309 lines
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#pragma once
#include "Macros.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
// PlayStation 1 GPU emulation: simplified.
// This is a heavily stripped down implementation of a PlayStation 1 style GPU specifically for PsyDoom.
// Simplifications made for this GPU include:
// (1) The removal of all links to an emulated PlayStation system, including DMA and interrupts etc.
// (2) All memory transfer stuff, status registers and I/O registers are removed, the host game can just access everything directly.
// (3) This GPU does not concern itself with output format or video timings (PAL vs NTSC) - it just stores the VRAM region being displayed.
// (4) The output display format is assumed to be 15-bit color, 24-bit color is not supported.
// (5) Dithering is not supported, since Doom did not use this at all.
// (6) Drawing primitives are always modulated by the primitive color, there is no mode where this does not happen.
// (7) The GPU 'mask bit' for masking pixels is not supported, Doom did not use this.
// (8) X and Y flipping textures is not supported; original PS1 models did not have this anyway so games could not use it.
// (9) All rendering/command primitives are fed directly to the GPU and handled immediately - command buffers are not supported.
// (10) Only rectangles, lines, triangles, and a few (newly added) Doom specific primitives are supported.
// Quads must be decomposed externally into triangles.
// (11) The full range of draw primitives exposed by the original LIBGPU is NOT provided, only the ones that Doom uses.
// (12) Various not that useful bits of GPU state have been removed, for example the 'display enable' flag (originally in the status reg)
// (13) The drawing and display areas must not wrap around in VRAM, it is assumed they do not.
// (14) CLUTs are not allowed to wrap around in VRAM, it is assumed they do not.
// There are some improvements over an original PS1 GPU also, which can allow extended capabilities:
// (1) The texture window and page can exceed 256x256 units.
// (2) VRAM can be made bigger than the standard 1024x512 pixels.
// (3) Texture coordinates are now 16-bit, which allows for (1) to be taken advantage of.
// The original VRAM width and height (in 16-bit pixels) for the PS1
static constexpr uint16_t PS1_VRAM_W = 1024;
static constexpr uint16_t PS1_VRAM_H = 512;
// Represents a 24-bit RGB888 color used by the GPU with each component in 1.7 fixed point format.
// This is used as an intermediate color strength or multiplier for GPU commands and rendering.
// The value '128' is equal to 1.0 or full strength and values over that are 'overbright'.
union Color24F {
// The individual components of the color
struct {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
uint8_t x; // Unused component/padding
} comp;
// The full 32-bits of the color (8-bits are padding)
uint32_t bits;
inline constexpr Color24F() noexcept : bits(0) {}
inline constexpr Color24F(const uint32_t bits) noexcept : bits(bits) {}
inline constexpr Color24F(const uint8_t r, const uint8_t g, const uint8_t b) noexcept : comp{} {
comp.r = r;
comp.g = g;
comp.b = b;
inline constexpr operator uint32_t() const noexcept { return bits; }
// Represents a 15-bit TBGR1555 color used by the GPU.
// This is used as a dest/output format for the framebuffer and also as an input format for 16-bit textures & CLUTs.
// Note: the top bit (T) is the PlayStation 'semi-transparency' bit.
struct Color16 {
uint16_t bits;
inline constexpr uint16_t getR() const noexcept { return bits & 0x1F; }
inline constexpr uint16_t getG() const noexcept { return (bits >> 5) & 0x1F; }
inline constexpr uint16_t getB() const noexcept { return (bits >> 10) & 0x1F; }
inline constexpr uint16_t getT() const noexcept { return bits >> 15; }
inline constexpr Color16() noexcept : bits(0) {}
inline constexpr Color16(const uint16_t bits) noexcept : bits(bits) {}
inline constexpr operator uint16_t() const noexcept { return bits; }
// Set the color values using RGB555 components that are assumed to be in range
void setRGB(const uint16_t r5, const uint16_t g5, const uint16_t b5) noexcept {
bits &= 0x8000;
bits |= (r5 | (g5 << 5) | (b5 << 10));
// Makes a color from the individual components.
// Note: the components are already assumed to be in range: 5-bits for RGB and 1-bit for semi-transparency.
static inline constexpr Color16 make(const uint16_t r5, const uint16_t g5, const uint16_t b5, const uint16_t t1) noexcept {
return Color16(r5 | (g5 << 5) | (b5 << 10) | (t1 << 15));
// Same as 'make' but with the semi transparency flag not set (RGB only)
static inline constexpr Color16 make(const uint16_t r5, const uint16_t g5, const uint16_t b5) noexcept {
return Color16(r5 | (g5 << 5) | (b5 << 10));
// Represents a 'semi-transparency' or blending mode for the GPU between foreground (fg) and background (bg) colors
enum class BlendMode : uint8_t {
Alpha50, // 50% opacity alpha blend (bg/2 + fg/2)
Add, // Additive blend at 100% opacity (bg + fg)
Subtract, // Subtractive blend at 100% opacity (bg - fg)
Add25 // Additive blend at 25% opacity (bg + fg/4)
// Texture format used by the GPU
enum class TexFmt : uint8_t {
Bpp4, // 4-bits per pixel color indexed (using a CLUT)
Bpp8, // 8-bits per pixel color indexed (using a CLUT)
Bpp16, // 15-bit direct RGB color plus a 1-bit semi-transparency flag (16-bits per pixel overall)
// What type of drawing to do
enum class DrawMode : uint8_t {
Colored, // Draw the geometry colored only (no texture mapping) and without blending
ColoredBlended, // Draw the geometry colored only (no texture mapping) and with blending
Textured, // Draw the geometry textured with color modulation (no blending)
TexturedBlended, // Draw the geometry textured with color modulation (blending enabled)
// GPU drawing primitives: rectangles, lines and triangles.
// PsyDoom also adds new Doom specific GPU primitives, floor rows and wall columns to accelerate rendering.
// These should produce similar results to standard triangles, but at a much lower cost.
struct DrawRect {
int16_t x; // Position of rectangle: x
int16_t y; // Position of rectangle: y
uint16_t w; // Width of rectangle. Note: not allowed to exceed 1023!
uint16_t h; // Height of rectangle. Note: not allowed to exceed 511!
uint16_t u; // Top left texcoord: u
uint16_t v; // Top right texcoord: v
Color24F color; // Color to shade the rectangle with
struct DrawLine {
int16_t x1; // Line point 1: x
int16_t y1; // Line point 1: y
int16_t x2; // Line point 2: x
int16_t y2; // Line point 2: y
Color24F color; // Color to draw the line with
struct DrawTriangle {
int16_t x1; // Triangle point 1: x
int16_t y1; // Triangle point 1: y
int16_t u1; // Triangle point 1: u texcoord
int16_t v1; // Triangle point 1: v texcoord
int16_t x2; // Triangle point 2: x
int16_t y2; // Triangle point 2: y
int16_t u2; // Triangle point 2: u texcoord
int16_t v2; // Triangle point 2: v texcoord
int16_t x3; // Triangle point 3: x
int16_t y3; // Triangle point 3: y
int16_t u3; // Triangle point 3: u texcoord
int16_t v3; // Triangle point 3: v texcoord
Color24F color; // Color to draw the triangle with
struct DrawTriangleGouraud {
int16_t x1; // Triangle point 1: x
int16_t y1; // Triangle point 1: y
int16_t u1; // Triangle point 1: u texcoord
int16_t v1; // Triangle point 1: v texcoord
int16_t x2; // Triangle point 2: x
int16_t y2; // Triangle point 2: y
int16_t u2; // Triangle point 2: u texcoord
int16_t v2; // Triangle point 2: v texcoord
int16_t x3; // Triangle point 3: x
int16_t y3; // Triangle point 3: y
int16_t u3; // Triangle point 3: u texcoord
int16_t v3; // Triangle point 3: v texcoord
Color24F color1; // Triangle point 1: color
Color24F color2; // Triangle point 1: color
Color24F color3; // Triangle point 1: color
// New Doom specific primitive (textured floor row)
struct DrawFloorRow {
int16_t y; // Row y value
int16_t x1; // Row point 1: x
int16_t u1; // Row point 1: u texcoord
int16_t v1; // Row point 1: v texcoord
int16_t x2; // Row point 2: x
int16_t u2; // Row point 2: u texcoord
int16_t v2; // Row point 2: v texcoord
Color24F color; // Color to draw the row with
// New Doom specific primitive with a constant 'u' value (textured wall column)
struct DrawWallCol {
int16_t x; // Column x value
int16_t u; // Column u texcoord
int16_t y1; // Column point 1: y
int16_t v1; // Column point 1: v texcoord
int16_t y2; // Column point 2: y
int16_t v2; // Column point 2: v texcoord
Color24F color; // Color to draw the column with
// New Doom specific primitive with a constant 'u' value (textured and gouraud shaded wall column)
struct DrawWallColGouraud {
int16_t x; // Column x value
int16_t u; // Column u texcoord
int16_t y1; // Column point 1: y
int16_t v1; // Column point 1: v texcoord
int16_t y2; // Column point 2: y
int16_t v2; // Column point 2: v texcoord
Color24F color1; // Column point 1: color
Color24F color2; // Column point 2: color
// The GPU core/device itself
struct Core {
uint16_t* pRam; // The VRAM for the GPU: declared as an array of 16-bit/2-byte pixels
uint16_t ramPixelW; // The width of VRAM (in terms of 16-bit/2-byte pixels) - always a power of 2
uint16_t ramPixelH; // The height of VRAM (in terms of 16-bit/2-byte pixels) - always a power of 2
uint16_t ramXMask; // A mask which wraps coordinates to be inside of VRAM
uint16_t ramYMask; // A mask which wraps coordinates to be inside of VRAM
int16_t drawOffsetX; // X offset added to vertices before rasterizing, brings the geometry into the area of VRAM being drawn to
int16_t drawOffsetY; // Y offset added to vertices before rasterizing, brings the geometry into the area of VRAM being drawn to
uint16_t drawAreaLx; // The area of VRAM being drawn to (left X, inclusive)
uint16_t drawAreaRx; // The area of VRAM being drawn to (right X, inclusive)
uint16_t drawAreaTy; // The area of VRAM being drawn to (top Y, inclusive)
uint16_t drawAreaBy; // The area of VRAM being drawn to (bottom Y, inclusive)
uint16_t displayAreaX; // The area of VRAM being displayed (top left X)
uint16_t displayAreaY; // The area of VRAM being displayed (top left Y)
uint16_t displayAreaW; // The area of VRAM being displayed (width)
uint16_t displayAreaH; // The area of VRAM being displayed (height)
uint16_t texPageX; // Location of the area used for texturing (top left X, in terms of 16-bit pixels)
uint16_t texPageY; // Location of the area used for texturing (top left Y, in terms of 16-bit pixels)
uint16_t texPageXMask; // Mask used to wrap X coordinates to be within the texture page (e.g 0xFF for 256 pixel wrap, in terms of 16-bit pixels)
uint16_t texPageYMask; // Mask used to wrap Y coordinates to be within the texture page (e.g 0xFF for 256 pixel wrap, in terms of 16-bit pixels)
uint16_t texWinX; // Location of a window within the texture page to use for texturing (top left X, in terms of current format pixels)
uint16_t texWinY; // Location of a window within the texture page to use for texturing (top left Y, in terms of current format pixels)
uint16_t texWinXMask; // Masks X coordinates to be within the texture window (e.g 0xF for 16 pixel wrap, in terms of current format pixels)
uint16_t texWinYMask; // Masks Y coordinates to be within the texture window (e.g 0xF for 16 pixel wrap, in terms of current format pixels)
BlendMode blendMode; // Blend mode for blended/semi-transparent geometry
TexFmt texFmt; // Current texture format in use
uint16_t clutX; // X position of the current CLUT/color-index table in 16-bit VRAM pixels (CLUT is arranged in a row at this location)
uint16_t clutY; // Y position of the current CLUT/color-index table in 16-bit VRAM pixels (CLUT is arranged in a row at this location)
bool bDisableMasking; // PSX GPU extension: disable pixel discard during texture mapping when all the texel bits are '0'?
// CLUT cache to speed up texture mapping and the settings it was last saved with
TexFmt clutCacheFmt;
uint16_t clutCacheX;
uint16_t clutCacheY;
Color16 clutCache[256];
// Initializing and shutting down a core
void initCore(Core& core, const uint16_t ramPixelW, const uint16_t ramPixelH) noexcept;
void destroyCore(Core& core) noexcept;
// VRAM reading
uint16_t vramReadU16(const Core& core, const uint16_t x, const uint16_t y) noexcept;
void vramWriteU16(Core& core, const uint16_t x, const uint16_t y, const uint16_t value) noexcept;
Color16 readTexel(Core& core, const uint16_t coordX, const uint16_t coordY) noexcept;
// Miscellaneous
void updateClutCache(Core& core) noexcept;
bool isPixelInDrawArea(const Core& core, const uint16_t x, const uint16_t y) noexcept;
void clearRect(Core& core, const Color16 color, const uint16_t x, const uint16_t y, const uint16_t w, const uint16_t h) noexcept;
// Color manipulation and conversion
template <DrawMode DrawMode>
Color16 color24FTo16(const Color24F colorIn) noexcept;
Color16 colorMul(const Color16 color1, const Color24F color2) noexcept;
Color16 colorBlend(const Color16 bg, const Color16 fg, const BlendMode mode) noexcept;
// Drawing functions: note that lines CANNOT be textured!
template <DrawMode DrawMode>
void draw(Core& core, const DrawRect& rect) noexcept;
template <DrawMode DrawMode>
void draw(Core& core, const DrawLine& line) noexcept;
template <DrawMode DrawMode>
void draw(Core& core, const DrawTriangle& triangle) noexcept;
template <DrawMode DrawMode>
void draw(Core& core, const DrawTriangleGouraud& triangle) noexcept;
template <DrawMode DrawMode>
void draw(Core& core, const DrawFloorRow& row) noexcept;
template <DrawMode DrawMode>
void draw(Core& core, const DrawWallCol& col) noexcept;
template <DrawMode DrawMode>
void draw(Core& core, const DrawWallColGouraud& col) noexcept;