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synced 2025-02-10 00:22:18 +00:00
[saco] implement some hooks
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@ -11,10 +11,15 @@ extern DWORD dwGraphicsLoop; // Used for the external dll game loop.
#define NUDE void _declspec(naked)
PED_TYPE *_pPlayer;
BYTE byteSavedCameraMode;
DWORD dwCurPlayerActor=0;
BYTE *pbyteCameraMode = (BYTE *)0xB6F1A8;
BYTE *pbyteCurrentPlayer = (BYTE *)0xB7CD74;
PED_TYPE pedCrimeReportTemp{}; // pay attention! used in 0x100A1790 ; void __thiscall CGame::PlayCrimeReport as pedCrimeReportTemp 0x10150D00
int iRadarColor1=0;
float fFarClip=1400.0f;
@ -177,23 +182,57 @@ NUDE CHud__DrawCrossHairs_Hook()
NUDE CCamera__Process_Hook() {}
NUDE CGame__Process_Hook() {}
NUDE CPed_Render_Hook() {}
NUDE CAnimManager__AddAnimation_Hook() {}
NUDE CAnimManager__BlendAnimation_Hook() {}
NUDE CPlayerPed_ProcessControl_Hook() {}
NUDE CCivillianPed__ProcessControl_Hook() {}
NUDE TaskUseGun_Hook() {}
NUDE WeaponRender__GetWeaponSkill_Hook() {}
NUDE CWorld__ProcessAttachedEntities_Hook() {}
NUDE CWorld__ProcessPedsAfterPreRender_Hook() {}
NUDE AllVehicles_ProcessControl_Hook() {}
NUDE CGame__Process_Hook() {}
NUDE CPed_Render_Hook() {}
NUDE CAnimManager__AddAnimation_Hook() {}
NUDE CAnimManager__BlendAnimation_Hook() {}
NUDE CPlayerPed_ProcessControl_Hook() {}
NUDE CCivillianPed__ProcessControl_Hook() {}
NUDE TaskUseGun_Hook() {}
NUDE WeaponRender__GetWeaponSkill_Hook() {}
NUDE CWorld__ProcessAttachedEntities_Hook() {}
NUDE CWorld__ProcessPedsAfterPreRender_Hook() {}
NUDE AllVehicles_ProcessControl_Hook() {}
// fix horn processing
VEHICLE_TYPE *_pHornVehicle;
int _iHasSetHornHookFix = 0;
BYTE _byteSavedControlFlags = 0;
@ -235,7 +274,13 @@ NUDE VehicleHorn_Hook()
NUDE ZoneOverlay_Hook() {}
NUDE ZoneOverlay_Hook()
_asm pushad
if (pNetGame && pNetGame->GetGangZonePool()) pNetGame->GetGangZonePool()->Draw();
_asm popad
_asm ret
@ -332,45 +377,289 @@ NUDE CGameShutdownHook()
NUDE PedDamage_Hook() {}
NUDE AnimCrashFixHook() {}
NUDE PoliceScannerAudio_FindPlayerPed_Hook() {}
NUDE CProjectile_Update_Hook() {}
NUDE AnimCrashFixHook()
push edi
mov edi, [esp+8] ;// arg0
test edi, edi
jz exitFn
mov eax, 0x4D41C5 ;// CAnimManager::UncompressAnimation
jmp eax
pop edi
// used for correct report message using 100A1790 ; void __thiscall CGame::PlayCrimeReport
NUDE PoliceScannerAudio_FindPlayerPed_Hook()
mov eax, offset pedCrimeReportTemp
// delete satchel projectile if the owner is dead (not sure if this code will work properly)
DWORD dwProjectileObject = 0;
DWORD dwProjectileInfo = 0;
NUDE CProjectile_Update_Hook()
mov dwProjectileObject, esi
mov dwProjectileInfo, ebx
mov eax, dwProjectileInfo
mov ecx, [eax+4] ;// dwProjectileInfo->pOwner
test ecx, ecx //
jnz dont_delete // if the owner == nullptr, delete the projectile
// delete projectile CProjectileInfo::RemoveIfThisIsAProjectile
push dwProjectileObject
mov eax, 0x739A40
call eax
// correct stack
add esp, 4
mov dl, 0x0FF
jmp end_hook
// original code
mov ecx, [ebx+4]
mov dl, [ecx+36h]
push 0x738F40
NUDE CWeapon__Satchel__Activate_Hook() {}
NUDE GetText_Hook() {}
NUDE CCustomCarPlateMgr__CreatePlateTexture__RwRasterCreate_Hook() {}
NUDE RwRasterDestroy_Hook() {}
NUDE CVehicle__Render_Hook() {}
NUDE CObject__Render_Hook() {}
NUDE CRadar__DrawMap__FindPlayerSpeed_Hook() {}
NUDE CFileLoader__LoadObjectInstance_Hook() {}
NUDE CEscalator__Update_Hook() {}
// 0x858BA4 - `float g_blendDist_ = 20.0f`
// here two variables 0x858BA4 0x858F84 were changed, the second was needlessly overwritten
// and both were stored before the change and restored after the change
// since their value didn't change anywhere in the code, I simplified the code
NUDE CEscalator__Update_Hook()
__asm pushad
UnFuck(0x858BA4, 4);
*(float*)0x858BA4 = 40.0f;
mov eax, 0x717D30 // CEscalator::Update
call eax
*(float*)0x858BA4 = 20.0f; // restore original (GTASA) value
__asm popad
NUDE CObject__CreateRwObject_Hook() {}
NUDE CEntity__DeleteRwObject_Hook() {}
NUDE CAutomobile__BreakTowLink_Hook() {}
NUDE CWorld__ProcessAttachedEntities__PositionAttachedEntity_Hook() {}
NUDE CRenderer__RenderEverythingBarRoads_Hook() {}
NUDE CRenderer__RenderFadingInEntities_Hook() {}
NUDE CRenderer__AddEntityToRenderList_Hook() {}
NUDE CEntity__RenderEffects__RenderRoadsignAtomic_Hook() {}
NUDE CEventDamage__AffectsPed_Hook() {}
NUDE CCollision__BuildCacheOfCameraCollision_Hook() {}
NUDE CCollision__CheckCameraCollisionVehicles_Hook() {}
NUDE CWorld__CameraToIgnoreThisObject_Hook() {}
NUDE CAutomobile__ProcessEntityCollision_Hook() {}
NUDE CBike__ProcessEntityCollision_Hook() {}
NUDE CMonsterTruck__ProcessEntityCollision_Hook() {}
NUDE CPhysical__ProcessEntityCollision_Hook() {}
NUDE CVehicle__UsesSiren_Hook() {}
NUDE CAEWeatherAudioEntity__UpdateParameters_Hook() {}
NUDE CWorld__ProcessVerticalLine_Hook() {}
NUDE CStreaming__RequestModel_Hook() {}
NUDE CWeapon__FireInstantHit_Hook() {}
// todo: implement fully
ENTITY_TYPE* pFiringEntity = 0;
VECTOR* pPosn = 0;
VECTOR* pEffectPosn = 0;
ENTITY_TYPE* pTargetEntity = 0;
VECTOR* pTarget = 0;
VECTOR* pPosnForDriveBy = 0;
BYTE byteUnknown8 = 0;
BYTE byteAdditionalEffects = 0;
NUDE CWeapon__FireInstantHit_Hook()
mov eax, [esp+0x4]
mov pFiringEntity, eax
mov eax, [esp+0x8]
mov pPosn, eax
mov eax, [esp+0xC]
mov pEffectPosn, eax
mov eax, [esp+0x10]
mov pTargetEntity, eax
mov eax, [esp+0x14]
mov pTarget, eax
mov eax, [esp+0x18]
mov pPosnForDriveBy, eax
mov eax, [esp+0x1C]
mov byteUnknown8, eax
mov eax, [esp+0x20]
mov byteAdditionalEffects, eax
if(pFiringEntity != (ENTITY_TYPE*)GamePool_FindPlayerPed())
retn 0x20
// todo: implement sub_10013C90
/*if ( pNetGame && pNetGame->m_pPools->pPlayerPool )
NUDE CWorld__ProcessLineOfSight_Hook() {}
NUDE CWeapon__FireSniper_Hook() {}
NUDE CBulletInfo__AddBullet_Hook() {}
NUDE CVehicle__InflictDamage_Hook() {}
// fps-related hook
NUDE CTimer__GetCurrentTimeInCycles_Hook()
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ CHelpDialog *pHelpDialog=NULL;
CUnkClass8 *pUnkClass8=NULL;
bool bShowDebugLabels = false;
bool bHudScaleFix = false;
CGame *pGame=0;
DWORD dwGraphicsLoop=0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user