mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 06:31:23 +00:00
894 lines
24 KiB
894 lines
24 KiB
// 223: 3/3
// RR_EndEvent_UnlockAward
void FUN_8009f71c(void)
undefined *puVar1;
int in_v0;
uint uVar2;
int iVar3;
uint uVar4;
uint uVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
iVar6 = *(int *)(in_v0 + -0x2d54);
// amount of time deducted from race
// is automatically zero, without all
// time crates
iVar7 = 0;
if (
// P1 Struct -> numTimeCrates collected is equal to timeCratesInLEV
(int)*(char *)(*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x24ec) + 0x32) == *(int *)(iVar6 + 0x1e2c))
// subtract 10 seconds from your race
// when checking if you earned a relic
iVar7 = 0x2580;
// If the amount of time in this race is less than the Sapphire Relic requirement
if (*(int *)(*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x24ec) + 0x514) - iVar7 <=
*(int *)(&DAT_80086340 + *(int *)(iVar6 + 0x1a10) * 0xc))
// 0x16 is where sapphire relics start in adventure progress
uVar4 = *(int *)(iVar6 + 0x1a10) + 0x16;
// adventure progress
uVar2 = (&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar4 >> 5];
uVar5 = uVar4 & 0x1f;
// if you dont have a sapphire relic
if ((uVar2 >> uVar5 & 1) == 0)
// now you have it
(&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar4 >> 5] = uVar2 | 1 << uVar5;
// Go to podium with Relic
*(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x2572) = 0x61;
// Show that you unlocked a new relic in End Of Race menu
*(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x1d44) = *(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x1d44) | 0x2000000;
// If you get a relic on Turbo Track
if (*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x1a10) == 0x11)
// Unlock Turbo Track
DAT_8008e6ec = DAT_8008e6ec | 2;
// game config
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// If the amount of time in this race is less than the Gold Relic requirement
if (*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x514) - iVar7 <=
*(int *)(&DAT_80086344 + *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) * 0xc))
// 0x28 is where gold relics start in adventure progress
uVar4 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) + 0x28;
// adventure progress
uVar2 = (&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar4 >> 5];
uVar5 = uVar4 & 0x1f;
// if you dont have a gold relic
if ((uVar2 >> uVar5 & 1) == 0)
// now you have it
(&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar4 >> 5] = uVar2 | 1 << uVar5;
// Go to podium with Relic
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x2572) = 0x61;
// Get Level ID
iVar3 = *(int *)(puVar1 + 0x1a10);
// Show that you unlocked a new relic in End Of Race menu
*(uint *)(puVar1 + 0x1d44) = *(uint *)(puVar1 + 0x1d44) | 0x2000000;
// store relic time globally
_DAT_8008d9b0 = *(int *)(&DAT_80086344 + iVar3 * 0xc) / 0xe100;
iVar6 = *(int *)(&DAT_80086344 + *(int *)(puVar1 + 0x1a10) * 0xc) >> 0x1f;
_DAT_8008d9e0 = (*(int *)(&DAT_80086344 + iVar3 * 0xc) / 0x2580) % 6;
_DAT_8008d9e8 = (*(int *)(&DAT_80086344 + iVar3 * 0xc) / 0x3c0) % 10;
_DAT_8008d9d4 =
((*(int *)(&DAT_80086344 + *(int *)(puVar1 + 0x1a10) * 0xc) / 6 + iVar6 >> 4) - iVar6) %
_DAT_8008d9b8 =
((*(int *)(&DAT_80086344 + *(int *)(puVar1 + 0x1a10) * 0xc) * 100) / 0x3c0) % 10;
// game config
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// If the amount of time in this race is less than the Platinum Relic requirement
if (*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x514) - iVar7 <=
*(int *)(&DAT_80086348 + *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) * 0xc))
// 0x3a is where platinum relics start in adventure progress
uVar4 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) + 0x3a;
// adventure progress
uVar2 = (&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar4 >> 5];
uVar5 = uVar4 & 0x1f;
// if you dont have a platinum relic
if ((uVar2 >> uVar5 & 1) == 0)
// now you have it
(&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar4 >> 5] = uVar2 | 1 << uVar5;
// Go to podium with Relic
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x2572) = 0x61;
// Get Level ID
iVar7 = *(int *)(puVar1 + 0x1a10);
// Show that you unlocked a new relic in End Of Race menu
*(uint *)(puVar1 + 0x1d44) = *(uint *)(puVar1 + 0x1d44) | 0x2000000
// 0xe100, number of milliseconds in 10 minutes (0x2580 * 6)
_DAT_8008d9b0 = *(int *)(&DAT_80086348 + iVar7 * 0xc) / 0xe100;
iVar6 = *(int *)(&DAT_80086348 + *(int *)(puVar1 + 0x1a10) * 0xc) >> 0x1f;
// 0x2580, number of milliseconds in 10 seconds (0x960 * 10)
_DAT_8008d9e0 = (*(int *)(&DAT_80086348 + iVar7 * 0xc) / 0x2580) % 6;
// 0x3C0 is milliseconds per second (32 per frame, 30fps)
_DAT_8008d9e8 = (*(int *)(&DAT_80086348 + iVar7 * 0xc) / 0x3c0) % 10;
_DAT_8008d9d4 =
((*(int *)(&DAT_80086348 + *(int *)(puVar1 + 0x1a10) * 0xc) / 6 + iVar6 >> 4) - iVar6) %
// 0x3C0 is milliseconds per second (32 per frame, 30fps)
_DAT_8008d9b8 =
((*(int *)(&DAT_80086348 + *(int *)(puVar1 + 0x1a10) * 0xc) * 100) / 0x3c0) % 10;
// RR_EndEvent_DrawHighScore
void FUN_8009fcd0(short param_1,int param_2,short param_3)
// This is different from High Score in Main Menu because Main Menu
// does not show the rank icons '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'
short sVar1;
undefined4 uVar2;
int iVar3;
int local_88;
undefined4 *puVar4;
short sVar5;
short sVar6;
int iVar7;
int iVar8;
short local_68;
short local_66;
short local_60;
short local_5e;
undefined2 local_5c;
undefined2 local_5a;
short local_58;
short local_50;
int local_48;
undefined4 *local_44;
ushort local_40;
int local_38;
int local_34;
uint local_30;
local_40 = param_1 - 0x52;
local_88 = param_2 + 0x11;
sVar1 = (short)param_2;
local_30 = 0;
// pointer to player structure (8009900C)
local_48 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec);
// loop counter
iVar7 = 0;
// 8008e6f4 is where all high scores are saved
// 0x49*4 = 0x124, size of each HighScoreTrack
// 0x24*4 = sizeof(highScoreEntry)*6, which changes from Time Trial to Relic
local_44 = &DAT_8008e6f4 + (int)param_3 * 0x24 + *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) * 0x49;
local_58 = param_1;
local_50 = param_3;
// interpolate fly-in
iVar8 = 0x18;
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x5c4
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x5c4),(int)local_68,(int)local_66,1,0xffff8000);
local_38 = local_88 * 0x10000 >> 0x10;
local_34 = (int)(short)(param_1 + -0x1f);
// for iVar7 = 0; iVar7 < 5; iVar7++
// Draw icon, name, and time of the
// 5 best times in Time Trial
// pointer to the track time of this high score
puVar4 = (undefined4 *)((int)local_44 + iVar8);
// If this loop index is a new high score
if ((int)(char)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x1d49] == iVar7)
// make name color flash every odd frame
sVar5 = 4;
// if timer on clock is an even number
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1cec) & 2) == 0)
// use default color
sVar5 = *(short *)((int)puVar4 + 0x16) + 5;
// flash color of time
sVar6 = (short)((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1cec) & 2) << 1);
// If your current time is not on "best times" list
// dont flash color of time
sVar6 = 0;
// dont flash color of name, stick with default
sVar5 = *(short *)((int)puVar4 + 0x16) + 5;
iVar3 = local_88 + (local_30 & 0xffff);
// Make a rank on the high score list ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5')
// by taking the binary value of the rank (0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
// and adding the ascii value of '1'
DAT_8009f700 = (char)iVar7 + '1';
// Draw String for Rank ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5')
FUN_80022878(&DAT_8009f700,(int)(((uint)local_40 + 0x20) * 0x10000) >> 0x10,
(iVar3 + -1) * 0x10000 >> 0x10,2,4);
// Draw Character Icon
FUN_80044ef8(*(undefined4 *)
(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac +
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_80086d8c + (int)*(short *)((int)puVar4 + 0x16) * 0x10) * 4 +
0x1eec),(int)(short)local_40,local_38 + (short)local_30,
// pointer to PrimMem struct
*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0x74,
// pointer to OT mem
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x147c)
// Draw Name, which is 4 bytes after pointer to Time (puVar6)
FUN_80022878(puVar4 + 1,local_34,iVar3 * 0x10000 >> 0x10,3,(int)sVar5);
// make a string for time
uVar2 = FUN_80044ff8(*puVar4);
// Draw time
FUN_80022878(uVar2,local_34,(iVar3 + 0x11) * 0x10000 >> 0x10,2,(int)sVar6);
// If this loop index is a new high score
if ((int)(char)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x1d49] == iVar7)
// Check the order that variables are declared on stack
// These four variables are actually a RECT starting at local_60
local_60 = local_40 - 4;
local_5e = (short)local_88 + (short)local_30 + -1;
local_5c = 0xab;
local_5a = 0x1a;
// Draw a rectangle to highlight your time on the "Best Times" list
// CTR_Box_DrawClearBox
// pointer to OT mem
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x147c),
// pointer to PrimMem struct
*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0x74);
sVar5 = local_58;
iVar8 = iVar8 + 0x18;
// loop counter
iVar7 = iVar7 + 1;
local_30 = local_30 + 0x1a;
} while (iVar7 < 5);
// If this is Time Trial Mode
if (local_50 == 0)
// Change the way text flickers
sVar6 = -0x8000;
// If you got a new best lap
if (((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) & 0x4000000) != 0) &&
// Same logic to make text flicker as earlier in the function, but different colors
(sVar6 = -0x8000, (*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1cec) & 2) != 0)) {
sVar6 = -0x7ffc;
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x5c0
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x5c0),(int)local_58,(int)(short)(sVar1 + 0x95),1,
// make a string for best lap
uVar2 = FUN_80044ff8(*local_44);
// color
local_88 = (int)sVar6;
// If this is Relic Mode
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x314
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x314),(int)local_58,
(param_2 + 0x95) * 0x10000 >> 0x10,1,0xffff8000);
// make a string for your current track time
uVar2 = FUN_80044ff8(*(undefined4 *)(local_48 + 0x514));
// color
local_88 = -0x8000;
// Print amount of time, for whichever purpose
FUN_80022878(uVar2,(int)sVar5,(param_2 + 0xa6) * 0x10000 >> 0x10,2,local_88);
local_5c = 0xc0;
local_5a = 0xb4;
local_60 = local_68 + -0x60;
local_5e = local_66 + -4;
// Draw 2D Menu rectangle background
FUN_800457b0(&local_60,4,*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0xa0));
// RR_EndEvent_DrawMenu
void FUN_800a01d8(void)
bool bVar1;
int iVar2;
short sVar3;
short sVar4;
short sVar5;
short sVar6;
undefined4 uVar7;
int local_64;
uint uVar8;
short sVar9;
int iVar10;
undefined4 local_68;
undefined4 uVar11;
undefined2 local_58;
undefined2 local_56;
undefined2 local_54;
undefined2 local_52;
ushort local_50;
ushort local_4e;
undefined auStack72 [16];
undefined auStack56 [24];
// pointer to player structure
iVar10 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec);
// swap color of text depending on if timer
// has an even or odd number, sVar10 is used
// to draw "PERFECT" string
// set default color
sVar9 = -0x7ffc;
// If timer is even
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1cec) & 1) != 0)
// change color
sVar9 = -0x8000;
// 0x3a is the bit index of where platnimum
// relics start in adventure progress
// Level ID
uVar8 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) + 0x3a;
// If you have not unlocked the platinum relic for this track
if (((uint)(&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar8 >> 5] >> (uVar8 & 0x1f) & 1) == 0)
// 0x28 is the bit index of where gold
// relics start in adventure progress
uVar8 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) + 0x28;
// If you have the gold relic for this track
if (((uint)(&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar8 >> 5] >> (uVar8 & 0x1f) & 1) != 0)
// set color of relic
uVar7 = 0xd8d2090;
goto LAB_800a0290;
// If you have unlocked the platinum relic for this track
// set color of relic
uVar7 = 0xffede90;
// set color of relic in Instance
*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d9b4 + 0x24) = uVar7;
iVar2 = DAT_8008d9d8;
// number of frames since end of race
local_64 = DAT_8008d52c;
*(undefined2 *)(DAT_8008d9d8 + 0x20) = 0x300;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + 0x1e) = 0x300;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + 0x1c) = 0x300;
// If race ended less than 900 seconds ago (30 seconds)
if (local_64 < 900)
// increment frame counter
DAT_8008d52c = local_64 + 1;
// if race ended more than 509 frames ago
if (0x1fd < DAT_8008d52c)
// start drawing the high score menu that shows the top 5 best times
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) | 2;
// if race ended less than 80 frames ago
if ((DAT_8008d52c - 0x15U < 0x3b) &&
// If the amount of time crates you collected is not equal to
((int)*(char *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x32) !=
// the amount of time crates in this level
*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1e2c)))
// advance timer to 140 frames, since we can skip the amount of time
// that would have been taken to draw "PERFECT" text
DAT_8008d52c = 0x8c;
// if race ended less than 250 frames ago
if (((DAT_8008d52c - 0x15U < 0xe5) && ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) & 0x2000000) == 0)) &&
// If the amount of time crates you collected is not equal to
((int)*(char *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x32) !=
// the amount of time crates in this level
*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1e2c)))
// advance timer to 370 frames, since we can skip the amount of time
// that would have been taken to draw the animation
// to deduct 10 seconds from the relic timer
DAT_8008d52c = 0x172;
// if race ended less than 491 frames ago
if (DAT_8008d52c < 0x1eb) {
uVar7 = 0xffffff6a;
local_68 = 0x32;
local_64 = DAT_8008d52c;
else {
uVar7 = 0x100;
local_68 = 0xffffffce;
local_64 = DAT_8008d52c + -0x1ea;
// interpolate fly-in
// UI_DrawRaceClock
FUN_8004edac((int)(short)local_50,(int)(((uint)local_4e - 8) * 0x10000) >> 0x10,1,iVar10);
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) & 0x2000000) != 0)
// if race ended less than 491 frames ago
if (DAT_8008d52c < 0x1eb)
// if race ended less than 251 frames ago
if (DAT_8008d52c < 0xfb) goto LAB_800a0594;
// on exactly the 251st frame after race ends
if (DAT_8008d52c == 0xfb)
// play sound of unlocking relic
// get pointer to relic
local_64 = DAT_8008d9b4;
// if relic has not fully grown
if (*(short *)(DAT_8008d9b4 + 0x1c) < 0xc00)
// make relic grow on x axis, y axis, and z axis
*(short *)(DAT_8008d9b4 + 0x1c) = *(short *)(DAT_8008d9b4 + 0x1c) + 0x80;
*(short *)(local_64 + 0x1e) = *(short *)(local_64 + 0x1e) + 0x80;
*(short *)(local_64 + 0x20) = *(short *)(local_64 + 0x20) + 0x80;
// Convert X
sVar3 = FUN_8004caa8(0x100,0x100);
// Convert Y
sVar4 = FUN_8004cac8(0xa2,0x100);
// Convert X
sVar5 = FUN_8004caa8(0x100,0x100);
// Convert Y
sVar6 = FUN_8004cac8(0xa2,0x100);
local_64 = DAT_8008d52c + -0xfa;
// Convert X
sVar3 = FUN_8004caa8(0x100,0x100);
// Convert Y
sVar4 = FUN_8004cac8(0xa2,0x100);
// Convert X
sVar5 = FUN_8004caa8(0xffffff9c,0x100);
// Convert Y
sVar6 = FUN_8004cac8(0xa2,0x100);
local_64 = DAT_8008d52c + -0x1ea;
iVar2 = DAT_8008d9b4;
*(int *)(DAT_8008d9b4 + 0x44) = (int)(short)local_50;
// make a copy of the timer
local_64 = DAT_8008d52c;
// if race ended less than 491 frames ago
bVar1 = DAT_8008d52c < 0x1eb;
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x48) = (int)(short)local_4e;
// if race ended less than 16.333 seconds ago
if (bVar1) {
uVar7 = 0x28a;
local_68 = 0x20;
// if race ended 16.333 seconds ago or more
// start moving all current menus off the screen,
// then the high scores will replace it
uVar7 = 0x100;
local_68 = 0xffffffbc;
local_64 = local_64 + -0x1ea;
// interpolate fly-in
// if race ended less than 16.333 seconds ago
if (DAT_8008d52c < 0x1eb) {
uVar7 = 200;
local_64 = DAT_8008d52c;
// if race ended 16.333 seconds ago or more
// start moving all current menus off the screen,
// then the high scores will replace it
uVar7 = 0x264;
local_64 = DAT_8008d52c + -0x1ea;
// interpolate fly-in
// Convert X
uVar7 = FUN_8004caa8((int)(short)local_50,0x100);
*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d9d8 + 0x44) = uVar7;
// Convert Y
uVar7 = FUN_8004cac8((int)(short)local_4e,0x100);
*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d9d8 + 0x48) = uVar7;
// Draw 'x' before number of crates
FUN_80022878(&DAT_8009f704,(int)(((uint)local_50 + 0x14) * 0x10000) >> 0x10,
(int)(((uint)local_4e - 10) * 0x10000) >> 0x10,2,0);
// 0x8009f708
// %2.02d/%ld
// struct + 0x32
// Amount of crates you collected
// PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1e2c
// Total number of crates
sprintf(auStack72,s__2_02d__ld_8009f708,(int)*(char *)(iVar10 + 0x32),
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1e2c));
// Draw amount of crates collected
FUN_80022878(auStack72,(int)(((uint)local_50 + 0x21) * 0x10000) >> 0x10,
(int)(((uint)local_4e - 0xe) * 0x10000) >> 0x10,1,0);
// If the amount of time crates you collected is equal to
if ((int)*(char *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x32) ==
// the amount of time crates in the level
*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1e2c))
// 0x8009f714
// -10
// if race ended less than 249 frames ago
if (DAT_8008d52c < 0xfa)
// if race ended more than 79 frames ago
if (0x4f < DAT_8008d52c)
// interpolate fly-in
FUN_8004ecd4(&local_50,0xffffff6a,0x8a,0x100,0x8a,DAT_8008d52c + -0x50,0x14);
if (DAT_8008d52c == 0x50)
// Play sound
goto LAB_800a07f8;
// if race ended more than 249 frames ago
// interpolate fly-in
FUN_8004ecd4(&local_50,0x100,0x8a,0x296,0x8a,DAT_8008d52c + -0xfa,0x14);
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x588
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x588),(int)(short)local_50,(int)(short)local_4e,1
// if race ended less than 490 frames ago
if (DAT_8008d52c < 0x1ea)
// if race ended, not within range of 0x8c and 0x8c+0x6d,
// if not within range of 140-249
if (0x6d < DAT_8008d52c - 0x8cU) goto LAB_800a096c;
// if race ended more than 159 frames ago
if (0x9f < DAT_8008d52c)
iVar10 = (0xa0 - DAT_8008d52c) / 5;
local_64 = iVar10 + 10;
sVar3 = (short)local_64;
local_64 = local_64 * 0x10000 >> 0x10;
if (local_64 < 0) {
sVar3 = 0;
else {
if ((local_64 != 10) && (0xa0 - DAT_8008d52c == iVar10 * 5))
// reduce the number of frames it took for the player to finish the race
*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x514) =
*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x514)
// by 0x3c0, which is 960, which is 30fps * 32ms, or one full second
+ -0x3c0;
// Play sound when deducting each second
// 0x8009f718
// -%d
uVar7 = 0x296;
local_68 = 0x2a;
uVar11 = 0x2a;
// if race ended 490 frames ago or more
else {
uVar7 = 0x199;
local_68 = 0x32;
uVar11 = 0xffffffce;
// interpolate fly-in
FUN_8004ecd4(&local_50,uVar7,local_68,0x199,uVar11,DAT_8008d52c + -0x8c,0x14);
// Draw String
if (
((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) & 0xa000000) == 0x2000000) &&
// race ended more than 489 frames ago
(0x1e9 < DAT_8008d52c)
uVar7 = 0x100;
local_68 = 0x296;
iVar10 = DAT_8008d52c + -0x1ea;
// interpolate fly-in
// _DAT_8008d878 + 0x580
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x580),(int)(short)local_50,(int)(short)local_4e,1,
// race ended than 489 frames ago or less
if (
((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) & 0xa000000) == 0xa000000) &&
// race ended more than 369 frames ago
(0x171 < DAT_8008d52c)
uVar7 = 0x100;
local_68 = 0x296;
iVar10 = DAT_8008d52c + -0x172;
goto LAB_800a0a64;
if (
((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) & 0x2000000) != 0) &&
// if race ended more than 249 frames ago
(0xf9 < DAT_8008d52c)
uVar7 = 0xffffff6a;
local_68 = 0x100;
iVar10 = DAT_8008d52c + -0xfa;
goto LAB_800a0a64;
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) & 0x8000000) != 0)
// if race ended less than 490 frames ago
if (DAT_8008d52c < 0x1ea)
// if race ended less than 370 frames ago
if (DAT_8008d52c < 0x172) goto LAB_800a0b58;
// if race ended 370 frames ago or more
uVar7 = 0xffffff6a;
local_68 = 0x100;
iVar10 = DAT_8008d52c + -0x172;
// if race ended 490 frames ago or more
else {
uVar7 = 0x100;
local_68 = 0x296;
iVar10 = DAT_8008d52c + -0x1ea;
// Interpolate fly-in
// _DAT_8008d878 + 0x580
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x584),(int)(short)local_50,(int)(short)local_4e,1,
local_50 = 0;
local_4e = 0xc;
// if race ended more than 490 frames ago
if (0x1ea < DAT_8008d52c)
// Interpolate, vertical fly-out??
FUN_8004ecd4(&local_50,0xfffffff6,0xc,0xfffffff6,0xffffffa8,DAT_8008d52c + -0x1ea,0x14);
// This is actually a RECT on the stack
local_58 = 0xfff6;
local_54 = 0x214;
local_52 = 0x3b;
local_56 = local_4e;
// Draw 2D Menu rectangle background
FUN_800457b0(&local_58,0,*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0xa0));
if (
// If you have not pressed X to continue
((DAT_8008d4bc & 1) == 0) &&
// if race ended more than 509 frames ago
(0x1fd < DAT_8008d52c)
) &&
(*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d44) & 0x8000000) == 0
// RR_EndEvent_DrawHighScore
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x324
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x324),0x100,0xbe,1,0xffff8000);
// If you press Cross or Circle
if ((DAT_8008d950 & 0x50) != 0)
// clear gamepad input (for menus)
// Draw end of race menu (see 221 and 222)
// record that you have pressed X to continue
DAT_8008d4bc = DAT_8008d4bc | 1;