mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 06:31:23 +00:00
510 lines
13 KiB
510 lines
13 KiB
// Vector_SpecLightSpin2D
// instance, ptr rot[6], cop registers
void FUN_800572d0(int param_1,undefined4 param_2,SVECTOR *param_3)
undefined *puVar1;
int iVar2;
undefined4 uVar3;
undefined *puVar4;
undefined auStack104 [16];
undefined auStack88 [72];
puVar4 = auStack104;
// ConvertRotToMatrix_Transpose
FUN_8006c378(auStack88, param_2);
uVar3 = gte_stMAC1();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar4 + 0x30) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC2();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar4 + 0x34) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC3();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar4 + 0x38) = uVar3;
*(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x53) = puVar4[0x30];
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x58) = *(undefined4 *)(puVar4 + 0x38);
*(undefined2 *)(puVar4 + 0x50) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar4 + 0x52) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar4 + 0x54) = 0x1000;
gte_ldv0((SVECTOR *)(puVar4 + 0x50));
uVar3 = gte_stMAC1();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar4 + 0x40) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC2();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar4 + 0x44) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC3();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar4 + 0x48) = uVar3;
*(short *)(puVar4 + 0x50) = *(short *)(puVar4 + 0x30) + *(short *)(puVar4 + 0x40);
*(short *)(puVar4 + 0x52) = *(short *)(puVar4 + 0x34) + *(short *)(puVar4 + 0x44);
*(short *)(puVar4 + 0x54) = *(short *)(puVar4 + 0x38) + *(short *)(puVar4 + 0x48);
// MATH_VectorNormalize
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
iVar2 = 0;
// if numPlyrCurrGame != 0
if (PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x1ca8] != '\0')
// each InstDrawPerPlayer
// for iVar2 = 0; iVar2 < numPlyrCurrGame; iVar2++
// write specular values,
// increment loop index
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0xf4) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar4 + 0x50);
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0xf6) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar4 + 0x52);
iVar2 = iVar2 + 1;
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0xf8) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar4 + 0x54);
// next InstDrawPerPlayer
param_1 = param_1 + 0x88;
} while (iVar2 < (int)(uint)(byte)puVar1[0x1ca8]);
// Vector_SpecLightSpin3D
// param_1 MATRIX
// param_2 vec3s rotation
void FUN_8005741c(int param_1,undefined4 param_2,SVECTOR *param_3)
short *psVar1;
undefined4 uVar3;
int iVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
MATRIX *r0_00;
undefined *puVar8;
undefined auStack136 [16];
MATRIX aMStack120 [2];
SVECTOR local_38 [2];
undefined *puVar2;
puVar8 = auStack136;
// ConvertRotToMatrix_Transpose
FUN_8006c378(aMStack120, param_2);
iVar4 = 0;
// if numPlyrCurrGame is not zero
if (PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x1ca8] != '\0')
r0_00 = aMStack120;
r0 = local_38;
// offset of 8008d2ac for pushBuffer buffers
iVar7 = 0x168;
// offset in pushBuffer buffer array (0 for p1, 0x110 for p2, etc)
iVar6 = 0;
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
iVar5 = param_1;
// for iVar6 = 0; iVar6 < numPlyrCurrGame; iVar6++
// pointer to start of pushBuffer buffer array
psVar1 = (short *)(puVar2 + iVar7);
// Genius idea from Naughty Dog:
// Transpose-View + Vec3-Inverted = Inverse-Transpose-View + Vec3.
// pushBuffer offset 0x68, CameraMatrix
gte_SetLightMatrix((MATRIX *)((int)psVar1 + iVar6 + 0x68));
// param_3 = inverted specular light vector
// generate stack-matrix from result
uVar3 = gte_stMAC1();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar8 + 0x30) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC2();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar8 + 0x34) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC3();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar8 + 0x38) = uVar3;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar8 + 0x58) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar8 + 0x30);
*(undefined2 *)(puVar8 + 0x5a) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar8 + 0x34);
*(undefined2 *)(puVar8 + 0x5c) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar8 + 0x38);
gte_ldv0((SVECTOR *)(puVar8 + 0x58));
uVar3 = gte_stMAC1();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar8 + 0x30) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC2();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar8 + 0x34) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC3();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar8 + 0x38) = uVar3;
*(undefined *)(iVar5 + 0x53) = puVar8[0x30];
*(uint *)(iVar5 + 0x58) = (uint)*(ushort *)(puVar8 + 0x38);
*(short *)(puVar8 + 0x50) = *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x44) - *psVar1;
*(short *)(puVar8 + 0x52) = *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x48) - psVar1[1];
*(short *)(puVar8 + 0x54) = *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x4c) - psVar1[2];
// MATH_VectorNormalize
uVar3 = gte_stMAC1();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar8 + 0x40) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC2();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar8 + 0x44) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC3();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar8 + 0x48) = uVar3;
*(short *)(puVar8 + 0x50) = *(short *)(puVar8 + 0x30) + *(short *)(puVar8 + 0x40);
*(short *)(puVar8 + 0x52) = *(short *)(puVar8 + 0x34) + *(short *)(puVar8 + 0x44);
*(short *)(puVar8 + 0x54) = *(short *)(puVar8 + 0x38) + *(short *)(puVar8 + 0x48);
// MATH_VectorNormalize
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// next pushBuffer
iVar7 = iVar7 + 0x110;
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0xf4) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar8 + 0x50);
// next pushBuffer
iVar6 = iVar6 + 0x110;
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0xf6) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar8 + 0x52);
// next loop index
iVar4 = iVar4 + 1;
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0xf8) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar8 + 0x54);
// next InstDrawPerPlayer
param_1 = param_1 + 0x88;
} while (iVar4 < (int)(uint)(byte)puVar2[0x1ca8]);
// Vector_SpecLightNoSpin3D
// used on flamejet
// param_1 - instance
// param_2 - inst->instDef->rot[3]
// param_3 - specLightDir
void FUN_800576b8(int param_1,undefined4 param_2,SVECTOR *param_3)
short *psVar1;
undefined4 uVar3;
int iVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
undefined *puVar7;
undefined auStack112 [16];
MATRIX aMStack96 [2];
undefined *puVar2;
puVar7 = auStack112;
// ConvertRotToMatrix_Transpose
FUN_8006c378(aMStack96, param_2);
uVar3 = gte_stMAC1();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar7 + 0x30) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC2();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar7 + 0x34) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC3();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar7 + 0x38) = uVar3;
*(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x53) = puVar7[0x30];
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x58) = (uint)*(ushort *)(puVar7 + 0x38);
iVar4 = 0;
// if numPlyrCurrGame is not zero
if (puVar2[0x1ca8] != '\0')
r0 = (SVECTOR *)(puVar7 + 0x50);
iVar5 = 0x168;
iVar6 = param_1;
// for iVar3 = 0; iVar3 < numPlyrCurrGame; iVar3++
// pointer to pushBuffer buffer
psVar1 = (short *)(puVar2 + iVar5);
// direction vector from object to camera
*(short *)(puVar7 + 0x50) = *(short *)(iVar6 + 0x44) - *psVar1;
*(short *)(puVar7 + 0x52) = *(short *)(iVar6 + 0x48) - psVar1[1];
*(short *)(puVar7 + 0x54) = *(short *)(iVar6 + 0x4c) - psVar1[2];
// MATH_VectorNormalize
uVar3 = gte_stMAC1();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar7 + 0x40) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC2();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar7 + 0x44) = uVar3;
uVar3 = gte_stMAC3();
*(undefined4 *)(puVar7 + 0x48) = uVar3;
// ???
*(short *)(puVar7 + 0x50) = *(short *)(puVar7 + 0x30) + *(short *)(puVar7 + 0x40);
*(short *)(puVar7 + 0x52) = *(short *)(puVar7 + 0x34) + *(short *)(puVar7 + 0x44);
*(short *)(puVar7 + 0x54) = *(short *)(puVar7 + 0x38) + *(short *)(puVar7 + 0x48);
// MATH_VectorNormalize
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0xf4) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar7 + 0x50);
// increment offset to next pushBuffer buffer
iVar5 = iVar5 + 0x110;
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0xf6) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar7 + 0x52);
// loop index
iVar4 = iVar4 + 1;
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0xf8) = *(undefined2 *)(puVar7 + 0x54);
// next InstDrawPerPlayer
param_1 = param_1 + 0x88;
} while (iVar4 < (int)(uint)(byte)puVar2[0x1ca8]);
// Vector_BakeMatrixTable
// called once during init, not related to spec light,
// NOP will distort the following driver animations into squishing:
// crashing, boosting, jumping, blasted
void FUN_80057884(undefined *param_1)
int iVar1;
undefined *puVar2;
VECTOR *r0_00;
undefined4 uVar3;
undefined4 uVar4;
undefined4 uVar5;
int iVar6;
undefined **ppuVar7;
undefined2 *puVar8;
int iVar9;
int *piVar10;
int iVar11;
uint uVar12;
undefined *puVar13;
undefined auStack128 [16];
// another local matrix
uint local_70;
undefined4 local_6c;
uint local_68;
undefined4 local_64;
undefined2 local_60;
MATRIX localMatrix;
VECTOR local_30;
puVar13 = auStack128;
// DAT_80087f28 is a constant for how many frames are in "blasted" anim
// if function has not run
if (DAT_8008d590 == '\0')
// remember the function has run
DAT_8008d590 = '\x01';
iVar11 = 0;
// bakedGteMath[6].numEntires "blasted"
if (0 < DAT_80087f28)
iVar9 = 0;
// loop through blasted frames
// pointer to matrix array
// bakedGteMath[6], "blasted"
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_80087f24;
iVar6 = iVar11 << 0xd;
// fail-safe to alert debugger
if (DAT_80087f28 == 0) trap(0x1c00);
if ((DAT_80087f28 == -1) && (iVar6 == -0x80000000)) trap(0x1800);
*(short *)(PTR_DAT_80087f24 + iVar11 * 0x20 + 0xc) = (short)(iVar6 / DAT_80087f28);
// fail-safe to alert debugger
if (DAT_80087f28 == 0) trap(0x1c00);
if ((DAT_80087f28 == -1) && (iVar9 == -0x80000000)) trap(0x1800);
// MATH_Sin
iVar1 = FUN_8003d184(iVar9 / DAT_80087f28);
*(short *)(puVar2 + iVar11 * 0x20 + 8) = (short)(-iVar1 / 7);
// fail-safe to alert debugger
if (DAT_80087f28 == 0) trap(0x1c00);
if ((DAT_80087f28 == -1) && (iVar6 == -0x80000000)) trap(0x1800);
// MATH_Sin
iVar1 = FUN_8003d184(iVar6 / DAT_80087f28);
*(short *)(puVar2 + iVar11 * 0x20 + 0x10) = (short)((iVar1 * 6) / 0x28) + 0x1000;
// fail-safe to alert debugger
if (DAT_80087f28 == 0) trap(0x1c00);
if ((DAT_80087f28 == -1) && (iVar6 == -0x80000000)) trap(0x1800);
// MATH_Sin
iVar1 = FUN_8003d184(iVar6 / DAT_80087f28);
*(short *)(puVar2 + iVar11 * 0x20 + 0x14) = (short)((iVar1 * 6) / 0x28) + 0x1000;
iVar_a0 = (undefined *)(iVar6 / DAT_80087f28);
// fail-safe to alert debugger
if (DAT_80087f28 == 0) trap(0x1c00);
if ((DAT_80087f28 == -1) && (iVar6 == -0x80000000)) trap(0x1800);
// MATH_Sin
iVar6 = FUN_8003d184(iVar_a0);
if (iVar6 < 0) {
iVar6 = iVar6 + 3;
*(short *)(puVar2 + iVar11 * 0x20 + 0x10) = (short)(iVar6 >> 2) + 0x1000;
// next index
iVar11 = iVar11 + 1;
iVar9 = iVar9 + 0x3000;
} while (iVar11 < DAT_80087f28);
uVar12 = 0;
// start of pointer table
piVar10 = &DAT_80087ef4;
// another local matrix
local_70 = 0;
local_6c = 0;
local_68 = 0;
local_64 = 0;
local_60 = 0;
// loop through 14 arrays
// number of elements != 0, ptr to array != 0
if (((piVar10[1] != 0) && (*piVar10 != 0)) && (iVar11 = 0, 0 < piVar10[1]))
// loop through each matrix of the array
// &matrix[loopIndex]
iVar9 = *piVar10 + iVar11 * 0x20;
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
FUN_8006c2a4(&localMatrix,iVar9 + 8);
// another local matrix
local_70 = local_70 & 0xffff0000 | (uint)*(ushort *)(iVar9 + 0x10);
local_68 = local_68 & 0xffff0000 | (uint)*(ushort *)(iVar9 + 0x12);
local_60 = *(undefined2 *)(iVar9 + 0x14);
// MatrixRotate (param_1 = param_2 matrix rotated by param_3 matrix)
FUN_8006c3b0(iVar9 + 8,&local_70,&localMatrix);
// loop index
iVar11 = iVar11 + 1;
param_1 = &localMatrix;
} while (iVar11 < piVar10[1]);
uVar12 = uVar12 + 1;
piVar10 = piVar10 + 2;
} while (uVar12 < 0x14);
// pointer to matrix array
// bakedGteMath[6], "blasted"
ppuVar7 = &PTR_DAT_80087f24;
// loop index
iVar11 = 0;
// bakedGteMath[6].numEntires
if (0 < DAT_80087f28)
uVar5 = 0x2000;
r0_00 = &local_30;
uVar4 = 0xe0000000;
uVar3 = 0;
// loop through all entries
// bakedGteMath[6].physEntry (matArr06)
puVar2 = *ppuVar7;
*(undefined4 *)(puVar13 + 0x50) = 0;
*(undefined4 *)(puVar13 + 0x54) = uVar5;
*(undefined4 *)(puVar13 + 0x58) = 0;
// &matrix[loopIndex]
puVar8 = (undefined2 *)(puVar2 + iVar11 * 0x20);
r0 = (MATRIX *)(puVar8 + 4);
// write result [0] [1] and [2]
*puVar8 = (short)r0;
puVar8[1] = (short)puVar2;
puVar8[2] = (short)param_1;
// loop index
iVar11 = iVar11 + 1;
} while (iVar11 < (int)ppuVar7[1]);