Tyler Wilding 0a15ac1669
goalc: Fix new symbol trie's performance inefficiencies (#3443)
I believe this brings things back in line to where it was before:
Here are the first handful of files before the changes:
0.014 | gcommon.gc
0.006 | gkernel-h.gc
0.025 | gkernel.gc
0.002 | pskernel.gc
0.01 | gstring.gc
0.004 | gstate.gc
0.001 | kernel.gd
0.001 | types-h.gc
0.002 | vu1-macros.gc
0.003 | math.gc
0.01 | vector-h.gc
0.001 | gravity-h.gc
0.001 | bounding-box-h.gc
0.001 | matrix-h.gc
0.001 | quaternion-h.gc
0.001 | euler-h.gc
> first compile
0.161 | gcommon.gc
0.126 | gkernel-h.gc
0.174 | gkernel.gc
0.046 | pskernel.gc
0.08 | gstring.gc
0.048 | gstate.gc
0.001 | kernel.gd
0.052 | types-h.gc
0.009 | vu1-macros.gc
0.059 | math.gc
0.228 | vector-h.gc
0.026 | gravity-h.gc
0.006 | bounding-box-h.gc
0.002 | matrix-h.gc
0.028 | quaternion-h.gc
0.026 | euler-h.gc
> make a change in gcommon and recompile

With the changes:
0.015 | gcommon.gc
0.018 | gkernel-h.gc
0.039 | gkernel.gc
0.006 | pskernel.gc
0.015 | gstring.gc
0.009 | gstate.gc
0.005 | kernel.gd
0.006 | types-h.gc
0.006 | vu1-macros.gc
0.008 | math.gc
0.017 | vector-h.gc
0.004 | gravity-h.gc
0.004 | bounding-box-h.gc
0.005 | matrix-h.gc
0.005 | quaternion-h.gc
0.003 | euler-h.gc
> First compile, no difference expected

0.016 | gcommon.gc
0.008 | gkernel-h.gc
0.023 | gkernel.gc
0.002 | pskernel.gc
0.01 | gstring.gc
0.043 | gstate.gc
0.001 | kernel.gd
0.002 | types-h.gc
0.002 | vu1-macros.gc
0.003 | math.gc
0.013 | vector-h.gc
0.001 | gravity-h.gc
0.002 | bounding-box-h.gc
0.002 | matrix-h.gc
0.001 | quaternion-h.gc
0.001 | euler-h.gc
> Compile times seem to be back within margin of error -- some are
faster than the first compilation time.
2024-04-01 18:56:55 -04:00

189 lines
6.2 KiB

#include <cstdio>
#include <regex>
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/repl/nrepl/ReplServer.h"
#include "common/repl/util.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/diff.h"
#include "common/util/string_util.h"
#include "common/util/term_util.h"
#include "common/util/unicode_util.h"
#include "common/versions/versions.h"
#include "goalc/compiler/Compiler.h"
#include "fmt/color.h"
#include "fmt/core.h"
#include "third-party/CLI11.hpp"
void setup_logging(const bool disable_ansi_colors) {
if (disable_ansi_colors) {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ArgumentGuard u8_guard(argc, argv);
bool auto_find_user = false;
std::string cmd = "";
std::string username = "#f";
std::string game = "jak1";
int nrepl_port = -1;
fs::path project_path_override;
// TODO - a lot of these flags could be deprecated and moved into `repl-config.json`
// TODO - auto-find the user if there is only one folder within `user/`
CLI::App app{"OpenGOAL Compiler / REPL"};
app.add_option("-c,--cmd", cmd, "Specify a command to run, no REPL is launched in this mode");
app.add_option("-u,--user", username,
"Specify the username to use for your user profile in 'goal_src/user/'");
app.add_option("-p,--port", nrepl_port,
"Specify the nREPL port. Defaults to 8181 for Jak 1 and 8182 for Jak 2");
app.add_flag("--user-auto", auto_find_user,
"Attempt to automatically deduce the user, overrides '--user'");
app.add_option("-g,--game", game, "The game name: 'jak1' or 'jak2'");
app.add_option("--proj-path", project_path_override,
"Specify the location of the 'data/' folder");
CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
GameVersion game_version = game_name_to_version(game);
if (nrepl_port == -1) {
switch (game_version) {
case GameVersion::Jak1:
nrepl_port = 8181;
case GameVersion::Jak2:
nrepl_port = 8182;
if (!project_path_override.empty()) {
if (!fs::exists(project_path_override)) {
lg::error("Error: project path override '{}' does not exist", project_path_override.string());
return 1;
if (!file_util::setup_project_path(project_path_override)) {
lg::error("Could not setup project path!");
return 1;
} else if (!file_util::setup_project_path(std::nullopt)) {
return 1;
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
lg::error("Failed to setup logging: {}", e.what());
return 1;
lg::info("OpenGOAL Compiler {}.{}", versions::GOAL_VERSION_MAJOR, versions::GOAL_VERSION_MINOR);
// Figure out the username
if (auto_find_user) {
username = REPL::find_repl_username();
// Load the user's startup file
auto startup_file = REPL::load_user_startup_file(username, game_version);
// Load the user's REPL config
auto repl_config = REPL::load_repl_config(username, game_version);
// Init Compiler
std::unique_ptr<Compiler> compiler;
std::mutex compiler_mutex;
// if a command is provided on the command line, no REPL just run the compiler on it
try {
if (!cmd.empty()) {
compiler = std::make_unique<Compiler>(game_version);
return 0;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
lg::error("Compiler Fatal Error: {}", e.what());
return 1;
// Otherwise, start the REPL normally
ReplStatus status = ReplStatus::OK;
std::function<void()> repl_startup_func = [&]() {
// Run automatic forms if applicable
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(compiler_mutex);
for (const auto& cmd : startup_file.run_before_listen) {
status = compiler->handle_repl_string(cmd);
// Initialize nREPL server socket
std::function<bool()> shutdown_callback = [&]() { return status == ReplStatus::WANT_EXIT; };
ReplServer repl_server(shutdown_callback, nrepl_port);
bool repl_server_ok = repl_server.init_server();
std::thread nrepl_thread;
// the compiler may throw an exception if it fails to load its standard library.
try {
compiler = std::make_unique<Compiler>(
game_version, std::make_optional(repl_config), username,
std::make_unique<REPL::Wrapper>(username, repl_config, startup_file));
// Start nREPL Server if it spun up successfully
if (repl_server_ok) {
nrepl_thread = std::thread([&]() {
while (!shutdown_callback()) {
auto resp = repl_server.get_msg();
if (resp) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(compiler_mutex);
status = compiler->handle_repl_string(resp.value());
// Print out the prompt, just for better UX
// Poll Terminal
while (status != ReplStatus::WANT_EXIT) {
if (status == ReplStatus::WANT_RELOAD) {
lg::info("Reloading compiler...");
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(compiler_mutex);
if (compiler) {
compiler = std::make_unique<Compiler>(
game_version, std::make_optional(repl_config), username,
std::make_unique<REPL::Wrapper>(username, repl_config, startup_file));
status = ReplStatus::OK;
// process user input
std::string input_from_stdin = compiler->get_repl_input();
if (!input_from_stdin.empty()) {
// lock, while we compile
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(compiler_mutex);
status = compiler->handle_repl_string(input_from_stdin);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
lg::error("Compiler Fatal Error: {}", e.what());
status = ReplStatus::WANT_EXIT;
// TODO - investigate why there is such a delay when exitting
// Cleanup
if (repl_server_ok) {
return 0;