mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 22:21:58 +00:00
949 lines
24 KiB
949 lines
24 KiB
// GhostReplay_ThTick
void FUN_80026ed8(int param_1)
byte bVar1;
byte bVar2;
byte bVar3;
byte bVar4;
undefined2 uVar5;
short sVar6;
int iVar7;
int iVar8;
uint uVar9;
uint uVar10;
int iVar11;
byte **ppbVar12;
byte *pbVar13;
byte *pbVar14;
int *piVar15;
byte *pbVar16;
byte *pbVar17;
byte *pbVar18;
byte *pbVar19;
int *piVar20;
int iVar21;
int iVar22;
short local_48;
short local_46;
short local_44;
ushort local_40;
ushort local_3e;
ushort local_3c;
int local_38;
int local_34;
int local_30;
// get driver object from thread
iVar22 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x30);
// pointer to tape
piVar20 = *(int **)(iVar22 + 0x62c);
// get instance from driver object
iVar21 = *(int *)(iVar22 + 0x1c);
// toggle scale (x, y, z)
*(undefined2 *)(iVar21 + 0x20) = 0xccc;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar21 + 0x1e) = 0xccc;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar21 + 0x1c) = 0xccc;
if (
// if timer is not zero (max 180 for 6 seconds 30fps)
(DAT_8008d748 != 0) &&
// ghost made by human
(*(short *)(iVar22 + 0x630) == 0)
// Alternate color of text each frame,
// depending if countdown is even or odd
// 0x8004
sVar6 = -0x7ffc;
// if countdown is odd
if ((DAT_8008d748 & 1) != 0)
// 0x8003
sVar6 = -0x7ffd;
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x5a4
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x5a4),0x100,0x28,2,(int)sVar6);
// DAT_8008d878 + 0x5a8
FUN_80022878(*(undefined4 *)(DAT_8008d878 + 0x5a8),0x100,0x32,2,(int)sVar6);
// decrease timer by one frame
DAT_8008d748 = DAT_8008d748 - 1;
if (
// if no ghosts are drawing
(DAT_8008d740 == 0) ||
// if PauseAllThreads is enabled
((*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x10) != 0) ||
// driver == nullptr
(iVar22 == 0) ||
// if ghostTape->end == ghostTape->start,
// either ghost reached the end, or ghost is empty
*(int *)(*(int *)(iVar22 + 0x62c) + 8) == *(int *)(*(int *)(iVar22 + 0x62c) + 4) ||
// ghost is not initialized
(*(short *)(iVar22 + 0x632) == 0)
// make invisible
*(uint *)(iVar21 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar21 + 0x28) | 0x80;
// decrease reserves ~32ms,
// cannot go negative
iVar7 = (uint)*(ushort *)(iVar22 + 0x3e2) - (uint)*(ushort *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d04);
*(undefined2 *)(iVar22 + 0x3e2) = (short)iVar7;
if (iVar7 * 0x10000 < 0) {
*(undefined2 *)(iVar22 + 0x3e2) = 0;
if (
// if traffic lights are done counting down
(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d0c) < 1) &&
// if ghost is not started
(*(short *)(iVar22 + 0x634) == 0)
// now the ghost is started
*(undefined2 *)(iVar22 + 0x634) = 1;
// packetID
*(undefined2 *)(*(int *)(iVar22 + 0x62c) + 0x4c) = 0xffff;
// change alpha scale
*(undefined2 *)(iVar21 + 0x22) = 0xa00;
// change instance flags
*(uint *)(iVar21 + 0x28) =
*(uint *)(iVar21 + 0x28)
// remove flags
& 0xfff8ff7f
// add transparency
| 0x60000;
// ghostTape->timeElapsed
iVar7 = piVar20[5];
if (iVar7 < 0) {
iVar7 = 0;
// offset 0x50
piVar15 = piVar20 + 0x14;
// timeInPacket32 < time in race,
// flush and rewrite cached GhostPackets array
if (piVar20[0x10] <= iVar7)
sVar6 = 0;
// ghostTape->0x5c
ppbVar12 = (byte **)(piVar20 + 0x17);
// ghostTape->curr
pbVar19 = (byte *)piVar20[3];
// ghostTape->0x4c
*(undefined2 *)(piVar20 + 0x13) = 0xffff;
// timeInPacket01 = timeInPacket32_backup
piVar20[0xf] = piVar20[6];
// tape curr
pbVar13 = pbVar19 + 3;
pbVar16 = pbVar19;
// move two POSITION(0x80) opcodes in advance,
// combine with velocity to make GhostPackets cache
do {
pbVar14 = pbVar13 + 1;
// reached end of tape
if ((byte *)piVar20[2] <= pbVar16)
// ghostHeader
// driver ->0x62C->0
iVar21 = *piVar20;
// ghostHeader->ySpeed
*(undefined4 *)(iVar22 + 0x3a4) = *(undefined4 *)(iVar21 + 0xc);
// ghostHeader->speedApprox
uVar5 = *(undefined2 *)(iVar21 + 8);
// driver is not AI anymore
*(uint *)(iVar22 + 0x2c8) = *(uint *)(iVar22 + 0x2c8) & 0xffefffff;
// speedApprox
*(undefined2 *)(iVar22 + 0x38e) = uVar5;
// BOTS_Driver_Convert
// BOTS_ThTick_Drive
//turn on 26th bit of Actions Flag set (means racer finished the race)
*(uint *)(iVar22 + 0x2c8) = *(uint *)(iVar22 + 0x2c8) | 0x2000000;
// allow this thread to ignore all collisions
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1c) | 0x1000;
// advance curr
uVar9 = (uint)*pbVar16;
pbVar17 = pbVar16 + 1;
// if opcode is seen
if ((uVar9 + 0x80 & 0xff) < 5)
pbVar18 = pbVar19;
// position data
case 0x80:
// ghost->0x50
local_48 = (short)((int)((uint)CONCAT11(*pbVar17,pbVar13[-1]) << 0x10) >> 0xd);
*(short *)piVar15 = local_48;
// ghost->0x52
local_46 = (short)((int)((uint)CONCAT11(*pbVar13,*pbVar14) << 0x10) >> 0xd);
*(short *)((int)ppbVar12 + -10) = local_46;
// ghost->0x54
local_44 = (short)((int)((uint)CONCAT11(pbVar13[2],pbVar13[3]) << 0x10) >> 0xd);
*(short *)(ppbVar12 + -2) = local_44;
// ghost->0x56
*(undefined2 *)((int)ppbVar12 + -6) = 0;
// ghost->0x58
*(ushort *)(ppbVar12 + -1) = (ushort)pbVar13[6] << 4;
// ghost->0x5a
*(short *)((int)ppbVar12 + -2) = (ushort)pbVar13[7] << 4;
// if 2nd position opcode
if (sVar6 == 1)
// get time (big endian) from position message
bVar1 = pbVar13[4];
bVar2 = pbVar13[5];
*(byte **)(piVar20 + 3) = pbVar16;
iVar8 = piVar20[6] + (int)CONCAT11(bVar1,bVar2);
// elapsedTime (ghost->0x18 and ghost->0x40)
piVar20[6] = iVar8;
piVar20[0x10] = iVar8;
// count position opcodes
sVar6 = sVar6 + 1;
// advance curr
pbVar14 = pbVar13 + 0xb;
pbVar18 = pbVar16 + 0xb;
*ppbVar12 = pbVar19;
ppbVar12 = ppbVar12 + 4;
piVar15 = piVar15 + 4;
pbVar17 = pbVar18;
// animation flags
case 0x81:
pbVar14 = pbVar13 + 3;
pbVar17 = pbVar16 + 3;
// boost flags
case 0x82:
pbVar14 = pbVar13 + 6;
pbVar17 = pbVar16 + 6;
// instance flags
case 0x83:
pbVar14 = pbVar13 + 2;
pbVar17 = pbVar16 + 2;
// driver does nothing
case 0x84:
*(short *)piVar15 = local_48;
*(short *)((int)ppbVar12 + -10) = local_46;
*ppbVar12 = pbVar19;
// next position = previous position
*(undefined2 *)(ppbVar12 + -1) = *(undefined2 *)(ppbVar12 + -5);
*(undefined2 *)((int)ppbVar12 + -2) = *(undefined2 *)((int)ppbVar12 + -0x12);
*(undefined2 *)((int)ppbVar12 + -6) = *(undefined2 *)((int)ppbVar12 + -0x16);
*(short *)(ppbVar12 + -2) = local_44;
goto LAB_80027304;
// if no opcode, assume 5 bytes of velocity
else {
local_48 = local_48 + (short)((int)(uVar9 << 0x18) >> 0x15);
*(short *)piVar15 = local_48;
bVar1 = *pbVar17;
pbVar17 = pbVar16 + 5;
local_46 = local_46 + (short)(char)bVar1 * 8;
*(short *)((int)ppbVar12 + -10) = local_46;
local_44 = local_44 + (short)(char)pbVar13[-1] * 8;
*(short *)(ppbVar12 + -2) = local_44;
*(undefined2 *)((int)ppbVar12 + -6) = 0;
*(ushort *)(ppbVar12 + -1) = (ushort)*pbVar13 << 4;
// advance curr
bVar1 = *pbVar14;
pbVar14 = pbVar13 + 5;
*ppbVar12 = pbVar19;
*(short *)((int)ppbVar12 + -2) = (ushort)bVar1 << 4;
piVar15 = piVar15 + 4;
ppbVar12 = ppbVar12 + 4;
pbVar18 = pbVar17;
pbVar13 = pbVar14;
pbVar19 = pbVar18;
pbVar16 = pbVar17;
} while (sVar6 < 2);
// number of packets in array
iVar8 = ((int)piVar15 + (-0x50 - (int)piVar20) >> 4) + -1;
piVar20[0x12] = iVar8;
if (iVar8 < 0) {
piVar20[0x12] = 1;
// timeBetweenPackets = timeInPacket32 - timeInPacket01
piVar20[0x11] = piVar20[0x10] - piVar20[0xf];
if (piVar20[0x10] - piVar20[0xf] == 0) {
piVar20[0x11] = 1;
// number of packets
iVar11 = piVar20[0x12];
// timeBetweenPackets
iVar8 = piVar20[0x11];
// scaledNum = elapsedTimeInRace - timeInPacket01
iVar7 = (iVar7 - piVar20[0xf]) * iVar11 * 0x1000;
// scaledNum / timeBetweenPackets
uVar9 = iVar7 / iVar8;
if (iVar8 == 0) {
if ((iVar8 == -1) && (iVar7 == -0x80000000)) {
// packet index
iVar7 = (int)uVar9 >> 0xc;
// percentage between two packets,
// 100% = 0x1000
uVar9 = uVar9 & 0xfff;
if (iVar11 <= iVar7) {
iVar7 = iVar11 + -1;
uVar9 = 0;
// iVar7 is always between 0x00 and 0x1F,
// see $s6 on 800273bc for more info
// position
piVar15 = piVar20 + iVar7 * 4 + 0x14;
// velocity = pos[iVar7+1] - pos[iVar7]
local_38 = (int)*(short *)(piVar15 + 4) - (int)*(short *)piVar15;
local_34 = (int)*(short *)((int)piVar15 + 0x12) - (int)*(short *)((int)piVar15 + 2);
local_30 = (int)*(short *)(piVar15 + 5) - (int)*(short *)(piVar15 + 1);
// instance position
// lerp between two position opcodes
*(int *)(iVar21 + 0x44) = (int)*(short *)piVar15 + ((int)(local_38 * uVar9) >> 0xc);
*(int *)(iVar21 + 0x48) = (int)*(short *)((int)piVar15 + 2) + ((int)(local_34 * uVar9) >> 0xc);
*(int *)(iVar21 + 0x4c) = (int)*(short *)(piVar15 + 1) + ((int)(local_30 * uVar9) >> 0xc);
// Rotation
uVar10 = (int)*(short *)((int)piVar15 + 0x16) - (int)*(short *)((int)piVar15 + 6) & 0xfff;
if (0x7ff < uVar10) {
uVar10 = uVar10 - 0x1000;
local_40 = *(short *)((int)piVar15 + 6) + (short)((int)(uVar10 * uVar9) >> 0xc) & 0xfff;
// Rotation
uVar10 = (int)*(short *)(piVar15 + 6) - (int)*(short *)(piVar15 + 2) & 0xfff;
if (0x7ff < uVar10) {
uVar10 = uVar10 - 0x1000;
local_3e = *(short *)(piVar15 + 2) + (short)((int)(uVar10 * uVar9) >> 0xc) & 0xfff;
// Rotation
uVar10 = (int)*(short *)((int)piVar15 + 0x1a) - (int)*(short *)((int)piVar15 + 10) & 0xfff;
if (0x7ff < uVar10) {
uVar10 = uVar10 - 0x1000;
local_3c = *(short *)((int)piVar15 + 10) + (short)((int)(uVar10 * uVar9) >> 0xc) & 0xfff;
// convert 3 rotation shorts into rotation matrix
FUN_8006c2a4(iVar21 + 0x30,&local_40);
// Set driver position to Instance position, with bit shift
*(int *)(iVar22 + 0x2d4) = *(int *)(iVar21 + 0x44) << 8;
*(int *)(iVar22 + 0x2d8) = *(int *)(iVar21 + 0x48) << 8;
*(int *)(iVar22 + 0x2dc) = *(int *)(iVar21 + 0x4c) << 8;
// Set rotation
*(ushort *)(iVar22 + 0x2ec) = local_40;
*(ushort *)(iVar22 + 0x2ee) = local_3e;
*(ushort *)(iVar22 + 0x2f0) = local_3c;
// parse buffer for animation/render data
if (*(short *)(piVar20 + 0x13) < iVar7)
// offset 0x5C
pbVar13 = (byte *)piVar20[iVar7 * 4 + 0x17];
do {
if ((byte *)piVar20[2] <= pbVar13) break;
pbVar19 = pbVar13 + 1;
// if write outside expected tags (0x80 - 0x84)
if (4 < ((uint)*pbVar13 + 0x80 & 0xff))
// assume velocity data, 5 bytes large
sVar6 = *(short *)(piVar20 + 0x13);
pbVar19 = pbVar13 + 5;
goto LAB_80027754;
// Apply position and rotation to ghost
case 0x80:
sVar6 = *(short *)(piVar20 + 0x13);
pbVar19 = pbVar13 + 0xb;
goto LAB_80027754;
// Apply Animation to ghost (type and frame)
case 0x81:
// get number of frames in animation
iVar8 = FUN_8005b0f4(iVar21,(uint)*pbVar19);
if (iVar8 < 1)
// set animation
*(undefined *)(iVar21 + 0x52) = 0;
// set animation
*(byte *)(iVar21 + 0x52) = *pbVar19;
// get number of frames in animation
iVar8 = FUN_8005b0f4(iVar21,(uint)*(byte *)(iVar21 + 0x52));
if (pbVar13[2] == 0) {
if (0 < iVar8 + -1) goto LAB_80027658;
// get number of frames in animation
sVar6 = FUN_8005b0f4(iVar21,(uint)*(byte *)(iVar21 + 0x52));
sVar6 = sVar6 + -1;
*(short *)(iVar21 + 0x54) = sVar6;
else {
if (iVar8 + -1 <= (int)(uint)pbVar13[2]) goto LAB_80027674;
sVar6 = 0;
if (pbVar13[2] == 0) goto LAB_80027684;
// animation frame
*(ushort *)(iVar21 + 0x54) = (ushort)pbVar13[2];
pbVar19 = pbVar13 + 3;
// Apply a boost to the ghost
case 0x82:
// two bytes reserves
bVar1 = *pbVar19;
bVar2 = pbVar13[2];
// two bytes fire level
bVar3 = pbVar13[4];
bVar4 = pbVar13[5];
if (
// if traffic lights are done counting down
(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d0c) < 1) &&
// If not drawing intro-race cutscene
((*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x40) == 0)
) &&
// TitleFlag_IsFullyOnScreen
iVar8 = FUN_80043f1c(),
// if not fully on screen
iVar8 == 0
// Turbo_Increment
pbVar19 = pbVar13 + 6;
// Have the ghost read Instance flags
case 0x83:
// remove a flag from instance
uVar9 = *(uint *)(iVar21 + 0x28) & 0xffffdfff;
// write new instance flags
*(uint *)(iVar21 + 0x28) = uVar9;
if (*pbVar19 != 0)
// add the flag back
*(uint *)(iVar21 + 0x28) = uVar9 | 0x2000;
pbVar19 = pbVar13 + 2;
// Have the ghost do nothing
case 0x84:
sVar6 = *(short *)(piVar20 + 0x13);
// increment counter for Position, Velocity, and Null(0x84)
*(short *)(piVar20 + 0x13) = sVar6 + 1;
pbVar13 = pbVar19;
} while (*(short *)(piVar20 + 0x13) < iVar7);
// if traffic light counter is done counting down
if (*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d0c) < 1)
// elapsed milliseconds per frame, ~32
piVar20[5] = piVar20[5] + *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d04);
// GhostReplay_Init1
void FUN_80027838(void)
ushort uVar1;
undefined *puVar2;
undefined4 uVar3;
int iVar4;
short sVar5;
int iVar6;
int *piVar7;
int iVar8;
// bool canSaveGhost
DAT_8008d758 = 0;
// no ghosts are drawing
DAT_8008d740 = 0;
// if you're in time trial, not main menu, and not laoding.
// basically, if you're in time trial gameplay
if ((*(uint *)PTR_DAT_8008d2ac & 0x20022000) == 0x20000)
// Allocate room to record a new ghost
// MEMPACK_AllocMem
DAT_8008fbf4 = FUN_8003e874(0x3e00,"ghost record buffer");
// loop iterator
iVar8 = 0;
// First 0x28 bytes are a header
// pointer to start of recording
DAT_8008fbf8 = DAT_8008fbf4 + 0x28;
// pointer to end of recording
DAT_8008fbfc = DAT_8008fbf4 + 0x3dfc;
// Allocate room for two ghost tapes,
// one for N Tropy / Oxide
// one for a previously saved player Ghost
// MEMPACK_AllocMem
piVar7 = (int *)FUN_8003e874(0x268,"ghost tape");
// loop iterator
iVar6 = (int)(short)iVar8;
// set pointer to this ghost tape (array of two)
*(int **)(&DAT_8008d74c + iVar6) = piVar7;
// first ghost pointer is a ghost loaded by player
if (iVar6 == 0)
// assign the ghost you loaded
piVar7[0x99] = DAT_8008d754;
// second ghost pointer is n tropy or oxide
else {
if (iVar6 == 1) {
// If you have not beaten N Tropy
// if sdata->gGT->GameProgress.highScoreTracks[levelID].flags
if ((*(uint *)(&DAT_8008e814 + *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) * 0x124) & 2) == 0)
// assign n tropy ghost
// LEV -> ptrSpawn1 -> ptr_tropy_ghost
piVar7[0x99] = *(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x134) + 0x14);
// If you have beaten N Tropy
// assign oxide ghost
// LEV -> ptrSpawn1 -> ptr_oxide_ghost
piVar7[0x99] = *(int *)(*(int *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x160) + 0x134) + 0x18);
// ghostTape->0x0 = ptrGhostHeader
iVar6 = piVar7[0x99];
*piVar7 = iVar6;
// ghostTape->ptrStart = ptrGhostHeader->0x28
piVar7[1] = iVar6 + 0x28;
// size = ptrGhostHeader->size
uVar1 = *(ushort *)(iVar6 + 2);
piVar7[0x98] = -0x21523f13;
// ghostTape->ptrEnd = ptrGhostHeader->0x28 + size
piVar7[2] = iVar6 + 0x28 + (uint)uVar1;
// only do this one time in a loop that executes twice,
// first ghost (index zero) is a ghost made by the player,
// second ghost (index one) is N Tropy or Oxide
if ((short)iVar8 == 1)
// ptrGhostHeader->timeElapsedInRace
*(undefined4 *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1d78) = *(undefined4 *)(*piVar7 + 0x10);
// increment loop counter
iVar8 = iVar8 + 1;
} while (iVar8 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < 2);
iVar8 = 0;
// Initialize two ghost tapes,
// one for N Tropy / Oxide
// one for a previously saved player Ghost
do {
// s_ghost_8008d040
// "ghost"
// THREAD_BirthWithObject
// 0x4 = size
// 0 = no relation to param4
// 0x100 flag = LargeStackPool
// 0x2 = ghost thread bucket
iVar6 = FUN_8004205c(0x40102,FUN_80026ed8,s_ghost_8008d040,0);
// Get the pointer to ghost that is attached to thread
piVar7 = *(int **)(iVar6 + 0x30);
// set modelID to "ghost of any kind"
*(undefined2 *)(iVar6 + 0x44) = 0x4b;
// allow this thread to ignore all collisions
*(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x1c) = *(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x1c) | 0x1000;
// ghost drivers are 0x638 bytes large
// ghostID
sVar5 = (short)iVar8;
// ptrGhostTape[ghostID]
iVar4 = (&DAT_8008d74c)[(int)sVar5];
// Driver + 0x630 = ghostID
*(short *)(piVar7 + 0x18c) = sVar5;
// ghost not initialized
*(undefined2 *)((int)piVar7 + 0x632) = 0;
// driverID = ghostID + 1
*(char *)((int)piVar7 + 0x4a) = (char)iVar8 + '\x01';
// Driver + 0x62C = ptr ghost tape
piVar7[0x18b] = iVar4;
// VehInit_GetModelByName
uVar3 = FUN_80058948((&PTR_s_crash_80086d84)[(int)(short)(&DAT_80086e84)[(int)sVar5 + 1] * 4])
// INSTANCE_Birth3D -- ptrModel, name, thread
uVar3 = FUN_8003086c(uVar3,uVar3,iVar6);
puVar2 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// give instance to thread
*(undefined4 *)(iVar6 + 0x34) = uVar3;
// Ptr Model "Wake"
iVar4 = *(int *)(puVar2 + 0x226c);
// if "Wake" model exists
if (iVar4 != 0)
// INSTANCE_Birth3D -- ptrModel, name, thread
iVar4 = FUN_8003086c(iVar4,iVar4,0);
// offset 0x4f8
// ptrInstance Wake
piVar7[0x13e] = iVar4;
// if wake exists
if (iVar4 != 0)
// make invisible, set to anim 1
*(uint *)(iVar4 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar4 + 0x28) | 0x90;
// get instance from thread
iVar6 = *(int *)(iVar6 + 0x34);
*(undefined *)(iVar6 + 0x51) = 0xc;
// instance flags
*(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(iVar6 + 0x28) | 0x4000000;
// driver -> instSelf
piVar7[7] = iVar6;
// VehInit_TireSprites
// VehInit_SetConsts(driver*), based on driver class
// loop counter
iVar8 = iVar8 + 1;
// pointer to TrTire, for transparent tires
iVar6 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x2144);
// driver is an AI (0x2c8)
piVar7[0xb2] = piVar7[0xb2] | 0x100000;
// pointer to wheelSprites
*piVar7 = iVar6 + 0x14;
} while (iVar8 * 0x10000 >> 0x10 < 2);
// GhostReplay_Init2
void FUN_80027b88(void)
ushort uVar1;
undefined4 uVar2;
undefined2 uVar3;
char *pcVar4;
int iVar5;
short *psVar6;
int iVar7;
int iVar8;
int iVar9;
int iVar10;
//iVar9 = ghost driver thread
iVar9 = *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1b54);
// loop through all ghost threads,
// and initialize all instances
do {
// if ghost thread is nullptr
if (iVar9 == 0)
// exit function
//if you're in Time Trial mode
//iVar8 = ghost driver (racer 2 struct pointer)
iVar8 = *(int *)(iVar9 + 0x30);
//if there is a racer 2 struct pointer and
if (((iVar8 != 0) &&
// if ghostTape->end != ghostTape->start,
(*(int *)(*(int *)(iVar8 + 0x62c) + 8) != *(int *)(*(int *)(iVar8 + 0x62c) + 4))) &&
// ghost made by human
(((*(short *)(iVar8 + 0x630) == 0 &&
// boolReplayHumanGhost
(DAT_8008d958 != 0)) ||
// ghost is N Tropy / Oxide
((*(short *)(iVar8 + 0x630) == 1 &&
// if timeTrialFlags for this track show [ n tropy open+unbeated ]
((*(uint *)(&DAT_8008e814 + *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) * 0x124) & 1) != 0))))))
iVar7 = *(int *)(iVar8 + 0x62c);
// get instance from driver
iVar10 = *(int *)(iVar8 + 0x1c);
*(undefined4 *)(iVar7 + 0x14) = 0;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar7 + 0x18) = 0;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar7 + 0x20) = 0;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar7 + 0x40) = 0;
*(undefined4 *)(iVar7 + 0x3c) = 0;
// curr = start?
*(undefined4 *)(iVar7 + 0xc) = *(undefined4 *)(iVar7 + 4);
uVar1 = *(ushort *)(iVar8 + 0x630);
// ghosts are drawing (your own, or tropy/oxide)
DAT_8008d740 = 1;
// ghost initialized
*(undefined2 *)(iVar8 + 0x632) = 1;
// ghost has not started race
*(undefined2 *)(iVar8 + 0x634) = 0;
iVar5 = (uint)uVar1 + 1;
if (uVar1 == 0) {
iVar5 = iVar5 << 0x10;
else {
iVar5 = iVar5 * 0x10000;
// if timeTrialFlags for this track show [ n tropy beaten ]
if ((*(uint *)(&DAT_8008e814 + *(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x1a10) * 0x124) & 2) != 0) {
iVar5 = (uint)uVar1 + 2;
goto LAB_80027cfc;
// character ID
psVar6 = (short *)((int)&DAT_80086e84 + (iVar5 >> 0xf));
// VehInit_GetModelByName
uVar2 = FUN_80058948((&PTR_s_crash_80086d84)[(int)*psVar6 * 4]);
printf("%08x\n", uVar2);
// set scale of wheels to zero
uVar3 = 0;
//if character is not Oxide
if (*psVar6 != 0xf)
// set scale of wheels
uVar3 = 0xccc;
//give 2p ghost wheels (wheel size = 0xCCC)
*(undefined2 *)(iVar8 + 4) = uVar3;
// ghost is made by human
if (*(short *)(iVar8 + 0x630) == 0) {
pcVar4 = s_ghost0_8008d050;
// ghost is n tropy / oxide
else {
pcVar4 = s_ghost1_8008d048;
// add ghost to instance pool, given modelID of driver
FUN_80030778(iVar10,uVar2,pcVar4,*(undefined4 *)(iVar10 + 0x6c),7);
// First execution of GhostReplay_ThTick
*(undefined4 *)(iVar7 + 0x20) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x2a) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x24);
*(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x2c) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x26);
*(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x2e) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x28);
*(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x36) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x30);
*(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x38) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x32);
*(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x3a) = *(undefined2 *)(iVar7 + 0x34);
// go to next ghost thread in threadBucket
iVar9 = *(int *)(iVar9 + 0x10);
} while( true );