mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 13:27:25 +00:00
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74 lines
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import argparse
import csv
import anybadge
# Read using `mips-linux-gnu-readelf -S`
overlay_sizes = {
'dk64_boot' : (0xE8B0 - 0x1000),
'global_asm' : 0x149160 - # need to subtract mips3 file sizes, which haven't been migrated yet
# TODO remove these when the mips3 files are migrated!!!
(0x02C700 - 0x0166A0) -
(0x127B00 - 0x124780) -
(0x149160 - 0x145D70),
'menu' : 0x00ef50,
'multiplayer' : 0x002f70,
'minecart' : 0x004b90,
'race' : 0x00bb10,
'bonus' : 0x009860,
'critter' : 0x0057f0,
'arcade' : 0x00e220,
'jetpac' : 0x007090,
'boss' : 0x0118b0,
def RGB_to_hex(RGB):
''' [255,255,255] -> "#FFFFFF" '''
# Components need to be integers for hex to make sense
RGB = [int(x) for x in RGB]
return "#"+"".join(["0{0:x}".format(v) if v < 16 else
"{0:x}".format(v) for v in RGB])
def main(csv_name, version, overlay):
with open(csv_name, mode='r') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
total_func = 0
incomplete_func = 0
if overlay == 'total':
total_byte = sum(overlay_sizes.values())
total_byte = overlay_sizes[overlay]
incomplete_byte = 0
for row in csv_reader:
if(row["version"] == version):
total_func += 1
if row['matching'] != 'yes':
incomplete_func += 1
incomplete_byte += int(row['length'])
done_byte = total_byte - incomplete_byte
done_func = total_func - incomplete_func
percent = ((done_byte/total_byte) * 100)
if total_byte > 0 and total_func > 0:
print("%s: bytes: %3.4f%% (%d/%d), nonstatic funcs: %3.4f%% (%d/%d)" % (overlay, percent, done_byte, total_byte,((done_func/total_func) *100), done_func, total_func ))
green = min(255, round(min(1, (percent / 100) * 2) * 192))
red = min(255, round(min(1, ((100 - percent) / 100) * 2) * 192))
color = RGB_to_hex([red, green, 0])
if overlay == 'total':
badge = anybadge.Badge("Donkey Kong 64 (US)", "%3.4f%%" % (percent), default_color=color)
badge = anybadge.Badge(overlay, "%3.4f%%" % (percent), default_color=color)
badge.write_badge('progress/progress_' + overlay + '.svg',overwrite=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create progress csv based on map file',
parser.add_argument('csv_name', type=str,
help="csv to read")
parser.add_argument('ver_str', type=str,
parser.add_argument('overlay', type=str,
help="overlay name")
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.csv_name, args.ver_str, args.overlay)