mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 09:36:28 +00:00
1051 lines
21 KiB
1051 lines
21 KiB
enum TransitionState
// MainMenu
struct Title
// 0x0
struct Thread *t;
// 0x4
struct Instance *i[6];
// 0x1c
short cameraPosOffset[3];
// 0x22
short UnusedPadding;
// 0x24 -- size of struct
// array at 0x800b53b0
struct MainMenu_LevelRow
// 0 - dingo canyon
// 3 - crash cove
// etc
short levID;
// NTSC-J also has this,
// but changing it now without proper refactor will break pointer compiles
#if BUILD >= EurRetail
// Do not represent AI Difficulty
// Number of Wumpas drawn representing levels of difficulty on NTSC-J
// Left unused on PAL
short difficulty_level;
// texture that shows before video plays
short videoThumbnail;
// which black+white map draws
short mapTextureID;
// 0xFFFF for unlock by default
// otherwise has a flag for what is needed,
// 0xFFFE means "only show in 1P mode" (oxide station)
short unlock;
#if BUILD >= EurRetail
short unlock_padding;
// changes which video of level plays
int videoID;
// how long video plays before looping
int videoLength;
// Struct is 16 bytes large in NTSC-U, and 20 bytes in PAL & NTSC-J
// this structure is now complete
struct CharacterSelectMeta
// 0x0
short posX;
short posY;
// 0x4
// up, down, left, right
// must be array, needs enum,
// see MM_Characters_GetNextDriver,
// which means MenuRow needs the same
char indexNext[4];
// 0x8
short characterID;
u_short unlockFlags;
// 0xC -- size
struct TransitionMeta
short distX;
short distY;
// change when each one starts to move
short headStart;
short currX;
short currY;
// 0xA -- size
// 800ab9f0 - UsaRetail
// 800abe04 - EurRetail
// 800aef2c - JpnRetail
struct OverlayRDATA_230
// (tag given by compiler, meaningless to game)
// do not compile this "tag" in the struct when we're actually building the overlay
int overlayTag;
// 800ab9f4
void *jmpPtrs_Title_MenuUpdate[6];
// 800aba0c - UsaRetail
// 800abe20 - EurRetail
// 800aef48 - JpnRetail
// "title"
char s_title[8];
// 800aba14 - UsaRetail
// 800abe28 - EurRetail
// 800aef50 - JpnRetail
// 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
int characterID_default[2];
// strings for the player numbers in the character select screen
// 800abe30 - EurRetail
// 800aef58 - JpnRetail
// "4"
char s_4[4];
// "3"
char s_3[4];
// "2"
char s_2[4];
// "1"
char s_1[4];
// 800aba28
char jmpPtrs_Characters_MenuBox[0x18];
// 800aba44 - UsaRetail
// 800abe58 - EurRetail
// 800aef80 - JpnRetail
char s_loaded_ghost_data[0x18];
// 800aba5c
char jmpPtrs_Battle_MenuBox[0x30];
// 800aba88 - UsaRetail
// 800abe9c - EurRetail
// 800aefc4 - JpnRetail
// " test.str 1"
char s_teststr1[12];
// 800b44e4 - UsaRetail
// 800b4c4c - EurRetail
// 800b7f68 - JpnRetail
struct OverlayDATA_230
// =========== Main Menu CONST =============
// 800b44e4 - UsaRetail
// 800b4c4c - EurRetail
// 800b7f68 - JpnRetail
#if BUILD == EurRetail
struct MenuRow rows_mainMenu_Basic[8];
struct MenuRow rows_mainMenu_Basic[7];
char padding800b450E[2];
// 800b4510 - UsaRetail
// 800b4c7c - EurRetail
// 800b7f94 - JpnRetail
#if BUILD == EurRetail
struct MenuRow rows_mainMenu_WithScrapbook[9];
char padding800b4cb2[2];
struct MenuRow rows_mainMenu_WithScrapbook[8];
// 800b4540 - UsaRetail
// 800b4cb4 - EurRetail
// 800b7fc4 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_mainMenu;
// 800b456c - UsaRetail
// 800b4ce0 - EurRetail
// 800b7ff0 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow rows_players1P2P[3];
// ????
#if (BUILD == EurRetail) || (BUILD == UsaRetail)
char padding800b4cf2[2];
// 800b4580 - UsaRetail
// 800b4cf4 - EurRetail
// 800b7ffc - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_players1P2P;
// 800b45ac - UsaRetail
// 800b4d20 - EurRetail
// 800b8030 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow rows_players2P3P4P[4];
// 800b45c4 - UsaRetail
// 800b4d38 - EurRetail
// 800b8042 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_players2P3P4P;
// 800b45f0 - UsaRetail
// 800b4d64 - EurRetail
// 800b8074 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow rows_difficulty[4];
// 800b4608 - UsaRetail
// 800b4d7c - EurRetail
// 800b808c - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_difficulty;
// 800b4634 - UsaRetail
// 800b4da8 - EurRetail
// 800b80b8 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow rows_raceType[3];
#if (BUILD == EurRetail) || (BUILD == UsaRetail)
char padding800b4dba[2];
// 800b4648 - UsaRetail
// 800b4dbc - EurRetail
// 800b80cc - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_raceType;
// 800b4674 - UsaRetail
// 800b4de8 - EurRetail
// 800b80f8 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow rows_adventure[3];
// ???
#if (BUILD == EurRetail) || (BUILD == UsaRetail)
char padding800b4dfa[2];
// 800b4688 - UsaRetail
// 800b4dfc - EurRetail
// 800b810c - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_adventure;
#if BUILD == EurRetail
// 800b4e28
short langIndex[6];
// 800b4e34
struct MenuRow rows_language[7];
char padding800b4e5e[2];
// 800b4e60
struct MenuBox menubox_language;
// 800b46b4 - UsaRetail
// 800b4e8c - EurRetail
// 800b8138 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_characterSelect;
// 800b46e0 - UsaRetail
// 800b4eb8 - EurRetail
// 800b8164 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_trackSelect;
// 800b470c - UsaRetail
// 800b4ee4 - EurRetail
// 800b8190 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow rows_cupSelect[5];
// ????
#if (BUILD == EurRetail) || (BUILD == UsaRetail)
char padding800b4f02[2];
// 800b472c - UsaRetail
// 800b4f04 - EurRetail
// 800b81b0 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_cupSelect;
// 800b4758 - UsaRetail
// 800b4f30 - EurRetail
// 800b81dc - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_battleWeapons;
// 800b4784 - UsaRetail
// 800b4f5c - EurRetail
// 800b8208 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_highScores;
// 800b47b0 - UsaRetail
// 800b4f88 - EurRetail
// 800b8234 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox menubox_scrapbook;
// 800b47dc - UsaRetail
// 800b4fb4 - EurRetail
// 800b8260 - JpnRetail
// array of menubox pointers
#if BUILD == EurRetail
struct MenuBox *ptrMenuBoxes[10];
struct MenuBox *ptrMenuBoxes[9];
#if BUILD == JpnRetail
// unknown 2 big structures in NTSC-J
char unk800b8284[0x570];
// 800B4800 - UsaRetail
// 800b4fdc - EurRetail
// 800b87f4 - JpnRetail
short modelID;
// related to frame, or sound, idk
short frameIndex_startMoving;
short unk2;
u_short boolTrophy;
#if BUILD == JpnRetail
// 800B4830 - UsaRetail
// 800b500c - EurRetail
// 800b882c - JpnRetail
short titleCameraPos[4];
short titleCameraRot[4];
// 800B4840 - UsaRetail
// 800b501c - EurRetail
// 800b883c - JpnRetail
// random stuff related to the title animation,
// come up with better names later
#if BUILD == JpnRetail
char title_OtherStuff[0x8C];
// Full block is 0x84 bytes
// 800B4840
int title_numFrameTotal;
// 800B4844
int title_numTransition;
// 800B4848
short title_mainPosX;
short title_mainPosY;
// 800B484c
short title_advPosX;
short title_advPosY;
// 800B4850
short title_racePosX;
short title_racePosY;
// 800B4854
short title_plyrPosX;
short title_plyrPosY;
// 800B4858
short title_diffPosX;
short title_diffPosY;
// 800B485c
short title_camPos[4];
// 800B4864
struct TransitionMeta transitionMeta_Menu[8];
// 800B48B4
char title_unkEmpty[0x10];
// 800b48c4 - UsaRetail
// 800b50a0 - EurRetail
// 800b88c8 - JpnRetail
short frameToPlay;
short soundID;
#if BUILD != JpnRetail
char unkTitleData[0x18];
// 800b48e4 - UsaRetail
// 800b50c0 - EurRetail
// 800b88fc - JpnRetail
#if BUILD == JpnRetail
int holdCode;
int numButtons;
int buttons[10];
void *funcPtr;
#if BUILD == JpnRetail
// 800B4D04 - UsaRetail
// 800b54e0 - EurRetail
// 800B8D40 - JpnRetail
int cheatButtonEntry[10];
// 800B4D2C - UsaRetail
// 800b5508 - EurRetail
// 800B8D68 - JpnRetail
u_short cupDifficultyUnlockFlags[4];
// 800B4D34 - UsaRetail
// 800b5510 - EurRetail
// 800B8D70 - JpnRetail
short cupDifficultyLngIndex[4];
// 800B4D3C - UsaRetail
// 800B5518 - EurRetail
// 800B8D78 - JpnRetail
short cupDifficultySpeed[4];
// ============= Character Select CONST ================
// 800B4D44 - UsaRetail
// 800b5520 - EurRetail
// 800b8d80 - JpnRetail
short posX;
short posY;
} characterSelectWindowPos[0xD];
// pointer
// 800b4d78 - UsaRetail
// 800b5554 - EurRetail
void *ptrSelectWindowPos[6];
// 800B4D90 - UsaRetail
// 800b556c - EurRetail
short windowW[6];
// 800B4D9C - UsaRetail
// 800b5578 - EurRetail
short windowH[6];
// 800b4da8 - UsaRetail
// 800b5584 - EurRetail
short driverPosZ[6];
// 800b4db4 - UsaRetail
// 800b5590 - EurRetail
short driverPosY[6];
// 800b4dc0 - UsaRetail
// 800b559c - EurRetail
short textPosArr[6];
// 800b4dcc - UsaRetail
// 800b55a8 - EurRetail
struct CharacterSelectMeta csm_1P2P_limited[0xF];
// 800b4e80 - UsaRetail
// 800b565c - EurRetail
struct CharacterSelectMeta csm_1P2P[0xF];
// 800b4f34 - UsaRetail
// 800b5710 - EurRetail
struct CharacterSelectMeta csm_3P[0xF];
// 800b4fe8 - UsaRetail
// 800b57c4 - EurRetail
struct CharacterSelectMeta csm_4P[0xF];
// 800b509C - UsaRetail
// 800b5878 - EurRetail
struct CharacterSelectMeta *ptrCsmArr[6];
// 800b50B4 - UsaRetail
// 800b5890 - EurRetail
// wouldn't need this if icons were stored by order of characterID
short characterIcon[0x10];
// 0x15 for transition meta array:
// 14 character icons + title text + 4 kart screens + 2 more?
// 800b50D4 - UsaRetail
// 800b58b0 - EurRetail
// 1P/2P mode
struct TransitionMeta transitionMeta_csm_1P2P[0x15];
// 0x2 byte padding
short padding800b51A6;
// 3P mode
// 800b51A8 - UsaRetail
// 800b5984 - EurRetail
struct TransitionMeta transitionMeta_csm_3P[0x15];
// 0x2 byte padding
short padding800B527A;
// 4P mode
// 800b527c - UsaRetail
// 800b5a58 - EurRetail
struct TransitionMeta transitionMeta_csm_4P[0x15];
// 0x2 byte padding
short padding800B534E;
// 800B5350 - UsaRetail
// 800b5b2c - EurRetail
struct TransitionMeta *ptr_transitionMeta_csm[4];
// 800B5360 - UsaRetail
// 800b5b3c - EurRetail
short csm_instPos[4];
short csm_instRot[3];
short moveModels;
// 800B5370 - UsaRetail
// 800b5b4c - EurRetail
int unkCharacterWindows;
// 800b5374 - UsaRetail
// 800b5b50 - EurRetail
// points to s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4
int *PlayerNumberStrings[4];
// 800b5384
char getNextDriver1[4];
// 800b5388
char getNextDriver2[4];
// 800b538c -- UsaRetail
u_int characterSelect_Outline;
// 800b5390 - UsaRetail
// 800b5b6c - EurRetail
u_int characterSelect_NeutralColor;
// 800b5394 - UsaRetail
// 800b5b70 - EurRetail
u_int characterSelect_ChosenColor;
// 800b5398 - UsaRetail
// 800b5b74 - EurRetail
char characterSelect_BlueRectColors[0x18];
// u_int characterSelect_BlueRectColors[6];
// =========== Track Select CONST ============
// 800b53b0 - UsaRetail
// 800b5b8c - EurRetail
// 800b93ec - JpnRetail
struct MainMenu_LevelRow arcadeTracks[0x12];
// 800b54d0 - UsaRetail
// 800b5cf4 - EurRetail
// 800b9554 - JpnRetail
struct MainMenu_LevelRow battleTracks[0x7];
// 800b5540 - UsaRetail
// 800b5d80 - EurRetail
// 800b95e0 - JpnRetail
// Not all of this is actually transitionmeta, needs proper look
struct TransitionMeta transitionMeta_trackSel[5];
short padding_800B5572;
// 800b5574
short lapRowVal[4];
// 800b557c
struct MenuRow menurow_LapSel[4];
// 800B5594
struct MenuBox menubox_LapSel;
// 800B55C0
int videoCol;
// 800B55C4
short timeTrialStarCol[2];
short timeTrialFlagGet[2];
#if BUILD == JpnRetail
// 800b966c
char wumpaShadowRGBA[4];
// 800b55cc -- UsaRetail
// 800b9670 -- JpnRetail
short offsetX;
short offsetY;
short type;
} drawMapOffset[6];
// ============== Cup Select ==================
// 800b55f0 - UsaRetail
// 800b5e30 - EurRetail
// 800b9694 - JpnRetail
struct TransitionMeta transitionMeta_cupSel[0x6];
// 800b562c - UsaRetail
// 800b5e6c - EurRetail
// 800b96d0 - JpnRetail
short cupSel_StarColorIndex[4];
// 800b5634 - UsaRetail
// 800b5e74 - EurRetail
// 800b96d8 - JpnRetail
u_short cupSel_StarUnlockFlag[4];
// 800b563c - UsaRetail
// 800b5e7c - EurRetail
// 800b96e0 - JpnRetail
u_int cupSel_Color; // of what?
// ============= Battle CONST ================
// 800b5640 - UsaRetail
// 800b5e80 - EurRetail
// 800b96e4 - JpnRetail
struct TransitionMeta transitionMeta_battle[0xB];
// 2 byte padding
short padding800b56ae;
// 800b56b0 - UsaRetail
// 800b5ef0 - EurRetail
// 800b9754 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow battleType_rows[4];
// 800b56c8 - UsaRetail
// 800b5f08 - EurRetail
// 800b976c - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox battleType_box;
// 800b56f4 - UsaRetail
// 800b5f34 - EurRetail
// 800b9798 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow battleLengthLifeTime_rows[4];
// 800b570c - UsaRetail
// 800b5f4c - EurRetail
// 800b97b0 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox battleLengthLifeTime_box;
// 800b5738 - UsaRetail
// 800b5f78 - EurRetail
// 800b97dc - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow battleLengthTimeTime_rows[4];
// 800b5750 - UsaRetail
// 800b5f90 - EurRetail
// 800b97f4 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox battleLengthTimeTime_box;
// 800b577c - UsaRetail
// 800b5fbc - EurRetail
// 800b9820 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow battleLengthPoints_rows[4];
// 800b5794 - UsaRetail
// 800b5fd4 - EurRetail
// 800b9838 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox battleLengthPoints_box;
// 800b57c0 - UsaRetail
// 800b6000 - EurRetail
// 800b9864 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow battleLengthLifeLife_rows[4];
// 800b57d8 - UsaRetail
// 800b6018 - EurRetail
// 800b987c - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox battleLengthLifeLife_box;
// 800b5804 - UsaRetail
// 800b6044 - EurRetail
// 800b98a8 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow battleStartGame_rows[2];
// 800b5810 - UsaRetail
// 800b6050 - EurRetail
// 800b98b4 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox battleStartGame_box;
// 800b583c - UsaRetail
// 800b607c - EurRetail
// 800b98e0 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox *battleMenuBoxArray[5];
// 800b5850 - UsaRetail
// 800b6090 - EurRetail
// 800b98f4 - JpnRetail
int battleWeaponsEnabled[22];
// 800b58a8 - UsaRetail
// 800b60e8 - EurRetail
// 800b994c - JpnRetail
u_int FlagesGameMode1_BattleType[3];
// 800b58b4 - UsaRetail
// 800b60f4 - EurRetail
// 800b9958 - JpnRetail
char time_3_6_9[4];
char time_3_6_INF[4];
char lives_3_6_9[4];
char points_5_10_15[4];
// 800b58c4 - UsaRetail
// 800b6104 - EurRetail
// 800b9968 - JpnRetail
int color1;
int color2;
int color3;
// ================ High Score CONST ==================
// 800b58d0 - UsaRetail
// 800b6110 - EurRetail
// 800b9974 - JpnRetail
struct TransitionMeta transitionMeta_HighScores[0xC];
// 800b5948 - UsaRetail
// 800b6188 - EurRetail
// 800b99ec - JpnRetail
short colorIndexArray[2];
// 800b594c - UsaRetail
// 800b618c - EurRetail
// 800b99f0 - JpnRetail
u_short highscore_unkflags[2];
// 800b5950 - UsaRetail
// 800b6190 - EurRetail
// 800b99f4 - JpnRetail
u_int highscore_iconColor;
// 800b5954 - UsaRetail
// 800b6194 - EurRetail
// 800b99f8 - JpnRetail
struct MenuRow highScoreRows[4];
// 800b596c - UsaRetail
// 800b61ac - EurRetail
// 800b9a10 - JpnRetail
struct MenuBox highScoreBox;
// 800B5998 - UsaRetail
// 800b61d8 - EurRetail
// 800b9a3c - JpnRetail
short highScore_trackDesired;
short highScore_rowDesired;
short highScore_trackCurr;
short highScore_rowCurr;
#if BUILD == EurRetail
// 800b61e0 - EurRetail
// why not just use the one at 800b4e28?
short langIndex_Boot[6];
// 800b61ec - EurRetail
struct MenuRow rows_lngBoot[7];
char padding800b6216[2];
// 800b6218 - EurRetail
// Language menu on game start
struct MenuBox menubox_lngBoot;
#elif BUILD == JpnRetail
// 800b9a44 - JpnRetail
char unk800b9a44[8];
// 800b59a0 - UsaRetail
// 800b6244 - EurRetail
// 800b9a4c - JpnRetail
struct Title *titleObj;
// ============== Track Select DYN ====================
// 800b59a4 - UsaRetail
// 800b6248 - EurRetail
// 800b9a50 - JpnRetail
int trackSel_changeTrack_frameCount;
// 800b59a8 - UsaRetail
// 800b624c - EurRetail
// 800b9a54 - JpnRetail
short trackSel_currTrack;
// 800b59aa - UsaRetail
// 800b625e - EurRetail
short trackSel_direction;
// 800b59ac - UsaRetail
// 800b6250 - EurRetail
short trackSel_boolOpenLapBox;
// 800b59ae - UsaRetail
// 800b6252 - EurRetail
short trackSel_transitionState;
// 800b59b0 - UsaRetail
// 800b6254 - EurRetail
short trackSel_StartRaceAfterFadeOut;
// 800b59b2 - UsaRetail
// 800b6256 - EurRetail
short trackSel_transitionFrames;
// 800b59b4 - UsaRetail
// 800b6258 - EurRetail
short trackSel_video_frameCount; // video box transition frames instead?
// 800b59b6 - UsaRetail
// 800b625a - EurRetail
short trackSel_video_boolAllocated;
// Also used in HighScore menu
// 800b59b8 - UsaRetail
// 800b625c - EurRetail
short trackSel_video_state;
// 800b59ba - UsaRetail
// 800b625e - EurRetail
short trackSel_unk;
// ============== Cup Select DYN ========================
// 800b59bc - UsaRetail
// 800b6260 - EurRetail
short cupSel_transitionState;
// 800b59be - UsaRetail
// 800b6262 - EurRetail
short cupSel_postTransition_boolStart;
// 800b59c0 - UsaRetail
// 800b6264 - EurRetail
short cupSel_transitionFrames;
// ============== Battle DYN ==========================
// 800b59c2 - UsaRetail
// 800b6266 - EurRetail
short battle_transitionState;
// 800b59c4 - UsaRetail
// 800b6268 - EurRetail
short battle_postTransition_boolStart;
// 800b59c6 - UsaRetail
// 800b626a - EurRetail
short battle_transitionFrames;
// =============== High Score DYN ===================
// 800b59c8 - UsaRetail
// 800b626c - EurRetail
short highScore_transitionState;
// 800b59ca - UsaRetail
// 800b626e - EurRetail
// 0) Transition in/out menu
// 1) Horizontal (in-menu)
// 2) Vertical (in-menu)
short highScore_transitionFrames[3];
// 800b59d0 - UsaRetail
// 800b6274 - EurRetail
// X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) Axes
// -1 for negative direction and 1 for positive direction
// not sure why each need two buffers, perhaps to prevent mid-transition error
short highScore_horizontalMove[2];
short highScore_verticalMove[2];
// =============== Scrapbook ===================
// 800b59d8 - UsaRetail
// 800b627c - EurRetail
int scrapbookState;
// ============= Character Select DYN ====================
// 800b59dc - UsaRetail
// 800b6280 - EurRetail
short characterSelect_sizeY;
short unk_aftercharacterselect_sizey;
// 800b59e0 - UsaRetail
// 800b6284 - EurRetail
// 800b9a8c - JpnRetail
short desiredMenu;
short unk_afterdesiredmenu;
// 800b59e4 -- UsaRetail
// 800b6288 -- EurRetail
// 800b9a90 -- JpnRetail
short movingToTrackMenu;
short unk_aftermovingtotrackmenu;
// 800b59e8 -- UsaRetail
// 800b628c -- EurRetail
short characterSelect_MoveDir[4];
// 800b59f0 -- UsaRetail
// 800b6294 -- EurRetail
short characterSelect_charIDs_desired[4];
// 800b59f8 - UsaRetail
// 800b629c - EurRetail
short characterSelect_charIDs_curr[4];
// 800b5a00 - UsaRetail
// 800b62a4 - EurRetail
short characterSelect_angle[4];
// 800b5a08 - UsaRetail
// 800b62ac - EurRetail
// 800b9ab4 - JpnRetail
int characterSelect_transitionState;
// 800b5a0c - UsaRetail
// 800b62b0 - EurRetail
short *characterSelect_ptrWindowXY;
// 800b5a10 - UsaRetail
// 800b62b4 - EurRetail
int characterSelectIconLayout;
// 800b5a14 - UsaRetail
// 800b62b8 - EurRetail
// 800b9ac0 - JpnRetail
int timerInTitle;
// 800b5a18 - UsaRetail
// 800b62bc - EurRetail
struct CharacterSelectMeta *csm_Active;
// 800b5a1c - UsaRetail
// 800b62c0 - EurRetail
// 800b9ac8 - JpnRetail
int MM_State;
// 800b5a20 - UsaRetail
// 800b62c4 - EurRetail
// 800b9acc - JpnRetail
// 0 = transitioning in, 1 = in focus/still, 2 = transitioning out
int isMenuTransitioning;
// 800b5a24 - UsaRetail
// 800b62c8 - EurRetail
// 800b9ad0 - JpnRetail
short timerPerPlayer[4];
#if BUILD == EurRetail
// 800b62d0
// starts at 900 frames (30 secs). If ran out (-1),
// menu will automatically choose current selection
int langMenuTimer;
// 800b5a2c - UsaRetail
// 800b62d4 - EurRetail
// 800b9ad8 - JpnRetail
int isRosterExpanded;
// 800b5a30 - UsaRetail
// 800b62d8 - EurRetail
// 800b9adc - JpnRetail
int characterSelect_sizeX;
// 800b5a34 - UsaRetail
// 800b62dc - EurRetail
// 800b9ae0 - JpnRetail
short *ptrIntroCam;
// 800b5a38 - UsaRetail
// 800b62e0 - EurRetail
// 800b9ae4 - JpnRetail
int textPos;
// 800b5a3c - UsaRetail
// 800b62e4 - EurRetail
// 800b9ae8 - JpnRetail
struct TransitionMeta *ptrTransitionMeta;
// 800b5a40 - UsaRetail
// 800b62e8 - EurRetail
// 800b9aec - JpnRetail
int countMeta0xD; // this might be related to transitionFrames instead
// 800b5a44 - UsaRetail
// 800b62ec - EurRetail
// 800b9af0 - JpnRetail
int transitionFrames;
// ================= Video RDATA ===========================
// 800b5a48 - UsaRetail
// 800b62f0 - EurRetail
// 800b9af4 - JpnRetail
char s_SliceBuf[0xC];
char s_VlcBuf[8];
char s_RingBuf[8];
// 800b5a64 MM_Video_DecDCToutCallbackFunc
extern struct OverlayRDATA_230 R230;
extern struct OverlayDATA_230 D230;
// starts at 800b67ac
extern struct
// 800b67d4
int numFrames;
} OVR_230_VideoBSS;
#if BUILD >= EurRetail
_Static_assert(sizeof(struct MainMenu_LevelRow) == 0x14);
_Static_assert(sizeof(struct MainMenu_LevelRow) == 0x10);
_Static_assert(sizeof(struct CharacterSelectMeta) == 0xC);
_Static_assert(sizeof(struct TransitionMeta) == 0xA);