finished preliminary DrawLineStrlen rewrite, pending testing

and changes to regionsExe.h and decal.h
This commit is contained in:
Superstarxalien 2023-11-06 16:35:50 -04:00
parent 9aee8f2141
commit 44d6a45a86
3 changed files with 434 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
#include <common.h>
void DECOMP_DecalFont_DrawLineStrlen(u_char* str, short len, int posX, short posY, short fontType, int flags)
struct GameTracker* gGT = sdata->gGT;
// text is justified left by default
int alignX = DECOMP_DecalFont_GetLineWidthStrlen(str, len, fontType);
if (flags & JUSTIFY_CENTER) alignX /= 2;
posX -= alignX;
// bug fix exclusive to versions after USA Retail
#if BUILD >= JpnTrial
flags &= 0x7ff;
flags &= 0xfff;
for(*str != 0; *str != 0 && len != 0; str++, len--)
u_char* strcopy = str;
u_short iconID = 0xff;
short charWidth = data.font_charPixWidth[fontType];
short pixWidthExtra = 0;
short pixHeightExtra = 0;
short iconScale = FP(1.0);
#if BUILD == EurRetail
int numCharacters = 1;
int rotateCharacter = false;
int* ptrColor = data.ptrColor[flags];
#if BUILD >= JpnTrial
if (*strcopy == '~')
// if the current character in the string is a tilde, delete the next two characters and color the rest of the word depending on the characters being deleted
// used with numbers according to the color ID, e.g. ~01 gives the blue-ish gray color seen in the race lap count
u_char* strnext = str + 1;
u_char* strnextnext = str + 2;
str += 2;
len -= 2;
flags = (*strnextnext + (*strnext - 0x30) * 10) - 0x30;
charWidth = 0;
if (*strcopy == ':' || *strcopy == '.') charWidth = data.font_puncPixWidth[fontType];
// if the character is one of the PSX buttons
// @ is circle, [ is square, ^ is triangle, * is X
if ((((*strcopy == '@') || (*strcopy == '[')) || (*strcopy == '^')) || (*strcopy == '*'))
#if BUILD != JpnRetail
iconScale = data.font_buttonScale[fontType];
pixHeightExtra = data.font_buttonPixHeight[fontType];
charWidth = data.font_charPixWidth[fontType] + data.font_buttonPixWidth[fontType];
// use neutral vertex color for button characters
ptrColor = data.ptrColor[GRAY];
// japan retail adds support for the Mad Catz MC2 Racing Wheel (probably the best thing Naughty Dog added to this version to be honest)
// this replaces the regular face button characters with ones that match the buttons on the steering wheel and recolors them accordingly
short isRacingWheel = DecalFont_boolRacingWheel();
if (!(isRacingWheel))
iconScale = data.font_buttonScale[fontType];
pixHeightExtra = data.font_buttonPixHeight[fontType];
charWidth = data.font_charPixWidth[fontType] + data.font_buttonPixWidth[fontType];
// use neutral vertex color for button characters
ptrColor = data.ptrColor[GRAY];
// note: the Mad Catz MC2 Racing Wheel does not use the traditional PSX buttons
// it uses A, B, 1, and 2 instead
int racingWheelButtonColor = PERIWINKLE;
if (*strcopy == '@') *strcopy = 'A';
if (*strcopy == '^') *strcopy = 'B';
if (*strcopy == '*' || *strcopy == '[')
if (*strcopy == '*') *strcopy = '1';
if (*strcopy == '[') *strcopy = '2';
racingWheelButtonColor = RED;
ptrColor = data.ptrColor[racingWheelButtonColor];
// Set character sprite (icon) IDs
// The first 0x21 (counting 0) ASCII characters don't have icon IDs assigned to them
// Europe has additional characters composed of existing characters rearranged to resemble new ones
// USA Retail and prototypes have placeholder data for additional characters found in the Japanese versions
#if BUILD != EurRetail
// ascii characters + japanese characters
// 0xE0 characters from 0x20 to 0x100
if ((*strcopy - 0x21) < 0xdf)
// get iconID based on ascii character
iconID = data.font_characterIconID[*strcopy - 0x21];
// Japanese dakuten and handakuten
// unused in NTSC-U and PAL
if (*strcopy < 3)
charWidth = 0;
iconID = data.font_indentIconID[fontType * 2 + *strcopy - 1];
pixWidthExtra = data.font_indentPixDimensions[fontType * 2];
pixHeightExtra = data.font_indentPixDimensions[(fontType * 2) + 1];
} // this might also cause problems --Super
// europe only has 0x60 characters
if ((*strcopy - 0x21) < 0x5f)
// get iconID based on ascii character
iconID = data.font_characterIconID[*strcopy - 0x21];
} // putting this condition first might cause problems --Super
if (*strcopy == '')
// The tilde as a diacritical mark
// It's implemented in CTR using the underscore character, shrunk down and placed above the character that follows
// Seen in the Spanish language for the Ñ, although because of the above mentioned you can use it on anything
iconID = 0x2f;
pixWidthExtra = data.font_EurDiacriticalTilde[fontType * 3];
pixHeightExtra = data.font_EurDiacriticalTilde[(fontType * 3) + 1];
iconScale = data.font_EurDiacriticalTilde[(fontType * 3) + 2];
charWidth = 0;
if (*strcopy == '"')
// Quotation mark
// Unlike the other new characters its representing character is actually used for a quotation mark
// Quotation marks in the PAL version are two apostrophes joined together
iconID = 0x24;
numCharacters = 2;
pixWidthExtra = data.font_EurQuotationMarkWidth[fontType];
// the following characters make use of additional width and height padding
if (*strcopy < 3 || *strcopy == '#' || *strcopy == '$' || *strcopy == '&')
if (*strcopy < 3)
// Japanese dakuten and handakuten
// unused in NTSC-U and PAL
charWidth = 0;
iconID = data.font_indentIconID[fontType * 2 + *strcopy - 1];
characterExtraDimensionsArray = &data.font_indentPixDimensions[0];
if (*strcopy == '#')
// Inverted exclamation mark, used in the Spanish language
rotateCharacter = true;
iconID = 0x25;
characterExtraDimensionsArray = data.font_EurInvertedExclamationMarkData;
if (*strcopy == '$')
// Inverted question mark, used in the Spanish language
rotateCharacter = true;
iconID = 0x2e;
characterExtraDimensionsArray = data.font_EurInvertedExclamationMarkData;
if (*strcopy == '&')
// Upwards period
// Supposed to be the ordinal indicator character in Spanish and French
iconID = 0x2c;
characterExtraDimensionsArray = data.font_EurOrdinalIndicatorData;
pixWidthExtra = characterExtraDimensionsArray[fontType * 2];
pixHeightExtra = characterExtraDimensionsArray[(fontType * 2) + 1];
// if iconID is valid
if (iconID != 0xff)
short iconGroupID = data.font_IconGroupID[fontType];
#if BUILD <= UsaRetail
// incomplete implementation of japanese font, unused
// see below for more details
if (iconID > 0x7f)
iconID -= 0x80;
short kanaIconGroupID = 15;
if (iconGroupID == 4) kanaIconGroupID = 14;
iconGroupID = kanaIconGroupID;
#elif BUILD == JpnTrial || BUILD == JpnRetail
// defined here as a fallback for if the character in question isn't kana
u_short kanaID = iconID
// if icon ID goes over 0x7f, then this is a japanese character (i.e. kana)
if (iconID > 0x7f)
// kana icon IDs are in a separate icon group from other font characters
u_short kanaID = iconID - 0x80;
// the "big" and "small" font icon groups for kana are 14 and 15 respectively
short kanaIconGroupID = 15;
// if icon group is non-japanese big font, set to japanese
if (iconGroupID == 4) kanaIconGroupID = 14;
iconGroupID = kanaIconGroupID;
// icon struct, see common.h
struct Icon* iconStruct = &sdata->font_icon;
if (kanaIconGroupID == 14)
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.clut = sdata->font_jfontBigIconData.clut;
if (kanaID & 1) sdata->font_icon.texLayout.clut += 0x40;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u0 = kanaID * 8 & 0xf0;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u1 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u0 + 15;
short whateverThisIs_big = kanaID / 2 & 0x10;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v0 = whateverThisIs + 8;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v2 = whateverThisIs + 23;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.tpage = sdata->font_jfontBigIconData.tpage + ((kanaID < 0x40) ^ 1);
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v1 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v0;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u2 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u0;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u3 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u1;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v3 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v2;
if (kanaID < 24)
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.clut = sdata->font_jfontSmallIconData.clut;
if (kanaID & 1) sdata->font_icon.texLayout.clut += 0x40;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.tpage = sdata->font_jfontSmallIconData.tpage;
short whateverThisIs_small = kanaID & 0xfe + kanaID / 2 * 4;
if (kanaID < 12) sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u0 = whateverThisIs_small + 176;
else sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u0 = whateverThisIs_small + 104;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u1 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u0 + 11;
if (kanaID < 12) sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v0 = 24;
else sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v0 = 32;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v2 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v0 + 7;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v1 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v0;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u2 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u0;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u3 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u1;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v3 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v2;
kanaID = iconID - 0x98;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.clut = sdata->font_jfontSmall0x18IconData.clut;
if (kanaID & 1) sdata->font_icon.texLayout.clut += 0x40;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.tpage = sdata->font_jfontSmall0x18IconData.tpage;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u0 = data.font_X1Y1data[kanaID * 2 + 1] / 2 * 12;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u1 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.u0 + 11;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v0 = data.font_X1Y1data[kanaID * 2] * 8 + 8;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v2 = data.font_X1Y1data[kanaID * 2] * 8 + 15;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v1 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v0;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.x2 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.x0;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.x3 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.x1;
sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v3 = sdata->font_icon.texLayout.v2;
#if BUILD <= UsaRetail
if (iconID < gGT->iconGroup[iconGroupID]->numIcons)
struct Icon** iconPtrArray = ICONGROUP_GETICONS(gGT->iconGroup[iconGroupID]);
posX + pixWidthExtra,
posY + pixHeightExtra,
0, iconScale
#elif BUILD == JpnTrial || JpnRetail
if (iconStruct == 0)
struct Icon** iconPtrArray = ICONGROUP_GETICONS(gGT->iconGroup[iconGroupID]);
if (kanaID < gGT->iconGroup[iconGroupID]->numIcons) iconStruct = iconPtrArray[kanaID];
if (iconStruct != 0)
posX + pixWidthExtra,
posY + pixHeightExtra,
0, iconScale
#else // i.e. european build
for(; numCharacters > 0; numCharacters--, pixWidthExtra += data.font_EurPixWidthExtra[fontType])
if (rotateCharacter)
posX + pixWidthExtra,
posY + pixHeightExtra,
0, iconScale, 0x800
posX + pixWidthExtra,
posY + pixHeightExtra,
0, iconScale
posX += charWidth;

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ enum Colors
// gray #808080, identical to fake crash's
// the neutral vertex color for the PSX
// used for sprites that don't need coloring as a result
// used for sprites that don't need coloring, as a result
// colors assigned to each player in multiplayer modes

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@ -4374,14 +4374,10 @@ struct sData
// 8008d650 -- JpnTrial
// icon struct used for DrawLineStrlen in the japanese builds
struct Icon font_icon;
// arrays of u_ints containing:
// X1, Y1, paletteXY
// X2, Y2, pageXY
// X3, Y3, X4, Y4
// for the two japanese font icon groups, and the 0x18th icon in the small group
u_int font_jfontBigIconData[3];
u_int font_jfontSmallIconData[3];
u_int font_jfontSmall0x18IconData[3];
// TextureLayout structs for the two japanese font icon groups, and the 0x18th icon in the small group
struct TextureLayout font_jfontBigIconData;
struct TextureLayout font_jfontSmallIconData;
struct TextureLayout font_jfontSmall0x18IconData;
// size 0x1494