mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 05:19:52 +00:00
Some checks failed
Compile and verify functions / compile_verify (push) Has been cancelled
Copy headers to separate repo / copy_headers (push) Has been cancelled
lint / clang-format (push) Has been cancelled
lint / custom-lint (push) Has been cancelled
progress / publish_progress (push) Has been cancelled
testcompile / test_compile (push) Has been cancelled
441 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
441 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import os
import re
from functools import cache
from common import setup_common as setup
# ------
# ------
issueFound = False
def FAIL(message, line, path):
print("Offending file:", path)
print("Line:", line)
global issueFound
issueFound = True
def CHECK(cond, line, message, path):
if not cond(line):
FAIL(message, line, path)
return True
return False
# Common
def common_no_namespace_qualifiers(c, path):
nest_level = []
for line in c.splitlines():
line = line[0:line.find("//")] if "//" in line else line
if line.startswith("using namespace"):
match = re.search(r"^using namespace ([^;\s]+);$", line)
if CHECK(lambda a: match, line,
"Unexpected \"using namespace\" line: should follow format \"using namespace xy;\"", path): return
if CHECK(lambda a: a.rfind("namespace") in [-1, 0], line,
"\"namespace\" must only be listed at the start of a line!", path): return
if line.startswith("namespace"):
match = re.search(r"^namespace ([^{\s]*) ?{$", line)
if CHECK(lambda a: match, line, "Unexpected namespace line: should follow format \"namespace xy {\"",
path): return
# can be "" for "namespace {" and "nn::g3d" for double/triple/... namespaces
allowed_namespaces = []
for l in nest_level:
if l != "" and l != None:
if "::" not in l:
allowed_namespaces += l.split("::")
parts = re.split("([{}])", line)
for x in parts:
if x == "{":
if x == "}":
if nest_level[-1] != None: # is closing namespace
if CHECK(lambda a: a == "}", line.rstrip(), "Closing namespace expects only \"}\" in line!",
path): return
del nest_level[-1]
matches = re.findall(r"[\(,\s]([^\(,\s]+::)+[^\(,\s]+", x)
for match in matches:
match = match[0:-2]
# examples: "sead", "al", "nn::g3d"
if CHECK(lambda a: match not in allowed_namespaces, line, match + " should be omitted here!",
path): return
if len(nest_level) != 0:
print("ERROR: nest_level not empty at end of the file!")
print("nest_level", nest_level)
def get_includes():
def get_files(path):
fs = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
fs.append(os.path.relpath(file_path, path))
return fs
cpp_files = ["concepts", "coroutine", "any", "bitset", "chrono", "compare", "csetjmp", "csignal", "cstdarg",
"cstddef", "cstdlib", "ctime", "expected", "functional", "initializer_list", "optional",
"source_location", "tuple", "type_traits", "typeindex", "typeinfo", "utility", "variant", "version",
"memory", "memory_resource", "new", "scoped_allocator", "cfloat", "cinttypes", "climits", "cstdint",
"limits", "stdfloat", "cassert", "cerrno", "exception", "stacktrace", "stdexcept", "system_error",
"cctype", "charconv", "cstring", "cuchar", "cwchar", "cwctype", "format", "string", "string_view",
"array", "deque", "flat_map", "flat_set", "forward_list", "list", "map", "mdspan", "queue", "set",
"span", "stack", "unordered_map", "unordered_set", "vector", "iterator", "generator", "ranges",
"algorithm", "execution", "bit", "cfenv", "cmath", "complex", "numbers", "numeric", "random", "ratio",
"valarray", "clocale", "codecvt", "locale", "text_encoding", "cstdio", "fstream", "iomanip", "ios",
"iosfwd", "iostream", "istream", "ostream", "print", "spanstream", "sstream", "streambuf", "strstream",
"syncstream", "filesystem", "regex", "atomic", "barrier", "condition_variable", "future",
"hazard_pointer", "latch", "mutex", "rcu", "semaphore", "shared_mutex", "stop_token", "thread",
sead_files = get_files(project_root / 'lib' / 'sead' / 'include')
nintendo_sdk_files = get_files(project_root / 'lib' / 'NintendoSDK' / 'include')
agl_files = get_files(project_root / 'lib' / 'agl' / 'include')
aarch_files = get_files(project_root / 'lib' / 'aarch64')
eui_files = get_files(project_root / 'lib' / 'eui' / 'include')
al_files = [a for a in get_files(project_root / 'lib' / 'al') if a.endswith(".h")]
game_files = [a for a in get_files(project_root / 'src') if a.endswith(".h")]
angled_includes = cpp_files + aarch_files + nintendo_sdk_files + sead_files + agl_files + eui_files
al_includes = al_files
game_includes = game_files
return angled_includes, al_includes, game_includes
def common_include_order(c, path, is_header):
lines = c.split("\n")
if is_header:
if CHECK(lambda a: a == "#pragma once", lines[0], "Headers must start with \"#pragma once\"!", path): return
del lines[0]
if CHECK(lambda a: a == "", lines[0], "\"#pragma once\" must be followed by exactly one empty line!",
path): return
del lines[0]
elif not path.endswith("src/System/Init.cpp"):
# hardcoded exception: Init.cpp contains C functions and no header to relate to
if "src/" in path:
rel_path = path.split("src/")[-1]
elif "al/" in path:
rel_path = path.split("al/")[-1]
elif "include/" in path:
rel_path = path.split("include/")[-1]
rel_path = path
header_line = "#include \"" + rel_path[0:-3] + "h\""
if CHECK(lambda a: a == header_line, lines[0],
"Source files must start with including respective header in double quotes (here: " + header_line + ")!",
path): return
del lines[0]
if CHECK(lambda a: a == "", lines[0], "\"" + header_line + "\" must be followed by exactly one empty line!",
path): return
del lines[0]
include_lines = []
end_of_includes = False
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("#include"):
if CHECK(lambda a: not end_of_includes, line, "Includes have to be listed at the very top of the file!",
path): return
elif line == "" and not end_of_includes:
end_of_includes = True
angled_includes, al_includes, game_includes = get_includes()
order = -1 # -1=none (after initial newline) ; 0=angled (sead, agl, nn, eui) ; 1=al ; 2=game ; -2,-3,-4=newline after respective section (angled, al, game)
for line in include_lines:
if line == "":
if CHECK(lambda a: order in [0, 1, 2], line,
"Unexpected newline in includes! Please re-read the contribution guide and format accordingly.",
path): return
order = -order - 2
if line.startswith("#include <") and line.endswith(">"):
file = line[10:-1]
if CHECK(lambda a: order in [-1, 0], line,
"Angled \"#includes <...>\" can only appear in the first block of includes!", path): return
if CHECK(lambda a: file in angled_includes, line, "This file is not allowed to be included with <>!",
path): return
order = 0
elif line.startswith("#include \"") and line.endswith("\""):
file = line[10:-1]
if file in al_includes:
if CHECK(lambda a: order in [-1, -2, 1], line,
"Wrong order for includes: Found \"al\"-include outside of expected block!", path): return
order = 1
elif file in game_includes:
if CHECK(lambda a: order in [-1, -2, -3, 2], line,
"Wrong order for includes: Found \"game\"-include outside of expected block!", path): return
order = 2
FAIL("This file is not allowed to be included with <>!", line, path)
FAIL("Unknown include format", line, path)
CHECK(lambda a: order in [-1, -2, -3, -4], "not applicable", "Empty line expected after includes!", path)
def common_newline_eof(c, path):
CHECK(lambda a: a == "", c.split("\n")[-1], "Files should end with a newline!", path)
def common_sead_types(c, path):
FORBIDDEN_TYPES = ["int", "float", "short", "long", "double"]
for line in c.splitlines():
index = 0
while index < len(line):
index = line.find(t, index)
if index == -1:
if index > 0 and line[index - 1].isalnum():
index += 1
if index + len(t) < len(line) and line[index + len(t)].isalnum():
index += 1
"Forbidden type used: " + t + ". Use equivalent of <basis/seadTypes.h> instead (f32, s32, u32, ...)",
line, path)
def common_void_params(c, path):
for line in c.splitlines():
if "(void)" in line:
FAIL("Function parameters should be empty instead of \"(void)\"!", line, path)
def common_const_type(c, path):
for line in c.splitlines():
line = line.split("//")[0]
index = 0
while index < len(line):
index = line.find("const", index)
if index == -1:
if index > 0 and line[index - 1].isalnum(): # const is just part of a longer string
index += 1
if index >= 0 and line[index + len("const")] in ['*', '&']:
FAIL("Const must be placed before the type: const T* or const T&", line, path)
index += 1
index += 1
def common_this_prefix(c, path):
for line in c.splitlines():
if 'this->' in line:
FAIL("this-> is not allowed!", line, path)
def common_sead_math_template(c, path):
for line in c.splitlines():
if "<f32>" in line or "<s32>" in line or "<u32>" in line or "<f64>" in line or "<s64>" in line or "<u64>" in line:
if "sead" not in line and "Matrix43" not in line:
if "using" in line or "typedef" in line:
if "sead::Buffer" in line: # probably needs more exceptions at some point
FAIL("Use short sead types: sead::Vector3f, sead::Mathi and similar!", line, path)
# Header files
def header_sorted_visibility(c, path):
visibilities_ordered = ["public:", "protected:", "private:"]
nest_level = [-2] # -2 = outside of class ; -1 = inside class ; 0 = public ; 1 = protected ; 2 = private
should_start_class = False
for line in c.splitlines():
line = line[0:line.find("//")] if "//" in line else line
if line.endswith("\\"): line = line[0:-1]
line = line.strip()
if line not in visibilities_ordered:
header_check_line(line, path, nest_level[-1], should_start_class)
if "{" in line and "}" in line:
if CHECK(lambda a: a.count("{") == a.count("}") or (a.startswith("{") and a.endswith("}};")), line,
"Unbalanced \"{\" and \"}\" in the same line! (exception: end of brace-initialized array)",
path): return
if line.startswith("{") and line.endswith("}};"):
del nest_level[-1]
should_start_class = False
if line.startswith("class ") and not line.endswith(";"):
should_start_class = True
if CHECK(lambda a: [b for b in visibilities_ordered if b in a and a != b] == [], line,
"visibility modifier must be its own line!", path): return
if CHECK(lambda a: a.count("{") + a.count("}") <= 1, line, "Only one \"{\" and \"}\" is allowed per line!",
path): return
if line in visibilities_ordered:
i = visibilities_ordered.index(line)
if CHECK(lambda a: i > nest_level[-1], line,
"Wrong order of visibilities: Must be public, protected, private!", path): return
if nest_level[
-1] == -2: # outside of class, only seen in SubActorKeeper.h in a macro definition - ignore then
nest_level[-1] = i
elif "{" in line:
nest_level.append(-2 if not should_start_class else -1)
should_start_class = False
elif "}" in line:
del nest_level[-1]
if len(nest_level) != 1:
print("ERROR: nest_level not empty at end of the file!")
print("nest_level", nest_level)
def header_check_line(line, path, visibility, should_start_class):
if visibility == -2: # outside of class/struct/...
if (line.startswith("class") and (not line.endswith(";") or "{" in line)) or should_start_class:
if ": " in line and not ": public" in line and not ": virtual public" in line:
FAIL("All superclasses must be public!", line, path)
if should_start_class and not ": " in line and not line.startswith("public") and not line.startswith(
"virtual public"):
FAIL("All superclasses must be public!", line, path)
if line.startswith("class") and "{" in line and ": " in line:
index = 0
while index < len(line):
index = line.find(",", index + 1)
if index == -1: break
if index < line.find(": "): continue
if index != line.find(", public", index) and index != line.find(", virtual public", index):
FAIL("All superclasses must be public!", line, path)
elif visibility == -1: # inside class, but not in a visibility block
allowed = line in ["", "};"] or line.startswith("SEAD_SINGLETON_DISPOSER") or line.startswith(
"SEAD_RTTI_BASE") or line.startswith("SEAD_RTTI_OVERRIDE")
CHECK(lambda a: allowed, line,
"Inside class, but not in a visibility block, only empty lines and closing brace allowed!", path)
elif visibility == 0: # public
if "(" in line: # function
function_name = line.split("(")[-2].split(" ")[-1]
CHECK(lambda a: not function_name.endswith("_"), line,
"Functions ending with an underscore are either protected or private!", path)
elif visibility == 2: # private
if line == "};" or line == "" or line == "union {" or line.startswith("struct"): return
if "(" in line and ")" in line: return
newline = line
if "=" in line:
newline = line.split("=")[0].strip()
elif line.endswith(";"):
newline = line.split(";")[0].strip()
FAIL("Unknown private line!", line, path)
if newline.endswith("]"):
newline = newline.split("[")[0].strip()
var_name = newline.split(" ")[-1]
var_type = " ".join(newline.split(" ")[0:-1])
if var_type.startswith("enum"):
return # Allow enum inside class
PREFIXES = ["padding", "field", "unk", "gap", "_", "filler"]
if var_type.startswith("static"):
CHECK(lambda a: var_name.startswith("s") and var_name[1].isupper(), line,
"Static member variables must be prefixed with `s`!", path)
allowed_name = (var_name.startswith("m") and var_name[1].isupper()) or any(
[var_name.startswith(p) for p in PREFIXES])
CHECK(lambda a: allowed_name, line, "Member variables must be prefixed with `m`!", path)
if var_type == "bool":
BOOL_PREFIXES = ["mIs", "mHas"]
allowed_name = any(
[var_name.startswith(p) and (var_name[len(p)].isupper() or var_name[len(p)].isdigit()) for p in
BOOL_PREFIXES]) or any([var_name.startswith(p) for p in PREFIXES])
if path.endswith("ByamlWriterData.h") and var_name == "mValue": return
CHECK(lambda a: allowed_name, line, "Boolean member variables must start with `mIs` or `mHas`!", path)
def header_no_offset_comments(c, path):
for line in c.splitlines():
CHECK(lambda a: "// 0x" not in a, line, "Offset comments are not allowed in headers!", path)
# Source files
# -----
# -----
def check_source(c, path):
common_newline_eof(c, path)
common_no_namespace_qualifiers(c, path)
common_include_order(c, path, False)
common_sead_types(c, path)
common_void_params(c, path)
common_const_type(c, path)
common_this_prefix(c, path)
common_sead_math_template(c, path)
def check_header(c, path):
common_newline_eof(c, path)
common_no_namespace_qualifiers(c, path)
common_include_order(c, path, True)
common_sead_types(c, path)
common_void_params(c, path)
common_const_type(c, path)
common_sead_math_template(c, path)
header_sorted_visibility(c, path)
header_no_offset_comments(c, path)
common_this_prefix(c, path)
def check_file(file_str):
file = open(file_str, mode="r")
content = file.read()
if file_str.endswith('.h'):
check_header(content, file_str)
elif file_str.endswith('.cpp'):
check_source(content, file_str)
FAIL("Must only contain .h and .cpp files!", "NOT APPLICABLE", file_str)
project_root = setup.ROOT
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
'check-format.py', description="Verify additional formatting options next to clang-format and clang-tidy")
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true',
help="Give verbose output")
args = parser.parse_args()
for dir in [project_root / 'lib' / 'al', project_root / 'src']:
for root, _, files in os.walk(dir):
for file in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
file_str = str(file_path)
if issueFound:
print("No issues found!")
if __name__ == "__main__":