mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 09:43:41 +00:00
push new files
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
.include "macro.inc"
/* assembler directives */
.set noat /* allow manual use of $at */
.set noreorder /* don't insert nops after branches */
.set gp=64 /* allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers */
.section .text, "ax"
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.12.1 */
glabel nnScCreateScheduler
/* 1130 80000530 27BDFFD0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x30
/* 1134 80000534 AFB00018 */ sw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 1138 80000538 00808025 */ or $s0, $a0, $zero
/* 113C 8000053C AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 1140 80000540 AFA50034 */ sw $a1, 0x34($sp)
/* 1144 80000544 240E0001 */ addiu $t6, $zero, 0x1
/* 1148 80000548 240F0001 */ addiu $t7, $zero, 0x1
/* 114C 8000054C 24180003 */ addiu $t8, $zero, 0x3
/* 1150 80000550 AE00066C */ sw $zero, 0x66C($s0)
/* 1154 80000554 AE000670 */ sw $zero, 0x670($s0)
/* 1158 80000558 AE000674 */ sw $zero, 0x674($s0)
/* 115C 8000055C AE000668 */ sw $zero, 0x668($s0)
/* 1160 80000560 AE0E0678 */ sw $t6, 0x678($s0)
/* 1164 80000564 A60F0000 */ sh $t7, 0x0($s0)
/* 1168 80000568 A6180002 */ sh $t8, 0x2($s0)
/* 116C 8000056C 26040074 */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x74
/* 1170 80000570 AFA4002C */ sw $a0, 0x2C($sp)
/* 1174 80000574 2605008C */ addiu $a1, $s0, 0x8C
/* 1178 80000578 0C00CFC4 */ jal osCreateMesgQueue
/* 117C 8000057C 24060008 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x8
/* 1180 80000580 260400AC */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0xAC
/* 1184 80000584 AFA40028 */ sw $a0, 0x28($sp)
/* 1188 80000588 260500C4 */ addiu $a1, $s0, 0xC4
/* 118C 8000058C 0C00CFC4 */ jal osCreateMesgQueue
/* 1190 80000590 24060008 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x8
/* 1194 80000594 260400E4 */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0xE4
/* 1198 80000598 AFA40024 */ sw $a0, 0x24($sp)
/* 119C 8000059C 260500FC */ addiu $a1, $s0, 0xFC
/* 11A0 800005A0 0C00CFC4 */ jal osCreateMesgQueue
/* 11A4 800005A4 24060008 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x8
/* 11A8 800005A8 2604003C */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x3C
/* 11AC 800005AC 26050054 */ addiu $a1, $s0, 0x54
/* 11B0 800005B0 0C00CFC4 */ jal osCreateMesgQueue
/* 11B4 800005B4 24060008 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x8
/* 11B8 800005B8 26040004 */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x4
/* 11BC 800005BC 2605001C */ addiu $a1, $s0, 0x1C
/* 11C0 800005C0 0C00CFC4 */ jal osCreateMesgQueue
/* 11C4 800005C4 24060008 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x8
/* 11C8 800005C8 2604011C */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x11C
/* 11CC 800005CC 26050134 */ addiu $a1, $s0, 0x134
/* 11D0 800005D0 0C00CFC4 */ jal osCreateMesgQueue
/* 11D4 800005D4 24060008 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x8
/* 11D8 800005D8 8FA4002C */ lw $a0, 0x2C($sp)
/* 11DC 800005DC 2405029A */ addiu $a1, $zero, 0x29A
/* 11E0 800005E0 0C00CFD0 */ jal osViSetEvent
/* 11E4 800005E4 93A60037 */ lbu $a2, 0x37($sp)
/* 11E8 800005E8 24040004 */ addiu $a0, $zero, 0x4
/* 11EC 800005EC 8FA50028 */ lw $a1, 0x28($sp)
/* 11F0 800005F0 0C00CFEC */ jal osSetEventMesg
/* 11F4 800005F4 2406029B */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x29B
/* 11F8 800005F8 24040009 */ addiu $a0, $zero, 0x9
/* 11FC 800005FC 8FA50024 */ lw $a1, 0x24($sp)
/* 1200 80000600 0C00CFEC */ jal osSetEventMesg
/* 1204 80000604 2406029C */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x29C
/* 1208 80000608 2404000E */ addiu $a0, $zero, 0xE
/* 120C 8000060C 8FA5002C */ lw $a1, 0x2C($sp)
/* 1210 80000610 0C00CFEC */ jal osSetEventMesg
/* 1214 80000614 2406029D */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x29D
/* 1218 80000618 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 121C 8000061C 8FB00018 */ lw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 1220 80000620 27BD0030 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x30
/* 1224 80000624 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 1228 80000628 00000000 */ nop
glabel nnScStartScheduler
/* 122C 8000062C 27BDFFD0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x30
/* 1230 80000630 AFB00020 */ sw $s0, 0x20($sp)
/* 1234 80000634 00808025 */ or $s0, $a0, $zero
/* 1238 80000638 AFBF0024 */ sw $ra, 0x24($sp)
/* 123C 8000063C 3C0E8008 */ lui $t6, %hi(D_800792D0)
/* 1240 80000640 25CE92D0 */ addiu $t6, $t6, %lo(D_800792D0)
/* 1244 80000644 26040158 */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x158
/* 1248 80000648 3C068000 */ lui $a2, %hi(nnScEventHandler)
/* 124C 8000064C 240F0078 */ addiu $t7, $zero, 0x78
/* 1250 80000650 AFAF0014 */ sw $t7, 0x14($sp)
/* 1254 80000654 24C60710 */ addiu $a2, $a2, %lo(nnScEventHandler)
/* 1258 80000658 AFA4002C */ sw $a0, 0x2C($sp)
/* 125C 8000065C AFAE0010 */ sw $t6, 0x10($sp)
/* 1260 80000660 24050013 */ addiu $a1, $zero, 0x13
/* 1264 80000664 0C00CEB8 */ jal osCreateThread
/* 1268 80000668 02003825 */ or $a3, $s0, $zero
/* 126C 8000066C 0C00CF0C */ jal osStartThread
/* 1270 80000670 8FA4002C */ lw $a0, 0x2C($sp)
/* 1274 80000674 3C188008 */ lui $t8, %hi(D_8007A2D0)
/* 1278 80000678 2718A2D0 */ addiu $t8, $t8, %lo(D_8007A2D0)
/* 127C 8000067C 26040308 */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x308
/* 1280 80000680 3C068000 */ lui $a2, %hi(nnScExecuteAudio)
/* 1284 80000684 2419006E */ addiu $t9, $zero, 0x6E
/* 1288 80000688 AFB90014 */ sw $t9, 0x14($sp)
/* 128C 8000068C 24C60900 */ addiu $a2, $a2, %lo(nnScExecuteAudio)
/* 1290 80000690 AFA4002C */ sw $a0, 0x2C($sp)
/* 1294 80000694 AFB80010 */ sw $t8, 0x10($sp)
/* 1298 80000698 24050012 */ addiu $a1, $zero, 0x12
/* 129C 8000069C 0C00CEB8 */ jal osCreateThread
/* 12A0 800006A0 02003825 */ or $a3, $s0, $zero
/* 12A4 800006A4 0C00CF0C */ jal osStartThread
/* 12A8 800006A8 8FA4002C */ lw $a0, 0x2C($sp)
/* 12AC 800006AC 3C088008 */ lui $t0, %hi(D_8007B2D0)
/* 12B0 800006B0 2508B2D0 */ addiu $t0, $t0, %lo(D_8007B2D0)
/* 12B4 800006B4 260404B8 */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x4B8
/* 12B8 800006B8 3C068000 */ lui $a2, %hi(nnScExecuteGraphics)
/* 12BC 800006BC 24090064 */ addiu $t1, $zero, 0x64
/* 12C0 800006C0 AFA90014 */ sw $t1, 0x14($sp)
/* 12C4 800006C4 24C60A80 */ addiu $a2, $a2, %lo(nnScExecuteGraphics)
/* 12C8 800006C8 AFA4002C */ sw $a0, 0x2C($sp)
/* 12CC 800006CC AFA80010 */ sw $t0, 0x10($sp)
/* 12D0 800006D0 24050011 */ addiu $a1, $zero, 0x11
/* 12D4 800006D4 0C00CEB8 */ jal osCreateThread
/* 12D8 800006D8 02003825 */ or $a3, $s0, $zero
/* 12DC 800006DC 0C00CF0C */ jal osStartThread
/* 12E0 800006E0 8FA4002C */ lw $a0, 0x2C($sp)
/* 12E4 800006E4 8FBF0024 */ lw $ra, 0x24($sp)
/* 12E8 800006E8 8FB00020 */ lw $s0, 0x20($sp)
/* 12EC 800006EC 27BD0030 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x30
/* 12F0 800006F0 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 12F4 800006F4 00000000 */ nop
glabel nnScGetAudioMQ
/* 12F8 800006F8 24820004 */ addiu $v0, $a0, 0x4
/* 12FC 800006FC 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 1300 80000700 00000000 */ nop
glabel nnScGetGfxMQ
/* 1304 80000704 2482003C */ addiu $v0, $a0, 0x3C
/* 1308 80000708 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 130C 8000070C 00000000 */ nop
glabel nnScEventHandler
/* 1310 80000710 27BDFFC0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x40
/* 1314 80000714 AFB00014 */ sw $s0, 0x14($sp)
/* 1318 80000718 00808025 */ or $s0, $a0, $zero
/* 131C 8000071C AFBF002C */ sw $ra, 0x2C($sp)
/* 1320 80000720 AFB50028 */ sw $s5, 0x28($sp)
/* 1324 80000724 AFB40024 */ sw $s4, 0x24($sp)
/* 1328 80000728 AFB30020 */ sw $s3, 0x20($sp)
/* 132C 8000072C AFB2001C */ sw $s2, 0x1C($sp)
/* 1330 80000730 AFB10018 */ sw $s1, 0x18($sp)
/* 1334 80000734 3C118008 */ lui $s1, %hi(D_8007B2D0)
/* 1338 80000738 AFA0003C */ sw $zero, 0x3C($sp)
/* 133C 8000073C 2631B2D0 */ addiu $s1, $s1, %lo(D_8007B2D0)
/* 1340 80000740 26150074 */ addiu $s5, $s0, 0x74
/* 1344 80000744 2414029D */ addiu $s4, $zero, 0x29D
/* 1348 80000748 2413029A */ addiu $s3, $zero, 0x29A
/* 134C 8000074C 27B2003C */ addiu $s2, $sp, 0x3C
/* 1350 80000750 02A02025 */ or $a0, $s5, $zero
/* 1354 80000754 02402825 */ or $a1, $s2, $zero
/* 1358 80000758 0C00D008 */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 135C 8000075C 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 1360 80000760 962E0000 */ lhu $t6, 0x0($s1)
/* 1364 80000764 8FB8003C */ lw $t8, 0x3C($sp)
/* 1368 80000768 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 136C 8000076C 25CF0001 */ addiu $t7, $t6, 0x1
/* 1370 80000770 13130005 */ beq $t8, $s3, .L80000788
/* 1374 80000774 A62F0000 */ sh $t7, 0x0($s1)
/* 1378 80000778 13140007 */ beq $t8, $s4, .L80000798
/* 137C 8000077C 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 1380 80000780 1000FFF4 */ b .L80000754
/* 1384 80000784 02A02025 */ or $a0, $s5, $zero
/* 1388 80000788 0C00022C */ jal nnScEventBroadcast
/* 138C 8000078C 02002825 */ or $a1, $s0, $zero
/* 1390 80000790 1000FFF0 */ b .L80000754
/* 1394 80000794 02A02025 */ or $a0, $s5, $zero
/* 1398 80000798 0C00022C */ jal nnScEventBroadcast
/* 139C 8000079C 26050002 */ addiu $a1, $s0, 0x2
/* 13A0 800007A0 1000FFEC */ b .L80000754
/* 13A4 800007A4 02A02025 */ or $a0, $s5, $zero
/* 13A8 800007A8 00000000 */ nop
/* 13AC 800007AC 00000000 */ nop
/* 13B0 800007B0 8FBF002C */ lw $ra, 0x2C($sp)
/* 13B4 800007B4 8FB00014 */ lw $s0, 0x14($sp)
/* 13B8 800007B8 8FB10018 */ lw $s1, 0x18($sp)
/* 13BC 800007BC 8FB2001C */ lw $s2, 0x1C($sp)
/* 13C0 800007C0 8FB30020 */ lw $s3, 0x20($sp)
/* 13C4 800007C4 8FB40024 */ lw $s4, 0x24($sp)
/* 13C8 800007C8 8FB50028 */ lw $s5, 0x28($sp)
/* 13CC 800007CC 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 13D0 800007D0 27BD0040 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x40
glabel nnScAddClient
/* 13D4 800007D4 27BDFFE8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x18
/* 13D8 800007D8 AFBF0014 */ sw $ra, 0x14($sp)
/* 13DC 800007DC AFA40018 */ sw $a0, 0x18($sp)
/* 13E0 800007E0 AFA60020 */ sw $a2, 0x20($sp)
/* 13E4 800007E4 24040001 */ addiu $a0, $zero, 0x1
/* 13E8 800007E8 0C00D058 */ jal osSetIntMask
/* 13EC 800007EC AFA5001C */ sw $a1, 0x1C($sp)
/* 13F0 800007F0 8FA5001C */ lw $a1, 0x1C($sp)
/* 13F4 800007F4 8FAE0020 */ lw $t6, 0x20($sp)
/* 13F8 800007F8 8FA30018 */ lw $v1, 0x18($sp)
/* 13FC 800007FC 00402025 */ or $a0, $v0, $zero
/* 1400 80000800 ACAE0004 */ sw $t6, 0x4($a1)
/* 1404 80000804 8C6F0668 */ lw $t7, 0x668($v1)
/* 1408 80000808 ACAF0000 */ sw $t7, 0x0($a1)
/* 140C 8000080C 0C00D058 */ jal osSetIntMask
/* 1410 80000810 AC650668 */ sw $a1, 0x668($v1)
/* 1414 80000814 8FBF0014 */ lw $ra, 0x14($sp)
/* 1418 80000818 27BD0018 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x18
/* 141C 8000081C 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 1420 80000820 00000000 */ nop
glabel nnScRemoveClient
/* 1424 80000824 27BDFFE0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x20
/* 1428 80000828 AFBF0014 */ sw $ra, 0x14($sp)
/* 142C 8000082C AFA40020 */ sw $a0, 0x20($sp)
/* 1430 80000830 8FAE0020 */ lw $t6, 0x20($sp)
/* 1434 80000834 24040001 */ addiu $a0, $zero, 0x1
/* 1438 80000838 8DC30668 */ lw $v1, 0x668($t6)
/* 143C 8000083C AFA00018 */ sw $zero, 0x18($sp)
/* 1440 80000840 AFA50024 */ sw $a1, 0x24($sp)
/* 1444 80000844 0C00D058 */ jal osSetIntMask
/* 1448 80000848 AFA3001C */ sw $v1, 0x1C($sp)
/* 144C 8000084C 8FA3001C */ lw $v1, 0x1C($sp)
/* 1450 80000850 8FA50024 */ lw $a1, 0x24($sp)
/* 1454 80000854 8FA60018 */ lw $a2, 0x18($sp)
/* 1458 80000858 1060000F */ beqz $v1, .L80000898
/* 145C 8000085C 00402025 */ or $a0, $v0, $zero
/* 1460 80000860 5465000A */ bnel $v1, $a1, .L8000088C
/* 1464 80000864 00603025 */ or $a2, $v1, $zero
/* 1468 80000868 10C00004 */ beqz $a2, .L8000087C
/* 146C 8000086C 8FB90020 */ lw $t9, 0x20($sp)
/* 1470 80000870 8CAF0000 */ lw $t7, 0x0($a1)
/* 1474 80000874 10000008 */ b .L80000898
/* 1478 80000878 ACCF0000 */ sw $t7, 0x0($a2)
/* 147C 8000087C 8CB80000 */ lw $t8, 0x0($a1)
/* 1480 80000880 10000005 */ b .L80000898
/* 1484 80000884 AF380668 */ sw $t8, 0x668($t9)
/* 1488 80000888 00603025 */ or $a2, $v1, $zero
/* 148C 8000088C 8C630000 */ lw $v1, 0x0($v1)
/* 1490 80000890 1460FFF3 */ bnez $v1, .L80000860
/* 1494 80000894 00000000 */ nop
/* 1498 80000898 0C00D058 */ jal osSetIntMask
/* 149C 8000089C 00000000 */ nop
/* 14A0 800008A0 8FBF0014 */ lw $ra, 0x14($sp)
/* 14A4 800008A4 27BD0020 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x20
/* 14A8 800008A8 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 14AC 800008AC 00000000 */ nop
glabel nnScEventBroadcast
/* 14B0 800008B0 27BDFFE0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x20
/* 14B4 800008B4 AFB10018 */ sw $s1, 0x18($sp)
/* 14B8 800008B8 00A08825 */ or $s1, $a1, $zero
/* 14BC 800008BC AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 14C0 800008C0 AFB00014 */ sw $s0, 0x14($sp)
/* 14C4 800008C4 8C900668 */ lw $s0, 0x668($a0)
/* 14C8 800008C8 52000009 */ beql $s0, $zero, .L800008F0
/* 14CC 800008CC 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 14D0 800008D0 8E040004 */ lw $a0, 0x4($s0)
/* 14D4 800008D4 02202825 */ or $a1, $s1, $zero
/* 14D8 800008D8 0C00D080 */ jal osSendMesg
/* 14DC 800008DC 00003025 */ or $a2, $zero, $zero
/* 14E0 800008E0 8E100000 */ lw $s0, 0x0($s0)
/* 14E4 800008E4 5600FFFB */ bnel $s0, $zero, .L800008D4
/* 14E8 800008E8 8E040004 */ lw $a0, 0x4($s0)
/* 14EC 800008EC 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 14F0 800008F0 8FB00014 */ lw $s0, 0x14($sp)
/* 14F4 800008F4 8FB10018 */ lw $s1, 0x18($sp)
/* 14F8 800008F8 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 14FC 800008FC 27BD0020 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x20
glabel nnScExecuteAudio
/* 1500 80000900 27BDFFA8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x58
/* 1504 80000904 AFB20020 */ sw $s2, 0x20($sp)
/* 1508 80000908 00809025 */ or $s2, $a0, $zero
/* 150C 8000090C AFBF003C */ sw $ra, 0x3C($sp)
/* 1510 80000910 AFBE0038 */ sw $fp, 0x38($sp)
/* 1514 80000914 AFB70034 */ sw $s7, 0x34($sp)
/* 1518 80000918 AFB60030 */ sw $s6, 0x30($sp)
/* 151C 8000091C AFB5002C */ sw $s5, 0x2C($sp)
/* 1520 80000920 AFB40028 */ sw $s4, 0x28($sp)
/* 1524 80000924 AFB30024 */ sw $s3, 0x24($sp)
/* 1528 80000928 AFB1001C */ sw $s1, 0x1C($sp)
/* 152C 8000092C AFB00018 */ sw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 1530 80000930 AFA00054 */ sw $zero, 0x54($sp)
/* 1534 80000934 AFA00050 */ sw $zero, 0x50($sp)
/* 1538 80000938 26550004 */ addiu $s5, $s2, 0x4
/* 153C 8000093C 00008825 */ or $s1, $zero, $zero
/* 1540 80000940 241E0002 */ addiu $fp, $zero, 0x2
/* 1544 80000944 24170001 */ addiu $s7, $zero, 0x1
/* 1548 80000948 27B60050 */ addiu $s6, $sp, 0x50
/* 154C 8000094C 27B40054 */ addiu $s4, $sp, 0x54
/* 1550 80000950 02A02025 */ or $a0, $s5, $zero
/* 1554 80000954 02C02825 */ or $a1, $s6, $zero
/* 1558 80000958 0C00D008 */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 155C 8000095C 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 1560 80000960 0C00D0D4 */ jal osWritebackDCacheAll
/* 1564 80000964 00000000 */ nop
/* 1568 80000968 8E53066C */ lw $s3, 0x66C($s2)
/* 156C 8000096C 5260000E */ beql $s3, $zero, .L800009A8
/* 1570 80000970 8FAE0050 */ lw $t6, 0x50($sp)
/* 1574 80000974 0C00D0E0 */ jal osSpTaskYield
/* 1578 80000978 265000AC */ addiu $s0, $s2, 0xAC
/* 157C 8000097C 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 1580 80000980 02802825 */ or $a1, $s4, $zero
/* 1584 80000984 0C00D008 */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 1588 80000988 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 158C 8000098C 0C00D0E8 */ jal osSpTaskYielded
/* 1590 80000990 26640010 */ addiu $a0, $s3, 0x10
/* 1594 80000994 10400003 */ beqz $v0, .L800009A4
/* 1598 80000998 03C08825 */ or $s1, $fp, $zero
/* 159C 8000099C 10000001 */ b .L800009A4
/* 15A0 800009A0 02E08825 */ or $s1, $s7, $zero
/* 15A4 800009A4 8FAE0050 */ lw $t6, 0x50($sp)
/* 15A8 800009A8 265000AC */ addiu $s0, $s2, 0xAC
/* 15AC 800009AC AE4E0670 */ sw $t6, 0x670($s2)
/* 15B0 800009B0 8FA40050 */ lw $a0, 0x50($sp)
/* 15B4 800009B4 0C00D14B */ jal osSpTaskLoad
/* 15B8 800009B8 24840010 */ addiu $a0, $a0, 0x10
/* 15BC 800009BC 8FA40050 */ lw $a0, 0x50($sp)
/* 15C0 800009C0 0C00D1A5 */ jal osSpTaskStartGo
/* 15C4 800009C4 24840010 */ addiu $a0, $a0, 0x10
/* 15C8 800009C8 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 15CC 800009CC 02802825 */ or $a1, $s4, $zero
/* 15D0 800009D0 0C00D008 */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 15D4 800009D4 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 15D8 800009D8 8E4F0674 */ lw $t7, 0x674($s2)
/* 15DC 800009DC AE400670 */ sw $zero, 0x670($s2)
/* 15E0 800009E0 2644011C */ addiu $a0, $s2, 0x11C
/* 15E4 800009E4 11E00003 */ beqz $t7, .L800009F4
/* 15E8 800009E8 02802825 */ or $a1, $s4, $zero
/* 15EC 800009EC 0C00D080 */ jal osSendMesg
/* 15F0 800009F0 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 15F4 800009F4 16370008 */ bne $s1, $s7, .L80000A18
/* 15F8 800009F8 00000000 */ nop
/* 15FC 800009FC 26700010 */ addiu $s0, $s3, 0x10
/* 1600 80000A00 0C00D14B */ jal osSpTaskLoad
/* 1604 80000A04 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 1608 80000A08 0C00D1A5 */ jal osSpTaskStartGo
/* 160C 80000A0C 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 1610 80000A10 10000007 */ b .L80000A30
/* 1614 80000A14 8FB80050 */ lw $t8, 0x50($sp)
/* 1618 80000A18 163E0004 */ bne $s1, $fp, .L80000A2C
/* 161C 80000A1C 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 1620 80000A20 02802825 */ or $a1, $s4, $zero
/* 1624 80000A24 0C00D080 */ jal osSendMesg
/* 1628 80000A28 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 162C 80000A2C 8FB80050 */ lw $t8, 0x50($sp)
/* 1630 80000A30 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 1634 80000A34 00008825 */ or $s1, $zero, $zero
/* 1638 80000A38 8F040050 */ lw $a0, 0x50($t8)
/* 163C 80000A3C 0C00D080 */ jal osSendMesg
/* 1640 80000A40 8F050054 */ lw $a1, 0x54($t8)
/* 1644 80000A44 1000FFC3 */ b .L80000954
/* 1648 80000A48 02A02025 */ or $a0, $s5, $zero
/* 164C 80000A4C 00000000 */ nop
/* 1650 80000A50 8FBF003C */ lw $ra, 0x3C($sp)
/* 1654 80000A54 8FB00018 */ lw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 1658 80000A58 8FB1001C */ lw $s1, 0x1C($sp)
/* 165C 80000A5C 8FB20020 */ lw $s2, 0x20($sp)
/* 1660 80000A60 8FB30024 */ lw $s3, 0x24($sp)
/* 1664 80000A64 8FB40028 */ lw $s4, 0x28($sp)
/* 1668 80000A68 8FB5002C */ lw $s5, 0x2C($sp)
/* 166C 80000A6C 8FB60030 */ lw $s6, 0x30($sp)
/* 1670 80000A70 8FB70034 */ lw $s7, 0x34($sp)
/* 1674 80000A74 8FBE0038 */ lw $fp, 0x38($sp)
/* 1678 80000A78 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 167C 80000A7C 27BD0058 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x58
glabel nnScExecuteGraphics
/* 1680 80000A80 27BDFFB8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x48
/* 1684 80000A84 AFB00014 */ sw $s0, 0x14($sp)
/* 1688 80000A88 00808025 */ or $s0, $a0, $zero
/* 168C 80000A8C AFBF002C */ sw $ra, 0x2C($sp)
/* 1690 80000A90 AFB50028 */ sw $s5, 0x28($sp)
/* 1694 80000A94 AFB40024 */ sw $s4, 0x24($sp)
/* 1698 80000A98 AFB30020 */ sw $s3, 0x20($sp)
/* 169C 80000A9C AFB2001C */ sw $s2, 0x1C($sp)
/* 16A0 80000AA0 AFB10018 */ sw $s1, 0x18($sp)
/* 16A4 80000AA4 AFA00044 */ sw $zero, 0x44($sp)
/* 16A8 80000AA8 2615003C */ addiu $s5, $s0, 0x3C
/* 16AC 80000AAC 27B40040 */ addiu $s4, $sp, 0x40
/* 16B0 80000AB0 27B30044 */ addiu $s3, $sp, 0x44
/* 16B4 80000AB4 02A02025 */ or $a0, $s5, $zero
/* 16B8 80000AB8 02802825 */ or $a1, $s4, $zero
/* 16BC 80000ABC 0C00D008 */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 16C0 80000AC0 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 16C4 80000AC4 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 16C8 80000AC8 0C0002ED */ jal nnScWaitTaskReady
/* 16CC 80000ACC 8FA50040 */ lw $a1, 0x40($sp)
/* 16D0 80000AD0 8E0E0670 */ lw $t6, 0x670($s0)
/* 16D4 80000AD4 8FAF0040 */ lw $t7, 0x40($sp)
/* 16D8 80000AD8 2604011C */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x11C
/* 16DC 80000ADC 11C00005 */ beqz $t6, .L80000AF4
/* 16E0 80000AE0 02602825 */ or $a1, $s3, $zero
/* 16E4 80000AE4 AE0F0674 */ sw $t7, 0x674($s0)
/* 16E8 80000AE8 0C00D008 */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 16EC 80000AEC 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 16F0 80000AF0 AE000674 */ sw $zero, 0x674($s0)
/* 16F4 80000AF4 8FB80040 */ lw $t8, 0x40($sp)
/* 16F8 80000AF8 261100AC */ addiu $s1, $s0, 0xAC
/* 16FC 80000AFC 261200E4 */ addiu $s2, $s0, 0xE4
/* 1700 80000B00 AE18066C */ sw $t8, 0x66C($s0)
/* 1704 80000B04 8FA40040 */ lw $a0, 0x40($sp)
/* 1708 80000B08 0C00D14B */ jal osSpTaskLoad
/* 170C 80000B0C 24840010 */ addiu $a0, $a0, 0x10
/* 1710 80000B10 8FA40040 */ lw $a0, 0x40($sp)
/* 1714 80000B14 0C00D1A5 */ jal osSpTaskStartGo
/* 1718 80000B18 24840010 */ addiu $a0, $a0, 0x10
/* 171C 80000B1C 02202025 */ or $a0, $s1, $zero
/* 1720 80000B20 02602825 */ or $a1, $s3, $zero
/* 1724 80000B24 0C00D008 */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 1728 80000B28 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 172C 80000B2C AE00066C */ sw $zero, 0x66C($s0)
/* 1730 80000B30 02402025 */ or $a0, $s2, $zero
/* 1734 80000B34 02602825 */ or $a1, $s3, $zero
/* 1738 80000B38 0C00D008 */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 173C 80000B3C 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 1740 80000B40 8E190678 */ lw $t9, 0x678($s0)
/* 1744 80000B44 53200005 */ beql $t9, $zero, .L80000B5C
/* 1748 80000B48 8FA80040 */ lw $t0, 0x40($sp)
/* 174C 80000B4C 0C00D1B8 */ jal osViBlack
/* 1750 80000B50 00002025 */ or $a0, $zero, $zero
/* 1754 80000B54 AE000678 */ sw $zero, 0x678($s0)
/* 1758 80000B58 8FA80040 */ lw $t0, 0x40($sp)
/* 175C 80000B5C 8D090008 */ lw $t1, 0x8($t0)
/* 1760 80000B60 312A0040 */ andi $t2, $t1, 0x40
/* 1764 80000B64 51400004 */ beql $t2, $zero, .L80000B78
/* 1768 80000B68 8FAB0040 */ lw $t3, 0x40($sp)
/* 176C 80000B6C 0C00D1D4 */ jal osViSwapBuffer
/* 1770 80000B70 8D04000C */ lw $a0, 0xC($t0)
/* 1774 80000B74 8FAB0040 */ lw $t3, 0x40($sp)
/* 1778 80000B78 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 177C 80000B7C 8D640050 */ lw $a0, 0x50($t3)
/* 1780 80000B80 0C00D080 */ jal osSendMesg
/* 1784 80000B84 8D650054 */ lw $a1, 0x54($t3)
/* 1788 80000B88 1000FFCB */ b .L80000AB8
/* 178C 80000B8C 02A02025 */ or $a0, $s5, $zero
/* 1790 80000B90 8FBF002C */ lw $ra, 0x2C($sp)
/* 1794 80000B94 8FB00014 */ lw $s0, 0x14($sp)
/* 1798 80000B98 8FB10018 */ lw $s1, 0x18($sp)
/* 179C 80000B9C 8FB2001C */ lw $s2, 0x1C($sp)
/* 17A0 80000BA0 8FB30020 */ lw $s3, 0x20($sp)
/* 17A4 80000BA4 8FB40024 */ lw $s4, 0x24($sp)
/* 17A8 80000BA8 8FB50028 */ lw $s5, 0x28($sp)
/* 17AC 80000BAC 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 17B0 80000BB0 27BD0048 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x48
glabel nnScWaitTaskReady
/* 17B4 80000BB4 27BDFFB8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x48
/* 17B8 80000BB8 AFB1001C */ sw $s1, 0x1C($sp)
/* 17BC 80000BBC 00808825 */ or $s1, $a0, $zero
/* 17C0 80000BC0 AFBF002C */ sw $ra, 0x2C($sp)
/* 17C4 80000BC4 AFB40028 */ sw $s4, 0x28($sp)
/* 17C8 80000BC8 AFB30024 */ sw $s3, 0x24($sp)
/* 17CC 80000BCC AFB20020 */ sw $s2, 0x20($sp)
/* 17D0 80000BD0 AFB00018 */ sw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 17D4 80000BD4 AFA00044 */ sw $zero, 0x44($sp)
/* 17D8 80000BD8 0C00D1E8 */ jal osViGetCurrentFramebuffer
/* 17DC 80000BDC 8CB4000C */ lw $s4, 0xC($a1)
/* 17E0 80000BE0 14540012 */ bne $v0, $s4, .L80000C2C
/* 17E4 80000BE4 2632011C */ addiu $s2, $s1, 0x11C
/* 17E8 80000BE8 27B30044 */ addiu $s3, $sp, 0x44
/* 17EC 80000BEC 27B0003C */ addiu $s0, $sp, 0x3C
/* 17F0 80000BF0 02202025 */ or $a0, $s1, $zero
/* 17F4 80000BF4 02002825 */ or $a1, $s0, $zero
/* 17F8 80000BF8 0C0001F5 */ jal nnScAddClient
/* 17FC 80000BFC 02403025 */ or $a2, $s2, $zero
/* 1800 80000C00 02402025 */ or $a0, $s2, $zero
/* 1804 80000C04 02602825 */ or $a1, $s3, $zero
/* 1808 80000C08 0C00D008 */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 180C 80000C0C 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x1
/* 1810 80000C10 02202025 */ or $a0, $s1, $zero
/* 1814 80000C14 0C000209 */ jal nnScRemoveClient
/* 1818 80000C18 02002825 */ or $a1, $s0, $zero
/* 181C 80000C1C 0C00D1E8 */ jal osViGetCurrentFramebuffer
/* 1820 80000C20 00000000 */ nop
/* 1824 80000C24 5054FFF3 */ beql $v0, $s4, .L80000BF4
/* 1828 80000C28 02202025 */ or $a0, $s1, $zero
/* 182C 80000C2C 8FBF002C */ lw $ra, 0x2C($sp)
/* 1830 80000C30 8FB00018 */ lw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 1834 80000C34 8FB1001C */ lw $s1, 0x1C($sp)
/* 1838 80000C38 8FB20020 */ lw $s2, 0x20($sp)
/* 183C 80000C3C 8FB30024 */ lw $s3, 0x24($sp)
/* 1840 80000C40 8FB40028 */ lw $s4, 0x28($sp)
/* 1844 80000C44 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 1848 80000C48 27BD0048 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x48
/* 184C 80000C4C 00000000 */ nop
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
.include "macro.inc"
/* assembler directives */
.set noat /* allow manual use of $at */
.set noreorder /* don't insert nops after branches */
.set gp=64 /* allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers */
.section .text, "ax"
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.12.1 */
glabel osCartRomInit
/* 3E150 8003D550 3C0E8009 */ lui $t6, %hi(D_800954EC)
/* 3E154 8003D554 8DCE54EC */ lw $t6, %lo(D_800954EC)($t6)
/* 3E158 8003D558 27BDFFE0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x20
/* 3E15C 8003D55C 3C01B000 */ lui $at, (0xB0000000 >> 16)
/* 3E160 8003D560 AFBF0014 */ sw $ra, 0x14($sp)
/* 3E164 8003D564 15C10004 */ bne $t6, $at, .L8003D578
/* 3E168 8003D568 AFA0001C */ sw $zero, 0x1C($sp)
/* 3E16C 8003D56C 3C028009 */ lui $v0, %hi(D_800954E0)
/* 3E170 8003D570 10000030 */ b .L8003D634
/* 3E174 8003D574 244254E0 */ addiu $v0, $v0, %lo(D_800954E0)
/* 3E178 8003D578 3C018009 */ lui $at, %hi(D_800954E4)
/* 3E17C 8003D57C A02054E4 */ sb $zero, %lo(D_800954E4)($at)
/* 3E180 8003D580 3C018009 */ lui $at, %hi(D_800954EC)
/* 3E184 8003D584 3C0FB000 */ lui $t7, (0xB0000000 >> 16)
/* 3E188 8003D588 AC2F54EC */ sw $t7, %lo(D_800954EC)($at)
/* 3E18C 8003D58C 00002025 */ or $a0, $zero, $zero
/* 3E190 8003D590 0C00F4F4 */ jal osPiRawReadIo
/* 3E194 8003D594 27A5001C */ addiu $a1, $sp, 0x1C
/* 3E198 8003D598 8FB8001C */ lw $t8, 0x1C($sp)
/* 3E19C 8003D59C 3C018009 */ lui $at, %hi(D_800954E5)
/* 3E1A0 8003D5A0 3C048009 */ lui $a0, %hi(D_800954E0)
/* 3E1A4 8003D5A4 331900FF */ andi $t9, $t8, 0xFF
/* 3E1A8 8003D5A8 A03954E5 */ sb $t9, %lo(D_800954E5)($at)
/* 3E1AC 8003D5AC 00184202 */ srl $t0, $t8, 8
/* 3E1B0 8003D5B0 310900FF */ andi $t1, $t0, 0xFF
/* 3E1B4 8003D5B4 3C018009 */ lui $at, %hi(D_800954E8)
/* 3E1B8 8003D5B8 A02954E8 */ sb $t1, %lo(D_800954E8)($at)
/* 3E1BC 8003D5BC 3C018009 */ lui $at, %hi(D_800954E6)
/* 3E1C0 8003D5C0 00185402 */ srl $t2, $t8, 16
/* 3E1C4 8003D5C4 00186502 */ srl $t4, $t8, 20
/* 3E1C8 8003D5C8 314B000F */ andi $t3, $t2, 0xF
/* 3E1CC 8003D5CC 318D000F */ andi $t5, $t4, 0xF
/* 3E1D0 8003D5D0 A02B54E6 */ sb $t3, %lo(D_800954E6)($at)
/* 3E1D4 8003D5D4 A02D54E7 */ sb $t5, %lo(D_800954E7)($at)
/* 3E1D8 8003D5D8 3C018009 */ lui $at, %hi(D_800954E9)
/* 3E1DC 8003D5DC A02054E9 */ sb $zero, %lo(D_800954E9)($at)
/* 3E1E0 8003D5E0 3C018009 */ lui $at, %hi(D_800954F0)
/* 3E1E4 8003D5E4 248454E0 */ addiu $a0, $a0, %lo(D_800954E0)
/* 3E1E8 8003D5E8 AC2054F0 */ sw $zero, %lo(D_800954F0)($at)
/* 3E1EC 8003D5EC 24840014 */ addiu $a0, $a0, 0x14
/* 3E1F0 8003D5F0 0C00F50C */ jal bzero
/* 3E1F4 8003D5F4 24050060 */ addiu $a1, $zero, 0x60
/* 3E1F8 8003D5F8 0C00F534 */ jal __osDisableInt
/* 3E1FC 8003D5FC 00000000 */ nop
/* 3E200 8003D600 3C0E8007 */ lui $t6, %hi(D_8006F43C)
/* 3E204 8003D604 8DCEF43C */ lw $t6, %lo(D_8006F43C)($t6)
/* 3E208 8003D608 3C018009 */ lui $at, %hi(D_800954E0)
/* 3E20C 8003D60C 3C0F8009 */ lui $t7, %hi(D_800954E0)
/* 3E210 8003D610 AC2E54E0 */ sw $t6, %lo(D_800954E0)($at)
/* 3E214 8003D614 AFA20018 */ sw $v0, 0x18($sp)
/* 3E218 8003D618 3C018007 */ lui $at, %hi(D_8006F43C)
/* 3E21C 8003D61C 25EF54E0 */ addiu $t7, $t7, %lo(D_800954E0)
/* 3E220 8003D620 AC2FF43C */ sw $t7, %lo(D_8006F43C)($at)
/* 3E224 8003D624 0C00F53C */ jal __osRestoreInt
/* 3E228 8003D628 8FA40018 */ lw $a0, 0x18($sp)
/* 3E22C 8003D62C 3C028009 */ lui $v0, %hi(D_800954E0)
/* 3E230 8003D630 244254E0 */ addiu $v0, $v0, %lo(D_800954E0)
/* 3E234 8003D634 8FBF0014 */ lw $ra, 0x14($sp)
/* 3E238 8003D638 27BD0020 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x20
/* 3E23C 8003D63C 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 3E240 8003D640 00000000 */ nop
/* 3E244 8003D644 00000000 */ nop
/* 3E248 8003D648 00000000 */ nop
/* 3E24C 8003D64C 00000000 */ nop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
.include "macro.inc"
/* assembler directives */
.set noat /* allow manual use of $at */
.set noreorder /* don't insert nops after branches */
.set gp=64 /* allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers */
.section .text, "ax"
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.12.1 */
glabel alCopy
/* 49640 80048A40 00801025 */ or $v0, $a0, $zero
/* 49644 80048A44 00A01825 */ or $v1, $a1, $zero
/* 49648 80048A48 18C00018 */ blez $a2, .L80048AAC
/* 4964C 80048A4C 00003825 */ or $a3, $zero, $zero
/* 49650 80048A50 30C50003 */ andi $a1, $a2, 0x3
/* 49654 80048A54 10A00009 */ beqz $a1, .L80048A7C
/* 49658 80048A58 00A02025 */ or $a0, $a1, $zero
/* 4965C 80048A5C 904E0000 */ lbu $t6, 0x0($v0)
/* 49660 80048A60 24E70001 */ addiu $a3, $a3, 0x1
/* 49664 80048A64 24630001 */ addiu $v1, $v1, 0x1
/* 49668 80048A68 24420001 */ addiu $v0, $v0, 0x1
/* 4966C 80048A6C 1487FFFB */ bne $a0, $a3, .L80048A5C
/* 49670 80048A70 A06EFFFF */ sb $t6, -0x1($v1)
/* 49674 80048A74 10E6000D */ beq $a3, $a2, .L80048AAC
/* 49678 80048A78 00000000 */ nop
/* 4967C 80048A7C 904F0000 */ lbu $t7, 0x0($v0)
/* 49680 80048A80 24E70004 */ addiu $a3, $a3, 0x4
/* 49684 80048A84 24630004 */ addiu $v1, $v1, 0x4
/* 49688 80048A88 A06FFFFC */ sb $t7, -0x4($v1)
/* 4968C 80048A8C 90580001 */ lbu $t8, 0x1($v0)
/* 49690 80048A90 24420004 */ addiu $v0, $v0, 0x4
/* 49694 80048A94 A078FFFD */ sb $t8, -0x3($v1)
/* 49698 80048A98 9059FFFE */ lbu $t9, -0x2($v0)
/* 4969C 80048A9C A079FFFE */ sb $t9, -0x2($v1)
/* 496A0 80048AA0 9048FFFF */ lbu $t0, -0x1($v0)
/* 496A4 80048AA4 14E6FFF5 */ bne $a3, $a2, .L80048A7C
/* 496A8 80048AA8 A068FFFF */ sb $t0, -0x1($v1)
/* 496AC 80048AAC 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 496B0 80048AB0 00000000 */ nop
/* 496B4 80048AB4 00000000 */ nop
/* 496B8 80048AB8 00000000 */ nop
/* 496BC 80048ABC 00000000 */ nop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
.include "macro.inc"
/* assembler directives */
.set noat /* allow manual use of $at */
.set noreorder /* don't insert nops after branches */
.set gp=64 /* allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers */
.section .text, "ax"
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.11.1 */
glabel osCreateThread
/* 346E0 80033AE0 27BDFFD8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x28
/* 346E4 80033AE4 AFA40028 */ sw $a0, 0x28($sp)
/* 346E8 80033AE8 AFA5002C */ sw $a1, 0x2C($sp)
/* 346EC 80033AEC 8FAE002C */ lw $t6, 0x2C($sp)
/* 346F0 80033AF0 8FAF0028 */ lw $t7, 0x28($sp)
/* 346F4 80033AF4 AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 346F8 80033AF8 AFA60030 */ sw $a2, 0x30($sp)
/* 346FC 80033AFC AFA70034 */ sw $a3, 0x34($sp)
/* 34700 80033B00 AFB00018 */ sw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 34704 80033B04 ADEE0014 */ sw $t6, 0x14($t7)
/* 34708 80033B08 8FB90028 */ lw $t9, 0x28($sp)
/* 3470C 80033B0C 8FB8003C */ lw $t8, 0x3C($sp)
/* 34710 80033B10 AF380004 */ sw $t8, 0x4($t9)
/* 34714 80033B14 8FA80028 */ lw $t0, 0x28($sp)
/* 34718 80033B18 AD000000 */ sw $zero, 0x0($t0)
/* 3471C 80033B1C 8FA90028 */ lw $t1, 0x28($sp)
/* 34720 80033B20 AD200008 */ sw $zero, 0x8($t1)
/* 34724 80033B24 8FAB0028 */ lw $t3, 0x28($sp)
/* 34728 80033B28 8FAA0030 */ lw $t2, 0x30($sp)
/* 3472C 80033B2C AD6A011C */ sw $t2, 0x11C($t3)
/* 34730 80033B30 8FAC0034 */ lw $t4, 0x34($sp)
/* 34734 80033B34 8FAD0028 */ lw $t5, 0x28($sp)
/* 34738 80033B38 01807825 */ or $t7, $t4, $zero
/* 3473C 80033B3C 000C77C3 */ sra $t6, $t4, 31
/* 34740 80033B40 ADAE0038 */ sw $t6, 0x38($t5)
/* 34744 80033B44 ADAF003C */ sw $t7, 0x3C($t5)
/* 34748 80033B48 8FB80038 */ lw $t8, 0x38($sp)
/* 3474C 80033B4C 8FB90028 */ lw $t9, 0x28($sp)
/* 34750 80033B50 3C0C8004 */ lui $t4, %hi(D_8003D360)
/* 34754 80033B54 03004825 */ or $t1, $t8, $zero
/* 34758 80033B58 2D210010 */ sltiu $at, $t1, 0x10
/* 3475C 80033B5C 001847C3 */ sra $t0, $t8, 31
/* 34760 80033B60 01015023 */ subu $t2, $t0, $at
/* 34764 80033B64 252BFFF0 */ addiu $t3, $t1, -0x10
/* 34768 80033B68 AF2B00F4 */ sw $t3, 0xF4($t9)
/* 3476C 80033B6C AF2A00F0 */ sw $t2, 0xF0($t9)
/* 34770 80033B70 8FAD0028 */ lw $t5, 0x28($sp)
/* 34774 80033B74 258CD360 */ addiu $t4, $t4, %lo(D_8003D360)
/* 34778 80033B78 01807825 */ or $t7, $t4, $zero
/* 3477C 80033B7C 000C77C3 */ sra $t6, $t4, 31
/* 34780 80033B80 ADAE0100 */ sw $t6, 0x100($t5)
/* 34784 80033B84 ADAF0104 */ sw $t7, 0x104($t5)
/* 34788 80033B88 8FA90028 */ lw $t1, 0x28($sp)
/* 3478C 80033B8C 3C18003F */ lui $t8, (0x3FFF01 >> 16)
/* 34790 80033B90 3718FF01 */ ori $t8, $t8, (0x3FFF01 & 0xFFFF)
/* 34794 80033B94 AFB80020 */ sw $t8, 0x20($sp)
/* 34798 80033B98 3408FF03 */ ori $t0, $zero, 0xFF03
/* 3479C 80033B9C AD280118 */ sw $t0, 0x118($t1)
/* 347A0 80033BA0 8FAA0020 */ lw $t2, 0x20($sp)
/* 347A4 80033BA4 8FAC0028 */ lw $t4, 0x28($sp)
/* 347A8 80033BA8 3C01003F */ lui $at, (0x3F0000 >> 16)
/* 347AC 80033BAC 01415824 */ and $t3, $t2, $at
/* 347B0 80033BB0 000BCC02 */ srl $t9, $t3, 16
/* 347B4 80033BB4 AD990128 */ sw $t9, 0x128($t4)
/* 347B8 80033BB8 8FAF0028 */ lw $t7, 0x28($sp)
/* 347BC 80033BBC 3C0E0100 */ lui $t6, (0x1000800 >> 16)
/* 347C0 80033BC0 35CE0800 */ ori $t6, $t6, (0x1000800 & 0xFFFF)
/* 347C4 80033BC4 ADEE012C */ sw $t6, 0x12C($t7)
/* 347C8 80033BC8 8FAD0028 */ lw $t5, 0x28($sp)
/* 347CC 80033BCC 24180001 */ addiu $t8, $zero, 0x1
/* 347D0 80033BD0 ADA00018 */ sw $zero, 0x18($t5)
/* 347D4 80033BD4 8FA80028 */ lw $t0, 0x28($sp)
/* 347D8 80033BD8 A5180010 */ sh $t8, 0x10($t0)
/* 347DC 80033BDC 8FA90028 */ lw $t1, 0x28($sp)
/* 347E0 80033BE0 0C00F534 */ jal __osDisableInt
/* 347E4 80033BE4 A5200012 */ sh $zero, 0x12($t1)
/* 347E8 80033BE8 3C0A8007 */ lui $t2, %hi(D_800709FC)
/* 347EC 80033BEC 8D4A09FC */ lw $t2, %lo(D_800709FC)($t2)
/* 347F0 80033BF0 8FAB0028 */ lw $t3, 0x28($sp)
/* 347F4 80033BF4 00408025 */ or $s0, $v0, $zero
/* 347F8 80033BF8 3C018007 */ lui $at, %hi(D_800709FC)
/* 347FC 80033BFC AD6A000C */ sw $t2, 0xC($t3)
/* 34800 80033C00 8FB90028 */ lw $t9, 0x28($sp)
/* 34804 80033C04 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 34808 80033C08 0C00F53C */ jal __osRestoreInt
/* 3480C 80033C0C AC3909FC */ sw $t9, %lo(D_800709FC)($at)
/* 34810 80033C10 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 34814 80033C14 8FB00018 */ lw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 34818 80033C18 27BD0028 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x28
/* 3481C 80033C1C 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 34820 80033C20 00000000 */ nop
/* 34824 80033C24 00000000 */ nop
/* 34828 80033C28 00000000 */ nop
/* 3482C 80033C2C 00000000 */ nop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
.include "macro.inc"
.section .rodata
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.12.1 */
glabel jtbl_80070EF0
/* 71AF0 80070EF0 80000E54 */ .word .L80000E54
/* 71AF4 80070EF4 80000E64 */ .word .L80000E64
/* 71AF8 80070EF8 80000E74 */ .word .L80000E74
/* 71AFC 80070EFC 80000E84 */ .word .L80000E84
/* 71B00 80070F00 80000E94 */ .word .L80000E94
glabel D_80070F04
/* 71B04 80070F04 3FC90FDB */ .float 1.570796371
/* 71B08 80070F08 00000000 */ .float 0
/* 71B0C 80070F0C 00000000 */ .float 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.include "macro.inc"
.section .rodata
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.10.1 */
glabel jtbl_800715F0
/* 721F0 800715F0 8001B50C */ .word .L8001B50C
/* 721F4 800715F4 8001B70C */ .word .L8001B70C
/* 721F8 800715F8 8001B910 */ .word .L8001B910
/* 721FC 800715FC 8001BB1C */ .word .L8001BB1C
/* 72200 80071600 8001BD28 */ .word .L8001BD28
/* 72204 80071604 8001BF2C */ .word .L8001BF2C
/* 72208 80071608 8001C130 */ .word .L8001C130
/* 7220C 8007160C 8001C338 */ .word .L8001C338
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
.include "macro.inc"
.section .rodata
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.10.1 */
glabel D_80071750
/* 72350 80071750 */ .asciz "Repair Info %d %d\n"
.balign 4
glabel jtbl_80071764
/* 72364 80071764 8002B634 */ .word .L8002B634
/* 72368 80071768 8002B684 */ .word .L8002B684
/* 7236C 8007176C 8002B65C */ .word .L8002B65C
/* 72370 80071770 8002B670 */ .word .L8002B670
/* 72374 80071774 8002B648 */ .word .L8002B648
/* 72378 80071778 8002B620 */ .word .L8002B620
/* 7237C 8007177C 8002B698 */ .word .L8002B698
glabel jtbl_80071780
/* 72380 80071780 8002BF74 */ .word .L8002BF74
/* 72384 80071784 8002BF74 */ .word .L8002BF74
/* 72388 80071788 8002BF74 */ .word .L8002BF74
/* 7238C 8007178C 8002BF74 */ .word .L8002BF74
/* 72390 80071790 8002BF74 */ .word .L8002BF74
/* 72394 80071794 8002BFB0 */ .word .L8002BFB0
/* 72398 80071798 8002BFB0 */ .word .L8002BFB0
/* 7239C 8007179C 8002BFB0 */ .word .L8002BFB0
/* 723A0 800717A0 8002BF74 */ .word .L8002BF74
/* 723A4 800717A4 8002BFB0 */ .word .L8002BFB0
/* 723A8 800717A8 8002BFB0 */ .word .L8002BFB0
/* 723AC 800717AC 8002BFB0 */ .word .L8002BFB0
/* 723B0 800717B0 8002BF74 */ .word .L8002BF74
/* 723B4 800717B4 8002BFB0 */ .word .L8002BFB0
/* 723B8 800717B8 8002BFB0 */ .word .L8002BFB0
/* 723BC 800717BC 8002BFB0 */ .word .L8002BFB0
/* 723C0 800717C0 8002BFA8 */ .word .L8002BFA8
glabel jtbl_800717C4
/* 723C4 800717C4 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
/* 723C8 800717C8 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
/* 723CC 800717CC 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
/* 723D0 800717D0 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
/* 723D4 800717D4 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 723D8 800717D8 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 723DC 800717DC 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 723E0 800717E0 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 723E4 800717E4 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 723E8 800717E8 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
/* 723EC 800717EC 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
/* 723F0 800717F0 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
/* 723F4 800717F4 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 723F8 800717F8 8002C034 */ .word .L8002C034
/* 723FC 800717FC 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 72400 80071800 8002BFE4 */ .word .L8002BFE4
/* 72404 80071804 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 72408 80071808 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
/* 7240C 8007180C 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
/* 72410 80071810 8002C070 */ .word .L8002C070
glabel jtbl_80071814
/* 72414 80071814 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 72418 80071818 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 7241C 8007181C 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 72420 80071820 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 72424 80071824 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 72428 80071828 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 7242C 8007182C 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 72430 80071830 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 72434 80071834 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 72438 80071838 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 7243C 8007183C 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 72440 80071840 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 72444 80071844 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 72448 80071848 8002C0F8 */ .word .L8002C0F8
/* 7244C 8007184C 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 72450 80071850 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 72454 80071854 8002C174 */ .word .L8002C174
/* 72458 80071858 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 7245C 8007185C 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
/* 72460 80071860 8002C120 */ .word .L8002C120
glabel jtbl_80071864
/* 72464 80071864 8002C5D4 */ .word .L8002C5D4
/* 72468 80071868 8002C5A8 */ .word .L8002C5A8
/* 7246C 8007186C 8002C604 */ .word .L8002C604
/* 72470 80071870 8002C690 */ .word .L8002C690
/* 72474 80071874 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 72478 80071878 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 7247C 8007187C 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 72480 80071880 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 72484 80071884 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 72488 80071888 8002C680 */ .word .L8002C680
/* 7248C 8007188C 8002C658 */ .word .L8002C658
/* 72490 80071890 8002C658 */ .word .L8002C658
/* 72494 80071894 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 72498 80071898 8002C58C */ .word .L8002C58C
/* 7249C 8007189C 8002C658 */ .word .L8002C658
/* 724A0 800718A0 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724A4 800718A4 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724A8 800718A8 8002C634 */ .word .L8002C634
/* 724AC 800718AC 8002C658 */ .word .L8002C658
/* 724B0 800718B0 8002C658 */ .word .L8002C658
glabel jtbl_800718B4
/* 724B4 800718B4 8002C740 */ .word .L8002C740
/* 724B8 800718B8 8002C740 */ .word .L8002C740
/* 724BC 800718BC 8002C774 */ .word .L8002C774
/* 724C0 800718C0 8002C740 */ .word .L8002C740
/* 724C4 800718C4 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724C8 800718C8 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724CC 800718CC 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724D0 800718D0 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724D4 800718D4 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724D8 800718D8 8002C6FC */ .word .L8002C6FC
/* 724DC 800718DC 8002C724 */ .word .L8002C724
/* 724E0 800718E0 8002C6EC */ .word .L8002C6EC
/* 724E4 800718E4 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724E8 800718E8 8002C6DC */ .word .L8002C6DC
/* 724EC 800718EC 8002C6EC */ .word .L8002C6EC
/* 724F0 800718F0 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724F4 800718F4 8002C79C */ .word .L8002C79C
/* 724F8 800718F8 8002C724 */ .word .L8002C724
/* 724FC 800718FC 8002C6EC */ .word .L8002C6EC
/* 72500 80071900 8002C6EC */ .word .L8002C6EC
glabel jtbl_80071904
/* 72504 80071904 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
/* 72508 80071908 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
/* 7250C 8007190C 8002C7E0 */ .word .L8002C7E0
/* 72510 80071910 8002C7E0 */ .word .L8002C7E0
/* 72514 80071914 8002C7E0 */ .word .L8002C7E0
/* 72518 80071918 8002C7E0 */ .word .L8002C7E0
/* 7251C 8007191C 8002C7E0 */ .word .L8002C7E0
/* 72520 80071920 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
/* 72524 80071924 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
/* 72528 80071928 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
/* 7252C 8007192C 8002C7E0 */ .word .L8002C7E0
/* 72530 80071930 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
/* 72534 80071934 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
/* 72538 80071938 8002C7E0 */ .word .L8002C7E0
/* 7253C 8007193C 8002C7E0 */ .word .L8002C7E0
/* 72540 80071940 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
/* 72544 80071944 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
/* 72548 80071948 8002C808 */ .word .L8002C808
glabel jtbl_8007194C
/* 7254C 8007194C 8002CAA8 */ .word .L8002CAA8
/* 72550 80071950 8002CACC */ .word .L8002CACC
/* 72554 80071954 8002CAF0 */ .word .L8002CAF0
/* 72558 80071958 8002CAFC */ .word .L8002CAFC
/* 7255C 8007195C 8002CBD0 */ .word .L8002CBD0
/* 72560 80071960 8002CB20 */ .word .L8002CB20
/* 72564 80071964 8002CBD0 */ .word .L8002CBD0
/* 72568 80071968 8002CB2C */ .word .L8002CB2C
/* 7256C 8007196C 8002CB50 */ .word .L8002CB50
/* 72570 80071970 8002CBD0 */ .word .L8002CBD0
/* 72574 80071974 8002CBB0 */ .word .L8002CBB0
/* 72578 80071978 8002CBBC */ .word .L8002CBBC
/* 7257C 8007197C 8002CBD0 */ .word .L8002CBD0
/* 72580 80071980 8002CBD0 */ .word .L8002CBD0
/* 72584 80071984 8002CBD0 */ .word .L8002CBD0
/* 72588 80071988 8002CBC8 */ .word .L8002CBC8
glabel jtbl_8007198C
/* 7258C 8007198C 8002CEE0 */ .word .L8002CEE0
/* 72590 80071990 8002CF00 */ .word .L8002CF00
/* 72594 80071994 8002CF20 */ .word .L8002CF20
/* 72598 80071998 8002CF28 */ .word .L8002CF28
/* 7259C 8007199C 8002CFD4 */ .word .L8002CFD4
/* 725A0 800719A0 8002CF48 */ .word .L8002CF48
/* 725A4 800719A4 8002CFD4 */ .word .L8002CFD4
/* 725A8 800719A8 8002CF50 */ .word .L8002CF50
/* 725AC 800719AC 8002CF70 */ .word .L8002CF70
/* 725B0 800719B0 8002CFD4 */ .word .L8002CFD4
/* 725B4 800719B4 8002CFC0 */ .word .L8002CFC0
/* 725B8 800719B8 8002CFC8 */ .word .L8002CFC8
/* 725BC 800719BC 8002CFD4 */ .word .L8002CFD4
/* 725C0 800719C0 8002CFD4 */ .word .L8002CFD4
/* 725C4 800719C4 8002CFD4 */ .word .L8002CFD4
/* 725C8 800719C8 8002CFD0 */ .word .L8002CFD0
/* 725CC 800719CC 00000000 */ .word 0x00000000
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
.include "macro.inc"
.section .rodata
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.11.1 */
glabel D_80071110
/* 71D10 80071110 3FF921FB54442D18 */ .double 1.57079632679489656
glabel D_80071118
/* 71D18 80071118 3FD921FB54442D18 */ .double 0.392699081698724139
glabel D_80071120
/* 71D20 80071120 3ECCCCCD */ .float 0.400000006
glabel D_80071124
/* 71D24 80071124 469C4000 */ .float 20000
glabel D_80071128
/* 71D28 80071128 47AFC800 */ .float 90000
/* 71D2C 8007112C 00000000 */ .float 0
glabel D_80071130
/* 71D30 80071130 C00921FB54442D18 */ .double -3.14159265358979312
glabel D_80071138
/* 71D38 80071138 401921FB54442D18 */ .double 6.28318530717958623
glabel D_80071140
/* 71D40 80071140 400921FB54442D18 */ .double 3.14159265358979312
glabel D_80071148
/* 71D48 80071148 401921FB54442D18 */ .double 6.28318530717958623
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
.include "macro.inc"
.section .rodata
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.11.1 */
glabel D_80071150
/* 71D50 80071150 3FD248E8A71DE69B */ .double 0.28570000000000001
glabel D_80071158
/* 71D58 80071158 3ECCCCCD */ .float 0.400000006
/* 71D5C 8007115C 00000000 */ .float 0
glabel D_80071160
/* 71D60 80071160 400921FB54442D18 */ .double 3.14159265358979312
glabel D_80071168
/* 71D68 80071168 401921FB54442D18 */ .double 6.28318530717958623
glabel D_80071170
/* 71D70 80071170 C00921FB54442D18 */ .double -3.14159265358979312
glabel D_80071178
/* 71D78 80071178 401921FB54442D18 */ .double 6.28318530717958623
glabel D_80071180
/* 71D80 80071180 401921FB54442D18 */ .double 6.28318530717958623
glabel D_80071188
/* 71D88 80071188 3FA999999999999A */ .double 0.0500000000000000028
glabel D_80071190
/* 71D90 80071190 C00921FB54442D18 */ .double -3.14159265358979312
glabel jtbl_80071198
/* 71D98 80071198 8000AD88 */ .word .L8000AD88
/* 71D9C 8007119C 8000AD88 */ .word .L8000AD88
/* 71DA0 800711A0 8000ADA4 */ .word .L8000ADA4
/* 71DA4 800711A4 8000AD88 */ .word .L8000AD88
/* 71DA8 800711A8 8000AD94 */ .word .L8000AD94
/* 71DAC 800711AC 8000ADA4 */ .word .L8000ADA4
/* 71DB0 800711B0 8000ADA4 */ .word .L8000ADA4
/* 71DB4 800711B4 8000AD88 */ .word .L8000AD88
/* 71DB8 800711B8 8000ADA4 */ .word .L8000ADA4
/* 71DBC 800711BC 8000AD94 */ .word .L8000AD94
glabel D_800711C0
/* 71DC0 800711C0 400CCCCCCCCCCCCD */ .double 3.60000000000000009
/* 71DC8 800711C8 00000000 */ .double 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.include "macro.inc"
.section .rodata
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.12.1 */
glabel D_800716D0
/* 722D0 800716D0 3FF921FB54442D18 */ .double 1.57079632679489656
glabel D_800716D8
/* 722D8 800716D8 BFF921FB54442D18 */ .double -1.57079632679489656
glabel D_800716E0
/* 722E0 800716E0 3FF921FB54442D18 */ .double 1.57079632679489656
glabel D_800716E8
/* 722E8 800716E8 BFF921FB54442D18 */ .double -1.57079632679489656
glabel D_800716F0
/* 722F0 800716F0 400921FB54442D18 */ .double 3.14159265358979312
glabel D_800716F8
/* 722F8 800716F8 400921FB54442D18 */ .double 3.14159265358979312
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
.include "macro.inc"
/* assembler directives */
.set noat /* allow manual use of $at */
.set noreorder /* don't insert nops after branches */
.set gp=64 /* allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers */
.section .text, "ax"
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.11.1 */
glabel osInitialize
/* 34450 80033850 27BDFFC8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x38
/* 34454 80033854 AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 34458 80033858 240E0001 */ addiu $t6, $zero, 0x1
/* 3445C 8003385C 3C018009 */ lui $at, %hi(D_80092D40)
/* 34460 80033860 AFB00018 */ sw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 34464 80033864 AFA00030 */ sw $zero, 0x30($sp)
/* 34468 80033868 0C00F268 */ jal __osGetSR
/* 3446C 8003386C AC2E2D40 */ sw $t6, %lo(D_80092D40)($at)
/* 34470 80033870 00408025 */ or $s0, $v0, $zero
/* 34474 80033874 3C012000 */ lui $at, (0x20000000 >> 16)
/* 34478 80033878 0C00F264 */ jal __osSetSR
/* 3447C 8003387C 02012025 */ or $a0, $s0, $at
/* 34480 80033880 3C040100 */ lui $a0, (0x1000800 >> 16)
/* 34484 80033884 0C00F26C */ jal __osSetFpcCsr
/* 34488 80033888 34840800 */ ori $a0, $a0, (0x1000800 & 0xFFFF)
/* 3448C 8003388C 3C041FC0 */ lui $a0, (0x1FC007FC >> 16)
/* 34490 80033890 348407FC */ ori $a0, $a0, (0x1FC007FC & 0xFFFF)
/* 34494 80033894 0C00F270 */ jal __osSiRawReadIo
/* 34498 80033898 27A50034 */ addiu $a1, $sp, 0x34
/* 3449C 8003389C 10400007 */ beqz $v0, .L800338BC
/* 344A0 800338A0 00000000 */ nop
/* 344A4 800338A4 3C041FC0 */ lui $a0, (0x1FC007FC >> 16)
/* 344A8 800338A8 348407FC */ ori $a0, $a0, (0x1FC007FC & 0xFFFF)
/* 344AC 800338AC 0C00F270 */ jal __osSiRawReadIo
/* 344B0 800338B0 27A50034 */ addiu $a1, $sp, 0x34
/* 344B4 800338B4 1440FFFB */ bnez $v0, .L800338A4
/* 344B8 800338B8 00000000 */ nop
/* 344BC 800338BC 8FA50034 */ lw $a1, 0x34($sp)
/* 344C0 800338C0 3C041FC0 */ lui $a0, (0x1FC007FC >> 16)
/* 344C4 800338C4 348407FC */ ori $a0, $a0, (0x1FC007FC & 0xFFFF)
/* 344C8 800338C8 34AF0008 */ ori $t7, $a1, 0x8
/* 344CC 800338CC 0C00F284 */ jal __osSiRawWriteIo
/* 344D0 800338D0 01E02825 */ or $a1, $t7, $zero
/* 344D4 800338D4 10400009 */ beqz $v0, .L800338FC
/* 344D8 800338D8 00000000 */ nop
/* 344DC 800338DC 8FA50034 */ lw $a1, 0x34($sp)
/* 344E0 800338E0 3C041FC0 */ lui $a0, (0x1FC007FC >> 16)
/* 344E4 800338E4 348407FC */ ori $a0, $a0, (0x1FC007FC & 0xFFFF)
/* 344E8 800338E8 34B80008 */ ori $t8, $a1, 0x8
/* 344EC 800338EC 0C00F284 */ jal __osSiRawWriteIo
/* 344F0 800338F0 03002825 */ or $a1, $t8, $zero
/* 344F4 800338F4 1440FFF9 */ bnez $v0, .L800338DC
/* 344F8 800338F8 00000000 */ nop
/* 344FC 800338FC 3C088004 */ lui $t0, %hi(func_8003CA60)
/* 34500 80033900 2508CA60 */ addiu $t0, $t0, %lo(func_8003CA60)
/* 34504 80033904 8D010000 */ lw $at, 0x0($t0)
/* 34508 80033908 3C198000 */ lui $t9, %hi(D_80000000)
/* 3450C 8003390C 3C0D8004 */ lui $t5, %hi(func_8003CA60)
/* 34510 80033910 AF210000 */ sw $at, %lo(D_80000000)($t9)
/* 34514 80033914 8D0B0004 */ lw $t3, 0x4($t0)
/* 34518 80033918 25ADCA60 */ addiu $t5, $t5, %lo(func_8003CA60)
/* 3451C 8003391C 3C0C8000 */ lui $t4, (0x80000080 >> 16)
/* 34520 80033920 AF2B0004 */ sw $t3, %lo(D_80000004)($t9)
/* 34524 80033924 8D010008 */ lw $at, 0x8($t0)
/* 34528 80033928 358C0080 */ ori $t4, $t4, (0x80000080 & 0xFFFF)
/* 3452C 8003392C 3C098004 */ lui $t1, %hi(func_8003CA60)
/* 34530 80033930 AF210008 */ sw $at, %lo(D_80000008)($t9)
/* 34534 80033934 8D0B000C */ lw $t3, 0xC($t0)
/* 34538 80033938 2529CA60 */ addiu $t1, $t1, %lo(func_8003CA60)
/* 3453C 8003393C 3C0A8000 */ lui $t2, (0x80000100 >> 16)
/* 34540 80033940 AF2B000C */ sw $t3, %lo(D_8000000C)($t9)
/* 34544 80033944 8DA10000 */ lw $at, 0x0($t5)
/* 34548 80033948 354A0100 */ ori $t2, $t2, (0x80000100 & 0xFFFF)
/* 3454C 8003394C 3C0E8004 */ lui $t6, %hi(func_8003CA60)
/* 34550 80033950 AD810000 */ sw $at, 0x0($t4)
/* 34554 80033954 8DB80004 */ lw $t8, 0x4($t5)
/* 34558 80033958 25CECA60 */ addiu $t6, $t6, %lo(func_8003CA60)
/* 3455C 8003395C 3C0F8000 */ lui $t7, (0x80000180 >> 16)
/* 34560 80033960 AD980004 */ sw $t8, 0x4($t4)
/* 34564 80033964 8DA10008 */ lw $at, 0x8($t5)
/* 34568 80033968 35EF0180 */ ori $t7, $t7, (0x80000180 & 0xFFFF)
/* 3456C 8003396C 3C048000 */ lui $a0, (0x80000000 >> 16)
/* 34570 80033970 AD810008 */ sw $at, 0x8($t4)
/* 34574 80033974 8DB8000C */ lw $t8, 0xC($t5)
/* 34578 80033978 24050190 */ addiu $a1, $zero, 0x190
/* 3457C 8003397C AD98000C */ sw $t8, 0xC($t4)
/* 34580 80033980 8D210000 */ lw $at, 0x0($t1)
/* 34584 80033984 AD410000 */ sw $at, 0x0($t2)
/* 34588 80033988 8D2B0004 */ lw $t3, 0x4($t1)
/* 3458C 8003398C AD4B0004 */ sw $t3, 0x4($t2)
/* 34590 80033990 8D210008 */ lw $at, 0x8($t1)
/* 34594 80033994 AD410008 */ sw $at, 0x8($t2)
/* 34598 80033998 8D2B000C */ lw $t3, 0xC($t1)
/* 3459C 8003399C AD4B000C */ sw $t3, 0xC($t2)
/* 345A0 800339A0 8DC10000 */ lw $at, 0x0($t6)
/* 345A4 800339A4 ADE10000 */ sw $at, 0x0($t7)
/* 345A8 800339A8 8DD80004 */ lw $t8, 0x4($t6)
/* 345AC 800339AC ADF80004 */ sw $t8, 0x4($t7)
/* 345B0 800339B0 8DC10008 */ lw $at, 0x8($t6)
/* 345B4 800339B4 ADE10008 */ sw $at, 0x8($t7)
/* 345B8 800339B8 8DD8000C */ lw $t8, 0xC($t6)
/* 345BC 800339BC 0C00D394 */ jal osWritebackDCache
/* 345C0 800339C0 ADF8000C */ sw $t8, 0xC($t7)
/* 345C4 800339C4 3C048000 */ lui $a0, (0x80000000 >> 16)
/* 345C8 800339C8 0C00D8F8 */ jal osInvalICache
/* 345CC 800339CC 24050190 */ addiu $a1, $zero, 0x190
/* 345D0 800339D0 0C00F4DC */ jal osMapTLBRdb
/* 345D4 800339D4 00000000 */ nop
/* 345D8 800339D8 24040004 */ addiu $a0, $zero, 0x4
/* 345DC 800339DC 0C00F4F4 */ jal osPiRawReadIo
/* 345E0 800339E0 27A50030 */ addiu $a1, $sp, 0x30
/* 345E4 800339E4 8FA80030 */ lw $t0, 0x30($sp)
/* 345E8 800339E8 2401FFF0 */ addiu $at, $zero, -0x10
/* 345EC 800339EC 0101C824 */ and $t9, $t0, $at
/* 345F0 800339F0 13200006 */ beqz $t9, .L80033A0C
/* 345F4 800339F4 AFB90030 */ sw $t9, 0x30($sp)
/* 345F8 800339F8 3C018007 */ lui $at, %hi(D_8006F400)
/* 345FC 800339FC 03205825 */ or $t3, $t9, $zero
/* 34600 80033A00 240A0000 */ addiu $t2, $zero, 0x0
/* 34604 80033A04 AC2AF400 */ sw $t2, %lo(D_8006F400)($at)
/* 34608 80033A08 AC2BF404 */ sw $t3, %lo(D_8006F404)($at)
/* 3460C 80033A0C 3C048007 */ lui $a0, %hi(D_8006F400)
/* 34610 80033A10 3C058007 */ lui $a1, %hi(D_8006F404)
/* 34614 80033A14 8CA5F404 */ lw $a1, %lo(D_8006F404)($a1)
/* 34618 80033A18 8C84F400 */ lw $a0, %lo(D_8006F400)($a0)
/* 3461C 80033A1C 24060000 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x0
/* 34620 80033A20 0C00E70E */ jal __ll_mul
/* 34624 80033A24 24070003 */ addiu $a3, $zero, 0x3
/* 34628 80033A28 AFA20020 */ sw $v0, 0x20($sp)
/* 3462C 80033A2C AFA30024 */ sw $v1, 0x24($sp)
/* 34630 80033A30 8FA50024 */ lw $a1, 0x24($sp)
/* 34634 80033A34 8FA40020 */ lw $a0, 0x20($sp)
/* 34638 80033A38 24060000 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x0
/* 3463C 80033A3C 0C00E6CE */ jal __ull_div
/* 34640 80033A40 24070004 */ addiu $a3, $zero, 0x4
/* 34644 80033A44 3C098000 */ lui $t1, %hi(D_8000030C)
/* 34648 80033A48 8D29030C */ lw $t1, %lo(D_8000030C)($t1)
/* 3464C 80033A4C 3C018007 */ lui $at, %hi(D_8006F400)
/* 34650 80033A50 AC22F400 */ sw $v0, %lo(D_8006F400)($at)
/* 34654 80033A54 15200005 */ bnez $t1, .L80033A6C
/* 34658 80033A58 AC23F404 */ sw $v1, %lo(D_8006F404)($at)
/* 3465C 80033A5C 3C048000 */ lui $a0, %hi(D_8000031C)
/* 34660 80033A60 2484031C */ addiu $a0, $a0, %lo(D_8000031C)
/* 34664 80033A64 0C00F50C */ jal bzero
/* 34668 80033A68 24050040 */ addiu $a1, $zero, 0x40
/* 3466C 80033A6C 3C0D8000 */ lui $t5, %hi(osTvType)
/* 34670 80033A70 8DAD0300 */ lw $t5, %lo(osTvType)($t5)
/* 34674 80033A74 15A00006 */ bnez $t5, .L80033A90
/* 34678 80033A78 00000000 */ nop
/* 3467C 80033A7C 3C0C02F5 */ lui $t4, (0x2F5B2D2 >> 16)
/* 34680 80033A80 358CB2D2 */ ori $t4, $t4, (0x2F5B2D2 & 0xFFFF)
/* 34684 80033A84 3C018007 */ lui $at, %hi(osViClock)
/* 34688 80033A88 1000000F */ b .L80033AC8
/* 3468C 80033A8C AC2CF408 */ sw $t4, %lo(osViClock)($at)
/* 34690 80033A90 3C0F8000 */ lui $t7, %hi(osTvType)
/* 34694 80033A94 8DEF0300 */ lw $t7, %lo(osTvType)($t7)
/* 34698 80033A98 24010002 */ addiu $at, $zero, 0x2
/* 3469C 80033A9C 15E10006 */ bne $t7, $at, .L80033AB8
/* 346A0 80033AA0 00000000 */ nop
/* 346A4 80033AA4 3C0E02E6 */ lui $t6, (0x2E6025C >> 16)
/* 346A8 80033AA8 35CE025C */ ori $t6, $t6, (0x2E6025C & 0xFFFF)
/* 346AC 80033AAC 3C018007 */ lui $at, %hi(osViClock)
/* 346B0 80033AB0 10000005 */ b .L80033AC8
/* 346B4 80033AB4 AC2EF408 */ sw $t6, %lo(osViClock)($at)
/* 346B8 80033AB8 3C1802E6 */ lui $t8, (0x2E6D354 >> 16)
/* 346BC 80033ABC 3718D354 */ ori $t8, $t8, (0x2E6D354 & 0xFFFF)
/* 346C0 80033AC0 3C018007 */ lui $at, %hi(osViClock)
/* 346C4 80033AC4 AC38F408 */ sw $t8, %lo(osViClock)($at)
/* 346C8 80033AC8 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 346CC 80033ACC 8FB00018 */ lw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 346D0 80033AD0 27BD0038 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x38
/* 346D4 80033AD4 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 346D8 80033AD8 00000000 */ nop
/* 346DC 80033ADC 00000000 */ nop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
.include "macro.inc"
/* assembler directives */
.set noat /* allow manual use of $at */
.set noreorder /* don't insert nops after branches */
.set gp=64 /* allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers */
.section .text, "ax"
/* Generated by spimdisasm 1.12.1 */
glabel osViBlack
/* 352E0 800346E0 27BDFFD8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x28
/* 352E4 800346E4 AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 352E8 800346E8 AFA40028 */ sw $a0, 0x28($sp)
/* 352EC 800346EC 0C00F534 */ jal __osDisableInt
/* 352F0 800346F0 AFB00018 */ sw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 352F4 800346F4 93AE002B */ lbu $t6, 0x2B($sp)
/* 352F8 800346F8 00408025 */ or $s0, $v0, $zero
/* 352FC 800346FC 11C00007 */ beqz $t6, .L8003471C
/* 35300 80034700 00000000 */ nop
/* 35304 80034704 3C0F8007 */ lui $t7, %hi(D_80070A84)
/* 35308 80034708 8DEF0A84 */ lw $t7, %lo(D_80070A84)($t7)
/* 3530C 8003470C 95F80000 */ lhu $t8, 0x0($t7)
/* 35310 80034710 37190020 */ ori $t9, $t8, 0x20
/* 35314 80034714 10000007 */ b .L80034734
/* 35318 80034718 A5F90000 */ sh $t9, 0x0($t7)
/* 3531C 8003471C 3C088007 */ lui $t0, %hi(D_80070A84)
/* 35320 80034720 8D080A84 */ lw $t0, %lo(D_80070A84)($t0)
/* 35324 80034724 2401FFDF */ addiu $at, $zero, -0x21
/* 35328 80034728 95090000 */ lhu $t1, 0x0($t0)
/* 3532C 8003472C 01215024 */ and $t2, $t1, $at
/* 35330 80034730 A50A0000 */ sh $t2, 0x0($t0)
/* 35334 80034734 0C00F53C */ jal __osRestoreInt
/* 35338 80034738 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 3533C 8003473C 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x1C($sp)
/* 35340 80034740 8FB00018 */ lw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 35344 80034744 27BD0028 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x28
/* 35348 80034748 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 3534C 8003474C 00000000 */ nop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#ifndef _MONSTERS_H_
#define _MONSTERS_H_
typedef struct {
u8 unk0[0x18];
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u16 monsterType; //Ground, Flying, or Mammon (doesn't render a shadow)
/* 0x02 */ u16 monsterID;
/* 0x04 */ u16 currHP;
/* 0x06 */ u16 maxHP;
/* 0x08 */ f32 unk8; //possibly monster MP which would be unused since monsters don't USE MP
/* 0x0C */ u16 agi;
/* 0x0E */ u16 def;
/* 0x10 */ s32 expValue;
/* 0x14 */ s32 unk14;
/* 0x18 */ f32 hitboxHeight;
/* 0x1C */ f32 hitboxWidth;
/* 0x20 */ f32 modelScale;
/* 0x24 */ u16 unk24; //type may be wrong
/* 0x26 */ u16 element; //type may be wrong
/* 0x28 */ u16 unk28;
/* 0x2A */ u16 atk; //spell id or actual attack power?
/* 0x2C */ u16 aiScriptNumber;
/* 0x2E */ u16 unk2E;
/* 0x30 */ AIScript* AIScript;
/* 0x34 */ u8 itemDrop;
/* 0x35 */ u8 unk35;
/* 0x36 */ u16 unk36;
} MonsterBaseData; // size 0x38
typedef struct {
u8 pad[0x86];
u16 unk86;
char unk88[0xC];
f32 unk94;
} UnknownMonsterData2;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos;
/* 0x0C */ f32 xrot;
/* 0x10 */ f32 yrot;
/* 0x14 */ f32 zrot;
/* 0x18 */ f32 unk18;
/* 0x1C */ f32 unk1C;
/* 0x20 */ f32 unk20;
/* 0x24 */ f32 scale;
/* 0x28 */ f32 collisionScale;
/* 0x2C */ f32 shadowXRot;
/* 0x30 */ f32 shadowYRot;
/* 0x34 */ f32 shadowZRot;
/* 0x38 */ f32 unk38;
/* 0x3C */ f32 unk3C;
/* 0x40 */ f32 unk40;
/* 0x44 */ f32 unk44;
/* 0x48 */ f32 unk48;
/* 0x4C */ f32 unk4C;
/* 0x50 */ s16 modelID;
/* 0x52 */ s16 animID;
/* 0x54 */ u16 animFrame;
/* 0x56 */ u16 totalFrameCnt;
/* 0x58 */ u16 animSpeed;
/* 0x5A */ u16 nextAnimID; //may be incorrect
/* 0x5C */ s16 unk5C;
/* 0x5E */ s16 unk5E;
/* 0x60 */ u16 unk60;
/* 0x62 */ u16 unk62;
/* 0x64 */ MonsterBaseData *unk64;
/* 0x68 */ UnknownMonsterData2 *unk68;
/* 0x6C */ UnknownMonsterData2 unk6C;
} MonsterBattleData; // size 0x104
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ u16 actionID;
/* 0x2 */ u16 actionTimer;
/* 0x4 */ u16 unk4;
/* 0x6 */ u16 unk6;
/* 0x8 */ u16 unk8;
/* 0xA */ u16 currHP;
/* 0xC */ u16 maxHP;
/* 0XE */ u16 unkE;
/* 0x10 */ f32 movementBoundSize;
/* 0x14 */ u8 pad[0x8];
/* 0x1C */ AIScript* AIScript;
/* 0x20 */ MonsterBaseData* monBaseData;
/* 0x24 */ MonsterBattleData battleData;
} EnemyAction; // size 0x128
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
Copyright (C) 1997, NINTENDO Co., Ltd.
#ifndef _NN_SCHED_
#define _NN_SCHED_
#include <ultra64.h>
#define NN_SC_STACKSIZE 0x2000 /* thread stack size */
#define NN_SC_SWAPBUFFER 0x0040 /* frame buffer swap */
#define NN_SC_RETRACE_MSG 1 /* retrace message */
#define NN_SC_DONE_MSG 2 /* task end message */
#define NN_SC_PRE_NMI_MSG 3 /* NMI message */
#define NN_SC_GTASKEND_MSG 4 /* task end message (in the case of a
graphic task, task end only */
#define NN_SC_MAX_MESGS 8 /* message buffer size */
/* define thread priority */
#define NN_SC_PRI 120 /* scheduler */
#define NN_SC_AUDIO_PRI 110 /* audio */
#define NN_SC_GRAPHICS_PRI 100 /* graphics */
/* define event message */
#define VIDEO_MSG 666 /* retrace message */
#define RSP_DONE_MSG 667 /* RSP task done */
#define RDP_DONE_MSG 668 /* RDP draw done */
#define PRE_NMI_MSG 669 /* NMI message */
For performance check.
Please define NN_SC_PERF in order to check PCP performance.
#define NN_SC_PERF
#define NN_SC_PERF_NUM 4
#define NN_SC_GTASK_NUM 8 /* graphic task maximum number */
#define NN_SC_AUTASK_NUM 4 /* audio task maximum number */
typedef short NNScMsg; /* scheduler message type */
typedef struct SCClient_s { /* client list structure */
struct SCClient_s *next; /* pointer to next client */
OSMesgQueue *msgQ; /* message sent to client */
} NNScClient;
typedef struct SCTask_s { /* task structure */
struct SCTask_s *next; /* Note: usually stationed at start of structure */
u32 state;
u32 flags;
void *framebuffer; /* for graphic task use */
OSTask list;
OSMesgQueue *msgQ;
OSMesg msg;
} NNScTask;
typedef struct { /* define scheduler structure */
/* message */
NNScMsg retraceMsg;
NNScMsg prenmiMsg;
/* define task request */
OSMesgQueue audioRequestMQ;
OSMesg audioRequestBuf[NN_SC_MAX_MESGS];
OSMesgQueue graphicsRequestMQ;
OSMesg graphicsRequestBuf[NN_SC_MAX_MESGS];
/* define message queue */
OSMesgQueue retraceMQ;
OSMesg retraceMsgBuf[NN_SC_MAX_MESGS];
OSMesgQueue rspMQ;
OSMesg rspMsgBuf[NN_SC_MAX_MESGS];
OSMesgQueue rdpMQ;
OSMesg rdpMsgBuf[NN_SC_MAX_MESGS];
/* used for waiting for next retrace signal */
OSMesgQueue waitMQ;
OSMesg waitMsgBuf[NN_SC_MAX_MESGS];
/* define thread */
OSThread schedulerThread; /* main thread */
OSThread audioThread; /* audio */
OSThread graphicsThread; /* graphics */
/* client list */
NNScClient *clientList;
/* executing graphic task */
NNScTask *curGraphicsTask;
NNScTask *curAudioTask;
NNScTask *graphicsTaskSuspended;
/* misc. */
u32 firstTime; /* flag for control of screen blackout */
} NNSched;
/* performance check structure */
typedef struct {
u32 gtask_cnt; /* graphic task counter */
u32 autask_cnt; /* audio task counter */
u64 retrace_time; /* graphic creation time */
u64 gtask_stime[NN_SC_GTASK_NUM]; /* task start time */
u64 rdp_etime[NN_SC_GTASK_NUM]; /* RDP end time */
u64 rsp_etime[NN_SC_GTASK_NUM]; /* RSP end time */
u64 autask_stime[NN_SC_AUTASK_NUM]; /* audio task start time */
u64 autask_etime[NN_SC_AUTASK_NUM]; /* audio task end time */
u32 endflag;
} NNScPerf;
#ifdef NN_SC_PERF
extern NNScPerf* nnsc_perf_ptr;
#endif /* NN_SC_PERF */
/* function prototype declarations */
void nnScCreateScheduler(NNSched * sc, u8 numFields);
extern void nnScAddClient(NNSched *sc, NNScClient *, OSMesgQueue *mq);
extern void nnScRemoveClient(NNSched *sc, NNScClient
extern void nnScEventHandler(NNSched *sc);
extern void nnScEventBroadcast(NNSched *sc, NNScMsg *msg);
extern void nnScExecuteAudio(NNSched *sc);
extern void nnScExecuteGraphics(NNSched *sc);
extern void nnScWaitTaskReady(NNSched *sc, NNScTask *task);
extern OSMesgQueue * nnScGetGfxMQ(NNSched *sc);
extern OSMesgQueue * nnScGetAudioMQ(NNSched *sc);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#ifndef _NPC_H_
#define _NPC_H_
typedef struct {
char unk0[0x2];
s16 unk2;
char unk4[0xA];
s16 unkE;
typedef struct {
char unk0[0x4];
u8 unk4;
char unk5[0xB];
NPCData3* unk10;
char unk14[4];
u16 unk18;
typedef struct {
/*0x00*/u16 action;
/*0x02*/u16 actionTimer;
/*0x04*/f32 xWanderOrigin; //xpos of a point a wandering NPC can't stray too far from.
/*0x08*/f32 zWanderOrigin; //zpos of a point a wandering NPC can't stray too far from.
/*0x0C*/f32 yRotReturn; //yRotation to return to when done speaking.
/*0x10*/f32 unk10; //changes based on where Brian speaks to the NPC from. Current purpose unknown.
/*0x14*/PosRot PosRot;
/*0x2C*/f32 unk2C;
/*0x30*/f32 unk30;
/*0x34*/f32 unk34;
/*0x38*/f32 scale;
/*0x3C*/f32 collisionSize;
/*0x40*/Vec3f shadowRot;
/*0x4C*/char unk4C[0x14];
/*0x60*/u16 unk60;
/*0x62*/char unk62[4];
/*0x66*/s16 animID;
u16 animFrames;
u16 totalFrames;
u16 animSpeed;
s16 unkAnimID; //may be nextAnimID, but doesn't seem to be. Research needed.
s16 unk70;
char unk72[0x2];
u16 unk74;
char unk76[0xA];
NPCData2* unk80;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
#ifndef _PLAYER_H_
#define _PLAYER_H_
typedef struct {
/*0x00*/ u16 unk0;
/*0x02*/ s16 unk2;
/*0x04*/ u16 currHP;
/*0x06*/ u16 maxHP;
/*0x08*/ u16 currMP;
/*0x0A*/ u16 maxMP;
/*0x0C*/ u16 agi;
/*0x0E*/ u16 def;
/*0x10*/ s32 exp;
/*0x14*/ s32 unk14;
/*0x18*/ f32 colissionSize;
/*0x1C*/ f32 unk1C;
/*0x20*/ f32 unk20; //also affects colission size. May be zColissionSize and the above are X and Y.
/*0x24*/ u8 fireSpirits;
/*0x25*/ u8 earthSpirits;
/*0x26*/ u8 waterSpirits;
/*0x27*/ u8 windSpirits;
/*0x28*/ u16 HPXP;
/*0x2A*/ u16 MPXP;
/*0x2C*/ u16 agiXP;
/*0x2E*/ u16 defXP;
/*0x30*/ u8 HPLevel;
/*0x31*/ u8 MPLevel;
/*0x32*/ u8 agiLevel;
/*0x33*/ u8 defLevel;
/*0x34*/ u8 spiritLevel;
/*0x35*/ u8 unk35;
/*0x36*/ u8 unk36;
/*0x37*/ u8 unk37;
/*0x38*/ u16 unk38;
/*0x3A*/ s16 unk3A;
/*0x3C*/ s16 unk3C; //animation related
/*0x3E*/ s16 unk3E; //side of door entered?
/*0x40*/ u16 unk40;
/*0x42*/ s16 unk42;
/*0x44*/ char unk44[0x4];
/*0x48*/ void* brianData; //points to the beginning of BrianData1 struct again.
typedef struct {
/*0x00*/ f32 x;
/*0x04*/ f32 y;
/*0x08*/ f32 z;
/*0x0C*/ f32 xrot;
/*0x10*/ f32 yrot;
/*0x14*/ f32 zrot;
/*0x18*/ f32 xspeed;
/*0x1C*/ f32 yspeed;
/*0x20*/ f32 zspeed;
/*0x24*/ f32 scale;
/*0x28*/ f32 shadowScale;
/*0x2C*/ f32 shadowXRot;
/*0x30*/ f32 shadowYRot;
/*0x34*/ f32 shadowZRot;
/*these are only written to when going through a door
freezing the values zips you to strange parts of the map.
may be the coordinates to load you into when going through a door.*/
/*0x38*/ f32 unkDoor38;
/*0x3C*/ f32 unkDoor3C;
/*0x40*/ f32 unkDoor40;
//only written to when using a door. Unknown what they actually do.
//NOTE: Freezing them makes brian unsuccessfully exit the door on the other side.
/*0x44*/ f32 unkDoor44;
/*0x48*/ f32 unkDoor48;
/*0x4C*/ f32 unkDoor4C;
/*0x50*/ s16 unk50;
/*0x52*/ s16 animID;
/*0x54*/ s16 animFrame;
/*0x56*/ u16 totalAnimFrames;
/*0x58*/ u16 animeFramerate;
/*0x5A*/ s16 unk5A;
/*0x5C*/ s16 unk5C;
/*0x5E*/ s16 unk5E; //possibly padding
/*0x60*/ u16 unk60;
/*0x62*/ u16 unk62;
/*0x64*/ BrianData1* brianData1;
typedef struct player_Action_s
s16 unk0;
s16 unk2;
s16 dustTimer;
s16 doorSide;
u16 unk8;
s16 unkA;
s32 unkC;
void* unk10;
f32 xpos;
f32 ypos;
f32 zpos;
char unk20[0x18];
f32 unk38; //
char unk3C[0x3C];
BrianData1* unk78;
extern BrianData2 D_8007BACC;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from dataclasses import dataclass
import shutil
import glob
import os
class Function():
name: str
size: int
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.size < other.size
def get_size(path):
f = open(path, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
name = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0]
inst = 0
for line in lines:
if ('glabel ' + name) in line:
inst = 0
if line.startswith('/*'):
inst += 1
return inst
dirs = glob.glob("nonmatchings/src/code0/*")
dirs += glob.glob("nonmatchings/src/code1/*")
dirs += glob.glob("nonmatchings/gen/code0/*")
shutil.rmtree('stats', ignore_errors=True)
all_func = []
for dir in dirs:
func = []
asm_files = [y for x in os.walk(dir) for y in glob.glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.s'))]
for file in asm_files:
name = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0]
if name.startswith('D_'):
func.append(Function(name, get_size(file)))
all_func += func
parent1 = os.path.split(dir)
parent2 = os.path.split(parent1[0])
path = os.path.join('stats', parent2[1], parent1[1]) + '.csv'
f = open(path, 'w')
for fu in func:
f = open(os.path.join('stats', 'all.csv'), 'w')
for fu in all_func:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
extern void* gTextPalettes;
extern u8 D_D3E240[];
extern u8 gTexTextPhys[];
extern u8 gTexAlphabetPhys[];
//#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/31A10/func_80030E10.s")
void func_80030E10(u8 *arg0, u8 *arg1)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ void func_80030E10(u8 *arg0, u8 *arg1)
//#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/31A10/func_80030E58.s")
void func_80030E58(void) {
func_80024260(D_D3E240, &gTextPalettes, 0x80); //text palettes
func_80024260(gTexTextPhys, &D_803232A0, 0xE790); //text gfx
func_80024260(gTexAlphabetPhys, &D_803232A0, 0xE790); //text gfx
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/31A10/func_80030EA0.s")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#include <os_internal.h>
#include <R4300.h>
void __osCleanupThread(void);
extern OSThread *__osActiveQueue;
void osCreateThread(OSThread *t, OSId id, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg, void *sp, OSPri p)
register u32 saveMask;
OSIntMask mask;
t->id = id;
t->priority = p;
t->next = NULL;
t->queue = NULL;
t->context.pc = (u32)entry;
t->context.a0 = (u64)arg;
t->context.sp = (u64)sp - 16;
t->context.ra = (u64)__osCleanupThread;
mask = OS_IM_ALL;
t->context.sr = SR_IMASK | SR_EXL | SR_IE;
t->context.rcp = (mask & RCP_IMASK) >> RCP_IMASKSHIFT;
t->context.fpcsr = (u32)(FPCSR_FS | FPCSR_EV);
t->fp = 0;
t->state = OS_STATE_STOPPED;
t->flags = 0;
saveMask = __osDisableInt();
t->tlnext = __osActiveQueue;
__osActiveQueue = t;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#include "common.h"
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/csplayer/__CSPPostNextSeqEvent.s")
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/csplayer/func_80037140.s")
void func_80037174(void) {
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/csplayer/func_8003717C.s")
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/csplayer/func_8003734C.s")
void func_80037B74(void) {
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/csplayer/func_80037B7C.s")
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/csplayer/alCSPNew.s")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
/*Adapted from nnsched.h from NINTENDO64 SAMPLE PROGRAM 1
from the Nintendo 64 Technical Support Center for
use with Quest 64 */
#include "common.h"
#include "nnsched.h"
extern u16 D_8007B2D0; //named framecont in nnsched.c
extern u64 D_800792D0;
extern u64 D_8007A2D0;
void nnScCreateScheduler(NNSched * sc, u8 numFields) {
sc->curGraphicsTask = 0;
sc->curAudioTask = 0;
sc->graphicsTaskSuspended = 0;
sc->clientList = 0;
sc->firstTime = 1;
sc->retraceMsg = NN_SC_RETRACE_MSG;
sc->prenmiMsg = NN_SC_PRE_NMI_MSG;
osCreateMesgQueue(&sc->retraceMQ, sc->retraceMsgBuf, NN_SC_MAX_MESGS);
osCreateMesgQueue(&sc->rspMQ, sc->rspMsgBuf, NN_SC_MAX_MESGS);
osCreateMesgQueue(&sc->rdpMQ, sc->rdpMsgBuf, NN_SC_MAX_MESGS);
osCreateMesgQueue(&sc->graphicsRequestMQ, sc->graphicsRequestBuf, NN_SC_MAX_MESGS);
osCreateMesgQueue(&sc->audioRequestMQ, sc->audioRequestBuf, NN_SC_MAX_MESGS);
osCreateMesgQueue(&sc->waitMQ, sc->waitMsgBuf, NN_SC_MAX_MESGS);
osViSetEvent(&sc->retraceMQ, (OSMesg)VIDEO_MSG, numFields);
osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SP, &sc->rspMQ, (OSMesg)RSP_DONE_MSG);
osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_DP, &sc->rdpMQ, (OSMesg)RDP_DONE_MSG);
osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_PRENMI, &sc->retraceMQ, (OSMesg)PRE_NMI_MSG);
void nnScStartScheduler(NNSched* sc) {
osCreateThread(&sc->schedulerThread, 0x13, (void (*)(void*)) nnScEventHandler, sc, &D_800792D0, NN_SC_PRI);
osCreateThread(&sc->audioThread, 0x12, (void (*)(void*)) nnScExecuteAudio, sc, &D_8007A2D0, NN_SC_AUDIO_PRI);
osCreateThread(&sc->graphicsThread, 0x11, (void (*)(void*)) nnScExecuteGraphics, sc, &D_8007B2D0, NN_SC_GRAPHICS_PRI);
OSMesgQueue* nnScGetAudioMQ(NNSched* sc) {
return &sc->audioRequestMQ;
OSMesgQueue* nnScGetGfxMQ(NNSched* sc) {
return &sc->graphicsRequestMQ;
void nnScEventHandler(NNSched* sc) {
OSMesg msg = (OSMesg)0;
osRecvMesg(&sc->retraceMQ, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
switch ( (int)msg ) {
nnScEventBroadcast(sc, &sc->retraceMsg);
nnScEventBroadcast(sc, &sc->prenmiMsg);
void nnScAddClient(NNSched *sc, NNScClient *c, OSMesgQueue *msgQ)
OSIntMask mask;
mask = osSetIntMask(OS_IM_NONE);
c->msgQ = msgQ;
c->next = sc->clientList;
sc->clientList = c;
void nnScRemoveClient(NNSched *sc, NNScClient *c)
NNScClient *client = sc->clientList;
NNScClient *prev = 0;
OSIntMask mask;
mask = osSetIntMask(OS_IM_NONE);
while (client != 0) {
if (client == c) {
prev->next = c->next;
sc->clientList = c->next;
prev = client;
client = client->next;
void nnScEventBroadcast(NNSched *sc, NNScMsg *msg)
NNScClient *client;
/* inform necessary clients of retrace message */
for (client = sc->clientList; client != 0; client = client->next) {
osSendMesg(client->msgQ, (OSMesg *)msg, OS_MESG_NOBLOCK);
void nnScExecuteAudio(NNSched *sc)
OSMesg msg = (OSMesg)0;
NNScTask *task = (NNScTask *)0;
NNScTask *gfxTask = (NNScTask *)0;
u32 yieldFlag;
while(1) {
/* wait for audio execution request */
osRecvMesg(&sc->audioRequestMQ, (OSMesg *)&task, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
osWritebackDCacheAll(); /* flash cache */
/* Inspect current RSP stack */
yieldFlag = 0;
gfxTask = sc->curGraphicsTask;
if( gfxTask ) {
/* wait for graphic task to end (yield) */
osSpTaskYield(); /* task yield */
osRecvMesg(&sc->rspMQ, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
/* verify that task has actually yielded */
if (osSpTaskYielded(&gfxTask->list)){
yieldFlag =1;
} else {
yieldFlag =2;
sc->curAudioTask = task;
osSpTaskStart(&task->list); /* execute task */
/* wait for end of RSP task */
osRecvMesg(&sc->rspMQ, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
sc->curAudioTask = (NNScTask *)0;
if( sc->graphicsTaskSuspended )
osSendMesg( &sc->waitMQ, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK );
/* restart graphic task that yielded */
if( yieldFlag == 1 ) {
} else if ( yieldFlag == 2 ) {
osSendMesg(&sc->rspMQ, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
/* inform thread started by audio task that task has ended */
osSendMesg(task->msgQ, task->msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
void nnScExecuteGraphics(NNSched *sc)
OSMesg msg = (OSMesg)0;
NNScTask *task;
while(1) {
/* wait for graphic task execution request */
osRecvMesg(&sc->graphicsRequestMQ, (OSMesg *)&task, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
/* wait for frame buffer to become available for use */
nnScWaitTaskReady(sc, task);
if( sc->curAudioTask ) {
sc->graphicsTaskSuspended = task;
osRecvMesg( &sc->waitMQ, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK );
sc->graphicsTaskSuspended = (NNScTask *)0;
sc->curGraphicsTask = task;
osSpTaskStart(&task->list); /* execute task */
/* wait for end of RSP task */
osRecvMesg(&sc->rspMQ, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
sc->curGraphicsTask = (NNScTask *)0;
/* wait for end of RDP task */
osRecvMesg(&sc->rdpMQ, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
/* invalidate video blackout first time only */
if (sc->firstTime) {
osViBlack(FALSE); //!WARNING webSym thought this was osViRepeatLine.
sc->firstTime = 0;
/* specify next frame buffer to display */
if ( task->flags & NN_SC_SWAPBUFFER ){
/* inform thread started by graphic task that task has ended */
osSendMesg(task->msgQ, task->msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
void nnScWaitTaskReady(NNSched* sc, NNScTask* task) {
OSMesg msg = (OSMesg)0;
NNScClient client;
void* fb = task->framebuffer;
if (osViGetCurrentFramebuffer() == fb) {
do {
nnScAddClient(sc, &client, &sc->waitMQ);
osRecvMesg(&sc->waitMQ, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
nnScRemoveClient(sc, &client);
} while (osViGetCurrentFramebuffer() == fb);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include "common.h"
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/pimgr/osCreatePiManager.s")
/*MIGRATE .bss*/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "common.h"
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/setintmask/osSetIntMask.s")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#include <os_internal.h>
//#include "osint.h"
extern OSThread *__osRunQueue;
extern OSThread *__osRunningThread;
void osStartThread(OSThread *t)
register u32 saveMask = __osDisableInt();
switch (t->state)
__osEnqueueThread(&__osRunQueue, t);
if (t->queue == NULL || t->queue == &__osRunQueue)
__osEnqueueThread(&__osRunQueue, t);
t->state = OS_STATE_WAITING;
__osEnqueueThread(t->queue, t);
__osEnqueueThread(&__osRunQueue, __osPopThread(t->queue));
if (__osRunningThread == NULL)
if (__osRunningThread->priority < __osRunQueue->priority)
__osRunningThread->state = OS_STATE_RUNNABLE;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user