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synced 2024-11-27 14:50:50 +00:00
Merge pull request #438 from zladx/dialog-ids-2
macros: improve dialog macros to use the dialog labels
This commit is contained in:
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Load Diff
@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@ ApplyGotItem::
ld hl, DialogForItem - $01 ; $1057: $21 $2D $10
add hl, de ; $105A: $19
ld a, [hl] ; $105B: $7E
call OpenDialog ; $105C: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $105C: $CD $85 $23
ld a, $01 ; $105F: $3E $01
@ -3220,7 +3220,7 @@ ENDC
xor a ; $1A18: $AF
ld [wDidStealItem], a ; $1A19: $EA $7E $D4
ld a, $36 ; $1A1C: $3E $36
jp OpenDialog ; $1A1E: $C3 $85 $23
jp OpenDialogInTable0 ; $1A1E: $C3 $85 $23
IF !__PATCH_0__
@ -3752,7 +3752,7 @@ ENDC
and a ; $2025: $A7
jr z, .jr_2030 ; $2026: $28 $08
; Open Marin's "Do you look in people's drawers?" dialog
call_open_dialog $278 ; $2028: $3E $78 $CD $7C $23
call_open_dialog Dialog278 ; $2028: $3E $78 $CD $7C $23
jp .specialCasesEnd ; $202D: $C3 $CF $20
@ -3821,7 +3821,7 @@ ENDC
jp .specialCasesEnd ; $208B: $C3 $CF $20
call OpenDialog ; $208E: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $208E: $CD $85 $23
jr .specialCasesEnd ; $2091: $18 $3C
@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ func_001_5A59::
ld hl, MapSpecialLocationNamesLookupTable ; $5A63: $21 $09 $59
add hl, de ; $5A66: $19
ld a, [hl] ; $5A67: $7E
jp OpenDialog ; $5A68: $C3 $85 $23
jp OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5A68: $C3 $85 $23
db 0, 1, $FF ; $5A6B
@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ OpenDungeonNameDialog::
; Open Dialog n° (hMapId + $56)
ldh a, [hMapId] ; $61FB: $F0 $F7
add a, $56 ; $61FD: $C6 $56
call OpenDialog ; $61FF: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $61FF: $CD $85 $23
ret ; $6202: $C9
@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@ jr_002_4A7C:
and a ; $4A98: $A7
jr nz, jr_002_4AB2 ; $4A99: $20 $17
call_open_dialog $277 ; $4A9B
call_open_dialog Dialog277 ; $4A9B
jr jr_002_4AB2 ; $4AA0: $18 $10
@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ jr_002_4A7C:
and a ; $4AA5: $A7
jr nz, jr_002_4AB2 ; $4AA6: $20 $0A
call_open_dialog $08E ; $4AA8
call_open_dialog Dialog08E ; $4AA8
xor a ; $4AAD: $AF
ld [wC167], a ; $4AAE: $EA $67 $C1
ret ; $4AB1: $C9
@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@ func_002_4B49::
and a ; $4B99: $A7
jr nz, .jr_002_4BA1 ; $4B9A: $20 $05
call_open_dialog $279 ; $4B9C
call_open_dialog Dialog279 ; $4B9C
xor a ; $4BA1: $AF
@ -5786,7 +5786,7 @@ label_002_6B66:
inc a ; $6B90: $3C
ld [wC5A6], a ; $6B91: $EA $A6 $C5
call_open_dialog $051 ; $6B94
call_open_dialog Dialog051 ; $6B94
ldh a, [hObjectUnderEntity] ; $6B99: $F0 $AF
@ -7327,7 +7327,7 @@ ENDC
jr z, jr_002_742D ; $7413: $28 $18
call_open_dialog $253 ; $7415
call_open_dialog Dialog253 ; $7415
jp collisionEnd ; $741A: $C3 $54 $74
@ -7498,7 +7498,7 @@ label_002_74AD:
jp func_1828 ; $74FB: $C3 $28 $18
call OpenDialog ; $74FE: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $74FE: $CD $85 $23
jp ClearLinkPositionIncrement ; $7501: $C3 $8E $17
@ -1855,7 +1855,7 @@ CreditsWindFishFloatingHandler::
ld a, $D0 ; $53E9: $3E $D0
call CreditsOpenDialog ; $53EB: $CD $F0 $7C
call CreditsOpenDialog ; $53EB: $CD $F0 $7C
ld a, $17 ; $53EE: $3E $17
ldh [hWaveSfx], a ; $53F0: $E0 $F3
@ -6502,7 +6502,7 @@ func_017_7C7B::
jr nz, func_017_7C8D ; $7C7E: $20 $0D
ld a, $CF ; $7C80: $3E $CF
call CreditsOpenDialog ; $7C82: $CD $F0 $7C
call CreditsOpenDialog ; $7C82: $CD $F0 $7C
ld a, $19 ; $7C85: $3E $19
ld [wDialogSFX], a ; $7C87: $EA $AB $C5
call IncrementEntityState ; $7C8A: $CD $12 $3B
@ -6593,7 +6593,7 @@ CreditsOpenDialog::
ld a, $10 ; $7CF4: $3E $10
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $7CF6: $E0 $99
ld a, e ; $7CF8: $7B
call OpenDialog ; $7CF9: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $7CF9: $CD $85 $23
pop af ; $7CFC: $F1
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $7CFD: $E0 $99
ret ; $7CFF: $C9
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ LiftableRockEntityHandler::
and $3F ; $5381: $E6 $3F
jr nz, .marinReaction2 ; $5383: $20 $08
; Open Marin reaction 1 (Dialog028)
call_open_dialog $028 ; $5385
call_open_dialog Dialog028 ; $5385
jp UnloadEntityAndReturn ; $538A: $C3 $8D $3F
; Open Marin reaction 2
call_open_dialog $199 ; $538D
call_open_dialog Dialog199 ; $538D
jp UnloadEntityAndReturn ; $5392: $C3 $8D $3F
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ func_004_5158::
ld [hl], $A0 ; $5172: $36 $A0
call GetEntityDropTimer ; $5174: $CD $FB $0B
ld [hl], $FF ; $5177: $36 $FF
jp_open_dialog $0B6 ; $5179
jp_open_dialog Dialog0B6 ; $5179
db $03, $02, $04, $02
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ FishermanIdleHandler::
ld a, $02 ; $5FE2: $3E $02
ld [wC167], a ; $5FE4: $EA $67 $C1
call_open_dialog $045 ; "How about some fishing" ; $5FE7
call_open_dialog Dialog045 ; "How about some fishing" ; $5FE7
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5FEC: $C3 $12 $3B
; Displaying the dialog that asks if Link's want to fish
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ FishermanProposingHandler::
ld [hl], b ; $5FFD: $70
xor a ; $5FFE: $AF
ld [wC167], a ; $5FFF: $EA $67 $C1
jp_open_dialog $046 ; "Too bad" ; $6002
jp_open_dialog Dialog046 ; "Too bad" ; $6002
push hl ; $6007: $E5
@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ FishermanProposingHandler::
ld [wSubstractRupeeBufferLow], a ; $602F: $EA $92 $DB
jp_open_dialog $047 ; "Here's how it works" ; $6032
jp_open_dialog Dialog047 ; "Here's how it works" ; $6032
ld [hl], b ; $6037: $70
xor a ; $6038: $AF
ld [wC167], a ; $6039: $EA $67 $C1
jp_open_dialog $04E ; "Not enough rupees" ; $603C
jp_open_dialog Dialog04E ; "Not enough rupees" ; $603C
; Fishing accepted; explaining the rules
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ func_004_61E5::
cp $05 ; $61F3: $FE $05
jr c, .jr_6202 ; $61F5: $38 $0B
call_open_dialog $04B ; $61F7
call_open_dialog Dialog04B ; $61F7
call IncrementEntityState ; $61FC: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], $05 ; $61FF: $36 $05
ret ; $6201: $C9
@ -504,17 +504,17 @@ func_004_61E5::
ld a, FISHING_GAME_PRICE ; $6228: $3E $0A
ld [wSubstractRupeeBufferLow], a ; $622A: $EA $92 $DB
call_open_dialog $047 ; $622D
call_open_dialog Dialog047 ; $622D
call IncrementEntityState ; $6232: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], b ; $6235: $70
ret ; $6236: $C9
call_open_dialog $046 ; $6237
call_open_dialog Dialog046 ; $6237
jp IncrementEntityState ; $623C: $C3 $12 $3B
call_open_dialog $04E ; $623F
call_open_dialog Dialog04E ; $623F
jp IncrementEntityState ; $6244: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -536,10 +536,10 @@ func_004_6252::
and a ; $625F: $A7
jr nz, .jr_6267 ; $6260: $20 $05
jp_open_dialog $04C ; $6262
jp_open_dialog Dialog04C ; $6262
jp_open_dialog $046 ; $6267
jp_open_dialog Dialog046 ; $6267
ret ; $626C: $C9
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ jr_004_6354:
ld hl, wEntitiesStateTable ; $637A: $21 $90 $C2
ld [hl], $03 ; $637D: $36 $03
call_open_dialog $048 ; $637F
call_open_dialog Dialog048 ; $637F
call ClearEntityStatusBank04 ; $6384: $CD $7A $6D
ld e, $0F ; $6387: $1E $0F
ld d, b ; $6389: $50
@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ jr_004_6631:
ld hl, wEntitiesStateTable ; $667C: $21 $90 $C2
ld [hl], $03 ; $667F: $36 $03
call_open_dialog $049 ; $6681
call_open_dialog Dialog049 ; $6681
jp ClearEntityStatusBank04 ; $6686: $C3 $7A $6D
@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ jr_004_66E6:
; Open the prize dialog
ld [hl], e ; $66FA: $73
call OpenDialog ; $66FB: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $66FB: $CD $85 $23
jp ClearEntityStatusBank04 ; $66FE: $C3 $7A $6D
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ func_004_4155::
jr nz, .jr_418D ; $4185: $20 $06
inc [hl] ; $4187: $34
call_open_dialog $17F ; $4188
call_open_dialog Dialog17F ; $4188
call ClearEntitySpeed ; $418D: $CD $7F $3D
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ func_004_4345::
ld a, $53 ; $436B: $3E $53
jp OpenDialog ; $436D: $C3 $85 $23
jp OpenDialogInTable0 ; $436D: $C3 $85 $23
db $10, $14, $18, $20, $28, $30, $38, $40
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func_004_77F8::
cp $74 ; $7824: $FE $74
jr nz, .ret_7838 ; $7826: $20 $10
call_open_dialog $038 ; $7828
call_open_dialog Dialog038 ; $7828
ld hl, wEntitiesStateTable ; $782D: $21 $90 $C2
add hl, bc ; $7830: $09
ld [hl], $04 ; $7831: $36 $04
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ func_004_78AF::
sub $02 ; $78CB: $D6 $02
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $78CD: $E0 $99
jp_open_dialog $02F ; @TODO Text used when you're trying to steal stuff
jp_open_dialog Dialog02F ; @TODO Text used when you're trying to steal stuff
ldh a, [hLinkPositionY] ; $78D4: $F0 $99
@ -384,11 +384,11 @@ jr_004_7940:
ld hl, Data_004_77C9 ; $794D: $21 $C9 $77
add hl, de ; $7950: $19
ld a, [hl] ; $7951: $7E
call OpenDialog ; $7952: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $7952: $CD $85 $23
jp IncrementEntityState ; $7955: $C3 $12 $3B
jp_open_dialog $02E ; $7958
jp_open_dialog Dialog02E ; $7958
ld a, [wDialogState] ; $795D: $FA $9F $C1
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ jr_004_7A0C:
ld a, $34 ; $7A22: $3E $34
call OpenDialog ; $7A24: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $7A24: $CD $85 $23
ld hl, wEntitiesStateTable ; $7A27: $21 $90 $C2
add hl, bc ; $7A2A: $09
ld [hl], $03 ; $7A2B: $36 $03
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ jr_004_7A2E:
ld [hl], $01 ; $7A55: $36 $01
pop af ; $7A57: $F1
push af ; $7A58: $F5
call_open_dialog $035 ; $7A59
call_open_dialog Dialog035 ; $7A59
pop af ; $7A5E: $F1
label_004_7A5F: ; @TODO What to do after buying a shopkeeper item
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ jr_004_6FE6:
cp e ; $6FFC: $BB
jr c, .jr_7004 ; $6FFD: $38 $05
jp_open_dialog $040 ; $6FFF
jp_open_dialog Dialog040 ; $6FFF
ld a, [wIsMarinFollowingLink] ; $7004: $FA $73 $DB
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ jr_004_6FE6:
ld a, $3E ; $7018: $3E $3E
call OpenDialog ; $701A: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $701A: $CD $85 $23
jp IncrementEntityState ; $701D: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ func_004_7040::
sbc $00 ; $7040: $DE $00
jr nc, jr_004_705D ; $7042: $30 $19
call_open_dialog $034 ; $7044
call_open_dialog Dialog034 ; $7044
jr label_004_7056 ; $7049: $18 $0B
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ jr_004_704B:
and a ; $704E: $A7
jr z, label_004_7056 ; $704F: $28 $05
jp_open_dialog $0F8 ; $7051
jp_open_dialog Dialog0F8 ; $7051
ld hl, wEntitiesStateTable ; $7056: $21 $90 $C2
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ jr_004_705D:
ld a, $3F ; $7072: $3E $3F
call OpenDialog ; $7074: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $7074: $CD $85 $23
ld a, $0A ; $7077: $3E $0A
ld [wSubstractRupeeBufferLow], a ; $7079: $EA $92 $DB
jp IncrementEntityState ; $707C: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ func_004_75BC::
cp $06 ; $75EC: $FE $06
jr c, .jr_75F8 ; $75EE: $38 $08
call_open_dialog $0F9 ; $75F0
call_open_dialog Dialog0F9 ; $75F0
jp IncrementEntityState ; $75F5: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ func_004_75BC::
ld hl, Data_004_75B6 ; $7639: $21 $B6 $75
add hl, de ; $763C: $19
ld a, [hl] ; $763D: $7E
call OpenDialog ; $763E: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $763E: $CD $85 $23
ldh a, [hActiveEntitySpriteVariant] ; $7641: $F0 $F1
dec a ; $7643: $3D
jr nz, .jr_7647 ; $7644: $20 $01
@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ AnimalD0EntityHandler::
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_05 ; $7F5D: $CD $06 $55
ret nc ; $7F60: $D0
jp_open_dialog $196 ; $7F61
jp_open_dialog Dialog196 ; $7F61
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ func_005_40E6::
; Bow-Wow retrieved from King Moblin
ld a, MUSIC_TOOL_ACQUIRED ; $4114: $3E $10
ld [wMusicTrackToPlay], a ; $4116: $EA $68 $D3
call_open_dialog $16C ; $4119
call_open_dialog Dialog16C ; $4119
ld a, WAVE_SFX_CHAIN_CHOMP ; $411E: $3E $18
ldh [hWaveSfx], a ; $4120: $E0 $F3
ld a, $01 ; $4122: $3E $01
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ label_005_4335:
ret nz ; $4378: $C0
ld [hl], $80 ; $4379: $36 $80
jp_open_dialog $115 ; $437B
jp_open_dialog Dialog115 ; $437B
ld hl, wEntitiesFlashCountdownTable ; $4380: $21 $20 $C4
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ jr_005_4557:
and $3F ; $459D: $E6 $3F
jr nz, .jr_45A8 ; $459F: $20 $07
call_open_dialog $276 ; $45A1
call_open_dialog Dialog276 ; $45A1
jr jr_005_45AD ; $45A6: $18 $05
call_open_dialog $08F ; $45A8
call_open_dialog Dialog08F ; $45A8
ld hl, wEntitiesPrivateState1Table ; $45AD: $21 $B0 $C2
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ ENDC
push af ; $5AF0: $F5
ld a, $10 ; $5AF1: $3E $10
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $5AF3: $E0 $99
call_open_dialog $0BA ; $5AF5
call_open_dialog Dialog0BA ; $5AF5
pop af ; $5AFA: $F1
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $5AFB: $E0 $99
ret ; $5AFD: $C9
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ func_005_4F64::
jr nz, .jr_4F89 ; $4F80: $20 $07
set 6, [hl] ; $4F82: $CB $F6
jp_open_dialog $194 ; $4F84
jp_open_dialog Dialog194 ; $4F84
ld a, [wOcarinaSongFlags] ; $4F89: $FA $49 $DB
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ func_005_4F64::
jr z, jr_005_4F95 ; $4F8E: $28 $05
jp_open_dialog $195 ; $4F90
jp_open_dialog Dialog195 ; $4F90
ld e, INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT -1 ; $4F95: $1E $0B
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ jr_005_4FFB:
jr jr_005_5008 ; $5003: $18 $03
call OpenDialog ; $5005: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5005: $CD $85 $23
ldh a, [hMapRoom] ; $5008: $F0 $F6
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ func_005_5059::
jr nz, .jr_508A ; $5071: $20 $17
ld a, $16 ; $5073: $3E $16
call OpenDialog ; $5075: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5075: $CD $85 $23
push bc ; $5078: $C5
call UpdateLinkWalkingAnimation_trampoline ; $5079: $CD $F0 $0B
pop bc ; $507C: $C1
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ func_005_512B::
ld a, $15 ; $514F: $3E $15
call OpenDialog ; $5151: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5151: $CD $85 $23
call IncrementEntityState ; $5154: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], $01 ; $5157: $36 $01
ld hl, wEntitiesPrivateState3Table ; $5159: $21 $D0 $C2
@ -610,17 +610,17 @@ func_005_5161::
jr nc, .jr_5192 ; $518B: $30 $05
jp_open_dialog $014
jp_open_dialog Dialog014
jp_open_dialog $193
jp_open_dialog Dialog193
cp $08 ; $5197: $FE $08
jr nz, .jr_51A1 ; $5199: $20 $06
dec [hl] ; $519B: $35
call_open_dialog $013
call_open_dialog Dialog013
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ func_005_51BC::
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_05 ; $51C1: $CD $06 $55
ret nc ; $51C4: $D0
jp_open_dialog $197
jp_open_dialog Dialog197
; define sprite variants by selecting tile n° and setting OAM attributes (palette + flags) in a list
@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ MarinEntityHandler_Indoor::
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_05 ; $51F2: $CD $06 $55
ret nc ; $51F5: $D0
jp_open_dialog $1D7 ; $51F6: $3E $D7
jp_open_dialog Dialog1D7 ; $51F6: $3E $D7
ld a, [wSwordLevel] ; $51FB: $FA $4E $DB
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ func_005_5294::
call GetEntityDropTimer ; $5294: $CD $FB $0B
jr nz, .jr_52A4 ; $5297: $20 $0B
call_open_dialog $001 ; $5299: $3E $01
call_open_dialog Dialog001 ; $5299: $3E $01
ld [hl], $40 ; $529E: $36 $40
call IncrementEntityState ; $52A0: $CD $12 $3B
xor a ; $52A3: $AF
@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ func_005_5312::
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_05 ; $5318: $CD $06 $55
ret nc ; $531B: $D0
jp_open_dialog $002 ; $531C
jp_open_dialog Dialog002 ; $531C
; Add item to inventory slot (used for assigning the shield)
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func_005_538A::
ret nc ; $5393: $D0
ld a, $F0 ; $5394: $3E $F0
call OpenDialog ; $5396: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5396: $CD $85 $23
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5399: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -92,18 +92,18 @@ jr_005_53AC:
ld [wSubstractRupeeBufferLow], a ; $53BA: $EA $92 $DB
ld a, $F1 ; $53BD: $3E $F1
ld [wD477], a ; $53BF: $EA $77 $D4
jp OpenDialog ; $53C2: $C3 $85 $23
jp OpenDialogInTable0 ; $53C2: $C3 $85 $23
ld [hl], b ; $53C5: $70
ld a, $4E ; $53C6: $3E $4E
jp OpenDialog ; $53C8: $C3 $85 $23
jp OpenDialogInTable0 ; $53C8: $C3 $85 $23
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_05 ; $53CB: $CD $06 $55
ret nc ; $53CE: $D0
jp_open_dialog $0F1 ; $53CF
jp_open_dialog Dialog0F1 ; $53CF
; define sprite variants by selecting tile n° and setting OAM attributes (palette + flags) in a list
RaftOwnerOnOverworldSpriteVariants:: ; $53D4
@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ jr_005_79B3:
ld a, MUSIC_BOSS_WARNING ; $7A10: $3E $5E
ld [wMusicTrackToPlay], a ; $7A12: $EA $68 $D3
ld a, $B5 ; $7A15: $3E $B5
call OpenDialog ; $7A17: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $7A17: $CD $85 $23
call label_3B44 ; $7A1A: $CD $44 $3B
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ func_005_49E5::
jr nz, .jr_49FD ; $49F4: $20 $07
ld [hl], $01 ; $49F6: $36 $01
jp_open_dialog $021 ; $49F8
jp_open_dialog Dialog021 ; $49F8
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_05 ; $49FD: $CD $06 $55
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ func_005_49E5::
and a ; $4A05: $A7
ret nz ; $4A06: $C0
jp_open_dialog $00D ; $4A07
jp_open_dialog Dialog00D ; $4A07
ld hl, wC1AD ; $4A0C: $21 $AD $C1
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ func_005_4B89::
cp $01 ; $4B8C: $FE $01
jr nz, .jr_4B95 ; $4B8E: $20 $05
jp_open_dialog $00A ; $4B90
jp_open_dialog Dialog00A ; $4B90
and a ; $4B95: $A7
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ func_005_4B89::
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_05 ; $4BB6: $CD $06 $55
ret nc ; $4BB9: $D0
jp_open_dialog $00B ; $4BBA
jp_open_dialog Dialog00B ; $4BBA
db $78, $00
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ TarinShield0Handler::
sub $02 ; $4C7F: $D6 $02
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $4C81: $E0 $99
; … and open the "Woah, wait" dialog.
jp_open_dialog $000 ; $4C83
jp_open_dialog Dialog000 ; $4C83
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ TarinShield0Handler::
ret nc ; $4C8B: $D0
; Open the "There's your shield" dialog
call_open_dialog $054 ; $4C8C
call_open_dialog Dialog054 ; $4C8C
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4C91: $C3 $12 $3B
; This data is pushed into wObjPal8
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ TarinShield2Handler::
ld [wShieldLevel], a ; $4CD7: $EA $44 $DB
ldh [hLinkAnimationState], a ; $4CDC: $E0 $9D
call_open_dialog $091 ; $4CDE
call_open_dialog Dialog091 ; $4CDE
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4CE3: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ TarinShield3Handler::
cp $03 ; $4D23: $FE $03
jr nz, jr_005_4D33 ; $4D25: $20 $0C
call_open_dialog $1C5 ; $4D27
call_open_dialog Dialog1C5 ; $4D27
ld a, [wIsMarinFollowingLink] ; $4D2C: $FA $73 $DB
@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ jr_005_4D38:
ld a, $10 ; $4D46: $3E $10
call OpenDialog ; $4D48: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $4D48: $CD $85 $23
jr jr_005_4D56 ; $4D4B: $18 $09
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ jr_005_4D4D:
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_05 ; $4D4D: $CD $06 $55
ret nc ; $4D50: $D0
jp_open_dialog $055 ; $4D51
jp_open_dialog Dialog055 ; $4D51
ld a, [wDB48] ; $4D56: $FA $48 $DB
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ TarinShield4Handler::
jr jr_005_4DC2 ; $4DBB: $18 $05
call_open_dialog $1C9 ; $4DBD
call_open_dialog Dialog1C9 ; $4DBD
call IncrementEntityState ; $4DC2: $CD $12 $3B
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ jr_005_484A:
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_05 ; $484A: $CD $06 $55
ret nc ; $484D: $D0
jp_open_dialog $00C ; $484E
jp_open_dialog Dialog00C ; $484E
xor a ; $4853: $AF
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ func_005_487D::
cp $04 ; $4886: $FE $04
ret nz ; $4888: $C0
call_open_dialog $009 ; $4889
call_open_dialog Dialog009 ; $4889
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $488E: $CD $05 $0C
ld [hl], $C0 ; $4891: $36 $C0
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4893: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ func_005_4896::
ld [wC167], a ; $48BF: $EA $67 $C1
ldh a, [hDefaultMusicTrack] ; $48C2: $F0 $B0
ld [wMusicTrackToPlay], a ; $48C4: $EA $68 $D3
call_open_dialog $0FE ; $48C7
call_open_dialog Dialog0FE ; $48C7
jp IncrementEntityState ; $48CC: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ BigFairyWaitingHandler::
call IncrementEntityState ; $7178: $CD $12 $3B
call GetEntityDropTimer ; $717B: $CD $FB $0B
ld [hl], $48 ; $717E: $36 $48
jp_open_dialog $024 ; $7180
jp_open_dialog Dialog024 ; $7180
call GetEntityDropTimer ; $7185: $CD $FB $0B
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ CrazyTracyGreetingHandler::
ret nc ; $5F33: $D0
; Open Tracy greeting dialog
call_open_dialog $017 ; $5F34
call_open_dialog Dialog017 ; $5F34
ld hl, wDialogState ; $5F39: $21 $9F $C1
set 7, [hl] ; $5F3C: $CB $FE
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ CrazyTracyProposingPriceHandler::
ld a, $019 ; $5F69: $3E $19
call OpenDialog ; $5F6B: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5F6B: $CD $85 $23
ld hl, wDialogState ; $5F6E: $21 $9F $C1
set 7, [hl] ; $5F71: $CB $FE
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5F73: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ CrazyTracyProposingPriceHandler::
; Link already has a medecine in the inventory:
; open the "No medecine for you!" dialog.
call_open_dialog $01C ; $5F76
call_open_dialog Dialog01C ; $5F76
ld hl, wDialogState ; $5F7B: $21 $9F $C1
set 7, [hl] ; $5F7E: $CB $FE
ret ; $5F80: $C9
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ CrazyTracySellingHandler::
ld [wPurchasedMedecineCount], a ; $5FC3: $EA $75 $DB
jr nz, .buy ; $5FC6: $20 $0D
; Open "I'll give you a discount dialog"
call_open_dialog $01E ; $5FC8
call_open_dialog Dialog01E ; $5FC8
ld hl, wDialogState ; $5FCD: $21 $9F $C1
set 7, [hl] ; $5FD0: $CB $FE
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5FD2: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ CrazyTracySellingHandler::
ld a, $01D ; $600D: $3E $1D
call OpenDialog ; $600F: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $600F: $CD $85 $23
ld hl, wDialogState ; $6012: $21 $9F $C1
set 7, [hl] ; $6015: $CB $FE
call IncrementEntityState ; $6017: $CD $12 $3B
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ CrazyTracyBonusHandler::
; Also fill hearts
ld a, $FF ; $6035: $3E $FF
ld [wAddHealthBuffer], a ; $6037: $EA $93 $DB
call_open_dialog $19A ; $603A
call_open_dialog Dialog19A ; $603A
ld hl, wDialogState ; $603F: $21 $9F $C1
set 7, [hl] ; $6042: $CB $FE
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GrandpaUlriraEntityHandler::
ld [wRichardSpokenFlag], a ; $5C49: $EA $55 $DB
jp_open_dialog $140 ; $5C4C
jp_open_dialog Dialog140 ; $5C4C
db $F7, $00, $70, $02, $F7, $08, $72, $02, $07, $00, $74, $02, $07, $08, $76, $02
@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ func_006_6230::
and a ; $6252: $A7
jr z, .jr_625A ; $6253: $28 $05
jp_open_dialog $123 ; $6255
jp_open_dialog Dialog123 ; $6255
ld a, [wIsMarinFollowingLink] ; $625A: $FA $73 $DB
and a ; $625D: $A7
jr z, .jr_6265 ; $625E: $28 $05
jp_open_dialog $121 ; $6260
jp_open_dialog Dialog121 ; $6260
ldh a, [hMapRoom] ; $6265: $F0 $F6
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func_006_6230::
and $30 ; $626E: $E6 $30
jr nz, .jr_6277 ; $6270: $20 $05
jp_open_dialog $120 ; $6272
jp_open_dialog Dialog120 ; $6272
ld a, [wHasInstrument2] ; $6277: $FA $66 $DB
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func_006_6230::
cp UNKNOWN_ROOM_83 ; $6287: $FE $83
jr nz, .jr_6290 ; $6289: $20 $05
jp_open_dialog $122 ; $628B
jp_open_dialog Dialog122 ; $628B
ld hl, wKidSaveHintIndex ; $6290: $21 $7E $DB
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ func_006_60FD::
cp ENTITY_KID_71 ; $6118: $FE $71
jr nz, .kid71End ; $611A: $20 $05
call_open_dialog $220 ; $611C
call_open_dialog Dialog220 ; $611C
jp label_006_60F7 ; $6121: $C3 $F7 $60
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func_006_6134::
call func_006_645D ; $6142: $CD $5D $64
jr nc, .jr_614C ; $6145: $30 $05
call_open_dialog $220 ; $6147
call_open_dialog Dialog220 ; $6147
call AddEntityZSpeedToPos_06 ; $614C: $CD $7A $65
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ OwlState2Handler::
cp UNKNOWN_ROOM_06 ; $6985: $FE $06
jr nz, .jr_6990 ; $6987: $20 $07
call_open_dialog $0CD ; $6989
call_open_dialog Dialog0CD ; $6989
jr jr_006_6993 ; $698E: $18 $03
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ RichardState1Handler::
or $10 ; $4085: $F6 $10
ldh [hRoomStatus], a ; $4087: $E0 $F8
ld [wIndoorBRoomStatus + $C7], a ; $4089: $EA $C7 $DA
call_open_dialog $13A ; $408C
call_open_dialog Dialog13A ; $408C
ld a, [wRichardSpokenFlag] ; $4091: $FA $55 $DB
cp $02 ; $4094: $FE $02
jr nc, .jr_409D ; $4096: $30 $05
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ jr_006_5A36:
ld a, e ; $5A91: $7B
call OpenDialog ; $5A92: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5A92: $CD $85 $23
call func_006_5ACC ; $5A95: $CD $CC $5A
@ -191,14 +191,14 @@ YipYipState2Handler::
ld [wTradeSequenceItem], a ; $5AB1: $EA $0E $DB
ldh [hReplaceTiles], a ; $5AB6: $E0 $A5
call_open_dialog $183 ; $5AB8
call_open_dialog Dialog183 ; $5AB8
call func_006_5ACC ; $5ABD: $CD $CC $5A
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5AC0: $C3 $12 $3B
call IncrementEntityState ; $5AC3: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], b ; $5AC6: $70
call_open_dialog $184 ; $5AC7
call_open_dialog Dialog184 ; $5AC7
ld a, $18 ; $5ACC: $3E $18
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ jr_007_7C93:
cp UNKNOWN_ROOM_96 ; @TODO Master Stalfos "screw you" letter chest?
jr nz, .jr_7CB1 ; $7CA8: $20 $07
call_open_dialog $111 ; $7CAA
call_open_dialog Dialog111 ; $7CAA
jr jr_007_7CE9 ; $7CAF: $18 $38
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ jr_007_7C93:
ld a, [hl] ; $7CE5: $7E
call OpenDialog ; $7CE6: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $7CE6: $CD $85 $23
xor a ; $7CE9: $AF
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ func_007_43C5::
cp e ; $43E9: $BB
ret c ; $43EA: $D8
call_open_dialog $124 ; $43EB
call_open_dialog Dialog124 ; $43EB
ld a, $04 ; $43F0: $3E $04
call SetEntitySpriteVariant ; $43F2: $CD $0C $3B
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $43F5: $CD $05 $0C
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ func_007_4475::
jr c, .jr_4491 ; $447F: $38 $10
call func_007_48FD ; $4481: $CD $FD $48
call_open_dialog $117 ; $4484
call_open_dialog Dialog117 ; $4484
ld a, $04 ; $4489: $3E $04
call SetEntitySpriteVariant ; $448B: $CD $0C $3B
jp IncrementEntityState ; $448E: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -377,17 +377,17 @@ func_007_44B0::
cp $0B ; $44C2: $FE $0B
jr nz, .jr_44CE ; $44C4: $20 $08
call_open_dialog $1E8 ; $44C6
call_open_dialog Dialog1E8 ; $44C6
jp IncrementEntityState ; $44CB: $C3 $12 $3B
cp $0C ; $44CE: $FE $0C
jr nc, .jr_44D7 ; $44D0: $30 $05
jp_open_dialog $1E7 ; $44D2
jp_open_dialog Dialog1E7 ; $44D2
jp_open_dialog $1ED ; $44D7
jp_open_dialog Dialog1ED ; $44D7
ldh a, [hFrameCounter] ; $44DC: $F0 $E7
@ -412,11 +412,11 @@ func_007_44E8::
ld [wC167], a ; $44F6: $EA $67 $C1
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $44F9: $CD $05 $0C
ld [hl], $D0 ; $44FC: $36 $D0
jp_open_dialog $1E9 ; $44FE
jp_open_dialog Dialog1E9 ; $44FE
ld [hl], b ; $4503: $70
jp_open_dialog $1EA ; $4504
jp_open_dialog Dialog1EA ; $4504
ld a, $02 ; $4509: $3E $02
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ func_007_4509::
jr nz, .jr_4521 ; $4515: $20 $0A
ld [hl], $20 ; $4517: $36 $20
call_open_dialog $1EB ; $4519
call_open_dialog Dialog1EB ; $4519
call IncrementEntityState ; $451E: $CD $12 $3B
@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ func_007_6DF6::
add hl, bc ; $6E21: $09
set 7, [hl] ; $6E22: $CB $FE
call IncrementEntityState ; $6E24: $CD $12 $3B
call_open_dialog $113 ; $6E27
call_open_dialog Dialog113 ; $6E27
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $6E2C: $CD $05 $0C
ld [hl], $04 ; $6E2F: $36 $04
ret ; $6E31: $C9
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ func_007_4759::
call IncrementEntityState ; $4786: $CD $12 $3B
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $4789: $CD $05 $0C
ld [hl], $14 ; $478C: $36 $14
jp_open_dialog $1F1 ; $478E
jp_open_dialog Dialog1F1 ; $478E
call func_007_7D43 ; $4793: $CD $43 $7D
@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ func_007_4759::
cp $0C ; $479A: $FE $0C
jr nz, .jr_47A9 ; $479C: $20 $0B
call_open_dialog $1F2 ; $479E
call_open_dialog Dialog1F2 ; $479E
call IncrementEntityState ; $47A3: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], $05 ; $47A6: $36 $05
ret ; $47A8: $C9
jp_open_dialog $1F0 ; $47A9
jp_open_dialog Dialog1F0 ; $47A9
jp IncrementEntityState ; $47AE: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ func_007_47F5::
ld [hl], b ; $4804: $70
jp_open_dialog $1F4 ; $4805
jp_open_dialog Dialog1F4 ; $4805
ld a, [wDialogState] ; $480A: $FA $9F $C1
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ func_007_480A::
dec [hl] ; $4818: $35
push af ; $4819: $F5
call_open_dialog $1F3 ; $481A
call_open_dialog Dialog1F3 ; $481A
pop af ; $481F: $F1
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ func_007_4982::
call func_007_7D43 ; $4993: $CD $43 $7D
ret nc ; $4996: $D0
jp_open_dialog $1F7 ; $4997
jp_open_dialog Dialog1F7 ; $4997
db $F0, $00, $70, $01, $F0, $08, $72, $01, $00, $00, $74, $01, $00, $08, $76, $01
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ func_007_79D7::
jr nz, jr_007_7A1E ; $79EF: $20 $2D
inc [hl] ; $79F1: $34
call_open_dialog $190 ; $79F2
call_open_dialog Dialog190 ; $79F2
jr jr_007_7A1E ; $79F7: $18 $25
@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ PapahlEntityHandler::
cp $08 ; $4A5B: $FE $08
jr nc, .jr_4A64 ; $4A5D: $30 $05
jp_open_dialog $027 ; $4A5F
jp_open_dialog Dialog027 ; $4A5F
jp_open_dialog $176 ; $4A64
jp_open_dialog Dialog176 ; $4A64
ldh a, [hRoomStatus] ; $4A69: $F0 $F8
@ -182,14 +182,14 @@ func_007_4AF3::
cp $07 ; $4AFC: $FE $07
jr nz, .jr_4B0E ; $4AFE: $20 $0E
call_open_dialog $172 ; $4B00
call_open_dialog Dialog172 ; $4B00
call IncrementEntityState ; $4B05: $CD $12 $3B
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $4B08: $CD $05 $0C
ld [hl], $C0 ; $4B0B: $36 $C0
ret ; $4B0D: $C9
call_open_dialog $171 ; $4B0E
call_open_dialog Dialog171 ; $4B0E
xor a ; $4B13: $AF
ld [wC167], a ; $4B14: $EA $67 $C1
call IncrementEntityState ; $4B17: $CD $12 $3B
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ func_007_4B1C::
jr nz, .jr_4B3B ; $4B25: $20 $14
ld [wMusicTrackTiming], a ; $4B27: $EA $0B $C1
call_open_dialog $173 ; $4B2A
call_open_dialog Dialog173 ; $4B2A
ld a, TRADING_ITEM_HIBISCUS ; $4B2F: $3E $08
ld [wTradeSequenceItem], a ; $4B31: $EA $0E $DB
@ -242,4 +242,4 @@ func_007_4B5B::
xor a ; $4B62: $AF
ld [wC167], a ; $4B63: $EA $67 $C1
jp_open_dialog $175 ; $4B66
jp_open_dialog Dialog175 ; $4B66
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func_007_4EFF::
call func_007_7D43 ; $4F13: $CD $43 $7D
ret nc ; $4F16: $D0
call_open_dialog $1C0 ; $4F17
call_open_dialog Dialog1C0 ; $4F17
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4F1C: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ func_007_4F1F::
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4F41: $C3 $12 $3B
call_open_dialog $1C2 ; $4F44
call_open_dialog Dialog1C2 ; $4F44
call IncrementEntityState ; $4F49: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], b ; $4F4C: $70
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ jr_007_559A:
jr nz, jr_007_55B6 ; $55AF: $20 $05
call OpenDialog ; $55B1: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $55B1: $CD $85 $23
jr jr_007_55B9 ; $55B4: $18 $03
@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ AnimalD1EntityHandler::
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_15 ; $7FC5: $CD $BC $7A
ret nc ; $7FC8: $D0
jp_open_dialog $196 ; $7FC9
jp_open_dialog Dialog196 ; $7FC9
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ ENDC
ld [wMusicTrackToPlay], a ; $50C9: $EA $68 $D3
ld hl, wIndoorBRoomStatus + $74 ; $50CC: $21 $74 $DA
set 6, [hl] ; $50CF: $CB $F6
call_open_dialog $0F5 ; $50D1
call_open_dialog Dialog0F5 ; $50D1
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $50D6: $CD $05 $0C
ld [hl], $50 ; $50D9: $36 $50
ldh a, [hLinkPositionX] ; $50DB: $F0 $98
@ -3706,7 +3706,7 @@ func_015_6E66::
ld a, $03 ; $6E6F: $3E $03
ld [wBossAgonySFXCountdown], a ; $6E71: $EA $A7 $C5
call_open_dialog $0F6 ; $6E74
call_open_dialog Dialog0F6 ; $6E74
ld a, MUSIC_BOSS_WARNING ; $6E79: $3E $5E
ld [wMusicTrackToPlay], a ; $6E7B: $EA $68 $D3
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $6E7E: $CD $05 $0C
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func_015_40D5::
ld [wC167], a ; $40DE: $EA $67 $C1
ld [wScreenShakeHorizontal], a ; $40E1: $EA $55 $C1
call_open_dialog $039 ; $40E4
call_open_dialog Dialog039 ; $40E4
call func_015_7CDB ; $40E9: $CD $DB $7C
jp ClearEntityStatus_15 ; $40EC: $C3 $31 $7C
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func_015_4750::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $4750: $CD $05 $0C
ret nz ; $4753: $C0
call_open_dialog $191 ; $4754
call_open_dialog Dialog191 ; $4754
ld hl, wDialogState ; $4759: $21 $9F $C1
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ SeashellMansionTreesEntityHandler::
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_15 ; $4496: $CD $BC $7A
ret nc ; $4499: $D0
jp_open_dialog $012 ; $449A
jp_open_dialog Dialog012 ; $449A
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ jr_015_4445:
ld a, $43 ; $4487: $3E $43
jp OpenDialog ; $4489: $C3 $85 $23
jp OpenDialogInTable0 ; $4489: $C3 $85 $23
dec e ; $448C: $1D
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ label_018_51A4:
call func_018_7D95 ; $51A7: $CD $95 $7D
ret nc ; $51AA: $D0
jp_open_dialog $196 ; $51AB
jp_open_dialog Dialog196 ; $51AB
ld a, [wDB74] ; $51B0: $FA $74 $DB
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ BunnyCallingMarinState1Handler::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $530F: $CD $05 $0C
jr nz, func_018_5321 ; $5312: $20 $0D
call_open_dialog $1E3 ; $5314
call_open_dialog Dialog1E3 ; $5314
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $5319: $CD $05 $0C
ld [hl], $10 ; $531C: $36 $10
call IncrementEntityState ; $531E: $CD $12 $3B
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ BunnyCallingMarinState2Handler::
jr nz, .jr_534F ; $5343: $20 $0A
ld [hl], $10 ; $5345: $36 $10
call_open_dialog $1E5 ; $5347
call_open_dialog Dialog1E5 ; $5347
jp IncrementEntityState ; $534C: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ jr_018_521C:
and a ; $524D: $A7
jr z, .jr_5255 ; $524E: $28 $05
jp_open_dialog $252 ; $5250
jp_open_dialog Dialog252 ; $5250
ld a, e ; $5255: $7B
@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ jr_018_4DA3:
jr nz, .jr_4DB5 ; $4DA8: $20 $0B
ld [wC167], a ; $4DAA: $EA $67 $C1
call_open_dialog $15C ; $4DAD
call_open_dialog Dialog15C ; $4DAD
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4DB2: $C3 $12 $3B
jp_open_dialog $15B ; $4DB5
jp_open_dialog Dialog15B ; $4DB5
ld a, [wDialogAskSelectionIndex] ; $4DBA: $FA $77 $C1
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ GrandmaUlriraState1Handler::
xor a ; $4DCF: $AF
ld [wC167], a ; $4DD0: $EA $67 $C1
call_open_dialog $159 ; $4DD3
call_open_dialog Dialog159 ; $4DD3
call IncrementEntityState ; $4DD8: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], b ; $4DDB: $70
ret ; $4DDC: $C9
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ GrandmaUlriraState2Handler::
ld [wTradeSequenceItem], a ; $4DE4: $EA $0E $DB
ldh [hReplaceTiles], a ; $4DE9: $E0 $A5
call_open_dialog $15D ; $4DEB
call_open_dialog Dialog15D ; $4DEB
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4DF0: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ GrimCreeperEntityHandler::
jr nz, .jr_7008 ; $6FFD: $20 $09
inc [hl] ; $6FFF: $34
call_open_dialog $025 ; $7000
call_open_dialog Dialog025 ; $7000
jp SetRoomStatus20 ; $7005: $C3 $B9 $7F
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ GrimCreeperState6Handler::
jr nz, .jr_7152 ; $714A: $20 $06
inc [hl] ; $714C: $34
call_open_dialog $1DF ; $714D
call_open_dialog Dialog1DF ; $714D
call IncrementEntityState ; $7152: $CD $12 $3B
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ OpenDialogAtBottom::
ld a, $20 ; $5084: $3E $20
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $5086: $E0 $99
ld a, e ; $5088: $7B
call OpenDialog ; $5089: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5089: $CD $85 $23
pop af ; $508C: $F1
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $508D: $E0 $99
ret ; $508F: $C9
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func_018_4087::
ld a, $10 ; $408B: $3E $10
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $408D: $E0 $99
ld a, e ; $408F: $7B
call OpenDialog ; $4090: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $4090: $CD $85 $23
pop af ; $4093: $F1
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $4094: $E0 $99
ret ; $4096: $C9
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ ManboAndFishesState0Handler::
call func_018_7D7C ; $453D: $CD $7C $7D
jr nc, func_018_455C ; $4540: $30 $1A
jp_open_dialog $189 ; $4542
jp_open_dialog Dialog189 ; $4542
IF __PATCH_0__
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ ENDC
ld a, $2F ; $454D: $3E $2F
ldh [hLinkPositionX], a ; $454F: $E0 $98
call ClearLinkPositionIncrement ; $4551: $CD $8E $17
call_open_dialog $185 ; $4554
call_open_dialog Dialog185 ; $4554
call IncrementEntityState ; $4559: $CD $12 $3B
@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ ManboAndFishesState1Handler::
call IncrementEntityState ; $4581: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], b ; $4584: $70
jp_open_dialog $18A ; $4585
jp_open_dialog Dialog18A ; $4585
call IncrementEntityState ; $458A: $CD $12 $3B
jp_open_dialog $187 ; $458D
jp_open_dialog Dialog187 ; $458D
; Manbo singing his song
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ ManboAndFishesState5Handler::
jr nz, .jr_4774 ; $476C: $20 $06
dec [hl] ; $476E: $35
call_open_dialog $188 ; $476F
call_open_dialog Dialog188 ; $476F
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ MarinAsFollowerHandler::
push af ; $59F8: $F5
ld a, $28 ; $59F9: $3E $28
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $59FB: $E0 $99
call_open_dialog $01F ; "Marin is joining you!" ; $59FD
call_open_dialog Dialog01F ; "Marin is joining you!" ; $59FD
pop af ; $5A02: $F1
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $5A03: $E0 $99
ld a, $0F ; $5A05: $3E $0F
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ jr_018_5A8C::
jr nz, .jr_5B03 ; $5AFB: $20 $06
dec [hl] ; $5AFD: $35
call_open_dialog $27A ; "What a surprise!" ; $5AFE
call_open_dialog Dialog27A ; "What a surprise!" ; $5AFE
ld hl, wEntitiesPrivateCountdown2Table ; $5B03: $21 $00 $C3
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ jr_018_5B55:
jr nz, jr_018_5B61 ; $5B59: $20 $06
dec [hl] ; $5B5B: $35
call_open_dialog $27B ; "Sorry, are you ok?" ; $5B5C
call_open_dialog Dialog27B ; "Sorry, are you ok?" ; $5B5C
ld a, $02 ; $5B61: $3E $02
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ MarinAtTalTalHeightsState0Handler::
cp $90 ; $5F53: $FE $90
ret nc ; $5F55: $D0
call_open_dialog $235 ; $5F56
call_open_dialog Dialog235 ; $5F56
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5F5B: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ func_018_5F5E::
call func_018_5F5E ; $5F73: $CD $5E $5F
call ReturnIfNonInteractive_18 ; $5F76: $CD $E8 $7D
call_open_dialog $236 ; $5F79
call_open_dialog Dialog236 ; $5F79
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5F7E: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ MarinAtTalTalHeightsState4Handler::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $5FE1: $CD $05 $0C
ret nz ; $5FE4: $C0
call_open_dialog $237 ; $5FE5
call_open_dialog Dialog237 ; $5FE5
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5FEA: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ MarinAtTalTalHeightsState5Handler::
call ReturnIfNonInteractive_18 ; $5FF0: $CD $E8 $7D
ld a, $02 ; $5FF3: $3E $02
ldh [hLinkInteractiveMotionBlocked], a ; $5FF5: $E0 $A1
call_open_dialog $238 ; $5FF7
call_open_dialog Dialog238 ; $5FF7
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5FFC: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ MarinAtTalTalHeightsState6Handler::
ld a, $02 ; $6002: $3E $02
ldh [hLinkInteractiveMotionBlocked], a ; $6004: $E0 $A1
call ReturnIfNonInteractive_18 ; $6006: $CD $E8 $7D
call_open_dialog $239 ; $6009
call_open_dialog Dialog239 ; $6009
ld hl, wEntitiesPrivateState1Table ; $600E: $21 $B0 $C2
add hl, bc ; $6011: $09
ld [hl], b ; $6012: $70
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ TarinAtTalTalHeightsState0Handler::
cp $70 ; $611A: $FE $70
ret nc ; $611C: $D0
call_open_dialog $23B ; $611D
call_open_dialog Dialog23B ; $611D
ld a, $03 ; $6122: $3E $03
ldh [hLinkDirection], a ; $6124: $E0 $9E
ld a, [wMarinEntityIndex] ; $6126: $FA $0F $C5
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ TarinAtTalTalHeightsState1Handler::
add hl, de ; $6141: $19
ld [hl], $03 ; $6142: $36 $03
call ReturnIfNonInteractive_18 ; $6144: $CD $E8 $7D
call_open_dialog $23A ; $6147
call_open_dialog Dialog23A ; $6147
jp IncrementEntityState ; $614C: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ MarinAtTheShoreState2Handler::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $61FC: $CD $05 $0C
jr nz, .jr_6209 ; $61FF: $20 $08
call_open_dialog $1D5 ; "Want to talk a while?" ; $6201
call_open_dialog Dialog1D5 ; "Want to talk a while?" ; $6201
call IncrementEntityState ; $6206: $CD $12 $3B
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ MarinAtTheShoreState3Handler::
xor a ; $623D: $AF
ld [wC167], a ; $623E: $EA $67 $C1
jp_open_dialog $1D6 ; "I'll just watch the waves" ; $6241
jp_open_dialog Dialog1D6 ; "I'll just watch the waves" ; $6241
ld a, [wDialogState] ; $6246: $FA $9F $C1
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ MazeSignpostEntityHandler::
ld [wMazeSignpostPos], a ; $62E8: $EA $73 $D4
ld a, JINGLE_WRONG_ANSWER ; $62EB: $3E $1D
ldh [hJingle], a ; $62ED: $E0 $F2
call_open_dialog $1AD ; "try again from the start"
call_open_dialog Dialog1AD ; "try again from the start"
@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ MermaidStatueInteractiveHandler::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $497E: $CD $05 $0C
ld [hl], $60 ; $4981: $36 $60
call SetRoomStatus20 ; $4983: $CD $B9 $7F
call_open_dialog $116 ; $4986
call_open_dialog Dialog116 ; $4986
jp IncrementEntityState ; $498B: $C3 $12 $3B
jp_open_dialog $19C ; $498E
jp_open_dialog Dialog19C ; $498E
ld a, $02 ; $4993: $3E $02
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ MrWriteState0Handler::
jr nz, .jr_4C3B ; $4C31: $20 $08
call_open_dialog $167 ; $4C33
call_open_dialog Dialog167 ; $4C33
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4C38: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ MrWriteState1Handler::
and a ; $4C50: $A7
jr nz, .jr_4C58 ; $4C51: $20 $05
jp_open_dialog $168 ; $4C53
jp_open_dialog Dialog168 ; $4C53
ld [hl], b ; $4C58: $70
jp_open_dialog $169 ; $4C59
jp_open_dialog Dialog169 ; $4C59
ld a, [wDialogState] ; $4C5E: $FA $9F $C1
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ func_018_4C87::
jr nz, .jr_4C9A ; $4C90: $20 $08
call_open_dialog $134 ; $4C92
call_open_dialog Dialog134 ; $4C92
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4C97: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ func_018_4CBE::
ret nz ; $4CC8: $C0
call IncrementEntityState ; $4CC9: $CD $12 $3B
jp_open_dialog $135 ; $4CCC
jp_open_dialog Dialog135 ; $4CCC
ld a, [wDialogState] ; $4CD1: $FA $9F $C1
@ -241,10 +241,10 @@ func_018_4CD1::
dec [hl] ; $4CEC: $35
jp_open_dialog $137 ; $4CED
jp_open_dialog Dialog137 ; $4CED
call ShouldLinkTalkToEntity_18 ; $4CF2: $CD $89 $7D
ret nc ; $4CF5: $D0
jp_open_dialog $138 ; $4CF6
jp_open_dialog Dialog138 ; $4CF6
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func_018_5E43::
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5E55: $C3 $12 $3B
jp_open_dialog $0E6 ; $5E58
jp_open_dialog Dialog0E6 ; $5E58
call ReturnIfNonInteractive_18 ; $5E5D: $CD $E8 $7D
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ ENDC
jr nz, .jr_5EAD ; $5EA6: $20 $05
jp_open_dialog $263 ; $5EA8
jp_open_dialog Dialog263 ; $5EA8
ld a, $18 ; $5EAD: $3E $18
@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ PapahlsWifeState1Handler::
ld [wTradeSequenceItem], a ; $4EB6: $EA $0E $DB
ldh [hReplaceTiles], a ; $4EBB: $E0 $A5
call_open_dialog $128 ; $4EBD
call_open_dialog Dialog128 ; $4EBD
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4EC2: $C3 $12 $3B
call_open_dialog $127 ; $4EC5
call_open_dialog Dialog127 ; $4EC5
call IncrementEntityState ; $4ECA: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], b ; $4ECD: $70
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ TextDebuggerEntityHandler:: ; POI: Text debugging tool
jr z, .jr_5DD0 ; $5DC8: $28 $06
ld a, [wTextDebuggerDialogId] ; $5DCA: $FA $09 $C1
jp OpenDialog ; $5DCD: $C3 $85 $23
jp OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5DCD: $C3 $85 $23
ldh a, [hJoypadState] ; $5DD0: $F0 $CC
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ WalrusState0Handler::
call func_018_7D7C ; $5581: $CD $7C $7D
ret nc ; $5584: $D0
jp_open_dialog $1E0 ; $5585
jp_open_dialog Dialog1E0 ; $5585
call func_018_7EB2 ; $558A: $CD $B2 $7E
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ WalrusState0Handler::
ret nz ; $55B0: $C0
call IncrementEntityState ; $55B1: $CD $12 $3B
call_open_dialog $1E1 ; $55B4
call_open_dialog Dialog1E1 ; $55B4
jp label_018_59AC ; $55B9: $C3 $AC $59
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ WalrusWakingUpHandler::
ld [hl], $08 ; $55D8: $36 $08
jp_open_dialog $1E4 ; $55DA
jp_open_dialog Dialog1E4 ; $55DA
ld a, $01 ; $55DF: $3E $01
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ WalrusDisappearHandler::
ld [wMusicTrackToPlay], a ; $575C: $EA $68 $D3
ld a, $FF ; $575F: $3E $FF
call SetEntitySpriteVariant ; $5761: $CD $0C $3B
call_open_dialog $1E2 ; $5764
call_open_dialog Dialog1E2 ; $5764
ld a, $03 ; $5769: $3E $03
call func_018_59AE ; $576B: $CD $AE $59
ld a, DIRECTION_DOWN ; $576E: $3E $03
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ func_018_58F1::
jr nz, .jr_590D ; $5905: $20 $06
dec [hl] ; $5907: $35
call_open_dialog $1E6 ; $5908
call_open_dialog Dialog1E6 ; $5908
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $590D: $CD $05 $0C
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ ZoraEntityHandler::
call func_018_7D95 ; $4A0E: $CD $95 $7D
jr nc, .jr_4A18 ; $4A11: $30 $05
call_open_dialog $126 ; $4A13
call_open_dialog Dialog126 ; $4A13
ld hl, wEntitiesPhysicsFlagsTable ; $4A18: $21 $40 $C3
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ BananasSchuleState0Handler::
cp $03 ; $6D57: $FE $03
jr nz, .jr_6D63 ; $6D59: $20 $08
call_open_dialog $1C7 ; $6D5B
call_open_dialog Dialog1C7 ; $6D5B
jp IncrementEntityState ; $6D60: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ BananasSchuleState1Handler::
jr z, .jr_6D86 ; $6D7E: $28 $06
ld [hl], b ; $6D80: $70
jp_open_dialog $1C9 ; $6D81
jp_open_dialog Dialog1C9 ; $6D81
jp_open_dialog $1C8 ; $6D86
jp_open_dialog Dialog1C8 ; $6D86
ld a, [wDialogState] ; $6D8B: $FA $9F $C1
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ BananasSchuleState3Handler::
jr nz, .jr_6E14 ; $6E0C: $20 $06
dec [hl] ; $6E0E: $35
call_open_dialog $1CA ; $6E0F
call_open_dialog Dialog1CA ; $6E0F
ldh a, [hFrameCounter] ; $6E14: $F0 $E7
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ func_019_6F8C::
cp $0E ; $6FA0: $FE $0E
jr nz, .jr_6FAB ; $6FA2: $20 $07
call_open_dialog $0D8 ; $6FA4
call_open_dialog Dialog0D8 ; $6FA4
jr jr_019_6FB0 ; $6FA9: $18 $05
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ label_019_70A9:
ld a, e ; $7114: $7B
jp OpenDialog ; $7115: $C3 $85 $23
jp OpenDialogInTable0 ; $7115: $C3 $85 $23
db $F4, $00, $64, $03, $F4, $08, $66, $03, $04, $00, $68, $03, $04, $08, $6A, $03
@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ jr_019_494A:
ld a, $20 ; $4972: $3E $20
jr z, .jr_497D ; $4974: $28 $07
call_open_dialog $196 ; $4976
call_open_dialog Dialog196 ; $4976
jr jr_019_4980 ; $497B: $18 $03
call OpenDialog ; $497D: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $497D: $CD $85 $23
ld a, [wC3C8] ; $4980: $FA $C8 $C3
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ label_019_4E62:
push af ; $4E64: $F5
ld a, $10 ; $4E65: $3E $10
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $4E67: $E0 $99
call_open_dialog $16D ; $4E69
call_open_dialog Dialog16D ; $4E69
pop af ; $4E6E: $F1
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $4E6F: $E0 $99
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4E71: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ label_019_50C4::
ret nz ; $51A5: $C0
ld [hl], $80 ; $51A6: $36 $80
jp_open_dialog $18D ; $51A8
jp_open_dialog Dialog18D ; $51A8
db $F0, $00, $78, $07, $F0, $08, $7A, $07, $00, $00, $7C, $07, $00, $08, $7E, $07
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ GhostState1Handler::
ldh [hLinkPositionX], a ; $5F19: $E0 $98
pop af ; $5F1B: $F1
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $5F1C: $E0 $99
call_open_dialog $216 ; $5F1E
call_open_dialog Dialog216 ; $5F1E
ld a, JINGLE_GHOST_PRESENCE ; $5F23: $3E $2D
ldh [hJingle], a ; $5F25: $E0 $F2
call IncrementEntityState ; $5F27: $CD $12 $3B
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ label_019_5F5F:
inc [hl] ; $5F7A: $34
ldh [hJingle], a ; $5F7D: $E0 $F2
jp_open_dialog $213 ; $5F7F
jp_open_dialog Dialog213 ; $5F7F
call ReturnIfNonInteractive_19 ; $5F84: $CD $3D $7D
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ func_019_6064::
push af ; $606D: $F5
ld a, $10 ; $606E: $3E $10
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $6070: $E0 $99
call_open_dialog $214 ; $6072
call_open_dialog Dialog214 ; $6072
pop af ; $6077: $F1
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $6078: $E0 $99
call IncrementEntityState ; $607A: $CD $12 $3B
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ func_019_6080::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $6080: $CD $05 $0C
jr nz, .jr_608D ; $6083: $20 $08
call_open_dialog $215 ; $6085
call_open_dialog Dialog215 ; $6085
call IncrementEntityState ; $608A: $CD $12 $3B
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Data_019_4634::
jr nz, jr_019_4663 ; $4641: $20 $20
call_open_dialog $221 ; $4643
call_open_dialog Dialog221 ; $4643
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4648: $C3 $12 $3B
; Unused data
@ -169,11 +169,11 @@ GoriyaState1Handler::
ld [hl], b ; $46DB: $70
jp_open_dialog $223 ; $46DC
jp_open_dialog Dialog223 ; $46DC
ld [hl], b ; $46E1: $70
jp_open_dialog $227 ; $46E2
jp_open_dialog Dialog227 ; $46E2
call ReturnIfNonInteractive_19 ; $46E7: $CD $3D $7D
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ GoriyaState3Handler::
ld [hl], b ; $4725: $70
jp_open_dialog $223 ; $4726
jp_open_dialog Dialog223 ; $4726
db $00, $17, $84, $17, $80, $17, $82, $17, $86, $17, $88, $17, $8A, $14, $8C, $14
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ SeashellMansionEntityHandler::
and $02 ; $71EB: $E6 $02
jr nz, jr_019_71FD ; $71ED: $20 $0E
call_open_dialog $179 ; $71EF
call_open_dialog Dialog179 ; $71EF
inc [hl] ; $71F4: $34
ret ; $71F5: $C9
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ SeashellMansionState4Handler::
and a ; $731A: $A7
jr nz, .ret_7327 ; $731B: $20 $0A
call_open_dialog $17B ; $731D
call_open_dialog Dialog17B ; $731D
call IncrementEntityState ; $7322: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], $08 ; $7325: $36 $08
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ SeashellMansionState5Handler::
call GetEntityPrivateCountdown1 ; $7328: $CD $00 $0C
ret nz ; $732B: $C0
call_open_dialog $17A ; $732C
call_open_dialog Dialog17A ; $732C
call IncrementEntityState ; $7331: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], $07 ; $7334: $36 $07
ret ; $7336: $C9
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ func_019_76CB::
ld [hl], $20 ; $76DF: $36 $20
ld a, MUSIC_TOOL_ACQUIRED ; $76E1: $3E $10
ld [wMusicTrackToPlay], a ; $76E3: $EA $68 $D3
call_open_dialog $09F ; $76E6
call_open_dialog Dialog09F ; $76E6
ld a, [wIndoorBRoomStatus + $E9] ; $76EB: $FA $E9 $DA
or $10 ; $76EE: $F6 $10
ld [wIndoorBRoomStatus + $E9], a ; $76F0: $EA $E9 $DA
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ jr_019_78C0:
add $01 ; $78C0: $C6 $01
daa ; $78C2: $27
ld [wSeashellsCount], a ; $78C3: $EA $0F $DB
call_open_dialog $0EF ; $78C6
call_open_dialog Dialog0EF ; $78C6
ret ; $78CB: $C9
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func_015_45FE::
jr nz, .jr_460B ; $4603: $20 $06
dec [hl] ; $4605: $35
jp_open_dialog $0D7 ; $4606
jp_open_dialog Dialog0D7 ; $4606
and a ; $460B: $A7
@ -2861,7 +2861,7 @@ HeartPieceState3Handler::
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5A87: $C3 $12 $3B
call_open_dialog $04F ; $5A8A: $3E $4F
call_open_dialog Dialog04F ; $5A8A: $3E $4F
call IncrementEntityState ; $5A8F: $CD $12 $3B
ld a, $01 ; $5A92: $3E $01
ld [wC1AB], a ; $5A94: $EA $AB $C1
@ -2917,7 +2917,7 @@ HeartPieceState6Handler::
ld hl, wMaxHealth ; $5AE4: $21 $5B $DB
inc [hl] ; $5AE7: $34
; Open the "4 pieces of heart collected" dialog
call_open_dialog $050 ; $5AE8
call_open_dialog Dialog050 ; $5AE8
jp IncrementEntityState ; $5AED: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -3077,7 +3077,7 @@ SwordShieldPickableState0Handler::
dec [hl] ; $5BC4: $35
; "You found your Sword!"
call_open_dialog $09B ; $5BC5
call_open_dialog Dialog09B ; $5BC5
xor a ; $5BCA: $AF
@ -3175,7 +3175,7 @@ label_003_5C49:
jr nz, .jr_5C67 ; $5C5E: $20 $07
dec [hl] ; $5C60: $35
call_open_dialog $093 ; $5C61
call_open_dialog Dialog093 ; $5C61
xor a ; $5C66: $AF
@ -3240,7 +3240,7 @@ KeyDropPointEntityHandler::
ld hl, KeyCollectDialogTable ; $5CB6: $21 $84 $5C
add hl, de ; $5CB9: $19
ld a, [hl] ; $5CBA: $7E
call OpenDialog ; $5CBB: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5CBB: $CD $85 $23
ldh a, [hActiveEntitySpriteVariant] ; $5CBE: $F0 $F1
dec a ; $5CC0: $3D
ld e, a ; $5CC1: $5F
@ -3363,7 +3363,7 @@ SleepyToadstoolEntityHandler::
jr nz, .jr_5D6C ; $5D63: $20 $07
dec [hl] ; $5D65: $35
call_open_dialog $00F ; $5D66
call_open_dialog Dialog00F ; $5D66
xor a ; $5D6B: $AF
@ -3874,7 +3874,7 @@ HidingSlimeKeyEntityHandler::
ld a, e ; $6047: $7B
call OpenDialog ; $6048: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $6048: $CD $85 $23
xor a ; $604B: $AF
@ -4403,7 +4403,7 @@ jr_003_635F:
ret ; $6367: $C9
call_open_dialog $0EF ; $6368
call_open_dialog Dialog0EF ; $6368
call MarkRoomCompleted ; $636D: $CD $2A $51
@ -7117,7 +7117,7 @@ jr_003_7304:
; Boss dialog after defeating them
ld a, e ; $7325: $7B
call OpenDialog ; $7326: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $7326: $CD $85 $23
ld a, MUSIC_BOSS_WARNING ; $7329: $3E $5E
ld [wMusicTrackToPlay], a ; $732B: $EA $68 $D3
jr jr_003_733E ; $732E: $18 $0E
@ -7132,7 +7132,7 @@ ENDC
ld a, $10 ; $7333: $3E $10
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $7335: $E0 $99
ld a, e ; $7337: $7B
call OpenDialog ; $7338: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $7338: $CD $85 $23
pop af ; $733B: $F1
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $733C: $E0 $99
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func_036_40C5::
ldh [hLinkAnimationState], a ; $40E1: $E0 $9D
call_open_dialog $2A7 ; $40E3
call_open_dialog Dialog2A7 ; $40E3
jp IncrementEntityState ; $40E8: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ func_036_4221::
and a ; $4243: $A7
ret nz ; $4244: $C0
call_open_dialog $2A6 ; $4245
call_open_dialog Dialog2A6 ; $4245
jp IncrementEntityState ; $424A: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -624,13 +624,13 @@ func_036_43BD::
and $7F ; $43DC: $E6 $7F
jr z, .jr_43E6 ; $43DE: $28 $06
call_open_dialog $2AD ; $43E0
call_open_dialog Dialog2AD ; $43E0
ret ; $43E5: $C9
ld a, $02 ; $43E6: $3E $02
ld [wC167], a ; $43E8: $EA $67 $C1
call_open_dialog $10C ; $43EB
call_open_dialog Dialog10C ; $43EB
jp IncrementEntityState ; $43F0: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -640,12 +640,12 @@ func_036_43F3::
xor a ; $43F9: $AF
ld [wC167], a ; $43FA: $EA $67 $C1
call_open_dialog $10D ; $43FD
call_open_dialog Dialog10D ; $43FD
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4402: $C3 $12 $3B
call func_036_4365 ; $4405: $CD $65 $43
call_open_dialog $294 ; $4408
call_open_dialog Dialog294 ; $4408
call PointHLToEntityPosX ; $440D: $CD $23 $6C
ld a, [hl] ; $4410: $7E
ld hl, wEntitiesPrivateState2Table ; $4411: $21 $C0 $C2
@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ func_036_44A4::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $44A7: $CD $05 $0C
ret nz ; $44AA: $C0
call_open_dialog $10F ; $44AB
call_open_dialog Dialog10F ; $44AB
jp IncrementEntityState ; $44B0: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ func_036_44C2::
xor a ; $44CB: $AF
ld [wC167], a ; $44CC: $EA $67 $C1
call_open_dialog $10D ; $44CF
call_open_dialog Dialog10D ; $44CF
call IncrementEntityState ; $44D4: $CD $12 $3B
ld [hl], $03 ; $44D7: $36 $03
ret ; $44D9: $C9
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ func_036_44C2::
cp $05 ; $44ED: $FE $05
jr nz, .jr_44F6 ; $44EF: $20 $05
call_open_dialog $296 ; $44F1
call_open_dialog Dialog296 ; $44F1
call IncrementEntityState ; $44F6: $CD $12 $3B
@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ jr_036_452D:
cp [hl] ; $454A: $BE
ret nz ; $454B: $C0
call_open_dialog $294 ; $454C
call_open_dialog Dialog294 ; $454C
ld a, $07 ; $4551: $3E $07
call SetEntityState ; $4553: $CD $07 $6C
ret ; $4556: $C9
@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ func_036_462B::
ld [wPhotos2], a ; $463C: $EA $0D $DC
xor a ; $463F: $AF
ld [hl], a ; $4640: $77
call_open_dialog $297 ; $4641
call_open_dialog Dialog297 ; $4641
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4646: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ func_036_46F9::
cp $2E ; $470E: $FE $2E
ret nc ; $4710: $D0
call_open_dialog $298 ; $4711
call_open_dialog Dialog298 ; $4711
call PointHLToEntitySpriteVariant ; $4716: $CD $02 $6C
ld [hl], $00 ; $4719: $36 $00
jp IncrementEntityState ; $471B: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ func_036_4742::
xor a ; $4749: $AF
ldh [hLinkInteractiveMotionBlocked], a ; $474A: $E0 $A1
ld [wC167], a ; $474C: $EA $67 $C1
call_open_dialog $299 ; $474F
call_open_dialog Dialog299 ; $474F
ld a, [wPhotos1] ; $4754: $FA $0C $DC
or $01 ; $4757: $F6 $01
ld [wPhotos1], a ; $4759: $EA $0C $DC
@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ func_036_4820::
ldh [hLinkAnimationState], a ; $4826: $E0 $9D
call_open_dialog $108 ; $4828
call_open_dialog Dialog108 ; $4828
jp IncrementEntityState ; $482D: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ func_036_4830::
call PointHLToEntitySpriteVariant ; $4859: $CD $02 $6C
ld [hl], $02 ; $485C: $36 $02
call_open_dialog $109 ; $485E
call_open_dialog Dialog109 ; $485E
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4863: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@ func_036_4B3B::
jr nz, .jr_4B4D ; $4B3E: $20 $0D
call IncrementEntityState ; $4B40: $CD $12 $3B
call_open_dialog $1EF ; $4B43
call_open_dialog Dialog1EF ; $4B43
ld a, $03 ; $4B48: $3E $03
jp SetEntitySpriteVariant ; $4B4A: $C3 $0C $3B
@ -2025,7 +2025,7 @@ func_036_4BC3::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $4BC3: $CD $05 $0C
ret nz ; $4BC6: $C0
call_open_dialog $1F8 ; $4BC7
call_open_dialog Dialog1F8 ; $4BC7
jp IncrementEntityState ; $4BCC: $C3 $12 $3B
@ -2257,7 +2257,7 @@ func_036_4D03::
cp $10 ; $4D2E: $FE $10
jr nz, jr_036_4D6E ; $4D30: $20 $3C
call_open_dialog $26F ; $4D32
call_open_dialog Dialog26F ; $4D32
jr jr_036_4D6E ; $4D37: $18 $35
@ -2345,7 +2345,7 @@ func_036_4DB7::
inc hl ; $4DC2: $23
ld [hl], $14 ; $4DC3: $36 $14
pop bc ; $4DC5: $C1
call_open_dialog $26D ; $4DC6
call_open_dialog Dialog26D ; $4DC6
call IncrementEntityState ; $4DCB: $CD $12 $3B
ret ; $4DCE: $C9
@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@ func_036_4E27::
jr nz, jr_036_4E5C ; $4E48: $20 $12
inc [hl] ; $4E4A: $34
call_open_dialog $26E ; $4E4B
call_open_dialog Dialog26E ; $4E4B
call PointHLToEntitySpeedX ; $4E50: $CD $EE $6B
@ -2838,7 +2838,7 @@ TunicFairyState0::
and J_A ; $50FC: $E6 $10
ret z ; $50FE: $C8
call_open_dialog $268 ; $50FF
call_open_dialog Dialog268 ; $50FF
xor a ; $5104: $AF
ld [wC16C], a ; $5105: $EA $6C $C1
ld [wTransitionSequenceCounter], a ; $5108: $EA $6B $C1
@ -2890,7 +2890,7 @@ TunicFairyState2::
ret ; $5147: $C9
call_open_dialog $25C ; $5148
call_open_dialog Dialog25C ; $5148
ld a, $01 ; $514D: $3E $01
call SetEntityState ; $514F: $CD $07 $6C
ret ; $5152: $C9
@ -2940,7 +2940,7 @@ TunicFairyState4::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $5199: $CD $05 $0C
ret nz ; $519C: $C0
call_open_dialog $26B ; $519D
call_open_dialog Dialog26B ; $519D
call IncrementEntityState ; $51A2: $CD $12 $3B
ret ; $51A5: $C9
@ -3305,7 +3305,7 @@ func_036_5428::
ei ; $5440: $FB
ld a, $3A ; $5441: $3E $3A
ldh [hLinkPositionY], a ; $5443: $E0 $99
call_open_dialog $26C ; $5445
call_open_dialog Dialog26C ; $5445
call IncrementEntityState ; $544A: $CD $12 $3B
ret ; $544D: $C9
@ -3508,7 +3508,7 @@ func_036_5561::
call GetEntityTransitionCountdown ; $5568: $CD $05 $0C
ret nz ; $556B: $C0
call_open_dialog $261 ; $556C
call_open_dialog Dialog261 ; $556C
call IncrementEntityState ; $5571: $CD $12 $3B
ret ; $5574: $C9
@ -3661,7 +3661,7 @@ func_036_55B1::
jr nz, .jr_5661 ; $5658: $20 $07
ld [hl], $01 ; $565A: $36 $01
call_open_dialog $269 ; $565C
call_open_dialog Dialog269 ; $565C
ld a, $10 ; $5661: $3E $10
@ -4125,7 +4125,7 @@ func_036_58E4::
and J_A ; $5905: $E6 $10
jr z, ret_036_5911 ; $5907: $28 $08
call_open_dialog $266 ; $5909
call_open_dialog Dialog266 ; $5909
call IncrementEntityState ; $590E: $CD $12 $3B
@ -4141,7 +4141,7 @@ func_036_5912::
jr nz, .jr_592A ; $591B: $20 $0D
call func_036_6C0D ; $591D: $CD $0D $6C
call_open_dialog $267 ; $5920
call_open_dialog Dialog267 ; $5920
call IncrementEntityState ; $5925: $CD $12 $3B
jr ret_036_592F ; $5928: $18 $05
@ -4282,7 +4282,7 @@ func_036_59C3::
and a ; $59EF: $A7
jr nz, .jr_59F9 ; $59F0: $20 $07
call_open_dialog $262 ; $59F2
call_open_dialog Dialog262 ; $59F2
jr jr_036_5A00 ; $59F7: $18 $07
@ -4308,7 +4308,7 @@ ENDC
cp e ; $5A12: $BB
jr nz, .jr_5A1E ; $5A13: $20 $09
call_open_dialog $264 ; $5A15
call_open_dialog Dialog264 ; $5A15
call IncrementEntityState ; $5A1A: $CD $12 $3B
ret ; $5A1D: $C9
@ -4331,7 +4331,7 @@ ENDC
ld a, $02 ; $5A2B: $3E $02
call SetEntitySpriteVariant ; $5A2D: $CD $0C $3B
call_open_dialog $265 ; $5A30
call_open_dialog Dialog265 ; $5A30
ld a, $03 ; $5A35: $3E $03
call SetEntityState ; $5A37: $CD $07 $6C
ret ; $5A3A: $C9
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ FaceShrineMuralStage4Handler::
cp $80 ; $6B90: $FE $80
jr nz, .ret_6B99 ; $6B92: $20 $05
ld a, $E7 ; $6B94: $3E $E7
call OpenDialog ; $6B96: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $6B96: $CD $85 $23
ret ; $6B99: $C9
@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ DialogOpenAnimationStartHandler::
; Input:
; a: dialog index in table 1
call OpenDialog ; $2373: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $2373: $CD $85 $23
; Overwrite the table number
ld a, $01 ; $2376: $3E $01
ld [wDialogIndexHi], a ; $2378: $EA $12 $C1
ret ; $237B: $C9
@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ OpenDialogInTable1::
; Input:
; a: dialog index in table 2
call OpenDialog ; $237C: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $237C: $CD $85 $23
; Overwrite the table number
ld a, $02 ; $237F: $3E $02
ld [wDialogIndexHi], a ; $2381: $EA $12 $C1
ret ; $2384: $C9
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ OpenDialogInTable2::
; Open a dialog in the $00-$FF range
; Input:
; a: dialog index in table 0
; Clear wDialogAskSelectionIndex
push af ; $2385: $F5
xor a ; $2386: $AF
@ -99,8 +101,10 @@ OpenDialog::
ld [wDialogCharacterIndexHi], a ; $2395: $EA $64 $C1
ld [wNameIndex], a ; $2398: $EA $08 $C1
ld [wDialogIndexHi], a ; $239B: $EA $12 $C1
ld a, $0F ; $239E: $3E $0F
ld [wDialogSFX], a ; $23A0: $EA $AB $C5
; Determine if the dialog is displayed on top or bottom
; wDialogState = hLinkPositionY < $48 ? $81 : $01
ldh a, [hLinkPositionY] ; $23A3: $F0 $99
@ -109,6 +113,7 @@ OpenDialog::
and $80 ; $23A8: $E6 $80
or $01 ; $23AA: $F6 $01
ld [wDialogState], a ; $23AC: $EA $9F $C1
ret ; $23AF: $C9
@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ BossIntro::
add hl, de ; $3F43: $19
ld a, [hl] ; $3F44: $7E
jp OpenDialog ; $3F45: $C3 $85 $23
jp OpenDialogInTable0 ; $3F45: $C3 $85 $23
db 1, 2, 4, 8, $10, $20, $40, $80 ; $3F48
@ -70,31 +70,38 @@ entities_end: macro
; Define a pointer to a dialog in a pointers table.
; This macro:
; - emits a `dw DialogXXX` word with the pointer,
; - defines a `DialogXXX_IndexOffset` label, to allow looking up the dialog by index.
; Usage:
; dialog_pointer Dialog123
dialog_pointer: macro
dw \1
; Open a dialog in the correct dialogs table (using a `call` instruction)
; Usage:
; call_open_dialog $123 ; will open Dialog123
; call_open_dialog Dialog123 ; emits "ld a, $23 \n call OpenDialogInTable1"
call_open_dialog: macro
ld a, LOW(\1)
if HIGH(\1) == 1
call OpenDialogInTable1
elif HIGH(\1) == 2
call OpenDialogInTable2
call OpenDialog
ld a, LOW((\1_IdxOffset - DialogPointerTable) / 2)
; Ihe code needs to call the correct function, but the exact dialog index isn't available at compile-time
; (only at link-time), so we can't use IF().
; Instead multiply the functions by a boolean, that resolves either to 0 or 1 at link-time.
call (OpenDialogInTable0 * (HIGH((\1_IdxOffset - DialogPointerTable) / 2) == 0)) \
| (OpenDialogInTable1 * (HIGH((\1_IdxOffset - DialogPointerTable) / 2) == 1)) \
| (OpenDialogInTable2 * (HIGH((\1_IdxOffset - DialogPointerTable) / 2) == 2))
; Open a dialog in the correct dialogs table (using a `jp` instruction)
; Usage:
; jp_open_dialog $123 ; will open Dialog123
; jp_open_dialog Dialog123 ; emits "ld a, $23 \n jp OpenDialogInTable1"
jp_open_dialog: macro
ld a, LOW(\1)
if HIGH(\1) == 1
jp OpenDialogInTable1
elif HIGH(\1) == 2
jp OpenDialogInTable2
jp OpenDialog
ld a, LOW((\1_IdxOffset - DialogPointerTable) / 2)
jp (OpenDialogInTable0 * (HIGH((\1_IdxOffset - DialogPointerTable) / 2) == 0)) \
| (OpenDialogInTable1 * (HIGH((\1_IdxOffset - DialogPointerTable) / 2) == 1)) \
| (OpenDialogInTable2 * (HIGH((\1_IdxOffset - DialogPointerTable) / 2) == 2))
@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ JumpTable_037_473B::
xor a ; $4748: $AF
ld [hl], a ; $4749: $77
call_open_dialog $10B ; $474A
call_open_dialog Dialog10B ; $474A
call func_037_4705 ; $474F: $CD $05 $47
ret ; $4752: $C9
@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ JumpTable_037_485E::
ret ; $4875: $C9
call_open_dialog $23E ; $4876
call_open_dialog Dialog23E ; $4876
ld a, $10 ; $487B: $3E $10
ld [wEntitiesPosYTable+3], a ; $487D: $EA $13 $C2
call func_037_47E4 ; $4880: $CD $E4 $47
@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ JumpTable_037_48A0::
xor a ; $48AD: $AF
ld [hl], a ; $48AE: $77
call_open_dialog $23F ; $48AF
call_open_dialog Dialog23F ; $48AF
call func_037_47E4 ; $48B4: $CD $E4 $47
ret ; $48B7: $C9
@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@ JumpTable_037_4C36::
xor a ; $4C3E: $AF
ld [hl], a ; $4C3F: $77
ld [wEntitiesPosXTable+4], a ; $4C40: $EA $04 $C2
call_open_dialog $270 ; $4C43
call_open_dialog Dialog270 ; $4C43
ld hl, wEntitiesPosXSignTable+4 ; $4C48: $21 $24 $C2
inc [hl] ; $4C4B: $34
@ -2020,7 +2020,7 @@ JumpTable_037_4CF9::
xor a ; $4D11: $AF
ld [hl], a ; $4D12: $77
call_open_dialog $271 ; $4D13
call_open_dialog Dialog271 ; $4D13
jp JumpTable_037_4C36.func_037_4C48 ; $4D18: $C3 $48 $4C
@ -2045,7 +2045,7 @@ JumpTable_037_4D2E::
xor a ; $4D36: $AF
ld [hl], a ; $4D37: $77
ld [wEntitiesPosXTable+4], a ; $4D38: $EA $04 $C2
call_open_dialog $272 ; $4D3B
call_open_dialog Dialog272 ; $4D3B
jp JumpTable_037_4C36.func_037_4C48 ; $4D40: $C3 $48 $4C
@ -2065,7 +2065,7 @@ JumpTable_037_4D43::
xor a ; $4D59: $AF
ld [hl], a ; $4D5A: $77
ld [wEntitiesPosXTable+4], a ; $4D5B: $EA $04 $C2
call_open_dialog $273 ; $4D5E
call_open_dialog Dialog273 ; $4D5E
jp JumpTable_037_4C36.func_037_4C48 ; $4D63: $C3 $48 $4C
@ -2099,7 +2099,7 @@ JumpTable_037_4D7B::
ld [wEntitiesSpeedYAccTable+5], a ; $4D93: $EA $75 $C2
xor a ; $4D96: $AF
ld [hl], a ; $4D97: $77
call_open_dialog $275 ; $4D98
call_open_dialog Dialog275 ; $4D98
jp JumpTable_037_4C36.func_037_4C48 ; $4D9D: $C3 $48 $4C
@ -2118,7 +2118,7 @@ JumpTable_037_4D7B::
ld a, $02 ; $4DB5: $3E $02
ld [wEntitiesSpeedYAccTable+5], a ; $4DB7: $EA $75 $C2
call_open_dialog $274 ; $4DBA
call_open_dialog Dialog274 ; $4DBA
jp JumpTable_037_4C36.func_037_4C48 ; $4DBF: $C3 $48 $4C
@ -2542,7 +2542,7 @@ func_037_5028::
cp $52 ; $5032: $FE $52
ret nz ; $5034: $C0
call_open_dialog $22E ; $5035
call_open_dialog Dialog22E ; $5035
call JumpTable_037_506F.func_037_507C ; $503A: $CD $7C $50
ld [hl], $04 ; $503D: $36 $04
ret ; $503F: $C9
@ -2671,7 +2671,7 @@ JumpTable_037_50D5::
ld [wEntitiesPosYTable+7], a ; $50FA: $EA $17 $C2
xor a ; $50FD: $AF
ld [wEntitiesPosYTable+9], a ; $50FE: $EA $19 $C2
call_open_dialog $23C ; $5101
call_open_dialog Dialog23C ; $5101
call JumpTable_037_506F.func_037_507C ; $5106: $CD $7C $50
ret ; $5109: $C9
@ -2722,7 +2722,7 @@ JumpTable_037_510A::
ld [wEntitiesPosYTable+7], a ; $5154: $EA $17 $C2
ld a, $04 ; $5157: $3E $04
ld [wEntitiesPosYTable+9], a ; $5159: $EA $19 $C2
call_open_dialog $249 ; $515C
call_open_dialog Dialog249 ; $515C
call JumpTable_037_506F.func_037_507C ; $5161: $CD $7C $50
ret ; $5164: $C9
@ -2769,7 +2769,7 @@ JumpTable_037_5192::
xor a ; $519F: $AF
ld [wEntitiesPosYTable+9], a ; $51A0: $EA $19 $C2
call_open_dialog $254 ; $51A3
call_open_dialog Dialog254 ; $51A3
jp JumpTable_037_506F.func_037_507C ; $51A8: $C3 $7C $50
@ -2866,7 +2866,7 @@ JumpTable_037_5228::
xor a ; $524A: $AF
ld [wEntitiesSpeedXTable+14], a ; $524B: $EA $4E $C2
call func_037_49CE ; $524E: $CD $CE $49
call_open_dialog $2AF ; $5251
call_open_dialog Dialog2AF ; $5251
ret ; $5256: $C9
@ -2874,7 +2874,7 @@ JumpTable_037_5257::
and a ; $525A: $A7
ret nz ; $525B: $C0
call_open_dialog $12E ; $525C
call_open_dialog Dialog12E ; $525C
ld a, $01 ; $5261: $3E $01
ld [wEntitiesPosXTable+1], a ; $5263: $EA $01 $C2
ld hl, wEntitiesPosXTable+2 ; $5266: $21 $02 $C2
@ -2924,7 +2924,7 @@ JumpTable_037_527D::
ret c ; $52A6: $D8
call func_037_49CE ; $52A7: $CD $CE $49
call_open_dialog $1F6 ; $52AA
call_open_dialog Dialog1F6 ; $52AA
ret ; $52AF: $C9
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ jr_001_577E::
ld a, [hl] ; $5791: $7E
call OpenDialog ; $5792: $CD $85 $23
call OpenDialogInTable0 ; $5792: $CD $85 $23
ld a, [wDialogIndex] ; $5795: $FA $73 $C1
cp $A7 ; $5798: $FE $A7
jr z, .jr_57A3 ; $579A: $28 $07
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user