended register */
for (i = 0x06; i < 0x20; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0);
for (i = 0x21; i <= 0x27; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0);
/* for(i = 0x06; i <= 0x27; i++) */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0); */
if ((HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG20) || (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40)) {
for (i = 0x31; i <= 0x3B; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0);
} else {
for (i = 0x31; i <= 0x3D; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, i, 0);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG42) /* [Hsuan] 2004/08/20 Auto over driver for XG42 */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x3B, 0xC0);
/* for (i = 0x30; i <= 0x3F; i++) */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, 0); */
for (i = 0x79; i <= 0x7C; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, 0); /* shampoo 0208 */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG20)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x97, *pVBInfo->pXGINew_CR97);
/* 3.SetMemoryClock
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40)
XGINew_RAMType = (int)XGINew_GetXG20DRAMType(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG40)
XGINew_SetMemoryClock(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo); */
/* 4.SetDefExt1Regs begin */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x07, *pVBInfo->pSR07);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG27) {
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x40, *pVBInfo->pSR40);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x41, *pVBInfo->pSR41);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x11, 0x0F);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x1F, *pVBInfo->pSR1F);
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x20, 0x20); */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x20, 0xA0); /* alan, 2001/6/26 Frame buffer can read/write SR20 */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x36, 0x70); /* Hsuan, 2006/01/01 H/W request for slow corner chip */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG27) /* Alan 12/07/2006 */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x36, *pVBInfo->pSR36);
/* SR11 = 0x0F; */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x11, SR11); */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG20) { /* kuku 2004/06/25 */
/* Set AGP Rate */
temp1 = XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x3B);
temp1 &= 0x02;
if (temp1 == 0x02) {
XGINew_SetReg4(0xcf8, 0x80000000);
ChipsetID = XGINew_GetReg3(0x0cfc);
XGINew_SetReg4(0xcf8, 0x8000002C);
VendorID = XGINew_GetReg3(0x0cfc);
VendorID &= 0x0000FFFF;
XGINew_SetReg4(0xcf8, 0x8001002C);
GraphicVendorID = XGINew_GetReg3(0x0cfc);
GraphicVendorID &= 0x0000FFFF;
if (ChipsetID == 0x7301039)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x5F, 0x09);
ChipsetID &= 0x0000FFFF;
if ((ChipsetID == 0x700E) || (ChipsetID == 0x1022) || (ChipsetID == 0x1106) || (ChipsetID == 0x10DE)) {
if (ChipsetID == 0x1106) {
if ((VendorID == 0x1019) && (GraphicVendorID == 0x1019))
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x5F, 0x0D);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x5F, 0x0B);
} else {
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x5F, 0x0B);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40) {
/* Set AGP customize registers (in SetDefAGPRegs) Start */
for (i = 0x47; i <= 0x4C; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, pVBInfo->AGPReg[i - 0x47]);
for (i = 0x70; i <= 0x71; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, pVBInfo->AGPReg[6 + i - 0x70]);
for (i = 0x74; i <= 0x77; i++)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, i, pVBInfo->AGPReg[8 + i - 0x74]);
/* Set AGP customize registers (in SetDefAGPRegs) End */
/* [Hsuan]2004/12/14 AGP Input Delay Adjustment on 850 */
/* XGINew_SetReg4(0xcf8 , 0x80000000); */
/* ChipsetID = XGINew_GetReg3(0x0cfc); */
/* if (ChipsetID == 0x25308086) */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x77, 0xF0); */
HwDeviceExtension->pQueryVGAConfigSpace(HwDeviceExtension, 0x50, 0, &Temp); /* Get */
Temp >>= 20;
Temp &= 0xF;
if (Temp == 1)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x48, 0x20); /* CR48 */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG40)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x49, pVBInfo->CR49[0]);
} /* != XG20 */
/* Set PCI */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x23, *pVBInfo->pSR23);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x24, *pVBInfo->pSR24);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x25, pVBInfo->SR25[0]);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG20) { /* kuku 2004/06/25 */
/* Set VB */
XGI_UnLockCRT2(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->Part0Port, 0x3F, 0xEF, 0x00); /* alan, disable VideoCapture */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part1Port, 0x00, 0x00);
temp1 = (unsigned char) XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x7B); /* chk if BCLK>=100MHz */
temp = (unsigned char) ((temp1 >> 4) & 0x0F);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part1Port, 0x02, (*pVBInfo->pCRT2Data_1_2));
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part1Port, 0x2E, 0x08); /* use VB */
} /* != XG20 */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x27, 0x1F);
if ((HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG42)
&& XGINew_GetXG20DRAMType(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo) != 0) { /* Not DDR */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x31, (*pVBInfo->pSR31 & 0x3F) | 0x40);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x32, (*pVBInfo->pSR32 & 0xFC) | 0x01);
} else {
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x31, *pVBInfo->pSR31);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x32, *pVBInfo->pSR32);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x33, *pVBInfo->pSR33);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40)
SetPowerConsume (HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo->P3c4); */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG20) { /* kuku 2004/06/25 */
if (XGI_BridgeIsOn(pVBInfo) == 1) {
if (pVBInfo->IF_DEF_LVDS == 0) {
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part2Port, 0x00, 0x1C);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part4Port, 0x0D, *pVBInfo->pCRT2Data_4_D);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part4Port, 0x0E, *pVBInfo->pCRT2Data_4_E);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part4Port, 0x10, *pVBInfo->pCRT2Data_4_10);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->Part4Port, 0x0F, 0x3F);
XGI_LockCRT2(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
} /* != XG20 */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType < XG40)
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x83, 0x00);
/* XGINew_DetectMonitor(HwDeviceExtension); */
pVBInfo->IF_DEF_CH7007 = 0;
if ((HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG21) && (pVBInfo->IF_DEF_CH7007)) {
XGI_GetSenseStatus(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo); /* sense CRT2 */
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG21) {
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x32, ~Monitor1Sense, Monitor1Sense); /* Z9 default has CRT */
temp = GetXG21FPBits(pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x37, ~0x01, temp);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType == XG27) {
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x32, ~Monitor1Sense, Monitor1Sense); /* Z9 default has CRT */
temp = GetXG27FPBits(pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetRegANDOR(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x37, ~0x03, temp);
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40) {
if (HwDeviceExtension->jChipType >= XG40)
XGINew_RAMType = (int) XGINew_GetXG20DRAMType(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetDRAMDefaultRegister340(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo->P3d4, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetDRAMSize_340(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
} /* XG40 */
/* SetDefExt2Regs begin */
AGP = 1;
temp = (unsigned char) XGINew_GetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x3A);
temp &= 0x30;
if (temp == 0x30)
AGP = 0;
if (AGP == 0)
*pVBInfo->pSR21 &= 0xEF;
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21, *pVBInfo->pSR21);
if (AGP == 1)
*pVBInfo->pSR22 &= 0x20;
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x22, *pVBInfo->pSR22);
/* base = 0x80000000; */
/* OutPortLong(0xcf8, base); */
/* Temp = (InPortLong(0xcfc) & 0xFFFF); */
/* if (Temp == 0x1039) { */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x22, (unsigned char) ((*pVBInfo->pSR22) & 0xFE));
/* } else { */
/* XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x22, *pVBInfo->pSR22); */
/* } */
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x21, *pVBInfo->pSR21);
XGINew_ChkSenseStatus(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetModeScratch(HwDeviceExtension, pVBInfo);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3d4, 0x8c, 0x87);
XGINew_SetReg1(pVBInfo->P3c4, 0x14, 0x31);
return 1;
} /* end of init */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user