Tom Overton acd84bda77
En_Bb (Blue Bubble) OK and documented. object_bb documented (#713)
* EnBb_Init OK

* EnBb_Destroy OK

* func_808C20D4 OK

* func_808C2238 OK

* func_808C1FF4 OK

* func_808C1E94 OK

* func_808C2344 OK

* func_808C23EC OK

* EnBb_Update OK

* func_808C2E34 OK

* func_808C254C OK

* func_808C272C OK

* func_808C2B94 OK

* func_808C2A00 OK

* func_808C1F00 OK

* func_808C1F74 OK

* func_808C25E0 OK

* func_808C28CC OK

* func_808C2B1C OK

* func_808C2BD0 OK

* func_808C2C38 OK

* func_808C2CB4 OK

* func_808C2CF0 OK

* func_808C2D78 OK

* EnBb_Draw OK

* func_808C32EC OK

* func_808C3324 OK

* Migrate data to C

* Use generated reloc

* Object symbols and misc cleanup

* Name struct vars that are used with Actor_DrawDamageEffects

* Name most things in the object

* Name attackRange

* Good enough names for limbs for now

* Might as well name the limb draw stuff for now

* Name flame width/height

* Enum for damage effects

* Name some more stuff from OoT

* Name a lot more stuff

* First pass names on all functions

* Name jinxTimer on gSaveContext

* Name sLimbIndexToLimbPos

* First pass name to the rest of the limb draw system

* More cleanup

* Last cleanup before PR

* Incorporate Actor_DrawDamageEffect stuff

* Respond to hensldm's review
2022-03-26 02:57:18 +00:00

247 lines
12 KiB

#ifndef _Z64SAVE_H_
#define _Z64SAVE_H_
#include "ultra64.h"
#include "z64math.h"
#include "os.h"
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 buttonItems[4][4];
/* 0x10 */ u8 cButtonSlots[4][4];
/* 0x20 */ u16 equipment;
} ItemEquips; // size = 0x0A
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 items[24];
/* 0x18 */ u8 masks[24];
/* 0x30 */ s8 ammo[24];
/* 0x48 */ u32 upgrades; // some bits are wallet upgrades
/* 0x4C */ u32 questItems;
/* 0x50 */ u8 dungeonItems[10];
/* 0x5A */ s8 dungeonKeys[10];
/* 0x64 */ s8 strayFairies[10]; // "orange_fairy"
/* 0x6E */ char dekuPlaygroundPlayerName[3][8]; // Stores playerName (8 char) over (3 days) when getting a new high score. original name: degnuts_memory_name
} Inventory; // size = 0x88
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 scene;
/* 0x02 */ Vec3s pos;
/* 0x08 */ s16 angle;
} HorseData; // size = 0x0A
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ Vec3f pos;
/* 0xC */ s16 yaw;
/* 0xE */ s16 playerParams;
/* 0x10 */ u16 entranceIndex;
/* 0x12 */ u8 roomIndex;
/* 0x13 */ s8 data;
/* 0x14 */ u32 tempSwchFlags;
/* 0x18 */ u32 unk_18;
/* 0x1C */ u32 tempCollectFlags;
} RespawnData; // size = 0x20
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 chest;
/* 0x04 */ u32 swch0;
/* 0x08 */ u32 swch1;
/* 0x0C */ u32 clearedRoom;
/* 0x10 */ u32 collectible;
/* 0x14 */ u32 unk_14;
/* 0x18 */ u32 unk_18;
} PermanentSceneFlags; // size = 0x1C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 chest;
/* 0x04 */ u32 swch0;
/* 0x08 */ u32 swch1;
/* 0x0C */ u32 clearedRoom;
/* 0x10 */ u32 collectible;
} CycleSceneFlags; // size = 0x14
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ u32 entranceIndex; // "scene_no"
/* 0x0004 */ u8 equippedMask; // "player_mask"
/* 0x0005 */ u8 unk_05; // "opening_flag"
/* 0x0006 */ u8 unk_06;
/* 0x0007 */ u8 linkAge; // "link_age"
/* 0x0008 */ s32 cutscene; // "day_time"
/* 0x000C */ u16 time; // "zelda_time"
/* 0x000E */ u16 owlSaveLocation;
/* 0x0010 */ s32 isNight; // "asahiru_fg"
/* 0x0014 */ u32 unk_14; // "change_zelda_time"
/* 0x0018 */ s32 day; // "totalday"
/* 0x001C */ u32 daysElapsed; // "eventday"
/* 0x0020 */ u8 playerForm; // "player_character"
/* 0x0021 */ u8 snowheadCleared; // "spring_flag"
/* 0x0022 */ u8 hasTatl; // "bell_flag"
/* 0x0023 */ u8 isOwlSave;
/* 0x0024 */ char newf[6]; // Will always be "ZELDA3" for a valid save
/* 0x002B */ u16 deaths; // "savect"
/* 0x002C */ char playerName[8]; // "player_name"
/* 0x0034 */ s16 healthCapacity; // "max_life"
/* 0x0036 */ s16 health; // "now_life"
/* 0x0038 */ s8 magicLevel; // "magic_max"
/* 0x0039 */ s8 magic; // "magic_now"
/* 0x003A */ s16 rupees; // "lupy_count"
/* 0x003C */ u16 swordHealth; // "long_sword_hp"
/* 0x003E */ u16 tatlTimer; // "navi_timer"
/* 0x0040 */ u8 magicAcquired; // "magic_mode"
/* 0x0041 */ u8 doubleMagic; // "magic_ability"
/* 0x0042 */ u8 doubleDefense; // "life_ability"
/* 0x0043 */ u8 unk_43; // "ocarina_round"
/* 0x0044 */ u8 unk_44; // "first_memory"
/* 0x0046 */ u16 owlActivationFlags; // "memory_warp_point"
/* 0x0048 */ u8 unk_48; // "last_warp_pt"
/* 0x004A */ s16 savedSceneNum; // "scene_data_ID"
/* 0x004C */ ItemEquips equips;
/* 0x0070 */ Inventory inventory;
/* 0x00F8 */ PermanentSceneFlags permanentSceneFlags[120];
/* 0x0E18 */ u8 unk_E18[0x54];
/* 0x0E6C */ u32 dekuPlaygroundHighScores[3];
/* 0x0E78 */ u32 pictoFlags0;
/* 0x0E7C */ u32 pictoFlags1;
/* 0x0E80 */ u32 unk_E80;
/* 0x0E84 */ u32 unk_E84;
/* 0x0E88 */ u32 unk_E88[7]; // Invadepoh flags
/* 0x0EA4 */ u32 scenesVisible[7]; // tingle maps and clouded regions on pause map. Stores scenes bitwise for up to 224 scenes even though there are not that many scenes
/* 0x0EC0 */ u32 skullTokenCount; // upper 16 bits store Swamp skulls, lower 16 bits store Ocean skulls
/* 0x0EC4 */ u32 unk_EC4; // Gossic stone heart piece flags
/* 0x0EC8 */ u32 unk_EC8;
/* 0x0ECC */ u32 unk_ECC[2]; // Related to blue warps
/* 0x0ED4 */ u32 stolenItems; // Items stolen by Takkuri and given to Curiosity Shop Man
/* 0x0ED8 */ u32 unk_DD8;
/* 0x0EDC */ u32 bankRupees;
/* 0x0EE0 */ u32 unk_EE0;
/* 0x0EE4 */ u32 unk_EE4; // Fishing flags
/* 0x0EE8 */ u32 unk_EE8;
/* 0x0EEC */ u32 horseBackBalloonHighScore;
/* 0x0EF0 */ u32 lotteryCodeGuess; // Lottery code chosen by player (only uses lower three hex digits)
/* 0x0EF4 */ u32 unk_EF4; // Shooting Gallery Man Flags
/* 0x0EF8 */ u8 weekEventReg[100]; // "week_event_reg"
/* 0x0F5C */ u32 mapsVisited; // "area_arrival"
/* 0x0F60 */ u32 mapsVisible; // "cloud_clear"
/* 0x0F64 */ u8 unk_F64; // "oca_rec_flag"
/* 0x0F65 */ u8 unk_F65; // "oca_rec_flag8"
/* 0x0F66 */ u8 unk_F66[128]; // "oca_rec_buff8"
/* 0x0FE6 */ s8 unk_FE6; // "aikotoba_index"
/* 0x0FE7 */ s8 unk_FE7[5]; // "aikotoba_table"
/* 0x0FEC */ s8 lotteryCodes[3][3]; // Preset lottery codes "numbers_table"
/* 0x0FF5 */ s8 spiderHouseMaskOrder[6]; // "kinsta_color_table"
/* 0x0FFB */ s8 bomberCode[5]; // "bombers_aikotoba_table"
/* 0x1000 */ HorseData horseData;
/* 0x100A */ u16 checksum; // "check_sum"
/* 0x100C */ u8 eventInf[8];
/* 0x1014 */ u8 unk_1014; // "stone_set_flag"
/* 0x1015 */ u8 unk_1015;
/* 0x1016 */ u16 jinxTimer;
/* 0x1018 */ s16 rupeeAccumulator; // "lupy_udct"
/* 0x101A */ u8 unk_101A[6]; // "bottle_status", one entry for each bottle
/* 0x1020 */ OSTime unk_1020[6]; // "bottle_ostime", one entry for each bottle
/* 0x1050 */ OSTime unk_1050[6]; // "bottle_sub", one entry for each bottle
/* 0x1080 */ OSTime unk_1080[6]; // "bottle_time", one entry for each bottle
/* 0x10B0 */ OSTime unk_10B0[6]; // "bottle_stop_time", one entry for each bottle
/* 0x10E0 */ u64 pictoPhoto[1400]; // buffer containing the pictograph photo
/* 0x3CA0 */ s32 fileNum; // "file_no"
/* 0x3CA4 */ s16 powderKegTimer; // "big_bom_timer"
/* 0x3CA6 */ u8 unk_3CA6;
/* 0x3CA7 */ u8 unk_3CA7; // "day_night_flag"
/* 0x3CA8 */ s32 gameMode; // "mode"
/* 0x3CAC */ s32 sceneSetupIndex; // "counter"
/* 0x3CB0 */ s32 respawnFlag; // "restart_flag"
/* 0x3CB4 */ RespawnData respawn[8]; // "restart_data"
/* 0x3DB4 */ f32 entranceSpeed; // "player_wipe_speedF"
/* 0x3DB8 */ u16 entranceSound; // "player_wipe_door_SE"
/* 0x3DBA */ u8 unk_3DBA; // "player_wipe_item"
/* 0x3DBB */ u8 unk_3DBB; // "next_walk"
/* 0x3DBC */ u16 dogParams; // "dog_flag"
/* 0x3DBE */ u8 textTriggerFlags; // "guide_status"
/* 0x3DBF */ u8 showTitleCard; // "name_display"
/* 0x3DC0 */ s16 unk_3DC0; // "shield_magic_timer"
/* 0x3DC2 */ u8 unk_3DC2; // "pad1"
/* 0x3DC8 */ OSTime unk_3DC8; // "get_time"
/* 0x3DD0 */ u8 unk_3DD0[7]; // "event_fg"
/* 0x3DD7 */ u8 unk_3DD7[7]; // "calc_flag"
/* 0x3DE0 */ OSTime unk_3DE0[7]; // "event_ostime"
/* 0x3E18 */ OSTime unk_3E18[7]; // "event_sub"
/* 0x3E50 */ OSTime unk_3E50[7]; // "func_time"
/* 0x3E88 */ OSTime unk_3E88[7]; // "func_end_time"
/* 0x3EC0 */ OSTime unk_3EC0[7]; // "func_stop_time"
/* 0x3EF8 */ s16 timerX[7]; // "event_xp"
/* 0x3F06 */ s16 timerY[7]; // "event_yp"
/* 0x3F14 */ s16 unk_3F14; // "character_change"
/* 0x3F16 */ u8 seqIndex; // "old_bgm"
/* 0x3F17 */ u8 nightSeqIndex; // "old_env"
/* 0x3F18 */ u8 buttonStatus[6]; // "button_item"
/* 0x3F1E */ u8 unk_3F1E; // "ck_fg"
/* 0x3F20 */ u16 unk_3F20; // "alpha_type"
/* 0x3F22 */ u16 unk_3F22; // "prev_alpha_type"
/* 0x3F24 */ u16 unk_3F24; // "alpha_count"
/* 0x3F26 */ u16 unk_3F26; // "last_time_type"
/* 0x3F28 */ s16 unk_3F28; // "magic_flag"
/* 0x3F2A */ s16 unk_3F2A; // "recovery_magic_flag"
/* 0x3F2C */ s16 unk_3F2C; // "keep_magic_flag"
/* 0x3F2E */ s16 unk_3F2E; // "magic_now_max"
/* 0x3F30 */ s16 unk_3F30; // "magic_now_now"
/* 0x3F32 */ s16 unk_3F32; // "magic_used"
/* 0x3F34 */ s16 unk_3F34; // "magic_recovery"
/* 0x3F36 */ u16 mapIndex; // "scene_ID"
/* 0x3F38 */ u16 minigameState; // "yabusame_mode"
/* 0x3F3A */ u16 minigameScore; // "yabusame_total"
/* 0x3F3C */ u16 unk_3F3C; // "yabusame_out_ct"
/* 0x3F3E */ u8 unk_3F3E; // "no_save"
/* 0x3F3F */ u8 unk_3F3F; // "flash_flag"
/* 0x3F40 */ u16 option_id; // "option_id"
/* 0x3F42 */ u8 language; // "j_n"
/* 0x3F43 */ u8 audioSetting; // "s_sound"
/* 0x3F44 */ u8 unk_3F44; // "language"
/* 0x3F45 */ u8 zTargetSetting; // 0: Switch; 1: Hold
/* 0x3F46 */ u16 unk_3F46; // "NottoriBgm"
/* 0x3F48 */ u8 unk_3F48; // "fade_go"
/* 0x3F4A */ u16 nextCutsceneIndex; // "next_daytime"
/* 0x3F4C */ u8 cutsceneTrigger; // "doukidemo"
/* 0x3F4D */ u8 unk_3F4D; // "Kenjya_no"
/* 0x3F4E */ u16 nextDayTime; // "next_zelda_time"
/* 0x3F50 */ u8 fadeDuration; // "fade_speed"
/* 0x3F51 */ u8 unk_3F51; // "wipe_speed"
/* 0x3F52 */ u16 environmentTime; // "kankyo_time"
/* 0x3F54 */ u8 dogIsLost; // "dog_event_flag"
/* 0x3F55 */ u8 nextTransition; // "next_wipe"
/* 0x3F56 */ s16 worldMapArea; // "area_type"
/* 0x3F58 */ s16 sunsSongState; // "sunmoon_flag"
/* 0x3F5A */ s16 healthAccumulator; // "life_mode"
/* 0x3F5C */ s32 unk_3F5C; // "bet_rupees"
/* 0x3F60 */ u8 unk_3F60; // "framescale_flag"
/* 0x3F64 */ f32 unk_3F64; // "framescale_scale"
/* 0x3F68 */ CycleSceneFlags cycleSceneFlags[120]; // Scene flags that are temporarily stored over the duration of a single 3-day cycle
/* 0x48C8 */ u16 unk_48C8; // "scene_id_mix"
/* 0x48CA */ u8 maskMaskBit[3]; // masks given away on the Moon
/* 0x48CD */ char unk_48CD[24];
} SaveContext; // size = 0x48C8
typedef enum {
/* 0x01 */ RESPAWN_MODE_GROTTO, // Exiting a grotto
/* 0x02 */ RESPAWN_MODE_FARORES_WIND, // Unused in MM
/* 0x07 */ RESPAWN_MODE_UNK_7,
/* 0x07 */ RESPAWN_MODE_UNK_8
} RespawnMode;
typedef enum {
/* 0x00 */ BTN_ENABLED,
/* 0xFF */ BTN_DISABLED = 0xFF
} ButtonStatus;
typedef enum {
/* 1 */ SUNSSONG_START, // the suns ocarina effect signals that the song has finished playing
/* 2 */ SUNSSONG_SPEED_TIME, // suns was played where time passes, speed up the advancement of time
/* 3 */ SUNSSONG_SPECIAL // time does not advance, but signals the song was played. used for freezing redeads
} SunsSongState;