take it from here niko

This commit is contained in:
Superstarxalien 2023-11-24 19:31:48 -04:00
parent dca4def73e
commit eaa6121568
5 changed files with 535 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
common, exe, CAM_ThTick, 0x0, src/CAM_ThTick_Hook.s
common, exe, rdata_free, 0x0, src/CAM_ThTick_ghidra.c
//common, exe, MainFreeze_MenuPtrOptions, 0x0, ../General/MAIN/MainFreeze_MenuPtrOptions.c
// common, 230, MM_TrackSelect_MenuBox, 0x0, src/MM_TrackSelect_MenuBox_Hook.s
// common, exe, rdata_free, 0x0, src/230/MM_TrackSelect_MenuBox.c

View File

@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ void CAM_ThTick(struct Thread *t)
// If you are in process of changing 0 to 1
else {
dc->desiredRot[0] = dc->unk92;
*(short *)((int)&cDC->mode + 2) = dc->unk92;
dc->cameraMode = 0;
iVar9 = dc->desiredRot[0] * 0x24;
iVar9 = *(short *)((int)&cDC->mode + 2) * 0x24;
// 8:3 (80080F7A) aspect ratio if 2 screens else 4:3 (80080F68)
iVar20 = iVar9 -

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
.set noreorder

View File

@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
#include <common.h>
void DECOMP_CAM_ThTick(struct Thread *t)
short sVar1;
int bVar2;
struct GameTracker *psVar3;
u_short uVar4;
short sVar5;
short sVar6;
int iVar7;
int iVar8;
u_int uVar9;
u_int uVar10;
struct PVS *psVar11;
int *piVar12;
struct Instance **ppsVar13;
struct SpawnType1 *psVar14;
struct CheckpointNode *psVar15;
u_int uVar16;
int iVar17;
int iVar18;
short *psVar19;
short *psVar20;
short *psVar21;
u_int uVar22;
struct CameraDC *cDC;
struct TileView *tv;
struct ZoomData *psVar23;
struct Driver *d;
short *scratchpad;
int iVar24;
int iVar25;
short local_28;
short local_26;
short local_24;
scratchpad = (short *)0x1f800108;
cDC = (struct CameraDC *)t->inst;
d = cDC->driverToFollow;
tv = cDC->tileView;
if ((cDC->flags & 0x8000) != 0)
((sdata->gGT->gameMode1 & (PAUSE_ALL | START_OF_RACE | MAIN_MENU | GAME_CUTSCENE)) == 0) &&
(d->instSelf->thread->funcThTick == 0)
) && ((d->actionsFlagSet & 0x100000) == 0)
) &&
(d->kartState != WARP_PAD && (d->kartState != FREEZE)) &&
(((sdata->gGT->gameMode2 & 4) == 0 && ((sdata->gGamepads->gamepad[cDC->cameraID].buttonsTapped & 0x80U) != 0)))
uVar4 = cDC->unk92 + 1;
cDC->unk92 = uVar4;
if (1 < uVar4)
cDC->unk92 = 0;
if (cDC->unk92 == 2)
cDC->cameraMode = 0xf;
*(short *)((int)&cDC->mode + 2) = cDC->unk92;
cDC->cameraMode = 0;
iVar7 = (int)*(short *)((int)&cDC->mode + 2);
psVar23 = &data.NearCam4x3 + iVar7 * 2;
if (sdata->gGT->numPlyrCurrGame == 2)
psVar23 = &data.NearCam8x3 + iVar7 * 2;
if ((cDC->flags & 0x20) == 0) goto switchD_8001b678_caseD_1;
psVar14 = sdata->gGT->level1->ptrSpawnType1;
psVar21 = 0;
if (psVar14->count < 3) goto switchD_8001b678_caseD_1;
psVar19 = (short *)psVar14[3].count;
sVar6 = *psVar19;
local_28 = (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[0] >> 8);
local_26 = (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[1] >> 8);
local_24 = (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[2] >> 8);
psVar20 = psVar19 + 1;
if (sVar6 != 0)
uVar22 = (u_int)d->unknown_in_FUN_8005ca24[1];
psVar19 += 2;
for(; sVar6 != 0; sVar6--)
iVar7 = (int)*psVar19;
if (iVar7 < 0)
iVar7 = -iVar7;
uVar16 = (u_int)*psVar20;
psVar20 = (short *)((int)psVar19 + *(short *)((int)data.EndOfRace_Camera_Size + ((iVar7 << 0x10) >> 0xf)) + 2);
if (((uVar22 == uVar16) || (psVar15 = sdata->gGT->level1->ptr_restart_points, uVar22 == (u_char)psVar15[uVar16].nextIndex_forward)) || ((uVar22 == (u_char)psVar15[uVar16].nextIndex_left || ((uVar22 == (u_char)psVar15[uVar16].nextIndex_backward || (uVar22 == (u_char)psVar15[uVar16].nextIndex_right))))))
psVar21 = psVar19;
psVar19 = psVar20 + 1;
if ((psVar21 == 0) || (psVar21 == (short *)cDC->unk_DC2)) goto switchD_8001b678_caseD_1;
cDC->unk_DC2 = (int)psVar21;
sVar6 = *psVar21;
psVar19 = psVar21 + 1;
sVar5 = sVar6;
if (sVar6 < 0)
sVar5 = -sVar6;
cDC->cameraMode = sVar5;
uVar22 = cDC->flags & 0xffffefff;
cDC->flags = uVar22 | 9;
if (sVar6 < 0)
cDC->flags = uVar22 | 0x1009;
cDC->flags = cDC->flags | 0x1000;
case 0:
tv->pos[0] = *(short *)(d->instSelf->matrix).t;
tv->pos[1] = *(short *)((d->instSelf->matrix).t + 1);
tv->pos[2] = *(short *)((d->instSelf->matrix).t + 2);
tv->rot[0] = (d->rotCurr).x;
tv->rot[1] = (d->rotCurr).y;
tv->rot[2] = (d->rotCurr).z;
*(u_short *)&cDC->unk_c0 = 0;
case 3:
tv->pos[0] = *psVar19;
tv->pos[1] = psVar21[2];
tv->pos[2] = psVar21[3];
tv->rot[0] = psVar21[4];
tv->rot[1] = psVar21[5];
tv->rot[2] = psVar21[6];
*(short *)&cDC->action = *psVar19;
*(short *)((int)&cDC->action + 2) = psVar21[2];
*(short *)&cDC->mode = psVar21[3];
*(short *)&cDC->unk0xC = psVar21[4];
*(short *)((int)&cDC->unk0xC + 2) = psVar21[5];
cDC->desiredRot[0] = psVar21[6];
case 4:
tv->pos[0] = *psVar19;
tv->pos[1] = psVar21[2];
tv->pos[2] = psVar21[3];
case 7:
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[0] = *psVar19;
sVar6 = psVar21[2];
uVar22 = cDC->flags & 0xffffffbf;
cDC->flags = uVar22;
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[1] = sVar6;
if (psVar21[3] != 0)
cDC->flags = uVar22 | 0x40;
case 8:
case 14:
cDC->driverOffset_CamEyePos[0] = *psVar19;
sVar6 = cDC->driverOffset_CamEyePos[0];
cDC->driverOffset_CamEyePos[1] = psVar21[2];
sVar5 = cDC->driverOffset_CamEyePos[1];
cDC->driverOffset_CamEyePos[2] = psVar21[3];
sVar1 = cDC->driverOffset_CamEyePos[2];
cDC->driverOffset_CamLookAtPos[0] = psVar21[4];
cDC->driverOffset_CamLookAtPos[1] = psVar21[5];
cDC->driverOffset_CamLookAtPos[2] = psVar21[6];
iVar7 = MapToRange((int)sVar6 * (int)sVar6 + (int)sVar5 * (int)sVar5 + (int)sVar1 * (int)sVar1, 0x10000, 0x190000, 0x80, 0xf0);
cDC->unk7A = (short)iVar7;
case 9:
case 13:
sVar6 = *psVar19;
psVar15 = sdata->gGT->level1->ptr_restart_points;
cDC->unk94 = 0;
cDC->unk88 = psVar15 + sVar6;
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[0] = psVar21[2];
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[1] = psVar21[3];
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[2] = psVar21[4];
(cDC->transitionTo).rot[0] = psVar21[5];
(cDC->transitionTo).rot[1] = psVar21[6];
(cDC->transitionTo).rot[2] = psVar21[7];
*(short *)cDC->unk_b0 = psVar21[8];
case 10:
sVar6 = *psVar19;
psVar19 = psVar21 + 2;
goto LAB_8001b928;
case 11:
sVar6 = *(short *)&tv->distanceToScreen_CURR;
tv->pos[0] = *psVar19;
tv->pos[1] = psVar21[2];
tv->pos[2] = psVar21[3];
psVar19 = psVar21 + 5;
sVar6 = psVar21[4] - sVar6;
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[0] = sVar6;
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[1] = *psVar19;
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[2] = psVar19[1];
case 12:
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[0] = *psVar19;
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[1] = psVar21[2];
(cDC->transitionTo).pos[2] = psVar21[3];
(cDC->transitionTo).rot[0] = psVar21[4];
(cDC->transitionTo).rot[1] = psVar21[5];
(cDC->transitionTo).rot[2] = psVar21[6];
*(short *)cDC->unk_b0 = psVar21[7];
*(short *)(cDC->unk_b0 + 2) = psVar21[8];
*(short *)(cDC->unk_b0 + 4) = psVar21[9];
*(short *)(cDC->unk_b0 + 6) = psVar21[10];
tv->distanceToScreen_PREV = tv->distanceToScreen_CURR;
sVar6 = cDC->cameraMode;
if (sVar6 != 0)
sVar5 = cDC->cameraMode;
*(u_short *)(cDC->data14 + 0x12) = 0;
if (sVar6 != 0)
if (sVar6 == 4)
CAM_LookAtPosition((int)scratchpad, d->posCurr, tv->pos, tv->rot);
psVar21 = scratchpad;
*(int *)(psVar21 + 0x120) = (int)tv->pos[0];
*(int *)(psVar21 + 0x122) = (int)tv->pos[1];
sVar6 = tv->pos[2];
scratchpad = psVar21;
psVar21 = scratchpad;
if (sVar6 == 10)
CAM_FollowDriver_Spin360(cDC, (u_int)0x1f800108, d, tv->pos, (u_int)tv->rot);
goto LAB_8001c128;
if (sVar6 != 0xb)
if (sVar6 == 0xc)
if (cDC->cameraModePrev != 0xc)
cDC->unk8E = 0;
local_28 = (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[0] >> 8);
local_26 = (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[1] >> 8);
local_24 = (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[2] >> 8);
iVar8 = CAM_MapRange_PosPoints((cDC->transitionTo).pos, (cDC->transitionTo).rot, &local_28);
iVar17 = (int)*(short *)(cDC->unk_b0 + 6);
local_28 = *(short *)cDC->unk_b0 - (cDC->transitionTo).rot[0];
local_26 = *(short *)(cDC->unk_b0 + 2) - (cDC->transitionTo).rot[1];
iVar7 = iVar17;
if (iVar17 < 0)
iVar7 = -iVar17;
local_24 = *(short *)(cDC->unk_b0 + 4) - (cDC->transitionTo).rot[2];
if (iVar17 < 0)
local_28 = -local_28;
local_26 = -local_26;
local_24 = -local_24;
iVar24 = SquareRoot0_stub((int)local_28 * (int)local_28 + (int)local_26 * (int)local_26 + (int)local_24 * (int)local_24);
iVar18 = cDC->unk94 << 0xc;
iVar25 = iVar18 / iVar24;
if (iVar24 == 0)
if ((iVar24 == -1) && (iVar18 == -0x80000000))
cDC->unk94 = cDC->unk94 + (((cDC->unk8E * 0x1000) / 0x1e) * iVar7 >> 0xc);
if (iVar8 < 1)
if (iVar25 < 0x1001)
if (cDC->unk8E < 0x1e)
cDC->unk8E = cDC->unk8E + 1;
else if (cDC->unk8E != 0)
cDC->unk8E = cDC->unk8E + -1;
cDC->unk94 = 0;
cDC->unk8E = 0;
psVar21 = (cDC->transitionTo).rot;
if (iVar17 < 0)
psVar21 = (short *)cDC->unk_b0;
tv->pos[0] = *psVar21 + (short)(local_28 * iVar25 >> 0xc);
tv->pos[1] = psVar21[1] + (short)(local_26 * iVar25 >> 0xc);
tv->pos[2] = psVar21[2] + (short)(local_24 * iVar25 >> 0xc);
goto LAB_8001c11c;
if (sVar6 == 7)
tv->pos[0] = (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[0] >> 8);
tv->pos[1] = (cDC->transitionTo).pos[0] + (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[1] >> 8);
tv->pos[2] = (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[2] >> 8);
sVar6 = (cDC->transitionTo).pos[1];
tv->rot[1] = 0;
tv->rot[2] = 0;
tv->rot[0] = sVar6 + 0x400;
psVar21 = (short *)0x1f800108;
if ((cDC->flags & 0x40) != 0)
tv->rot[1] = d->angle + 0x800;
else if ((u_short)(sVar5 - 0xfU) < 2)
tv->pos[0] = DAT_8009cf94 + (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[0] >> 8);
tv->pos[1] = DAT_8009cf96 + (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[1] >> 8);
tv->pos[2] = DAT_8009cf98 + (short)((u_int)d->posCurr[2] >> 8);
if (cDC->cameraMode == 0x10)
tv->rot[0] = DAT_8009cf9c + (d->rotCurr).x;
sVar6 = DAT_8009cf9e + d->angle;
tv->rot[0] = DAT_8009cf9c + (d->rotCurr).x;
sVar6 = DAT_8009cf9e + (d->rotCurr).y;
tv->rot[1] = sVar6;
tv->rot[2] = DAT_8009cfa0 + (d->rotCurr).z;
if ((sVar6 == 8) || (sVar6 == 0xe))
if ((d->botFlags & 2U) == 0)
if ((cDC->driver5B0_prevFrame & 2) != 0)
cDC->flags = cDC->flags | 9;
CAM_FollowDriver_AngleAxis(cDC, d, (int)0x1f800108, tv->pos, tv->rot);
if ((cDC->driver5B0_prevFrame & 2) == 0)
cDC->flags = cDC->flags | 9;
CAM_FollowDriver_Normal(cDC, d, tv->pos, 0x108, &psVar23->distMin);
cDC->driver5B0_prevFrame = d->botFlags;
goto LAB_8001c150;
if ((cDC->cameraMode == 9) || (psVar21 = (short *)0x1f800108, cDC->cameraMode == 0xd))
if ((sdata->gGT->level1->cnt_restart_points != 0) && ((sdata->gGT->gameMode1 & 0xf) == 0))
uVar9 = CAM_FollowDriver_TrackPath(cDC, (short *)0x1f800390, (int)*(short *)cDC->unk_b0, 1);
iVar7 = -0xc0;
if (-1 < *(short *)cDC->unk_b0)
iVar7 = 0xc0;
uVar10 = CAM_FollowDriver_TrackPath(cDC, (short *)0x1f800398, iVar7, 0);
iVar8 = ((uVar10 - uVar9) + 0x800 & 0xfff) - 0x800;
*(short *)0x1f800314 = 0x800;
*(short *)0x1f800316 = (short)uVar9 + (short)(iVar8 >> 1);
*(short *)0x1f800318 = 0;
*(short *)0x1f800390 = (short)((int)(*(short *)0x1f800390) + (int)(*(short *)0x1f800398) >> 1);
*(short *)0x1f800392 = (short)((int)(*(short *)0x1f800392) + (int)(*(short *)0x1f80039a) >> 1);
iVar7 = (int)(*(short *)0x1f80039c);
*(short *)0x1f800394 = (short)((*(short *)0x1f800394) + iVar7 >> 1);
ConvertRotToMatrix((MATRIX *)0x1f800328, (short *)0x1f800314);
gte_SetRotMatrix((MATRIX *)0x1f800328);
gte_ldv0((SVECTOR *)&cDC->transitionTo);
read_mt(uVar9, iVar7, iVar8);
tv->pos[0] = scratchpad[0x144] + (short)uVar9;
tv->pos[1] = scratchpad[0x145] + (short)iVar7;
tv->pos[2] = scratchpad[0x146] + (short)iVar8;
tv->rot[0] = scratchpad[0x106] + (cDC->transitionTo).rot[0];
tv->rot[1] = scratchpad[0x107] + (cDC->transitionTo).rot[1];
tv->rot[2] = scratchpad[0x108] + (cDC->transitionTo).rot[2];
psVar21 = scratchpad;
if (cDC->cameraMode == 0xd) goto LAB_8001c11c;
goto LAB_8001c128;
CAM_LookAtPosition((int)0x1f800108, d->posCurr, tv->pos, tv->rot);
iVar7 = SquareRoot0_stub((*(short *)0x1f800354) * (*(short *)0x1f800354) + (*(short *)0x1f80035c) * (*(short *)0x1f80035c));
iVar17 = (int)(cDC->transitionTo).pos[0];
iVar24 = (iVar7 - (cDC->transitionTo).pos[1]) * iVar17;
iVar8 = (int)(cDC->transitionTo).pos[2];
iVar7 = iVar24 / iVar8;
if (iVar8 == 0)
if ((iVar8 == -1) && (iVar24 == -0x80000000))
bVar2 = iVar17 < iVar7;
if (iVar7 < 0)
iVar7 = 0;
bVar2 = iVar17 < 0;
if (bVar2)
iVar7 = iVar17;
*(short *)0x1f800348 = (int)tv->pos[0];
tv->distanceToScreen_PREV = tv->distanceToScreen_CURR + iVar7;
*(short *)0x1f80034c = (int)tv->pos[1];
sVar6 = tv->pos[2];
*(int *)(scratchpad + 0x124) = (int)sVar6;
CAM_FindClosestQuadblock(scratchpad, cDC, d, (short *)((u_int)scratchpad | 0x240));
goto LAB_8001c150;
CAM_FollowDriver_Normal(cDC, d, tv->pos, 0x108, &psVar23->distMin);
cDC->cameraModePrev = cDC->cameraMode;
psVar3 = sdata->gGT;
if (cDC->ptrQuadBlock != 0)
psVar11 = cDC->ptrQuadBlock->pvs;
if ((psVar11 != 0) && (piVar12 = psVar11->visLeafSrc, piVar12 != 0))
cDC->visLeafSrc = piVar12;
psVar3->unk1cac[1] = ((int)cDC->ptrQuadBlock - (int)psVar3->level1->ptr_mesh_info->ptrQuadBlockArray) * -0x1642c859 >> 2;
if (cDC->ptrQuadBlock != 0)
psVar11 = cDC->ptrQuadBlock->pvs;
if ((psVar11 != 0) && (piVar12 = psVar11->visFaceSrc, piVar12 != 0))
cDC->visFaceSrc = piVar12;
if (cDC->ptrQuadBlock != 0)
psVar11 = cDC->ptrQuadBlock->pvs;
if ((psVar11 != 0) && (ppsVar13 = psVar11->visInstSrc, ppsVar13 != 0))
cDC->visInstSrc = ppsVar13;
if (((cDC->ptrQuadBlock != 0) && (psVar11 = cDC->ptrQuadBlock->pvs, psVar11 != 0)) && (piVar12 = psVar11->visExtraSrc, piVar12 != 0))
if ((sdata->gGT->level1->configFlags & 4) == 0)
cDC->visOVertSrc = piVar12;
cDC->visSCVertSrc = piVar12;
if (*(int *)(cDC->unk30fill + 8) == 0)
cDC->visLeafSrc = 0;
cDC->visFaceSrc = 0;
psVar3 = sdata->gGT;
if ((cDC->flags & 1) != 0)
sdata->gGT->rainBuffer[cDC->cameraID].cameraPos[0] = tv->pos[0];
psVar3->rainBuffer[cDC->cameraID].cameraPos[1] = tv->pos[1];
psVar3->rainBuffer[cDC->cameraID].cameraPos[2] = tv->pos[2];
cDC->flags &= ~1;
cDC->flags &= ~0x88;

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ struct CameraDC
// 0x1c - ptrQuadBlock
// similar to driver +a0,
// quadblock camera is currently above
struct Quadblock* ptrQuadBlock;
struct QuadBlock* ptrQuadBlock;
// 0x20
// VisMem->0x40[player], quadblock->0x44->0x0