#ifndef Z64CUTSCENE_COMMANDS_H #define Z64CUTSCENE_COMMANDS_H #include "command_macros_base.h" #include "z64cutscene.h" /** * Cutscene scripts are arrays of `CutsceneData` words, including bit-packed integers and floats. */ /** * Marks the beginning of a cutscene script. * * ARGS * s32 totalEntries (e), s32 frameCount (n) * FORMAT * eeeeeeee nnnnnnnn * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_BEGIN_CUTSCENE(totalEntries, frameCount) { CMD_W(totalEntries) }, { CMD_W(frameCount) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 0000000A eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_TEXT_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_TEXT }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 textId (i), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), s16 type (o), * s16 topOptionBranch (y), s16 bottomOptionBranch (n) * FORMAT * iiiissss eeeeoooo yyyynnnn * size = 0xC */ #define CS_TEXT(textId, startFrame, endFrame, type, topOptionBranch, bottomOptionBranch) \ { CMD_HH(textId, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, type) }, { CMD_HH(topOptionBranch, bottomOptionBranch) } /** * ARGS * s16 textId (i), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), * s16 topOptionBranch (y), s16 bottomOptionBranch (n) * FORMAT * iiiissss eeee0000 yyyynnnn * size = 0xC */ #define CS_TEXT_DEFAULT(textId, startFrame, endFrame, topOptionBranch, bottomOptionBranch) \ CS_TEXT(textId, startFrame, endFrame, CS_TEXT_TYPE_DEFAULT, topOptionBranch, bottomOptionBranch) /** * ARGS * s16 textId (i), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), * s16 topOptionBranch (y), s16 bottomOptionBranch (n) * FORMAT * iiiissss eeee0001 yyyynnnn * size = 0xC */ #define CS_TEXT_TYPE_1(textId, startFrame, endFrame, topOptionBranch, bottomOptionBranch) \ CS_TEXT(textId, startFrame, endFrame, CS_TEXT_TYPE_1, topOptionBranch, bottomOptionBranch) /** * ARGS * s16 ocarinaSongAction (o), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), s16 textId (i) * FORMAT * oooossss eeee0002 iiiiFFFF * size = 0xC */ #define CS_TEXT_OCARINA_ACTION(ocarinaSongAction, startFrame, endFrame, textId) \ CS_TEXT(ocarinaSongAction, startFrame, endFrame, CS_TEXT_OCARINA_ACTION, textId, 0xFFFF) /** * ARGS * s16 textId (i), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), * s16 topOptionBranch (y), s16 bottomOptionBranch (n) * FORMAT * iiiissss eeee0003 yyyynnnn * size = 0xC */ #define CS_TEXT_TYPE_3(textId, startFrame, endFrame, topOptionBranch, bottomOptionBranch) \ CS_TEXT(textId, startFrame, endFrame, CS_TEXT_TYPE_3, topOptionBranch, bottomOptionBranch) /** * If Player has all 4 bosses' remains then alternativeTextId is used, otherwise defaultTextId is used * ARGS * s16 defaultTextId (d), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), s16 alternativeTextId (a) * FORMAT * ddddssss eeee0004 aaaaFFFF * size = 0xC */ #define CS_TEXT_BOSSES_REMAINS(defaultTextId, startFrame, endFrame, alternativeTextId) \ CS_TEXT(defaultTextId, startFrame, endFrame, CS_TEXT_TYPE_BOSSES_REMAINS, alternativeTextId, 0xFFFF) /** * If Player has every non-transformation mask then alternativeTextId is used, otherwise defaultTextId is used * ARGS * s16 defaultTextId (d), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), s16 alternativeTextId (a) * FORMAT * ddddssss eeee0005 aaaaFFFF * size = 0xC */ #define CS_TEXT_ALL_NORMAL_MASKS(defaultTextId, startFrame, endFrame, alternativeTextId) \ CS_TEXT(defaultTextId, startFrame, endFrame, CS_TEXT_TYPE_ALL_NORMAL_MASKS, alternativeTextId, 0xFFFF) /** * ARGS * s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * FFFFssss eeeeFFFF FFFFFFFF * size = 0xC */ #define CS_TEXT_NONE(startFrame, endFrame) \ CS_TEXT(0xFFFF, startFrame, endFrame, CS_TEXT_TYPE_NONE, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF) /** * ARGS * s32 numBytes (b) * FORMAT * 0000005A bbbbbbbb * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_CAM_SPLINE_LIST(numBytes) { CS_CMD_CAMERA_SPLINE }, { CMD_W(numBytes) } /** * ARGS * s16 numEntries (e), s16 duration (d) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * eeeeUUUU UUUUdddd * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_CAM_SPLINE(numEntries, unused0, unused1, duration) \ { CMD_HH(numEntries, unused0) }, { CMD_HH(unused1, duration) } /** * ARGS * u8 interpType (i), u8 weight (2), s16 duration (d), Vec3s pos (x/y/z), s16 relativeTo (r) * FORMAT * ii22dddd xxxxyyyy zzzzrrrr * size = 0xC */ #define CS_CAM_POINT(interpType, weight, duration, posX, posY, posZ, relativeTo) \ { CMD_BBH(interpType, weight, duration) }, { CMD_HH(posX, posY) }, { CMD_HH(posZ, relativeTo) } /** * ARGS * s16 roll (r), s16 fov (f) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * UUUUrrrr ffffUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_CAM_MISC(unused0, roll, fov, unused1) \ { CMD_HH(unused0, roll) }, { CMD_HH(fov, unused1) } // First half-word is read from as `numEntries` in `CS_CAM_SPLINE()` #define CS_CAM_END() { CMD_HH(0xFFFF, 4) } /** * Declares a list of `CS_MISC` entries. * * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000096 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_MISC_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_MISC }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * Various miscellaneous commands. * @see `CutsceneMiscType` enum for the different types of commands. * @note setting `endFrame` to same value as `startFrame` will not behave as expected. * For commands that only need to last one frame, set `endFrame` to `startFrame + 1`. * * ARGS * s16 type (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_MISC(type, startFrame, endFrame, unused0) \ { CMD_HH(type, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, unused0) } /** * Declares a list of `CS_LIGHT_SETTING` entries. * * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000097 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_LIGHT_SETTING_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_LIGHT_SETTING }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * Changes the environment lights to the specified setting. * The lighting change will take place immediately with no blending. * * ARGS * s16 setting (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_LIGHT_SETTING(lightSetting, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_BBH(0, (lightSetting + 1), startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, endFrame) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000098 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_TRANSITION_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_TRANSITION }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 type (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_TRANSITION(type, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(type, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, endFrame) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000099 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_MOTION_BLUR_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_MOTION_BLUR }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 type (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_MOTION_BLUR(type, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(type, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, endFrame) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 0000009A eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_GIVE_TATL_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_GIVE_TATL }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 giveTatl (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_GIVE_TATL(giveTatl, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(giveTatl, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, endFrame) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 0000009B eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_TRANSITION_GENERAL_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_TRANSITION_GENERAL }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 type (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), * u8 red (r), u8 green (g), blue (b) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeerrgg bbUUUUUU * size = 0x0C */ #define CS_TRANSITION_GENERAL(type, startFrame, endFrame, red, green, blue) \ { CMD_HH(type, startFrame) }, { CMD_HBB(endFrame, red, green) }, { CMD_BBBB(blue, 0, 0, 0) } /** * Declares a list of `CS_TIME` entries. * * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 0000009D eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_TIME_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_TIME }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * Sets the time of day. * Both the day time and skybox time are set by this command. * @note `endFrame` is not used in the implementation of the command, so its value does not matter * * ARGS * s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), s8 hour (h), s8 min (m) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * UUUUssss eeeehhmm UUUUUUUU * size = 0xC */ #define CS_TIME(unused0, startFrame, endFrame, hour, min) \ { CMD_HH(unused0, startFrame) }, { CMD_HBB(endFrame, hour, min) }, { CMD_W(0) } /** * Declares a list of `CS_ACTOR_CUE` entries. * * ARGS * s32 cmdType (c), s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * cccccccc eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_ACTOR_CUE_LIST(cmdType, entries) { CMD_W(cmdType) }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * Defines a cue that an actor can listen for. * The actor can choose whether or not to use the position and rotation data supplied to it. * The cue `id` is a number that has an actor-specific meaning. * * ARGS * s16 id (a), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), * s16 rotX (u), s16 rotY (v), s16 rotZ (w), * s32 startX (i), s32 startY (j), s32 startZ (k), * s32 endX (l), s32 endY (m), s32 endZ (n), * f32 normX (x), f32 normY (y), f32 normZ (z), * FORMAT * aaaassss eeeeuuuu vvvvwwww iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmm nnnnnnnn xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy zzzzzzzz * size = 0x30 */ #define CS_ACTOR_CUE(id, startFrame, endFrame, rotX, rotY, rotZ, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, normX, normY, normZ) \ { CMD_HH(id, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, rotX) }, { CMD_HH(rotY, rotZ) }, \ { CMD_W(startX) }, { CMD_W(startY) }, { CMD_W(startZ) }, \ { CMD_W(endX) }, { CMD_W(endY) }, { CMD_W(endZ) }, \ { CMD_F(normX) }, { CMD_F(normY) }, { CMD_F(normZ) } /** * Declares a list of `CS_PLAYER_CUE` entries. * * ARGS * s32 cmdType (c), s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 000000C8 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_PLAYER_CUE_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_PLAYER_CUE }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * A player cue is the same as `CS_ACTOR_CUE` but is specifically for player. * * ARGS * s16 id (a), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e), * s16 rotX (u), s16 rotY (v), s16 rotZ (w), * s32 startX (i), s32 startY (j), s32 startZ (k), * s32 endX (l), s32 endY (m), s32 endZ (n), * f32 normX (x), f32 normY (y), f32 normZ (z), * FORMAT * aaaassss eeeeuuuu vvvvwwww iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmm nnnnnnnn xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy zzzzzzzz * size = 0x30 */ #define CS_PLAYER_CUE(id, startFrame, endFrame, rotX, rotY, rotZ, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, normX, normY, normZ) \ CS_ACTOR_CUE(id, startFrame, endFrame, rotX, rotY, rotZ, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, normX, normY, normZ) /** * Declares a list of `CS_START_SEQ` entries. * * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 0000012C eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_START_SEQ_LIST(entries) \ { CS_CMD_START_SEQ }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * Starts a sequence at the specified time. * @note `endFrame` is not used in the implementation of the command, so its value does not matter * * ARGS * s16 seqId (i), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * iiiissss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_START_SEQ(seqId, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH((seqId + 1), startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, endFrame) } /** * Declares a list of `CS_STOP_SEQ` entries. * * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000133 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_STOP_SEQ_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_STOP_SEQ }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * Stops a sequence at the specified time. * * ARGS * s16 seqId (i), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * iiiissss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_STOP_SEQ(seqId, startFrame, endFrame, unk_06) \ { CMD_HH((seqId + 1), startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, unk_06) } /** * Stops a sequence at the specified time. * @note `endFrame` is not used in the implementation of the command, so its value does not matter * * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 0000009C eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_FADE_OUT_SEQ_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_FADE_OUT_SEQ }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * Fade out the sequence that is playing on the specified sequence player, over the specified frame range. * @see `CutsceneFadeOutSeqPlayer` * * ARGS * s16 seqPlayer (p), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ppppssss eeeeUUUU UUUUUUUU * size = 0x0C */ #define CS_FADE_OUT_SEQ(seqPlayer, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(seqPlayer, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, 0) }, { CMD_W(0) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000134 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_START_AMBIENCE_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_START_AMBIENCE }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * UUUUssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_START_AMBIENCE(unused0, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(unused0, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, 0) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000135 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_FADE_OUT_AMBIENCE_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_FADE_OUT_AMBIENCE }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * UUUUssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_FADE_OUT_AMBIENCE(unused0, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(unused0, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, 0) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000132 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_MODIFY_SEQ_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_MODIFY_SEQ }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 type (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_MODIFY_SEQ(type, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(type, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, endFrame) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000130 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_2_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_2 }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * UUUUssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x30 */ #define CS_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_2(unused0, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(unused0, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, 0) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000131 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_1_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_1 }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * UUUUssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_1(unused0, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(unused0, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, 0) } /** * Declares a list of `CS_DESTINATION` entries. * * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 0000015E eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_DESTINATION_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_DESTINATION }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * Sends the player to a new destination using the entry defined in `CutsceneScriptEntry`. * * ARGS * s16 type (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_DESTINATION(type, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(type, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, endFrame) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 0000015F eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_CHOOSE_CREDITS_SCENES_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_CHOOSE_CREDITS_SCENES }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 type (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_CHOOSE_CREDITS_SCENES(type, startFrame, endFrame) \ { CMD_HH(type, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, endFrame) } /** * ARGS * s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * 00000004 eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_RUMBLE_LIST(entries) { CS_CMD_RUMBLE }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 type (t), s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * ttttssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_RUMBLE(type, startFrame, endFrame, intensity, decayTimer, decayStep) \ { CMD_HH(type, startFrame) }, { CMD_HBB(endFrame, intensity, decayTimer) }, { CMD_BBBB(decayStep, 0, 0, 0) } /** * ARGS * s32 cmd (c), s32 entries (e) * FORMAT * cccccccc eeeeeeee * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_UNK_DATA_LIST(cmd, entries) { CMD_W(cmd) }, { CMD_W(entries) } /** * ARGS * s16 startFrame (s), s16 endFrame (e) * FORMAT * Capital U is Unused * UUUUssss eeeeUUUU * size = 0x8 */ #define CS_UNK_DATA(unused0, startFrame, endFrame, unk_06) \ { CMD_HH(unused0, startFrame) }, { CMD_HH(endFrame, unk_06) } /** * Marks the end of a cutscene */ #define CS_END() { CMD_W(0xFFFFFFFF) } // TODO: Fix ZAPD and delete these #define CS_ACTOR_ACTION_LIST CS_ACTOR_CUE_LIST #define CS_ACTOR_ACTION CS_ACTOR_CUE #define CS_PLAYER_ACTION_LIST CS_PLAYER_CUE_LIST #define CS_PLAYER_ACTION CS_PLAYER_CUE #define CS_LIGHTING_LIST CS_LIGHT_SETTING_LIST #define CS_CAMERA_LIST CS_CAM_SPLINE_LIST #define CS_TEXT_DISPLAY_TEXTBOX CS_TEXT #define CS_TEXT_LEARN_SONG CS_TEXT_OCARINA_ACTION #define CS_SCENE_TRANS_FX_LIST CS_TRANSITION_LIST #define CS_SCENE_TRANS_FX CS_TRANSITION #define CS_GIVETATL_LIST CS_GIVE_TATL_LIST #define CS_GIVETATL CS_GIVE_TATL #define CS_PLAYSEQ_LIST CS_START_SEQ_LIST #define CS_STOPSEQ_LIST CS_STOP_SEQ_LIST #define CS_FADESEQ_LIST CS_FADE_OUT_SEQ_LIST #define CS_FADESEQ CS_FADE_OUT_SEQ #define CS_PLAYAMBIENCE_LIST CS_START_AMBIENCE_LIST #define CS_PLAYAMBIENCE CS_START_AMBIENCE #define CS_FADEAMBIENCE_LIST CS_FADE_OUT_AMBIENCE_LIST #define CS_FADEAMBIENCE CS_FADE_OUT_AMBIENCE #define CS_SCENE_UNK_130_LIST CS_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_2_LIST #define CS_SCENE_UNK_130 CS_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_2 #define CS_SCENE_UNK_131_LIST CS_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_1_LIST #define CS_SCENE_UNK_131 CS_SFX_REVERB_INDEX_1 #define CS_SCENE_UNK_132_LIST CS_MODIFY_SEQ_LIST #define CS_SCENE_UNK_132 CS_MODIFY_SEQ #define CS_MOTIONBLUR_LIST CS_MOTION_BLUR_LIST #define CS_MOTIONBLUR CS_MOTION_BLUR #define CS_FADESCREEN_LIST CS_TRANSITION_GENERAL_LIST #define CS_FADESCREEN CS_TRANSITION_GENERAL #define CS_TERMINATOR_LIST CS_DESTINATION_LIST #define CS_TERMINATOR CS_DESTINATION #define CS_PLAYSEQ(seqId, startFrame, endFrame) \ CS_START_SEQ((seqId)-1, startFrame, endFrame) #define CS_STOPSEQ(seqId, startFrame, endFrame, unk_06) \ CS_STOP_SEQ((seqId)-1, startFrame, endFrame, unk_06) #define CS_LIGHTING(lightSetting, startFrame, endFrame) \ CS_LIGHT_SETTING((lightSetting)-1, startFrame, endFrame) #endif