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synced 2024-12-01 09:21:00 +00:00
345 lines
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345 lines
9.2 KiB
import csv, glob, math, os, sys
from pathlib import Path
libraries = { }
def truncate(number, digits) -> float:
stepper = 10.0 ** digits
return math.trunc(stepper * number) / stepper
class Function:
name = ""
isCompleted = False
funcSize = 0
def __init__(self, name, isComplete, funcSize):
self.name = name
self.isCompleted = isComplete
self.funcSize = funcSize
class Object:
name = ""
functions = []
totalFunctions = 0
totalCompletedFunctions = 0
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.functions = list()
self.totalFunctions = 0
self.totalCompletedFunctions = 0
def addFunction(self, function):
if function.isCompleted:
self.totalCompletedFunctions += 1
self.totalFunctions += 1
def getFunctions(self):
return self.functions
def calculateProgress(self):
fullSize = 0
doneSize = 0
for function in self.functions:
fullSize += function.funcSize
if function.isCompleted:
doneSize += function.funcSize
return doneSize, fullSize
class Library:
name = ""
objects = []
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.objects = list()
def addObject(self, object):
def addFunctionToObject(self, obj, function):
if self.containsObject(obj.name):
self.addFunctionToObject(obj, function)
def findObject(self, objectName):
for obj in self.objects:
if obj.name == objectName:
return obj
return None
def getObjects(self):
return self.objects
def containsObject(self, object):
for obj in self.objects:
if obj.name == object:
return True
return False
def calculateProgress(self):
fullSize = 0
doneSize = 0
for obj in self.objects:
d, f = obj.calculateProgress()
fullSize += f
doneSize += d
return doneSize, fullSize
def getName(self):
return self.name
def generateJSONTag(self, percent, color):
json = []
json.append("\t\"schemaVersion\": 1,\n")
json.append(f"\t\"label\": \"{self.name}\",\n")
json.append(f"\t\"message\": \"{truncate(percent, 5)}%\",\n")
json.append(f"\t\"color\": \"{color}\"\n")
with open(f"data/json/{self.name}.json", "w") as w:
def generateMarkdown(self):
# first we are going to generate the tables for the object files themselves in the library
page = []
page.append(f"# {self.name}\n")
page.append("| Symbol | Meaning \n")
page.append("| ------------- | ------------- \n")
page.append("| :x: | Object has not yet been started. \n")
page.append("| :eight_pointed_black_star: | Object is in progress. \n")
page.append("| :white_check_mark: | Object is completed. \n")
page.append("| Object | Percentage (of Bytes) | Functions Done / Total Functions | Percentage (Functions) | Status \n")
page.append("| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- \n")
for obj in self.objects:
d, f = obj.calculateProgress()
prog = (d / f) * 100.0
funcProg = (obj.totalCompletedFunctions / obj.totalFunctions) * 100.0
marker = ":x:"
if d == f:
marker = ":white_check_mark:"
elif d != f and d != 0:
marker = ":eight_pointed_black_star:"
page.append(f"| {obj.name} | {prog}% | {obj.totalCompletedFunctions} / {obj.totalFunctions} | {funcProg}% | {marker} \n")
# now we can do it per object in the library
for obj in self.objects:
page.append(f"# {obj.name}\n")
page.append("| Symbol | Decompiled? |\n")
page.append("| ------------- | ------------- |\n")
for func in obj.getFunctions():
marker = ":x:"
if func.isCompleted:
marker = ":white_check_mark:"
funcName = func.name.replace("<", "<")
funcName = funcName.replace(">", ">")
page.append(f"| {funcName} | {marker} |\n")
with open(f"docs/lib/{self.name}.md", "w") as w:
excludedLibraries = [
lib_percent_colors = {
"Animation": "brightgreen",
"AreaObj": "green",
"AudioLib": "yellow",
"Boss": "orange",
"Camera": "red",
"Demo": "D65076",
"Effect": "pink",
"Enemy": "magenta",
"GameAudio": "teal",
"Gravity": "maroon",
"LiveActor": "cyan",
"Map": "silver",
"MapObj": "tan",
"NameObj": "indigo",
"NPC": "7fffd4",
"Player": "ff7f50",
"RhythmLib": "088da5",
"Ride": "ffff66",
"Scene": "a0db8e",
"Screen": "ff4040",
"Speaker": "daa520",
"System": "696969",
"Util": "ff6666"
func_sizes = {}
# start by reading function sizes
with open("data/funcSizes.txt", "r") as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
spl = line.split('=')
sym = spl[0]
func_sizes[sym] = spl[1].split(',', 1)[1]
csv_files = glob.glob("csv/*.csv")
for csv_file in sorted(csv_files, key=str.casefold):
lib_name = Path(csv_file).stem
lib_arch_name = Path(csv_file).stem + ".a"
# we are just going to ignore non-SMG libraries
if lib_arch_name not in excludedLibraries:
library = Library(lib_name)
with open(csv_file, "r") as c:
csv_reader = csv.reader(c)
for row in csv_reader:
symbol = row[0]
symbol = symbol.replace(",", ",")
if symbol == "Symbol Name":
obj = row[1]
lib = row[2]
done = row[3] == "true"
funcSize = int(func_sizes[symbol].strip("\n"))
func = Function(symbol, done, funcSize)
obj = Object(obj)
library.addFunctionToObject(obj, func)
libraries[lib_name] = library
fullSize = 0
doneSize = 0
print("Calculating percentages...")
for key in libraries:
lib = libraries[key]
d, f = lib.calculateProgress()
fullSize += f
doneSize += d
lib.generateJSONTag((d / f ) * 100.0, lib_percent_colors[lib.getName()])
progPercent = (doneSize / fullSize ) * 100.0
progNonPercent = int((doneSize / fullSize) * 120.0)
print(f"Progress: {progPercent}% [{doneSize} / {fullSize}] bytes")
print(f"You currently have {progNonPercent} / 120 stars.")
print("Generating JSON...")
json = []
json.append("\t\"schemaVersion\": 1,\n")
json.append("\t\"label\": \"decompiled\",\n")
json.append(f"\t\"message\": \"{progPercent}%\",\n")
json.append("\t\"color\": \"blue\"\n")
with open("data/percent.json", "w") as w:
print("Generating markdown pages...")
# now we generate our progress page
progressPage = []
progressPage.append("| Library | Percentage |\n")
progressPage.append("| ------------- | ------------- |\n")
for key in libraries:
lib = libraries[key]
d, f = lib.calculateProgress()
libprog = (d / f) * 100.0
progressPage.append(f"| [{key}](https://github.com/shibbo/Petari/blob/master/docs/lib/{key}.md) | {libprog}% |\n")
with open("docs/PROGRESS.md", "w") as w:
# now we write the progress page for each library
for key in libraries:
lib = libraries[key]
print("Done.") |