2024-04-21 08:59:44 -07:00

210 lines
3.0 KiB

struct BoundingBox
short min[3];
short max[3];
struct BspSearchVertex
// 0x0
short pos[3];
// 0x6
// FUN_8001ef50
u_short flags;
// 0x8
struct LevVertex* pLevelVertex;
// 0xC
short normalVec[4];
// 0x14 large
struct BspSearchTriangle
struct QuadBlock* quadblock;
int triangleID;
int numCollision;
// can be stored in normal RAM,
// usually 1f800108
struct ScratchpadStruct
// this "pos" for threads: center of object
// this "pos" for quadblock: posMin of object
// 0x0
short pos[3];
short hitRadius;
// 0x8
int hitRadiusSquared;
// 0xC
int modelID;
} Input1;
// 0x10
// This is why pointer 1f800118 gets passed
// this "pos" for quadblock: posMax of object,
// hitRadius could just be a copy
// 0x10
short pos[3];
short hitRadius;
// 0x18
int hitRadiusSquared;
// 0x1C
short hitPos[3];
// 0x22
short searchFlags;
// 0x24
int qbFlagsWanted;
// 0x28
int qbFlagsIgnored;
} QuadBlockColl;
// when using this,
// rest of struct is ignored
// 0x10
short distance[3];
short unk;
// 0x18
struct Thread* thread;
// 0x1c
short min[3];
short max[3];
// 0x28
// could be non-union 0x28
void* funcCallback;
} ThBuckColl;
} Union;
// 0x2C
struct mesh_info* ptr_mesh_info;
// 0x30
struct BoundingBox bbox;
// 0x3C...
// 1f800144, can be ptr_mesh_info, or search flags
short unk3C;
// 0x3e
short boolDidTouchQuadblock;
// 0x40
// short boolDidTouch_What?
short unk40;
// 0x42
short boolDidTouchHitbox;
// 0x44
struct mesh_info* ptr_mesh_info_2;
// 0x48
struct BSP* bspHitbox;
// 0x4c
// 1f800154
char unk4C[0xA4];
// 0x64
// ptrQuadblock
// 0x68
// short hitPos[4]
// 0x70
// short normalVec[4]
// 0x88 - array of pointer,
// size of array at offset 0xc4,
// can only be size 1?
// --------
// vec3, subtract positions (FUN_8001d0c4)
// 0xe2
// 0xe4
// 0xe6
// vec3, bsp->0x10 - position (FUN_8001d0c4)
// 0xe8
// 0xea
// 0xec
// 0xee - padding
// 0xf0
struct BspSearchVertex bspSearchVert[9];
// 0x1a4 - quadblock action flags
// 0x1a8 - fastmath normalization
char dataOutput[0x68];
// 0x20C -- size of struct
// only stored in Scratchpad
// FUN_80020334
struct ScratchpadStructExtended
// --- top half is for COLL ---
struct ScratchpadStruct scratchpadStruct;
// 0x20C
struct BspSearchTriangle bspSearchTriangle[0xF];
// 0x2c0
int numTriangles;
// 0x2c4 - 1f8003cc
int unk1[2];
// --- the rest is for pushBuffer funcs ---
// 0x2cc - 1f8003d4
MATRIX cameraMatrix;
// 0x2ec - 1f8003f4
short cameraRot[3];
// 0x2f2 - 1f8003fa
short unk2;
// 0x2f4 - 1f8003fc
int unk3;
// 1f800400 end of memory
_Static_assert(sizeof(struct BoundingBox) == 0xC);
_Static_assert(sizeof(struct BspSearchVertex) == 0x14);
_Static_assert(sizeof(struct BspSearchTriangle) == 0xC);
_Static_assert(sizeof(struct ScratchpadStruct) == 0x20C);