/* * xxhsum - Command line interface for xxhash algorithms * Copyright (C) Yann Collet 2012-2016 * * GPL v2 License * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact the author at : * - xxHash homepage : http://www.xxhash.com * - xxHash source repository : https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash */ /* xxhsum : * Provides hash value of a file content, or a list of files, or stdin * Display convention is Big Endian, for both 32 and 64 bits algorithms */ #ifndef XXHASH_C_2097394837 #define XXHASH_C_2097394837 /* ************************************ * Compiler Options **************************************/ /* MS Visual */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_WIN32) # define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /* removes visual warnings */ #endif /* Under Linux at least, pull in the *64 commands */ #ifndef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE # define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #endif /* ************************************ * Includes **************************************/ #include /* malloc, calloc, free, exit */ #include /* fprintf, fopen, ftello64, fread, stdin, stdout; when present : _fileno */ #include /* strcmp */ #include /* stat64 */ #include /* stat64 */ #include /* clock_t, clock, CLOCKS_PER_SEC */ #define XXH_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* *_state_t */ #include "xxhash.h" /*-************************************ * OS-Specific Includes **************************************/ #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) # include /* _O_BINARY */ # include /* _setmode, _isatty */ # ifdef __MINGW32__ int _fileno(FILE *stream); /* MINGW somehow forgets to include this windows declaration into */ # endif # define SET_BINARY_MODE(file) _setmode(_fileno(file), _O_BINARY) # define IS_CONSOLE(stdStream) _isatty(_fileno(stdStream)) #else # include /* isatty, STDIN_FILENO */ # define SET_BINARY_MODE(file) # define IS_CONSOLE(stdStream) isatty(STDIN_FILENO) #endif #if !defined(S_ISREG) # define S_ISREG(x) (((x) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) #endif /* ************************************ * Basic Types **************************************/ #ifndef MEM_MODULE # define MEM_MODULE # if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L /* C99 */ # include typedef uint8_t BYTE; typedef uint16_t U16; typedef uint32_t U32; typedef int32_t S32; typedef uint64_t U64; # else typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned short U16; typedef unsigned int U32; typedef signed int S32; typedef unsigned long long U64; # endif #endif static unsigned BMK_isLittleEndian(void) { const union { U32 u; BYTE c[4]; } one = { 1 }; /* don't use static : performance detrimental */ return one.c[0]; } /* ************************************* * Constants ***************************************/ #define LIB_VERSION XXH_VERSION_MAJOR.XXH_VERSION_MINOR.XXH_VERSION_RELEASE #define QUOTE(str) #str #define EXPAND_AND_QUOTE(str) QUOTE(str) #define PROGRAM_VERSION EXPAND_AND_QUOTE(LIB_VERSION) static const int g_nbBits = (int)(sizeof(void*)*8); static const char g_lename[] = "little endian"; static const char g_bename[] = "big endian"; #define ENDIAN_NAME (BMK_isLittleEndian() ? g_lename : g_bename) static const char author[] = "Yann Collet"; #define WELCOME_MESSAGE(exename) "%s %s (%i-bits %s), by %s \n", exename, PROGRAM_VERSION, g_nbBits, ENDIAN_NAME, author #define NBLOOPS 3 /* Default number of benchmark iterations */ #define TIMELOOP_S 1 #define TIMELOOP (TIMELOOP_S * CLOCKS_PER_SEC) /* Minimum timing per iteration */ #define XXHSUM32_DEFAULT_SEED 0 /* Default seed for algo_xxh32 */ #define XXHSUM64_DEFAULT_SEED 0 /* Default seed for algo_xxh64 */ #define KB *( 1<<10) #define MB *( 1<<20) #define GB *(1U<<30) #define MAX_MEM (2 GB - 64 MB) static const char stdinName[] = "-"; typedef enum { algo_xxh32, algo_xxh64 } algoType; static const algoType g_defaultAlgo = algo_xxh64; /* required within main() & usage() */ /* <16 hex char> <'\0'> * '4096' is typical Linux PATH_MAX configuration. */ #define DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH (sizeof(XXH64_hash_t) * 2 + 2 + 4096 + 1) /* Maximum acceptable line length. */ #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH (32 KB) /* ************************************ * Display macros **************************************/ #define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) #define DISPLAYRESULT(...) fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__) #define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); static U32 g_displayLevel = 1; /* ************************************ * Local variables **************************************/ static size_t g_sampleSize = 100 KB; static U32 g_nbIterations = NBLOOPS; /* ************************************ * Benchmark Functions **************************************/ static clock_t BMK_clockSpan( clock_t start ) { return clock() - start; /* works even if overflow; Typical max span ~ 30 mn */ } static size_t BMK_findMaxMem(U64 requiredMem) { size_t const step = 64 MB; void* testmem = NULL; requiredMem = (((requiredMem >> 26) + 1) << 26); requiredMem += 2*step; if (requiredMem > MAX_MEM) requiredMem = MAX_MEM; while (!testmem) { if (requiredMem > step) requiredMem -= step; else requiredMem >>= 1; testmem = malloc ((size_t)requiredMem); } free (testmem); /* keep some space available */ if (requiredMem > step) requiredMem -= step; else requiredMem >>= 1; return (size_t)requiredMem; } static U64 BMK_GetFileSize(const char* infilename) { int r; #if defined(_MSC_VER) struct _stat64 statbuf; r = _stat64(infilename, &statbuf); #else struct stat statbuf; r = stat(infilename, &statbuf); #endif if (r || !S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) return 0; /* No good... */ return (U64)statbuf.st_size; } typedef U32 (*hashFunction)(const void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, U32 seed); static U32 localXXH32(const void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, U32 seed) { return XXH32(buffer, bufferSize, seed); } static U32 localXXH64(const void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, U32 seed) { return (U32)XXH64(buffer, bufferSize, seed); } static void BMK_benchHash(hashFunction h, const char* hName, const void* buffer, size_t bufferSize) { static const U32 nbh_perloop = 100; U32 iterationNb; double fastestH = 100000000.; DISPLAY("\r%79s\r", ""); /* Clean display line */ if (g_nbIterations<1) g_nbIterations=1; for (iterationNb = 1; iterationNb <= g_nbIterations; iterationNb++) { U32 nbHashes = 0, r=0; clock_t cStart; DISPLAY("%1i-%-17.17s : %10u ->\r", iterationNb, hName, (U32)bufferSize); cStart = clock(); while (clock() == cStart); /* starts clock() at its exact beginning */ cStart = clock(); while (BMK_clockSpan(cStart) < TIMELOOP) { U32 i; for (i=0; i %7.1f MB/s\r", iterationNb, hName, (U32)bufferSize, ((double)bufferSize / (1<<20)) / fastestH ); } } DISPLAY("%-19.19s : %10u -> %7.1f MB/s \n", hName, (U32)bufferSize, ((double)bufferSize / (1<<20)) / fastestH); } /* Note : buffer is supposed malloc'ed, hence aligned */ static void BMK_benchMem(const void* buffer, size_t bufferSize) { /* XXH32 bench */ BMK_benchHash(localXXH32, "XXH32", buffer, bufferSize); /* Bench XXH32 on Unaligned input */ BMK_benchHash(localXXH32, "XXH32 unaligned", ((const char*)buffer)+1, bufferSize); /* Bench XXH64 */ BMK_benchHash(localXXH64, "XXH64", buffer, bufferSize); /* Bench XXH64 on Unaligned input */ BMK_benchHash(localXXH64, "XXH64 unaligned", ((const char*)buffer)+3, bufferSize); } static size_t BMK_selectBenchedSize(const char* fileName) { U64 const inFileSize = BMK_GetFileSize(fileName); size_t benchedSize = (size_t) BMK_findMaxMem(inFileSize); if ((U64)benchedSize > inFileSize) benchedSize = (size_t)inFileSize; if (benchedSize < inFileSize) { DISPLAY("Not enough memory for '%s' full size; testing %i MB only...\n", fileName, (int)(benchedSize>>20)); } return benchedSize; } static int BMK_benchFiles(const char** fileNamesTable, int nbFiles) { int fileIdx; for (fileIdx=0; fileIdx> 10)); BMK_benchMem(buffer, benchedSize); free(buffer); return 0; } static void BMK_checkResult(U32 r1, U32 r2) { static int nbTests = 1; if (r1==r2) DISPLAY("\rTest%3i : %08X == %08X ok ", nbTests, r1, r2); else { DISPLAY("\rERROR : Test%3i : %08X <> %08X !!!!! \n", nbTests, r1, r2); exit(1); } nbTests++; } static void BMK_checkResult64(U64 r1, U64 r2) { static int nbTests = 1; if (r1!=r2) { DISPLAY("\rERROR : Test%3i : 64-bits values non equals !!!!! \n", nbTests); DISPLAY("\r %08X%08X != %08X%08X \n", (U32)(r1>>32), (U32)r1, (U32)(r2>>32), (U32)r2); exit(1); } nbTests++; } static void BMK_testSequence64(void* sentence, size_t len, U64 seed, U64 Nresult) { XXH64_state_t state; U64 Dresult; size_t pos; Dresult = XXH64(sentence, len, seed); BMK_checkResult64(Dresult, Nresult); XXH64_reset(&state, seed); XXH64_update(&state, sentence, len); Dresult = XXH64_digest(&state); BMK_checkResult64(Dresult, Nresult); XXH64_reset(&state, seed); for (pos=0; pos>24); byteGen *= byteGen; } BMK_testSequence(NULL, 0, 0, 0x02CC5D05); BMK_testSequence(NULL, 0, prime, 0x36B78AE7); BMK_testSequence(sanityBuffer, 1, 0, 0xB85CBEE5); BMK_testSequence(sanityBuffer, 1, prime, 0xD5845D64); BMK_testSequence(sanityBuffer, 14, 0, 0xE5AA0AB4); BMK_testSequence(sanityBuffer, 14, prime, 0x4481951D); BMK_testSequence(sanityBuffer, SANITY_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0x1F1AA412); BMK_testSequence(sanityBuffer, SANITY_BUFFER_SIZE, prime, 0x498EC8E2); BMK_testSequence64(NULL , 0, 0, 0xEF46DB3751D8E999ULL); BMK_testSequence64(NULL , 0, prime, 0xAC75FDA2929B17EFULL); BMK_testSequence64(sanityBuffer, 1, 0, 0x4FCE394CC88952D8ULL); BMK_testSequence64(sanityBuffer, 1, prime, 0x739840CB819FA723ULL); BMK_testSequence64(sanityBuffer, 14, 0, 0xCFFA8DB881BC3A3DULL); BMK_testSequence64(sanityBuffer, 14, prime, 0x5B9611585EFCC9CBULL); BMK_testSequence64(sanityBuffer, SANITY_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0x0EAB543384F878ADULL); BMK_testSequence64(sanityBuffer, SANITY_BUFFER_SIZE, prime, 0xCAA65939306F1E21ULL); DISPLAY("\r%79s\r", ""); /* Clean display line */ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Sanity check -- all tests ok\n"); } /* ******************************************************** * File Hashing **********************************************************/ static void BMK_display_LittleEndian(const void* ptr, size_t length) { const BYTE* p = (const BYTE*)ptr; size_t idx; for (idx=length-1; idx 30 ? 30 : fileNameSize; size_t infoFilenameSize = 1; while ( (infoFilenameSize < maxInfoFilenameSize) &&(fileNameEnd[-1-infoFilenameSize] != '/') &&(fileNameEnd[-1-infoFilenameSize] != '\\') ) infoFilenameSize++; DISPLAY("\rLoading %s... \r", fileNameEnd - infoFilenameSize); /* Load file & update hash */ switch(hashType) { case algo_xxh32: BMK_hashStream(&h32, algo_xxh32, inFile, buffer, blockSize); break; case algo_xxh64: BMK_hashStream(&h64, algo_xxh64, inFile, buffer, blockSize); break; default: break; } fclose(inFile); free(buffer); DISPLAY("%s \r", fileNameEnd - infoFilenameSize); /* erase line */ } /* display Hash */ switch(hashType) { case algo_xxh32: { XXH32_canonical_t hcbe32; XXH32_canonicalFromHash(&hcbe32, h32); displayEndianess==big_endian ? BMK_display_BigEndian(&hcbe32, sizeof(hcbe32)) : BMK_display_LittleEndian(&hcbe32, sizeof(hcbe32)); DISPLAYRESULT(" %s\n", fileName); break; } case algo_xxh64: { XXH64_canonical_t hcbe64; XXH64_canonicalFromHash(&hcbe64, h64); displayEndianess==big_endian ? BMK_display_BigEndian(&hcbe64, sizeof(hcbe64)) : BMK_display_LittleEndian(&hcbe64, sizeof(hcbe64)); DISPLAYRESULT(" %s\n", fileName); break; } default: break; } return 0; } static int BMK_hashFiles(const char** fnList, int fnTotal, algoType hashType, endianess displayEndianess) { int fnNb; int result = 0; if (fnTotal==0) return BMK_hash(stdinName, hashType, displayEndianess); for (fnNb=0; fnNb= *lineMax) { char* newLineBuf = NULL; int newBufSize = *lineMax; newBufSize += (newBufSize/2) + 1; /* x 1.5 */ if (newBufSize > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) newBufSize = MAX_LINE_LENGTH; if (len+1 >= newBufSize) return GetLine_exceedMaxLineLength; newLineBuf = (char*) realloc(*lineBuf, newBufSize); if (newLineBuf == NULL) return GetLine_outOfMemory; *lineBuf = newLineBuf; *lineMax = newBufSize; } if (c == '\n') break; (*lineBuf)[len++] = (char) c; } (*lineBuf)[len] = '\0'; return result; } /* Converts one hexadecimal character to integer. * Returns -1, if given character is not hexadecimal. */ static int charToHex(char c) { int result = -1; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { result = (int) (c - '0'); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { result = (int) (c - 'A') + 0x0a; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { result = (int) (c - 'a') + 0x0a; } return result; } /* Converts XXH32 canonical hexadecimal string hashStr to big endian unsigned char array dst. * Returns CANONICAL_FROM_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT, if hashStr is not well formatted. * Returns CANONICAL_FROM_STRING_OK, if hashStr is parsed successfully. */ static CanonicalFromStringResult canonicalFromString(unsigned char* dst, size_t dstSize, const char* hashStr) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < dstSize; ++i) { int h0, h1; h0 = charToHex(hashStr[i*2 + 0]); if (h0 < 0) return CanonicalFromString_invalidFormat; h1 = charToHex(hashStr[i*2 + 1]); if (h1 < 0) return CanonicalFromString_invalidFormat; dst[i] = (unsigned char) ((h0 << 4) | h1); } return CanonicalFromString_ok; } /* Parse single line of xxHash checksum file. * Returns PARSE_LINE_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, if line is not well formatted. * Returns PARSE_LINE_OK if line is parsed successfully. * And members of parseLine will be filled by parsed values. * * - line must be ended with '\0'. * - Since parsedLine.filename will point within given argument `line`, * users must keep `line`s content during they are using parsedLine. * * Given xxHash checksum line should have the following format: * * <8 or 16 hexadecimal char> <'\0'> */ static ParseLineResult parseLine(ParsedLine* parsedLine, const char* line) { const char* const firstSpace = strchr(line, ' '); const char* const secondSpace = firstSpace + 1; parsedLine->filename = NULL; parsedLine->xxhBits = 0; if (firstSpace == NULL || *secondSpace != ' ') return ParseLine_invalidFormat; switch (firstSpace - line) { case 8: { XXH32_canonical_t* xxh32c = &parsedLine->canonical.xxh32; if (canonicalFromString(xxh32c->digest, sizeof(xxh32c->digest), line) != CanonicalFromString_ok) { return ParseLine_invalidFormat; } parsedLine->xxhBits = 32; break; } case 16: { XXH64_canonical_t* xxh64c = &parsedLine->canonical.xxh64; if (canonicalFromString(xxh64c->digest, sizeof(xxh64c->digest), line) != CanonicalFromString_ok) { return ParseLine_invalidFormat; } parsedLine->xxhBits = 64; break; } default: return ParseLine_invalidFormat; break; } parsedLine->filename = secondSpace + 1; return ParseLine_ok; } /*! Parse xxHash checksum file. */ static void parseFile1(ParseFileArg* parseFileArg) { const char* const inFileName = parseFileArg->inFileName; ParseFileReport* const report = &parseFileArg->report; unsigned long lineNumber = 0; memset(report, 0, sizeof(*report)); while (!report->quit) { FILE* fp = NULL; LineStatus lineStatus = LineStatus_hashFailed; GetLineResult getLineResult; ParsedLine parsedLine; memset(&parsedLine, 0, sizeof(parsedLine)); lineNumber++; if (lineNumber == 0) { /* This is unlikely happen, but md5sum.c has this * error check. */ DISPLAY("%s : too many checksum lines\n", inFileName); report->quit = 1; break; } getLineResult = getLine(&parseFileArg->lineBuf, &parseFileArg->lineMax, parseFileArg->inFile); if (getLineResult != GetLine_ok) { if (getLineResult == GetLine_eof) break; switch (getLineResult) { case GetLine_ok: case GetLine_eof: /* These cases never happen. See above getLineResult related "if"s. They exist just for make gcc's -Wswitch-enum happy. */ break; default: DISPLAY("%s : %lu: unknown error\n", inFileName, lineNumber); break; case GetLine_exceedMaxLineLength: DISPLAY("%s : %lu: too long line\n", inFileName, lineNumber); break; case GetLine_outOfMemory: DISPLAY("%s : %lu: out of memory\n", inFileName, lineNumber); break; } report->quit = 1; break; } if (parseLine(&parsedLine, parseFileArg->lineBuf) != ParseLine_ok) { report->nImproperlyFormattedLines++; if (parseFileArg->warn) { DISPLAY("%s : %lu: improperly formatted XXHASH checksum line\n" , inFileName, lineNumber); } continue; } if (report->xxhBits != 0 && report->xxhBits != parsedLine.xxhBits) { /* Don't accept xxh32/xxh64 mixed file */ report->nImproperlyFormattedLines++; report->nMixedFormatLines++; if (parseFileArg->warn) { DISPLAY("%s : %lu: improperly formatted XXHASH checksum line (XXH32/64)\n" , inFileName, lineNumber); } continue; } report->nProperlyFormattedLines++; if (report->xxhBits == 0) { report->xxhBits = parsedLine.xxhBits; } fp = fopen(parsedLine.filename, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { lineStatus = LineStatus_failedToOpen; } else { lineStatus = LineStatus_hashFailed; switch (parsedLine.xxhBits) { case 32: { XXH32_hash_t xxh; BMK_hashStream(&xxh, algo_xxh32, fp, parseFileArg->blockBuf, parseFileArg->blockSize); if (xxh == XXH32_hashFromCanonical(&parsedLine.canonical.xxh32)) { lineStatus = LineStatus_hashOk; } } break; case 64: { XXH64_hash_t xxh; BMK_hashStream(&xxh, algo_xxh64, fp, parseFileArg->blockBuf, parseFileArg->blockSize); if (xxh == XXH64_hashFromCanonical(&parsedLine.canonical.xxh64)) { lineStatus = LineStatus_hashOk; } } break; default: break; } fclose(fp); } switch (lineStatus) { default: DISPLAY("%s : unknown error\n", inFileName); report->quit = 1; break; case LineStatus_failedToOpen: report->nOpenOrReadFailures++; if (!parseFileArg->statusOnly) { DISPLAYRESULT("%s : %lu: FAILED open or read %s\n" , inFileName, lineNumber, parsedLine.filename); } break; case LineStatus_hashOk: case LineStatus_hashFailed: { int b = 1; if (lineStatus == LineStatus_hashOk) { /* If --quiet is specified, don't display "OK" */ if (parseFileArg->quiet) b = 0; } else { report->nMismatchedChecksums++; } if (b && !parseFileArg->statusOnly) { DISPLAYRESULT("%s: %s\n", parsedLine.filename , lineStatus == LineStatus_hashOk ? "OK" : "FAILED"); } } break; } } /* while (!report->quit) */ } /* Parse xxHash checksum file. * Returns 1, if all procedures were succeeded. * Returns 0, if any procedures was failed. * * If strictMode != 0, return error code if any line is invalid. * If statusOnly != 0, don't generate any output. * If warn != 0, print a warning message to stderr. * If quiet != 0, suppress "OK" line. * * "All procedures are succeeded" means: * - Checksum file contains at least one line and less than SIZE_T_MAX lines. * - All files are properly opened and read. * - All hash values match with its content. * - (strict mode) All lines in checksum file are consistent and well formatted. * */ static int checkFile(const char* inFileName, const endianess displayEndianess, U32 strictMode, U32 statusOnly, U32 warn, U32 quiet) { int result = 0; FILE* inFile = NULL; ParseFileArg parseFileArgBody; ParseFileArg* const parseFileArg = &parseFileArgBody; ParseFileReport* const report = &parseFileArg->report; if (displayEndianess != big_endian) { /* Don't accept little endian */ DISPLAY( "Check file mode doesn't support little endian\n" ); return 0; } /* note : stdinName is special constant pointer. It is not a string. */ if (inFileName == stdinName) { /* note : Since we expect text input for xxhash -c mode, * Don't set binary mode for stdin */ inFile = stdin; } else { inFile = fopen( inFileName, "rt" ); } if (inFile == NULL) { DISPLAY( "Pb opening %s\n", inFileName); return 0; } parseFileArg->inFileName = inFileName; parseFileArg->inFile = inFile; parseFileArg->lineMax = DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH; parseFileArg->lineBuf = (char*) malloc((size_t) parseFileArg->lineMax); parseFileArg->blockSize = 64 * 1024; parseFileArg->blockBuf = (char*) malloc(parseFileArg->blockSize); parseFileArg->strictMode = strictMode; parseFileArg->statusOnly = statusOnly; parseFileArg->warn = warn; parseFileArg->quiet = quiet; parseFile1(parseFileArg); free(parseFileArg->blockBuf); free(parseFileArg->lineBuf); if (inFile != stdin) fclose(inFile); /* Show error/warning messages. All messages are copied from md5sum.c */ if (report->nProperlyFormattedLines == 0) { DISPLAY("%s: no properly formatted XXHASH checksum lines found\n", inFileName); } else if (!statusOnly) { if (report->nImproperlyFormattedLines) { DISPLAYRESULT("%lu lines are improperly formatted\n" , report->nImproperlyFormattedLines); } if (report->nOpenOrReadFailures) { DISPLAYRESULT("%lu listed files could not be read\n" , report->nOpenOrReadFailures); } if (report->nMismatchedChecksums) { DISPLAYRESULT("%lu computed checksums did NOT match\n" , report->nMismatchedChecksums); } } /* Result (exit) code logic is copied from * gnu coreutils/src/md5sum.c digest_check() */ result = report->nProperlyFormattedLines != 0 && report->nMismatchedChecksums == 0 && report->nOpenOrReadFailures == 0 && (!strictMode || report->nImproperlyFormattedLines == 0) && report->quit == 0; return result; } static int checkFiles(const char** fnList, int fnTotal, const endianess displayEndianess, U32 strictMode, U32 statusOnly, U32 warn, U32 quiet) { int ok = 1; /* Special case for stdinName "-", * note: stdinName is not a string. It's special pointer. */ if (fnTotal==0) { ok &= checkFile(stdinName, displayEndianess, strictMode, statusOnly, warn, quiet); } else { int fnNb; for (fnNb=0; fnNb='0' && argument[0]<='9') g_sampleSize *= 10, g_sampleSize += argument[0]-'0', argument++; break; default: return badusage(exename); } } } /* for(i=1; i