mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 22:21:58 +00:00
5921 lines
140 KiB
5921 lines
140 KiB
// 233: 49/49
// CS_Thread_Particles
void FUN_800abdd4(int param_1)
byte bVar1;
int iVar2;
byte *pbVar3;
int iVar4;
int iVar5;
undefined **ppuVar6;
short local_20;
short local_1e;
short local_1c;
// get instance from thread
iVar4 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
if (
// if instance exists
(iVar4 != 0) &&
// if instance is not invisible
((*(uint *)(iVar4 + 0x28) & 0x80) == 0)
) &&
(bVar1 = *(byte *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x30) + 0x44), bVar1 < 9)
ppuVar6 = &PTR_DAT_800b0b90_800b146c + (int)(char)bVar1 * 3;
pbVar3 = &DAT_800b1473 + (int)(char)bVar1 * 0xc;
while( true ) {
iVar5 = 0;
// if number particles is not zero
if (pbVar3[-1] != 0)
// spawn particles
// particles for Dingodile's car exploding in intro cutscene
// Create instance in particle pool
iVar2 = FUN_80040308(0,*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + (uint)pbVar3[-3] * 4 + 0x2114),
if (iVar2 != 0)
// CS_Instance_GetFrameData
// without this, no particles draw
(iVar4,(uint)*(byte *)(iVar4 + 0x52),(int)*(short *)(iVar4 + 0x54),&local_20,0
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x24) =
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x24) + ((int)local_20 + *(int *)(iVar4 + 0x44)) * 0x100;
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x2c) =
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x2c) + ((int)local_1e + *(int *)(iVar4 + 0x48)) * 0x100;
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x34) =
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x34) + ((int)local_1c + *(int *)(iVar4 + 0x4c)) * 0x100;
// instance -> model
*(char *)(iVar2 + 0x18) = *(char *)(iVar4 + 0x50) + pbVar3[1];
iVar5 = iVar5 + 1;
} while (iVar5 < (int)(uint)pbVar3[-1]);
bVar1 = *pbVar3;
pbVar3 = pbVar3 + 0xc;
if ((bVar1 & 1) == 0) break;
ppuVar6 = ppuVar6 + 3;
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetShort
int FUN_800abf70(short **param_1)
short sVar1;
sVar1 = **param_1;
*param_1 = *param_1 + 1;
return (int)sVar1;
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetInt
uint FUN_800abf9c(byte **param_1)
byte bVar1;
byte bVar2;
byte bVar3;
byte bVar4;
byte *pbVar5;
pbVar5 = *param_1;
bVar1 = pbVar5[3];
bVar2 = pbVar5[2];
bVar3 = pbVar5[1];
bVar4 = *pbVar5;
*param_1 = pbVar5 + 4;
return (uint)bVar1 << 0x18 | (uint)bVar2 << 0x10 | (uint)bVar3 << 8 | (uint)bVar4;
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetInt_dup
// same as above function
uint FUN_800abfd8(byte **param_1)
byte bVar1;
byte bVar2;
byte bVar3;
byte bVar4;
byte *pbVar5;
pbVar5 = *param_1;
bVar1 = pbVar5[3];
bVar2 = pbVar5[2];
bVar3 = pbVar5[1];
bVar4 = *pbVar5;
*param_1 = pbVar5 + 4;
return (uint)bVar1 << 0x18 | (uint)bVar2 << 0x10 | (uint)bVar3 << 8 | (uint)bVar4;
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_Main
void FUN_800ac014(int param_1)
byte bVar1;
ushort uVar2;
undefined4 uVar3;
byte *pbVar4;
ushort *puVar5;
byte *local_18 [2];
pbVar4 = *(byte **)(param_1 + 0x38);
local_18[0] = pbVar4 + 1;
if (pbVar4 != *(byte **)(param_1 + 0x40))
// cutsceneObj -> 0x10
// byte offset of meta data
puVar5 = *(ushort **)(param_1 + 0x10);
// remember 0x38 (curr opcode) as 0x40 (prev opcode)
*(byte **)(param_1 + 0x40) = pbVar4;
*puVar5 = (ushort)*pbVar4;
// global hard-coded array of meta data
bVar1 = (&DAT_800b14cc)[(short)*puVar5];
if ((bVar1 & 1) == 0)
// if this is always zero,
// Spinning ND Box never disappears
puVar5[1] = 0;
// & 1
else {
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetShort
uVar2 = FUN_800abf70(local_18);
puVar5[1] = uVar2;
if ((bVar1 & 2) == 0)
// if this is always zero,
// no new instances spawn after the initial instances
// are loaded in a cutscene (no ND sparks, no ND drivers, etc)
puVar5[2] = 0;
// & 2
else {
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetShort
uVar2 = FUN_800abf70(local_18);
puVar5[2] = uVar2;
if ((bVar1 & 4) == 0)
// if this is always zero,
// similar to & 2 == 0
puVar5[3] = 0;
// & 4
else {
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetShort
uVar2 = FUN_800abf70(local_18);
puVar5[3] = uVar2;
if ((bVar1 & 8) == 0)
// clear XA category
*(undefined4 *)(puVar5 + 4) = 0;
// & 8
// CDSYS_XAPlay -- Category (param1)
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetInt
uVar3 = FUN_800abf9c(local_18);
// set category
*(undefined4 *)(puVar5 + 4) = uVar3;
if ((bVar1 & 0x10) == 0)
// clear XA index
*(undefined4 *)(puVar5 + 6) = 0;
// & 0x10
// CDSYS_XAPlay -- Index (param2)
else {
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetInt
uVar3 = FUN_800abf9c(local_18);
// set index
*(undefined4 *)(puVar5 + 6) = uVar3;
// & 0x20,
// if always zero, ND Box works fine,
// oxide intro crashes on first frame
if ((bVar1 & 0x20) != 0)
while (((uint)local_18[0] & 3) != 0) {
local_18[0] = local_18[0] + 1;
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetInt_dup
uVar3 = FUN_800abfd8(local_18);
*(undefined4 *)(puVar5 + 6) = uVar3;
local_18[0] = local_18[0] + 1;
// unknown
if ((bVar1 & 0x40) == 0) {
puVar5[8] = 0;
// & 0x40
else {
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetShort
uVar2 = FUN_800abf70(local_18);
puVar5[8] = uVar2;
// unknown
if ((bVar1 & 0x80) == 0) {
puVar5[9] = 0;
// & 0x80
else {
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_GetShort
uVar2 = FUN_800abf70(local_18);
puVar5[9] = uVar2;
*(byte **)(param_1 + 0x40) = local_18[0];
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
// param_1 is cutscene object
void FUN_800ac1c0(int param_1)
undefined4 uVar1;
// prev opcode
uVar1 = *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x40);
// erase prev opcode, so (38 == 40) will never happen
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x40) = 0xffffffff;
// curr opcode (starting from the end of previous)
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x38) = uVar1;
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_Main
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
// param_1 is cutscene object
void FUN_800ac1ec(int param_1,undefined4 param_2)
// set curr opcode
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x38) = param_2;
// erase prev opcode, so (38 == 40) will never happen
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x40) = 0xffffffff;
// CS_ScriptCmd_ReadOpcode_Main
// CS_Instance_InitMatrix
void FUN_800ac214(void)
undefined *puVar1;
int iVar2;
undefined **ppuVar3;
uint uVar4;
// 3x3 rotation matrix
uint local_60;
undefined4 local_5c;
uint local_58;
undefined4 local_54;
undefined2 local_50;
// 4x4 psyq MATRIX struct
undefined auStack64 [32];
// if not initialized
if (DAT_800b7350 == '\0')
uVar4 = 0;
ppuVar3 = &PTR_DAT_800b5b70_800b7330;
// now initialized
DAT_800b7350 = '\x01';
// clear matrix
local_60 = 0;
local_5c = 0;
local_58 = 0;
local_54 = 0;
local_50 = 0;
do {
if (((ppuVar3[1] != (undefined *)0x0) && (*ppuVar3 != (undefined *)0x0)) &&
(iVar2 = 0, 0 < (int)ppuVar3[1])) {
do {
puVar1 = *ppuVar3 + iVar2 * 0x20;
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
FUN_8006c2a4(auStack64,puVar1 + 8);
local_60 = local_60 & 0xffff0000 | (uint)*(ushort *)(puVar1 + 0x10);
local_58 = local_58 & 0xffff0000 | (uint)*(ushort *)(puVar1 + 0x12);
local_50 = *(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x14);
// convert stack matrix into another matrix
FUN_8006c3b0(puVar1 + 8,&local_60,auStack64);
iVar2 = iVar2 + 1;
} while (iVar2 < (int)ppuVar3[1]);
uVar4 = uVar4 + 1;
ppuVar3 = ppuVar3 + 2;
} while (uVar4 < 4);
// CS_Instance_GetFrameData
// param1 - instance
// param2 - animIndex
// param3 - animFrame
// ...
// param6 - offset (curr or next)
uint FUN_800ac320
(int param_1,int param_2,uint param_3,undefined2 *param_4,undefined2 *param_5,
int param_6)
undefined2 uVar1;
int iVar2;
uint uVar3;
int iVar4;
short *psVar5;
byte *pbVar6;
uint uVar7;
undefined4 uVar8;
uint uVar9;
undefined4 uVar10;
uint uVar11;
undefined4 uVar12;
int iVar13;
uint uVar14;
uint uVar15;
uint uVar16;
// instance -> model -> modelheaders
iVar13 = *(int *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x14);
// modelheaders -> ptrAnimations
iVar4 = *(int *)(param_2 * 4 + *(int *)(iVar13 + 0x38));
// animation frame counts backward?
// or just a fail-safe?
if ((int)param_3 < 0) {
param_3 = 0;
// ptrAnimations -> numFrames
iVar2 = (int)*(short *)(iVar4 + 0x10);
uVar3 = 0;
// 60fps patch for negative number?
if (iVar2 < 0)
// negate to be positive
iVar2 = -iVar2;
uVar3 = param_3 & 1;
// cut in half?
param_3 = (int)param_3 >> 1;
// if last frame is less than frame index
if ((int)(iVar2 - 1U) <= (int)param_3) {
uVar3 = 0;
// set frame index to last frame
param_3 = iVar2 - 1U;
// (ModelAnim + 0x18) + (frameIndex * frameSize)
psVar5 = (short *)(iVar4 + (int)*(short *)(iVar4 + 0x12) * param_3 + 0x18);
iVar2 = param_6 * 3 + 0x1c;
pbVar6 = (byte *)((int)psVar5 + iVar2);
uVar7 = (uint)*pbVar6;
uVar9 = (uint)pbVar6[2];
uVar11 = (uint)pbVar6[1];
uVar14 = (uint)pbVar6[3];
uVar16 = (uint)pbVar6[5];
uVar15 = (uint)pbVar6[4];
// if odd frame in 60fps?
if (uVar3 != 0)
// increment AnimData to next frame
psVar5 = (short *)((int)psVar5 + (int)*(short *)(iVar4 + 0x12));
pbVar6 = (byte *)((int)psVar5 + iVar2);
// add last frame to current frame, then divide by 2
uVar7 = (int)(uVar7 + *pbVar6) >> 1;
uVar9 = (int)(uVar9 + pbVar6[2]) >> 1;
uVar16 = (int)(uVar16 + pbVar6[5]) >> 1;
uVar11 = (int)(uVar11 + pbVar6[1]) >> 1;
uVar14 = (int)(uVar14 + pbVar6[3]) >> 1;
uVar15 = (int)(uVar15 + pbVar6[4]) >> 1;
// instance -> scale
iVar4 = (int)*(short *)(param_1 + 0x1c);
// instance -> matrix
setCopControlWord(2,0x4000,*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x30));
setCopControlWord(2,0x4800,*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x34));
setCopControlWord(2,0x5000,*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x38));
setCopControlWord(2,0x5800,*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x3c));
setCopControlWord(2,0x6000,*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x40));
uVar3 = ((int)((uVar7 + (int)*psVar5) * iVar4) >> 0xc) * (int)*(short *)(iVar13 + 0x18) >> 0xc &
0xffffU | (((int)((uVar9 + (int)psVar5[1]) * iVar4) >> 0xc) *
(int)*(short *)(iVar13 + 0x1a) >> 0xc) << 0x10;
setCopReg(2,0x800,((int)((uVar11 + (int)psVar5[2]) * iVar4) >> 0xc) *
(int)*(short *)(iVar13 + 0x1c) >> 0xc);
// llv0 cop2 $04A6012 v0 * light matrix
uVar8 = getCopReg(2,0xc800);
uVar10 = getCopReg(2,0xd000);
uVar12 = getCopReg(2,0xd800);
*param_4 = (short)uVar8;
param_4[1] = (short)uVar10;
param_4[2] = (short)uVar12;
if (param_5 != (undefined2 *)0x0) {
setCopReg(2,0,uVar7 - uVar14 & 0xffff | (uVar9 - uVar16) * 0x10000);
setCopReg(2,0x800,uVar11 - uVar15);
// llv0 cop2 $04A6012 v0 * light matrix
iVar4 = getCopReg(2,0xc800);
iVar2 = getCopReg(2,0xd000);
iVar13 = getCopReg(2,0xd800);
// SquareRoot0
uVar8 = FUN_8006c618(iVar4 * iVar4 + iVar13 * iVar13);
uVar1 = ratan2(-iVar2,uVar8);
*param_5 = uVar1;
uVar3 = ratan2(iVar4,iVar13);
param_5[1] = (short)uVar3;
param_5[2] = 0;
return uVar3;
// CS_Instance_GetNumAnimFrames
// param_1: instance
// param_2: animIndex
// param_3: LOD number
uint FUN_800ac5a4(int param_1,int param_2,int param_3)
int iVar1;
// if instance exists, get instance -> model
if ((((param_1 != 0) && (iVar1 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x18), iVar1 != 0)) &&
// param_3 is less than numHeaders
(param_3 < *(short *)(iVar1 + 0x12))) &&
// get header, use param_3 as index
((iVar1 = *(int *)(iVar1 + 0x14) + param_3 * 0x40, iVar1 != 0 &&
// param_2 is less than header->numAnimations
(param_2 < *(int *)(iVar1 + 0x34)))))
// if header->ptrAnim is valid
if (*(int *)(iVar1 + 0x38) != 0)
// get animation, using param_2 as index
iVar1 = *(int *)(param_2 * 4 + *(int *)(iVar1 + 0x38));
// if animation is valid
if (iVar1 != 0)
// return number of frames in animation
return (uint)*(ushort *)(iVar1 + 0x10) & 0x7fff;
return 0;
return 0;
// CS_Instance_SafeCheckAnimFrame
int FUN_800ac638(int param_1,undefined4 param_2,undefined4 param_3,int param_4)
int iVar1;
int iVar2;
// default return value
iVar2 = param_4;
if (
// if instance exists
(param_1 != 0) &&
// set anim frame to zero
iVar2 = 0,
// only proceed if desired frame is positive
0 < param_4
// CS_Instance_GetNumAnimFrames
iVar1 = FUN_800ac5a4();
// if less than one frame
if (iVar1 < 1)
// set anim frame to zero
iVar2 = 0;
// if multiple frames
// set frame to desired frame
iVar2 = param_4;
// if desired frame is out of bounds
if (iVar1 <= param_4)
// set desired frame to last frame
iVar2 = iVar1 + -1;
// frame
return iVar2;
// CS_Instance_BoolPlaySound
uint FUN_800ac694(int param_1,int param_2)
int iVar1;
int *piVar2;
if ((param_2 == 0) || ((*(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x16) & 0x1000) == 0)) {
return 1;
// offset 0x28 of cameraDC
// pointer to array of visible instances
piVar2 = *(int **)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x14c0);
// first instance
iVar1 = *piVar2;
// if instance is valid
if (iVar1 != 0)
// loop through all instances
piVar2 = piVar2 + 1;
// if instance is found, quit
if (iVar1 == param_2) break;
iVar1 = *piVar2;
} while (iVar1 != 0);
// if instance was found...
if (iVar1 != 0) {
return (uint)((*(uint *)(param_2 + 0xb8) & 0x40) != 0);
return 0;
// CS_DestroyPodium_StartDriving
void FUN_800ac714(void)
bool bVar1;
undefined *puVar2;
int iVar3;
int iVar4;
// enable HUD
PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x1d31] = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x1d31] | 1;
// "other" threadBucket
iVar3 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1c30);
// loop through all threads
while (iVar3 != 0)
// check if funcThDestroy != CS_Podium_Prize_ThDestroy
if (*(code **)(iVar3 + 0x24) != FUN_800afe58)
// This thread is now dead
*(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x1c) | 0x800;
// thread = thread->sibling
iVar3 = *(int *)(iVar3 + 0x10);
// pointer to P1 structure
iVar4 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec);
// driver->instSelf
iVar3 = *(int *)(iVar4 + 0x1c);
// enable collisions for this thread
*(uint *)(*(int *)(iVar3 + 0x6c) + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(*(int *)(iVar3 + 0x6c) + 0x1c) & 0xffffefff;
// driver Flags = make visible
*(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) & 0xffffff7f;
// kart state
*(undefined *)(iVar4 + 0x376) = 4;
// did cutscene manipulate audio
bVar1 = DAT_800b0b8c != 0;
// VehPtr_Driving_Init
*(undefined4 *)(iVar4 + 0x54) = 0x80062b74;
// if cutscene changed audio, restore backup
if (bVar1)
// restore backup of volume variables
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// CameraDC, it must be zero to follow you
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1532) = 0;
*(undefined4 *)(puVar2 + 0x180) = 0x100;
*(undefined4 *)(puVar2 + 0x274) = 0x100;
// WARNING: Could not reconcile some variable overlaps
// CS_Thread_UseOpcode
// pass instance and object
undefined4 FUN_800ac840(int param_1,int param_2)
byte bVar1;
bool bVar2;
undefined *puVar3;
undefined *puVar4;
short sVar5;
ushort uVar6;
uint uVar7;
int iVar8;
undefined **ppuVar9;
int iVar10;
undefined4 uVar11;
int iVar12;
int iVar13;
short *psVar14;
int iVar15;
undefined4 local_68;
undefined4 local_64;
undefined4 local_60;
undefined4 local_5c;
undefined4 local_58;
undefined2 local_50;
undefined2 local_4e;
undefined2 local_4c;
undefined2 local_48;
undefined2 local_46;
undefined2 local_44;
ushort local_40 [2];
int local_3c;
int local_38;
int local_34;
int local_30;
// param1 is instance, param2 is object
puVar3 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
local_68 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x4c);
local_64 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x50);
local_60 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x54);
local_5c = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x58);
local_58 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x5c);
if (param_1 != 0)
// if instance is using a split-line
if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0x2000) != 0) {
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x56) = DAT_800b0b7c;
// instance -> model -> modelID == podium_second
if ((int)*(short *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x10) == (uint)(byte)puVar3[0x2576])
if (DAT_800b7764 - 0x65U < 0x87)
// make invisible
uVar7 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) | 0x80;
// if object is not invisible, then skip a few lines
if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0x80) == 0) goto LAB_800ac94c;
// if object is invisible...
*(char *)(param_1 + 0x50) = *(char *)(param_1 + 0x50) + -2;
*(char *)(param_1 + 0x51) = *(char *)(param_1 + 0x51) + -2;
// make visible
uVar7 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0xffffff7f;
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = uVar7;
// instance -> model -> modelID == podium_first
if ((int)*(short *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x10) == (uint)(byte)puVar3[0x2575]) {
if (DAT_800b7764 - 0x83U < 0x69)
// make invisible
uVar7 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) | 0x80;
// if object is not invisible, then skip a few lines
if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0x80) == 0) goto LAB_800ac9c8;
*(char *)(param_1 + 0x50) = *(char *)(param_1 + 0x50) + -6;
*(char *)(param_1 + 0x51) = *(char *)(param_1 + 0x51) + -6;
// make visible
uVar7 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0xffffff7f;
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = uVar7;
if ((*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & 0x80) != 0) {
// all these are STATIC_xxxSELECT
if (((int)*(short *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x10) + -0xce ==
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)DAT_8008d914 * 2)) &&
(DAT_800b8640 == 1))
if ((*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & 0x100) == 0)
// tileView fade,
// flash white after selecting Adv Character
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x17a) = 0x1fff;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x17c) = 0x1000;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x17e) = 0xfd56;
*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) | 0x100;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
// instance -> model -> modelID, - 0xce (STATIC_CRASHSELECT)
[(int)*(short *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x10) + -0xce]);
local_68 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x4c);
local_64 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x50);
local_60 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x54);
local_5c = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x58);
local_58 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x5c);
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x18) = *(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(param_2 + 0x10) + 8);
iVar8 = FUN_8003ea28();
iVar12 = *(int *)(param_2 + 0x10);
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x14) =
*(short *)(iVar12 + 4) +
(short)((int)((iVar8 >> 2 & 0xfffU) *
(((int)*(short *)(iVar12 + 6) - (int)*(short *)(iVar12 + 4)) + 1)) >>
else {
if ((*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & 0x100) != 0) {
*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & 0xfeff;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
[(int)*(short *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x10) + -0xce]);
local_68 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x4c);
local_64 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x50);
local_60 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x54);
local_5c = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x58);
local_58 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x5c);
goto LAB_800acb0c;
local_38 = (int)*(short *)(param_2 + 0x14);
iVar12 = *(int *)(param_2 + 0x18);
iVar8 = (int)*(short *)(param_2 + 0x1e);
// elapsed time per frame
local_30 = *(int *)(puVar3 + 0x1d04);
psVar14 = *(short **)(param_2 + 0x10);
local_3c = (int)psVar14[1];
if (param_1 == 0) {
sVar5 = FUN_80018b18();
if ((int)sVar5 != 0) {
iVar10 = (*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x1d00) << 0xb) >> 0x10;
if (iVar10 < (int)sVar5 + -1) {
// CAM_Path_Move
// store result in tileView pos and rot
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x168) = local_48;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x16a) = local_46;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x16c) = local_44;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x16e) = local_50;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x170) = local_4e;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x172) = local_4c;
else {
if (*psVar14 == 0x14)
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
// CAM_Path_Move
FUN_80018ba0((int)(short)(sVar5 + -1),puVar3 + 0x168,puVar3 + 0x16e,local_40);
// disable screen blur
uVar6 = *(ushort *)(puVar3 + 0x2570);
*(ushort *)(puVar3 + 0x2570) = uVar6 & 0xfffe;
if ((local_40[0] & 1) != 0) {
*(ushort *)(puVar3 + 0x2570) = uVar6 & 0xfffe | 1;
if ((*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & 0x20) == 0) {
*(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x180) = 0x100;
if ((local_40[0] & 2) != 0) {
*(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x180) = 0x50;
if ((local_40[0] & 4) != 0) {
*(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x180) = 0x278;
if ((local_40[0] & 0x20) != 0) {
*(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x180) = 0x1eb;
if ((local_40[0] & 0x40) != 0) {
*(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x180) = 0x14d;
if (((local_40[0] & 0x10) != 0) && (uVar7 = FUN_8003ea28(), (uVar7 & 0xf) == 0)) {
// CTR_Box_DrawClearBox
*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x10) + 0xa0),
// pointer to PrimMem struct
*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x10) + 0x74);
// if level ID is Naughty Dog Box
if (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) == 0x29) {
*(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x180) = 0x140;
*(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x274) = *(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x180);
puVar4 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// If you tap the "Start" button
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2b0 + 0x14) & 0x1000) != 0)
*(ushort *)(puVar3 + 0x2570) = *(ushort *)(puVar3 + 0x2570) & 0xfffe;
// if not between 0x2c and 0x2c+0x13,
// if not between 44 and 63, if not credits
if (0x13 < *(int *)(puVar4 + 0x1a10) - 0x2cU)
// if level ID is Naughty Dog Box
if (*(int *)(puVar4 + 0x1a10) == 0x29)
// if less than 6 seconds passed, Start button does nothing
if (*(uint *)(puVar3 + 0x1d00) >> 5 < 0xb5) goto LAB_800acef4;
// enable checkered flag
// TitleFlag_IsTransitioning
iVar8 = FUN_80043f44();
if (
// if not
(iVar8 == 0) &&
// TitleFlag_IsFullyOnScreen
iVar8 = FUN_80043f1c(),
iVar8 == 0
// TitleFlag_SetFullyOffScreen
// if level ID is not Naughty Dog Box
// enable checkered flag
// TitleFlag_IsTransitioning
iVar8 = FUN_80043f44();
if (
// if not
(iVar8 == 0) &&
// TitleFlag_IsFullyOnScreen
iVar8 = FUN_80043f1c(),
iVar8 == 0
// TitleFlag_SetFullyOffScreen
// go to credits
uVar11 = 0x2c;
if (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) - 0x2aU < 2) goto LAB_800ace7c;
// CseqMusic_StopAll
// CDSYS_XAPauseRequest
// main menu
uVar11 = 0x27;
// load LEV
DAT_800b7760 = 1;
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0xfffffffb;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x4c) = local_68;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x50) = local_64;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x54) = local_60;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x58) = local_5c;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x5c) = local_58;
// kill cutscene thread
return 1;
// else, if it is credits...
// CS_Credits_End
local_34 = 0;
if (local_30 == 0) {
*(int *)(param_2 + 0x18) = iVar12;
*(undefined *)(param_2 + 0x47) = (undefined)local_3c;
*(undefined2 *)(param_2 + 0x1e) = (short)iVar8;
*(undefined2 *)(param_2 + 0x14) = (undefined2)local_38;
iVar10 = (int)psVar14[8];
iVar12 = iVar12 >> 5;
if (iVar10 != (int)psVar14[9]) {
iVar13 = *(int *)(psVar14 + 4);
if (*(int *)(psVar14 + 6) != iVar13) {
iVar15 = ((((int)psVar14[9] - iVar10) + 0x800U & 0xfff) - 0x800) * (iVar12 - iVar13);
iVar13 = *(int *)(psVar14 + 6) - iVar13;
if (iVar13 < 0) {
iVar13 = -iVar13;
if (iVar13 == 0) {
if ((iVar13 == -1) && (iVar15 == -0x80000000)) {
iVar10 = iVar10 + iVar15 / iVar13;
iVar10 = iVar10 + *(short *)(param_2 + 0x1c);
if ((iVar10 != (int)*(short *)(param_2 + 0x22)) &&
(*(undefined2 *)(param_2 + 0x22) = (short)iVar10, param_1 != 0))
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
FUN_8006c2a4(param_1 + 0x30,param_2 + 0x20);
// CS_Instance_SafeCheckAnimFrame
iVar8 = FUN_800ac638(param_1,local_3c,iVar8,iVar12);
if (iVar12 != iVar8) {
local_3c._0_1_ = 0;
iVar12 = 0;
if (param_1 != 0) {
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x54) = (short)iVar12;
*(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x52) = (undefined)local_3c;
if (*(int **)(param_2 + 0x48) != (int *)0x0) {
psVar14 = (short *)(**(int **)(param_2 + 0x48) + iVar12 * 0x20);
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x30) = *(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 4);
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x34) = *(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6);
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x38) = *(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 8);
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x3c) = *(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 10);
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x40) = *(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 0xc);
*(int *)(param_1 + 0x44) = (int)*psVar14;
*(int *)(param_1 + 0x48) = (int)psVar14[1];
*(int *)(param_1 + 0x4c) = (int)psVar14[2];
return 0;
puVar4 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
switch(*psVar14) {
case 0:
case 0x2a:
case 0x2b:
if (param_1 != 0) {
uVar6 = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16);
if ((uVar6 & 0x200) != 0) {
if (
((uVar6 & 0x400) == 0) &&
// if XA is playing
(DAT_8008d708 == 3)
*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) = uVar6 | 0x400;
// if XA is seeking, playing, or stopping
if (DAT_8008d708 != 0)
if ((*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & 0x400) == 0) {
iVar12 = 0;
// CS_Instance_SafeCheckAnimFrame
// last parameter given is related to XA_CurrOffset
iVar12 = FUN_800ac638(param_1,local_3c,iVar8,(DAT_8008d6f8 * 0x1e00) / 0xac44);
iVar12 = iVar12 << 5;
if (*(int *)(psVar14 + 6) << 5 < iVar12) break;
goto switchD_800acf30_caseD_14;
if (local_34 != 0) {
local_3c = (int)psVar14[1];
// CS_Instance_SafeCheckAnimFrame
iVar12 = FUN_800ac638(param_1,local_3c,iVar8,*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 4));
iVar12 = iVar12 << 5;
iVar10 = FUN_8003ea28();
local_34 = 0;
local_38 = ((int)((iVar10 >> 2 & 0xfffU) * (((int)psVar14[3] - (int)psVar14[2]) + 1)) >> 0xc)
+ (int)psVar14[2];
bVar2 = false;
if (*(int *)(psVar14 + 6) < *(int *)(psVar14 + 4)) {
iVar10 = *(int *)(psVar14 + 6) * 0x20;
iVar12 = iVar12 - local_30;
if (iVar12 < iVar10) {
local_30 = iVar10 - iVar12;
bVar2 = true;
else {
// CS_Instance_SafeCheckAnimFrame
iVar10 = FUN_800ac638(param_1,local_3c,iVar8);
iVar13 = (iVar10 + 1) * 0x20;
iVar12 = iVar12 + local_30;
if (iVar13 <= iVar12) {
bVar2 = true;
local_30 = 0;
if (iVar13 != 0) {
local_30 = iVar12 + (iVar10 + 1) * -0x20;
goto LAB_800ad8ec;
if ((bVar2) || (local_38 < 1)) {
local_38 = local_38 + -1;
if (local_38 < 1)
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
local_34 = 1;
// CS_Instance_SafeCheckAnimFrame
iVar12 = FUN_800ac638(param_1,local_3c,iVar8,*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 4));
iVar12 = iVar12 << 5;
else {
local_30 = 0;
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 1:
local_34 = 1;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
FUN_800ac1ec(param_2,*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6));
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 2:
if (param_1 != 0)
// make invisible
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) | 0x80;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x4c) = local_68;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x50) = local_64;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x54) = local_60;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x58) = local_5c;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x5c) = local_58;
// kill cutscene thread
return 1;
case 3:
if (param_1 != 0)
// CS_Instance_GetFrameData
(param_1,(int)psVar14[1],*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 4),&DAT_1f800108,&DAT_1f800118,0)
DAT_1f800108 = DAT_1f800108 + *(short *)(param_1 + 0x44);
DAT_1f80010a = DAT_1f80010a + *(short *)(param_1 + 0x48);
DAT_1f800110 = 0;
DAT_1f800112 = 0;
DAT_1f800114 = 0;
DAT_1f80010c = DAT_1f80010c + *(short *)(param_1 + 0x4c);
if (*(int *)(psVar14 + 6) == 0xc0) {
DAT_1f800118._0_2_ = 0;
DAT_1f800118._2_2_ = 0;
DAT_1f80011c._0_2_ = 0;
// make a thread for "spawn"
(*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6),s_spawn_800ab9f4,&DAT_1f800108,0,
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x6c));
case 4:
// random number
iVar10 = FUN_8003ea28();
if (*(int *)(psVar14 + 4) < (int)(iVar10 >> 2 & 0xffU))
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
FUN_800ac1ec(param_2,*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6));
local_34 = 1;
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 5:
// if you're at the adventure character select screen
if (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) == 0x28) {
if (param_1 != 0)
// Garage_PlayFX
FUN_80030404(*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6),
(int)*(short *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x10) + -0xce);
// if not...
// if called from Naughty Dog Box Scene
// CS_Instance_BoolPlaySound
iVar10 = FUN_800ac694(param_2,param_1);
// if need to play sound
if (iVar10 != 0)
// OtherFX_Play, each sound in ND Box Scene
case 6:
// OtherFX_Stop2
case 7:
// CseqMusic_Start
FUN_80028c78((uint)(ushort)psVar14[6],0,0,0,*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 4));
case 8:
// CseqMusic_Restart
case 9:
if (param_1 != 0) {
iVar10 = (int)*(short *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x12);
if ((iVar10 != 0) && (iVar13 = *(int *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x14), iVar13 != 0)) {
iVar15 = *(int *)(psVar14 + 6);
iVar8 = iVar15;
if (iVar10 <= iVar15) {
iVar15 = iVar10 + -1;
iVar8 = iVar15;
while (iVar15 != 0) {
*(undefined2 *)(iVar13 + 0x14) = 0;
iVar15 = iVar15 + -1;
iVar13 = iVar13 + 0x40;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar13 + 0x14) = 20000;
case 10:
if (*(int *)(psVar14 + 6) == -1) {
uVar6 = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) | 1;
else {
*(undefined2 *)(param_2 + 0x28) = 0;
uVar6 = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & 0xfffe;
*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) = uVar6;
case 0xb:
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x2c) = psVar14[4];
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x2a) = psVar14[6];
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 0xc:
// tileView fade values
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x17a) = 0x1fff;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x17c) = 0x1000;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x17e) = 0xfd56;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 0xd:
uVar6 = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) | psVar14[6];
goto LAB_800ad444;
case 0xe:
*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & ~psVar14[6];
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 0xf:
// need to swap LEV files
puVar3[0x2574] = 1;
// if not going to credits
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0x80) == 0)
ppuVar9 = &PTR_DAT_800b45bc_800b46d8;
// intro cutscenes
iVar10 = *(int *)(puVar3 + 0x1a10) + -0x1e;
// if credits
ppuVar9 = &PTR_DAT_800b474c_800b4928;
// credits
iVar10 = *(int *)(puVar3 + 0x1a10) + -0x2c;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
goto switchD_800acf30_caseD_14;
case 0x10:
iVar10 = *(int *)(psVar14 + 6);
// set level ID
*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x1a10) = iVar10;
// oxide intro
if (iVar10 == 0x1e)
// disable checkered flag
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0xfffffffb;
// load LEV
else {
if (iVar10 < 0x1f) {
if (iVar10 == 0x19)
// gemstone valley
uVar11 = 0x19;
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0xfffffffb;
// load LEV
else {
if (iVar10 == 0x27) {
uVar11 = 0x27;
goto LAB_800ad334;
if (iVar10 == 0x2c) goto LAB_800ad2fc;
DAT_800b0b80 = 1;
// LOAD_Hub_ReadFile
FUN_80032ffc(DAT_8008d09c,iVar10,3 - (int)*(short *)(puVar3 + 0x254a));
case 0x11:
if (((DAT_800b0b80 == 0) || (DAT_8008d0a0 == '\0')) || (DAT_8008d0a2 != 0))
goto switchD_800acf30_caseD_14;
case 0x12:
FUN_8001cdb4(*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 4),*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6));
// if XA is not seeking, playing, or stopping
if (DAT_8008d708 != 0) {
*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & 0xfbff | 0x200;
case 0x13:
// if XA is not playing
if (DAT_8008d708 == 0) {
uVar6 = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) & 0xfdff;
goto LAB_800ad444;
case 0x14:
goto switchD_800acf30_caseD_14;
case 0x15:
// number of players
bVar1 = puVar3[0x1ca8];
if (bVar1 == 0) {
if (((uint)bVar1 == 0xffffffff) &&
((int)*(short *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x17c) == -0x80000000)) {
// number of stars per screen = number of stars in level, divided by number of players
*(short *)(puVar3 + 0x1b0c) =
(short)((int)*(short *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x17c) / (int)(uint)bVar1);
// other star-related data
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x1b0e) = *(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x17e);
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x1b10) = *(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x180);
DAT_800b0b80 = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x1b12) = *(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x182);
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 0x16:
// TitleFlag_IsFullyOffScreen
iVar10 = FUN_80043f28();
if (iVar10 == 1)
// enable checkered flag
// checkered flag, begin transition on-screen
case 0x17:
// TitleFlag_IsFullyOnScreen
uVar7 = FUN_80043f1c();
goto joined_r0x800ad160;
case 0x18:
// TitleFlag_IsFullyOnScreen
iVar10 = FUN_80043f1c();
if (iVar10 == 1)
// checkered flag, begin transition off-screen
case 0x19:
*(undefined *)(param_2 + 0x44) = *(undefined *)(psVar14 + 6);
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 0x1a:
if (param_1 != 0)
// make invisible
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) | 0x80;
case 0x1b:
if (param_1 != 0)
// make visible
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0xffffff7f;
case 0x1c:
if (param_1 != 0) {
*(char *)(param_1 + 0x50) = *(char *)(param_1 + 0x50) + *(char *)(psVar14 + 6);
*(char *)(param_1 + 0x51) = *(char *)(param_1 + 0x51) + *(char *)(psVar14 + 6);
case 0x1d:
if (param_1 != 0) {
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) | *(uint *)(psVar14 + 6);
case 0x1e:
if (param_1 != 0) {
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & ~*(uint *)(psVar14 + 6);
case 0x1f:
*(undefined2 *)(param_2 + 4) = 0x1333;
case 0x20:
DAT_800b7760 = 1;
// CS_DestroyPodium_StartDriving
puVar4 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
DAT_800b0b88 = -1;
// hold 233 overlay, dont load 232 yet
PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2579] = 3;
*(uint *)(puVar4 + 8) = *(uint *)(puVar4 + 8) & 0xfffffffb;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 0x21:
DAT_800b0b88 = *(int *)(psVar14 + 6);
if ((DAT_800b0b88 == 0) && (0x11 < *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1e34))) {
DAT_800b0b88 = 9;
DAT_800b7774 = 1;
case 0x22:
uVar11 = *(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6);
*(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x180) = uVar11;
*(undefined4 *)(puVar3 + 0x274) = uVar11;
uVar6 = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) | 0x20;
*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x16) = uVar6;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 0x23:
// CS_Credits_IsTextValid
uVar7 = FUN_800b92a0();
goto joined_r0x800ad160;
case 0x24:
DAT_1f800108 = 0;
DAT_1f80010a = 0;
DAT_1f80010c = 0;
DAT_1f800118._0_2_ = 0;
DAT_1f800118._2_2_ = 0;
DAT_1f80011c._0_2_ = 0;
DAT_1f800110 = 0;
DAT_1f800112 = 0;
DAT_1f800114 = 0;
PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2575] = *(undefined *)(psVar14 + 6);
PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2576] = 0;
PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2577] = 0;
iVar10 = *(int *)(psVar14 + 6);
if (iVar10 == 0x8d) {
PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2575] = 0;
PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2576] = 0x8d;
iVar10 = *(int *)(psVar14 + 6);
if (iVar10 == 0x7e) {
DAT_1f800118._2_2_ = DAT_1f800118._2_2_ + 0x800;
DAT_1f800118._0_2_ = (short)DAT_1f800118 + DAT_800b7480;
DAT_1f800118._2_2_ = DAT_1f800118._2_2_ + DAT_800b7482;
DAT_1f80011c._0_2_ = (short)DAT_1f80011c + DAT_800b7484;
// make a thread for "dancer"
uVar11 = FUN_800af328
(*(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6),s_g_dancer_800ab9fc,&DAT_1f800108,0,0);
// store dancer thread globally,
// and erase old dancer thread if it exists
// CS_Credits_NewDancer
case 0x25:
// CS_Credits_NewCreditGhosts
uVar7 = FUN_800b9398();
uVar7 = uVar7 & 0xffff;
if (uVar7 == 0) goto switchD_800acf30_caseD_14;
case 0x26:
if (psVar14[3] == 0) {
if ((*(int *)(psVar14 + 4) != (int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)DAT_8008d914 * 2))
|| (DAT_800b8640 == 0)) {
uVar11 = *(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6);
local_34 = 1;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
else {
if ((*(int *)(psVar14 + 4) == (int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)DAT_8008d914 * 2))
&& (DAT_800b8640 == 1)) {
uVar11 = *(undefined4 *)(psVar14 + 6);
goto LAB_800ad9f4;
case 0x27:
if (*(uint *)(puVar3 + 0x1d00) >> 5 < *(uint *)(psVar14 + 6))
goto switchD_800acf30_caseD_14;
case 0x28:
// CS_Instance_SafeCheckAnimFrame
iVar12 = FUN_800ac638(param_1,local_3c,iVar8,iVar12 >> 5);
iVar12 = iVar12 << 5;
goto switchD_800acf30_caseD_14;
case 0x29:
// CS_Credits_End
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x4c) = local_68;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x50) = local_64;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x54) = local_60;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x58) = local_5c;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x5c) = local_58;
// kill cutscene thread
return 1;
case 0x2c:
sVar5 = psVar14[1];
if (sVar5 == 1) {
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) | *(uint *)(psVar14 + 6);
else {
if (sVar5 < 2) {
if (sVar5 == 0) {
*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac = *(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac | *(uint *)(psVar14 + 6);
else {
if (sVar5 == 2) {
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x256c) =
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x256c) | *(uint *)(psVar14 + 6);
else {
if (sVar5 == 3) {
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x256c) =
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x256c) & ~*(uint *)(psVar14 + 6);
case 0x2d:
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x2e) = psVar14[1];
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x30) = psVar14[2];
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x32) = psVar14[3];
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x34) = psVar14[8];
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x36) = psVar14[9];
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 0x2e:
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x139c) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar4 + 0x139e) = 0xfd56;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
goto LAB_800adcc0;
case 0x2f:
if (0 < *(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x139a)) goto switchD_800acf30_caseD_14;
case 0x30:
// cutscene manipulated audio
DAT_800b0b8c = 1;
// howl_VolumeSet
FUN_8002b130(0,(uint)*(byte *)(psVar14 + 1));
FUN_8002b130(1,(uint)*(byte *)(psVar14 + 2));
FUN_8002b130(2,(uint)*(byte *)(psVar14 + 3));
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x4c) = local_68;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x50) = local_64;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x54) = local_60;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x58) = local_5c;
*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x5c) = local_58;
return 0;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeNext
if ((local_30 != 0) || (local_34 != 0)) goto LAB_800acf08;
goto switchD_800acf30_caseD_14;
// CS_Thread_MoveOnPath
void FUN_800ade8c(int param_1)
ushort uVar1;
int *piVar2;
int iVar3;
short *psVar4;
int iVar5;
short *psVar6;
int iVar7;
uint uVar8;
uint uVar9;
int iVar10;
int iVar11;
short local_18;
short local_16;
short local_14;
// get object from thread
iVar11 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x30);
if ((*(ushort *)(iVar11 + 0x16) & 1) != 0) {
// get instance from thread
iVar10 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
// quit function if instance is null
if (iVar10 == 0) {
// instance -> model -> modelID
switch((int)(((uint)*(ushort *)(*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x18) + 0x10) - 0xa1) * 0x10000) >> 0x10) {
case 0:
case 0x3e:
// get ID from string
iVar3 = strlen(iVar10 + 8);
iVar3 = (uint)*(byte *)(iVar3 + iVar10 + 7) - 0x30;
// if ID less than number of spawn positions
if (*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x138) <= iVar3) {
// get spawn position for this ID
piVar2 = (int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x13c) + iVar3 * 8);
iVar3 = piVar2[1];
if (iVar3 == 0) {
uVar1 = *(ushort *)(iVar11 + 0x28);
iVar7 = (int)((uint)uVar1 << 0x10) >> 0x15;
*(short *)(iVar11 + 0x28) = uVar1 + *(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d04);
uVar9 = (uint)uVar1 & 0x1f;
if (*piVar2 + -1 <= iVar7) {
iVar7 = 0;
// instance -> model -> modelID == OXIDE_SPEAKER
if (*(short *)(*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x18) + 0x10) == 0xdf) {
iVar7 = *piVar2 + -2;
*(short *)(iVar11 + 0x28) = (short)iVar7 * 0x20;
else {
*(undefined2 *)(iVar11 + 0x28) = 0;
psVar4 = (short *)(iVar3 + iVar7 * 6);
*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x44) = (int)*psVar4 + ((int)(uVar9 * ((int)psVar4[3] - (int)*psVar4)) >> 5);
*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x48) =
(int)psVar4[1] + ((int)(uVar9 * ((int)psVar4[4] - (int)psVar4[1])) >> 5);
*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x4c) =
(int)psVar4[2] + ((int)(uVar9 * ((int)psVar4[5] - (int)psVar4[2])) >> 5);
if (*piVar2 + -1 <= iVar7) {
// instance -> model -> modelID == OXIDE_SPEAKER
if (*(short *)(*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x18) + 0x10) == 0xdf) {
local_18 = *(short *)(iVar11 + 0x20);
local_16 = ratan2((int)psVar4[3] - (int)*psVar4,(int)psVar4[5] - (int)psVar4[2]);
local_16 = *(short *)(iVar11 + 0x22) + local_16;
local_14 = *(short *)(iVar11 + 0x24);
case 1: //0xA1+1 = 0xA2 STATIC_PRTHINGINTRO
case 2: //0xA1+2 = 0xA3 STATIC_OXIDELILSHIP
case 0x39: //0xA1+0x39 = 0xDA STATIC_ENDOXIDEBIGSHIP
case 0x3a: //0xA1+0x3A = 0xDB STATIC_ENDOXIDELILSHIP
// get ID from string
iVar3 = strlen(iVar10 + 8);
iVar3 = (uint)*(byte *)(iVar3 + iVar10 + 7) - 0x30;
// LEV -> numSpawn1
if (*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x140) <= iVar3) {
// LEV -> ptrSpawn1
piVar2 = (int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x144) + iVar3 * 8);
iVar3 = piVar2[1];
if (iVar3 == 0) {
// increment by elapsed time per frame
uVar1 = *(ushort *)(iVar11 + 0x28);
*(short *)(iVar11 + 0x28) = *(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d04) + uVar1;
iVar5 = (int)((uint)uVar1 << 0x10) >> 0x15;
iVar7 = iVar5 << 1;
if (*piVar2 + -1 <= iVar5) {
iVar5 = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar11 + 0x28) = 0;
iVar7 = 0;
psVar4 = (short *)(iVar3 + (iVar7 + iVar5) * 4);
// instance position
*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x44) = (int)*psVar4;
*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x48) = (int)psVar4[1];
*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x4c) = (int)psVar4[2];
local_18 = psVar4[3];
local_16 = psVar4[4];
local_14 = psVar4[5];
goto switchD_800adf04_caseD_3;
// 0xA1 + 0x30 = 0xD1 STATIC_COCOSELECT,
// moves coco when selecting her in Adv Select
case 0x30:
// if spawn positions exist
if (0 < *(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x138))
// get pointer to spawn data
piVar2 = *(int **)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x13c);
psVar4 = (short *)piVar2[1];
if (psVar4 != (short *)0x0) {
uVar9 = 0;
if (*(char *)(iVar11 + 0x47) == '\x03') {
uVar9 = *(uint *)(iVar11 + 0x18);
uVar8 = uVar9 & 0x1f;
iVar11 = *piVar2;
iVar3 = (int)uVar9 >> 5;
if (iVar3 < iVar11 + -1) {
psVar6 = psVar4;
if (-1 < iVar3) {
psVar6 = psVar4 + iVar3 * 3;
psVar4 = psVar6 + 3;
else {
psVar4 = psVar4 + iVar11 * 3 + -3;
psVar6 = psVar4;
*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x44) = (int)*psVar6 + ((int)(uVar8 * ((int)*psVar4 - (int)*psVar6)) >> 5)
*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x48) =
(int)psVar6[1] + ((int)(uVar8 * ((int)psVar4[1] - (int)psVar6[1])) >> 5);
*(int *)(iVar10 + 0x4c) =
(int)psVar6[2] + ((int)(uVar8 * ((int)psVar4[2] - (int)psVar6[2])) >> 5);
goto switchD_800adf04_caseD_3;
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
FUN_8006c2a4(iVar10 + 0x30,&local_18);
// CS_Thread_AnimateScale
void FUN_800ae2b8(int param_1)
short sVar1;
bool bVar2;
int iVar3;
short sVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
// get instance from thread
iVar7 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
// get object from thread
iVar6 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x30);
if (
// if instance exists
(iVar7 != 0) &&
// scaleSpeed
iVar3 = (int)*(short *)(iVar6 + 0x2a),
// scaleSpeed exists
iVar3 != 0
// desired scale
sVar1 = *(short *)(iVar6 + 0x2c);
// scale + scaleSpeed
iVar5 = *(short *)(iVar7 + 0x1c) + iVar3;
// if scale is decreasing
if (iVar3 < 1)
// if scale change is not done
bVar2 = sVar1 < iVar5;
// if scale is increasing
// if scale change is not done
bVar2 = iVar5 < sVar1;
// scale = new scale
sVar4 = (short)iVar5;
// if change is done
if (!bVar2)
// erase scale speed
*(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x2a) = 0;
// scale = desired scale
sVar4 = sVar1;
// set instance scale (x, y, z)
*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x1c) = sVar4;
*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x1e) = sVar4;
*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x20) = sVar4;
// WARNING: Could not reconcile some variable overlaps
// CS_Thread_InterpolateFramesMS
void FUN_800ae318(int param_1)
undefined *puVar1;
undefined4 in_zero;
undefined4 in_at;
uint *puVar2;
uint uVar3;
uint *puVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
undefined4 local_20;
uint local_1c;
undefined4 local_18;
uint local_14;
// instance from thread
iVar5 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
// CS_Instance_GetFrameData (curr frame)
(iVar5,(uint)*(byte *)(iVar5 + 0x52),(int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 0x54),&local_20,0,0);
// CS_Instance_GetFrameData (next frame)
(iVar5,(uint)*(byte *)(iVar5 + 0x52),(int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 0x54),&local_18,0,1);
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
local_20 = CONCAT22((short)((uint)local_20 >> 0x10) + *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x48),
(short)local_20 + *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x44));
local_1c = local_1c & 0xffff0000 | (uint)(ushort)((short)local_1c + *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x4c));
local_18 = CONCAT22((short)((uint)local_18 >> 0x10) + *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x48),
(short)local_18 + *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x44));
local_14 = local_14 & 0xffff0000 | (uint)(ushort)((short)local_14 + *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x4c));
// backBuffer->primMem.curr
puVar4 = *(uint **)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0x80);
// backBuffer->primMem.endMin100
puVar2 = *(uint **)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0x84);
// if there is room in primMem
if (puVar4 + 6 < puVar2)
// tileView offset 0x28 (400 = 0x190 = 0x168+0x28)
setCopControlWord(2,0,*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 400));
setCopControlWord(2,0x800,*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x194));
setCopControlWord(2,0x1000,*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x198));
setCopControlWord(2,0x1800,*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x19c));
setCopControlWord(2,0x2000,*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a0));
setCopControlWord(2,0x2800,*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a4));
setCopControlWord(2,0x3000,*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a8));
setCopControlWord(2,0x3800,*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1ac));
// Perspective Transformation (Triple)
uVar3 = getCopReg(2,0xc);
puVar4[4] = uVar3;
uVar3 = getCopReg(2,0xd);
puVar4[5] = uVar3;
iVar5 = getCopReg(2,0x8800);
if (iVar5 - 1U < 0x11ff) {
uVar3 = 0x3f;
puVar4[1] = 0xe1000a20;
puVar4[2] = 0;
if (0xa00 < iVar5) {
iVar6 = (0x1200 - iVar5) * 0x3f;
uVar3 = iVar6 >> 0xb;
if (iVar6 < 0) {
uVar3 = iVar6 + 0x7ff >> 0xb;
puVar4[3] = uVar3 | uVar3 << 8 | uVar3 << 0x10 | 0x42000000;
iVar5 = iVar5 >> 6;
if (0x3ff < iVar5) {
iVar5 = 0x3ff;
puVar2 = (uint *)(*(int *)(puVar1 + 0x25c) + iVar5 * 4);
uVar3 = (uint)puVar4 & 0xffffff;
*puVar4 = *puVar2 | 0x5000000;
puVar4 = puVar4 + 6;
*puVar2 = uVar3;
// backBuffer->primMem.curr
*(uint **)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0x80) = puVar4;
// WARNING: Globals starting with '_' overlap smaller symbols at the same address
// CS_Thread_ThTick
// ND Box, Boss cutscenes, etc
void FUN_800ae54c(int param_1)
undefined *puVar1;
ushort uVar2;
int iVar3;
int iVar4;
int iVar5;
short local_20;
short local_1e;
undefined2 local_1c;
short local_1a;
// param1 is thread
// get object from thread
iVar5 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x30);
// CS_Thread_UseOpcode
// pass instance and object
iVar3 = FUN_800ac840(*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x34),iVar5);
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
if (
// if cutscene thread needs to die
(iVar3 != 0) &&
// thread is now dead
(*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) | 0x800,
// if going to credits
(*(uint *)(puVar1 + 8) & 0x80) != 0)
// CS_Thread_MoveOnPath
// CS_Thread_AnimateScale
// CS_Thread_Particles
// if this is a time animation, not a frame animation
if ((*(ushort *)(iVar5 + 0x16) & 0x40) != 0)
// CS_Thread_InterpolateFramesMS
// if instance exists
if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x34) != 0)
if (
// if parent thread exists
(*(int *)(param_1 + 0xc) != 0) &&
((*(ushort *)(iVar5 + 0x16) & 4) == 0)
// thread -> parent -> instance
iVar3 = *(int *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0xc) + 0x34);
// CS_Instance_GetFrameData
(iVar3,(uint)*(byte *)(iVar3 + 0x52),(int)*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x54),&DAT_1f800108,
// get instance from thread
iVar4 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
// position from thread
*(int *)(iVar4 + 0x44) = *(int *)(iVar3 + 0x44) + (int)DAT_1f800108;
*(int *)(iVar4 + 0x48) = *(int *)(iVar3 + 0x48) + (int)DAT_1f80010a;
*(int *)(iVar4 + 0x4c) = *(int *)(iVar3 + 0x4c) + (int)DAT_1f80010c;
if ((*(ushort *)(iVar5 + 0x16) & 0x10) == 0)
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
FUN_8006c2a4(iVar4 + 0x30,&DAT_1f800118);
// get instance from thread
iVar3 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
// if thread exists
if (iVar3 != 0)
if ((*(ushort *)(iVar5 + 0x16) & 8) != 0)
// CS_Instance_GetFrameData
(iVar3,(uint)*(byte *)(iVar3 + 0x52),(int)*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x54),&local_20,0,0);
_DAT_800b0b7c = (int)local_1e;
iVar3 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
if (iVar3 == 0) goto LAB_800ae744;
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
if (((*(ushort *)(iVar5 + 0x16) & 2) != 0) &&
(*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x22) = 0, (*(uint *)(puVar1 + 0x1cec) & 1) != 0)) {
uVar2 = FUN_8003ea28();
*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x22) = (uVar2 & 0x7ff) + 0x400;
// if pointer to subtitles exists
if (0 < (int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 0x32))
// Ripper Roo's cutscene subtitles
// DecalFont_DrawMultiLine
local_1a = FUN_80022b34(*(undefined4 *)((int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 0x32) * 4 + DAT_8008d878),
(int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 0x2e),(int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 0x30),0x1cc,
(int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 0x34),(int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 0x36));
local_1c = 0x1d8;
local_20 = *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x2e) + -0xec;
local_1a = local_1a + 8;
local_1e = *(short *)(iVar5 + 0x30) + -4;
// Draw 2D Menu rectangle background
FUN_800457b0(&local_20,4,*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0xa0));
// if cutscene is over
if (DAT_800b7760 != 0)
// This thread is now dead
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) | 0x800;
// CS_Boss_Init
void FUN_800ae834(int *param_1)
undefined4 *puVar1;
int iVar2;
int iVar3;
int *piVar4;
int iVar5;
iVar2 = 1;
// set mempack index
iVar5 = 3 - (int)*(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x254a);
// CDSYS_XAPauseRequest
puVar1 = &DAT_800b777c;
do {
*puVar1 = 0;
iVar2 = iVar2 + -1;
puVar1 = puVar1 + -1;
} while (-1 < iVar2);
// erase levID associated with this mempack
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + iVar5 * 2 + 0x254c) = 0xffff;
// MEMPACK_SwapPacks
// MEMPACK_ClearLowMem
// load_inProgress = true
DAT_8008d0a4 = 1;
if (*param_1 != 0)
// add to load queue, '3' means vram
FUN_80032d30(DAT_8008d09c,3,*param_1 + -1 + iVar5,0,0);
puVar1 = &DAT_800b777c;
piVar4 = param_1 + 2;
iVar2 = 1;
do {
iVar3 = iVar2;
if (*piVar4 != 0)
// add to load queue, '2' means dram
FUN_80032d30(DAT_8008d09c,2,*piVar4 + -1 + iVar5,puVar1,0xfffffffe);
puVar1 = puVar1 + -1;
iVar2 = iVar3 + -1;
piVar4 = piVar4 + -1;
} while (0 < iVar2);
// add to load queue, '2' means dram
FUN_80032d30(DAT_8008d09c,2,param_1[iVar3] + -1 + iVar5,0,&LAB_800ae81c);
// CS_Boss_ThTick
void FUN_800ae9a8(int param_1)
undefined *puVar1;
int iVar2;
int iVar3;
int *piVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
undefined2 local_60;
undefined2 local_5e;
undefined2 local_5c;
undefined2 local_58;
undefined2 local_56;
undefined2 local_54;
undefined2 local_50;
undefined2 local_4e;
undefined2 local_4c;
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// first determine which cutscene will play
if (DAT_800b0b88 < 0)
// Intro Boss Cutscene
// subtract 25 from lev ID to get adv hub index (0-5)
iVar6 = (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) + -0x19) * 2;
iVar2 = (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) + -0x19) * 4;
// If you are at podium after winning a Key
if (*(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2572) == 99)
// Outro Boss Cutscene
iVar6 = iVar6 + 1;
iVar2 = iVar6 * 2;
iVar2 = iVar2 * 4 + iVar6 * 5;
else {
iVar2 = DAT_800b0b88 * 0xd;
// array index
iVar2 = iVar2 * 4;
// iVar2 now holds which cutscene will play
// first state of boss cutscene
case 0:
case 1:
// set state to 2
DAT_800b7774 = 2;
// set desired screen brightness to black
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x139c) = 0;
// set brightness to subtract each frame
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x139e) = 0xfc00;
case 2:
// if tileView_UI is fully faded to black
if (*(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x139a) == 0)
// podium "other" threads
iVar6 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1c30);
// kill this thread and all siblings
while (iVar6 != 0)
// This thread is now dead
*(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x1c) | 0x800;
// thread = thread->sibling
iVar6 = *(int *)(iVar6 + 0x10);
// if all podium threads are dead
if (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1c30) == 0)
// CS_Boss_Init
FUN_800ae834(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b78); // 800B7488
// go to state 3
DAT_800b7774 = 3;
case 3:
iVar6 = 0;
if (DAT_800b7778 != 0) {
piVar4 = &DAT_800b7778;
do {
if (*piVar4 != 0) {
if (iVar6 != 0) {
*piVar4 = *piVar4 + 4;
*(int *)(puVar1 + (int)*(short *)(*piVar4 + 0x10) * 4 + 0x2160) = *piVar4;
iVar6 = iVar6 + 1;
piVar4 = piVar4 + 1;
} while (iVar6 < 2);
iVar6 = 0;
// change active mempack
FUN_8003e80c((int)*(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x254a));
local_60 = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b54); // 0x800B74AC
local_5e = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b52); // 0x800B74AE
local_5c = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b50); // 0x800B74B0
local_50 = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b4c); // 0x800B74B4
iVar7 = 1;
local_4e = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b4a); // 0x800B74B6
local_4c = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b48); // 0x800B74B8
piVar4 = &DAT_800b777c;
local_58 = 0;
local_56 = 0;
local_54 = 0;
do {
if (0 < iVar7) {
iVar6 = 0;
if ((*piVar4 != 0) &&
// make a thread, return instance
iVar6 = FUN_800af328((int)*(short *)(*piVar4 + 0x10),*piVar4,&local_60,0,iVar6),
// check for valid instance
iVar6 != 0
// Get instance from thread
iVar3 = *(int *)(iVar6 + 0x34);
// get object from thread
iVar5 = *(int *)(iVar6 + 0x30);
if (iVar7 == 0)
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
FUN_800ac1ec(iVar5,*(undefined4 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b68)); // 0x800B7498
*(undefined2 *)(iVar5 + 0x14) = 0;
// Set scale (x, y, z)
*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x1c) = 0x1000;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x1e) = 0x1000;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x20) = 0x1000;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar5 + 0x2c) = 0x1000;
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
iVar7 = iVar7 + -1;
piVar4 = piVar4 + -1;
} while (-1 < iVar7);
// set camera position and rotation for cutscene
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x168) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b64);
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x16a) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b62);
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x16c) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b60);
*(short *)(puVar1 + 0x16e) = *(short *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b5c) + 0x800;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x170) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b5a);
// stage 4
DAT_800b7774 = 4;
// last camera variable
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x172) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar2 + -0x7ff48b58);
// set desired brightness to normal brightness
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x139c) = 0x1000;
// set screen to get brighter every frame
*(undefined2 *)(puVar1 + 0x139e) = 0x400;
case 4:
// if screen is at max brightness
if (*(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x139a) == 0x1000)
// next stage, start playing cutscene
DAT_800b7774 = 5;
case 5:
// if cutscene is over
if (DAT_800b7760 == 1)
// podium reward
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2572) = 0;
// This thread is now dead
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) | 0x800;
// CS_Boss_BoolShouldStart
undefined4 FUN_800aed48(void)
undefined4 uVar1;
short *psVar2;
if (
// If you are not at the podium for winning a relic
(*(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2572) != 0x61) ||
// if number of relics is less than 18
(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1e34) < 0x12)
) ||
((DAT_8008fbb0 & 0x100000) != 0)
) &&
// If you are not at podium for winning a key
(*(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2572) != 99)
psVar2 = *(short **)(*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x144) + 0xc);
uVar1 = 1;
if (
// driver -> instance -> posX
*(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x1c) + 0x44) == (int)*psVar2
) &&
uVar1 = 0,
// driver -> instance -> posZ
*(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x1c) + 0x4c) != (int)psVar2[2]
uVar1 = 1;
return uVar1;
return 1;
// CS_Podium_Camera_ThTick
void FUN_800aedf8(int param_1)
uint *puVar1;
short sVar2;
undefined *puVar3;
ushort uVar4;
int iVar5;
uint uVar6;
undefined4 uVar7;
int iVar8;
int iVar9;
ushort *puVar10;
undefined2 local_28;
undefined2 local_26;
undefined2 local_24;
undefined2 local_20;
undefined2 local_1e;
undefined2 local_1c;
undefined auStack24 [8];
// get object from thread
puVar10 = *(ushort **)(param_1 + 0x30);
// if at podium, and driver needs to be hidden
if (*puVar10 == 0)
// VehPtr_Dead_Init
*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x54) = 0x80067930;
// CameraDC, it must be zero to follow you
// "if the camera is following the player"
if (*(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1532) != 3)
if (DAT_800b7774 < 1) {
DAT_800b7774 = 1;
DAT_800b7770 = 1;
if (
(DAT_800b7774 != 0) ||
// if pressed Start to skip scene
(DAT_800b0b84 != 0)
) &&
// if cup is beaten now, that was not previously beaten
((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0x1000) != 0)
) &&
// if XA is not playing
(DAT_8008d908 == 0)
// "Save Your Cup Progress?\0"
uVar7 = 0x236;
// if battle map is unlocked now, that was not previously unlocked
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0x2000) != 0)
// "Save Your Cup Progress?\n"
// "New Battle Arena Opened!
uVar7 = 0x237;
// PrixSaveBox_Activate
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0xffffcfff;
if ((DAT_800b7774 == 0) || (DAT_8008d908 != 0)) {
iVar5 = FUN_80018b18();
iVar8 = (iVar5 << 0x15) >> 0x10;
if (iVar8 != 0) {
_uVar4 = (uint)*puVar10 + (uint)*(ushort *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d04);
uVar4 = (ushort)_uVar4;
iVar9 = _uVar4 * 0x10000 >> 0x10;
if (iVar8 + -0x12c0 < iVar9) {
DAT_800b7770 = 1;
if (iVar8 <= iVar9) {
_uVar4 = iVar5 * 0x20 + -1;
uVar4 = (ushort)_uVar4;
if (DAT_800b7774 < 1) {
DAT_800b7774 = 1;
iVar5 = _uVar4 * 0x10000 >> 0x15;
DAT_800b7764 = iVar5;
*puVar10 = uVar4;
// CAM_Path_Move
puVar3 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// store result in tileView pos and rot
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x168) = local_28;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x16a) = local_26;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x16c) = local_24;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x16e) = local_20;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x170) = local_1e;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x172) = local_1c;
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0x1000) != 0) goto LAB_800af2ec;
// _DAT_8008d878 + 0x324
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x324),0x100,0xbe,1,0xffff8000);
puVar3 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
if (((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0x1000) == 0) && (DAT_8008d908 == 0))
// If do not tap the "Start" button
if (((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2b0 + 0x14) & 0x1000) == 0) &&
// If do not tap the "Start" button or "Cross" button
(((DAT_800b7774 == 0 || ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2b0 + 0x14) & 0x1010) == 0)) &&
// if podium scene flag is enabled
((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 4) != 0))))
// === if you're here, it means podium scene must end ===
// If you're not in Adventure Mode
if ((*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x80000) == 0)
// return to main menu
DAT_8008d97c = 0;
*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac = *(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0xffefffff | 0x2000;
// podium reward
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x2572) = 0;
*(uint *)(puVar3 + 8) = *(uint *)(puVar3 + 8) & 0xfffffffb;
// go to main menu
// if you are in adventure mode
DAT_800b7770 = 1;
// render flags
puVar1 = (uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x256c);
// podium reward
sVar2 = *(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2572);
// zero confetti winners
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2568) = 0;
// no more confetti
*(uint *)(puVar3 + 0x256c) = *puVar1 & 0xfffffffb;
// If this is not a "beaten oxide" podium
if (sVar2 != 0x38)
// CS_Boss_BoolShouldStart
iVar5 = FUN_800aed48();
puVar3 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// if you do not go to boss cutscene
if (iVar5 == 0) {
DAT_800b7760 = 1;
// This thread is now dead
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) | 0x800;
// CS_DestroyPodium_StartDriving
// podium reward
sVar2 = *(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2572);
// if trophy
if (sVar2 == 0x62)
// "congratulations, you win a trophy"
iVar5 = 0xc;
if (sVar2 < 99)
// "congratulations, you won a gem"
iVar5 = 0x15;
// if reward is relic
if (sVar2 == 0x61)
// "great, you earn a relic"
iVar5 = 0x13;
// if key
if (sVar2 == 99)
// "good job, you earned a key"
iVar5 = 0xd;
// "congratulations, you won a gem"
iVar5 = 0x15;
// if token
if (sVar2 == 0x7d)
// "excellent work, you've collected a CTR token"
iVar5 = 0x14;
// Weapon_Mask_boolGoodGuy
uVar6 = FUN_80064be4(*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec));
// if player uses uka
if ((uVar6 & 0xffff) == 0)
// increment index to uka voices
iVar5 = iVar5 + 0x1f;
// pause cd
// podium reward
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2572) = 0;
// At this point, there must be a boss cutscene,
// or else the function would return by now
// Change ThTick function, CS_Boss_ThTick
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x2c) = 0x800ae9a8;
// If you are not at the podium for winning a relic
if (*(short *)(puVar3 + 0x2572) != 0x61) {
DAT_800b0b88 = 0xffffffff;
// less than 18 relics
if (*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x1e34) < 0x12) {
DAT_800b0b88 = 0xffffffff;
// Assuming the last relic was just won...
DAT_800b0b88 = *(int *)(puVar3 + 0x1a10) + -0x10;
// at this point, this must be "oxide beaten" podium,
// or else the function would have returned
// podium reward
*(undefined2 *)(puVar3 + 0x2572) = 0;
*(uint *)puVar3 = *(uint *)puVar3 & 0xffefffff;
*(uint *)(puVar3 + 8) = *(uint *)(puVar3 + 8) & 0xfffffffb;
// load LEV for beat oxide any%
uVar7 = 0x2a;
if ((DAT_8008fbb0 & 0x100000) != 0)
// load LEV for beat oxide 100%
uVar7 = 0x2b;
// load LEV
// This thread is now dead
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) | 0x800;
// If you tap the "Start" button
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2b0 + 0x14) & 0x1000) != 0) {
DAT_800b0b84 = 1;
// CS_Thread_Init
int FUN_800af328
(uint param_1,undefined4 param_2,short *param_3,short param_4,undefined4 param_5)
undefined4 in_zero;
undefined4 in_at;
int iVar1;
undefined **ppuVar2;
int iVar3;
undefined *puVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
undefined4 uVar7;
int *piVar8;
int iVar9;
// if this is IntroCam
if (param_1 == 0)
iVar9 = 0;
// THREAD_BirthWithObject
// 0x60 = size
// 0 = no relation to param4
// 0x200 = MediumStackPool
// 0xf = camera thread bucket
// thread for CS_Thread_ThTick
iVar1 = FUN_8004205c(0x60020f,FUN_800ae54c,param_2,param_5);
// quit if thread creation failed
if (iVar1 == 0) {
return 0;
// if this is not IntroCam
// "other" thread bucket
uVar7 = 0xd;
if (param_1 - 199 < 2)
// "aku aku" thread bucket
uVar7 = 0xe;
if (param_1 - 0xc1 < 4)
// ghost thread bucket
uVar7 = 2;
// create a thread, return instance,
// this one is for a different pool than prev
// 0x200 flag = MediumStackPool
// thread for CS_Thread_ThTick
iVar9 = FUN_800309a4(param_1,param_2,0x200,uVar7,FUN_800ae54c,0x60,param_5);
// quit if it failed
if (iVar9 == 0) {
return 0;
// get the thread
iVar1 = *(int *)(iVar9 + 0x6c);
// set funcThDestroy to remove instance from instance pool
*(undefined4 *)(iVar1 + 0x24) = 0x80041dfc;
// get object attached to thread
piVar8 = *(int **)(iVar1 + 0x30);
*(int **)(piVar8 + 4) = piVar8 + 0x13;
piVar8[0x12] = 0;
piVar8[0x10] = -1;
// disable subtitles?
// all cutscene threads have same object?
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar8 + 0x32) = 0xffff;
// if this is IntroCam
if (param_1 == 0)
// levelID
iVar3 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10);
// Naughty Dog Box
if (iVar3 == 0x29) {
puVar4 = &DAT_800b4990;
// any%
if (iVar3 == 0x2a) {
puVar4 = &DAT_800b46fc;
// 101%
if (iVar3 == 0x2b) {
puVar4 = &DAT_800b472c;
// oxide intro, or credits
else {
// if not credits
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0x80) == 0)
// this is for oxide intro
ppuVar2 = &PTR_DAT_800b45bc_800b46d8;
iVar3 = (iVar3 + -0x1e) * 4;
// if going to credits
// this is for credits
ppuVar2 = &PTR_DAT_800b474c_800b4928;
iVar3 = (iVar3 + -0x2c) * 4;
// array + byte offset
puVar4 = *(undefined **)(iVar3 + (int)ppuVar2);
// if this is not IntroCam
// if modelID >= NDI_BOX_BOX_01
if (0xb5 < (int)param_1)
// if modelID is between 0xb6 and 0xb6+0x2b,
// anything titled "NDI_"
if (param_1 - 0xb6 < 0x2b)
puVar4 = (&PTR_DAT_800b49b8_800b5a7c)[param_1 - 0xb6];
// if model ID == 0xE1, STATIC_GNORMALZ
puVar4 = &DAT_800b2e28;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
// NDI_KART 0,1,2,3
if (param_1 - 0xc1 < 4) {
piVar8[0x12] = param_1 * 8 + -0x7ff492d8;
goto LAB_800af5ec;
// Boss Heads
if (param_1 - 0xa9 < 5) {
puVar4 = &DAT_800b2e28;
if (param_1 == 0xaf) {
puVar4 = &DAT_800b2e40;
// if this is a TAWNA dancer of any type
if (param_1 - 0x8f < 4)
// if not credits
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0x80) == 0) {
puVar4 = &DAT_800b17b4;
// if credits
else {
puVar4 = &DAT_800b17dc;
// if driver STATIC_DANCE model ID
if (param_1 - 0x7e < 0x10)
// if this is the driver in first place
if (param_1 == (uint)(byte)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2575])
// win models
ppuVar2 = &PTR_DAT_800b180c_800b2e78;
// if not in first place
// lose models
ppuVar2 = &PTR_DAT_800b2eb8_800b418c;
// byte-offset in array
iVar3 = (param_1 - 0x7e) * 4;
goto LAB_800af5d8;
puVar4 = &DAT_800b2e28;
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
piVar8[6] = *(int *)(piVar8[4] + 8);
// Random number
iVar3 = FUN_8003ea28();
iVar5 = piVar8[4];
*(short *)(piVar8 + 5) =
*(short *)(iVar5 + 4) +
(short)((int)((iVar3 >> 2 & 0xfffU) *
(((int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 6) - (int)*(short *)(iVar5 + 4)) + 1)) >> 0xc);
if (iVar9 != 0)
setCopReg(2,in_zero,*(undefined4 *)(param_3 + 4));
setCopReg(2,in_at,*(undefined4 *)(param_3 + 6));
// llv0 cop2 $04A6012 v0 * light matrix
iVar6 = getCopReg(2,0xc800);
iVar3 = getCopReg(2,0xd000);
iVar5 = getCopReg(2,0xd800);
*(int *)(iVar9 + 0x44) = iVar6 + *param_3;
*(int *)(iVar9 + 0x48) = iVar3 + param_3[1];
puVar4 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
*(int *)(iVar9 + 0x4c) = iVar5 + param_3[2];
// if level is not naughty dog box scene
if (*(int *)(puVar4 + 0x1a10) != 0x29) {
*(undefined2 *)(iVar9 + 0x1c) = 0x2800;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar9 + 0x1e) = 0x2800;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar9 + 0x20) = 0x2800;
// if adventure hub
if (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) - 0x19U < 5) {
*(char *)(iVar9 + 0x50) = *(char *)(iVar9 + 0x50) + -4;
*(char *)(iVar9 + 0x51) = *(char *)(iVar9 + 0x51) + -4;
param_3[0xc] = param_3[8];
param_3[0xe] = param_3[10];
param_3[0xd] = param_3[9] + param_4;
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
FUN_8006c2a4(iVar9 + 0x30,param_3 + 0xc);
*(ushort *)(piVar8 + 7) = param_3[0xd] & 0xfff;
*(ushort *)(piVar8 + 8) = param_3[0xc] & 0xfff;
*(ushort *)((int)piVar8 + 0x22) = param_3[0xd] & 0xfff;
*(ushort *)(piVar8 + 9) = param_3[0xe] & 0xfff;
*(undefined *)(piVar8 + 0x11) = 0xff;
puVar4 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
*(undefined2 *)(piVar8 + 10) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar8 + 0x1e) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar8 + 0x16) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar8 + 0x2a) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(piVar8 + 0xb) = 0x2800;
// gGT -> iconGroup
iVar9 = *(int *)(puVar4 + 0x2114);
*(undefined2 *)(piVar8 + 1) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar8 + 6) = 0;
piVar8[2] = 0x2e808080;
*(undefined2 *)(piVar8 + 3) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar8 + 0xe) = 0;
// set ptrIcons, iconGroup->icons
*piVar8 = iVar9 + 0x14;
return iVar1;
// CS_Podium_Prize_Spin
// param_1 instance
// param_2 object
void FUN_800af7c0(int param_1,int param_2)
undefined *puVar1;
short sVar2;
int iVar3;
int iVar4;
uint uVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
undefined2 local_18;
short local_16;
undefined2 local_14;
// spin rotY
*(short *)(param_2 + 10) = *(short *)(param_2 + 10) + 100;
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
FUN_8006c2a4(param_1 + 0x30,param_2 + 8);
// gamepad buffer
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2b0;
// if no specular lighting, quit
if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0x20000) == 0) {
sVar2 = *(short *)(param_2 + 0x20);
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x20) = sVar2 + 0x3f;
// if ((gGS->gamepad[1].buttonsHeldCurrFrame & BTN_L1) != 0)
if ((*(uint *)(puVar1 + 0x60) & 0x800) != 0)
*(short *)(param_2 + 0x20) = sVar2;
iVar3 = ((uint)*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x20) & 0xfff) - 0x800;
if (iVar3 < 0) {
iVar3 = -iVar3;
uVar5 = (int)*(short *)(param_2 + 0x18) +
(((int)*(short *)(param_2 + 0x1c) - (int)*(short *)(param_2 + 0x18)) * iVar3 >> 0xb);
// approximate trigonometry
iVar7 = *(int *)(&DAT_800845a0 + (uVar5 & 0x3ff) * 4);
sVar2 = (short)iVar7;
iVar3 = iVar7 >> 0x10;
local_16 = (short)((uint)iVar7 >> 0x10);
if ((uVar5 & 0x400) == 0) {
iVar3 = (int)sVar2;
if ((uVar5 & 0x800) != 0) {
local_16 = -local_16;
goto LAB_800af8b4;
else {
local_16 = sVar2;
if ((uVar5 & 0x800) == 0) {
local_16 = -sVar2;
else {
iVar3 = -iVar3;
iVar7 = ((uint)*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x20) & 0xfff) - 0x800;
if (iVar7 < 0) {
iVar7 = -iVar7;
uVar5 = (int)*(short *)(param_2 + 0x1a) +
(((int)*(short *)(param_2 + 0x1e) - (int)*(short *)(param_2 + 0x1a)) * iVar7 >> 0xb);
// approximate trigonometry
sVar2 = (short)*(int *)(&DAT_800845a0 + (uVar5 & 0x3ff) * 4);
iVar7 = *(int *)(&DAT_800845a0 + (uVar5 & 0x3ff) * 4) >> 0x10;
if ((uVar5 & 0x400) == 0) {
iVar4 = (int)sVar2;
if ((uVar5 & 0x800) == 0) goto LAB_800af948;
iVar6 = -iVar7;
else {
iVar6 = (int)sVar2;
iVar4 = iVar7;
if ((uVar5 & 0x800) == 0) {
iVar7 = -iVar6;
goto LAB_800af948;
iVar4 = -iVar4;
iVar7 = iVar6;
local_18 = (undefined2)(iVar3 * iVar7 >> 0xc);
local_14 = (undefined2)(iVar3 * iVar4 >> 0xc);
// Vector_SpecLightSpin3D
FUN_8005741c(param_1,param_2 + 8,&local_18);
// CS_Podium_Prize_ThTick3
void FUN_800af994(int param_1)
undefined *puVar1;
short sVar2;
int iVar3;
undefined4 uVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
int iVar8;
// get instance from thread
iVar6 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
// get object from thread
iVar7 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x30);
sVar2 = *(short *)(iVar7 + 0x26) + -1;
*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x26) = sVar2;
iVar5 = (int)sVar2;
if (iVar5 != 0) {
iVar8 = iVar5 * (0x100 - (int)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x10));
iVar3 = (int)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x28);
if (iVar3 == 0) {
if ((iVar3 == -1) && (iVar8 == -0x80000000)) {
iVar5 = iVar5 * (0x6c - (int)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x12));
if (iVar3 == 0) {
if ((iVar3 == -1) && (iVar5 == -0x80000000)) {
iVar8 = ((int)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x10) + iVar8 / iVar3 + -0x100) * -*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x4c);
if (iVar8 < 0) {
iVar8 = iVar8 + 0xff;
iVar5 = ((int)*(short *)(iVar7 + 0x12) + iVar5 / iVar3 + -0x6c) * *(int *)(iVar6 + 0x4c);
*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x44) = iVar8 >> 8;
if (iVar5 < 0) {
iVar5 = iVar5 + 0xff;
*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x48) = iVar5 >> 8;
// shrink scale
sVar2 = *(short *)(iVar6 + 0x1c) + -0x4b0;
*(short *)(iVar6 + 0x1c) = sVar2;
// set min scale
if (sVar2 < 0x1001) {
*(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x1c) = 0x1000;
// scale y and scale z
*(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x20) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x1c);
*(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x1e) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x1c);
// CS_Podium_Prize_Spin
// Give hints at the end of each race
// CS_Boss_BoolShouldStart
iVar5 = FUN_800aed48();
// if you do not go to boss cutscene
if (iVar5 == 0)
// if hint is not unlocked
if ((DAT_8008fbb4 & 0x4000) == 0)
// Map Information
// (part of welcome to adv arena)
uVar4 = 0x18;
// if hint is not unlocked
if ((DAT_8008fbb4 & 0x1000) == 0)
// Wumpa Fruit Hint
uVar4 = 0x16;
// if hint is not unlocked
if ((DAT_8008fbb4 & 0x2000) == 0)
// TNT Hint
uVar4 = 0x17;
// if hint is not unlocked
if ((DAT_8008fbb4 & 0x10) == 0)
// Hang Time Turbo Hint
uVar4 = 0xe;
// if hint is not unlocked
if ((DAT_8008fbb4 & 0x20) == 0)
// Power Sliding Hint
uVar4 = 0xf;
// if hint is not unlocked
if ((DAT_8008fbb4 & 0x40) == 0)
// Turbo Boost Hint
uVar4 = 0x10;
// If hint is unlocked, skip
if ((DAT_8008fbb4 & 0x80) != 0) goto LAB_800afa68;
// if hint is not unlocked,
// Brake Sliding Hint
uVar4 = 0x11;
// Request Aku Hint,
// also calls VehPtr_Freeze_Init
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// begin the async 232 load
PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2579] = 2;
*(uint *)(puVar1 + 8) = *(uint *)(puVar1 + 8) & 0xfffffffb;
// Play "Unlock" Sound
// This thread is now dead
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) | 0x800;
// CS_Podium_Prize_ThTick2
void FUN_800afbc8(int param_1)
short sVar1;
int iVar2;
int iVar3;
int iVar4;
// get object from thread
iVar3 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x30);
// get instance from thread
iVar4 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
if ((int)*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x2a) < 5) {
if ((*(ushort *)(iVar3 + 0x2a) & 1) == 0)
// scaleX
iVar2 = (uint)*(ushort *)(iVar4 + 0x1c) + 800 + (int)*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x2a) * 400;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar4 + 0x1c) = (short)iVar2;
if (((int)*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x2a) + 1) * 0x28a + 0x2000 < iVar2 * 0x10000 >> 0x10)
// frame counter
*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x2a) = *(short *)(iVar3 + 0x2a) + 1;
// scaleX
sVar1 = *(short *)(iVar4 + 0x1c) + -800;
*(short *)(iVar4 + 0x1c) = sVar1;
if (sVar1 < 0x1001)
// frame counter
*(short *)(iVar3 + 0x2a) = *(short *)(iVar3 + 0x2a) + 1;
// scaleY and scaleZ
*(undefined2 *)(iVar4 + 0x20) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar4 + 0x1c);
*(undefined2 *)(iVar4 + 0x1e) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar4 + 0x1c);
// CS_Podium_Prize_Spin
// execute, then assign per-frame funcPtr to thread
// CS_Podium_Prize_ThTick1
void FUN_800afcc4(int param_1)
bool bVar1;
undefined *puVar2;
short sVar3;
int iVar4;
short *psVar5;
int iVar6;
// get instance from thread
iVar6 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
// get object from thread
psVar5 = *(short **)(param_1 + 0x30);
if (DAT_800b7770 != 0) {
if (*(short *)(param_1 + 0x44) != 0x38)
// Make visible
*(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x28) & 0xffffff7f;
sVar3 = FUN_80058f54((int)psVar5[0x12],0x14,0);
psVar5[0x12] = sVar3;
sVar3 = FUN_80058f54((int)psVar5[0x11],1,0);
psVar5[0x11] = sVar3;
// Sine(angle)
iVar4 = FUN_8003d184((int)psVar5[5]);
*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x44) = (int)*psVar5 + (psVar5[0x11] * iVar4 >> 0xc);
*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x48) = (int)psVar5[1] + (int)psVar5[0x12];
// Cosine(angle)
iVar4 = FUN_8003d1c0((int)psVar5[5]);
bVar1 = DAT_800b7760 == 0;
*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x4c) = (int)psVar5[2] + (psVar5[0x11] * iVar4 >> 0xc);
if (bVar1)
// CS_Podium_Prize_Spin
psVar5[0x14] = 0xf;
psVar5[0x13] = 0xf;
psVar5[0x15] = 0;
*(undefined *)(iVar6 + 0x50) = 0x80;
*(undefined *)(iVar6 + 0x51) = 0x80;
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// instance scale (x, y, z)
*(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x1c) = 0x1000;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x1e) = 0x1000;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x20) = 0x1000;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar6 + 0x44) = 0;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar6 + 0x48) = 0;
*(undefined **)(iVar6 + 0x74) = puVar2 + 5000;
*(int *)(iVar6 + 0x4c) = (int)psVar5[10];
// OtherFX_Stop2
// Play Sound
// 0x9A - "Boing boing" -- when adding to trophy counter
// execute, then assign per-frame funcPtr to thread
// CS_Podium_Prize_ThDestroy
void FUN_800afe58(struct Thread* t)
// remove bit flag
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0xf8ffffff;
// THREAD_DestroyInstance
// CS_Podium_Prize_Init
void FUN_800afe90(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2,short *param_3)
short sVar1;
undefined *puVar2;
int iVar3;
int iVar4;
uint uVar5;
undefined4 uVar6;
uint uVar7;
undefined4 uVar8;
undefined *puVar9;
undefined4 uVar10;
short *psVar11;
// create thread, get instance
// 0x200 flag = MediumStackPool
// 0xd = "other" thread bucket
iVar3 = FUN_800309a4(param_1,param_2,0x200,0xd,FUN_800afcc4,0x2c,0);
if (iVar3 == 0) {
if (DAT_800b7774 < 1) {
DAT_800b7774 = 1;
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0xfffffffb;
// set scale (x, y, z)
*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x1c) = 0x2000;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x1e) = 0x2000;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x20) = 0x2000;
// make invisible
*(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) | 0x80;
// get object from thread
psVar11 = *(short **)(*(int *)(iVar3 + 0x6c) + 0x30);
// instance -> thread -> funcThDestroy
*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(iVar3 + 0x6c) + 0x24) = 0x800afe58;
psVar11[0x11] = 0x40;
psVar11[0x12] = 0x200;
psVar11[4] = 0;
psVar11[5] = 0;
psVar11[6] = 0;
// llv0 cop2 $04A6012 v0 * light matrix
uVar6 = getCopReg(2,0xc800);
uVar8 = getCopReg(2,0xd000);
uVar10 = getCopReg(2,0xd800);
*psVar11 = *param_3 + (short)uVar6;
psVar11[1] = param_3[1] + (short)uVar8 + 0x1c0;
sVar1 = param_3[2];
psVar11[10] = -0x200;
psVar11[2] = sVar1 + (short)uVar10;
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008625c;
// if reward is [empty], used for Oxide Podium
case 0x38:
// make invisible
uVar5 = *(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) | 0x80;
goto LAB_800b01f4;
goto switchD_800affe8_caseD_39;
// if reward is gem
case 0x5f:
// get the ID of the cup you just finished
iVar4 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1e58) * 8;
// get color of the gem based off the cup ID
*(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x24) =
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_80084116 + iVar4) << 0x14 |
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_80084118 + iVar4) << 0xc | (int)*(short *)(&DAT_8008411a + iVar4) << 4
psVar11[0xc] = 0x5d3;
psVar11[0xd] = 0x718;
psVar11[0xe] = 0x590;
psVar11[0xf] = 0x609;
// specular lighting
uVar5 = *(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) | 0x20000;
*(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) = uVar5;
psVar11[8] = 0x100;
psVar11[9] = 0x6c;
// if reward is relic
case 0x61:
// previous levID, + 0x3a (0x3a is first bit of platinum relic)
uVar5 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1eb4) + 0x3a;
// if you have not earned a platinum relic on this track
if (((uint)(&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar5 >> 5] >> (uVar5 & 0x1f) & 1) == 0)
// previous levID, + 0x28 (0x2a is the first bit of gold relic)
uVar5 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1eb4) + 0x28;
// if you have not earned a gold relic on this track
if (((uint)(&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar5 >> 5] >> (uVar5 & 0x1f) & 1) == 0)
// sapphire color
uVar6 = 0x20a5ff0;
// if you earned a gold relic on this track
// gold color
uVar6 = 0xd8d2090;
// if you earned a platinum relic on this track
// platinum color
uVar6 = 0xffede90;
// set color of relic
*(undefined4 *)(iVar3 + 0x24) = uVar6;
psVar11[0xc] = 0x2ab;
psVar11[0xd] = 0x436;
psVar11[0xe] = 0x1eb;
psVar11[0xf] = 0x670;
// specular lighting
*(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) | 0x20000;
psVar11[8] = *(short *)(puVar2 + 0x70);
puVar9 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
psVar11[9] = *(short *)(puVar2 + 0x72) + -0x3c;
uVar5 = *(uint *)(puVar9 + 8);
uVar7 = 0x1000000;
// if reward is trophy
case 0x62:
psVar11[8] = *(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008625c + 0x80);
sVar1 = *(short *)(puVar2 + 0x82);
psVar11[10] = -200;
psVar11[9] = sVar1 + -0x3c;
puVar9 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// set scale (x, y, z)
*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x1c) = 0x4000;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x1e) = 0x4000;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar3 + 0x20) = 0x4000;
uVar5 = *(uint *)(puVar9 + 8);
uVar7 = 0x4000000;
// if reward is key
case 99:
*(undefined4 *)(iVar3 + 0x24) = 0xdca6000;
psVar11[0xc] = 0x1d9;
psVar11[0xd] = 0x5db;
psVar11[0xe] = 0x2da;
psVar11[0xf] = 0x54b;
// specular lighting
*(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar3 + 0x28) | 0x20000;
psVar11[8] = *(short *)(puVar2 + 0x78);
puVar9 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
psVar11[9] = *(short *)(puVar2 + 0x7a) + -0x3c;
uVar5 = *(uint *)(puVar9 + 8);
uVar7 = 0x2000000;
*(uint *)(puVar9 + 8) = uVar5 | uVar7;
// 800b021c CS_Podium_Stand_ThTick
// CS_Podium_Stand_Init
void FUN_800b0248(short *param_1)
short sVar1;
int iVar2;
// create thread for "podium", return instance
// 0x300 flag = SmallStackPool
// 0xd = "thread" bucket
iVar2 = FUN_800309a4(0xa8,s_podium_800abc9c,0x300,0xd,&LAB_800b021c,0,0);
// if the instance was built
if (iVar2 != 0)
// set funcThDestroy to remove instance from instance pool
*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x6c) + 0x24) = 0x80041dfc;
// set X and Y positions for podium
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x44) = (int)*param_1;
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x48) = (int)param_1[1];
sVar1 = param_1[2];
*(char *)(iVar2 + 0x51) = *(char *)(iVar2 + 0x51) + '\x02';
*(char *)(iVar2 + 0x50) = *(char *)(iVar2 + 0x50) + '\x02';
// set Z position of podium
*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x4c) = (int)sVar1;
// rotation
param_1[0xc] = param_1[8];
param_1[0xd] = param_1[9];
param_1[0xe] = param_1[10];
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
FUN_8006c2a4(iVar2 + 0x30,param_1 + 0xc);
// CS_Podium_FullScene_Init
void FUN_800b0300(void)
char *pcVar1;
undefined *puVar2;
undefined *puVar3;
int iVar4;
undefined4 uVar5;
// pos xyz
undefined2 local_50;
short local_4e;
undefined2 local_4c;
// some other pos xyz
undefined2 local_48;
undefined2 local_46;
undefined2 local_44;
// rot xyz
undefined2 local_40;
undefined2 local_3e;
undefined2 local_3c;
// matrix
undefined4 local_30;
undefined4 local_2c;
undefined4 local_28;
undefined4 local_24;
undefined4 local_20;
// assume cutscene did not manipulate audio
DAT_800b0b8c = 0;
// Make a backup of FX volume, clamp to 0x100
DAT_800b7768 = howl_VolumeGet(0);
DAT_800b7768 = DAT_800b7768 & 0xff;
// Make a backup of Music volume, clamp to 0x100
DAT_800b776a = howl_VolumeGet(1);
DAT_800b776a = DAT_800b776a & 0xff;
// Make a backup of Voice volume, clamp to 0x100
DAT_800b776c = howl_VolumeGet(2);
DAT_800b776c = DAT_800b776c & 0xff;
DAT_800b7760 = 0;
DAT_800b7774 = 0;
DAT_800b7770 = 0;
// P1 (9900C) + 0x1c (instSelf)
iVar4 = *(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec) + 0x1c);
DAT_800b7764 = 0;
// Make invisible
*(uint *)(iVar4 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar4 + 0x28) | 0x80;
// VehPtr_Freeze_Init
FUN_80062d04(*(undefined4 *)(iVar4 + 0x6c), *(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x24ec));
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// Number of Winners = 1
// this means Draw Confetti on one window
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2568) = 1;
// Set winnerIndex[0] to 0, to draw
// confetti on the first tileView
*(undefined4 *)(puVar2 + 0x2558) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar2 + 0x1b04) = 200;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar2 + 0x1b06) = 200;
puVar2[0x1d31] = puVar2[0x1d31] & 0xfe;
puVar3 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// Draw Confetti
*(uint *)(puVar2 + 0x256c) = *(uint *)(puVar2 + 0x256c) | 4;
// gGT + 8 |= 4
*(uint *)(puVar3 + 8) = *(uint *)(puVar3 + 8) | 4;
// position and rotation of podium scene
local_50 = *(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x144) + 0xc) + 0)
local_4e = *(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x144) + 0xc) + 2) + 0x80;
local_4c = *(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x144) + 0xc) + 4);
local_40 = *(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x144) + 0xc) + 6);
local_3e = *(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x144) + 0xc) + 8);
local_3c = *(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(puVar3 + 0x160) + 0x144) + 0xc) + 10);
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// podium_modelIndex_Third
pcVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2577;
// CameraDC, freecam mode
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1532) = 3;
// if someone placed third
if (*pcVar1 != '\0') {
local_48 = 299;
local_46 = 0xffab;
local_44 = 0;
// create thread for "third"
// if someone placed second
if (PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2576] != '\0') {
local_48 = 0xfed5;
local_46 = 0xffd6;
local_44 = 0;
// create thread for "second"
local_48 = 0;
local_46 = 0;
local_44 = 0;
// create thread for "first"
local_48 = 0x1a8;
local_46 = 0xff80;
local_44 = 0x140;
// create thread for "tawna"
// CS_Podium_Prize_Init
FUN_800afe90 // podium reward
((int)*(short *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2572),s_prize_800abcc4,&local_50);
// CS_Podium_Stand_Init
// THREAD_BirthWithObject
// 0x4 = size
// 0 = no relation to param4
// 0x300 flag = SmallStackPool
// 0xf = camera thread bucket
iVar4 = FUN_8004205c(0x4030f,FUN_800aedf8,s_victorycam_800abccc,0);
// if it allocated correctly
if (iVar4 != 0)
// initialize first "short" of the object to zero
**(undefined2 **)(iVar4 + 0x30) = 0;
// change victory music based on who
// is first in the podium
switch(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac[0x2575]) {
case 0x7e:
case 0x81:
case 0x8c:
uVar5 = 10;
case 0x7f:
case 0x82:
case 0x8a:
uVar5 = 8;
uVar5 = 0xc;
case 0x84:
case 0x85:
uVar5 = 7;
case 0x86:
case 0x89:
uVar5 = 0xb;
case 0x87:
case 0x88:
case 0x8b:
uVar5 = 9;
// CS_LevThread_LInB
// for all cutscene threads
void FUN_800b06ac(int param_1)
short sVar1;
short sVar2;
short sVar3;
int iVar4;
int iVar5;
undefined *puVar6;
int *piVar7;
DAT_800b7760 = 0;
// If this Instance's thread does not exist
if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x6c) == 0)
// THREAD_BirthWithObject
// 0x60 = size
// 0 = no relation to param4
// 0x200 = MediumStackPool
// 0x3 = static thread bucket
// thread for CS_Thread_ThTick
iVar4 = FUN_8004205c(0x600203,FUN_800ae54c,s_introguy_800abd18,0);
// give thread to Instance
*(int *)(param_1 + 0x6c) = iVar4;
// if the thread failed to allocate
if (iVar4 == 0)
// quit
// get the object that is attached to the thread
piVar7 = *(int **)(iVar4 + 0x30);
// Give Instance to thread
*(int *)(iVar4 + 0x34) = param_1;
*(int **)(piVar7 + 4) = piVar7 + 0x13;
piVar7[0x10] = -1;
// disable subtitles
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar7 + 0x32) = 0xffff;
// instance -> model -> modelID
iVar4 = (int)*(short *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x10);
if (iVar4 < 0xb6)
// instance -> model -> modelID
// more than 0x96
// less than 0x96+0x10
if ((ushort)(*(short *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x10) - 0x96U) < 0x10)
// 0x96 - 0xA6, all STATIC_INTRO types
puVar6 = (&PTR_DAT_800b41cc_800b457c)[iVar4 + -0x96];
// between 0xA6 and 0xB6
puVar6 = &DAT_800b2e28;
// more than 0xB6
// any of the ND Box types
puVar6 = (&PTR_DAT_800b49b8_800b5a7c)[iVar4 + -0xb6];
// CS_ScriptCmd_OpcodeAt
piVar7[6] = *(int *)(piVar7[4] + 8);
iVar4 = FUN_8003ea28();
iVar5 = piVar7[4];
sVar1 = *(short *)(iVar5 + 6);
sVar3 = *(short *)(iVar5 + 4);
sVar2 = *(short *)(iVar5 + 4);
*(undefined2 *)(piVar7 + 7) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(piVar7 + 8) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar7 + 0x22) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(piVar7 + 9) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(piVar7 + 10) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar7 + 0x1e) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar7 + 0x16) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar7 + 0x2a) = 0;
piVar7[0x12] = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(piVar7 + 0xb) = 0x1000;
*(undefined *)(piVar7 + 0x11) = 0xff;
puVar6 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
*(short *)(piVar7 + 5) =
sVar3 + (short)((int)((iVar4 >> 2 & 0xfffU) * (((int)sVar1 - (int)sVar2) + 1)) >> 0xc);
iVar4 = *(int *)(puVar6 + 0x2114);
*(undefined2 *)(piVar7 + 1) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar7 + 6) = 0;
piVar7[2] = 0x2e808080;
*(undefined2 *)(piVar7 + 3) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar7 + 0xe) = 0;
*piVar7 = iVar4 + 0x14;
// intro montage for Polar
if (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) == 0x21) {
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x56) = 0;
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) | 0x4000;
// CS_LevCamera_OnInit
// for oxide intro and ND box
void FUN_800b087c(void)
undefined2 local_48;
undefined2 local_46;
undefined2 local_44;
undefined2 local_40;
undefined2 local_3e;
undefined2 local_3c;
undefined2 local_38;
undefined2 local_36;
undefined2 local_34;
// create thread for "introcam"
// if not going to credits
if ((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0x80) == 0)
// If this is the Naughty Dog Box Scene
if (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) == 0x29)
// CS_Instance_InitMatrix
local_48 = 0;
local_46 = 0;
local_44 = 0;
local_38 = 0;
local_36 = 0;
local_34 = 0;
local_40 = 0;
local_3e = 0;
local_3c = 0;
// Create 19 threads for the Naughty Dog Box Scene
// 800abd70 = "CODE"
// 800abd78 = "GLOW"
// 800abd80 = "LID"
// 800abd84 = "LIDB"
// 800abd84 = "LIDC"
// 800abd84 = "LIDD"
// 800abd84 = "LID2"
// There are 5 cars that appear in the cutscene,
// but the pointers and strings suggest there
// could have been 8
// if going to credits
DAT_800b7760 = 0;
// CS_Credits_Init
// CS_Instance_InitMatrix
// CS_BoxScene_InstanceSplitLines
void FUN_800b0b38(void)
undefined2 uVar1;
int iVar2;
// split-line = 0
uVar1 = _DAT_800b0b7c;
// ghost thread bucket
iVar2 = *(int *)((byte*)&PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1b54);
// loop through ghosts
while (iVar2 != 0)
// thread -> instance -> split-line
*(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x34) + 0x56) = uVar1;
// go to next ghost
iVar2 = *(int *)(iVar2 + 0x10);
// CS_Garage_ZoomOut
void FUN_800b7784(short param_1)
// if just entered garage
if (param_1 == 0)
// use no frames,
// just use default zoomed out position
DAT_800b863c = 0;
// number of frames to zoom in, or out,
// when selecting or cancelling OSK
DAT_800b863c = (undefined2)DAT_800b85cc;
DAT_800b8638 = 0;
DAT_800b8640 = 0;
DAT_800b863e = 0;
DAT_800b863a = DAT_800b863c;
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0xfffdffff;
if (param_1 == 0)
// Garage_Init
// Garage_Enter
// Audio_SetState_Safe
// CS_Garage_MenuBoxFuncPtr
void FUN_800b7834(void)
bool bVar1;
undefined *puVar2;
short sVar3;
short sVar4;
int iVar5;
undefined2 *puVar6;
int iVar7;
uint *puVar8;
uint uVar9;
short *psVar10;
uint *puVar11;
int iVar12;
uint *puVar13;
int iVar14;
int iVar15;
int iVar16;
int iVar17;
undefined **ppuVar18;
undefined4 uVar19;
ushort *puVar20;
ushort uVar21;
uint uVar22;
short local_70;
undefined2 local_6e;
short local_6c;
undefined2 local_6a;
uint local_68;
undefined4 local_64;
uint local_60;
undefined4 local_5c;
undefined2 local_58;
undefined2 local_56;
undefined2 local_54;
undefined2 local_50;
undefined2 local_4e;
undefined2 local_4c;
undefined auStack72 [8];
ushort local_40;
uint *local_38;
int local_30;
int local_2c;
// CameraDC, freecam mode
*(undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1532) = 3;
// subtract transition timer by one frame
sVar4 = DAT_800b8638 + -1;
// if mid-transition, skip some code
if (DAT_800b8638 != 0) goto LAB_800b821c;
// At this point, there must not be a transition
// between drivers, so start drawing the UI
iVar17 = 0;
// bar length (animated) in adv character selection
psVar10 = &DAT_800b85e8;
iVar7 = (int)(short)DAT_8008d914;
DAT_800b85ee = DAT_800b85ee + 1;
// animate growth of all three stat bars
do {
// if bar length is less than character stat
if (*psVar10 <
// array of engine-specific stats
*(short *)(&DAT_800b85f8 +
iVar17 * 2 +
// engineID from MetaDataCharacters
*(int *)(&DAT_80086d90 + (int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + iVar7 * 2) * 0x10
) * 6))
// make bar grow
*psVar10 = *psVar10 + 3;
// if bar length is more than character stat
if (
// array of engine-specific stats
*(short *)(&DAT_800b85f8 +
iVar17 * 2 +
// engineID from MetaDataCharacters
*(int *)(&DAT_80086d90 + (int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + iVar7 * 2) * 0x10
) * 6) < *psVar10)
// set bar length to character stat
*psVar10 =
// array of engine-specific stats
*(short *)(&DAT_800b85f8 +
iVar17 * 2 +
// engineID from MetaDataCharacters
*(int *)(&DAT_80086d90 +
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + iVar7 * 2) * 0x10) * 6);
// loop to next bar
iVar17 = iVar17 + 1;
psVar10 = psVar10 + 1;
} while (iVar17 < 3);
if ((*(short *)(&DAT_80086d88 +
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)(short)DAT_8008d914 * 2) * 0x10) ==
0x2e) ||
(uVar19 = 0x17f,
*(short *)(&DAT_80086d88 +
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)(short)DAT_8008d914 * 2) * 0x10) == 0x33
)) {
uVar19 = 0x81;
local_40 = 0x80;
uVar22 = 0x8b;
else {
local_40 = 0x180;
uVar22 = 0x189;
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x914
// "Speed"
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x914),uVar19,0x1e,1,0x4022);
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x918
// "Accel"
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x918),uVar19,0x2d,1,0x4021);
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x91C
// "Turn"
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x91c),uVar19,0x3c,1,0x4020);
iVar7 = 0;
if ((*(uint *)(&DAT_80086d90 +
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)(short)DAT_8008d914 * 2) * 0x10) != 3)
&& (iVar7 = 2,
*(uint *)(&DAT_80086d90 +
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)(short)DAT_8008d914 * 2) * 0x10) < 2))
iVar7 = 1;
iVar17 = 0;
local_38 = &local_68;
uVar21 = 0x21;
local_2c = 0x28;
local_30 = 0x22;
// Draw a string
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)((int)(short)(&DAT_800b85f0)[iVar7] * 4 + DAT_8008d878),
// bar length (animated)
puVar20 = &DAT_800b85e8;
// 3 bars (speed, accel, turn)
do {
local_60 = uVar22 | (uint)uVar21 << 0x10;
local_5c = CONCAT22(7,*puVar20);
local_68 = local_60;
local_64 = local_5c;
local_60 = DAT_800b7780;
// CTR_Box_DrawWireBox
// pointer to OT memory
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x147c),
// pointer to PrimMem struct
*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0x74);
local_68 = CONCAT22((undefined2)local_30,(short)uVar22 + 1);
local_60 = local_60 & 0xff000000;
local_64 = CONCAT22(5,*puVar20 - 2);
// CTR_Box_DrawWireBox
// pointer to OT memory
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x147c),
// pointer to PrimMem struct
*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0x74);
iVar16 = 0;
// color data of bars (blue green yellow red)
puVar13 = &DAT_800b861c;
iVar15 = 4;
iVar7 = 0;
iVar14 = 0xd;
// 6 bars (color variation)
do {
iVar12 = 0xd;
if ((short)*puVar20 <= iVar14) {
iVar12 = (uint)*puVar20 - iVar7;
sVar4 = (short)iVar12;
iVar5 = (iVar12 << 0x10) >> 0x10;
if (iVar12 << 0x10 < 0) {
sVar4 = 0;
iVar5 = 0;
if (iVar7 + iVar5 <= (int)(short)*puVar20)
// backbuffer
iVar12 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10);
// primMem curr
puVar8 = *(uint **)(iVar12 + 0x80);
puVar11 = (uint *)0x0;
// near end of Prim mem
if (puVar8 <= *(uint **)(iVar12 + 0x84)) {
*(uint **)(iVar12 + 0x80) = puVar8 + 9;
puVar11 = puVar8;
// quit if prim mem runs out
if (puVar11 == (uint *)0x0) {
// color data
puVar11[1] = *puVar13 | 0x38000000;
puVar11[3] = *(uint *)((int)&DAT_800b861c + iVar15) | 0x38000000;
puVar11[5] = *puVar13 | 0x38000000;
uVar9 = *(uint *)((int)&DAT_800b861c + iVar15);
sVar3 = (short)uVar22 + (short)iVar7;
*(short *)(puVar11 + 2) = sVar3;
*(short *)(puVar11 + 6) = sVar3;
*(short *)(puVar11 + 4) = sVar3 + sVar4;
*(ushort *)((int)puVar11 + 10) = uVar21;
*(ushort *)((int)puVar11 + 0x12) = uVar21;
*(undefined2 *)((int)puVar11 + 0x1a) = (short)local_2c;
*(undefined2 *)((int)puVar11 + 0x22) = (short)local_2c;
puVar11[7] = uVar9 | 0x38000000;
// gGT
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
*(short *)(puVar11 + 8) = *(short *)(puVar11 + 6) + sVar4;
// pointer to OT memory
puVar8 = *(uint **)(puVar2 + 0x147c);
*puVar11 = *puVar8 | 0x8000000;
*puVar8 = (uint)puVar11 & 0xffffff;
puVar13 = puVar13 + 1;
iVar15 = iVar15 + 4;
iVar7 = iVar7 + 0xd;
iVar16 = iVar16 + 1;
iVar14 = iVar14 + 0xd;
} while (iVar16 < 6);
uVar21 = uVar21 + 0xf;
puVar20 = puVar20 + 1;
iVar17 = iVar17 + 1;
local_2c = local_2c + 0xf;
local_30 = local_30 + 0xf;
} while (iVar17 < 3);
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x924
// "Intermediate"
// DecalFont_GetLineWidth
sVar4 = FUN_800224d0(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x924),1);
local_70 = (local_40 - (sVar4 >> 1)) + -6;
local_6e = 0xb;
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x924
// "Intermediate"
// DecalFont_GetLineWidth
local_6c = FUN_800224d0(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x924),1);
local_6c = local_6c + 0xc;
local_6a = 0x44;
// Draw 2D Menu rectangle background
FUN_800457b0(&local_70,4,*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0xa0));
// Draw a string
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)
((int)*(short *)(&DAT_80086d88 +
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)(short)DAT_8008d914 * 2
) * 0x10) * 4 + DAT_8008d878),0x100,0xb4,1,0xffff8000
iVar7 = 0;
if ((DAT_8008d970 & 4) == 0) {
iVar7 = 3;
// DecalFont_GetLineWidth
iVar17 = FUN_800224d0(*(undefined4 *)
((int)*(short *)(&DAT_80086d88 +
(int)*(short *)(&DAT_800b85d8 +
(int)(short)DAT_8008d914 * 2) * 0x10) * 4 +
iVar17 = ((iVar17 << 0x10) >> 0x10) - ((iVar17 << 0x10) >> 0x1f) >> 1;
// Color data
ppuVar18 = &PTR_DAT_80081d70 + iVar7;
// Draw arrow pointing Left
// largeFont
*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2124) + 0xf4),
0xec - iVar17,
// pointer to PrimMem struct
*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0x74,
// pointer to OT memory
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x147c),
*(undefined4 *)*ppuVar18,*(undefined4 *)(*ppuVar18 + 4),
*(undefined4 *)(*ppuVar18 + 8),*(undefined4 *)(*ppuVar18 + 0xc),0,0x1000,0x800);
// Draw arrow pointing Right
// largeFont
*(undefined4 *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2124) + 0xf4),
iVar17 + 0x112,
// pointer to PrimMem struct
*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x10) + 0x74,
// pointer to OT mem
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x147c),
*(undefined4 *)*ppuVar18,*(undefined4 *)(*ppuVar18 + 4),
*(undefined4 *)(*ppuVar18 + 8),*(undefined4 *)(*ppuVar18 + 0xc),0,0x1000,0);
sVar4 = DAT_800b8638;
if (
((*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x256c) & 0x1000) != 0) ||
// If you dont press Triangle, Cross, Circle, or Square
((DAT_8008d950 & 0x40070) == 0 &&
// If you dont press D-pad
((DAT_8008d974 & 0xc) == 0))
) goto LAB_800b821c;
iVar7 = 2;
// If you dont press D-pad
if ((DAT_8008d974 & 0xc) == 0)
// If you do not press Cross or Circle
if ((DAT_8008d950 & 0x50) == 0)
// If you press Triangle or Square
if ((DAT_8008d950 & 0x40020) != 0)
// Play Sound
sVar4 = DAT_800b863a;
if (DAT_800b8640 == 1) {
DAT_800b8640 = 0;
bVar1 = DAT_800b863a < DAT_800b85cc;
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0xfffdffff;
if (bVar1) {
DAT_800b863c = (short)DAT_800b85cc - sVar4;
// return to main menu
DAT_8008d97c = 0;
// Garage_Leave
// load main menu LEV
// If you press Cross or Circle
// _DAT_800b8640 is the boolean for "Have you selected character?"
// If true, it will show an animation, and then show the
// OSK (keyboard) screen. If set to 0 after in that screen,
// the screen does not disappear
// if false
if (DAT_800b8640 == 0)
// make it true
DAT_800b8640 = 1;
// if true
else {
if (DAT_800b8640 == 1)
// set desiredMenuBox to OSK (on-screen keyboard)
DAT_8008d924 = &DAT_80085c0c;
// set Character ID of P1 to the
// character you see in the
// 3D Character Selection screen
// Naughty Dog mistake:
// This line still works, but it is redundant,
// shouldn't need to pull characterID from array,
// should just be 80086e84 = DAT_8008d914
DAT_80086e84 = *(undefined2 *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)(short)DAT_8008d914 * 2);
// set icon ID to match Character ID
DAT_8008fbce = DAT_80086e84;
// Play Sound
else {
puVar6 = &DAT_800b85ec;
do {
*puVar6 = 0;
iVar7 = iVar7 + -1;
puVar6 = puVar6 + -1;
} while (-1 < iVar7);
// Play Sound
// If you dont press Left
if ((DAT_8008d974 & 4) == 0)
// If you dont press Right
if ((DAT_8008d974 & 8) != 0)
uVar21 = DAT_8008d914 + 1;
goto LAB_800b8084;
// If you press Left
else {
uVar21 = DAT_8008d914 - 1;
// previous equals current
DAT_8008d91c = DAT_8008d914;
// add one, then chop of all "bits" that come after 7,
// that way, the number 8 turns into 0, so you stay in bounds
DAT_8008d914 = uVar21 & 7;
// Garage_MoveLR
// reset frame counter to max number of frames
DAT_800b8638 = DAT_800b85c4;
if (DAT_800b863a < DAT_800b85cc) {
DAT_800b863c = (short)DAT_800b85cc - DAT_800b863a;
DAT_800b8640 = 0;
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0xfffdffff;
// clear gamepad input (for menus)
sVar4 = DAT_800b8638;
DAT_800b8638 = sVar4;
// if frames remain
if (0 < DAT_800b863a)
// decrease zoom frame timer
DAT_800b863a = DAT_800b863a + -1;
sVar4 = DAT_800b863e;
if (
((DAT_800b8640 == 1) && (DAT_800b863a == 0)) &&
0x3b < DAT_800b863e ||
sVar4 = DAT_800b863e + 1,
(*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 8) & 0x20000) != 0
// set desiredMenuBox to OSK (on-screen keyboard)
DAT_8008d924 = &DAT_80085c0c;
// set Character ID of P1 to the
// character you see in the
// 3D Character Selection screen
// Naughty Dog mistake:
// This line still works, but it is redundant,
// shouldn't need to pull characterID from array,
// should just be 80086e84 = DAT_8008d914
DAT_80086e84 = *(undefined2 *)(&DAT_800b85d8 + (int)(short)DAT_8008d914 * 2);
// set Icon ID to match Character ID
DAT_8008fbce = DAT_80086e84;
// Play Sound
sVar4 = DAT_800b863e;
DAT_800b863e = sVar4;
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
if (DAT_800b8640 == 0) {
DAT_800b863a = (short)DAT_800b85cc;
if (DAT_800b863c != 0) {
DAT_800b863c = DAT_800b863c + -1;
puVar6 = (undefined2 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x168);
// if current is zero, and previous is 7
if ((DAT_8008d914 == 0) && (DAT_8008d91c == 7))
sVar4 = 0xf0 - DAT_800b8638;
// if current is not zero, or if previous is not 7
// if current is 7, and previous is 0
if ((DAT_8008d914 == 7) && (DAT_8008d91c == 0)) {
sVar4 = DAT_800b8638 + 0xd2;
// if current is not 7, or if previous is not zero
// if current is less more previous (you move right)
if ((short)DAT_8008d91c < (short)DAT_8008d914) {
sVar4 = DAT_8008d914 * 0x1e - DAT_800b8638;
// if current is less than previous (you move left)
else {
sVar4 = DAT_8008d914 * 0x1e + DAT_800b8638;
// animation frame index,
// pointer to position,
// pointer to rotation
// CAM_Path_Move
// set position and rotation to tileView
*puVar6 = local_58;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar2 + 0x16a) = local_56;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar2 + 0x16c) = local_54;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar2 + 0x16e) = local_50;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar2 + 0x170) = local_4e;
iVar7 = (int)DAT_800b863c;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar2 + 0x172) = local_4c;
if (iVar7 == 0) {
iVar7 = (DAT_800b85cc - DAT_800b863a) *
(DAT_800b85d4 - DAT_800b85d0);
if (DAT_800b85cc == 0) {
if ((DAT_800b85cc == -1) && (iVar7 == -0x80000000)) {
else {
iVar7 = iVar7 * (DAT_800b85d4 - DAT_800b85d0);
if (DAT_800b85cc == 0) {
if ((DAT_800b85cc == -1) && (iVar7 == -0x80000000)) {
iVar7 = DAT_800b85d0 + iVar7 / DAT_800b85cc;
// what? Why is this tileView[1]
*(int *)(puVar2 + 0x274) = iVar7;
*(int *)(puVar2 + 0x180) = iVar7;
// CS_Garage_GetMenuBox
undefined * FUN_800b854c(void)
// this "MenuBox" is what displays the driver stats,
// driver name, and arrows, before selecting the driver
return &DAT_800b8598;
// CS_Garage_Init
void FUN_800b8558(void)
// go to 3D character selection
DAT_8008d908 = &DAT_800b8598;
DAT_800b85a0 = DAT_800b85a0 & 0xfffffffb;
// CS_Garage_ZoomOut (0 = just entered garage)
// CS_Credits_AnimateCreditGhost
void FUN_800b8668(int param_1,int param_2,short param_3)
short sVar1;
uint uVar2;
int iVar3;
int iVar4;
undefined4 *puVar5;
undefined4 *puVar6;
undefined4 *puVar7;
int iVar8;
undefined4 uVar9;
undefined4 uVar10;
undefined4 uVar11;
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x54) = *(undefined2 *)(param_2 + 0x54);
*(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x52) = *(undefined *)(param_2 + 0x52);
sVar1 = (param_3 + 1) * 300 + 0x1000;
// copy position and rotation from one instance to the next
uVar9 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x34);
uVar10 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x38);
uVar11 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x3c);
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x30) = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x30);
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x34) = uVar9;
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x38) = uVar10;
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x3c) = uVar11;
uVar9 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x44);
uVar10 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x48);
uVar11 = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x4c);
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x40) = *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x40);
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x44) = uVar9;
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x48) = uVar10;
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x4c) = uVar11;
// Set Scale (X, Y, Z)
*(short *)(param_1 + 0x20) = sVar1;
*(short *)(param_1 + 0x1e) = sVar1;
*(short *)(param_1 + 0x1c) = sVar1;
// Make Visible
uVar2 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0xffffff7f;
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = uVar2;
// there is no model pointer
if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) == 0)
// Make invisible
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = uVar2 | 0x80;
*(short *)(param_1 + 0x22) = (param_3 + 1) * 0x276;
iVar3 = (int)param_3 * 0x18;
// set modelPtr
*(undefined **)(param_1 + 0x18) = &DAT_800b9764 + iVar3;
puVar5 = *(undefined4 **)(param_2 + 0x18);
uVar9 = puVar5[1];
uVar10 = puVar5[2];
uVar11 = puVar5[3];
*(undefined4 *)(&DAT_800b9764 + iVar3) = *puVar5;
*(undefined4 *)(&DAT_800b9768 + iVar3) = uVar9;
*(undefined4 *)(&DAT_800b976c + iVar3) = uVar10;
*(undefined4 *)(&DAT_800b9770 + iVar3) = uVar11;
uVar9 = puVar5[5];
*(undefined4 *)(&DAT_800b9774 + iVar3) = puVar5[4];
*(undefined4 *)(&DAT_800b9778 + iVar3) = uVar9;
*(int *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x14) = (int)param_3 * 0x80 + -0x7ff46b1c;
iVar3 = (int)*(short *)(*(int *)(param_2 + 0x18) + 0x12);
iVar8 = 0;
if (0 < iVar3) {
iVar4 = 0;
do {
puVar6 = (undefined4 *)((iVar4 >> 10) + *(int *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x18) + 0x14));
puVar5 = (undefined4 *)((iVar4 >> 10) + *(int *)(*(int *)(param_2 + 0x18) + 0x14));
puVar7 = puVar5 + 0x10;
do {
uVar9 = puVar5[1];
uVar10 = puVar5[2];
uVar11 = puVar5[3];
*puVar6 = *puVar5;
puVar6[1] = uVar9;
puVar6[2] = uVar10;
puVar6[3] = uVar11;
puVar5 = puVar5 + 4;
puVar6 = puVar6 + 4;
} while (puVar5 != puVar7);
iVar8 = iVar8 + 1;
iVar4 = iVar8 * 0x10000;
} while (iVar8 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < iVar3);
// CS_Credits_GetNextString
char * FUN_800b8810(char *param_1)
char cVar1;
cVar1 = *param_1;
while (cVar1 != '\0') {
if (cVar1 == '\r') goto LAB_800b884c;
param_1 = param_1 + 1;
cVar1 = *param_1;
if (*param_1 != '\r') {
return (char *)0;
return param_1 + 1;
// CS_Credits_DestroyCreditGhost
void FUN_800b885c(void)
int iVar1;
int iVar2;
iVar2 = 0;
iVar1 = 0;
// loop through five instances
FUN_80030aa8(*(undefined4 *)((int)&DAT_800b94d0 + (iVar1 >> 0xe)));
iVar2 = iVar2 + 1;
iVar1 = iVar2 * 0x10000;
} while (iVar2 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < 5);
// MEMPACK_ClearHighMem
// CS_Credits_DrawNames
void FUN_800b88c8(int param_1)
byte *pbVar1;
byte bVar2;
bool bVar3;
undefined4 uVar4;
int iVar5;
char *pcVar6;
int iVar7;
short sVar8;
byte *pbVar9;
int iVar10;
int *piVar11;
int iVar12;
char *pcVar13;
ushort uVar14;
int iVar15;
iVar15 = 0;
if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x330) != 0)
// subtract height, make text move upward
sVar8 = *(short *)(param_1 + 0x32c) + -1;
*(short *)(param_1 + 0x32c) = sVar8;
// if a line scrolls up, off-screen
if (sVar8 < -0x14)
// CS_Credits_GetNextString
uVar4 = FUN_800b8810(*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x330));
// increment starting string, to next string
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x330) = uVar4;
// add 20 pixels to posY (move down)
*(short *)(param_1 + 0x32c) = *(short *)(param_1 + 0x32c) + 0x14;
// draw posY
iVar5 = (int)*(short *)(param_1 + 0x32c);
// start string
pcVar13 = *(char **)(param_1 + 0x330);
iVar10 = iVar5;
// keep looping through lines until last
// line of text is drawn off-screen (posY < 276)
while (iVar10 < 0x114)
uVar14 = 0;
if (*pcVar13 == '~') {
pbVar9 = (byte *)(pcVar13 + 2);
iVar10 = iVar15;
uVar14 = 0;
do {
pbVar1 = pbVar9 + -1;
bVar2 = *pbVar9;
pbVar9 = pbVar9 + 3;
iVar7 = (uint)bVar2 + ((uint)*pbVar1 - 0x30) * 10 + -0x30;
pcVar13 = pcVar13 + 3;
iVar15 = iVar7;
if ((0x31 < iVar7) && (iVar15 = iVar10, 0x33 < iVar7)) {
if (iVar7 == 0x34) {
uVar14 = uVar14 | 0x2000;
else {
if (iVar7 == 0x35) {
uVar14 = uVar14 | 0x1000;
iVar10 = iVar15;
} while (*pcVar13 == '~');
// CS_Credits_GetNextString
pcVar6 = (char *)FUN_800b8810(pcVar13);
// if this is the last string
if (pcVar6 == (char *)0x0)
// strlen to get string length of pcVar13
sVar8 = strlen(pcVar13);
// if a next string was found
// get length with pointer subtraction
sVar8 = ((short)pcVar6 - (short)pcVar13) + -1;
iVar7 = (int)(short)iVar5;
iVar10 = 0x14;
if (iVar7 < 0x83) {
bVar3 = false;
if (iVar7 < 0x14) goto LAB_800b8a48;
else {
iVar7 = 0x96 - iVar7;
bVar3 = iVar7 < 0x14;
iVar10 = iVar7;
iVar7 = iVar15;
if (
(bVar3) &&
// if all blue relics
(DAT_800b94b0 != 0))
// if text is above epilogue,
// and below the top line of text
if (iVar10 < 1) {
iVar7 = -1;
// if text is below epilogue,
// or the top line of text
else {
iVar12 = 0;
// Color data
piVar11 = (int *)((int)&PTR_DAT_80081d70 + ((iVar15 << 0x10) >> 0xe));
iVar10 = (iVar10 << 8) / 0x14;
// modify four global colors,
// make a transparent version that blends with black background
// modify color 0x1F - 0x22
iVar7 = (iVar12 << 0x10) >> 0xe;
(&DAT_80081d30)[iVar7] = (char)((uint)*(byte *)(*piVar11 + iVar7) * iVar10 >> 8);
(&DAT_80081d31)[iVar7] = (char)((uint)*(byte *)(*piVar11 + iVar7 + 1) * iVar10 >> 8);
iVar12 = iVar12 + 1;
(&DAT_80081d32)[iVar7] = (char)((uint)*(byte *)(*piVar11 + iVar7 + 2) * iVar10 >> 8);
iVar7 = 0x1f;
} while (iVar12 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < 4);
if (-1 < iVar7 << 0x10)
// DecalFont_DrawLineStrlen
(int)(short)((ushort)iVar7 | uVar14));
// increment posY, for drawing next line
iVar5 = iVar5 + 0x14;
// if a NextString was not found
if (pcVar6 == (char *)0x0)
// quit, credits are over
iVar10 = iVar5 * 0x10000 >> 0x10;
pcVar13 = pcVar6;
// CS_Credits_DrawEpilogue
void FUN_800b8bd0(int param_1)
// white text that says where
// characters go, after CTR timeline
bool bVar1;
ushort uVar2;
undefined4 uVar3;
int iVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x334) == 0) {
// decrease 200-frame timer
uVar2 = *(short *)(param_1 + 0x33c) - 1;
*(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x33c) = uVar2;
// if timer runs out
if ((int)((uint)uVar2 << 0x10) < 1)
// reset timer
*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x33c) = 200;
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x334) = *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x338);
// CS_Credits_GetNextString
uVar3 = FUN_800b8810();
*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x338) = uVar3;
if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x334) == 0) {
// time remaining to draw epilogue string
iVar4 = (int)*(short *)(param_1 + 0x33c);
iVar6 = 0x14;
if (iVar4 < 0xb5) {
bVar1 = false;
if (0x13 < iVar4) goto LAB_800b8c64;
else {
iVar4 = 200 - iVar4;
bVar1 = iVar4 < 0x14;
iVar6 = iVar4;
uVar2 = 4;
if (bVar1) {
if (iVar6 < 1) {
uVar2 = 0xffff;
else {
uVar2 = 0x1f;
iVar4 = 0;
iVar6 = (iVar6 << 8) / 0x14;
// modify four global colors
// modify color 0x1F - 0x22
iVar5 = (iVar4 << 0x10) >> 0xe;
(&DAT_80081d30)[iVar5] = (char)((uint)(byte)PTR_DAT_80081d80[iVar5] * iVar6 >> 8);
(&DAT_80081d31)[iVar5] = (char)((uint)(byte)PTR_DAT_80081d80[iVar5 + 1] * iVar6 >> 8);
iVar4 = iVar4 + 1;
(&DAT_80081d32)[iVar5] = (char)((uint)(byte)PTR_DAT_80081d80[iVar5 + 2] * iVar6 >> 8);
} while (iVar4 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < 4);
if (
(-1 < (int)((uint)uVar2 << 0x10)) &&
// only draw if you have all blue relics, or higher
(DAT_800b94b0 != 0)
// until nullptr
iVar6 = -1;
// get length of line
if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x338) != 0)
iVar6 = (int)((((uint)*(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x338) - (uint)*(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x334)) + -1)
* 0x10000) >> 0x10;
// DecalFont_DrawMultiLineStrlen
FUN_80022930(*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x334),iVar6,0x100,0xaf,0x1cc,2,
(int)(short)(uVar2 | 0x8000));
// CS_Credits_ThTick
void FUN_800b8dc8(void)
undefined *puVar1;
int iVar2;
int iVar3;
iVar3 = DAT_800b94a4;
// copy from base instance
DAT_800b97e4 = DAT_800b94a4;
if (DAT_800b94a4 != 0)
// make invisible
*(uint *)(DAT_800b94a4 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(DAT_800b94a4 + 0x28) | 0x80;
// set position
*(int *)(iVar3 + 0x44) = (int)DAT_800b9488;
*(int *)(iVar3 + 0x48) = (int)DAT_800b948a;
puVar1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
*(int *)(iVar3 + 0x4c) = (int)DAT_800b948c;
// once every 4 frames
if ((*(uint *)(puVar1 + 0x1cec) & 3) == 0) {
// update 4 ghosts
iVar3 = 4;
iVar2 = (int)(short)iVar3;
// CS_Credits_AnimateCreditGhost
FUN_800b8668((&DAT_800b94d0)[iVar2],(&DAT_800b94d0)[iVar2 + -1], iVar3);
iVar3 = iVar3 + -1;
(&DAT_800b94bc)[iVar2] = (&DAT_800b94bc)[iVar2 + -1];
} while (0 < iVar3 * 0x10000 >> 0x10);
// CS_Credits_AnimateCreditGhost
FUN_800b8668((&DAT_800b94d0)[0],DAT_800b97e4, iVar3);
DAT_800b94bc = *(undefined4 *)(DAT_800b97e4 + 0x18);
// 3 times out of 4 frames
iVar3 = 1;
// CS_Credits_AnimateCreditGhost
// animate all 5 creditghosts
iVar2 = (iVar3 << 0x10) >> 0xe;
*(short *)(*(int *)((int)&DAT_800b94d0 + iVar2) + 0x1c) =
*(short *)(*(int *)((int)&DAT_800b94d0 + iVar2) + 0x1c) + 0x4b;
*(short *)(*(int *)((int)&DAT_800b94d0 + iVar2) + 0x1e) =
*(short *)(*(int *)((int)&DAT_800b94d0 + iVar2) + 0x1e) + 0x4b;
*(short *)(*(int *)((int)&DAT_800b94d0 + iVar2) + 0x20) =
*(short *)(*(int *)((int)&DAT_800b94d0 + iVar2) + 0x20) + 0x4b;
iVar3 = iVar3 + 1;
*(short *)(*(int *)((int)&DAT_800b94d0 + iVar2) + 0x22) =
*(short *)(*(int *)((int)&DAT_800b94d0 + iVar2) + 0x22) + 0x9d;
} while (iVar3 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < 5);
// frame countdown until character swap
if (0 < DAT_800b97dc) {
DAT_800b97dc = DAT_800b97dc + -1;
// CS_Credits_DrawNames
// CS_Credits_DrawEpilogue
// CS_Credits_Init
void FUN_800b8f8c(void)
bool bVar1;
undefined *puVar2;
undefined *puVar3;
uint uVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
uint uVar7;
int iVar8;
undefined4 *puVar9;
int *piVar10;
int iVar11;
int iVar12;
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
uVar7 = 1;
// loop counter
iVar11 = 0;
DAT_800b94a0 = 0;
DAT_800b94b0 = 1;
// Check all 18 relics
// for iVar11 = 0; iVar11 < 0x12 (18); iVar11++
// if any gold relic is locked,
// stop checking gold relics
bVar1 = uVar7 != 0;
uVar7 = 0;
// check gold relics
if (bVar1) {
uVar7 = (int)(short)iVar11 + 0x28;
// 0x8fba4 is where the adventure profile (currently loaded) begins
uVar7 = (uint)(&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar7 >> 5] >> (uVar7 & 0x1f) & 1;
// if any sapphire relic is locked,
// stop checking sapphire relics
bVar1 = DAT_800b94b0 != 0;
DAT_800b94b0 = 0;
// check sapphire relics
if (bVar1) {
uVar4 = (int)(short)iVar11 + 0x16;
// 0x8fba4 is where the adventure profile (currently loaded) begins
DAT_800b94b0 = (ushort)((uint)(&DAT_8008fba4)[(int)uVar4 >> 5] >> (uVar4 & 0x1f)) & 1;
// increment loop counter
iVar11 = iVar11 + 1;
} while (iVar11 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < 0x12);
// if all 18 relics are gold, or higher
if (uVar7 != 0)
// Yay Confetti!
// Number of Winners = 1
// this means Draw Confetti on one window
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2568) = 1;
// Set winnerIndex[0] to 0, to draw
// confetti on the first tileView
*(undefined4 *)(puVar2 + 0x2558) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar2 + 0x1b04) = 0xfa;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar2 + 0x1b06) = 0xfa;
// Draw Confetti
*(uint *)(puVar2 + 0x256c) = *(uint *)(puVar2 + 0x256c) | 4;
// THREAD_BirthWithObject
// 0 = size
// 0 = no relation to param4
// 0x300 = SmallStackPool
// 0xd = "other" thread bucket
iVar11 = FUN_8004205c(0x30d,FUN_800b8dc8,s_credits_800b8644,0);
// Credits_OnDestroy
// empty, just JR RA and NOP
*(undefined4 *)(iVar11 + 0x24) = 0x800b8f84;
// save credits thread globally
DAT_800b949c = iVar11;
iVar12 = 0;
// frame countdown until character swap
DAT_800b97dc = 0x168;
// make blurry animation by drawing
// multiple instances of characters,
// called "creditghost"
// INSTANCE_Birth3D -- ptrModel, name, thread
iVar5 = FUN_8003086c(*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2244),s_creditghost_800b864c,
// save pointer to "creditghost" instances
(&DAT_800b94d0)[4 - (int)(short)iVar12] = iVar5;
// identity matrix
*(undefined4 *)(iVar5 + 0x30) = 0x1000;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar5 + 0x34) = 0;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar5 + 0x38) = 0x1000;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar5 + 0x3c) = 0;
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar5 + 0x40) = 0x1000;
// 2D instance
*(uint *)(iVar5 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar5 + 0x28) | 0x400;
// tileView_UI
*(undefined **)(iVar5 + 0x74) = puVar2 + 5000;
puVar3 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
iVar8 = 1;
// if more than one player
if (1 < (byte)puVar2[0x1ca8])
iVar6 = 0x10000;
do {
iVar8 = iVar8 + 1;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar5 + (iVar6 >> 0x10) * 0x88 + 0x74) = 0;
iVar6 = iVar8 * 0x10000;
} while (iVar8 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < (int)(uint)(byte)puVar3[0x1ca8]);
iVar12 = iVar12 + 1;
} while (iVar12 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < 5);
// LEV -> ptrSpawnType1 -> pointers[6], not [7] cause array starts at offset 0x4
puVar9 = *(undefined4 **)(*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x134) + 0x1c);
// inside puVar9:
// [0] - size
// [1] - numStrings
// [2] - ptrStrings
DAT_800b94a4 = 0;
iVar12 = 0;
// MEMPACK_AllocHighMem
iVar11 = FUN_8003e8e8(*puVar9,s_credit_strings_800b8658);
// memcpy
// number of strings
DAT_800b94a8 = *(ushort *)(iVar11 + 4);
// pointer to strings
piVar10 = (int *)(iVar11 + 8);
DAT_800b94ac = piVar10;
// loop through all strings
// patch pointers, just like LNG
if (0 < (int)((uint)DAT_800b94a8 << 0x10)) {
do {
iVar12 = iVar12 + 1;
*piVar10 = iVar11 + *piVar10;
piVar10 = piVar10 + 1;
} while (iVar12 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < (int)(short)DAT_800b94a8);
// credits_posY to bottom of screen,
// wait for scroll up
DAT_800b97e8 = 0x154;
// pointer to strings
DAT_800b97ec = DAT_800b94ac[0x14];
// CS_Credits_IsTextValid,
// called every frame
undefined4 FUN_800b92a0(void)
// if pointer to epilogue text is valid
if (DAT_800b97f0 != 0)
// trigger switchD_800acf30_caseD_14
return 0;
// frame countdown until character swap
DAT_800b97dc = 0x168;
// load next pointer
return 1;
// CS_Credits_NewDancer
// param1 is dancer thread
// param2 is dancer modelID
void FUN_800b92cc(int param_1,short param_2)
int iVar1;
// if dancer thread already exists
if (DAT_800b94a0 != 0)
// This thread is now dead
*(uint *)(DAT_800b94a0 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(DAT_800b94a0 + 0x1c) | 0x800;
// get instance from thread
DAT_800b94a4 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x34);
// store new dancer thread as the thread built
// right before this function is called
DAT_800b94a0 = param_1;
// make invisible
*(uint *)(DAT_800b94a4 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(DAT_800b94a4 + 0x28) | 0x80;
// frame countdown until character swap
DAT_800b97dc = 0x168;
iVar1 = (int)param_2;
if (iVar1 < 0x8f)
// creditsObj->0x334 =
DAT_800b97f0 = *(undefined4 *)(iVar1 * 4 + DAT_800b94ac + -0x1f8);
// creditsObj->0x334 =
DAT_800b97f0 = *(undefined4 *)(iVar1 * 4 + DAT_800b94ac + -0x1fc);
// creditsObj->0x33C = 200
uRam800b97f8 = 200;
// creditsObj->0x338 =
// CS_Credits_GetNextString (creditsObj->0x334)
DAT_800b97f4 = FUN_800b8810(DAT_800b97f0);
// creditsObj->0x33E = 0x200
uRam800b97fa = 0x200;
// CS_Credits_NewCreditGhosts
undefined4 FUN_800b9398(void)
// happens when the character changes
int iVar1;
int iVar2;
iVar2 = 0;
iVar1 = 0;
// loop through 5 creditghost
iVar2 = iVar2 + 1;
// check if all 5 creditghost models equal
// dancerInst model, return 1 if all equal, 0 if not
if (*(int *)((int)&DAT_800b94bc + (iVar1 >> 0xe)) !=
*(int *)(DAT_800b94a4 + 0x18)) {
return 0;
iVar1 = iVar2 * 0x10000;
} while (iVar2 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < 5);
return 1;
// CS_Credits_End
// either go back to gemstone, or play scrapbook
void FUN_800b93f4(void)
bool bVar1;
undefined4 uVar2;
// CS_Credits_DestroyCreditGhost
bVar1 = DAT_800b94b0 == 0;
// Credits thread is now dead
*(uint *)(DAT_800b949c + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(DAT_800b949c + 0x1c) | 0x800;
if (bVar1)
// load gemstone valley
uVar2 = 0x19;
// Turn on Adventure Mode
*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac = *(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac | 0x80000;
// go to scrapbook
DAT_8008d97c = 5;
// load scrapbook LEV
uVar2 = 0x40;
// load LEV
// disable confetti flag (& 0x4)
*(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x256c) = *(uint *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x256c) & 0xfffffffb;