from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession from prompt_toolkit.history import FileHistory from jsmin import jsmin import shlex import json import collections stack_cast_file_path = "./decompiler/config/jak1_ntsc_black_label/stack_structures.jsonc" type_cast_file_path = "./decompiler/config/jak1_ntsc_black_label/type_casts.jsonc" lambda_cast_file_path = "./decompiler/config/jak1_ntsc_black_label/anonymous_function_types.jsonc" global_file_name = "" global_func_name = "" def ordered_dict_insert(ordered_dict, index, key, value): if key in ordered_dict: raise KeyError("Key already exists") if index < 0 or index > len(ordered_dict): raise IndexError("Index out of range") keys = list(ordered_dict.keys())[index:] ordered_dict[key] = value for k in keys: ordered_dict.move_to_end(k) # TODO - optional size def stack_cast(function_name, type_name, offset): with open(stack_cast_file_path, "r+") as config_file: minified = jsmin( json_data = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict).decode(minified) # Check if the function name has already been added if function_name not in json_data: ordered_dict_insert(json_data, len(json_data)-1, function_name, []) # Check if there already exists a cast with the same offset, if so replace it casts = json_data[function_name] for cast in casts: if cast[0] == offset: print("Found cast with the same offset, replacing!") cast[1] = type_name json.dump(json_data, config_file, indent=2) config_file.truncate() return json_data[function_name].append([offset, type_name]) json.dump(json_data, config_file, indent=2) config_file.truncate() print("Stack Cast Applied!") def type_cast(function_name, register, type_cast, cast_range): with open(type_cast_file_path, "r+") as config_file: minified = jsmin( json_data = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict).decode(minified) # Check if the function name has already been added if function_name not in json_data: ordered_dict_insert(json_data, len(json_data)-1, function_name, []) range_start = -1 range_end = -1 if "-" in cast_range: range_start = int(cast_range.split("-")[0]) range_end = int(cast_range.split("-")[1]) else: range_start = int(cast_range) # Check if there already exists a cast with the same offset, if so replace it casts = json_data[function_name] new_casts = [] for cast in casts: cast_range_start = -1 cast_range_end = -1 if isinstance(cast[0], list): cast_range_start = cast[0][0] cast_range_end = cast[0][1] else: cast_range_start = cast[0] cast_register = cast[1] if range_end == -1 and cast_range_end == -1 and range_start == cast_range_start and register == cast_register: print("Found cast with the same range, replacing!") continue elif range_end == -1: if range_start >= cast_range_start and range_start <= cast_range_end and register == cast_register: print("Found cast with the same range, replacing!") continue elif cast_range_end == -1: if cast_range_start >= range_start and cast_range_start <= range_end and register == cast_register: print("Found cast with the same range, replacing!") continue new_casts.append(cast) json_data[function_name] = new_casts if range_end == -1: json_data[function_name].append([range_start, register, type_cast]) else: json_data[function_name].append([[range_start, range_end], register, type_cast]) json.dump(json_data, config_file, indent=2) config_file.truncate() print("Type Cast Applied!") def lambda_cast(file_name, func_sig, func_id): with open(lambda_cast_file_path, "r+") as config_file: minified = jsmin( json_data = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict).decode(minified) # Check if the function name has already been added if file_name not in json_data: ordered_dict_insert(json_data, len(json_data)-1, file_name, []) # Check if there already exists a cast with the same offset, if so replace it functions = json_data[file_name] for func in functions: if func[0] == func_id: print("Found lambda with the same id, replacing!") func[1] = func_sig json.dump(json_data, config_file, indent=2) config_file.truncate() return json_data[file_name].append([func_id, func_sig]) json.dump(json_data, config_file, indent=2) config_file.truncate() print("Lambda Cast Applied!") def main(): global global_file_name global global_func_name from pathlib import Path home = str(Path.home()) session = PromptSession(history=FileHistory('{}/.castReplHistory'.format(home))) # LOOP while True: # READ try: prompt_string = "castREPL> " if global_file_name and global_func_name: prompt_string = "castREPL-{}-{}> ".format(global_file_name, global_func_name) elif global_file_name: prompt_string = "castREPL-{}> ".format(global_file_name) elif global_func_name: prompt_string = "castREPL-{}> ".format(global_func_name) text = session.prompt(prompt_string) except KeyboardInterrupt: continue except EOFError: break # TODO - help command # TODO - command to list current casts # TODO - command to delete casts # TODO - command to lookup function signature in all-types # TODO - command to tie into the C++ program I'll right to narrow down an unknown type # TODO - command to define function signature in all-types # EVAL / CAST / PRINT tokens = shlex.split(text) if len(tokens) < 1: continue # PROCESS COMMANDS command = tokens[0] # Allows you to persist a file name -- cutting down on command args (useful if working on a big file) if command == "enter-file" and len(tokens) == 2: global_file_name = tokens[1] elif command == "exit-file": global_file_name = "" # Allows you to persist a function name -- cutting down on command args (useful if working on a big function) elif command == "enter-func" and len(tokens) == 2: global_func_name = tokens[1] elif command == "exit-func": global_func_name = "" elif command == "stack" and len(tokens) == 4: # Stack casts are in the following format stack stack_cast(tokens[1], tokens[2], int(tokens[3])) elif command == "lambda" and len(tokens) == 4: # Stack casts are in the following format lambda lambda_cast(tokens[1], tokens[2], int(tokens[3])) elif command == "type" and len(tokens) == 5: # Stack casts are in the following format type type_cast(tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3], tokens[4]) else: print("Invalid Cast Command!") # Exit print('GoodBye!') if __name__ == '__main__': main()