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synced 2025-02-06 05:58:14 +00:00
213 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File
213 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import hashlib, io, struct, sys
from os import path
from libyaz0 import decompress
def as_word(b, off=0):
return struct.unpack(">I", b[off:off+4])[0]
def as_word_list(b):
return [i[0] for i in struct.iter_unpack(">I", b)]
def calc_crc(rom_data, cic_type):
start = 0x1000
end = 0x101000
unsigned_long = lambda i: i & 0xFFFFFFFF
rol = lambda i, b: unsigned_long(i << b) | (i >> (-b & 0x1F))
if cic_type == 6101 or cic_type == 6102:
seed = 0xF8CA4DDC
elif cic_type == 6103:
seed = 0xA3886759
elif cic_type == 6105:
seed = 0xDF26F436
elif cic_type == 6106:
seed = 0x1FEA617A
assert False , f"Unknown cic type: {cic_type}"
t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = t5 = t6 = seed
for pos in range(start, end, 4):
d = as_word(rom_data, pos)
r = rol(d, d & 0x1F)
t6d = unsigned_long(t6 + d)
if t6d < t6:
t4 = unsigned_long(t4 + 1)
t6 = t6d
t3 ^= d
t5 = unsigned_long(t5 + r)
if t2 > d:
t2 ^= r
t2 ^= t6 ^ d
if cic_type == 6105:
t1 = unsigned_long(t1 + (as_word(rom_data, 0x0750 + (pos & 0xFF)) ^ d))
t1 = unsigned_long(t1 + (t5 ^ d))
chksum = [0,0]
if cic_type == 6103:
chksum[0] = unsigned_long((t6 ^ t4) + t3)
chksum[1] = unsigned_long((t5 ^ t2) + t1)
elif cic_type == 6106:
chksum[0] = unsigned_long((t6 * t4) + t3)
chksum[1] = unsigned_long((t5 * t2) + t1)
chksum[0] = t6 ^ t4 ^ t3
chksum[1] = t5 ^ t2 ^ t1
return struct.pack(">II", chksum[0], chksum[1])
def read_dmadata_entry(addr):
return as_word_list(fileContent[addr:addr+0x10])
def read_dmadata(start):
dmadata = []
addr = start
entry = read_dmadata_entry(addr)
i = 0
while any([e != 0 for e in entry]):
# print(f"0x{addr:08X} " + str([f"{e:08X}" for e in entry]))
addr += 0x10
i += 1
entry = read_dmadata_entry(addr)
# print(f"0x{addr:08X} " + str([f"{e:08X}" for e in entry]))
return dmadata
def update_crc(decompressed):
print("Recalculating crc...")
new_crc = calc_crc(decompressed.getbuffer(), 6105)
return decompressed
def decompress_rom(dmadata_addr, dmadata):
rom_segments = {} # vrom start : data s.t. len(data) == vrom_end - vrom_start
new_dmadata = bytearray() # new dmadata: {vrom start , vrom end , vrom start , 0}
decompressed = io.BytesIO(b"")
for v_start, v_end, p_start, p_end in dmadata:
if p_start == 0xFFFFFFFF and p_end == 0xFFFFFFFF:
new_dmadata.extend(struct.pack(">IIII", v_start, v_end, p_start, p_end))
if p_end == 0: # uncompressed
rom_segments.update({v_start : fileContent[p_start:p_start + v_end - v_start]})
else: # compressed
rom_segments.update({v_start : decompress(fileContent[p_start:p_end])})
new_dmadata.extend(struct.pack(">IIII", v_start, v_end, v_start, 0))
# write rom segments to vaddrs
for vrom_st,data in rom_segments.items():
# write new dmadata
# pad to size
# re-calculate crc
return update_crc(decompressed)
correct_compressed_str_hash = "2a0a8acb61538235bc1094d297fb6556"
correct_str_hash = "f46493eaa0628827dbd6ad3ecd8d65d6"
def get_str_hash(byte_array):
return str(hashlib.md5(byte_array).hexdigest())
# If the baserom exists and is correct, we don't need to change anything
if path.exists("baserom_uncompressed.z64"):
with open("baserom_uncompressed.z64", mode="rb") as file:
fileContent = bytearray(file.read())
if get_str_hash(fileContent) == correct_str_hash:
print("Found valid baserom - exiting early")
# Determine if we have a ROM file
romFileName = ""
if path.exists("baserom.mm.us.rev1.z64"):
romFileName = "baserom.mm.us.rev1.z64"
elif path.exists("baserom.mm.us.rev1.n64"):
romFileName = "baserom.mm.us.rev1.n64"
elif path.exists("baserom.mm.us.rev1.v64"):
romFileName = "baserom.mm.us.rev1.v64"
print("Error: Could not find baserom.mm.us.rev1.z64/baserom.mm.us.rev1.n64/baserom.mm.us.rev1.v64.")
# Read in the original ROM
print("File '" + romFileName + "' found.")
with open(romFileName, mode="rb") as file:
fileContent = bytearray(file.read())
fileContentLen = len(fileContent)
# Check if ROM needs to be byte/word swapped
# Little-endian
if fileContent[0] == 0x40:
# Word Swap ROM
print("ROM needs to be word swapped...")
words = str(int(fileContentLen/4))
little_byte_format = "<" + words + "I"
big_byte_format = ">" + words + "I"
tmp = struct.unpack_from(little_byte_format, fileContent, 0)
struct.pack_into(big_byte_format, fileContent, 0, *tmp)
print("Word swapping done.")
# Byte-swapped
elif fileContent[0] == 0x37:
# Byte Swap ROM
print("ROM needs to be byte swapped...")
halfwords = str(int(fileContentLen/2))
little_byte_format = "<" + halfwords + "H"
big_byte_format = ">" + halfwords + "H"
tmp = struct.unpack_from(little_byte_format, fileContent, 0)
struct.pack_into(big_byte_format, fileContent, 0, *tmp)
print("Byte swapping done.")
# Check to see if the ROM is a compressed "vanilla" ROM
compressed_str_hash = get_str_hash(bytearray(fileContent))
if compressed_str_hash != correct_compressed_str_hash:
print("Error: Expected a hash of " + correct_compressed_str_hash + " but got " + compressed_str_hash + ". " +
"The baserom has probably been tampered, find a new one")
# Decompress
FILE_TABLE_OFFSET = 0x1A500 # 0x1C110 for JP1.0, 0x1C050 for JP1.1, 0x24F60 for debug
if any([b != 0 for b in fileContent[FILE_TABLE_OFFSET + 0x9C:FILE_TABLE_OFFSET + 0x9C + 0x4]]):
print("Decompressing rom...")
fileContent = decompress_rom(FILE_TABLE_OFFSET, read_dmadata(FILE_TABLE_OFFSET)).getbuffer()
# FF Padding (TODO is there an automatic way we can find where to start padding from? Largest dmadata file end maybe?)
for i in range(0x2EE8000,UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE):
fileContent[i] = 0xFF
# Check to see if the ROM is a "vanilla" ROM
str_hash = get_str_hash(bytearray(fileContent))
if str_hash != correct_str_hash:
print("Error: Expected a hash of " + correct_str_hash + " but got " + str_hash + ". " +
"The baserom has probably been tampered, find a new one")
# Write out our new ROM
print("Writing new ROM 'baserom_uncompressed.z64'.")
with open("baserom_uncompressed.z64", "wb") as file: