mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 12:15:39 +00:00
368 lines
15 KiB
368 lines
15 KiB
### Configuration ###
BASENAME := donkeykong64
ifeq ($(VERSION),us)
### Tools ###
# System tools
MKDIR := mkdir
CP := cp
CD := cd
RM := rm
CAT := cat
DIFF := diff
# Build tools
CROSS := mips-linux-gnu-
CC := ido/ido5.3_recomp/cc
CPP := cpp
GCC := $(CROSS)gcc
AS := $(CROSS)as
LD := $(CROSS)ld -b elf32-tradbigmips
OBJDUMP := $(CROSS)objdump
OBJCOPY := $(CROSS)objcopy
PYTHON := python3
GREP := grep -rl
SPLAT := $(PYTHON) tools/n64splat/split.py
PRINT := printf
ASM_PROCESSOR_DIR := tools/asm-processor
DK_ROM_COMPRESS := $(PYTHON) tools/generate_compressed_rom.py
DK_ROM_DECOMPRESS := $(PYTHON) tools/generate_decompressed_rom.py
SPLAT_INPUTS := $(PYTHON) tools/splat_inputs.py
PROGRESS := $(PYTHON) tools/progress.py
PROGRESS_READ := $(PYTHON) tools/progress_read.py
### Files and Directories ###
# Inputs
OVERLAYS := global_asm menu multiplayer minecart race bonus critter arcade jetpac boss
# Source files
SRC_ROOT := src
ASM_ROOT := asm
BIN_ROOT := bin
NONMATCHINGS := nonmatchings
BUILD_ROOT := build
C_SRCS := $(shell find $(SRC_ROOT) -type f -iname '*.c' 2> /dev/null)
BOOT_C_SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_ROOT)/done/*.c)
ALL_ASM_SRCS := $(filter-out $(ASM_ROOT)/$(NONMATCHINGS), $(shell find $(ASM_ROOT) -name $(NONMATCHINGS) -prune -o -iname '*.s' 2> /dev/null))
ALL_BINS := $(shell find $(BIN_ROOT) -type f -iname '*.bin' 2> /dev/null)
# Files referenced in the splat file
YAML_CALL := $(SPLAT_INPUTS) decompressed.$(VERSION).yaml
YAML_SRCS := $(sort $(shell $(SPLAT_INPUTS) decompressed.$(VERSION).yaml))
YAML_C_SRCS := $(filter %.c, $(YAML_SRCS))
YAML_ASM_SRCS := $(filter %.s, $(YAML_SRCS))
YAML_BINS := $(filter %.bin, $(YAML_SRCS))
# Files that need to be extracted
NEW_C_SRCS := $(filter-out $(C_SRCS), $(YAML_C_SRCS))
NEW_ASM_SRCS := $(filter-out $(ALL_ASM_SRCS), $(YAML_ASM_SRCS))
NEW_BINS := $(filter-out $(ALL_BINS), $(YAML_BINS))
BOOT_ASM_SRCS := $(filter-out asm/global_asm/%,$(NEW_ASM_SRCS) $(ALL_ASM_SRCS))
# Any source files that have GLOBAL_ASM in them or do not exist before splitting
GLOBAL_ASM_C_SRCS := $(shell $(GREP) GLOBAL_ASM $(SRC_ROOT) </dev/null) $(NEW_C_SRCS)
# Build folders
C_DIRS := $(sort $(dir $(C_SRCS) $(NEW_C_SRCS)))
ASM_DIRS := $(sort $(dir $(ALL_ASM_SRCS) $(NEW_ASM_SRCS)))
BIN_DIRS := $(sort $(dir $(ALL_BINS) $(NEW_BINS)))
C_BUILD_DIRS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(C_DIRS))
ASM_BUILD_DIRS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(ASM_DIRS))
BIN_BUILD_DIRS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(BIN_DIRS))
# Build files
BASEROM := baserom.$(VERSION).z64
DECOMPRESSED_BASEROM := baserom.$(VERSION).decompressed.z64
C_OBJS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(C_SRCS:.c=.c.o))
BOOT_C_OBJS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(BOOT_C_SRCS:.c=.c.o))
GLOBAL_ASM_C_OBJS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(GLOBAL_ASM_C_SRCS:.c=.c.o))
C_DEPS := $(C_OBJS:.o=.d)
ASM_OBJS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(ALL_ASM_SRCS:.s=.s.o) $(NEW_ASM_SRCS:.s=.s.o))
BOOT_ASM_OBJS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(BOOT_ASM_SRCS:.s=.s.o))
BIN_OBJS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(ALL_BINS:.bin=.bin.o) $(NEW_BINS:.bin=.bin.o))
PRELIM_Z64 := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(BASENAME).$(VERSION).prelim.z64)
PRELIM_ELF := $(PRELIM_Z64:.z64=.elf)
UNCOMPRESSED_Z64 := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(BASENAME).$(VERSION).uncompressed.z64)
FINAL_Z64 := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(BASENAME).$(VERSION).z64)
ELF := $(FINAL_Z64:.z64=.elf)
SYMBOL_ADDRS := symbol_addrs.$(VERSION).txt
MIPS3_OBJS := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(SRC_ROOT)/global_asm/ll.c.o
BOOT_MIPS3_OBJS := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(SRC_ROOT)/done/ll.c.o
BOOT_C_OBJS := $(filter-out $(BOOT_MIPS3_OBJS),$(BOOT_C_OBJS))
COMPRESSED_SYMBOLS := $(BUILD_DIR)/compressed_symbols.txt
# Progress files
MAIN_PROG_CSV := progress/progress.dk64_boot.csv
MAIN_PROG_SVG := progress/progress_dk64_boot.svg
TOTAL_PROG_CSV := progress/progress.total.csv
TOTAL_PROG_SVG := progress/progress_total.svg
OVERLAY_PROG_CSVS := $(addprefix progress/progress., $(addsuffix .csv, $(OVERLAYS)))
OVERLAY_PROG_SVGS := $(addprefix progress/progress_, $(addsuffix .svg, $(OVERLAYS)))
### Functions ###
# Colorful text printing
NO_COL := \033[0m
RED := \033[0;31m
GREEN := \033[0;32m
BLUE := \033[0;34m
YELLOW := \033[0;33m
BLINK := \033[33;5m
# Print message with zero arguments (i.e. message)
define print0
@$(PRINT) "$(GREEN)$(1)$(NO_COL)\n"
# Print message with one argument (i.e. message arg)
define print1
@$(PRINT) "$(GREEN)$(1) $(BLUE)$(2)$(NO_COL)\n"
# Print message with two arguments (i.e. message arg1 -> arg2)
define print2
@$(PRINT) "$(GREEN)$(1) $(YELLOW)$(2)$(GREEN) -> $(BLUE)$(3)$(NO_COL)\n"
### Flags ###
# Build tool flags
CFLAGS := -c -Wab,-r4300_mul -non_shared -G 0 -Xcpluscomm -signed $(OPT_FLAGS) $(MIPSBIT) -D_FINALROM -DF3DEX_GBI_2 -DTARGET_N64 -DVERSION='$(C_VERSION)'
CFLAGS += -woff 649,654,838,807
INCLUDE_CFLAGS := -I . -I include -I include/2.0L -I include/2.0L/PR -I include/libc
MIPSBIT := -mips2
ASFLAGS := -EB -mtune=vr4300 -march=vr4300 -mabi=32 -I include
GCC_ASFLAGS := -c -x assembler-with-cpp -mabi=32 -ffreestanding -mtune=vr4300 -march=vr4300 -mfix4300 -G 0 -O -mno-shared -fno-PIC -mno-abicalls
LDFLAGS := -T $(LD_SCRIPT) -Map $(ELF:.elf=.map) --no-check-sections --accept-unknown-input-arch -T undefined_syms_auto.$(VERSION).txt -T undefined_funcs_auto.$(VERSION).txt -T undefined_syms.txt
BINOFLAGS := -I binary -O elf32-tradbigmips
### Rules ###
# Default target, all
all: verify progress
# Shows progress for all overlays, dk64_boot, and total
@$(foreach overlay,$(OVERLAYS),$(PROGRESS_READ) progress/progress.$(overlay).csv $(VERSION) $(overlay) &&) \
# Shows progress for a single overlay (e.g. progress-global_asm)
$(addprefix progress-,$(OVERLAYS)) : progress-% : progress/progress.%.csv
# Verify that the roms match, also sets up diff_settings
$(PRINT) "$(YELLOW) _\n//\\ \nV \\ \n \\ \\_\n \\,'.'-.\n |\\ '. '.\n ( \\ '. '-. _,.-:\\ \n \\ \\ '. '-._ __..--' ,-';/\n \\ '. '-. '-..___..---' _.--' ,'/\n '. '. '-._ __..--' ,' /\n '. '-_ ''--..'' _.-' ,'\n '-_ '-.___ __,--' ,'\n '-.__ '----\"\"\" __.-'\n '--..____..--'\n$(BLUE)$(UNCOMPRESSED_Z64)$(NO_COL): $(GREEN)OK$(NO_COL)\n" || \
@$(PRINT) "def apply(config, args):\n" > diff_settings.py
@$(PRINT) "\tconfig[\"baseimg\"] = \"$(DECOMPRESSED_BASEROM)\"\n" >> diff_settings.py
@$(PRINT) "\tconfig[\"myimg\"] = \"$(UNCOMPRESSED_Z64)\"\n" >> diff_settings.py
@$(PRINT) "\tconfig[\"mapfile\"] = \"$(UNCOMPRESSED_Z64:.uncompressed.z64=.map)\"\n" >> diff_settings.py
@$(PRINT) "\tconfig[\"source_directories\"] = ['$(SRC_ROOT)', 'include']\n" >> diff_settings.py
@$(PRINT) "\tconfig[\"makeflags\"] = ['-s']\n" >> diff_settings.py
$(OVERLAY_PROG_SVGS) : progress/progress_%.svg: progress/progress.%.csv
$(call print1,Creating progress svg for:,$*)
$(OVERLAY_PROG_CSVS) : progress/progress.%.csv: $(ELF)
$(call print1,Calculating progress for:,$*)
@$(PROGRESS) . $(ELF) .$* --version $(VERSION) --subcode $* > $@
$(call print1,Creating progress svg for:,dk64_boot)
@$(PROGRESS_READ) $< $(VERSION) dk64_boot
$(call print1,Calculating progress for:,dk64_boot)
@$(PROGRESS) . $< .dk64_boot --version $(VERSION) --subcode dk64_boot > $@
$(call print0,Creating total progress svg)
$(call print0,Calculating total progress)
@cat $^ > $@
# mkdir
$(call print1,Making folder:,$@)
@$(MKDIR) -p $@
# .s -> .o (assemble with gcc for preprocessor support)
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.s.o: %.s | $(ASM_BUILD_DIRS)
$(call print2,Assembling:,$<,$@)
# .s -> .o (boot)
$(BOOT_ASM_OBJS) : $(BUILD_DIR)/%.s.o : %.s | $(ASM_BUILD_DIRS)
$(call print2,Assembling:,$<,$@)
@$(OBJCOPY) $@
# .bin -> .o
$(BIN_OBJS) : $(BUILD_DIR)/%.bin.o : %.bin | $(BIN_BUILD_DIRS)
$(call print2,Objcopying:,$<,$@)
# .c -> .o
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.c.o : %.c | $(C_BUILD_DIRS)
$(call print2,Compiling:,$<,$@)
# .c -> .o (mips3)
$(MIPS3_OBJS) : $(BUILD_DIR)/%.c.o : %.c | $(C_BUILD_DIRS)
$(call print2,Compiling:,$<,$@)
@tools/set_o32abi_bit.py $@
# .c -> .o with asm processor
$(GLOBAL_ASM_C_OBJS) : $(BUILD_DIR)/%.c.o : %.c | $(C_BUILD_DIRS)
$(call print2,Compiling (with ASM Processor):,$<,$@)
@$(ASM_PROCESSOR) $(OPT_FLAGS) $< --post-process $@ \
--assembler "$(AS) $(ASFLAGS)" --asm-prelude include/prelude.s
# .c -> .o (boot)
$(BOOT_C_OBJS) : $(BUILD_DIR)/%.c.o : %.c | $(C_BUILD_DIRS)
$(call print2,Compiling:,$<,$@)
mips-linux-gnu-strip $@ -N asdasdasasdasd
$(OBJCOPY) --strip-unneeded $@
# .c -> .o (mips3, boot)
$(BOOT_MIPS3_OBJS) : $(BUILD_DIR)/%.c.o : %.c | $(C_BUILD_DIRS)
$(call print2,Compiling:,$<,$@)
@tools/set_o32abi_bit.py $@
$(OBJCOPY) --strip-unneeded $@
# Split baserom
$(call print1,Splitting rom:,$<)
@$(RM) -rf $(ASM_ROOT)
@$(SPLAT) decompressed.$(VERSION).yaml
@touch $@
@touch $(LD_SCRIPT)
# Dummy target to make the LD script and overlay rzips depend on splat being run
# without causing it to be rerun once for every overlay
# Bin files are also dependent on the splat timestamp since they get overwritten on resplit
# Dummy target to make sure extraction happens before compilation, mainly for extracted asm
# decompress baserom
# .o -> .elf (dummy symbols)
$(call print1,Linking elf:,$@)
@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
# .elf -> .z64 (dummy symbols)
$(call print1,Creating z64:,$@)
@$(OBJCOPY) $< $@ -O binary $(OCOPYFLAGS)
# generate compressed ROM symbols
# @$(BK_ROM_COMPRESS) --symbols $(PRELIM_ELF) $(PRELIM_Z64) $@
# .o -> .elf (game)
$(call print1,Linking elf:,$@)
@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
# .elf -> .z64 (uncompressed)
$(call print1,Creating z64:,$@)
@$(OBJCOPY) $< $@ -O binary $(OCOPYFLAGS)
# .z64 (uncompressed) + .elf -> .z64 (final)
$(call print0,Cleaning build artifacts)
@$(RM) -rf $(BUILD_ROOT)
@$(RM) -rf $(BIN_ROOT)
@$(RM) -rf $(ASM_ROOT)
@$(RM) -f undefined_syms_auto* undefined_funcs_auto*
@$(RM) -f *.ld
# Per-file flag definitions
build/us/src/dk64_boot/dk64_boot_3390.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O1
build/us/src/dk64_boot/dk64_boot_3D20.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O1
build/us/src/dk64_boot/dk64_boot_3C00.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O1
build/us/src/dk64_boot/dk64_boot_5C70.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/dk64_boot_61D0.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O1
build/us/src/dk64_boot/dk64_boot_62F0.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O1
build/us/src/dk64_boot/dk64_boot_7F60.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O1
build/us/src/dk64_boot/dk64_boot_CA20.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/gu/%.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O3
build/us/src/dk64_boot/gu/nonmatching/%.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/%.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O1
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/conteepprobe.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/conteepwrite.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/conteepread.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/contreaddata.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/sirawdma.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/pimgr.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/pfsgetstatus.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/epirawwrite.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/crc.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/viswapcontext.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/contpfs.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/contpfs.c.o: MIPSISET := -mips3 -o32
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/motor.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/io/crc.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O2
build/us/src/dk64_boot/libc/%.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O3
build/us/src/dk64_boot/libc/ll%.o: MIPSISET := -mips3 -o32
build/us/src/dk64_boot/libc/ll%.o: OPT_FLAGS := -O1
build/us/src/dk64_boot/os/%.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -O1
build/us/src/global_asm/audio/%.c.o: OPT_FLAGS = -g
#build/us/src/dk64_boot/gu/%.c.o: INCLUDE_CFLAGS = -I . -I include -I include/2.0L -I include/2.0L/PR
# Disable implicit rules
# Disable built-in rules
# Phony targets
.PHONY: all clean verify $(OVERLAYS) progress $(addprefix progress-,$(OVERLAYS))
# Set up pipefail
SHELL = /bin/bash -e -o pipefail
# Debug variable print target
print-% : ; $(info $* is a $(flavor $*) variable set to [$($*)]) @true