Ghost renaming

This commit is contained in:
Niko 2023-08-11 16:32:34 -04:00
parent b33f385224
commit 3310323a4a
3 changed files with 475 additions and 476 deletions

View File

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ void GhostReplay_Init1(void)
int charID;
struct GameTracker *gGT = sdata->gGT;
// This has to run from MainInit_Drivers
sdata->boolCanSaveGhost = 0;
sdata->boolGhostsDrawing = 0;
@ -28,13 +30,14 @@ void GhostReplay_Init1(void)
// === Record Buffer ===
gh = MEMPACK_AllocMem(0x3e00/*, "ghost record buffer"*/);
// In the future, this can move to GhostTape_Start, when byte budget allows
gh = MEMPACK_AllocMem(0x3e00/*, "ghost record buffer"*/);
sdata->GhostRecording.ptrGhost = gh;
sdata->GhostRecording.ptrStartOffset = &gh->recordBuffer[0];
sdata->GhostRecording.ptrEndOffset = &gh->recordBuffer[0x3DD4];
// === Play Buffer ===
// === Replay Buffer ===
// 0: human ghost
// 1: N Tropy / Oxide ghost

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
// called "GhostBuffer" instead of "ghost"
// because of other "ghost"-related functions
// elsewhere in the game
// GhostReplay_ThTick
void FUN_80026ed8(int param_1)
@ -574,7 +571,6 @@ LAB_80027754:
// GhostReplay_Init1
void FUN_80027838(void)
@ -944,473 +940,3 @@ LAB_80027cfc:
iVar9 = *(int *)(iVar9 + 0x10);
} while( true );
// GhostTape_Start
void FUN_80027df4(void)
undefined *puVar1;
int iVar2;
// pointer to start of ghost tape
puVar1 = DAT_8008fbf4;
// pointer to first Player thread, -> object
iVar2 = *(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1b2c) + 0x30);
// Save level ID in the header of the ghost tape
*(undefined2 *)(DAT_8008fbf4 + 4) = *(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10);
*puVar1 = 0xfc;
puVar1[1] = 0xff;
// bool ghostTooBig
DAT_8008d744 = 0;
// ghostOverflowTextTimer
DAT_8008d748 = 0;
// bool canSaveGhost
DAT_8008d758 = 1;
// Player / AI structure + 0x4a shows driver index (0-7)
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 6) = (&DAT_80086e84)[*(byte *)(iVar2 + 0x4a)];
// set offset of ghost recording to start of ghost recording
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fbf8;
// Frame counter
DAT_8008fc04 = 0;
// Frame counter
DAT_8008fc08 = 0;
// time of last 0x80 ghost buffer
DAT_8008fc0c = 0;
// Timer to measure amount of milliseconds in a race
DAT_8008fc10 = 0;
// Frames since last ghost writting,
// limits writing to every 0x1e frames
DAT_8008fc14 = 0;
// Velocity X, Y, Z
DAT_8008fc18 = 0;
DAT_8008fc1a = 0;
DAT_8008fc1c = 0;
// set animation ID and animation frame
// being recorded for ghosts, to -1,
// and set instance flags to zero
DAT_8008fc20 = 0xffffffff;
DAT_8008fc24 = 0xffffffff;
DAT_8008fc28 = 0;
// GhostTape_End
void FUN_80027e90(void)
undefined *puVar1;
int iVar2;
int iVar3;
// if you can save ghost
if (DAT_8008d758 != 0)
// pointer to first Player thread, -> object
iVar3 = *(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1b2c) + 0x30);
// Write the last chunk of ghost data
// pointer to start of the ghost tape
iVar2 = DAT_8008fbf4;
// save the size of the tape in the header of the tape
*(short *)(DAT_8008fbf4 + 2) = (short)DAT_8008fc00 - (short)DAT_8008fbf8;
// get the mode of the game
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// save driver->ySpeed?
*(undefined4 *)(iVar2 + 0xc) = *(undefined4 *)(iVar3 + 0x3a4);
// save driver->speedApprox?
*(int *)(iVar2 + 8) = (int)*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x38e);
// can not save same ghost twice
DAT_8008d758 = 0;
// store into ghost data: time it took for this player to finish the race
*(undefined4 *)(iVar2 + 0x10) = *(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(puVar1 + 0x24ec) + 0x514);
// GhostTape_WriteMoves
void FUN_80027f20(short param_1)
byte *pbVar1;
ushort uVar2;
int iVar3;
int iVar4;
byte *pbVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
int iVar8;
int iVar9;
byte local_18;
byte local_16;
byte local_14;
byte local_10;
byte local_e;
byte local_c;
if (param_1 == 0)
// if you can not save ghost
if (DAT_8008d758 == 0)
// if paused or [race ended while not yet in end-of-race menu]???
if ((*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x1f) != 0) {
// if traffic lights are not done counting down
if (0 < *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d0c)) {
// If you're in End-Of-Race menu
if ((*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x200000) != 0)
// GhostTape_End
if (DAT_8008fc14 != 0) {
DAT_8008fc14 = DAT_8008fc14 + -1;
if (
// If race is just finished
(param_1 != 0) ||
// This is true every 8 frames
((DAT_8008fc04 & 7) == 0)
// pointer to first Player thread, -> object
iVar8 = *(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1b2c) + 0x30);
// player instance
iVar7 = *(int *)(iVar8 + 0x1c);
// compress position (x, y, z) with bitshifting
iVar4 = *(int *)(iVar7 + 0x44) >> 3;
iVar3 = *(int *)(iVar7 + 0x48) >> 3;
iVar6 = *(int *)(iVar7 + 0x4c) >> 3;
// get change in position (x, y, z)
DAT_8008fc18 = (short)iVar4 - DAT_8008fc18;
DAT_8008fc1a = (short)iVar3 - DAT_8008fc1a;
DAT_8008fc1c = (short)iVar6 - DAT_8008fc1c;
// Time elapsed since last 0x80 buffer
iVar9 = DAT_8008fc10 - DAT_8008fc0c;
if (
// if animation frame changed
(DAT_8008fc20 != (int)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x54)) ||
// if animation changed
(DAT_8008fc24 != (uint)*(byte *)(iVar7 + 0x52))
// 0x81-style chunks are 3 bytes long (including 0x81)
// Write to recording buffer
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x81;
// prepare to advance the recording offset by 1 byte
pbVar5 = DAT_8008fc00 + 1;
// animation frame
DAT_8008fc20 = (int)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x54);
// prepare to advance the recording offset by 2 bytes
pbVar1 = DAT_8008fc00 + 2;
// advance the recording offset by 1 byte
DAT_8008fc00 = pbVar5;
// Write to recording buffer
*pbVar1 = (byte)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x54);
// get animation
DAT_8008fc24 = (uint)*(byte *)(iVar7 + 0x52);
// Write to recording buffer
*pbVar5 = *(byte *)(iVar7 + 0x52);
// Advance the recording buffer by two bytes
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 2;
// If there is a change in instance flags,
// determine if driver is split by water or mud
if ((*(uint *)(iVar7 + 0x28) & 0x2000) != (DAT_8008fc28 & 0x2000))
// 0x83-style chunks are 2 bytes long (including 0x83)
// Write to recording buffer
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x83;
// Record the instance flags
// determine if driver is split by water or mud
DAT_8008fc00[1] = (byte)(*(uint *)(iVar7 + 0x28) >> 0xd) & 1;
// increment recording offset by 2
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 2;
// get pointer to current recording byte in buffer
pbVar1 = DAT_8008fc00;
// This if-statment was rewritten from the original Ghidra output,
// be aware that it may not be accurate, go back to original output
// if there are any problems
// If velocity is small enough for a compressed 5-byte message
if (
// If the race is not over
(param_1 == 0) &&
// false once every 16 frames
(DAT_8008fc08 & 0x1f) &&
// If velX is small enough for one byte
(DAT_8008fc18 < 0x80) &&
(-0x7c < DAT_8008fc18) &&
// If velY is small enough for one byte
(DAT_8008fc1a < 0x80) &&
(-0x7c < DAT_8008fc1a) &&
// If velZ is small enough for one byte
(DAT_8008fc1c < 0x80) &&
(-0x7c < DAT_8008fc1c) &&
// if not a lot of time has passed
// since the last 0x80 buffer
(iVar9 < 0xff01)
// If there is no change in position
if (((DAT_8008fc18 == 0) && (DAT_8008fc1a == 0)) && (DAT_8008fc1c == 0))
// 0x84-style buffers are 1 byte long (just 0x84, means do nothing)
// Record that you are doing nothing
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x84;
// increment recording offset by one byte
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 1;
// If you are moving
// dont write opcode,
// "no opcode" means "assume velocity"
// Write velX to buffer
local_18 = (byte)DAT_8008fc18;
*DAT_8008fc00 = local_18;
// Write velY to buffer
local_16 = (byte)DAT_8008fc1a;
pbVar1[1] = local_16;
// Write velZ to buffer
local_14 = (byte)DAT_8008fc1c;
pbVar1[2] = local_14;
// rotation
pbVar1[3] = (byte)(*(ushort *)(iVar8 + 0x2ee) >> 4);
pbVar1[4] = (byte)(*(ushort *)(iVar8 + 0x2f0) >> 4);
// advance the recording offset by 5 bytes
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 5;
// If velocity is too large,
// If the race just ended
// If you're in a 16-frame interval
// write a longer message
// 0x80-style chunks are 11 bytes long (including 0x80)
// Write to ghost recording buffer
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x80;
// Advance the recording by one byte
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 1;
// Write 2-byte X position
*DAT_8008fc00 = (byte)((uint)iVar4 >> 8);
local_10 = (byte)iVar4;
pbVar1[2] = local_10;
// Write 2-byte Y position
pbVar1[3] = (byte)((uint)iVar3 >> 8);
local_e = (byte)iVar3;
pbVar1[4] = local_e;
// Write 2-byte Z position
pbVar1[5] = (byte)((uint)iVar6 >> 8);
local_c = (byte)iVar6;
pbVar1[6] = local_c;
// Write 2-byte ???
// related to time
pbVar1[7] = (byte)((uint)iVar9 >> 8);
pbVar1[8] = (byte)iVar9;
// Write 2-byte rotation
pbVar1[9] = (byte)(*(ushort *)(iVar8 + 0x2ee) >> 4);
uVar2 = *(ushort *)(iVar8 + 0x2f0);
pbVar1[10] = (byte)(uVar2 >> 4);
// Increment recording offset by 10 bytes
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 10;
// Time of last 0x80 buffer
DAT_8008fc0c = DAT_8008fc10;
// Make a copy of instance flags
DAT_8008fc28 = *(uint *)(iVar7 + 0x28);
if (
// if offset of ghost-recording buffer exceeds
// the maximum size of a ghost that can be recorded
// (if you're one frame away from max capacity)
(DAT_8008fbfc < DAT_8008fc00 + 0x40) &&
// bool canSaveGhost
(DAT_8008d758 = 0,
// If you're not in End-Of-Race menu
// (if you were, you'd be just in time to save the ghost)
(*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x200000) == 0)
// bool ghostTooBig
DAT_8008d744 = 1;
// set ghostOverflowTextTimer
// to 180 frames (6 seconds 30fps)
DAT_8008d748 = 0xb4;
// Increment frame counter
DAT_8008fc08 = DAT_8008fc08 + 1;
// Save this frame's X, Y, Z positions,
// so that they can be used next frame to
// calculate velocity
DAT_8008fc18 = (short)iVar4;
DAT_8008fc1a = (short)iVar3;
DAT_8008fc1c = (short)iVar6;
// Increment frame counter
DAT_8008fc04 = DAT_8008fc04 + 1;
// Increment race timer by elapsed milliseconds per frame, ~32
DAT_8008fc10 = DAT_8008fc10 + *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d04);
// GhostTape_WriteBoosts
// param1 - reserves to add
// param2 - add type (increment or set)
// param3 - speed cap
void FUN_8002838c(undefined4 param_1,byte param_2,undefined4 param_3)
undefined *puVar1;
puVar1 = DAT_8008fc00;
// if you can save ghost
if (DAT_8008d758 != 0)
if ((param_2 & 4) != 0) {
if (DAT_8008fc14 != 0) {
DAT_8008fc14 = 0x1e;
// 0x82-style chunks are 6 bytes long (including 0x82)
// Write to recording buffer
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x82;
// increment recording offset by 1 byte
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 1;
// This holds information about turbo pads:
// - Regular Turbo vs Super Turbo
// - Amount of boost gained from turbo
// short, reserve count
*DAT_8008fc00 = (char)((uint)param_1 >> 8);
puVar1[2] = (char)param_1;
// char, add type (increment or set)
puVar1[3] = param_2;
// short, speed cap
puVar1[4] = (char)((uint)param_3 >> 8);
puVar1[5] = (char)param_3;
// increment recording offset by 5 bytes
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 5;
// Erase ghost of previous race from RAM
// GhostTape_Destroy
void FUN_80028410(void)
// if ghost data is allocated
if (DAT_8008d754 != 0)
// MEMPACK_ClearHighMem
// set pointer to nullptr
DAT_8008d754 = 0;

ghidra/GhostTape.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
// GhostTape_Start
void FUN_80027df4(void)
undefined *puVar1;
int iVar2;
// pointer to start of ghost tape
puVar1 = DAT_8008fbf4;
// pointer to first Player thread, -> object
iVar2 = *(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1b2c) + 0x30);
// Save level ID in the header of the ghost tape
*(undefined2 *)(DAT_8008fbf4 + 4) = *(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10);
*puVar1 = 0xfc;
puVar1[1] = 0xff;
// bool ghostTooBig
DAT_8008d744 = 0;
// ghostOverflowTextTimer
DAT_8008d748 = 0;
// bool canSaveGhost
DAT_8008d758 = 1;
// Player / AI structure + 0x4a shows driver index (0-7)
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 6) = (&DAT_80086e84)[*(byte *)(iVar2 + 0x4a)];
// set offset of ghost recording to start of ghost recording
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fbf8;
// Frame counter
DAT_8008fc04 = 0;
// Frame counter
DAT_8008fc08 = 0;
// time of last 0x80 ghost buffer
DAT_8008fc0c = 0;
// Timer to measure amount of milliseconds in a race
DAT_8008fc10 = 0;
// Frames since last ghost writting,
// limits writing to every 0x1e frames
DAT_8008fc14 = 0;
// Velocity X, Y, Z
DAT_8008fc18 = 0;
DAT_8008fc1a = 0;
DAT_8008fc1c = 0;
// set animation ID and animation frame
// being recorded for ghosts, to -1,
// and set instance flags to zero
DAT_8008fc20 = 0xffffffff;
DAT_8008fc24 = 0xffffffff;
DAT_8008fc28 = 0;
// GhostTape_End
void FUN_80027e90(void)
undefined *puVar1;
int iVar2;
int iVar3;
// if you can save ghost
if (DAT_8008d758 != 0)
// pointer to first Player thread, -> object
iVar3 = *(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1b2c) + 0x30);
// Write the last chunk of ghost data
// pointer to start of the ghost tape
iVar2 = DAT_8008fbf4;
// save the size of the tape in the header of the tape
*(short *)(DAT_8008fbf4 + 2) = (short)DAT_8008fc00 - (short)DAT_8008fbf8;
// get the mode of the game
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// save driver->ySpeed?
*(undefined4 *)(iVar2 + 0xc) = *(undefined4 *)(iVar3 + 0x3a4);
// save driver->speedApprox?
*(int *)(iVar2 + 8) = (int)*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x38e);
// can not save same ghost twice
DAT_8008d758 = 0;
// store into ghost data: time it took for this player to finish the race
*(undefined4 *)(iVar2 + 0x10) = *(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(puVar1 + 0x24ec) + 0x514);
// GhostTape_WriteMoves
void FUN_80027f20(short param_1)
byte *pbVar1;
ushort uVar2;
int iVar3;
int iVar4;
byte *pbVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
int iVar8;
int iVar9;
byte local_18;
byte local_16;
byte local_14;
byte local_10;
byte local_e;
byte local_c;
if (param_1 == 0)
// if you can not save ghost
if (DAT_8008d758 == 0)
// if paused or [race ended while not yet in end-of-race menu]???
if ((*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x1f) != 0) {
// if traffic lights are not done counting down
if (0 < *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d0c)) {
// If you're in End-Of-Race menu
if ((*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x200000) != 0)
// GhostTape_End
if (DAT_8008fc14 != 0) {
DAT_8008fc14 = DAT_8008fc14 + -1;
if (
// If race is just finished
(param_1 != 0) ||
// This is true every 8 frames
((DAT_8008fc04 & 7) == 0)
// pointer to first Player thread, -> object
iVar8 = *(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1b2c) + 0x30);
// player instance
iVar7 = *(int *)(iVar8 + 0x1c);
// compress position (x, y, z) with bitshifting
iVar4 = *(int *)(iVar7 + 0x44) >> 3;
iVar3 = *(int *)(iVar7 + 0x48) >> 3;
iVar6 = *(int *)(iVar7 + 0x4c) >> 3;
// get change in position (x, y, z)
DAT_8008fc18 = (short)iVar4 - DAT_8008fc18;
DAT_8008fc1a = (short)iVar3 - DAT_8008fc1a;
DAT_8008fc1c = (short)iVar6 - DAT_8008fc1c;
// Time elapsed since last 0x80 buffer
iVar9 = DAT_8008fc10 - DAT_8008fc0c;
if (
// if animation frame changed
(DAT_8008fc20 != (int)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x54)) ||
// if animation changed
(DAT_8008fc24 != (uint)*(byte *)(iVar7 + 0x52))
// 0x81-style chunks are 3 bytes long (including 0x81)
// Write to recording buffer
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x81;
// prepare to advance the recording offset by 1 byte
pbVar5 = DAT_8008fc00 + 1;
// animation frame
DAT_8008fc20 = (int)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x54);
// prepare to advance the recording offset by 2 bytes
pbVar1 = DAT_8008fc00 + 2;
// advance the recording offset by 1 byte
DAT_8008fc00 = pbVar5;
// Write to recording buffer
*pbVar1 = (byte)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x54);
// get animation
DAT_8008fc24 = (uint)*(byte *)(iVar7 + 0x52);
// Write to recording buffer
*pbVar5 = *(byte *)(iVar7 + 0x52);
// Advance the recording buffer by two bytes
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 2;
// If there is a change in instance flags,
// determine if driver is split by water or mud
if ((*(uint *)(iVar7 + 0x28) & 0x2000) != (DAT_8008fc28 & 0x2000))
// 0x83-style chunks are 2 bytes long (including 0x83)
// Write to recording buffer
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x83;
// Record the instance flags
// determine if driver is split by water or mud
DAT_8008fc00[1] = (byte)(*(uint *)(iVar7 + 0x28) >> 0xd) & 1;
// increment recording offset by 2
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 2;
// get pointer to current recording byte in buffer
pbVar1 = DAT_8008fc00;
// This if-statment was rewritten from the original Ghidra output,
// be aware that it may not be accurate, go back to original output
// if there are any problems
// If velocity is small enough for a compressed 5-byte message
if (
// If the race is not over
(param_1 == 0) &&
// false once every 16 frames
(DAT_8008fc08 & 0x1f) &&
// If velX is small enough for one byte
(DAT_8008fc18 < 0x80) &&
(-0x7c < DAT_8008fc18) &&
// If velY is small enough for one byte
(DAT_8008fc1a < 0x80) &&
(-0x7c < DAT_8008fc1a) &&
// If velZ is small enough for one byte
(DAT_8008fc1c < 0x80) &&
(-0x7c < DAT_8008fc1c) &&
// if not a lot of time has passed
// since the last 0x80 buffer
(iVar9 < 0xff01)
// If there is no change in position
if (((DAT_8008fc18 == 0) && (DAT_8008fc1a == 0)) && (DAT_8008fc1c == 0))
// 0x84-style buffers are 1 byte long (just 0x84, means do nothing)
// Record that you are doing nothing
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x84;
// increment recording offset by one byte
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 1;
// If you are moving
// dont write opcode,
// "no opcode" means "assume velocity"
// Write velX to buffer
local_18 = (byte)DAT_8008fc18;
*DAT_8008fc00 = local_18;
// Write velY to buffer
local_16 = (byte)DAT_8008fc1a;
pbVar1[1] = local_16;
// Write velZ to buffer
local_14 = (byte)DAT_8008fc1c;
pbVar1[2] = local_14;
// rotation
pbVar1[3] = (byte)(*(ushort *)(iVar8 + 0x2ee) >> 4);
pbVar1[4] = (byte)(*(ushort *)(iVar8 + 0x2f0) >> 4);
// advance the recording offset by 5 bytes
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 5;
// If velocity is too large,
// If the race just ended
// If you're in a 16-frame interval
// write a longer message
// 0x80-style chunks are 11 bytes long (including 0x80)
// Write to ghost recording buffer
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x80;
// Advance the recording by one byte
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 1;
// Write 2-byte X position
*DAT_8008fc00 = (byte)((uint)iVar4 >> 8);
local_10 = (byte)iVar4;
pbVar1[2] = local_10;
// Write 2-byte Y position
pbVar1[3] = (byte)((uint)iVar3 >> 8);
local_e = (byte)iVar3;
pbVar1[4] = local_e;
// Write 2-byte Z position
pbVar1[5] = (byte)((uint)iVar6 >> 8);
local_c = (byte)iVar6;
pbVar1[6] = local_c;
// Write 2-byte ???
// related to time
pbVar1[7] = (byte)((uint)iVar9 >> 8);
pbVar1[8] = (byte)iVar9;
// Write 2-byte rotation
pbVar1[9] = (byte)(*(ushort *)(iVar8 + 0x2ee) >> 4);
uVar2 = *(ushort *)(iVar8 + 0x2f0);
pbVar1[10] = (byte)(uVar2 >> 4);
// Increment recording offset by 10 bytes
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 10;
// Time of last 0x80 buffer
DAT_8008fc0c = DAT_8008fc10;
// Make a copy of instance flags
DAT_8008fc28 = *(uint *)(iVar7 + 0x28);
if (
// if offset of ghost-recording buffer exceeds
// the maximum size of a ghost that can be recorded
// (if you're one frame away from max capacity)
(DAT_8008fbfc < DAT_8008fc00 + 0x40) &&
// bool canSaveGhost
(DAT_8008d758 = 0,
// If you're not in End-Of-Race menu
// (if you were, you'd be just in time to save the ghost)
(*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x200000) == 0)
// bool ghostTooBig
DAT_8008d744 = 1;
// set ghostOverflowTextTimer
// to 180 frames (6 seconds 30fps)
DAT_8008d748 = 0xb4;
// Increment frame counter
DAT_8008fc08 = DAT_8008fc08 + 1;
// Save this frame's X, Y, Z positions,
// so that they can be used next frame to
// calculate velocity
DAT_8008fc18 = (short)iVar4;
DAT_8008fc1a = (short)iVar3;
DAT_8008fc1c = (short)iVar6;
// Increment frame counter
DAT_8008fc04 = DAT_8008fc04 + 1;
// Increment race timer by elapsed milliseconds per frame, ~32
DAT_8008fc10 = DAT_8008fc10 + *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d04);
// GhostTape_WriteBoosts
// param1 - reserves to add
// param2 - add type (increment or set)
// param3 - speed cap
void FUN_8002838c(undefined4 param_1,byte param_2,undefined4 param_3)
undefined *puVar1;
puVar1 = DAT_8008fc00;
// if you can save ghost
if (DAT_8008d758 != 0)
if ((param_2 & 4) != 0) {
if (DAT_8008fc14 != 0) {
DAT_8008fc14 = 0x1e;
// 0x82-style chunks are 6 bytes long (including 0x82)
// Write to recording buffer
*DAT_8008fc00 = 0x82;
// increment recording offset by 1 byte
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 1;
// This holds information about turbo pads:
// - Regular Turbo vs Super Turbo
// - Amount of boost gained from turbo
// short, reserve count
*DAT_8008fc00 = (char)((uint)param_1 >> 8);
puVar1[2] = (char)param_1;
// char, add type (increment or set)
puVar1[3] = param_2;
// short, speed cap
puVar1[4] = (char)((uint)param_3 >> 8);
puVar1[5] = (char)param_3;
// increment recording offset by 5 bytes
DAT_8008fc00 = DAT_8008fc00 + 5;
// Erase ghost of previous race from RAM
// GhostTape_Destroy
void FUN_80028410(void)
// if ghost data is allocated
if (DAT_8008d754 != 0)
// MEMPACK_ClearHighMem
// set pointer to nullptr
DAT_8008d754 = 0;