Dump all sound data.

This commit is contained in:
laqieer 2022-01-04 03:15:35 +08:00
parent 88c96d3954
commit 4a71e48884
450 changed files with 285925 additions and 2207 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -933,3 +933,9 @@ MigrationBackup/
# GCC dump (-da -dv)
# Artifact of dump_sound

View File

@ -82,16 +82,23 @@
.byte (\release & 0x7)
.macro voice_noise period, attack, decay, sustain, release
_voice_noise 4, \period, \attack, \decay, \sustain, \release
.macro voice_noise base_midi_key:req, pan:req, unk:req, period:req, attack:req, decay:req, sustain:req, release:req
_voice_noise 4, \base_midi_key, \pan, \unk, \period, \attack, \decay, \sustain, \release
.macro voice_noise_alt period, attack, decay, sustain, release
_voice_noise 12, \period, \attack, \decay, \sustain, \release
.macro voice_noise_alt base_midi_key:req, pan:req, unk:req, period:req, attack:req, decay:req, sustain:req, release:req
_voice_noise 12, \base_midi_key, \pan, \unk, \period, \attack, \decay, \sustain, \release
.macro _voice_noise type, period, attack, decay, sustain, release
.byte \type, 60, 0, 0
.macro _voice_noise type:req, base_midi_key:req, pan:req, unk:req, period:req, attack:req, decay:req, sustain:req, release:req
.byte \type
.byte \base_midi_key
.if \pan != 0
.byte (0x80 | \pan)
.byte 0
.byte \unk
.byte (\period & 0x1)
.byte 0, 0, 0
.byte (\attack & 0x7)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ SECTIONS
. = ALIGN(4); data/const_data_205B84.o(.rodata);
. = ALIGN(4); src/m4a_tables.o(.rodata);
. = ALIGN(4); data/sound_data.o(.rodata);
. = ALIGN(4); src/agb_sram.o(.rodata);
. = ALIGN(4); *libc.a:vfprintf.o(.rodata);
. = ALIGN(4); *libc.a:dtoa.o(.rodata);
. = ALIGN(4); *libc.a:impure.o(.rodata);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
// Adapted from https://gist.github.com/Normmatt/e00ea0c5da509568959bde52754f213e
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace dump_sound
class Program
static int MPlayTableAdr = 0x8224404;
static int NumMPlayers = 9;
static int SongTableAdr = MPlayTableAdr + NumMPlayers * 12;
static int NumSongs = 1000;
static int VoiceGroupEndAdr = 0x08224150;
static SortedDictionary<int, string> soundInfo = new SortedDictionary<int, string>();
static byte[] rom;
static List<int> voicegroups = new List<int>();
static Dictionary<int, string> MML = new Dictionary<int, string>()
{0x80, "W00" },
{0x81, "W01" },
{0x82, "W02" },
{0x83, "W03" },
{0x84, "W04" },
{0x85, "W05" },
{0x86, "W06" },
{0x87, "W07" },
{0x88, "W08" },
{0x89, "W09" },
{0x8A, "W10" },
{0x8B, "W11" },
{0x8C, "W12" },
{0x8D, "W13" },
{0x8E, "W14" },
{0x8F, "W15" },
{0x90, "W16" },
{0x91, "W17" },
{0x92, "W18" },
{0x93, "W19" },
{0x94, "W20" },
{0x95, "W21" },
{0x96, "W22" },
{0x97, "W23" },
{0x98, "W24" },
{0x99, "W28" },
{0x9A, "W30" },
{0x9B, "W32" },
{0x9C, "W36" },
{0x9D, "W40" },
{0x9E, "W42" },
{0x9F, "W44" },
{0xA0, "W48" },
{0xA1, "W52" },
{0xA2, "W54" },
{0xA3, "W56" },
{0xA4, "W60" },
{0xA5, "W64" },
{0xA6, "W66" },
{0xA7, "W68" },
{0xA8, "W72" },
{0xA9, "W76" },
{0xAA, "W78" },
{0xAB, "W80" },
{0xAC, "W84" },
{0xAD, "W88" },
{0xAE, "W90" },
{0xAF, "W92" },
{0xB0, "W96" },
{0xB1, "FINE" },
{0xB2, "GOTO" },
{0xB3, "PATT" },
{0xB4, "PEND" },
{0xB5, "REPT" },
{0xB9, "MEMACC" },
{0xBA, "PRIO" },
{0xBB, "TEMPO" },
{0xBC, "KEYSH" },
{0xBD, "VOICE" },
{0xBE, "VOL" },
{0xBF, "PAN" },
{0xC0, "BEND" },
{0xC1, "BENDR" },
{0xC2, "LFOS" },
{0xC3, "LFODL" },
{0xC4, "MOD" },
{0xC5, "MODT" },
{0xC8, "TUNE" },
{0xCD, "XCMD" },
{0x08, "xIECV" },
{0x09, "xIECL" },
{0xCE, "EOT" },
{0xCF, "TIE" },
{0xD0, "N01" },
{0xD1, "N02" },
{0xD2, "N03" },
{0xD3, "N04" },
{0xD4, "N05" },
{0xD5, "N06" },
{0xD6, "N07" },
{0xD7, "N08" },
{0xD8, "N09" },
{0xD9, "N10" },
{0xDA, "N11" },
{0xDB, "N12" },
{0xDC, "N13" },
{0xDD, "N14" },
{0xDE, "N15" },
{0xDF, "N16" },
{0xE0, "N17" },
{0xE1, "N18" },
{0xE2, "N19" },
{0xE3, "N20" },
{0xE4, "N21" },
{0xE5, "N22" },
{0xE6, "N23" },
{0xE7, "N24" },
{0xE8, "N28" },
{0xE9, "N30" },
{0xEA, "N32" },
{0xEB, "N36" },
{0xEC, "N40" },
{0xED, "N42" },
{0xEE, "N44" },
{0xEF, "N48" },
{0xF0, "N52" },
{0xF1, "N54" },
{0xF2, "N56" },
{0xF3, "N60" },
{0xF4, "N64" },
{0xF5, "N66" },
{0xF6, "N68" },
{0xF7, "N72" },
{0xF8, "N76" },
{0xF9, "N78" },
{0xFA, "N80" },
{0xFB, "N84" },
{0xFC, "N88" },
{0xFD, "N90" },
{0xFE, "N92" },
{0xFF, "N96" },
static byte ReadU8(int ofs)
if (ofs > 0x08000000)
ofs -= 0x08000000;
return rom[ofs];
static ushort ReadU16(int ofs)
if (ofs > 0x08000000)
ofs -= 0x08000000;
return BitConverter.ToUInt16(rom, ofs);
static int ReadU32(int ofs)
if (ofs > 0x08000000)
ofs -= 0x08000000;
return BitConverter.ToInt32(rom, ofs);
static string PrintMPlayTable(int ofs)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("\t.align 2\n");
sb.AppendFormat("\t.global gMPlayTable\n");
sb.AppendFormat("gMPlayTable:\t@ 0x{0:X8}\n", ofs);
for (int i = 0; i < NumMPlayers; i++)
var playInfo = ReadU32(ofs + 0);
var trackInfo = ReadU32(ofs + 4);
var unk1 = ReadU8(ofs + 8);
var unk2 = ReadU16(ofs + 10);
sb.AppendFormat("\tmusic_player gUnknown_{0:X8}, gUnknown_{1:X8}, {2}, {3}\n", playInfo, trackInfo, unk1, unk2);
ofs += 12;
return sb.ToString();
static void DumpProgrammableWaveSample(int ofs, int len)
if (soundInfo.ContainsKey(ofs)) return;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var filename = String.Format("{0:X8}.pcm", ofs);
var outfilename = String.Format("sound/programmable_wave_samples/{0}", filename);
sb.Append("\t.align 2\n");
sb.AppendFormat("\t.global gUnknown_{0:X8}\n", ofs);
sb.AppendFormat("gUnknown_{0:X8}:\n", ofs);
sb.AppendFormat("\t.incbin \"sound/programmable_wave_samples/{0}\"\n", filename);
soundInfo.Add(ofs, sb.ToString());
byte[] data = new byte[len];
if (ofs > 0x08000000)
ofs -= 0x08000000;
Array.Copy(rom, ofs, data, 0, data.Length);
File.WriteAllBytes(outfilename, data);
static void DumpDirectSoundSample(int ofs)
if (ofs == 0) return;
if (soundInfo.ContainsKey(ofs)) return;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var filename = String.Format("{0:X8}.bin", ofs);
var outfilename = String.Format("sound/direct_sound_samples/{0}", filename);
sb.Append("\t.align 2\n");
sb.AppendFormat("\t.global gUnknown_{0:X8}\n", ofs);
sb.AppendFormat("gUnknown_{0:X8}:\n", ofs);
sb.AppendFormat("\t.incbin \"sound/direct_sound_samples/{0}\"\n", filename);
soundInfo.Add(ofs, sb.ToString());
var type = ReadU16(ofs + 0);
var status = ReadU16(ofs + 2);
var freq = ReadU32(ofs + 4);
var loopStart = ReadU32(ofs + 8);
var size = ReadU32(ofs + 12);
byte[] data = new byte[size + 0x10 + 1];
if (ofs > 0x08000000)
ofs -= 0x08000000;
Array.Copy(rom, ofs, data, 0, data.Length);
File.WriteAllBytes(outfilename, data);
static string PrintVoiceGroup(int ofs, int len)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("\t.align 2\n");
sb.AppendFormat("\t@********************** Voicegroup **********************@\n\n");
sb.AppendFormat("\t.global gUnknown_{0:X8}\n", ofs);
sb.AppendFormat("gUnknown_{0:X8}:\t@ 0x{0:X8}\n", ofs);
int i = 0;
while (i < len)
int tOfs = ofs + i;
var type = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
Debug.WriteLine("WTF 0x{0:X8} type=0x{1:X2}", tOfs, type);
switch (type)
case 0x00: //voice_directsound
case 0x08: //voice_directsound_no_resample
case 0x10: //voice_directsound_alt
//base_midi_key, pan, sample_data_pointer, attack, decay, sustain, release
var base_midi_key = ReadU8(ofs + i);
i += 2;
var pan = ReadU8(ofs + i) & 0x7F;
var sample_data_pointer = ReadU32(ofs + i);
i += 4;
var attack = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var decay = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var sustain = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var release = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
switch (type)
case 0x00: //voice_directsound
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_directsound {0}, {1}, gUnknown_{2:X8}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}\t@{7:X8}\n", base_midi_key, pan, sample_data_pointer, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x08: //voice_directsound_no_resample
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_directsound_no_resample {0}, {1}, gUnknown_{2:X8}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}\t@{7:X8}\n", base_midi_key, pan, sample_data_pointer, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x10: //voice_directsound_alt
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_directsound_alt {0}, {1}, gUnknown_{2:X8}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}\t@{7:X8}\n", base_midi_key, pan, sample_data_pointer, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x01: //voice_square_1
case 0x09: //voice_square_1_alt
//sweep, duty_cycle, attack, decay, sustain, release
var sweep = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var duty_cycle = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var attack = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var decay = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var sustain = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var release = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
switch (type)
case 0x01: //voice_square_1
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_square_1 {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}\t@{6:X8}\n", sweep, duty_cycle, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x09: //voice_square_1_alt
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_square_1_alt {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}\t@{6:X8}\n", sweep, duty_cycle, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x02: //voice_square_2
case 0x0A: //voice_square_2_alt
// duty_cycle, attack, decay, sustain, release
var duty_cycle = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var attack = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var decay = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var sustain = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var release = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
switch (type)
case 0x02: //voice_square_2
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_square_2 {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}\t@{5:X8}\n", duty_cycle, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x0A: //voice_square_2_alt
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_square_2_alt {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}\t@{5:X8}\n", duty_cycle, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x03: //voice_programmable_wave
case 0x0B: //voice_programmable_wave_alt
//wave_samples_pointer, attack, decay, sustain, release
var wave_samples_pointer = ReadU32(ofs + i);
i += 4;
var attack = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var decay = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var sustain = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var release = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
DumpProgrammableWaveSample(wave_samples_pointer, 16);
switch (type)
case 0x03: //voice_square_2
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_programmable_wave gUnknown_{0:X8}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}\t@{5:X8}\n", wave_samples_pointer, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x0B: //voice_square_2_alt
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_programmable_wave_alt gUnknown_{0:X8}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}\t@{5:X8}\n", wave_samples_pointer, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x04: //voice_noise
case 0x0C: //voice_noise_alt
// duty_cycle, attack, decay, sustain, release
var unk1 = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var unk2 = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var unk3 = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var period = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var attack = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var decay = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var sustain = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
var release = ReadU8(ofs + i++);
switch (type)
case 0x04: //voice_noise
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_noise {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}\t@{8:X8}\n", unk1, unk2, unk3, period, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x0C: //voice_noise_alt
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_noise_alt {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}\t@{8:X8}\n", unk1, unk2, unk3, period, attack, decay, sustain, release, tOfs);
case 0x40: //voice_keysplit
//voice_group_pointer, keysplit_table_pointer
var voice_group_pointer = ReadU32(ofs + i);
i += 4;
var keysplit_table_pointer = ReadU32(ofs + i);
i += 4;
if (!voicegroups.Contains(voice_group_pointer))
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_keysplit gUnknown_{0:X8}, gUnknown_{1:X8}\t@{2:X8}\n", voice_group_pointer, keysplit_table_pointer, tOfs);
case 0x80: //voice_keysplit_all
var voice_group_pointer = ReadU32(ofs + i);
i += 4;
i += 4;
if (!voicegroups.Contains(voice_group_pointer))
sb.AppendFormat("\tvoice_keysplit_all gUnknown_{0:X8}\t@{1:X8}\n", voice_group_pointer, tOfs);
throw new Exception("FUCK!");
return sb.ToString();
static string PrintSongTrack(int idx, int ofs, int len, int song_ofs)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (idx == 1)
sb.Append("\t.align 2\n");
sb.AppendFormat("\t@********************** Track {0} **********************@\n\n", idx);
//if (idx == 1) sb.Append("\t.align 2\n"); //only track1 needs alignment, proven by GS1/PWAA1
sb.AppendFormat("\t.global gUnknown_{0:X8}_{1}\n", song_ofs, idx);
sb.AppendFormat("gUnknown_{0:X8}_{1}:\t@ 0x{2:X8}\n", song_ofs, idx, ofs);
var localLabels = new Dictionary<int, string>();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
//TODO: Make this print nicer?
var cmd = ReadU8(ofs + i);
switch (cmd)
case 0xB2: //GOTO
case 0xB3: //PATT
case 0xB5: //REPT
var adr = ReadU32(ofs + i + 1);
if (!localLabels.ContainsKey(adr))
localLabels.Add(adr, string.Format("gUnknown_{0:X8}", adr));
i += 4;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
//TODO: Make this print nicer?
var cmd = ReadU8(ofs + i);
if (localLabels.ContainsKey(ofs + i))
sb.AppendFormat("{0}:\n", localLabels[ofs + i]);
sb.AppendFormat("\t.byte\t0x{0:X2}\n", cmd);
switch (cmd)
case 0xB2: //GOTO
case 0xB3: //PATT
case 0xB5: //REPT
var adr = ReadU32(ofs + i + 1);
sb.AppendFormat("\t.word\t{0}\n", localLabels[adr]);
i += 4;
return sb.ToString();
static string PrintSong(int ofs)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("\t.align 2\n");
sb.AppendFormat("\t.global gUnknown_{0:X8}\n", ofs);
sb.AppendFormat("gUnknown_{0:X8}:\t@ 0x{0:X8}\n", ofs);
var trackCount = ReadU8(ofs + 0);
var blockCount = ReadU8(ofs + 1);
var priority = ReadU8(ofs + 2);
var reverb = ReadU8(ofs + 3);
var tone = ReadU32(ofs + 4);
sb.AppendFormat("\t.byte\t{0}\t\t@ trackCount\n", trackCount);
sb.AppendFormat("\t.byte\t{0}\t\t@ blockCount\n", blockCount);
sb.AppendFormat("\t.byte\t{0}\t\t@ priority\n", priority);
sb.AppendFormat("\t.byte\t{0}\t\t@ reverb\n\n", reverb);
sb.AppendFormat("\t.word\tgUnknown_{0:X8}\t\t@ voicegroup/tone\n\n", tone);
/*if (!soundInfo.ContainsKey(tone))
soundInfo.Add(tone, PrintVoiceGroup(tone, VoiceGroupLen));*/
if (trackCount > 0 && !voicegroups.Contains(tone))
for (int i = 0; i < trackCount; i++)
var part = ReadU32(ofs + 8 + (4 * i));
int nextpart;
if (i + 1 >= trackCount)
//TODO: Is this a safe assumption?
nextpart = ofs;
nextpart = ReadU32(ofs + 8 + (4 * (i + 1)));
sb.AppendFormat("\t.word\tgUnknown_{0:X8}_{1}\t\t@ track\n", ofs, i + 1);
if (!soundInfo.ContainsKey(part))
soundInfo.Add(part, PrintSongTrack(i + 1, part, nextpart - part, ofs));
return sb.ToString();
static string PrintSongTable(int ofs)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("\t.align 2\n");
sb.AppendFormat("\t.global gSongTable\n");
sb.AppendFormat("gSongTable:\t@ 0x{0:X8}\n", ofs);
for (int i = 0; i < NumSongs; i++)
var header = ReadU32(ofs + 0);
var ms = ReadU16(ofs + 4);
var me = ReadU16(ofs + 6);
sb.AppendFormat("\tsong gUnknown_{0:X8}, {1}, {2}\n", header, ms, me);
//todo rip song
if (!soundInfo.ContainsKey(header))
soundInfo.Add(header, PrintSong(header));
ofs += 8;
return sb.ToString();
static void Main(string[] args)
rom = File.ReadAllBytes("../../baserom.gba");
soundInfo.Add(MPlayTableAdr, PrintMPlayTable(MPlayTableAdr));
soundInfo.Add(SongTableAdr, PrintSongTable(SongTableAdr));
for (int i = 0; i < voicegroups.Count - 1; i++)
int start = voicegroups[i];
int end = voicegroups[i + 1];
PrintVoiceGroup(start, end - start);
for (int i = 0; i < voicegroups.Count - 1; i++)
int start = voicegroups[i];
int end = voicegroups[i + 1];
soundInfo.Add(start, PrintVoiceGroup(start, end - start));
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var adr in soundInfo)
File.WriteAllText("sound.s", sb.ToString());

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

sound/direct_sound_data.inc Normal file

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Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More